Broadcast NewsAlert
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Lauren Bremner From:
Monday, 6 December 2010 5:01 PM
Lauren Bremner
Subject: NewsAlert - Monday, 6 December 2010 17:01 To view this Broadcast NewsAlert online, please click here.
Lauren Bremner - QIE
ABC 612 Brisbane (Brisbane) 16:00 News - 06/12/2010 - 04:00 PM Newsreader Executive Producer Ms Maree Hawthorne 07 3377 5244
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The Qld Independent Education Union says that teachers at some presbyterian and methodist schools in south east Qld have reached a new wage agreement. The deal covers teachers at Sunshine Coast Grammar, Summerville House, Brisbane Boys College and Clayfield College. Terry Burke, Branch Secretary, Qld Independent Education Union, says the wage rise will put the teachers ahead of their non-Government colleagues. Š Media Monitors 2010
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Interviewees: Terry Burke, Branch Secretary, Qld Independent Education Union Duration: 0:39 Summary ID: W00041664574
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