AEDI Collection 2012 – Prep Teachers The second national collection of the Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) is underway and will run to 31 July 2012. The Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) is a national collection of information on young children’s development before they start school. The data collection is undertaken every three years. Results are expected to be publicly released in 2013. Primary schools will have received an AEDI information pack in March 2012 outlining the arrangements for the 2012 data collection. School participation is critical to the AEDI’s success. The ongoing collection of the AEDI will ensure that governments, communities and schools continue to have the information they need to make a difference in the lives of young children and their families. Prep teachers will be asked to undertake approximately one hour of self directed training and complete an online checklist for each Prep child in their class. Data from the first national collection in 2009 indicates that on average checklist completion takes around 15 minutes per child. The first few checklists may take additional time, however completion time typically reduces as more checklists are completed and you become more familiar with the questions. Teacher relief funding will be provided to schools to enable teachers to be released from the classroom to undertake the training and complete checklists. Schools will be provided with funding for 1 hour of training and 20 minutes per checklist. Relief funding is also available to schools for Indigenous cultural consultants who assist in completion of checklists for Indigenous children. Participating in the 2012 AEDI data collection can contribute to continuing professional development requirements for the purposes of teacher registration with the Queensland College of Teachers. An information sheet about professional development associated with participating in the AEDI is available at: Further information on the AEDI is available from the national Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) website. For further information on the AEDI in Queensland please visit