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ADVANCED SKILLS TEACHER A Step-by-Step guide to Applying for the Advanced Skills Teacher Classification Brisbane Catholic Education Schools

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Foreword A key element of the Brisbane Catholic Education Enterprise Agreement is an enhancement of the existing Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) structure. AST 1 teachers will have access to enhanced salary bringing Brisbane Catholic Education employees into line with the top rate paid to classroom teachers in Education Queensland. Employees who have held the position of AST 1 for a minimum of three years are now able to apply for AST 2 Status. AST 2 will attract a further salary allowance. The application process has been simplified with a logbook style document for both AST 1 and AST 2 applications. The AST structure negotiated with Brisbane Catholic Education provides significant career steps for classroom teachers. I would encourage those teachers who are eligible to apply for an AST position to apply and receive recognition for your work as a classroom teacher.


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ª Step Two:


ª Step Three:


ª Step Four:

AST Process

ª Step Five:

The Format of the Application

ª Step Six:

Selection Criteria for AST 1 & 2

ª Step Seven: Submitting your application Additional Information for AST Applicants:




Grievance Procedure




ª Step One Introduction 1.

All QIEU members who are Band 3 Step 4 should apply for an AST classification. Members should not be daunted. The procedure is straightforward and set out in this handbook.


All QIEU members who meet the eligibility criteria and who wish to apply for AST should carefully familiarise themselves with the selection criteria.


There are no limits or quotas set on the number of AST positions. Classification as an AST will be determined on the ability of the applicant to meet agreed criteria set out in detail later in this handbook. Remember this process is essentially one of meeting the criteria - it is not a test!


Additional Duties – “An AST may be required to perform additional duties. Any relevant additional duties should be done by way of consultation with appropriate discounting of normal duties. This should not be applied as to undermine the basic role of the AST.”


ª Step Two Definition “An Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) shall mean an employee appointed as such who is an outstanding classroom practitioner who consistently demonstrates a commitment to excellence in teaching and who is committed to professional development. The Advanced Skills Teacher shall have the following primary objectives:•

To utilise exemplary strategies and processes in curriculum areas that provide the optimum program delivery for students within a framework of the values and ethos of the schools/systems that are party to this Award.

To assist in interpreting, adapting and applying curriculum programs to the classroom setting and to teach, model and demonstrate program components.

To contribute significantly to the enhancement of the teaching profession”. (Teachers' Award Non-Governmental Schools Clause 2 (20))


ª Step Three Eligibility AST1 A teacher shall be eligible for an Advanced Skills Teacher Level 1 (AST1) classification upon completion of one year’s satisfactory service on Band 3 Step 4.

AST2 A teacher shall be eligible for an Advanced Skills Teacher Level 2 (AST2) classification upon completion of three years service as an AST level 1. Those eligible to apply may include full time teachers, part-time teachers, teachers who are Religious, teachers in a position of added responsibility, school counsellors, teacher librarians, specialist teachers. Teachers receiving an allowance for a Position of Added Responsibility can also be awarded the status of AST, but under the provisions of the Award, no additional allowance will apply. •

An AST Application Round is conducted once each year - July to December.

Applicants who wish to apply for AST2 status should do so in the year prior to their eligibility date becoming effective.

If the application was successful this would mean that the payment of the appropriate AST allowance would be made as from the eligibility date in the following calendar year.

For those teachers who apply after their eligibility date has passed, and their application is successful, their AST Status will become effective from the first school day of the following calendar year.


ª Step Four AST Process •

Employer sets dates for closure of application.

Applicant sends notification to apply by required date.

Eligibility of applicant is checked by Employing Authority.

Applicant receives application form.

Applicant lodges completed application with Chair of Panel (Principal or nominee) by closing date. (Refer to flow chart)


No Review Panel reports Recommendation to Employing Authority

Senior Manager Employee Support Services

Applicant notified of Result of Review and Portfolio returned to Applicant.

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Senior Manager


Manager – Selection Development & Review

Applicant Notified


Applicant sends Notification to apply By required Dates. Manager – Selection

Eligibility of Applicant Is checked.



Review Panel Considers

Senior Manager Employee Support Services

Applicant’s Portfolio Returned.


Teachers notified of dates.

Applicant notified of Result of Review, Appointed and portfolio Returned to applicant.

Annual Performance Reviews Years 12-3-4 (School Principal)

Re-application Year 5 (AST Candidate)

Employing Authority Sets dates for closure of application


Employing Authority Notified Manager – No

Senior Manager Employee Support Services

Applicant’s application Held for Review.


Senior Manager Employee Support Services

Applicant notified and Invited to request Review.



Panel Interviews applicant

Manager – Selection Development &

Applicant sent Application Form.



Applicant’s Portfolio returned

Manager – Selection

Applicant appointed and notified


Manager – Selection

Employing Authority Notified.


Panel considers application

Applicant lodges Application with Chair of Panel (Principal) By closing date.

ª Step Five The Format of the Application •

The application now requires completion of the AST LOGBOOK.

There is no need to write a thesis.

Keep it simple.

A series of brief validated statements of what has actually been done is sufficient.

Applicants should address all the Criteria and as many performance indicators as possible, however it is not necessary for all indicators within each criteria to be met in order to satisfy that criteria.

Teachers should commence recording appropriate activities in the AST Teacher Log in anticipation of applying for AST status when they become eligible.

Before you begin to prepare your logbook, you should carefully go through the AST Selection Criteria and begin to identify how your practices satisfy these criteria

Seek a mentor to help you brainstorm ideas and assist in recalling activities in which you have been involved.

You should go through the criteria and think about the skills, experience and capabilities you have which match the criteria. To illustrate your skills, identify initiatives you have taken, activities you have been involved in and tasks you have undertaken.

It is important to remember that skills are not only developed in the workplace. Many are acquired by “working” in other capacities such as in volunteer organisations and in day-to-day living. These are legitimate and useful skills which you should include as part of this section of your resume, providing of course you link these skills up with your teaching programme.

Remember to keep a copy of your application.

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ª Step Six Selection Criteria for AST 1 CRITERION 1 EXEMPLARY UNDERSTANDING OF, COMMITMENT TO AND DEMONSTRATED SUPPORT FOR THE VALUES AND ETHOS OF THE SCHOOL/SYSTEM. Read and Key Word your school’s Mission Statement. State in your own words with the use of these key words what the school espouses to do. Make these short statements. From these short statements see how they can be applied to your classroom practices e.g. -

Work programmes


Special needs children


General needs children


General organisation of classroom (group work, peer tutoring, parent helpers)


Classroom discipline practice


Homework policy


Class prayer/ liturgies/ assemblies


Type of assessment procedures


Evaluation and reporting

Remember AST is a right not a privilege.



Multi-age Peer tutoring Learning centres Contracts Parent helpers Group activities (friendship, ability)

Emphasise the variety of learning experiences you provide eg. camps, excursions etc. How do you assess your students? -

Running records Copies of child’s work Conferences Peer assessment Self assessment

What reporting procedures do you follow? -

Parent-teacher-child conferences Written report Criteria checklists

How do you evaluate your teaching practice? -

Personal reflection Responses from students

Have you had a “special needs” child? What did you do for that child in consultation with Resource Teacher? -

Individual programme Ability to diagnose problems

Pastoral Care -

Meeting the individual needs of the child Building relationships based on trust and respect Firm yet supportive discipline techniques 11



Letters Parent information sessions

How do you involve parents in the classroom? -

Guest speakers Tutors Assist with special activities Sport

In what capacities have you represented the school? -

Educational committees Sporting teams/ associations Union committees

Have you worked with parents and specialists from the community to cater for children with special needs? Have you assisted in the organisation of school events which required you to liaise with parents and the wider community? eg. -

Sport carnivals Fetes School performances

What particular skills do you possess? -

Persuasive communication to create co-operation Conflict resolution Problem solving



List in what ways you have worked with administration and staff to plan and coordinate special events. -

Sporting events School celebrations Camps School performances Academic contests

What special roles have you initiated/ participated in? -

Key teacher - English, Maths, Science, Health & PE etc. Sport co-ordinator

CRITERION 5 PROVEN ABILITY TO DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT IDEAS GAINED FROM PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ LEARNING, AND TO PROMOTE ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. List Professional Inservice attended and examples of how you implemented the ideas gained from these into your classroom. -

Include these done within and outside of school time

List professional reading that has enhanced your abilities and indicate how you implemented these ideas. List any tertiary courses you have undertaken and how these have influenced your teaching. List any articles you have published.


Criteria for Advancement to AST 2 A teacher will be eligible for advancement to the AST 2 classification upon completion of three years service on the AST 1 classification. To be appointed to the AST 2 classification, a teacher will be required to satisfy the validation panel that the five criteria pertaining to advancement to the AST 1 classification have been fulfilled. An additional Criterion 6 must also be fulfilled. Criterion 6 extends the focus of the AST2 classification to the whole of school context. It requires that the teacher demonstrates: “EXEMPLARY SKILLS IN EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM PRACTICES IN EVALUATING AND REPORTING STUDENTS’ PROGRESS AND IN DEMONSTRATING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL WIDE CONTEXT.”


ª Step Six Selection Criteria for AST 2 A teacher applying for the Advanced Skills Teacher classification will, to the panel’s satisfaction, demonstrate advanced skills in all six criteria listed below, understood within a framework of the school’s/system’s values and ethos. This will be evidenced by meeting the indicators detailed below through substantial and sustained performance. (i)

Exemplary commitment to and demonstrated support for the values and ethos of the school/system.


Exemplary skills in effective classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress, and in demonstrated positive relationships with students.

(iii) Exemplary skills in and achievement of personal and professional relationships with parents and the wider community. (iv) Proven effective skills of a personal and professional ability to work collaboratively with administration, teachers and other staff members. (v)

Proven ability to develop and implement ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning and to promote organisational development.

(vi) Proven ability to satisfy Criteria 1 – 5 of this schedule through

substantial and sustained exemplary performance in the school-wide context.

Remember AST is a right not a privilege.


CRITERION 6.1 AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EXEMPLARY UNDERSTANDING OF COMMITMENT TO AND DEMONSTRATED SUPPORT FOR THE VALUE AND ETHOS OF THE SCHOOL/SYSTEM IN THE SCHOOL-WIDE CONTEXT. The following may be considered: (a) an ability and willingness to promote the values and articulate the implications of the Mission Statement in relation to the activity of the school; (b) contribution to educational decision making and planning in the school; (c)

contribution to school policy making;

(d) contribution to implementation of school/system policies across the school; (e) active support of school worship and liturgy.

Additional considerations to assist in AST 2 applications: ♦

Parent information programmes

Planning committees

School Board

Voluntary teacher groups

Policy and programme validation

Key teaching

Facilitating moderation


CRITERION 6.2 AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EXEMPLARY SKILLS IN EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM PRACTICES, IN EVALUATING AND REPORTING STUDENTS’ PROGRESS AND IN DEMONSTRATING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL-WIDE CONTEXT. The following may be considered: (a) role as a resource person for other teachers in the school in respect of professional development; (b) contribution to the development of programs and the promotion of strategies of classroom organisation which foster successful learning outcomes for students across the school; (c)

effective leadership in one or more classroom related areas across the school;

(d) contribution to the development of curriculum initiatives across the school in response to current educational policy and ideas; (e) provision of pastoral care of students across the school.

Additional considerations to assist in AST 2 applications: ♦

Key Teacher

Presentation at staff meetings

Reports of seminars attended

Initiating programmes for particular needs

Collaborative planning, implementation and programmes for particular needs with other staff




CRITERION 6.3 AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EXEMPLARY SKILLS IN ACHIEVEMENT OF PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH PARENTS AND THE WIDER COMMUNITY IN THE SCHOOL-WIDE CONTEXT. The following may be considered: (a) the ability to develop climates conducive to healthy inter-personal and social relationships; (b) contribution to effective communication practices in the school; (c)

the development of healthy interactions between school and community;

(d) development of school-parish relationships; (e)

contribution to the development and promotion of positive community relationships. Additional considerations to assist in AST 2 applications: ♦

Training “support a reader/writer” tutors

Making use of school and Parish newsletters regarding educational issues

Orientation days

Guest speaker/presenter at P & F meetings and other consultative groups

Collaborative planning, implementation and evaluation of programmes for particular needs with other staff


CRITERION 6.4 PROVEN EFFECTIVE SKILLS OF A PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL ABILITY TO WORK COLLABORATIVELY WITH ADMINISTRATION, TEACHERS AND OTHER STAFF MEMBERS IN THE SCHOOL-WIDE CONTEXT. The following may be considered: (a) effective collaboration with colleagues in areas such as planning and evaluation; (b) positive support for and collaboration with other teachers in their professional development; (c)

participation in the organisation, planning and development to the school’s curriculum;

(d) effective student teacher supervision; (e) effective early career teacher supervision; (f)

provision of support and professional assistance for other teachers in the school. Additional considerations to assist in AST 2 applications: ♦

Whole school events - Athletics Carnival - Health Week

Policy Writing

Assistance given to contract teachers

Voluntary networks

Professional networks

Responding to Issues papers


CRITERION 6.5 PROVEN ABILITY TO DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT, IN A SCHOOL WIDE CONTEXT, IDEAS GAINED FROM PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES, TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ LEARNING, AND TO PROMOTE ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. The following may be considered: (a) promotion of innovative strategies and approaches in the school; (b) provision of leadership to teachers in the development and implementation of positive innovative strategies and approaches. Additional considerations to assist in AST 2 applications: ♦

Open sharing of professional practice, eg. Informing parent groups regarding assessment

Reporting back to staff after attendance at seminars/professional development

Responding to issues/concerns regarding Moderation, Validation and Assessment


ª Step Seven Submit your application to the Chair of the Panel (Principal) by the closing date VALIDATION PANEL Composition: • • •

Principal Member elected by staff Member selected by the Employing Authority from the pool approved by the Employing Authority and the Union

The Panel will then meet to consider the application. If panel accepts the application the Employing Authority is notified and the Applicant is duly notified and appointed in due course. If application is rejected an interview must occur. Applicants are to be given an indication of the additional documentation or explanations required and 14 days notice of such an interview. This time requirement may be varied through the mutual agreement of the Chair of the panel and the applicant. Following this interview - if the application is still rejected - the applicant can request a review. The applicant has 14 days within to seek such a review.

The review panel shall consist of: • -

Two Employer nominees and two Union nominees The Chairperson of the Review Panel shall write a confidential report to the Employing Authority signed by the Chairperson and all members of the Review Panel, clearly indicating the reasons for either. (i)

upholding the Validation Panel’s original recommendation

(or) (ii) -

rejecting the recommendation of the Validation Panel and recommending advancement to AST status.

The Employing Authority shall advise the applicant of the recommendation made by the Review Panel. If AST status is not awarded by the Employing Authority, the reasons or such a decision shall be provided to the applicant, including a clear indication of the criteria that have not been met. Re-submission of the AST application at some other time in the future may be suggested by the Employing Authority.

Teachers are reminded that no quotas for AST apply in the non-government sector. Your Union - QIEU encourages all eligible teachers to apply for AST classification.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Portability Currently there shall be portability of AST 1 positions between participating Catholic Employers in Queensland.

Tenure Tenure for AST 1 positions is for a limited tenure of five years, whereupon a reapplication can be made if the applicant so desires. Appointments to AST 2 shall be for a limited tenure of five years and may be renewable.

Appraisal During the period of tenure as an AST, the teacher will be subject to a formative appraisal process in accordance with Part (2)(D) of Schedule 2 of the Teachers’ Award Non-Governmental Schools, AST Level 1, Queensland Catholic Education Employing Authorities. (D)

Appraisal Process

Exemplary performance is an integral part of the AST programme and the formative appraisal process supports this. During the period of tenure as an AST1, the teacher will be subject to a formative appraisal process as outlined in this clause. It is the goal of the parties that the process be conducted annually. As a minimum, however, such a process will be undertaken at least twice in the five year period of tenure. The appraisal process is formative in nature and as such its main purpose is to provide supportive and developmental feed back to the individual. Self appraisal underpins this formative appraisal with validation by a person appointed by the school. The following principles govern the formative appraisal process:– (i) Consultation, (ii) Self review, (iii) Validation, (iv) A written document, (v) Focus on performance based on AST criteria, (vi) Shared responsibility.


Based on the above principles, the process for the appraisal shall be as follows:– (i)

Consultation shall take place between the AST and the Principal (or nominee) to ensure that both parties understand what is required.


The AST shall provide a written self appraisal, based on the Selection Criteria identified at clause (C).

(iii) The AST and the Principal (or nominee) shall develop an agreed process for the validation of the self appraisal. (iv) The Principal (or nominee) validates the appraisal. (v)

Commendations and recommendations may be produced as part of the appraisal process.

(vi) Any documentation produced as part of the appraisal process is the property of the AST and is to be retained by the AST. (vii) Any such documents may be used, at the sole discretion of the AST, in any application or reappointment process. (E)

Grievance Procedures

Where the validation Panel recommendation is not to appoint, then the applicant may appeal to an AST Review Panel. The AST Review Panel shall consist of four members drawn from the pool identified in item (iii) of clause (A). If the AST Review Panel endorses the original recommendation of the Validation Panel, no further administrative appeal is allowed. If the AST Review Panel recommends appointment to an AST1, then this recommendation shall be substituted for the original recommendation to the Employing Authority. Where an Employing Authority rejects a recommendation to appoint an AST1, the applicant must be advised in writing. Any grievance arising from the rejection of a recommendation by the Employing Authority may be notified as a dispute in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act 1990. (F)


Upon the conclusion of the period of tenure, an AST may reapply for the current level, or may apply (if eligible and appropriate) for a higher level of Advanced Skills Teacher. F:\DATA\Reference\QIEU Booklets\AST booklet.doc23

The following is a list of action verbs you could use: AST 1 acquired, advised, applied, assembled, assisted; calculated, clarified, collected, controlled, cultivated; demonstrated, directed, distributed; earned, edited, enlarged, formed, framed; gained, gathered, helped, hired; identified, implemented, improved, improvised, increased, installed, introduced, launched, located; maintained, managed, modified; obtained, offered, operated, organised; performed, planned, prepared, presented, produced, recorded, reduced, restored, revitalised, saved, selected, simplified, solved, strengthened, studied, strategies, suggested, supported; taught, tested, trained, translated; wrote.

AST 2 addressed; broadened, budgeted, challenged, changed, compiled, created, designed, developed, directed, discovered encouraged, engineered, established, expanded, explained; guided; identified; invented; initiated, marketed, presented; produced; proposed, proved; pioneered, reviewed; recommended, researched, studied; shaped, trained; translated.


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