[2011] FWAA 8589
DECISION Fair Work Act 2009 s.185—Enterprise agreement
The Board of Trustees of the Brisbane Grammar School (AG2011/3287)
Application for approval of the Brisbane Grammar School Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2011. [1] An application has been made for approval of an enterprise agreement known as the Brisbane Grammar School Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2011 (Agreement). The application was made pursuant to s.185 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Act). It has been made by the Board of Trustees of the Brisbane Grammar School. The Agreement is a single-enterprise agreement. [2] I note that the application was lodged out of time. A satisfactory explanation has been provided for the delay. The time for filing the application is extended until 24 November 2011. [3] Subject to a concern that has been addressed by way of an undertaking, I am satisfied that each of the requirements of ss.186, 187 and 188 of the Act as are relevant to this application for approval have been met. [4] As noted, pursuant to s.190(3), I have accepted an undertaking from the Board of Trustees of the Brisbane Grammar School. In accordance with s.191(1) of the Act the undertaking is taken to be a term of the Agreement. A copy of the undertaking is attached to this decision. [5] The Independent Education Union of Australia being a bargaining representative for the Agreement, has given notice under s.183 of the Act that it wants the Agreement to cover it. In accordance with s. 201(2) of the Act I note that the Agreement covers this organisation.
[2011] FWAA 8589
[6] The Australian Nursing Federation being a bargaining representative for the Agreement, has given notice under s.183 of the Act that it wants the Agreement to cover it. In accordance with s. 201(2) of the Act I note that the Agreement covers this organisation. [7] The Agreement is approved and, in accordance with s.54 of the Act, will operate from 16 December 2011. The nominal expiry date of the Agreement is 30 June 2014.
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[2011] FWAA 8589
UNDERTAKINGS (s.190 Fair Work Act 2009) WHEREAS: A.
The Board Of Trustees of the Brisbane Grammar School (Employer) has applied to Fair Work Australia pursuant to 8.185 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Act) for approval of an enterprise agreement to be known as the Brisbane Grammar School Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2011 (Agreement).
FWA has a concern that not all of the requirements in s. 186 and s.l87 of the Act have been met in relation to the Agreement but has indicated that it will accept the following undertakings pursuant to s.190 of the Act as meeting its concern so that the Agreement may be approved.
PURSUANT to s.190 of the Act, the Employer hereby undertakes to Fair Work Australia that: I.
Notwithstanding the terms of the Agreement, a shiftworker is 'a seven day shiftworker who is regularly rostered to work on Sundays and public holidays'. Notwithstanding the terms of the Agreement, a shiftworker so defined is entitled to a total of 5 weeks annual leave.
It will ensure that a copy of these undertakings is made available to all employees covered by the Agreement and ensure that a copy of this instrument is attached to any copy of the Agreement provided to employees or made available in the workplace.
f:fr ~-
Signed:~ Name:
Work Address:
/hiAb~. ~~ ~ 'Tt.-U
POSitiOniCapac~~_~ I-~~_ (A person duly authorised to give thi s undertaking on behalf of the Employer)
Note - this agreement is to be read together with an undertaking given by the employer. The undertaking is taken to be a term of the agreement. A copy of it can be found at the end of this agreement. Attachment A BRISBANE GRAMMAR SCHOOL ENTERPRISE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2011
Subject Matter
Clause No.
Title ..................................................................................................................................... 1.1 Parties Bound ..................................................................................................................... 1.2 Application .......................................................................................................................... 1.3 Date and Period of Operation ............................................................................................. 1.4 Agreement Posting ............................................................................................................. 1.5 Single Bargaining Unit ........................................................................................................ 1.6 Relationship to Awards and National Employment Standards ............................................. 1.7 Operation of Agreement. ..................................................................................................... 1.8 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 1.9 PART 2.
Individual Flexibility Agreement.. ......................................................................................... 2.1 Consultation about Major Change ....................................................................................... 2.2 Grievance and Dispute Settlement. ..................................................................................... 2.3 Consultative Arrangements for Continuous Improvement ................................................... 2.4 School Consultative Committee .......................................................................................... 2.5 PART 3.
The School ......................................................................................................................... 3.1 School Mission .................................................................................................................... 3.2 Endorsement ...................................................................................................................... 3.3 Objectives of Agreement.. ................................................................................................... 3.4 School Ethos Standard ....................................................................................................... 3.5 Performance Indicators ....................................................... _............................................... 3.6 PART 4.
Wage Increase .................................................................................................................... 4.1 No Further Claims ............................................................................................................... 4.2 Salary Payments ................................................................................................................. 4.3 Superannuation .................................................................................................................. 4.4 Superannuation Industry Fund ............................................................................................ 4.5 Remuneration Packaging .................................................................................................... 4.6 Income Protection Insurance .............................................................................................. 4.7 PART 5.
Appraisal Process ............................................................................................................... 5.1 Professional Development and Training .............................................................................. 5.2 School Policies ................................................................................................................... 5.3 Communication ................................................................................................................... 5.4 Equal Employment Opportunity .......................................................................................... 5.5 Reduce Absenteeism .......................................................................................................... 5.6
Efficient and Economic Use of Resources .......................................................................... 5.7 Workplace Health and Safety .............................................................................................. 5.8 Flexibility in the Workplace .................................................................................................. 5.9 Continuous Improvement .................................................................................................. 5.10 Job Security ...................................................................................................................... 5.11 Professional Commitment to Clients ................................................................................. 5.12 Professional Working Demeanour ..................................................................................... 5.13 TeamWork ....................................................................................................................... 5.14 Understudy Arrangements ................................................................................................ 5.15 Improvements in Facilities ................................................................................................. 5.16 Provision of Technology .................................................................................................... 5.17 Job Share ......................................................................................................................... 5.18 PART 6.
Public Holidays ................................................................................................................... 6.1 Personal/Carer's Leave ...................................................................................................... 6.2 Compassionate Leave ........................................................................................................ 6.3 Parental Leave .................................................................................................................... 6.4 Long Service Leave ............................................................................................................ 6.5 Defence Service Leave ....................................................................................................... 6.6 Jury Leave .......................................................................................................................... 6.7 Union Education Leave ....................................................................................................... 6.8 PART 7.
Incidental and Peripheral Tasks .......................................................................................... 7.1 Training of Single Bargaining Unit.. ..................................................................................... 7.2 Union Entry ......................................................................................................................... 7.3 PART 8.
Induction ............................................................................................................................. 8.1 Employment Categories ...................................................................................................... 8.2 Part-Time Teachers ............................................................................................................ 8.3 Casual Teachers ................................................................................................................. 8.4 Classification and Progression ............................................................................................ 8.5 Recognition and Reward for High Quality Performance of Duties by Teachers ................... 8.6 Hours of Work ..................................................................................................................... 8.7 Proportion of Salary ............................................................................................................ 8.8 Annual Leave Loading ........................................................................................................ 8.9 Special Projects Allowance ............................................................................................... 8.10 Teacher Specific Efficiency and Effectiveness Initiatives .................................................. 8.11 Alternative Wage Structure for Teachers .......................................................................... 8.12 Positions of Added Responsibility Review ......................................................................... 8.13 Posrtions of Added Responsibility ..................................................................................... 8.14 Termination of Employment .............................................................................................. 8.15 PART 9.
Induction ............................................................................................................................. 9.1 Annual Leave ...................................................................................................................... 9.2 Termination of Employment ................................................................................................ 9.3 Recognition and Reward for High Quality Performance of Duties - Non-Teaching Staff ..... 9.4
PART 10.
Employmenl Categories .................................................................................................... 10.1 Part-Time Employment ..................................................................................................... 10.2 Casual Employment .......................................................................................................... 10.3 Term Time Employment.. .................................................................................................. 10.4 Junior Employees ............................................................................................................. 10.5 Hours of Work ................................................................................................................... 10.6 Meal Breaks ...................................................................................................................... 10.7 Rest Pauses ..................................................................................................................... 10.8 Weekend Work ................................................................................................................. 10.9 Shift Work for Nurses and Security Guards ..................................................................... 10.10 Overtime ......................................................................................................................... 10.11 Uniforms ......................................................................................................................... 10.12 PART 11.
Contract of Employment ................................................................................................... 11.1 Part-Time Employment ..................................................................................................... 11.2 Casual Employment. ......................................................................................................... 11.3 Term Time Employment. ................................................................................................... 11.4 Recognition of Previous Service for Salary Purposes ....................................................... 11.5 Junior Employees ............................................................................................................. 11.6 Annualisation of Salary - Term Time School Officers ....................................................... 11.7 Hours of Worlc .................................................................................................................. 11.8 Overtime ........................................................................................................................... 11.9 Rest Pauses ................................................................................................................... 11.10 Meal Break ..................................................................................................................... 11.11 APPENDICIES
Special Project Allowance ...................................................................................... Appendix A Positions of Added Responsibility .......................................................................... Appendix B School Officer Classification Structure ................................................................... Appe ndix C Services Staff Classification Structure ................................................................... A ppendix D Nurse Classification Structure ...................................................._........................... Appendix E The School Consultation Committee ...................................................................... Appendix F National Employment Standards ............................................................................ Appendix G School Ethos Standard .......................................................................................... Appendix H Wage Rates ............................................................................................................ Appendix I Signatories ..............................................................................................................Appendix J
PART 1. 1.1
This Agreement shall be known as the Brisbane Grammar School Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2011. 1.2
Parties Bound This Agreement shall bind The Board of Trustees of the Brisbane Grammar School and the Unions signatory to this Agreement.
Application This Agreement shall apply to all employees of the School except members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
Date and Period of Operation This Agreement shall commence 7 days after approval by Fair Work Australia. This Agreement shall have a nominal expiry date of 30 June 2014.
Agreement Posting A copy of this Agreement shall be exhibited in a conspicuous and convenient place at the School so as to be easily read by employees.
Single Bargaining Unit For the purposes of negotiating this Agreement, a Single Bargaining Unit (SBU) has been established with membership as follows:-
Five (5) Employee Representatives, (three (3) representing academic staff, one (1) representing school officer staff and one (1) representing other employees in the School, two (2) IEUA-QNT representatives.
Two (2) Management representatives.
An independent facilitator acting as Chairman.
Relationship to Awards and National Employment Standards This is a comprehensive Agreement that operates to the exdusion of all other Awards and industrial instruments. This Agreement will be read in conjunction with the National Employment Standards (NES). No term of this Agreement shall be less favourable to employees than the corresponding term in the NES. Where a term of this Agreement is less favourable, the corresponding term of the NES will apply.
Operation of Agreement 1.8.1
This Agreement and the relevant Appendices govern the terms and conditions of employment of employees covered by the Agreement.
Parts 1 - 7 of the Agreement apply to all employees.
Part 8 of the Agreement only applies to Teachers. Where a provision of Part 8 is inconsistent with another provision of the Agreement, Part 8 will apply to the extent of this inconsistency.
Part 9 of the Agreement applies to all Non Teachers. Where a provision of Part 9 is inconsistent with a provision of Parts 1 - 7 of the Agreement, Part 9 will apply to the extent of this inconsistency.
1.8.5 Part 10 of the Agreement only applies to Services Staff and Nurses. Where a provision of Part 10 is inconsistent with another provision of the Agreement, Part 10 will apply to the extent of this inconsistency. 1.8.6 Part 11 of the Agreement only applies to School Officers. Where a provision of Part 11 is inconsistent with another provision of the Agreement, Part 11 will apply to the extent of this inconsistency.
Definitions For the purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions will apply:1.9.1
"Act" means the Fair Work Act 2009.
1.9.2 "Headmaster" means the Headmaster of the SchooL 1.9.3 "IEUA - QNT' means the Independent Education Union of Australia Queensland and Northern Territory Branch. 1.9.4 "National Employment Standards (NESr means the National Employment Standards contained in Part 2-2, Chapter 2 of the Fair Work Act 2009. The matters to which the NES relate are summarised in Appendix G. 1.9.5 "Nurse" means a person employed as a Registered Nurse by the School who is classified in accordance with the Nurses Classification Structure contained in Appendix E of this Agreement. 1.9.6 "QNU ft means the Queensland Nurses Union of Employees and Australian Nursing Federation. 1.9.7
"Schoolft means The Board of Trustees of the Brisbane Grammar School trading as The Brisbane Grammar School.
1.9.8 "School Officer" means a person employed as such by the School who performs duties falling within the School Officer classification structure contained in Appendix C of this Agreement. 1.9.9 "Senior Leadership Team~ means those persons occupying the roles of:• • • • •
Headmaster; Deputy Headmaster Deputy Headmaster Deputy Headmaster Deputy Headmaster -
Extracurricular; Students; Staff and Community Relations; Teaching and Learning;
• • • •
Head of Middle School; Business Manager; Secretary to the Board of Trustees; and Any other role where the duties are identifiable in accordance with contemporary practice as a position of senior leadership.
1.9.10 uServices Staff' means a person employed as such by the School who performs duties falling within the Services Staff classification structure contained in Appendix 0 of this Agreement or a Nurse.
1.9.11 "Teacher" means a person employed as such by the School who is registered with the Queensland College of Teachers and performs duties which include delivering an educational programme, assessing student participation in an education programme, administering an educational programme and performing other duties incidental to the delivery of the educational programme. 1.9.12 "Unions" mean the IEUA - QNT and QNU.
PART 2. 2.1
Individual Flexibility Agreement
Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, the School and an individual employee may agree to vary the application of certain terms of this Agreement to meet the genuine individual needs of the School and the individual employee. The terms the School and the individual employee may agree to vary the application of are those concerning: (a) (b) (cJ (d) (eJ
arrangements for when work is performed; arrowances; leave loading; overtime rates; and penalty rates.
2.1.2 The School and the individual employee must have genuinely made the agreement without coercion or duress.
2.1.3 The agreement between the School and the individual employee must: (a)
be confined to a variation in the application of one or more of the terms listed in dause 2.1.1; am
result in the employee being better off overall than the employee would have been if no individual flexibility agreement had been agreed to.
2.1.4 The agreement between the School and the individual employee must also: (a)
be in writing, name the parties to the agreement and be signed by the School and the individual employee and, if the employee is under 18 years of age, the employee's parent or guardian;
state each tenn of this agreement that the School and the individual employee have agreed to vary;
detail how the application of each term has been varied by- agreement between the School and the individual employee;
detail how the agreement results in the individual employee being better off overall in relation to the individual employee's tenns and conditions of employment; and
state the date the agreement commences to operate.
The School must give the individual employee a copy of the agreement and keep the agreement as a time and wages record.
Except as provided in clause 2.1.1 (a) the agreement must not require the approval or consent of a person other than the School and the individual employee.
Where an employee or the School seeks to enter into an agreement as provided by this clause, the initiating party must provide a written proposal. Where the School initiates the proposal and where the employee's understanding of written English is limited, the School must take measures, including translation into an appropriate language and the opportunity to seek advice and assistance, to ensure the employee understands the proposal.
2.1.8 The agreement may be terminated: (a)
by the School or the individual employee giving four weeks' notice of tennination, in writing, to the other party and the agreement ceasing to operate at the end of the notice period; or
at any time, by written agreement between the School and the individual employee.
2.1.9 The right to make an agreement pursuant to this clause is in addition to, and is not intended to otherwise affect, any provision for an agreement between the School and an individual employee contained in any other term of this Agreement.
Consultation about Major Change 2.2.1
This term applies if: (a)
the School has made a definite decision to introduce a major change to production, program, organisation, structure, or technology in relation to its enterprise; and
the change is likely to have a significant effect on employees of the enterprise.
The School must notify the relevant employees of the decision to introduce the major change.
The relevant employees may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedures in this term.
If a relevant employee appoints, or relevant employees appoint, a representative for the purposes of consultation; and the employee or employees advise the School of the identity of the representative; the School must recognise the representative.
As soon as practicable after making its decision, the School must: (a)
discuss with the relevant employees: (i)
the introduction of the change; and
the effect the change is likely to have on the employees; and
measures the School is taking to avert or mitigate the adverse effect of the change on the employees; and
for the purposes of the discussion employees:
provide, in writing, to the relevant
all relevant information about the change including the nature of the change proposed; and
information about the expected effects of the change on the employees; and
any other matters likely to affect the employees.
However, the School is not required to disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information to the relevant employees.
The School must give prompt and genuine consideration to matters raised about the major change by the relevant employees.
If a term in this Agreement provides for a major change to production, program, organisation, structure or technology in relation to the enterprise of the School, the requirements set out in clauses 2.2.2, 2.2.3 and 2.2.5 are taken not to apply.
In this term, a major change is likely to have a Significant effect on employees if it results in: (a)
the termination of the employment of employees; or
major change to the composition, operation or size of the School's workforce or to the skills required of employees; or
the elimination or diminution of job opportunities (including opportunities for promotion or tenure): or
the alteration of hours of work; or
the need to retrain employees; or
the need to relocate employees to another workplace; or
the restructuring of jobs; or
significant change to the workload of staff within the hours of duty.
2.2.10 In this term, relevant employees means the employees who may be affected by the major change.
Grievance and Dispute Settlement The School, employees and unions have a genuine desire to resolve through the process of negotiation and settlement, grievances or complaints related to the working environment, pay and conditions of service, including any matters arising under this Agreement and the NES including requests for flexible working arrangements and requests for extending parental leave. In an effort to reach agreement at the lowest level and as quickly as possible, the following procedure will be implemented:(a)
The matter shall be discussed initially between the employee/s and immediate supervisor.
If the matter is not resolved as per (a) above it shall be referred to a meeting with the Headmaster and/or the Headmaster's agent.
Where a mutually acceptable arrangement is not arrived at, the Headmaster shall promptly arrange a meeting between the following persons •
Representative of the Board of Trustees (where thought applicable or desirable);
The employee/s involved;
A member of the relevant Union on staff or another member of staff acceptable to the employee/s with the grievance.
Should the matter not be resolved through these steps, the issue shall be fonnally referred to the School's representative and a representative of the relevant Union/s who shall, at conference level, thoroughly canvass the issue with the Headmaster and employee/s involved. If the matter is not resolved within a reasonable time it may be referred by either party to Fair Work Australia for conciliation or, if necessary, arbitration. Subject to legislation, while the dispute procedure is being followed normal work is to continue. The status quo existing before the emergence of a dispute is to continue while the procedure is being followed unless the safety and well being of the employee and/or the students are at risk. No party shall be prejudiced as to the final settlement by the continuation of work.
In settling any dispute the parties shall consider the aims of the School, the objectives of this Agreement and fairness to all. 2.4
Consultative Arrangements for Continuous Improvement
The School, employees and Unions are committed to co-operation and consultation as part of the climate and culture of the School but accept that according to the authority and responsibility structure of the School, final decision making remains the prerogative of the Headmaster.
The School has in place a number of structures to facilitate consultation and to advise the Headmaster in decision making. These structures include: (a)
Regular meetings of Staff, Middle Management and Committees
An Executive Committee of Senior Staff.
Other committees or groups set up from time to time by the Headmaster for a special purpose.
Various committees or officers appointed according to Government regulation (eg. Workplace Health and Safety).
School Consultative Committee
The School Consultative Committee (SCC) will operate with the following functions: (a)
Identify priorities for the implementation of the Agreement;
Oversee the implementation of the Agreement at the school level;
Identify any emergent issues which require the reconvening of the SBU.
Consider matters listed in Appendix D of this A.greement.
Act as one of a number of consultative structures within the school.
The see which will operate as a sub-committee of the Single Bargaining Unit, will be comprised of the following: (a)
Four (4) persons appointed by The Board of Trustees, one of whom is the Deputy Headmaster - Staff and Community Relations;
One (1) union member elected by IEUA-QNT School Chapter;
Four (4) members: one elected from School Officers, one elected from Services Staff; and two elected from Teaching Staff;
When appropriate, other relevant personnel may be co-opted for input on specific issues.
sec will operate with the following guidelines:
Meetings will be held at least once per term. Additional meetings shall be scheduled by mutual agreement of members of the SCC.
An agreed statement shall be issued to employees following each meeting.
Meetings will appoint a Chairperson from within the Committee. The Chairperson shall be responsible for the distribution of the agreed statement to employees following each meeting.
Matters under consideration shall be subject to wide consultation with employees.
A Secretary will be appointed, with responsibility for preparing the agenda and minutes of each meeting. The Secretary may not necessarily be a member of the SCC. Minutes of meetings will be circulated amongst Committee members for approval before signing by the Chairperson as an accurate record of proceedings.
Agenda items can be submitted to the Secretary from members of the Committee and staff members.
The Agenda should be prepared five (5) days in advance of a meeting and posted on noticeboards in staffrooms and work areas.
2.5.4 Notwithstanding the unfettered discretion of the SCC to develop its own agenda and identify matters to focus on, the matters listed in Appendix F of this Agreement must be considered by the SCC as a matter of priority
PART 3. 3.1
The School The Brisbane Grammar School is a unique enterprise. While it has many similarities with other independent schools, there are other characteristics which, when combined, make the School unique. • • • • • • • •
It is presently a middle and secondary school for boys. It participates in the extra-curricular activities of the Great Public Schools. It is a boarding school. It serves a student population drawn from a wide geographical area. It has an holistic view of education. It has a history of high achievement in all areas of endeavour. It has high expectations for all students. It is an historical leader in the field of secondary education in Queensland and wishes to retain that role.
The School wishes to acknowledge a continuing commitment by teachers to the academic, pastoral and extra-curricular life of the School. The School also wish to acknowledge a commitment by non-teaching staff to the Pastoral life of the School and a supportive role in the academic and extra-curricular dimensions of the School. Further it is acknowledged that the current high levels of performance have been substantially contributed to by the efforts of the staff.
School Mission 3.2.1
Purpose: In a learning community that is innovative yet respectful of its traditions, Brisbane Grammar School educates boys by nurturing their intellectual, physical and emotional well-being to become thoughtful and confident men of character who contribute to their communities.
3.2.2 Ambition: Brisbane Grammar School aspires to be the best school for boys in Australia, and an international leader in teaching and learning. The School is committed to offering premium educational and leadership opportunities for boys of all backgrounds, to strengthen its global connections, and to building a vibrant school community among students, parents, staff and Old Boys and the broader society. 3.2.3
Values: The core values which underpin the School's operation are: Endeavour Learning Respect Leadership Community
Endorsement The School and employees endorse and are committed to the achievement of the School Mission detailed in Clause 3.2.
Objectives of the Agreement This Agreement provides a framework for management, employees and Unions to work together towards improving productivity and efficiency. 3.4.1
It aims to provide benefits to:(a)
students through enhanced service delivery, increased value for money and a more effective and efficient School;
the Brisbane Grammar School through a broad workplace reform agenda, improved effectiveness and efficiency of the School; and
employees through improved wages recognising their contributions to the development and ongoing implementation of productivity initiatives and through improvements in the working environment to enhance staff morale, professional effectiveness and job satisfaction.
The School and employees' shared objectives are to:-
maintain and seek to improve the effectiveness of the School's performance in academic, pastoral and extra-curricular activities;
foster the development of a positive and productive School environment through the introduction of Best Practice initiatives; and
implement measures to improve quality, productivity and efficiency at the School;
provide greater scope for productivity initiatives to be identified, negotiated and implemented, recognising the operational requirements of the School and its clients;
provide incentives for the pursuit of initiatives that will lead to improved productivity;
provide certainty and equity in relation to wage outcomes for the life of the Agreement.
School Ethos Standard
An additional professional standard (School Ethos Standard) will apply to all employees. For teachers this Standard will operate in conjunction with the recognised professional standards for teachers. The School Ethos Standard is attached as Appendix H of this Agreement. 3.6
Performance Indicators
Academic (i)
During the term of this Agreement, all parties will seek to maintain and improve the academic performance of students consistent with the School's record of achievement.
During the term of this Agreement, all parties will participate in monitoring student performance areas with a view to assessing the practicability of formulating performance indicators for use in future enterprise agreements.
Should there be an abnormal performance outcome in anyone year the School and employees will seek to determine the reasons for such performance, and agree on strategies to address identified problems.
Student Welfare (i)
The School and employees agree to pursue the development of high quality knowledge of students by Form Teachers. This shall be monitored by the Headmaster, Deputy Headmaster (Students) and Heads of Years through review of semester reports on students by Form Teachers.
A high quality personal development programme will be monitored and this will include student and form teacher evaluation. The implementation of the programme will be monitored and this will also include student evaluation.
Whilst acknowledging that bad behaviour has a variety of causes, performance in this aspect will be based on a reduction in behaviour which is inconsistent with the School's Code of Expectations and Behaviour.
Extra-Curricular (i)
The School and employees agree to continue to monitor the participation of students with a view to encouraging all students to participate at some level within the programme. Heads of Years will provide summary data to assist in reviews of this performance indicator.
The School and employees agree to cover the staffing needs of the extra curricular programme as fully as possible through the involvement of BGS teachers with BGS teachers covering the needs of the programme at no less than the existing levels of involvement, and aiming to improve these levels.
An annual report will be submitted by each MIC on qualitative and quantitative aspects of the performance of staff and, as applicable, teams, groups and/or individuals.
Annual stakeholder feedback will be sought from parents and students on their perceptions of various aspects of the extra curricular programme.
Extracurricular Remuneration
All employees participating in the School's extracurricular program will receive the following remuneration and recognition for their involvement. n.b. - Percentages below are expressed in terms of BGS Band 3 Step 4 salaries. BAND ONE
Clubs/Activities meetings (lunch time meetings with limited after school or weekend involvement) Payment
Manager (not Coach of sporting teams, as per 2(a) below - provides organisational support, attends coaching sessions and fixtures, with coaching provided by outside coach/so Payment
Coach non-A teams: Two training sessions per week; One fixture per week; Trial games as directed; GPS Debating teams (QDU round robin = 1.75%, QDU finals series = 1.75%)
Club/Activity with larger commitments involving a larger number of students and administration with limited Saturday or evening commitment.
Junior School Play or major assist with large production. Payment
3.5% (Coach with experience and/or Level I; Music staff per semester); 4% (Coach with Level II current certificate) 4.5% (Coach with Level III current certificate)
A level coach (in the case of Rugby A & B coaches), all rowing coaches (requiring attendance at camps or pre-seasons, 3 training sessions per week, 2 fixtures per Saturday), all cricket coaches, Senior A Debating coach.
Whole of year Club or Activity with large number of students, significant administration, limited Saturday or evening involvement. Payment
4% 4.5% 5%
(Experienced coach withlwithout Levell) (Current Level II coaching certificate) (Current Level III coaching certificate)
MIC of a major Activity.
Sole coach of 1S \ team in a major GPS sport with responsibility for supervision of an extensive pre-season program.
Director of a major school dramatic/musical production. Payment
4.5% (Experienced coach with/without current Level I coaching certificate) 5% (Coach with current Level II coaching certificate or MIC of a smaller activity {e.g. less than 16 teams/less than 200 boys} 5.5% (Coach with current Level III coaching certificate or MIC of a major activity)
BAND FIVE Activities so substantial in terms of time and/or responsibility that a separate arrangement is negotiated. Consideration will be given by Board of Trustees where Certificates are not offered in an activity.
Wage Increases
This Agreement provides for the following wage increases to be implemented as follows: (i)
4% increase on wage rates from 1 July 2010;
A further 5% increase on wage rates from 1 July 2011;
A further 5% increase on wage rates from 1 July 2012.
A further 5% increase on wage rates from 1 July 2013.
These percentage increases shall apply to those allowances listed in Appendix I of this Agreement. The actual salary for each classification at each stage of the increases are quantified in Appendix I.
The Board of Trustees agree to guarantee that a 5% drtferential of base salary and wages for teaching staff as compared with Queensland State School teachers, based on comparability of qualifications and years of experience from 1 July 2011. The maintenance of this differential is contingent on the School not suffering a material reduction in its current level of recurrent govemment funding. In the event that this occurs, the SBU will reconvene for the purposes of considering its impact.
It is noted that for non-teaching staff, as a matter of practice the School will remunerate at rates recognising the special requirements of the Brisbane Grammar School workplace.
The increase in payment level for High Quality Performance Level 2 from 6% (currently) to 7% shall operate from 1 July 2011.
The increase in payment of extra-curricular (clause 3.6.4) levels to certain categories of employees under this agreement shall apply from 1 January 2011.
No Further Claims There shall be no further claims during the life of this Agreement provided that claims arising from consideration of matters listed in this Agreement shall not be subject to this provision.
Salary Payments Salaries and Wages will be paid fortnightly into the employee's nominated Bank Account, Credit Union and/or Building Societies account. It is acknowledged that
delays of up to two (2) days may be encountered for payments to non-bank institutions. Teaching staff will continue to be paid in a cycle of payment in which the last pay received in term time of Term 4 will be paid to 31 December. A further two deductions to other Banks/Credit Unions or Building Societies other than Net Pay may be made. 4.4
From the date of signing of this Agreement the School superannuation contributions made by the School shall be:(a)
12.75% of the employee's total salary for employees who are members of either Category A or Category A 1 of the Brisbane Grammar School Superannuation Plan ("the Plan~);
9% (or such other amount specified by the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation) of the employee's total salary for employees who are members of either Category B or 81 of the Plan.
The tenms 'Category A', 'Category A1', 'Category B' and 'Category B1' shall have the same meaning as defined in the Plan. 4.5
Superannuation -Industry Funds
Some employees, such as instrumental music teachers, who in working for more than one Employer, may be required to join a number of industry superannuation schemes. Administration costs are payable in each fund. The School agrees to:
Identify those employees who, because of their various places of employment, are making industry superannuation contributions to a number of funds.
Identify those industry funds to which such employees' superannuation contributions might be made.
Implement appropriate arrangements within the following limits: (i)
Any variation in arrangements, as set out in this clause, must be at the employee's request, and
Any variation in arrangements, as set out in this clause, shall be at the discretion of the School.
Remuneration Packaging
For the purposes of this clause:
"Benefits~ means the benefits nominated by the employee from the benefits provided by the school and listed in paragraph (c) of Clause 4.6.3.
"Benefit Value~ means the amount specified by the School as the cost to the School of the Benefit provided including Fringe Benefit Tax, if any.
"Fringe Benefit Tax" means tax imposed by the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986.
Conditions of Employment Except as provided by this clause, employees must be employed at a salary based on a rate of pay, and otherwise on terms and conditions, not less than those prescribed by this Agreement.
Salary Packaging The School may offer to provide and an employee may agree in writing to accept:
the Benefits nominated by the employee; and
a salary equal to the difference between the Benefit Value and the salary which would have applied to the employee or under Clause 4.6.2, in the absence of an agreement under this subclause.
The available Benefits are those made payable by the School from the following list: (i)
Other benefits offered by the School.
The School must advise the employee in writing of the Benefit Value before the agreement is entered into.
During the currency of an agreement under Clause 4.6.3
any employee who takes paid leave on full pay shall receive the Benefits and salary referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of Clause 4.6.3.
if an employee takes leave without pay the employee will not be entitled to any Benefits during the period of leave.
if an employee takes leave on less than full pay he or she shall receive: (i)
the Benefits; and
an amount of salary calculated by applying the fonmula:
A= Sx P% - (100% - P%) x B Where S = the salary determined by paragraph (b) of Clause 4.6.3
P = the percentage of salary payable during the leave
B = Benefit Value A (d)
= Amount of salary
if an employee is entitled to be reimbursed for wages in respect of jury service that payment shall be calculated by reference to the employee's salary calculated under Clause 4.6.2.
any other payments under this Agreement, calculated by reference to the employee's salary, however described, and payable: (i)
during employment; or
on termination of employment in respect of untaken paid leave; or
on death, shall be at the rate of pay which would have applied to the employee under Clause 4.6.2, in the absence of an agreement under Clause4.6.3.
Income Protection Insurance The School agrees to maintain an Income Protection arrangement which provides a
minimum of 75% of salary plus the employee's contribution of 6% towards superannuation to age 65, with a defined waiting period.
Appraisal Process A formative appraisal process will continue. The appraisal system provides opportunities for employees to identify strengths and opportunities, set goals and identify training needs. Duty Statements will be considered when appropriate in the Appraisal Process.
Professional Development and Training The School is committed to enhancing the skills of its employees through the provision of both internal and external professional development and training, within the School's resource capacity, linked to: (a) (b) (c)
the relevant appraisal system the goals of the School and School wide needs the personal goals of employees as related to their work
The School is committed to ensuring that the skills and competencies of its teaching and non-teaching staff are effective in ensuring the completion of duties at the School. The School has maintained an extensive list of professional development and training opportunities for staff for many years and is committed to continuing this approach. The School is also conscious of balancing the needs of groups of people with individual members of staff.
The School believes that the current system of providing development and training opportunities effectively addresses the commitments sought by employees. The School will develop its current Formative Appraisal processes to more effectively gather individual and group development and training needs so as to target these needs more efficiently. 5.3
School Policies (a)
The commitment of staff to School policies over many years is acknowledged.
It is acknowledged that the School will generate a range of policies designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the School as it strives to achieve its mission. Future School policies will be developed through appropriate consultation with members of staff through the SCC. The School and employees agree to adopt any policies so developed and recognise the importance of staged implementation consistent with a well managed change process. It is recognised that changes to existing policies may also be made. Any changes will be developed through the previously identified consultative processes.
Communication The improvement in Communication over recent years is acknowledged. It is acknowledged that the management of communication is fundamental to the effective operation of the School. It is recognised that there is a need to monitor and continually enhance the communication within the School and between the School and its clients. The School and employees agree to enhance the School's Communication structures and processes and agree to consider and share ideas to achieve this. This shall be a standing agenda item of the
Equal Employment Opportunity As to equal employment opportunity, the School will comply with its legal obligations and will address constructively any areas of concern raised by staff, with a view to ensuring that the School provides an atmosphere which will encourage staff and students to adopt values, attitudes and practices which are inclusive and non-discriminatory. An Equal Opportunity Committee will continue, chaired by the Deputy Headmaster (Staff and Community Relations), to act as a consulting body for concerns on equal opportunity.
Reduce Absenteeism Reasons for absenteeism will be monitored. Appropriate strategies to reduce absenteeism will be implemented. Strategies will include measurement of current levels of absenteeism, benchmarking, and these will be further developed during the life of this Agreement. Where an employee has exceeded the benchmarks identified the School may, if it considers appropriate take action to inform the employee that a certificate will be
required from a duly qualified medical practitioner in respect of each period of sick leave taken for a period of six months after.
Efficient and Economic Use of Resources Improved management practices to monitor and seek to control school operating costs as a proportion of overall costs shall be implemented over the life of the Agreement. The SCC shall oversee the goal of achieving the efficient and economic use of resources. As staff become aware through necessity, research or from other sources, of using technology or better work practices to improve efficiency and effectiveness, these suggestions should be documented with justification and referred to the appropriate area within the School by the Chairperson of the SCC.
Workplace Health & Safety The aims of efficiency and effectiveness can be advanced by implementing strategies to achieve healthier and safer jobs. The Workplace Health and Safety Committee will continue to review workplace health and safety and if necessary further guidelines will be developed.
Flexibility in the Workplace The aims of efficiency, effectiveness and equity can be furthered by increased flexibility and improvements in working arrangements. An employee who is a parent or who has the responsibility for the care of a child under school age or a child under 18 with a disability may request flexible working arrangements to assist the employee in caring for the child in accordance with the NES.
Continuous Improvement
This Agreement is a mechanism to negotiate further improvements in School operations without diminishing overall conditions. In doing so the School and employees agree to •
Canvass opportunities for implementing continuous improvement in all School operations to improve student focus;
Consider how any proposed changes will impact upon clients. This consideration to include identification of potential benefits to clients;
Consistent with a continuous improvement approach, examine improvements to work practices such as: • • •
elimination of rework and duplication; removal of demarcation barriers; maximising the use of developed technology;
Commit to multi-skilling and understudy training;
Address the potential impact of productivity initiatives on staff with family responsibilities.
Proposed changes to work arrangements andlor conditions not already identified in this Agreement will be included in future stages of the Agreement where they have the agreement of the majority of employees affected by the proposal. Where this is required, all employees directly affected will be consulted as a group and may be addressed by representatives of the SBU and/or representatives of relevant Unions. In these circumstances agreement is defined as a majority of the employees affected, however it is acknowledged that consensus should, wherever possible, be the basis for agreement. In determining the outcome neither the School or employees will unreasonably withhold agreement.
Changes, other than major changes, under this clause shall be seen as a normal operational characteristic of the School and shall not be accumulated as the basis of a subsequent agreement.
Job Security Changes to work practices and productivity initiatives must be consistent with the operation of the School. It is acknowledged that employees are a critical element in the improvement of quality service delivery. Arbitrary job reductions will not be pursued to secure the ongoing improvements in productivity and efficiency sought in this agreement. Where an employee's position is made redundant, the employee shall be entitled to: (a) (b) (c)
Long Service Leave entitlements accrued in accordance with Industrial Relations Act and this Agreement; Notice or pay in lieu of notice in accordance with the Act or this Agreement; A severance benefit calculated as follows
Employees¡ Period of Continuous Service At least one year but less than two years At least two years but less than three years At least three years but less than four
Redundancy Pay 4 weeks 6 weeks 7 weeks
At least four years
2 weeks pay for each completed year of service or pro rata for part of a year capped at a payment of 26 weeks
The severance benefit is calculated on the employee's total salary. 5.12
Professional Commitment to Clients
The School and employees agree to make commitment to and courtesy and respect towards clients a perceptible and characteristic aspect of the School's culture and professional practices. 5.13
Professional Working Demeanour
It is acknowledged that high expectations in all respects (specifically including presentation of oneself, of the school and of one's work) are recognised characteristics of effective schools. To this end, the employees agree to maintain those high expectations of the students and to model such expectations in their own professional work and demeanour.
Team Work There is a commitment to the continuing development of a team based approach to activities within the School. This objective applies equally to activities involving staff from a variety of work areas and responsibilities as it does to activities involving staff from a single work area. Effective team work is characterised by consideration of and co-operation with others to encourage the achievement of the objectives of productivity and efficiency.
Understudy Arrangements Where appropriate, as part of an employee's appraisal, a relevant understudy will be identified.
Improvements in Facilities The School undertakes to monitor physical working conditions in consultation with staff and to consider upgrading (such as air conditioning) where necessary.
Provision of Technology The School agrees to provide a tablet computer for each full time member of the teaching staff and other staff as deemed appropriate by the Headmaster.
Job Share Job Share provisions will be extended to all full time positions. Where a Job Share provision is designated, the School and employees affected shall establish the following protocols. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Notice periods to initiate any consideration of changes to arrangements Joint planning arrangements Attendance at whole school professional development and inservice, including pupil free days Assessment and reporting arrangements including parentlteacher interviews
All such arrangements shall be documented prior to the commencement of the Job Share arrangement and copies held by the School and the employees affected.
PART 6. 6.1
Public Holidays 6.1.1
Employees are entitled to public holidays as contained in the NES and this clause.
An employee (other than a casual employee) who would ordinarily be required to work on a day on which a public holiday falls is entitled to full pay for the time the employee would ordinarily have been required to perform work on that day.
All work done by an employee on:• • • • • • • • • • • •
1 January; 26 January (Australia Day); Good Friday; Easter Saturday; Easter Monday; 25 April (Anzac Day); Labour Day; The birthday of the Sovereign; Christmas Day; Boxing Day; Royal National Agricultural Show Day, Queensland; or Any day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983 to be kept in place of any such holiday
will be paid for at the rate of double time and a half for a minimum of 4 hours.
Where the rate of wages is a weekly rate, "double time and a half' means one and a half days wages in addition to the prescribed weekly rate or pro rata if there is more or less than a day.
An employee who works on a public holiday may agree with the School to be paid at the ordinary rate and instead receive another day off in lieu within 28 days of the public holiday. If the employee subsequently works on the day in lieu of the deferred public holiday such employee shall be paid for that day as if it was a public holiday.
Personal/Carer's Leave
Employees are entitled to personal/carer's leave in accordance with the NES and this clause.
A full time employee is entitled to 10 days of paid personal/carer's leave for each year of service. Part time employees accrue paid personal/carer's leave on a pro rata basis.
6.2.3 An employee may take paid personal/carer's leave:(a)
because the employee is not fit for work because of a personal illness, or personal injury, affecting the employee; or
to provide care or support to a member of the employee's immediate family or a member of the employee's household who requires care or support because of:(i) (ii)
A personal illness, or personal injury, affecting the member; or An unexpected emergency affecting the member.
Personal/carer's leave accumulates from year to year.
The payment of personal/carer's leave is subject to the employee promptly advising the School of the employee's absence and its expected duration.
If the employee's absence is for more than 2 days, the employee is required to give the School a certificate from a medical practitioner or other reasonably acceptable evidence indicating the nature and approximate duration of the illness or injury.
Compassionate Leave 6.3.1
Employees are entitled to compassionate leave in accordance with the NES and this clause.
An employee (other than a casual employee) is entitled to two days of paid compassionate leave for each permissible occasion that a member of the employee's immediate family or a member of the employee's household:-
contracts or develops a personal illness that poses a serious threat to their life; or
sustains a personal injury that poses a serious threat to their life; or
The payment for compassionate leave is subject to the employee promptly advising the School of the employee's absence and providing reasonable evidence of the need for such absence.
Parental Leave 6.4.1
Parental leave will be in accordance with the NES and this clause.
Female employees shall be entitled to fourteen (14) continuous and uninterrupted weeks paid matemity or adoption leave in accordance with the provisions of this clause. The period of paid leave shall be deemed to be the first fourteen (14) weeks of the leave taken by the employee.
Male employees shall be entitled to a total of five (5) days paid patemity or adoption leave, of which a minimum of four days is to be taken consecutively. Leave is to be taken within fourteen (14) days of the birth or adoption of their child.
Eligibility for Paid Leave The following employees shall be eligible for paid Leave: â&#x20AC;˘
full time employees who have one (1) year's continuous service;
part time employees who have been employed for one (1) calendar year (notwithstanding that the amount of service is less than the equivalent of one (1) year full time service);
fixed term employees who have been employed for one (1) calendar year (notwithstanding that the amount of service is less than the equivalent of one (1) year full time service). In determining this eligibility period for fixed term employees, two (2) or more fixed term periods may be combined so long as the gaps between such periods was less than three (3) months;
where an employee has returned to work after a period of maternity leave, that employee shall be entitled to access a second or subsequent period of paid maternity leave.
Payment for Leave An employee shall be paid at the rate the employee would have received had the employee been at work for the period of paid leave. An employee shall receive payment for the paid leave in accordance with the fortnightly pay cycle. Where after the first twenty weeks, a pregnancy terminates in other than the birth of a living child or where the child dies during the period of paid maternity leave, the employee shall continue to be entitled to fourteen (14) weeks paid leave, subject to the employee remaining on leave for a minimum of fourteen (14) weeks.
Paid Paternity/Maternity/Adoption Leave and other Entitlements The period of paid leave shall count as service for all purposes. The period of paid leave shall be exclusive of school vacation periods. The period of paid leave shall be exclusive of Public Holidays that may fall within the period.
Long Service Leave 6.5.1
All employees will be entitled to Long Service Leave in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1999 and this clause.
All employees shall from 1 January 1995 accumulate a Long Service Leave entitlement at the rate of 1.3 weeks per year of completed service.
Those Employees who have seven years of eligible service, may access that entitlement to Long Service Leave which has been accumulated on existing formulas subject to the notification requirements of the Industrial Relations Act
1999. 6.5.4
Long Service Leave will be paid at the rate (including all purpose allowances such as extra curricular payments) the employee was receiving before commencing the leave.
An employee may request for their accessible long service leave entitlements to be paid out, in part or, in full. Such a request is subject to the following:-
(b) (c) (d)
The employee must make application for the payout of long service leave in writing; The request is subject to approval by the school; The long service leave entitlement will be paid out at the rate applicable to the employee at the time of payment; The long service leave which has been paid out will be subject to a corresponding deduction from the employee's accrued long service leave balance.
Defence Service Leave Employees who are members of the Defence Force Reserve may access special leave with pay to attend camps or required courses to a maximum of 28 days per year. The employee is required to repay to the School any monies paid by the Defence Force for attendance at camps or courses. When possible the reservist will attend such activities during school vacations. To be eligible for payments whilst on this special leave the employee must provide from the Defence Force Reserve:
proof of attendance and duration of the camp or training; and
a statement of monies paid by them to the employee for attendance at such camp or training (which will be the amount of money to be repaid to the School.)
Jury Leave The School acknowledges that teachers and other employees are not exempt from jury service. Recognising the above, the School will continue to pay the employee their normal wages and allowances whilst on jury service provided that advice of the following is provided: • • •
proof of attendance; duration of attendance; and allowance received.
Attendance monies received for jury service by the employee will be refunded to the School. 6.8
Union Education Leave
Paid leave of absence may be granted to employees under the following conditions. (a) Up to three days leave per year on ordinary pay shall be granted to attend courses, seminars or workshops of an industrial or professional nature conducted by; ACTU, IEUA-QNT or, specific union training courses approved by the union.
(b) The leave shall be non-cumulative. One month's notice must be given of the employee's intention to take this leave. (c) The application for leave shall be endorsed by the respective union. (d) The granting of such leave shall be subject to the reasonable convenience of the School having regard to the efficient operation of the School. Consistent with the School's professional development guidelines the employer shall not unreasonably withhold approval to attend such courses. (e) No employee shall be granted leave in excess of the duration of the course - Le. travelling time is not included. (f)
The School is not responsible for any additional costs except for the payment of relief employees where this is considered appropriate.
6.8.2 Application Applications for this leave must be submitted through the Headmaster within the prescribed time limits and must include the following documentation:
PART 7. 7.1
an application for leave;
details of the course to be attended; and
endorsement from the respective Union.
Incidental and Peripheral Tasks
The School may direct an employee to carry out such duties as are reasonably within the limits of the employee's skill, competence and training.
The School may direct an employee to carry out such duties and use such tools and equipment as may be required provided that the employee has been properly trained in the use of such tools and equipment (where relevant).
Any direction issued by the School pursuant to this clause shall be consistent with the School's responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
Training of Single Bargaining Unit Representatives
The parties agree that employees who are appointed as members of the Single Bargaining Unit shall, prior to the commencement of the next enterprise bargaining negotiation, be able to access one (1) days paid leave to attend union provided training designed to aid their participation in the enterprise bargaining process. At the discretion of the School, employees may be granted an additional day's leave jf a particular need can be demonstrated. This clause is subject to the following conditions:
(b) (c) (d)
An application for leave must be submitted to the Headmaster, giving at least one month's notice (or less as agreed between School and employee) of the employee's intention to take this leave. The application for leave must outline the details of the course or seminar. The application for leave shall be endorsed by the respective union. The granting of the leave shall be subject to the reasonable convenience of the School and should not impact adversely on service delivery, work requirements and the effective and efficient operation of the school. The School is not responsible for any additional costs except for the payment of relief employees where this is considered appropriate.
Union Entry
The School recognises the rights of Unions, under the Act, to enter the workplace. The School will facilitate Union contact with employees by allowing meetings to be held during non-working times.
Induction All new teaching staff will participate in the following induction and confirmation procedures:(i)
Prior to appointment, the Headmaster or other nominated staff member will explain to each new teacher this process and the requirements of teachers as contained in the Staff Information Handbook;
A written job description will be provided at the time of appointment with an opportunity to seek and receive clarification thereof;
In the latter half of the second term of employment of each new teacher, he or she will be appraised in an interview involving the teacher's head of department and head of year and/or other persons appointed by the Headmaster (the ~appraising staff). Peer comment or evaluation and student evaluation will also be sought. The new teacher may nominate at least one colleague to provide peer comment.
The appraisal will be conducted with reference to the written job description, the Staff Information Handbook, and the recognised professional standards for teachers. Data provided by the appraising staff's own observations, from peer comment or evaluation and from student evaluation will be taken into account. Other relevant data supplied by the new teacher may also be considered.
The new teacher will be informed of their perceived strengths and weaknesses identified by the appraising staff, having reasonable regard to all information available to them.
The new teacher may offer such written comments in response as the teacher deems appropriate.
Following the appraisal interview, the appraising staff will confirm in writing their advice as to strengths and weaknesses in the light of any responses made by the new teacher.
Appraising staff and the new teacher will then jointly develop strategies for overcoming any identified weaknesses and set goals in order to address those weaknesses. Within the limits of its resources and the expectations of other staff, the School will provide reasonable assistance to the new teacher in achieving those goals.
Not less than ten teaching weeks after the appraisal interview and prior to the end of the third term of employment, there will be a further interview between the new teacher and the appraising staff to ascertain the extent to which the goals so specified have been or are being achieved.
If, following that interview, the Headmaster considers that the goals have not been achieved to a satisfactory degree, the Headmaster will consult with the Union or with any other member of staff nominated by the new teacher. A BGS representative of the Union or another staff member nominated by the new teacher may then consult with the new teacher with a view to providing advice on the consequences of continued failure to achieve such goals and of how the teacher might do so.
Not later than five weeks prior to the end of the fourth term of employment of the new teacher, the Headmaster will consult with such other members of the School staff as the Headmaster deems appropriate and the BGS Union representative or nominated staff member.
Each person so consulted will be asked to indicate the extent to which each goal has been achieved, and in the case of any goal not yet achieved, whether that goal is likely to be achieved in a reasonable time. The teacher will also be invited to provide any evidence in support of their opinion and to offer any other comments which may be of assistance to the Headmaster.
In the event that the Headmaster is satisfied that such goals have been met, the Headmaster will advise the staff member accordingly. In the event that the Headmaster concludes that the said goals have not been met, then the Headmaster may terminate the teacher's employment by notice in writing.
The new teacher may seek advice from the Union or from any other person at any stage during the process.
In the case of a new teacher appointed other than from the beginning of a new School term, the Headmaster will stipulate in the letter of appointment the dates by which the various elements of this process are to be completed, applying the provisions of this clause mutatis mutandis.
Employment Categories 8.2.1
Teachers shall be advised in writing of their employment category upon apPointment.
Employment categories are:(a) (b) (c)
Full time; Part time; Casual.
Part-Time Teachers 8.3.1
The status and rate of payment of a part-time teacher shall be determined by the School at point of engagement.
8.3.2 The rate of payment for part-time teachers shall be calculated by dividing the fortnightly rate of prescribed salary for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualification by 60. 8.3.3
Part-time teachers employed in accordance with this provision shall accrue a pro rata entitlement to sick leave and vacation periods based on the average weekly hours of employment.
No existing employee will have the basis of their employment changed unless the change is agreed to by the employee.
8.3.5 A part-time teacher shall be allowed time for corrections, assessments or evaluations at the school not less than at the rate of one hour for every five hours of teaching time. This time shall be paid at the appropriate part-time rate. 8.3.6 A part-time teacher may be employed in the school up to thirty (30) hours per week. The number of hours to be worked on a weekly basis and the duties to be performed shall be agreed in writing on engagement. 8.3.7 A part-time teacher shall be deemed to have completed a year of service for salary increment purposes, when the aggregate amount of time paid in respect of work performed is 1,000 hours. 8.3.8
Payment shall also be made at the prescribed rate to a part-time teacher whose class or classes are not available unless notice of the unavailability of such classes has been given to the part-time teacher on the preceding school
day_ 8.4
Casual Teachers 8.4.1
A casual teacher shall be employed on an intermittent basis to relieve a teacher absent from duty or to meet a short term staffing need.
8.4.2 A casual teacher shall be employed for and receive a minimum payment of 3 hours for each day so employed. 8.4.3 A casual teacher may be employed in the School for up to thirty (30) hours per week.
The rate of payment for casual teachers shall be calculated by dividing the fortnightly rate of the prescribed salary for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualification by 53 and adding a casual loading of 23%.
A casual teacher shall be deemed to have completed a year of service for salary increment purposes when the aggregate amount of time paid in respect of work performed is 1000 hours.
Classification and Progression 8.5.1
The classification structure of teachers is set out in Appendix I.
A teacher shall be appointed no lower than at Band 2, Step 1.
Progression from one salary step to a higher salary step shall be by annual increment up to Band 3, Step 4.
Recognition and Reward for High Quality Performance of Duties by Teachers As a means of providing an alternate career progression for non-PAR teachers the School makes the following provisions.
Two levels of salary are to be made accessible in addition to the classified salary step for staff who do not hold a Positions of Added Responsibility (PAR).
These levels are 3% (HQP Level 1 - HQP1) and 7% (HQP Level 2 - HQP2) above the highest classified salary which the staff member can otherwise access.
Appointment to these salary levels to be depended on merit performance as verified by the Performance Review Process.
Eligibility will be confined to staff who do not hold a PAR.
For teachers a pre-requisite will be the holding of a SpeCial Project Allowance for a minimum period of one academic year and classification as a Band 3 Step 4 teacher fOf one academic year.
Access to these merit performance levels will be by a review of performance measured against the criteria in clause 8.6.18 as informed by the recognised standards for teachers.
Eligible Teachers will be invited to have their performance reviewed by a performance review panel, comprised of: • A member of the Senior Leadership Team (Chair); • The teacher's Head of Department • An experienced external reviewer; • One other member agreed by the School and IEUA-QNT who holds a supervisory position within the role of the eligible teacher; and • One other member (ex-officio) who is nominated by the applicant from an agreed pool of trained teachers who are considered formally (e.g., by their current HOP status) or informally as expert practitioners. This nomination will endeavour to achieve equity in the use of teachers from this pool.
Other teaching staff may be invited to be ex-officio members of a performance review panel.
The review panel will assemble evidence to verify the performance of an eligible teacher. Where the Panel is unable to verify performance, the teacher will be invited to provide evidence to enable verification of high quality performance.
Suggested sources of evidence include (it is not intended that this list be prescriptive nor exhaustive): • Electronic resources; • Lesson observations; • Student assessmenUperformance data; • Feedback to and from students; • Samples of units of work; • Records of communication with parents; • Use of ICTs in teaching and learning; and • Professional development activities.
8.6.10 As part of the verification process the teacher shall be provided with the evidence that has been collated. The teacher shall provide a professional reflection on that evidence. The Panel shall identify any matter(s) it wishes the teacher to address in the reflection otherwise the teacher shall reflect on the evidence at their discretion. The reflection shall be consistent with the key considerations of the Panel at clause 8.6.11. The reflection will be initially in writing. The teacher may request or be requested to expand and clarify his or her written reflection during a conversation with the Panel. The written reflection will be about 750 words. The written reflection will be provided prior to the Panel considering the teacher's application.
8.6.11 For candidates being reviewed for potential recognition and reward at HQP 1, this reflection and evidence will be primarily concerned with performance relating to the School Ethos Standard and those domains of teaching relating to professional knowledge and professional practice. Candidates being reviewed for potential recognition and reward at HQP 2, evidence and reflection will also be required for the domain of teaching relating to professional engagement. 8.6.12 The Performance Review Panel will make a recommendation concerning the performance of an eligible teacher and responsibility for approval of high quality performance will rest with the Headmaster. 8.6.13 Application of additional remuneration for HQP will be for up to 24 months at a time. In the case of the first level of remuneration this will be from 1 January to 31 December in the following year. For the second level of remuneration, it will apply for two years from the beginning of Term 4 following successful performance review during Term 3. The Headmaster may initiate a performance review outside these timings. 8.6.14 A staff member who completes at least one year at HQP1 will be eligible thereafter for the next cycle of performance review for HQP2.
8.6.15 Failure to maintain exemplary performance will result in regression to a lower level of salary. 8.6.16 All teachers whose performance is reviewed will receive a written statement of outcomes at the end of the review period. For those teachers with a successful review of performance, this statement will include a relevant salary the teacher will receive. In the case of an unsuccessful review, the statement outcomes will indicate the developmental areas for the teacher concerned. 8.6.17 Given the three aspects of a teacher's role at Brisbane Grammar School, it will be necessary for a teacher to perform at exemplary level in academic duties and one or other of the pastoral or extracurricular roles and in a satisfactory level in the other to receive recognition an reward at HQP1 and to perform at an exemplary level in all three aspects of a teacher's role to receive recognition and reward at HQP2. 8.6.18 For teaching staff, performance will be reviewed with respect to high quality performance in the following areas, informed where appropriate by the recognised professional standards for teachers: (a) Academic Duties • • • • • • •
content and structure of teaching teaching methods availability and feedback to students motivating students to learn quality and validity of assessment and reporting contribution to curriculum or other School development contribution to professional collegial environment
(b) Student welfare duties • • •
delivery of the Personal Development program attention to administrative duties (including pastoral reporting and supervisory responsibilities) ability to know and treat students in his/her pastoral care as individuals.
(c) Extra-curricular duties • • • •
developing the skills of students developing the social, team and inter-/intra- personal skills of students (including sportsmanship, where appropriate) using clear, accurate and responsible administrative procedures displaying positive attitudes and perceptions with regard to the activity and encouraging these among the students concerned.
(d) In general, with respect to all duties, teachers will be adjudged in respect of their ability to work with a client-centred focus.
8.6.19 Transitional arrangements: (a) HQP Levell Teachers who are newly eligible for recognition and reward for high quality performance at the first level at the end of 2011 may access the current nomination process and if successful will have extended tenure until the HOP 2 performance review cycle in 2013; and Teachers currently classified as HOP 1 may have this classification continued without review until the relevant performance review cycle in 2012.
(b) HQP Level 2
Teachers who are newly eligible for HOP 2 at the end of 2011 may access the current HOP 2 nomination process and if successful will have extended tenure until the HOP 2 performance review cycle in 2013; and Teachers currently classified as HOP 2 will have this classification extended until the HOP 2 performance review cycle in 2012.
8.6.20 Teachers with positions of added responsibility will become eligible from 1 January 2012 for recognition and reward for high quality performance of their duties. This voluntary classification process will involve an evidence based performance review of the teacher concerned, by a panel consisting of three members of the Senior Leadership Team, one of whom is the teacher's usual supervisor and one of whom is the Deputy Headmaster - Staff and Community Relations. The review will involve a portfolio of evidence and supporting documentation and an interview presentation to the panel. This recognition and reward scheme will allow access to two salary increments of 3% and 7% above the salary level of that member of staff. The first of these will be at the Headmaster's approval following unanimous recommendation of the panel and will be accessible for two years. Following these two years and a review of performance of the teacher at the end of this period, a further increment of 4% will be accessed by the teacher for the remainder of the teacher's contract.
8.6.21 Operational Dates (a) HQP 1 Performance Reviews Initiated: Second week in August Performance Reviews Conducted: Term 3 Outcomes Advised: End of Term 4 Application: 1 January the following year.
(b) HQP 2 Performance Reviews Initiated: End of Term 2 Performance Reviews Conducted: By mid Term 3
Outcomes Advised: End of Term 3 Application: From first pay date in Term 4 Employees on [eave will not have their performance reviewed until six (6) months has elapsed following retum to work.
Hours of Work
Hours of Duty The ordinary hours of duty for teachers are 30 hours per week Monday to Friday.
Term Weeks In general there will be 38 teaching weeks each year and up to 5 days of programmed professional development activities during the week before the commencement of the School year. Commencing 2012, the final day of each semester each year will conclude at lunch time. The final day of Semester Two will be a Friday and no later than 4 December subject to the current pattem of term dates used by Education Queensland continuing. In the event that the pattem of term dates used by Education Queensland changes significantly the SBU will be reconvened to consider the impact of this change and whether the timing of the final day of Semester 2 should alter. The school year commencement and conclusion dates for 2012 and 2013 are as follows:-
2012 23 January - 30 November
2013 29 January - 29 November 8.7.3
Timetabled Duty Up to 80% of a teacher's ordinary hours of duty may be timetabled. Such timetabled duties shall mean subject teaching time, administrative class time, student welfare periods, assembly and programmed sport in the middle school.
Other Duties The remaining 20% of a teacher's ordinary hours of duty will comprise preparation and correction time, class supervision, playground supervision (a maximum of one 25 minute period per week per year) and other duties reasonably expected of a teacher at the School excluding activities that are subject to Clause 8.10.3. The School allocates counted class supervisions on the basis of a combined average of all teachers of 6 counted class supervisions per semester.
The aim is to have no more than 1 counted supervision per week per teacher. Supervision periods wiU be allocated after consideration of the previously allocated supervisions, the teacher's extra responsibilities, the particular specialist nature of the class to be covered, a teacher's workload that day, the availability of casual staff, the teacher's timetabled load and the School's intent that the allocation of supervision periods be equitable. 8.7.5
Teachers are entitled to a paid morning tea break of 10 minutes per day. This time shall be included in the teacher's ordinary hours of duty. Teachers are entitled to an unpaid meal break of at least 30 minutes duration per day.
8.7.6 Additional Hours (a)
Teachers may be required to undertake bus stop supervision of 40 minutes per day for one week each year.
Teachers will make themselves available for parenUteacher conferences outside normal contact time on two occasions per student per year.
Residential Camps
The current practice concerning teacher attendance at residential camps of students (Year 6: 2 nights, Year 7: 4 + 2 nights, Years 8, 9 and 10: 4 nights, Subject Camp: 4 nights) will continue. The School recognises the potential disruption to family commitments caused by the attendance at official School camps. In recognition of this, the School will reimburse a teacher who attends to supervise students and run programs a maximum amount of $50.00 for reasonable out of pocket expenses for each day that the teacher is in attendance at the approved camp provided that the teacher on each occasion has stayed a minimum of 2 nights. A request for payment shall be made to the Headmaster at least fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement of the camp and the Headmaster shall provide advice to the teacher before the camp is conducted.
Proportion of Salary 8.8.1
A teacher shall be paid from the date the teacher commences duty with the SchooL
8.8.2 A teacher who has taught or been granted leave by the School for each day of the school year shall be paid for a full calendar year commencing on 1 January. 8.8.3 A teacher who ceases duty before completing 10 teaching weeks of employment shall be paid in lieu of vacation pay an amount equal to 1/12th of their ordinary pay for the period of employment.
8.8A A teacher who ceases duty after at least 10 teaching weeks of employment shall be paid the proportion of the teacher's annual salary of that year that the teacher's service excluding school vacation periods bares to the School's academic year. 8.9
Annual Leave Loading
A teacher who has taught or been granted leave by the School for each day of the school year shall receive an annual leave loading of 17.5% of four weeks salary calcu1ated on the salary which the teacher was receiving immediately before commencing the mid summer vacation.
8.9.2 A teacher who commences employment after the beginning of the school year and:(a) (b)
has taught for at least 20 weeks; or has taught for at least for a full school term and who teaches to the end of the school year;
shall be paid a proportion of the annual leave loading that the teacher's service .excluding school vacation periods bears to the school's academic year.
8.9.3 A teacher who resigns having given the required period of notice or whose services are terminated by the School for reasons other than misconduct and who has taught for at least the full first school term shall be paid a proportion of annual leave loading that the teacher's service excluding school vacation Such loading shall be periods bears to the school's academic year. calculated upon the salary which the teacher was receiving immediately before cessation of employment.
8.9A Annual leave loading shall be paid at the commencement of the mid summer vacation or upon cessation of employment. 8.10
Special Project Allowance
A Special Project Allowance provision shall operate in accordance with Appendix A. 8.11
Teacher Specific Efficiency and Effectiveness Initiatives
8.11.1 Curriculum Review and Development The School and teachers acknowledge the current curriculum review and development underway and recognise the importance of staged implementation consistent with a well managed change process. The School and teachers agree to continue this review and development process and consistent with the consultative mechanisms provided in this Agreement agree to promote improvements in the quality of teaching and learning as contained in the School's Academic Development Plan. It is acknowledged that non-teaching staff have an important role to play in assisting the School to meet its curriculum goals.
The School and teachers acknowledge the commitment to the implementation of Dimensions of Learning as a framework for constructing and delivery of curriculum and for learning in general throughout the School. The School will provide appropriate resources to implement Dimensions of Learning. The School and teachers acknowledge the commitment to teaching and The School will provide learning in a technology rich environment. appropriate resources to support the development and use of leTs in teaching and learning. 8.11.2 Flexibility in the structuring of the School Day Flexibility in the structuring of the school day may become increasingly significant as an aspect of developments in schooling. Accordingly, the School and teachers agree to discuss and negotiate possible improvements which may be identified which would require adjustments to the current structure of the school day at the School. Provided that such changes will not increase the existing contact time for teachers. 8.11.3 Extra Curricular Activities The importance to the well being of the School of a wide variety of extracurricular activities and the importance of these activities to the overall development of the students is recognised. A well organised and beneficial extra-curricular program is essential. The School acknowledges that teachers are committed to the extra-curricular life of the School. Individual extra-curricular arrangements are described below according to several categories: (a)
Each full-time teacher and who does not hold a position of special responsibility, will receive, in addition to any SPAP allowance to which the teacher may be entitled, an allowance as appropriate to the duties performed and categorised in the Bands below. This allowance will attract superannuation entitlements;
Note: - There will be an opportunity for Heads of Department to negotiate independently with the Headmaster for an alternative "academic~ extra-curricular responsibility in lieu of one of the two expected sports/activities. Heads of Year will be required to perform alternative responsibilities related to their role in lieu of one of the two expected sports/activities. (b)
Teachers who do not contribute to the extra-curricular program will continue to be paid the appropriate salary, as contained in this Agreement. The Headmaster will retain the responsibility for deciding what constitutes bonafide sports and extra-curricular activities beyond the duties of classroom teaching practice.
Appraisal of the teacher's involvement in extra-curricular activities will be a part of the process of Developmental Appraisal. Professional Development does, and will continue, to embrace staff work in extracurricular activities (e.g. Level 1/2 etc. coaching courses for sports; referees/umpiring courses, etc). It is acknowledged that in exceptional circumstances individuals may .apply to the Headmaster for temporary relief of extra curricula activities. 8.11.4 PAR Agreement The SchooJ wishes to acknowledge the important developmental role which Heads of Departments are playing and will continue to play in curriculum and staff matters. In particular, the following ongoing expectations will be required of the role of a Head of Department 1.
Performance of Heads of Department in effective appraisal of staff members and the construction and supervision of relevant professional development programmes for department staff members.
Showing a continuing commitment to the processes of academic review and development and playing an effective, positive and leadership role in the realisation and implementation of school academic planning and development.
Strong support for and commitment to the concept of developmental and transformational leadership central to the Head of Department role at the School.
Commitment to personal professional development to maintain the Head of Department in a position of informed leadership of his/her Department.
8.11.5 Reporting Formats
Senior staff and teaching staff agree to review current reporting formats and procedures, with a view to improving further upon the quality which is currently provided to students and their parents. 8.12
Alternative Wage Structure for Teachers 8.12.1 A review of the Teacher classification structure and operational provisions will be undertaken as a commitment to supporting quality teaching and learning at the School. The process of review and implementation shall be conducted in the following terms. 8.12.2 Nature of Process The Brisbane Grammar School Single Bargaining Unit (SBU) will be convened regularly and as appropriate to review and consider this undertaking and any recommendations that may arise. 8.12.3 Terms of Reference
The review process is seeking to identify industry and world best practice. The review process is to be consultative, collaborative and researched.
8.12.4 Scope The review will examine classification structures and operational provisions including salary range, classification band scales, entry level rates, rates for experienced teachers, progression through the band scales and transition provisions to any new classification structure. 8.12.5 Relevance to other employees The SBU shall consider the outcomes of the review and negotiate as necessary wage provisions relevant to School Officers and Services Staff. 8.12.6 Implementation Implementation of any revised classification structure and operational provisions shall occur from the commencement of a calendar year. Where agreement is reached to amend this Agreement that will occur in accordance with the provisions of the Act. 8.13
Positions of Added Responsibility Review During the life of this Agreement a Working Group will be convened and shall clarify positions of PAR in the following terms: (a)
Relativities of PARs to classroom teachers on promotional rates of pay;
Revision of the relativities of Heads of Department, Heads of Year and Directors;
Clarification of the conditions of Heads of Department including: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
agreed time release; factors determining quantum of time release; and secretarial assistance; remuneration
The outcomes of the Working Group shall be determined and provided to the School by no later than July 2012. 8.14
Positions of Added Responsibility The School may appoint teachers to a position of added responsibility as set out in Appendix B of this Agreement.
Tennination of Employment 8.15.1 Teachers are entitled to notice of termination in accordance with the NES and this clause. 8.15.2 Termination by the School- Full Time Teachers
The School may terminate a full time teacher's employment upon the giving of one month's notice in writing of the termination.
Employees who are over 45 years old and who have completed at least 5 years continuous service with the School shall be entitled to an additional week's notice.
Payment in lieu of notice shall be made by the School if the appropriate notice is not given. Employment may be terminated by part of the notice period specified and part payment in lieu.
The period of notice shall not apply in the case of dismissal for serious misconduct or an employee engaged for a specific period or task.
8.15.3 Termination by the Schoof- Part Time Teachers (a)
The School may terminate a part time teacher's employment upon the giving of the following notice:-
Period of Continuous Service Less than 3 years service More than 3 years but less than 5 years More than 5 years
Period of Notice 2 weeks notice 3 weeks notice 4 weeks notice
Employees who are over 45 years old and who have completed at least 2 years continuous service with the School shall be entitled to an additional week's notice.
Payment in lieu of notice shall be made by the School if the appropriate notice is not given. Employment may be terminated by part of the period notice specified and part payment in lieu.
The period of notice shall not apply in the case of dismissal for serious misconduct or an employee engaged for a specific period or task.
8.15.4 Notice of Termination by Teacher
The notice of termination required to be given by a teacher shall be the same as that required of the School exCept that there will be no additional notice based on the age of the employee concerned.
If a teacher fails to give notice, the School shall have the right to withhold monies due to the teacher in an amount equal to the amount the employee would have received if the required notice had been served. Employment may be terminated by part of the period of notice specified and part withholding of wages in lieu of notice.
Induction All new non-teaching staff will participate in the following induction and confirmation procedures: -
Prior to appointment, the Headmaster or other nominated staff member will explain to each new non-teaching staff member this process and the requirements of staff as contained in the Staff Information Handbook;
A wrrtten job description will be provided at the time of appointment and given an opportunity to seek and receive clarification thereof;
No earlier than six weeks and no later than eight weeks after the commencement of employment of each new staff member, the staff member will be appraised in an interview involving their head of section and/or other persons appointed by the Headmaster (the "appraising staff'). Peer comment or evaluation will also be sought. The new staff member may nominate at least one fellow employee to provide peer comment.
The appraisal will be conducted with reference to the job description, the Staff Information Handbook, and the relevant appraisal document.
Data provided by the appraising staff's own observations, from peer comment or evaluation will be taken into account. other relevant data supplied by the new staff member may also be considered.
The new staff member will be informed of their perceived strengths and weaknesses identified by the appraising staff, having reasonable regard to all information available to them.
The new staff member may offer such written comments in response as the staff member deems appropriate.
Following the appraisal interview, the appraising staff will confirm in writing their advice as to strengths and weaknesses in the light of any responses made by the new staff member.
Appraising staff and the new staff member will then jointly develop strategies for overcoming any identified weaknesses and set goals in order to address those weaknesses. Within the limits of its resources and the expectations of other staff, the School will provide reasonable assistance to the new staff member in achieving those goals.
Not less than four weeks nor longer than six weeks after the appraisal, there will be a further interview between the new staff member and the appraising staff to ascertain the extent to which the goals so specified have been or are being achieved.
If, following that interview, the Headmaster considers that the goals have not been achieved to a satisfactory degree, the Headmaster will consult with the relevant Union or with any other member of staff nominated by the new staff member. A BGS representative of the
Union or another staff member nominated by the new non-teaching staff member may then consult with the new staff member with a view to providing advice on the consequences of continued failure to achieve such goals and of the staff member might do so. (v)
Within four weeks after the second interview of the new staff member, the Headmaster will consult with such other members of the School staff as the Headmaster deems appropriate and the BGS Union representative or nominated staff member.
Each person so consulted will be asked to indicate the extent to which each goal has been. achieved, and in the case of any goal not yet achieved, whether that goal is likely to be achieved in a reasonable time. They will also be invited to provide any evidence in support of their opinion and to offer any other comments which may be of assistance to the Headmaster.
In the event that the Headmaster is satisfied that such goals have been met, the Headmaster will advise the staff member accordingly. In the event that the Headmaster concludes that the said goals have not been met, then the Headmaster may terminate the new staff member's employment by notice in writing.
The new staff member may seek advice from the Union or from any other person at any stage during the process.
Annual leave 9.2.1
Non Teaching employees are entitled to annual leave in accordance with the NES and this clause.
Full time employees are entitled to four weeks paid annual leave for each completed year of service.
Part time and term time employees will be entitled to paid annual leave on a pro rata basis.
9.2.4 Annual leave is paid at the employee's ordinary wage rate for the period of the annual leave plus an additional amount of leave loading of 17.5%. 9.2.5 The School may allow an employee to take annual leave either wholly or partly in advance. Where paid leave has been granted in advance and the employee subsequently ceases employment with the School before completing the required amount of service to account for the leave provided in advance, the School is entitled to deduct the amount of leave in advance still owing from any remuneration payable to the employee upon termination of employment. 9.2.6 The School and an employee may agree for the employee to take annual leave at a particular time. However, the School may direct an employee who has at least 4 weeks accrued annual leave to take all or a part of that accrued annual leave on being given at least 4 weeks' notice. 9.2.7
The School shuts down for a period of up to 4 weeks over the Christmas and New Year period. The Headmaster will advise employees of the shutdown
period by no later than 30 June each year. All employees (except employees who have obtained prior approval from the Headmaster) will be required to take leave over this shutdown period. Employees in taking this leave will take leave in the first instance from accrued rostered days off and then accrued annual leave. 9.3
Termination of Employment 9.3.1
Employees are entitled to notice of termination in accordance with the NES and this clause.
The School may terminate an employee's employment only if the employee has been given the following notice:Period of Continuance Service Not more than 1 year More than 1 year but not more than 3 years More than 3 years but not more than 5 years More than 5 years
Period of Notice 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks
In addition to the notice above, employees who are over 45 years old and who have completed at least 2 years continuous service with the School shall be entitled to an additional week's notice.
Payment in lieu of notice shall be made by the School if the appropriate notice is not given. Employment may be terminated by part of the period of notice specified and part payment in lieu.
The period of notice shall not apply in the case of dismissal for serious misconduct, or in the case of a casual employee, or an employee engaged for a specific period or task.
9.3.6 An employee (other than a casual employee) will give the School the same notice that is required by the School to terminate the employment except that there will no additional notice based on the age of the employee concerned. If an employee fails to give notice, the School shall have the right to withhold from monies due to the employee an amount equal to the amount the employee would have received if the required notice had been served.
Recognition and Reward for High Quality Performance of Duties - Nonteaching staff 9.4.1
Two levels of salary are accessible in addition to the classified salary steps for staff who do not hold a position of added responsibility.
9.4.2 These levels to be set as 3% (High Quality performance Level 1 - HQP 1) and 7% (High Quality Performance Level 2 - HOP 2) above the highest classified salary which the staff member can otherwise access. 9.4.3 Appointment to these salary levels to be dependent upon merit performance. 9.4.4
The pre-requisite for a member of the non-teaching staff is twelve months service at the highest classification available for the employee's position.
Panel Review (a) Eligible non-teaching staff will be invited to have their performance reviewed by a performance review panel, comprised of: • • •
A member of the Senior Leadership Team, or Supervisor; The Business Manager; One other member who is nominated from a -panel agreed by the School and the IEUA-ONT.
Other non-teaching staff may be invited to be ex-officio members of a performance review panel. (b)
The review panel will assemble evidence to verify the performance of an eligible non-teacher. Where the Panel is unable to verify performance, the non-teacher will be invited to provide evidence to enable verification of high quality performance. The Performance Review Panel will make a recommendation concerning the performance of an eligible teacher and responsibility for approval of high quality performance will rest with the Headmaster.
9.4.6 Application of additional remuneration for high quality performance will be for 24 months at a time, from 1 January to 31 December. Reviews will be finalised by early December each year. 9.4.7 A staff member who completes two successive years at the first level of added remuneration will be eligible thereafter for a performance review to verify eligibility for the second level of added remuneration for high quality performance. 9.4.8
Failure to maintain exemplary performance will result in regression to a lower level of salary.
9.4.9 All non-teachers whose performance is reviewed will receive a written statement of outcomes at the end of the review period. For those nonteachers with a successful review of performance, this statement will include a relevant salary the non-teacher will receive. In the case of an unsuccessful review, the statement outcomes will indicate the developmental areas for the non-teacher concerned from the Headmaster or the Business Manager 9.4.10 For non-teaching staff performance will be adjudged according to the following areas: • • • • • • • •
professional skill and application to tasks quality of product reliability (including ability to work with low level of supervision) initiative, where appropriate ability to form part of a team, when appropriate professional collegial support client-centred focus personal presentation
9.4.11 In transitioning to this new system review time lines will be extended to 31 March 2012 with payment backdated to 1 Jan 2012.
PART 10. 10.1
Employment categories 10.1.1 Employees (other than casuals) covered by this Agreement shall be advised in writing of their employment category upon appointment. Employment categories are:
part-time (as prescribed in clause 10.2); or
casual (as prescribed in clause 10.3); or
term time (as prescribed in clause 10.4)
Part-time Employment 10.2.1 A part-time employee is an employee who: (a)
is employed for 12 or more ordinary hours but less than 38 ordinary hours per week on the basis of 52 weeks per annum; and
has reasonably predictable hours of work; and
receives, on a pro rata basis, equivalent pay and conditions to those of fulltime employees covered by this Schedule.
10.2.2 At the time of engagement, the School and the employee will agree in writing on the pattern of work: required, including specifying the number of ordinary hours per week, the days on which the work is to be performed and the normal daily starting and finishing times. 10.2.3 Any variation to the work pattern, including the normal starting and finishing times prescribed will be in accordance with methods of altering the ordinary hours of work: for full-time employees. 10.2.4 The agreed number of ordinary hours per week may be varied by mutual agreement. Any such agreed variation to the number of weekly hours of work will be recorded in writing. 10.2.5 All time worked outside the spread of ordinary working hours and the employees normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours will be overtime and paid as such. 10.2.6 A part-time employee must be paid for ordinary hours worked at the rate of 1/38th of the weekly rate prescribed for the class of work performed.
10.2.7 Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day. 10.3
Casual Employment
10.3.1 A casual employee is an employee engaged as such. 10.3.2 A casual employee shall be paid an hourly rate equal to the appropriate weekly rate divided by 38 plus the casual loading outlined be10w. Date From the first pay period commencing on or after approval by FWA 1 July 2012 1 Julv 2013
Casual Loading 24% 24.5% 25%
10.3.3 A casual employee will be engaged and paid for a minimum of three hours for each engagement.
10.3.4 A casual employee who has been engaged on a regular and systematic basis for several periods of employment during a period of months may elect to have his or her employment converted to full time or part time employment depending on the number of hours regularly worked over the previous 12 month period. The School may consent to or refuse such election but shall not unreasonably refuse such election. Any disputes over conversion will be managed through the Grievance and Dispute Resolution clause. 10.4
Term Time Employment
10.4.1 A term-time employee shall be paid an hourly rate for ordinary hours worked equal to the appropriate weekly full-time rate divided by 38.
10.4.2 Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day.
employee" is a continuing employee engaged to work:
38 ordinary hours per week but less than 52 weeks per annum; or
Less than 38 ordinary hours per week and less than 52 weeks per annum.
10.4.4 The following list of services at the School shall be excluded from Term-time employment:
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
cleaning; maintenance; greenkeeping; security; nurses.
10.4.5 It is acknowledged that nurses only work term time. However, their working arrangements do not fit within the definition of term time employees and, as such, they are engaged as other categories of employees or pursuant to individual flexibility agreements. 10.5
Junior Employees The rates of pay for junior employees Grade A or B shall be as follows:Percentage of Appropriate Adult Minimum Rate
Age Under 17 years of age 17 and under 18 years of age 18 and under 19 years of age
19 and under 20 years of aae 20 and under 21 years of a e 10.6
50 60 70 80 90
Hours of work 10.6.1 Ordinary Hours of Work (a)
Subject to clause 10.6.3, the ordinary hours of work for all employees shall be an average of 38 per week, to be worked on one of the following bases: (i)
38 hours within a work cycle not exceeding 7 consecutive days; or
76 hours within a work cycle not exceeding 14 consecutive days; or
114 hours within a work cycle not exceeding 21 consecutive days; or
152 hours within a work cycle not exceeding 28 consecutive days; or
an average of 38 hours per week within a work cycle of up to 12 months for nurses, where mutual agreement is reached between the School and the nurse involved.
The ordinary hours of work will be worked on not more than 5 days in a week, Monday to Sunday indusive.
Ordinary hours of work will be undertaken within the following spread of hours:(i)
Catering staff and bus drivers - 6:00am to 10:00pm
(ii) (iii) (iv)
Nurses - No spread of hours Security, cleaners and caretakers - 6:00am to 6:00pm Grounds staff and maintenance employees - 5:30am to 6:00pm
The ordinary starting and finishing times of individual employees may be staggered provided that there is agreement between the School and the majority of employees concerned.
Work done outside of the ordinary hours outlined above will be paid at overtime rates.
The ordinary hours of work will be worked continuously, except for meal breaks.
The ordinary hours of work prescribed herein shall not exceed 10 hours any day: Provided that where the ordinary working hours are to exceed 8 on any day the arrangement of hours shall be subject to the agreement of the School and the majority of employees involved.
The ordinary hours for all permanent employees shall be worked according to a roster showing the starting and finishing times on each day. The roster shall be prepared by the School and shall be posted in a conspicuous place or places accessible to the employees concerned. Such roster may be altered by mutual consent at any time or by the School giving at least 7 days' notice to the employee or employees concemed.
The School will provide employees with a rostered day off each 4 weeks. An employee may request to work their ordinary hours over a 9 day fortnight. The School may grant such a request if the School's operational requirements are met.
10.6.2 Procedures for enterprise level discussions (a)
The School and all employees concerned shall consult over the most appropriate means of working a 38 hour week.
The objective of such consultation shall be to reach agreement on the method of working the 38 hour week.
The outcome of such consultation shall be recorded in writing.
In cases where agreement cannot be reached as a result of consultation between the parties, either party may request the assistance or advice of their relevant employee or School representative.
Notwithstanding the consultative procedures outlined above, and notwithstanding any lack of agreement by employees, the School shall have the right to make the final determination as to the method by which the 38 hour week is implemented or worked from time to time.
Upon giving 7 days notice or such shorter period as may be mutually agreed upon, the method of working the 38 hour week may be altered, from time to time, following negotiations between the School and employees concerned.
10.6.3 Method of payment for ordinary hours of work Ordinary hours for all employees shall be paid on the basis of not more than 38 per week, on an averaged basis according to the work cycle, notwithstanding that in excess of 38 ordinary hours may be worked to maximise leisure time off. 10.7
Meal breaks
10.7.1 Except as provided herein employees shall be entitled to a daily meal break of not less than one hour between the 4th and 6th hours from the commencement of worle Provided that the daily meal break may be reduced to 30 minutes where mutually agreed by the School and the employee. 10.8
Rest pauses
10.8.1 Full time employees Full time employees shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes duration in the 1st and 2nd half of each day worked or may be combined into one 20 minute rest break. Where rest pauses are combined the working day shall be divided into 3 approximately equal periods of work. 10.8.2 Casual and part time employees Casual and part time employees who work a mInImum of 4 consecutive ordinary hours but less than 8 consecutive ordinary hours on anyone day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration. Casual and part time employees who work a minimum of 8 consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal break) shall be entitled to the same rest pauses as prescribed for full time employees. 10.8.3 Rest pauses shall be taken in the School's time. 10.8.4 Rest pauses shall be taken at times to suit the convenience of the School so as not to interfere with the continuity of work where continuity is necessary. 10.9
Weekend Work
10.9.1 An employee required to work ordinary hours on a Saturday or Sunday shall receive, in addition to their ordinary time rate of pay a penalty payment as set out below (a)
Catering Staff:Saturday - 25% of the ordinary time rate. Sunday - 50% of the ordinary time rate.
Nurses:Saturday - 50% of the ordinary time rate.
Sunday - 75% of the ordinary time rate. (c)
Security, Cleaners, Bus Drivers and Caretakers:Saturday - 50% of the ordinary time rate. Sunday - 50% of the ordinary time rate.
Grounds staff and Maintenance Employees:Saturday - 50% of the ordinary time rate. Sunday - 100% of the ordinary time rate.
10.10 Shift Work for Nurses and Security Guards 10.10.1
Nurses and Security Guards may be required to undertake shift work in accordance with this clause.
Afternoon Shift - Extra Payment
"Afternoon Shift~ means a shtft where a majority of hours are worked after twelve midday and are finished at or after 6:00pm.
Afternoon shift workers shall be paid an allowance of 12.5% for each shift of ordinary hours.
Night shift - Extra Payment
"Night shiftD is a shift commencing at or after 6:00pm or before 7:30am the following day, the major portion of which is worked between 6:00pm and 7:30am.
Night shift workers shall be paid an allowance of 15% for each shift of ordinary hours.
Afternoon and night shift allowances shall not apply on Saturday and Sunday when extra payments for weekend work apply.
10.11 Overtime 10.11.1
All time worked in excess of or outside of the ordinary hours of work, contained in clause 10.6.1 'Ordinary Hours of Work, will be deemed overtime.
All overtime in anyone day, except as otherwise provided, will be paid for at 1 1/2 times the ordinary rate for the first 3 hours and double time thereafter. Should an employee commence overtime within 3 hours of the usual starting time, the employee will be paid at the rate of time and one-half for such time preceding the usual starting time, but thereafter at ordinary rates.
An employee recalled to work overtime after leaving the employee's business premises (whether notified before or after leaving the premises) will be paid for a minimum of 3 hours' work at the appropriate rate.
If an employee is called upon to work overtime commencing on Saturday or Sunday the employee will be paid for a minimum of 3 hours. All overtime work done on Sundays will be paid for at double the ordinary rate of payment. (a)
Any employee required to work overtime on a Saturday or Sunday beyond the 5th hour of such overtime, will be entitled to an unpaid meal break of 30 minutes.
Should the employee be required to continue such overtime beyond 9 hours, the employee will be entitled to a further break or 30 minutes for which no deduction of pay will be made.
After each further 4 hours of overtime, the employee will be entitled to a 45 minute break for which no deduction of pay will be made, provided that the employee is required to continue working thereafter.
Further, the School will supply a reasonable meal at the School's expense, at all paid breaks which are prescribed, or pay an allowance of $12.00 in lieu thereof.
When any portion of an hour'S overtime is worked, the employee will receive payment in respect of any broken part of an hour for not less than 1/4 of an hour at current overtime rates.
When any portion of a meal break is worked, such portion will be paid for at double rates. If more than half the meal break is worked, the employee will continue to receive double rates until the School gives the employee a meal break.
Employees who are required to continue work after their usual ceasing time will be entitled to a 30 minute crib break after 2 hours, or after one hour if overtime continues beyond 6.00 p.m. After each further period of 4 hours the employee will be allowed 45 minutes for crib. No deduction of pay will be made in respect of any such crib breaks.
An employee who works so much overtime between the termination of the employee's ordinary work. on one day, and the commencement of the employee's ordinary work on the next day that the employee has not had at least 10 consecutive hours off duty between those times will be released after completion of such overtime until the employee has had ten consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence. If on the instructions of the School such an employee resumes or continues work without having had such 10 consecutive hours off duty, the employee will be paid double rates until the employee is released from duty for such period until the employee has had ten consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence.
For overtime worked in any calling in or in connection with which more than one shfft per day is worked, employees will be paid not less than double their ordinary rates of wages.
10.12 Unifonns 10.12.1
PART 11.
Contract of employment 11.1.1
Employees who have a provision of uniform as a condition of employment shall, upon appointment, be provided with 5 uniforms and replacements upon demonstration of "fair wear and tear". It shall be the responsibility of the employee to maintain and launder such uniforms.
Each employee (other than a casual employee) shall be advised in writing at point of engagement and at other times when varied in accordance with this Schedule, the following: (a)
The nature of engagement as either full-time or such other category as provided in clause 11.1.2.
If not full-time, the weeks the employee is to be employed.
The days of the week the employee is to be employed.
The normal starting and finishing time for each day's employment.
The duration of the engagement in respect of employment for a fixed period.
Employment categories are: (a)
full-time which means an employee engaged to work 38 ordinary hours per week on the basis of 52 weeks per annum;
part-time (as prescribed in clause 11.2);
casual (as prescribed in clause 11.3); or
term-time employee (as prescribed in clause 11.4).
The School may vary the terms of engagement of any employee other than a casual employee by providing 2 weeks' notice of such changes unless it is mutually agreed between the School and employee for a shorter period of time.
Part-time employment 11.2.1
A part-time employee is an employee who: (a)
is employed for less than 38 ordinary hours per week on the basis of 52 weeks per annum; and
has reasonably predictable hours of work; and
receives, on a pro rata basis, equivalent pay and conditions to those of full-time employees covered by this Schedule.
At the time of engagement, the School and the employee will agree in writing on the pattern of work required, including specifying the number of ordinary hours per week, the days on which the work is to be performed and the normal daily starting and finishing times.
Any variation to the work pattern, including the normal starting and finishing times prescribed will be in accordance with methods of altering the ordinary hours of work for full-time employees.
The agreed number of ordinary hours per week may be varied by mutual agreement. Any such agreed variation to the number of weekly hours of work. will be recorded in writing.
All time worked outside the spread of ordinary working hours and the employees normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours will be overtime and paid as such.
A part-time employee must be paid for ordinary hours worked at the rate of 1/38th of the weekly rate prescribed for the class of work. performed.
Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day.
Casual employment 11.3.1
Casual employee means an employee engaged and paid as such and who is employed by the hour.
A casual employee shall be paid an hourly rate equal to the appropriate weekly rate divided by 38 plus the casual loading outlined below. Date From the first pay period commencing on or after approval by FWA 1 July 2012 1 July 2013
11.3.3 11.4
Casual'Loading 24%
24.5% 25%
A casual employee will be engaged and paid for a minimum of three hours for each engagement.
Term Time Employment 11.4.1
A term-time employee shall be paid an hourly rate for ordinary hours worked equal to the appropriate weekly full-time rate divided by 38.
Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day.
38 ordinary hours per week but less than 52 weeks per annum; or
Less than 38 ordinary hours per week and less than 52 weeks per annum.
Recognition of previous service for salary purposes 11.5.1
"Term-time employee" is a continuing employee engaged to work:
Recognition of years of service for salary purposes shall include all previous service as a school officer within the non-government education industry at or above the classification level of the position to which the employee was appointed during the previous five years before appointment to Brisbane Grammar School.
Junior Employees The rates of pay for junior employees at Level 1 only shall be as follows:
Percentage of appropriate adult minimum rate
% 16 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and
under 17 years under 18 years under 19 years under 20 years under 21 years
of age of age of age of age of aQe
50 60 70 80 90
Juniors appointed to level 2 positions or above shall be paid the appropriate rate for that level. 11.7
Annualisation of Salary- Term Time School Officers 11.7.1 The School will offer assistance to any term time school officer employee who wishes to annualise their salaries. The assistance would include: (i) Advice as to the amount of wages that the employee would need to bank separately into a subsidiary account in order to provide sufficient funds for them to draw upon during non-term time, including worked examples;
(if) Assistance with information about establishing subsidiary accounts; (iii) making requested payment free of charge to one subsidiary account for the purpose of enabling a term time employee to annualise their salary. 11.7.2 Notwithstanding 11.7.1, a School Officer who works less than a full year may agree with the School to have their wages averaged out over the full year. Where such agreement exists, it shall be recorded in writing between the School and the employee affected. A copy of such record must be kept as part of the time and wages record.
Hours of Work 11.8.1 The ordinary hours of work for an employee shall not exceed an average of 38 hours per week over a work cycle of up to 4 weeks. 11.8.2 Such ordinary hours of work shall be worked continuously (except for meal breaks) between 7.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays inclusive. 11.8.3 The normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours shall be established at the point of engagement and may only be varied by the School with 2 weeks' notice, or shorter period by mutual agreement. 11.8.4 The ordinary starting and finishing times of individual employees may be staggered provided that there is agreement between the School and the majority of employees concerned. 11.8.5 The School provides employees with a rostered day off each 4 weeks. An employee may request to work their ordinary hours over a 9 day fortnight. The School may grant such a request if the School's operational requirements are met.
Overtime 11.9.1
All time worked outside of the hours prescribed in clause 4.1 and the normal starting and finishing times shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half for the first 3 hours and double time thereafter.
11.10 Rest pauses 11.10.1 Full-time employees shall receive a paid rest pause of 10 minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of each day worked. 11.10.2 Employees other than full-time who work a minimum of 4 consecutive ordinary hours but no more than 6 consecutive ordinary hours on anyone day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration. Employees who work in excess of 6 consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal break) on anyone day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of the period worked. 11.10.3 Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with continuity of work where continuity is necessary. 11.10.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the School and the employees agree the rest pauses may be combined. 11.11 Meal break An employee shall be entitled to an unpaid meal break of not less than half an hour and not more than one hour per working day.
1. ELIGIBILITY 1.1. A Special Project Allowance is available to a teacher who: (i) (ii)
has held appoinlmenl at Ihe School lor a minimum 01 twelve (12) months; and completes the requirements set out in Clause 2 below.
1.2. The School will initiate advice to the teacher regarding the teacher's eligibility to apply for a Special Project Allowance which will be:
(i) (ii)
in writing and identify the date of eligibility; and provided in a timely manner prior to the date of eligibility.
2.1. The teacher will submit to the Headmaster a brief (2xA4 maximum) personal statement of educational philosophy and principles underlying the teacher's practice. The statement of educational philosophy and principles shall not be in conflict with Clauses 3.1 and 3.2 of this agreement. And 2.2. The teacher will submit to the Headmaster a Special Project Allowance Action Plan which identifies the task(s) the teacher will undertake as a classroom teacher which will advance the School's operation and effectiveness in at least one of the following areas: • • • • • • • • •
Curriculum design Curriculum development Classroom delivery of curriculum Evaluation of curriculum Assessment of students Pastoral care of students Extra curricular program Professional development of other teachers Mentoring of one or more teachers
The Special Project Action Plan may involve one or more of the following task areas: • • • • • •
Development of a new or significantly revised unit of work in an academic or pastoral program Responsibility for co-ordination of the work program and testing at a particular level in a Department Leading other staff in a significant in-service training Managing academic competitions for a Department Providing specific mentoring for other teachers other than students on practicum Taking a significant role in QCST preparation
• • • • • • • • • •
Running an academic co-curricular program Involvement in peer supervision Involvement in teaching demonstration and modelling Collaborative classroom inquiry into an aspect of student leaming Inservice organisation/delivery (not covered by payment under this agreement) Additional competitions (not covered by payment under this agreement) Delivery of papers at relevant conferences Co-ordinating and producing special events Modelling lessons in the Personal Development Program Developing and delivering a series of lectures/lessons on a Personal Development Program topic
The tasks are an indicative list only. 2.3. The Special Project Action Plan and the annual review must initially be discussed and negotiated with a delegated person (appropriate Head of Department, Head of Year or Director of Activities/MIC) and when mutually agreed signed by the teacher and the delegated person. When agreed to by the Headmaster the Special Project Action Plan shall be signed by the teacher and Headmaster. 2.4. A teacher shall review and revise, if necessary, the Special Project Action Plan each year and submit this to the Headmaster by the end of each academic year. 2.5. At the completion of the task(s) identified in the Special Project Action Plan the teacher shall submit a report to the delegated person and when mutually agreed signed by the teacher and the delegated person. The signed report shall be forwarded to the Headmaster. 3. CLASSROOM ALLOCATION
3.1. The task(s) of a Special Project Allowance will not be so frequent or onerous as to detract from the teacher's primary role as a classroom teacher. 3.2. It is not expected that the Special Project Action Plan shall operate for an extended period of time. Some tasks may involve time per week over an extended period, while other tasks may require a more intensive time commitment at a particular point in the year. A Special Project Action Plan should be framed mindful of the other time commitments the teacher may have with respect to personal study and extra curricular commitments for example. 4. GRIEVANCE
4.1. If a teacher does not comply with the tenns of the undertaking in Clause 2 above the Headmaster will: (i) (ii)
outline the nature of the non-compliance, in writing, to the teacher; and provide the teacher with adequate opportunity to explain/redress the situation.
4.2. If the teacher does not provide an explanation to the satisfaction of the Headmaster and after being given an opportunity, fails to address the situation, then:
(i) (ii)
the Headmaster or Deputy Headmaster will provide a written determination to the teacher outlining the teachers non-compliance with the undertaking; and the teacher will revert back to his or her appropriate classification for a period of 12 months from the date of the Headmaster's written determination.
4.3. After the 12 month period referred to in Clause 6.2 (ii) expires, the teacher is again eligible for access to a Special Project Allowance provided that the Headmaster is satisfied that the second undertaking given will be honoured. 4.4. Any teacher aggrieved by the decision not to appoint or to remove their Special Project Allowance or to refuse them a further Special Project Allowance, may access the dispute resolution procedure. 5. REMUNERATION 5.1. Remuneration payable for a Special Allowance is at the rate prescribed in Appendix I. Remuneration shall be paid from the date of eligibility provided that the teacher completes the requirements consistent with Clause 2 prior to that date. Where the teacher provides an undertaking consistent with Clause 2, after the eligibility date, remuneration shall be paid from the date the undertaking is provided to the Headmaster. 6. FIXED TERM EMPLOYEES 6.1. In the case of a full-time fixed term employee, then in addition to satisfying the conditions of Clause 2, a fixed term teacher can access to the Special Project Allowance only if the teacher obtains an engagement for a period of at least three (3) school terms.
7. ELIGIBILITY OF PART路TIME EMPLOYEES 7.1. In the case of a teacher employed on a part-time basis of at least 0.4 of a full time employee, such a teacher may access a Special Project Allowance through the process identified in Clause 2 and shall receive a proportional salary rate based on the salary rate of a Special Project Allowance. 7.2. Task(s) undertaken by a part-time teacher will reflect the proportion of time employed at the school. No additional hours shall be paid to the part-time teacher for undertaking the Special Project Action Plan. 7.2.1. In the case of a part-time employee, then in addition to satisfying the conditions of Clause 2, a part-time teacher can access a Special Project Allowance only if the teacher obtains engagement for a period of at least three (3) school terms. 7.2.2. In cases where a Special Project Allowance is not accessed by a part-time employee, then there can be no School requirement of expectation that tasks consistent with the Special Project provision will be performed.
General Definitions
Positions of added responsibility shall mean the positions of Senior Administrator, Head of Department and Teacher-in-Charge.
Classification Definitions (a) Senior Administrator - A Senior Administrator shall be a teacher apPointed as such. (b) Positions of added responsibilities (i) Head of Department - Level 4 shall be a teacher appointed as such where the number of students enrolled in secondary classes exceeds 1000 and where:
the subject or subjects concerned occupies 140 hours or more in the weekly teaching program of the school; and
B. the teacher has sale responsibility for management of the subject or subject area. Release time for a teacher appointed to this classmcation shall be 50% of the hours of duty prescribed in the Agreement. Provided that such release time shall be inclusive of time normally provided a teacher for performance of duties other than rostered face to face teaching. Provided further that the total amount of required time does not exceed the maximum set out in the Agreement. (ii) Head of Department - Level 3 - shall be a teacher appointed as such in a school where the number of students enrolled in secondary classes exceeds 300 and where: A. the subject or subject area concerned occupies 65 and up to 140 hours in the weekly teaching program of the school; and the teacher has sole responsibility for the subject or subject area; or B. the subject or subject area concerned occupies 140 hours or more; and the teacher accepts a shared responsibility for the subject or subject area (ie. there are sub-department Heads). Release time for a teacher appointed to this classification shall be between 45% and 50% of the hours of duty prescribed in the Agreement. Provided that such release time shall be inclusive of time normally provided a teacher for performance of duties other than rostered face to face teaching. Provided further that the total amount of required time does not exceed the maximum set out in the Agreement.
(iii) Head of Department - Level 2 - shall be a teacher appointed as such where:
A the subject or subject area concerned occupies 45 and up to 65 hours in the weekly teaching program; and the teacher accepts sole responsibility for the subject or subject area concerned; or B. the subject or subject area concerned occupies 65 and up to 140 hours; and
the teacher accepts a share responsibility for the subject or subject area (ie. there are sub-department Heads). Release time for a teacher appointed to this classification shall be between 35% and 40% of the hours of duty prescribed in the Agreement. Provided that such release time shall be inclusive of time normally provided a teacher for performance of duties other than rostered face to face teaching. Provided further that the total amount of required time does not exceed the maximum set out in the Agreement. (iv) Head of Department - Level 1 - shall be a teacher appointed as such where the subject or subject area concerned occupies 30 and up to 45 hours in the weekly teaching program. Release time for a teacher appointed to this classification shall be between 30% and 35% of the hours of duty prescribed in the Agreement. Provided that such release time shall be inclusive of time normally provided a teacher for performance of duties other than rostered face to face teaching. Provided further that the total amount of required time does not exceed the maximum set out in the Agreement. (v) Teacher-in-Charge - shall be a teacher appointed as such where the subject area or areas concerned occupy fewer than 30 hours of the weekly teaching program and the teacher accepts sale responsibility for the administration of such subject or subject areas. Release time for a Teacher-in-Charge shall, where the subject or subject areas occupies between 16 - 29 hours, shall be up to 30% of the hours of duty prescribed in the Agreement. Provided that such release time shall be inclusive of time normally provided a teacher for performance of duties other than rostered face to face teaching. Provided further that the total amount of required time does not exceed the maximum set out in the Agreement.
The School shall determine the classification of a position through the following process.
An analysis is to be undertaken to establish the skills and responsibilities required for each identified position and a position description written for each position.
Each position is classified by reference to the classification criteria set out in clause 4. using the position description developed in accordance with clause 1(a).
Employees are appointed to a position at the appropriate level within the structure and to a step in the level according to experience based on years of service.
If at any time an employee or the School considers that the skills and responsibilities
as required by the School for a position have altered or do not reflect the classification determined, a review of the classification applicable to the position is to be undertaken in accordance with clause 1 and an appropriate classification determined. However, except in exceptional circumstances such as a change in the skill and/or responsibility required, or a change in the conditions under which the work is performed, no employee shall be permitted to seek a reclassmcation of their position on more than one occasion in a 12-month period. 3
Where a disagreement arises as to the outcome of a classification review, it will be dealt with under the grievance procedure contained in this Agreement. The person who made the decision about the classification review shall, wherever possible participate in the grievance procedure.
Classification criteria a
Classification criteria are guidelines to determine the appropriate classification level and consist of characteristics and typical duties and skills.
b The characteristics are the principal guide to classification as they are designed to indicate the level of basic knowledge, comprehension of issues, problem and procedures required, the level of autonomy, accountability supervision/training involved with the position. The characteristics of a level must be read as a whole to gain an understanding of the position and the performance requirements. Isolated characteristics should not be used to justify the classification of a position. c
The typical duties/skills are a non-exhaustive list of duties/skills that may be comprehended within the particular level. They reflect the competencies of a particular level. They are an indicative guide only and at any particular level employees may be expected to undertake duties of any level lower than their own. Employees at any particular [evel may perform/utilise one such duty/skill or many of them depending on the particular work allocated to them. Typical duties/skills should not be used as the primary determinant in classifying employees but may be useful if the characteristics of a level cannot be easily applied in an individual instance.
d e
Some of the Characteristics have been included in the Typical SkilislDuties at each level. Where there is inconsistency between the Characteristics and the Typical Skills/Duties, the Characteristics will prevail over the Typical Skills/Duties. The key issue to be looked at in properly classifying an employee is the level of initiative, responsibility/accountability, competency and skill that an employee is required to exercise in performing the employee's work within the parameters of the characteristics, read as a whole, of the position. It should be noted that some typical duties/skills appear at one level only while others appear at more than one level. Because of this, the classification or reclassification of a position needs to be done by reference to the specffic characteristics of the level. As an example, because an employee may be utilising a skill comprehended at a higher level than that to which the employee has been appointed, the employee assumes the level of initiative, accountability/responsibility, skill and competency envisaged by the characteristics of the higher level. Positions of all School Officers will be classified according to this Appendix.
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Competency at this
Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills
Competency at this level involves appllcation of
Competency at this level involves self directed application of knowledge with
to a range of tasks
depth in some areas and a broad range of
Competency at this level involves application of knowledge with depth in some areas and a broad range of
There is a defined range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear
There is a range of roles and tasks in a variety of contexts
There is a wide variety of tasks and roles in a variety of contexts.
There is limited complexity of choice of actions required
There is some complexity in the extent and choice of actions required
There is complexity in the ranges and choice of actions required
Competencies are normally checked within established routines, methods and procedures
Competencies are normally used within routines, methods and procedures
Competencies are normally used within a variety of routines, methods and procedures
level involves application of knowledge and skills to a limited range of
tasks and roles.
There is a specific range of context where the choice of actions is clear.
Competencies are normally used within established routines, methods and procedures that are predictable.
and roles
knowledge with
substantial depth in
some areas
A range of technical and/or other skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts.
Competencies are normally used independently and both routinely and non routinely.
Level 6
Level 7
Competency at this directed development and application of professional knowledge in a specialised area/s and utilising a broad ranoe of skills
Competency at this level involves the use of initiative in self directed development and application of expert knowledge with extensive recognised expertise in some areas
A broad range of professional skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts.
A breadth and depth of professional skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts.
A proportion of competencies involve complex, specialized or professional functions.
A high proportion of competencies involve significant scope and/or complex, specialized or professional functions.
Competencies are used independently and are substantially non-routine with initiative being exercised in the
Duties of an innovative and/or critical nature are undertaken without professional direction and
level involves self
Page 65 of 105
c"' .......
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
LevelS application of professional practices
Level 7 initiative is exercised in the application of professional practices
Judgement against established criteria is involved.
Discretion and judgement about possible actions is involved in some
Some discretion and judgement are involved in selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.
Discretion and judgement are required for self and/or others in planning, selection of equipment, work organisation, services actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.
Discretion and judgement are
Significant discretion and judgement are required in planning, design, professional, technical or supervisory functions related to services, operations or processes for self and/or others.
Significant discretion and independent judgement are required within constraints set by management.
required in planning and selecting appropriate equipment, service tech niques and work organisation for self and/or others.
,- Work IE .......................................... s ... ~--~
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 7
Work is performed under close supervision either as an individual or in a team environment.
Works under direct and/or routine supervision depending on function.
Works under limited supervision.
Work is carried out under general supervision.
Works under general supervision and/or broad guidance depending on function.
Works under limited guidance in accordance with broad plan or strategy.
Work is usually performed under general guidance with limited or no professional supervision.
Work is regularly checked.
Work is intermittently checked.
Work may be checked inJelation to overall progress
Work is usually measured in terms of the achievement of stated objectives to agreed standards.
The general quality of work is monitored by school management and is subject to staled obiectives and Page 66 of 105
_ .. _.w ............... _ .... ____ w._." Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Less direct guidance and some autonomy may be involved when working in teams.
May take the form of general guidance where working in teams is involved.
May take the form of broad guidance.
Progress and outcomes sought are under general guidance.
May involve detailed instructions in some situations;
May involve a level of autonomy when working in teams.
Level 6
Level 7 professional standards.
May be less direct than at lower levels and usually be related to task methodology and work practices. May involve a level of autonomy in accordance with a broad plan or budget slrateQY.
Page 67 of 105
s""' ....... "'.................. f Oth,....... Levell
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
An employee at this level will have no supervisory
Within a team
Peer assistance and guidance may be provided to others.
The work of others may be supervised
The work of others may be supervised
An employee may have limited responsibility of the work of others
Responsibility for the work and organisation of others in limited
Responsibility for the planning and management of the work of others may be involved
responsibility for some roles and coordination may be
Level 7
Responsibility and accountability for the supervision and monitoring of the work of others and
Responsibility for the setting and
of workflow in the area of responsibility may be involved. An experienced employee may assist others by providing peer
Team co~ordjnation may be required
Teams may be guided or facilitated.
Teams maybe
Training of subordinate staff may be required.
Supervision and training of lower level
support and
guidance in the completion of routine tasks
slaff may be
achieving of objectives by a work
section and its staff may be involved.
Leadership and development of teams and responsibility for outcomes may be required.
Responsibility for assessment, training and development and performance counselling of staff mav be reauired.
Page 68 of 105
Qualifications Level 1 Junior Certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.
Level 2 Junior Certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.
Level 3 Tertiary qualifications at Certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.
Level 4 Tertiary qualifications at Certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.
Level 5 Tertiary qualifications at Associate Diploma/Diploma level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required by the employer or knowledge, qualifications and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the I position.
LevelS Relevant formal qualifications at degree level are required.
Level 7 Formal qualifications at degree level are required, along with relevant post graduate qualifications or extensive and relevant experience as required by the employer to reflect higher levels of professional outcomes.
Page 69 of 105
Typical Duties/Skills
... mDlovee Assisting Student Learn!n 9 E Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 • Assist developmentally appropriate student learning, either individually or in groups, under the direct supervision of an academic staff member where limited discretion and judgement are involved. • Under direct supervision of a higher level officer or members of the academic staff prepare and clear away materials for display/use in classrooms or libraries. Perform within well established routines tasks associated with
Assist developmentally appropriate student learning, either individually or in groups, where some discretion and judgement are involved in evaluating and assessing (under the supervision of an academic staff member(s)) the learning needs of students. Within routines, methods and procedures carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student's family where some discretion and judgement are involved.
Level 4
Level 6
Assist developmentally appropriate
• Apply a range of technical and
Apply a range of
Undertake more
student learning,
involving the self-directed
individually or in groups, under
the general supervision of an academic staff member(s). Employees at this level are required to exercise discretion and judgement to modify education programmes to meet the learning needs of specific students. Carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student's family where discretion and
other skills
application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualificat ions applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: developing the framework for and providing the instruction to students (within a structured learning environment) under the general
knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate
Level 7
professional activities involving the selection and application, based on professional degree. This may judgement, of new include: the and existing gathering, analysis techniques and and interpretation methodologies of data; or requiring the preparation of exercise of reports and the professional consequent giving independence of advice to other combined with professional staff to competence assist student derived from learning; or extensive providing pastoral experience and/or ministry; or additional study. providing Undertake counselling and/or supervisory guidance support responsibilities for students. which may include Provide on the job training, professional advice staff assessment to staff and and performance students in the counselling in officer's area of relation to staff in expertise or lower level qualification. positions. Page 70 of 105
Level 1
Level 2
the mass production of printed material including collating, stapling, binding, folding, cutting, etc Under direct and lor routine supervision, peliorm tasks of limited complexity, associated with classroom learning experiences, such as assisting teachers in preparing, implementing and supervising learning programs. Support students in relation to their physical needs.
Level 3
Level 4
supervision of an academic
judgement are required in relation to planning, actions and
students in relation to their physical needs
where some
discretion and judgement are
outcomes. Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures provide
significant assistance in the enrolment, family liaison and placement of overseas students.
Level 7 Operate and be
accountable tor the
staff member(s);
quality of output of
providing pastoral ministry and support for students.
a section or function within the school.
Under broad
guidance, supervise the operations of the school's processes and activities in relation to overseas students. This may include: enrolment; family liaison; and placement.
Page 71 of 105
........ ula~ ....
_.11 loyees E
Level 1 • Prepare and clean away materials for display/use in class room under instruction of a higher level officer or member of the academic staff. • Carry out minor maintenance of equipment and material.
Level 2 • Provide science program assistance where limited discretion and judgement are involved • Maintain science equipment, materials and specimens not requiring a depth of knowledge or technical skills. • Under the direct supervision of an academic staff member(s) prepare and maintain laboratory teaching areas including routine setting up and dismantling of items of eqUipment for use in experimental, observational and teaching activities
Level 3 • Provide science program assistance where some discretion and judgement are involved. • Assist in the design/demonstr ation of experiments under supervision of an academic staff member(s) where some discretion and judgement are involved. • Under direction, prepare, maintain, organize, set-up and dismantle equipment and materials for routine experiments or student projects and dispose of waste materials. • Peer assistance
Level 4 • Responsibility for andlor training of subordinate staff in limited areas may be required. • Design and demonstrate experiments, within a variety of routines and procedures, under the supervision of an academic staff members(s) where discretion and judgement are required. • Where there is complexity in the range and choice of action and discretion and judgement are required: prepare, maintain and dispense solutions, chemical mixtures, compounds and cultures; prepare,
Level 5
Level 7
• Apply a range of technical and other skills involving the selfdirected application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualificati ons applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: designing laboratory experiments; and appropriate responsibility for the application of workplace health and safety requirements in the laboratory
Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree. Operate (at a level consistent with the qualifications required) a laboratory. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, monitoring and training of staff in lower level positions. Administer the allocation and monitoring of resources in the laboratory. Support employees reporting to the position in policies be followed, to methods to be used and standards to be
Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree and post graduate qualifications and/or other professional development and/or industry experience.
Responsibility for the operation of a laboratory which provides complex and varied services. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, monitoring and training of professional staff and staff in lower level positions. Manaae the Page 72 of 105
Level 2
Level 3
â&#x20AC;˘ Assist in the demonstration of experiments and
and/or guidance may be provided for other assistants in a laboratory. â&#x20AC;˘ Under direction and within existing routines, methods and procedures, prepare, maintain and dispense stock solutions, simple chemical mixtures and compounds, cultures or similar materials.
scientific equipment under the direct supervision of an academic staff member(s).
Lavel4 maintain, organise, set-up and dismantle equipment and material for
observed. Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer's area of expertise. Formulate policy procedural and guidelines in employee's the area of responsibility; submit recommendations for decision and prepare supporting statements as necessary.
allocation and monitoring of resources in the laboratory. Responsibility for direction and support of employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed. Provide subject matter expertise and/or policy advice across a range of programs or activities undertaken by the organizational area. Formulate policies and provide specialist advice on policy development to senior manaaement.
Page 73 of 105
ticn E,
, . . ... " " ' . . . . . . , R_. _ ••
Level 2
Level 3
Use keyboard skills to produce a document from written text using a standard format.
Use keyboard skills to produce a document from written text using a standard format.
Attend at front counter and refer enquiries to the appropriate member of staff.
Receive and deal with enquiries within well established routines" including the provision of general information and assistance to the public, parents, students and other employees.
Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking.
Perform a range of general clerical duties at a basic level, for example, filing, handling mail, maintaining records.
Carry out a wide range of secretarial and clerical duties at an advanced level, including, typing, word processing and maintaining manual and computerized records. Respond to enquiries from staff, students, parents and the general public and address issues in accordance with routines, methods and procedures. Enter financial data into computer and prepare financial and management reports for review and _~uthorization by
Provide administrative support to senior management of a school where discretion and judgment are required, including: taking minutes;; organizing appointments and diaries; initiating and handling correspondence (which may include confidential correspondence ); monitoring telephone calls; and establishing and/or maintaining working filing systems.
• Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures apply inventory
Level 5
Operate and be responsible for an autonomous section and all its operations.
Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer's area of expertise.
Provide executive support to senior management and associated committees concerning designated aspects of school management.
Direct and supervise the work of administrative/cl erical and/or other staff.
Under broad guidance, supervise the operations of the school's office and other administrative activities, in the areas of enrolment, equipment and statistical staffing returns.
Monitor and analyse regular management information, such as staffing and financial resource usage; ensure that associated information systems are maintained and that regular reports are provided to management.
Supervise staff including implementation and participation in induction, training, review, counselling and appraisal Manage the work of administrative officers and other staff, assigning and outlining the work, advising on administrative problems, and revising work for accuracy and adequacy. Idehtify policies and procedures requiring review or re-development, and define relevant issues.
Page 74 of 105
Lovol3 senior management.
Level 4 and purchasing
Level 7
control procedures, prepare monthly summaries of debtors and
creditors ledger transactions and reconcile these . â&#x20AC;˘ Apply knowledge of advanced functions of computer software packages and to manage data i.e.
modify fields of information,
develop new databases or spreadsheet models; or graph previously prepared spreadsheets. -
Page 75 of 105
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 7
Prepare the accounts of the school to operating statement stage and assist in the formulation of period and yearend entries. Provide advice requiring
knowledge of
Use keyboard skills to produce
a document from written text using a standard format.
Atlend at front counter and
refer enquiries to the
appropriate member of staff. Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking.
Operate within well established routines, office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, guillotine, laminator, franking machine, calculators, switchboard, etc. Under the direct supervision of the principal or nominee, contact parents, students and/or others in relation to school attendance and related matters. Under the direct
supervision of the principal or nominee assist with the
arrangement of group meetings, morning teas, meetings of parents and
Prepare anti
process payroll transactions within routines, methods and
procedures. • Within routines, methods and procedures: provide administrative support to senior management; arrange appointments and diaries; and prepare correspondence.
• Within routines, methods and procedures, prepare and dispatch
statements to debtors and payments to creditors, follow up on unpaid accounts; prepare bank reconciliations and reconcile accounts to
From verbal or rough handwritten instructions; answer nonstandard executive correspondence, prepare papers, briefing notes, or other written material. Utilizing a variety of routines, methods and procedures, calculate and maintain wage and salary records; perform routine classification determinations; and process reSignations, retirements and redundancies in accordance with relevant entitlements. Within a variety of routines, methods and
policies and I or the
against a budget
interpretation of rules or regulations within their area of operation. Assist in developing
at a school level, draft financial forecasts I
procedures relating to their work area and identifying future trends. Under broad guidance supervise the administration of specialized salary and
budgets at
policy and
Provide financial, policy, or planning o;tdvice which may include providing reports, statistical surveys and advice on regulations and procedures. Monitor expenditure
organizational level and I or prepare complex financial reports. Administer programs with a range of tasks such as advice on financial implications, interpretation of information, assistance and advice concernino
Provide written reports to the school executive on complex matters, suggesting alternative courses of action and analyzing the implications of each alternative. Provide financial, policy and
planning advice and investigate, interpret or evaluate information for the guidance of staff or clients. Be substantively involved in the construction of annual and forward planning school budgets
Manage the operations of a discrete organizational area, program or
Page 76 of 105
Level 2
external parties, parent/teacher nights etc. Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking.
Monitor and maintain stock levels of stationery/materi als for office/departmen t within -
Levol3 balance; maintain wage and salary records.
Maintain petty cash float and expenses for accounting purposes
• Assist in the preparation of internal and external publications. • Assist in the
Level 4
procedures provide significant assistance in the preparation of: financial information to trial balance; budgets; cash flow records; balance sheets; trading accounts; cash management analysis; FBT and entity disclosure requirements. Train staff classified at lower levels by means of personal instruction and demonstration.
LevelS payroll requirements, which may include: eligible termination payments, superannuation trust deed requirements, redundancy calculations or workers' compensation claims.
Level 6
Level 7
administrative function.
complex issues. Prepare correspondence which is complex, original and which initiates or responds to new cases or situations.
Prepare for senior management financial reports relating to the employee's area of responsibility.
• Apply knowledge of relevant industrial agreements and occupational health and
Formulate procedural policy and guidelines in the employee's area of responsibility; submit
Provide subject matter expertise and/or policy advice across a range of programs or activities Page 77 of 105
Level 1
Level 2 established parameters including reordering. Within well established routines, sort, prepare and record (e.g. documents invoices, cheques, correspondence) on a daily basis; file such documents in appropriate the system. well Within established receive routines, and distribute incoming mail outgoing collect mail, maintain mail registers and records and collate and dispatch documents for bulk handling. Perform, within well established tasks routines, associated with the mass production of printed material
Level 3 enrolment function including handling initial enquiries and arranging interviews.
Under supervision, prepare Government and Statutory Authority returns for authorization by senior management. Use software application packages for personal computers to create database file structures; and spreadsheets/ work sheets. Under direction and within routines, methods and procedures: draft agenda for meetinas;
Level 4
Level 6
safety requirements. Provide general advice to staff in these areas.
Original writing of promotional and advertising material.
Coordination of, and participation in, marketing activities.
Design of promotional and marketing plans.
Responsibility for liaison with media.
Level 7
undertaken by Ihe organizational area, formulate policies and provide specialist advice on policy formulation to senior management.
5 for decision
and prepare supporting statements as necessary. Direct and support employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed.
Undertake high level research, review or investigations including the preparation of reports and associated papers to provide advice to the school on the operational and/or future directions of the employee's section and to contribute to the development of that section in the educational context of the school.
Prepare papers,
• Advise and assist in the preparation of the school budget.
Provide executive support to Principals and senior management.
Provide advice or make recommendation s requiring
Page 78 of 105
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
including coliating, stapling, binding, folding, cutting, etc.
Level 4
Level 6
Level 7
assemble supporting documents for informal meetings; take and produce minutes.
detailed knowledge of
investigate and
policies, and/or the interpretation of rules or regulations within
information with recommendation s for decision by senior officers.
Draft and type
routine correspondence from brief oral or written instructions. Respond to requests for information including drafting routine correspondence in reply.
Maintain established central filing I records systems in accordance with routines, methods and procedures. This would include: creating and
guidelines, relating to a major function of the
organizational work areas.
Supervise staff including participation in induction, training, review, counselling and appraisal and providing feedback on performance.
Develop systems and procedures for implementation in accordance with school policy. Provide financial, policy and planning advice and investiQate, interpret Page 79 of 105
Level 1
Level 2
Levol3 indexing new files, retrieving records;
distributing files within the school as requested,
monitoring file locations and identifying and processing inactive and closed files. Maintain a stofe through such duties as participation in
ordering and issue of expendable
stores, recording of stock levels, maintaining records of equipment distribution, delivery dockets, invoices and payment vouchers and responsibility for keys. Make and record appointments on behalf of another and, where necessary, resolve involved appointment schedulino
Level 4
Level 7
or evaluate information for the guidanqe of staff or clients. Original writing of promotional and
advertising material requiring significant discretion and judgement
concerning content and design. Management of, and participation in, marketing activities. Design of promotional and marketing plans requiring initiative in
the application of professional practices. Responsibility for representing the school in the media.
Page 80 of 105
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 7
problems. Make travel and accommodation bookings in line with a given itinerary. --
Page 81 of 105
Information Services and Resource Employees Levell I Level 2 I Level 3 Level 4 • Responsibility • Prepare and • Process basic • Search and clean away verify for and/or transactions materials for bibliographical training of such as issues and returns, display/use in data where subordinate some discretion staff in limited library under produce overdue lists, and judgement instruction of a areas may be are involved. entry of orders required higher level officer or in a • Copy catalogue • Within a variety computerised member of the of routines and books, system, academic staff. magazines, procedures and perform stock • Monitor and with a depth of journals and takes, entering knowledge in maintain stock recorded of accession material where levels of some areas: information into stationery/ demonstrate to some discretion computer. material within and judgement staff and established are involved. students the • Operate and parameters demonstrate use of complex • Maintain the use of including reaudio visual or circulation ordering. audio-visual computer systems where equipment equipment; or some discretion monitor where there is and judgement performance of limited are involved. complexity. and carry out • Respond to repairs to enquiries from • Maintain a specialised booking system staff, students, eqUipment. for eqUipment parents and the use and for the general public organisation of and address repairs and issues in replacement of accordance eqUipment. with routines, methods and • Within wellprocedures. established
Level 5 Apply a range of technical and other skills 'Involving the self-directed application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualificatio ns applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as to necessary successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: independent and original cataloguing and classification following precedents and standards; monitoring the performance of, and carrying out repairs to, specialised equipment; and developing the
I Level 6 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree. Operate (at a level consistent with the qualifications required) a library/resource centre. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, and monitoring training of staff in lower level positions. Administer the allocation and monitoring of resources in the library/resource centre. Support employees reporting to the position in policies
Level 7 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree and post graduate qualifications and/or other I professional development and/or industry experience. Responsibility for the operation of a library/resource centre which provides complex and varied services. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, and monitoring training of professional staff and staff in lower level positions. Page 82 of 105
Level 1
Level 2 routines, methods and procedures, record audio/video programs and
maintain a catalogue system of such
recordings. Perform a range of general duties at a basic level, for example, minor book repairs, photocopying and shelving. Receive and deal with initial requests for information from library clients. Under the direct supervision of an academic staff member(s), assist in the demonstration of routine
Level 3 • Assist in the demonstration of complex audio visual or computer equipment under supervision of academic staff member(s) where some discretion and judgement are involved. • Assist in the supervision of students in the library where some discretion and judgement is involved.
Level 4
Level 5 Level 6 framework for and to be followed, providing the methods to be instruction to used and students (within a standards to be structured learning observed. environment) Provide under the general professional supervision of an advice to staff and academic staff students in the member(s). officer's area of expertise. Formulate procedural policy and guidelines in employee's the area of responsibility; submit recommendations for decision and prepare supporting statements as necessary.
Level 7 the allocation and monitoring of resources in the library/resource centre. Responsibility for direction and of support employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed.
subject Provide matter expertise policy and/or across advice a range of programs or activities undertaken by the organizational area, formulate policies and provide specialist advice on policy formulation to senior management. Page 83 of 105
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 6
Level 7
library operations and procedures.
Under the
direct supervision of an academic staff member(s),
assist in the supervision of students in the library. Under direct supervision of a higher level officer or members of the academic staff prepare and clear away materials for display/use in classrooms or libraries.)
Page 84 of 105
vomouterm,'; I t:molo ee. Level 4
Level 7
Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures, maintain the hardware and software components of a computer network and provide user support. Responsibility for and/or training of subordinate staff in limited areas may be required,
Apply a range of technical and other skills involving the self-directed application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualification s applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: Assisting with systems analysis and design in relation to the development and maintenance of computer systems; and assisting with application programming (eg modification of package systems; and investigation of malfunctions in operational
Operate and be responsible for the computing section of the school and all its operations. Perform nonroutine professional tasks governed by procedures or guidelines. Within such constraints the employee is responsible for the independent performance of such functions, Provide financial, policy and planning advice and investigate, interpret or evaluate information for the guidance of staff or management in the computing area, Be responsible for the development of software, hardware or applications
Operate and be responsible for the computing section which provides complex and varied services to the school community including being responsible for the supervision, monitoring and development of other staff reporting to the position. Research and examine likely long-term requirements for computer systems, suggest alternative plans and strategles and report on their feasibility. Consult with departmental computer users to understand and meet the needs of the department and resolve Page 85 of105
systems based on the use of current computer techniques. Be responsible for the development of computer systems, and recommend changes and improvements in systems where appropriate. Undertake maintenance programming tasks, including investigation and design requirements
problems concerning systems. Investigate and design the implementation of computer systems to meet specific needs of work
necessary to
implement changes to existing systems. Provide advice to the senior executive of the school on the operations/future directions of the section by utilising
acquired knowledge and experience.
Page 86 of 105
Carry out a range of tasks necessary to support and develop systems software or other support processes
Carry out a range of complex and varied tasks requiring the selection and application of new and existing techniques and methodologies
necessary to
support and develop systems software or other support processes. Develop and present appropriate computer training courses.
Page 87 of 105
1. Application 1.1. The following classification structure will apply to all employees engaged in the provision of one of the following services at the School • • • • • • •
catering; cleaning; maintenance; greenkeeping; caretaking; security; or bus driving.
2. Definitions of Classifications
2.1. Grade A 2.1.1. An employee at this grade will be engaged to assist in a range of general duties at the grade of their training.
2.1.2. Duties - An employee at this grade performs routine duties essentially of a manual nature. Such an employee exercises minimal discretion and judgement. 2.1.3. Supervision - An employee at this grade will work under direct supervision.
2.1.4. Qualification/training - An employee is not required to have formal qualifications or work experience upon engagement. An employee will undertake up to three (3) months of on the job training which will provide information about, and/or introduction to, the conditions of employment, the School, the School's policies and procedures in relation to the work environment and the employees with whom the employee will work. 2.1.5. Indicative tasks of an employee at this grade win include those outlined in Grade 2, performed at an introductory grade. 2.1.6. Indicative roles of an employee at this grade will include those outlined in
Grade 2, performed at an introductory grade. 2.2. Grade B
2.2.1. An employee who has completed the on the job training (maximum of 3
months) will progress to this grade. An employee will apply their knowledge and skills to a limited range of tasks and roles within established routines, methods and procedures.
2.2.2. Duties - An employee at this grade works in accordance with standard operating procedures and established criteria, understands and undertakes basic quality control/assurance procedures and understands and utilises basic statistical process control procedures. Page 88 of 105
2.2.3. Supervision - An employee at this grade will work under direct supervision, either alone or in a team environment, and in the case of more experienced employees working alone, routine supervision. 2.2.4. Qualification/training - An employee is not required to have formal qualmcations or work experience upon engagement. 2.2.5. Indicative tasks of an employee at this grade will include • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • •
Performing general cleaning, gardening and laboring tasks. Operation and maintenance of some machinery. Cleaning, tidying and setting up of kitchen, food preparation and service areas, including the cleaning of equipment and general utensils. Preparing ingredients for cooking. Setting and/or wiping down tables, removing food plates and picking up glasses. Heating pre-prepared meals and/or preparing simple food items such as sandwiches, salads and toasted foodstuffs. Undertaking general waiting duties including cleaning of equipment, serving and cleaning tables. Cleaning of classrooms, boarding houses and other public areas of the School. Watching, guarding or protecting persons and/or premises. Control the movement of persons, goods and/or property entering or exiting premises. Responding to basic fire/security alarms. Assisting in the maintenance of playing surfaces including setting up of sport fields, top dressing, fertilising, under supervision, seeding, turfing, coring and sprigging. Planting and maintaining trees and gardens. Driving a bus with a carrying capacity of less than 25 passengers. maintains simple records.
2.2.6. Indicative roles of an employee at this grade will include:• • • • • • • • • • •
Cleaner; Boarding House Assistant; Kitchen Assistant; Ground/Maintenance Assistant; Trades Assistant; Caretaker; Laundry Assistant; School Bus Driver (less than 25 passengers); General Labourer; Static Guard; Food & Beverage Attendant.
2.3. GradeC 2.3.1. An employee at this grade will possess skills and perform duties above and beyond that of a Grade B employee. An employee will apply their knowledge and skills to a range of tasks and roles. Page 89 of 105
2.3.2. Duties - An employee at this grade is responsible for the quality of their own work under routine supervision and exercises discretion within their level of skill and training. 2.3.3. Supervision - An employee at this grade works under routine supervision either individually or in a team environment. An employee at this grade may assist in the training and coordination of lower grade employees. 2.3.4. Qualification/training - An employee at this grade will have completed their junior secondary certificate of education without work experience. 2.3.5. Indicative tasks of an employee at this grade will include• • • • • • • • • • •
Undertaking general cooking duties, including a la carte, baking, pastry cooking or butchery, of a non-trade nature. Undertaking allocated building, maintenance and/or gardening duties of a non-trade nature. Supervising the clearing of tables after and during meals. Assisting in the construction and installation of facilities and systems. Operating a range of cleaning equipment including steam cleaning, pressure washing and ride on sweeping machines. Performing major non-trade maintenance of equipment. Operating a range of machinery e.g. greens, mowers, fairway units. Driving a bus with a carrying capacity of 25 or more passengers. Security duties, including patrols, alarm responses, emergency procedures and preparing incident reports. Assisting in chemical and other spraying, where required to hold an appropriate license. Full control of stock and ordering;
2.3.6. Indicative roles of an employee at this grade will include:• • • • • •
Non trade qualified cook; School Bus Driver (25 or more passengers); Security Officer; Caretaker; Cleaner using specialised equipment; Landscape Gardener's Assistant.
2.4. Grade 0 2.4.1. An employee at this grade performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee at grade C. An employee at this grade exercises 'trade level' skills. 2.4.2. Duties - An employee at this grade understands and appies quality control techniques, exercises good interpersonal and communication skills and performs non trade work incidental to their work. 2.4.3. Supervision - An employee at this grade works under limited or no supervision and is responsible for ensuring the quality of their own work. An employee may provide supervision and instruction to employees of a lower grade. Page 90 of 105
2.4.4. Qualification/training - An employee at this grade will possess either a relevant trade qualification or an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training as determined by the School.
2.4.5. Indicative duties of an employee at this grade include• •
Cooking duties including a la carte, baking, pastry cooking or butchery at a trade grade. Performing general trade maintenance work in the following ser'ifice areas o a a a a o o o o o
carpentry, plumbing; electrical; horticulture; gardening; or maintenance of sports grounds. Operating and maintaining machinery and equipment. Construction, installing and maintaining irrigation and drain systems, surfaces and gardens. Supervising and training of non-trade qualified employees. Monitoring, recording, inputting information or reacting to signals and instruments related to electronic surveillance of any kind within a central station.
2.4.6. Indicative roles of an employee at this grade will include:-
• • • • •
Trade qualified cook; Landscape Gardener; Greenkeeper; T radesperson; Supervisor of non trade employees.
2.5. Grade E
2.5.1. An employee at this grade performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee at Grade D. An employee will apply their knowledge with depth in some areas and hold a broad range of skills, with discretion and judgment required for self and others.
2.5.2. Duties - An employee at this grade understands and implements quality control measures, provides trade guidance and assistance and exercises discretion within the scope of this level.
2.5.3. Supervision - An employee at this grade will be subject to general direction. Co-ordination, training and supervision of employees including tradespersons at lower grades will be required.
2.5.4. Qualification/training - An employee at this grade will have completed a post-trades certificate and have extensive relevant experience and on-the-job training or an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training as determined by the School.
2.5.5. Indicative tasks of an employee at this grade include Page 91 of 105
• • • •
Responsibility for planning, scheduling and supervising all aspects of the services for which they are engaged in. Responsibility for the maintenance of service and operational standards. Preparing operational reports. Developing stock control and security procedures.
2.5.6. Indicative roles of an employee at this grade will include:• •
Advanced Tradesperson including landscape gardener and greenkeeper; Supervisor of trades persons.
Page 92 of 105
CLASSIFICATION Level 1 - Registered Nurse
Generic level statement
The Registered Nurse is the first level The Registered Nurse gives direct nursing nurse who is licensed to practice nursing care based on the Australian Nursing & without Supervision and who assumes Midwifery Council Incorporated (ANMC) accountability and responsibility for own competencies, to a group of residents/clients actions and acts to rectify unsafe nursing in collaboration with the Clinical Nurse/Clinical practice and/or unprofessional conduct. It Nurse Consultant. is essential that the nurse holds general registration as a 'registered nurse', on the These ANMC competencies are grouped as Register of Nurses in Division 1 Registered follows: nurses under the National Law. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE The degree of expertise will increase as the
Registered Nurse advances through this level.
affecting nursing practice and health care
Practises within a professional and ethical nursing framework
Practises within an evidence-based framework
Participates in ongoing development of self and others
Conducts a comprehensive and systematic nursing assessment
Plans nursing care in consultation with individuals/groups, significant others and the interdisciplinary health care team
7. Provides comprehensive, safe and effective evidence-based nursing care to achieve identified rndividual/group health outcomes 8.
Evaluates progress towards expected In individual/group health outcomes consultation with individuals/groups, significant others and interdisciplinary health care team.
Establishes, maintains and appropriately concludes therapeutic relationships.
10. Collaborates with the interdisciplinary health care team to provide comprehensive nursing
Page 93 of 105
Level 2 - Clinical Nurse Generic level statement
A Clinical Nurse means a Registered Nurse who is appointed as such. The Clinical Nurse role requires a broad developing knowledge in professional nursing issues and a sound specific knowledge-base in relation to a field of practice. The Clinical Nurse assumes accountability and responsibility for own actions and acts to rectify unsafe nursing practice and/or unprofessional conduct. A Clinical Nurse is responsible for a specific client population, and is able to function in more complex situations while providing support and direction to Registered Nurses and other non-registered nursing personnel. The Clinical Nurse identifies, selects, implements and evaluates nursing interventions that have less predictable outcomes. The Clinical Nurse is able to demonstrate: advanced level clinrcal skills and problem-solving skills; planning and co-ordination skills in the clinical management of patient care; ability to work within a collegiatelteam structure; awareness of and involvement with the quality assurance process; contribution to professional practice of the unit.
Responsibilities 1. Gives direct care to a group of patients/clients.
2. May relieve Level 3 positions. 3. Acts as a role model for Registered Nurses and other non-registered personnel in the provision of holistic patient/client care. 4. Takes additional responsibility delegated from the CNC which clearly differentiates the role from that of the Registered Nurse e.g.:
planning and co-ordination of ward/unit education programs and other staff development activities. orientation of new staff. preceptorship for new staff. participates in action research.
5. Participates in nursing policy review and initiatives. 6. Co-operates with other Clinical Nurses in relation to development of programs and initiatives.
7. Ensures a safe working environment.
For the purpose of determining the rate of wages payable by reference to the year of service or paypoint of any nurse, a nurse shall be given credit for all previous continuous nursing service.
Previous nursing service shall include time spent in obtaining additional nursing certificates other than an undergraduate Bachelor of Nursing degree.
A part-time or casual nurse shall be required to complete the equivalent of a full working year (1,976 hours) from the time of their first appointment, enrolment or registration or of their last increment before being eligible for the next increment. Page 94 of 105
In calculating continuous nursing service for the purpose of this clause, any period of service (other than time spent as a nursing employee on full pay in obtaining additional nursing certfficates) prior to an absence of over 3 years from nursing duties covered by a relevant nursing award or relevant nursing agreement shall not be taken into account.
The onus of proof of previous experience shall be on the nurse.
An employee unable to provide proof of previous experience within four (4) weeks of engagement will be paid at the appropriate rate of pay for the first year of service or the year to which proof of experience is provided for the class of nurse so appointed. Wages shall continue at this rate of pay until proof of previous experience is provided to the School or until such time as service has been accumulated to warrant payment at a higher rate.
If the employee provides proof of previous experience within 4 weeks of commencement, the School will adjust previous payments back to the date of commencement.
A Registered Nurse Level 1 shall be entitled to advance one paypoint at any time during that person's employment as a Registered Nurse Level 1, upon completion of a post-registration course of at least 12 months duration where the nurse is required to perform the duties of a position to which the course is directly relevant.
Nurses contemplating undertaking a course as described in this clause should consult with the School prior to commencement of study to ensure that it is an acceptable course.
A Registered Nurse Level 1 may only advance once in accordance with this clause.
Page 95 of 105
1. Matters to be considered by the School Consultative Committee during the period of the Agreement. (a)
Class sizes
Behaviour Management Policies
Page 96 of 105
APPENDIXG The National Employment Standards The Fair Work Act 2009 provides you with a safety net of minimum terms and conditions of employment through the National Employment Standards (NES).
There are 10 minimum workplace entitlements in the NES: 1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
9. 10.
A maximum standard working week of 38 hours for full-time employees, plus 'reasonable' additional hours. A right to request flexible working arrangements to care for a child under school age, or a child (under 18) with a disability. Parental and adoption leave of 12 months (unpaid), with a right to request an additional 12 months. Four weeks paid annual leave each year (pro rata). Ten days paid personal/carer's leave each year (pro rata), two days paid compassionate leave for each permissible occasion, and two days unpaid carer's leave for each permissible occasion. Community service leave for jury service or activities dealing with certain emergencies or natural disasters. This leave is unpaid except for jury service. Long service leave. Public holidays and the entitlement to be paid for ordinary hours on those days. Notice of termination and redundancy pay. The right for new employees to receive the Fair Work Information Statement.
A complete copy of the NES can be accessed at www.fairwork.gov.au. Please note that some conditions or limitations may apply to your entitlement to the NES. For instance, there are some exclusions for casual employees.
Page 97 of 105
APPENDIXH SCHOOL ETHOS STANDARD The School and employees recognise that the School has a history of educational leadership in Queensland and high achievement in all areas of endeavour and that it has developed a particular and worthy school culture which values a holistic view of education. They also recognise that this culture makes an essential contribution to the School's outcomes in the academic, student welfare and extracurricular domains. Consequently the School and its employees are committed to sustaining and enhancing the School's culture through actively advocating the values and ethos of the School through their actions and communication both within the School and the wider community.
The School and employees know and are committed to the purpose and values of the School and this will be demonstrated by employees' practice which will be guided by and will demonstrate: Learning • •
Their contribution to the development and on-going implementation of initiatives to improve school outcomes; A commitment to maintaining and improvjng the academic performance of students;
Endeavour • •
Enhanced service delivery to students; Collaboration with the School's leadership to improve productivity and effectiveness;
Leadership •
Their contribution to the maintenance of and their desire to improve the effectiveness of the School's performance in academic, student welfare and extracurricular activities; The promotion of continuing improvements in the quality of teaching and successful student learning as set out in the Academic Development Plan including the implementation of Dimensions of Learning and teaching and learning in a technology rich environment; High expectations of student's presentation and to model this expectation in their professional work and demeanour;
Respect • • •
A commitment to encouraging behaviour which is consistent with the School's Code of Expectations and Behaviour for students; Their support of all school policies which operate within the usual ambit of school life; Their valuing of collaboration and respect by making courtesy and respect towards all members of the School's community. adults and students, a perceptible characteristic of this culture;
Community • • •
Their contribution to improvement in the working environment to enhance staff morale, professional effectiveness and job satisfaction; The pursuit of high quality knowledge of students by Form Teachers; The delivery of a high quality personal development program;
Page 98 of 105
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Monitoring the participation of students in the extracurricular program with a view to encouraging all students to participate at some level in the program; and Encouraging the achievement of the School's objectives by developing and maintaining a team approach to activities within the School.
Page 99 of 105
l Staff
I Band 2
Band 3
Per Annum 56586.07 58250.E
2168.96 2232.77
13 rUlight
5% 1/7/2013 Per
2510.85 2584.71
Annum 65505.45 67432.41
Annum 59415.3, 61163.18
Annum 62386.14 34221.34
Ste 1 Ste 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
2466.7 2584.41
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
2682.38 2780.84 2878.73 2982.37
69980.60 72549.40 75103.06 77807.06
2816.50 2919.88 3022.66 3131.49
73479.63 76176.87 78858.21 81697.41
2957.32 3065.88 3173.79 3288.06
77153.61 79985.72 82801.12 85782.28
3105.19 3219.17 3332.48 3452.4'
81011-:-5 83985.uu 86941.<0
).70 \.17
I Snr,
Head Dept Level 1
Leve I Leve Leve
3198.52 3307.10 3706.69 3812.31
......... ,.
2391.28 2461.63
2719.55 70796.02
3906.05 I 10 4260.75 I 111
86; 90515.40 96703.72
90592.89 ......... 17
91! ~
4101.35 .791
3646.08 3825.11
95122.54 99; 106615.85
4290.95 4413.23
111! 115136.78
Page 100 of 105
Per Annum
Per Annum
1/7/2010 Fortnight
Per Annum
Per Annum
% on Salarv (Band 3 Step 4)
2982.37 59.65 89.47
1556.14 2334.21
3131.49 62.63 93.94
2A 28 2C 2D
25.19 104.38 119.29 134.21
1361.62 2723.24 3112.28 3501.31
3A 38 3C
119.29 134.21 149.12
4A 48 4C 4D
134.21 149.21 164.03 178.94
1633.95 2450.92
3288.06 65.76 93.94
1715.64 2573.47
3452.47 69.05 103.57
1801.43 2702.14
54.80 109.60 125.26 140.92
1429.70 2859.41 3267.89 3676.38
57.54 115.08 131.52 147.96
1501.19 3002.38 3431.29 3860.20
60.42 120.84 138.10 155.36
1576.25 3152.49 3602.85 4053.21
3112.28 3501.31 3890.35
125.26 140.92 156.57
3267.89 3676.38 4084.87
131.52 147.96 164.40
3431.29 3860.20 4289.11
138.10 155.36 172.62
3602.85 4053.21 4503.56
3501.31 3890.35 4279.38 4668.42
140.92 156.57 172.23 187.89
3676.38 4084.87 4493.35 4901.84
147.96 164.40 180.84 197.28
3860.20 4289.11 4718.02 5146.93
155.36 172.62 189.89 207.15
4053.21 4503.56 4953.92 5404.28
Page 101 of 105
School Officers
1/7/2010 Fortnight
1/7/2010 Per Annum
1/7/2011 Fortnight
1/7/2011 Per Annum
1/7/2012 Fortnight
1/7/2012 Per Annum
1/7/2013 Fortnight
11712013 Per Annum
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
1461.93 1495.38 1528.43 1561.86
38010.09 38879.99 39739.16 40608.47
1535.02 1570.15 1604.85 1639.96
39910.59 40823.99 41726.12 42638.89
1611.77 1648.66 1685.09 1721.96
41906.12 42865.19 43812.42 44770.84
1692.36 1731.09 1769.35 1808.05
44001.43 45008.45 46003.05 47009.38
Level 2
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
1594.91 1640.73 1661.43
41467.64 42658.91 43197.31
1674.65 1722.76 1744.51
43541.02 44791.85 45357.17
1758.39 1808.90 1831.73
45718.07 47031.45 47625.03
1846.31 1899.35 1923.32
48003.97 49383.02 50006.28
Level 3
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
1661.43 1700.44 1777. 71 1827.51
43197.31 44211.50 43220.50 47515.22
1744.51 1785.46 1866.60 1918.88
45357.17 46422.07 48531.53 49890.98
1831.73 1874.74 1959.93 2014.83
47625.03 48743.18 50598.10 52385.53
1923.32 1968.47 2057.92 2115.57
50006.28 51180.33 53506.01 55004.81
Level 4
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
1860.97 1910.73 1960.50
43835.12 49678.94 50973.07
1954.01 2006.27 2058.53
50804.38 52162.89 53521.72
2051.72 2106.58 2161.45
53344.60 54771.04 56197.81
2154.30 2211.91 2269.53
56011.83 57509.59 59007.70
Level 5
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
2027.02 2076.80 2126.58
52702.44 53996.86 55290.98
2128.37 2180.64 2232.90
55337.56 56696.70 58055.53
2234.79 2289.67 2344.55
58104.44 59531.53 60958.30
2346.53 2404.16 2461.78
61009.66 62508.11 64006.22
Level 6
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
2194.06 2313.53 2433.22 2554.88 2671.75
57045.69 2303.77 60151.76 2429.21 63263.79 2554.88 66246.80 2682.62 69465.50 _J805.34
59897.97 63159.35 66426.98 69748.14 72938.77
2418.96 2550.67 2682.63 2816.75 2945.60
62892.87 66317.32 69748.33 73235.55 76595.71
2539.90 2678.20 2816.76 2957.59 3092.88
66037.52 69633.18 73235.75 76897.33 80415.00
Page 102 of 105
s Staff
5% 1/7/2012
39052.52 (
5% 1/7/2012 Per
eS ee eD eE
1715.94 1825.46 1916.74 20(
Ste Ste Ste
50006.28 ;2387.53 l.78
Nurses Levell
1styear 2ncLYear 3rdj<ear 4th vear
1877.67 1971.99 2065.65 2159.23
48987.07 51447.81 53891.33 56332.77
Level 2
1571.72 (
51436.42 54020.20 56585.90 59149.41
2070.13 2174.12 2277.38 2380.55
54008.24 56721.21 59415.19 62106.88
2173.64 2282.82 2391.251 2499F
l.50 1.21 ;.71 ---
2748.37 2791.78
71702.92 72835.57 74156.991 75446.95
2885.79 2931.37 291 3036.
2707.08 2754.17
1 2891.88
5% 117/2013 .. er
41005.14 1
725 1801.7 1916 2012 2108.41
1971.55 2070.59 2168.93 2267.19
4.01 2578.17
5% 117/2013 Fortnight
6.27 6.59 6.90 7.22
75288.1 76477.: -77864.1 --79219.3(
Page 103 of 105
APPENDIX J SIGNATORIES Signed for and on behalf of The Board of Trustees of the
!;~:~e2~~~~;~ChOOI tla Brisbane Grammar School '-~r9~~:---------------------------------Brian R Shott
Gregory Terrace
-.-- - "{FUll f.liiiiiiY-- -. ------- -----.- --"-.- ---. --- -- --Headmasler
------tpOSitionj--------·--------··---·····----------17 November 2011
------_r---------------------------------------r,O-,~ In the presence of-
--.-----. --------------------------
___ ::>~;,~; _ ( <J,~?:~) ____ ___ _ ____ _ Signed for and on behalf of the Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch ABN 74 662 601 045
346 Turbot Street
------ ---
--i'j .----.-- -----"-----"---------------
Terence P _Bur1te .----" (fUll Woinij--------------- ---- -.-- --." --- ---_._-
Seaetary ·-----WOSiliOit~-·--·--------------------·------------
-----!rii('-'L 1L ________ .-----. ----.In the presence of-
a.177.~ .. ---·---------------
Page 104 of 105
187 Melbourne Street WESTEND QLD 4101
-- --- {FulTf(,iiiier----- --------
----------- ------ ----
(J. S'50 (~Secretary
In the presence of -
Page 10Sof105
UNDERTAKINGS (s.190 Fair Work Act 2009) WHEREAS: A.
The Board Of Trustees of the Brisbane Grammar School (Employer) has applied to Fair Work Australia pursuant to s.185 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Act) for approval of an enterprise agreement to be known as the Brisbane Grammar School Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2011 (Agreement).
FWA has a concern that not all of the requirements in s.186 and s.187 of the Act have been met in relation to the Agreement but has indicated that it will accept the following undertakings pursuant to s.190 of the Act as meeting its concern so that the Agreement may be approved.
PURSUANT to s.190 of the Act, the Employer hereby undertakes to Fair Work Australia that:
Notwithstanding the terms of the Agreement, a shiftworker is 'a seven day shiftworker who is regularly rostered to work on Sundays and public holidays'. Notwithstanding the terms of the Agreement, a shiftworker so defined is entitled to a total of 5 weeks annual leave.
It will ensure that a copy of these undertakings is made available to all employees covered by the Agreement and ensure that a copy of this instrument is attached to any copy of the Agreement provided to employees or made available in the workplace.
Date: f:§
~A- W
Ur I!.::r Work Address: ih1Ab(M/l£' ~~~ ~ 'It.-C....P
POSitionJcapac~~_~ J-~~. (A person duly authorised to give this undertaking on behalf of the Employer)