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Monday, 21 May 2012


CATHOLIC COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Improving Conditions Collectively

CHAPTER BRIEFING NO. 9 Hands Off Our Time Day – Wednesday, 30 May Members Respond to Employer Time Grab! Dear Colleagues In our last Chapter Briefing to you (Chapter Briefing 8), we reported to you the fact that the employers had finally tabled their log of claims. The employers’ claim failed to respond to identified issues in regard to resourcing the expanding roles in schools and amounted to little more than a vulgar time grab. Response from members to us has been one of shock and outrage. Rather than addressing real, identified issues and accepting positions put forward by employees, employers have sought to put extra time demands on employees with positions around professional development and Experienced Teacher 6 (ET6). 20th Century Quantum for 21st Century Education Members in schools identified an acute need for increased preparation and correction time to meet the growing demands of education in the 21st century. Employer representatives continue to respond with the maintenance of a 20th century quantum. Rather than address this real and identified need, employers have sought more of employees’ limited time. Time Grab for More Professional Development Currently teachers across the state typically undertake six student free days each year during which professional development occurs. Employers are seeking to increase this already significant commitment by 50% up to 9 days under the euphemism of “Flexible working arrangements for professional development – Teachers”. Employees in Catholic schools across Queensland have seen this for what it is – a blatant time grab. Time Grab from ET6 Holders The current ET6 schedule is directed to recognising the demonstrated skill, knowledge, proficiency and contributions of the teacher defining the teacher classified as ET6 as an effective teaching practitioner. The ET6 structure was always about acknowledging the proficiency and quality work undertaken by teaching practitioners.

Under the guise of a claim for an ET6 review, employers have foreshadowed that they want to, amongst other things, assert managerial prerogative over the ET6 panels with an option to disregard a panel’s recommendation. As well, employers seek the right to direct/impose extra and additional duties on the ET6 teacher without any discounting of usual hours of duty. Employees in Catholic schools have seen this for what it is – an attack on their professionalism and a blatant time grab. Hands Off Our Time Day Chapters are requested to designate Wednesday, 30 May as “Hands Off Our Time Day”. On this day, members should wear a badge (included in this mail out) and hold a Chapter meeting to consider the attached motions calling on the Catholic employers to recognise and address the excessive time demands currently being placed on educational professionals. We would also request you photograph members wearing their badges and forward those to us at ecuthbertson@qieu.asn.au . Accompanying this briefing, you will find: 1.

“Hands Off Our Time” badges;


Flyer advising Wednesday, 30 May as “Hands Off Our Time Day” for staffroom display;


School Report for your information;


Faxback – Chapters should ensure faxback from Chapter Briefing No 8 (attached again) has been completed and is returned by Thursday, 31 May.

We would encourage you to involve all members of union on this day and speak to potential members about joining our Union. Together we can improve conditions collectively. Kind Regards


Catholic Collective Bargaining (ColB7) IMPROVING CONDITIONS COLLECTIVELY

FAX BACK Fax (07) 3839 7021 Monday, 21 May 2012

Chapter Briefing No. 8 and 9





That the Chapter at ____________________________________________ calls on our employer to withdraw their claim for an extra 18 hours of compulsory professional development for teachers per year – and instead reconsider the employer response to those positive strategies to properly resource the expanding role of staff in schools.

□ Carried

□ Not Carried

That the Chapter at ____________________________________________ notes with concern the employers claim to review the agreed ET6 structure and processes in the terms detailed - and affirms the fundamental nature of ET6 as “…a teaching practitioner whose effective teaching and learning in the school contributes to the effective implementation, development, provision and / or evaluation of the school’s educational programme”.

□ Carried PLEASE FAX BACK TO IEUA-QNT by close of business THURSDAY, 31 MAY 2012 Fax: 3839 7021 or Email: catholiccolb7@qieu.asn.au


□ Not Carried

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