Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Phone: 07 3839 7020 Fax: 07 3839 7021 Freecall: 1800 177937 Email: enquiries@qieu.asn.au Internet: www.qieu.asn.au ABN: 45 620 218 712
Colb6 ET5 03pg.jmr
ET5 Acknowledgement for Tasks Undertaken Pathway to ET6 Dear Colleagues The Experienced Teacher 5 (ET5) provision is an opportunity for eligible teachers in Catholic schools to undertake and be acknowledged for undertaking a leadership task or tasks consistent with the ethos and mission of the school. ET5 also provides a career pathway for teachers in Catholic schools as they move to Experienced Teacher 6 (ET6). All teachers who are eligible for ET5 and all teachers who intend seeking ET6 should seek ET5 classification as soon as they are eligible. Who is eligible? To be eligible for ET5 a teacher will need to: Have been on the classification Experienced Teacher 4 for a period of at least 12 months or, in the case of a part-time teacher be Experienced Teacher 4 and have completed 1000 hours; and Complete and sign an agreed Experienced Teacher 5 Action Plan. Employing Authority to advise eligibility Employing authorities in Catholic schools will advise eligible employees of their eligibility to apply for ET5. Such advice should be in writing, state the date of eligibility and be provided in a timely manner prior to the date of eligibility. If an employer or employing authority fails to provide this advice and the teacher successfully applies for ET5 the allowance will be back-dated to their date of eligibility. ET5 Action Plan The teacher seeking ET5 will submit a completed Experienced Teacher 5 Action Plan to their Principal which is consistent with the ethos of the school, the school mission statement and strategic plan. The designated task/s in the Action Plan should relate to at least one of the following areas: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
effective classroom practices; curriculum implementation; curriculum development; evaluating and reporting students’ progress; developing positive relationships with students;
(vi) (vii) (viii)
the development of personal and professional relationships with other staff members, parents and the wider community; the development and implementation of ideas gained from professional development activities to enhance students’ learning; or the development and implementation of ideas gained from professional development activities to promote organisational development or the school’s mission.
A full list of indicative task/s that may be undertaken is available in s2.3.2 of the current Religious Institute Collective Agreement or s4.3.4 of the current Diocesan Collective Agreement. These agreements are available at www.qieu.asn.au The receipt of ET5 status is dependent on agreement by the teacher and Principal to the Action Plan. If mutual agreement is not reached in regard to the Action Plan, the teacher should be advised in writing and the teacher may access the dispute resolution procedure provided in the collective agreement. Action Plan to be Reviewed Annually The ET5 teacher shall review the ET5 Action Plan each year and, if necessary, revise it for subsequent use. The review of the ET5 Action Plan shall form part of self appraisal structures and processes. ET5 Remuneration Portability The Experienced Teacher 5 status is not portable from one Catholic employing authority or school to another. Teachers classified as ET5 are paid an allowance for that classification. Currently the allowance for ET5 is $3,431.00 pa which will increase to $3,569.00 pa from 1 July 2011. Fixed Term and Part Time Employees Eligible full time fixed term teachers employed for at least three school terms may apply for ET5 classification. An eligible part time teacher of at least 0.4 of a full time employee teaching load employed for at least three terms may access ET5 classification and shall receive the allowance on a pro-rata basis. Access to ET6 All new applicants for ET6 must have held ET5 or its equivalent for a period of time to be eligible to apply for ET6. Further information in regard to ET6 eligibility is available at www.qieu.asn.au under ET6 rubric. Fact Sheet for ET5 A fact sheet attached to this briefing provides a succinct overview of the ET5 process and addresses a number of questions asked by members. What next? All teachers who believe they are eligible to apply for ET5 should apply as soon as possible. Further information is available on our website www.qieu.asn.au or from our Member Services Officers on 3839 7020. I would encourage all eligible employees to seek the classification structures ET5 and ET6 which acknowledge the work and high skill levels of teachers in Catholic schools in Queensland.
Kind regards
FACT SHEET 1 Experienced Teacher 5 (ET5) Colb6 ET5 04pg
Updated 8 March 2011
1. What is ET5? ET5 is a classification level which acknowledges teachers who undertake leadership tasks.
Experienced Teacher 5 (ET5) is a classification available to experienced teachers in Queensland Catholic schools
2. What happens to AST1 and Leading Teacher? As a result of the new Catholic collective agreement AST1 (BCE schools) and Leading Teacher (other Catholic schools) are being phased out and replaced by ET5.
The process developed for applying for ET5 and renewing ET5 is simple and straightforward
4. When is a teacher eligible to apply for ET5? A teacher is eligible to apply for ET5 after being classified as Experienced Teacher 4 (Band 3 Step 4) for a period of 12 months. Teachers should receive notification from their employer of their eligibility to apply for ET5. You are encouraged to submit your action plan within one month of receiving notification of your eligibility.
All eligible teachers should apply for ET5 and be acknowledged for the work they are doing in school communities
5. How does an eligible teacher apply for ET5? ET5 applicants must complete a simple Experienced Teacher 5 Action Plan which if accepted will normally be valid for a 12 month period.
Full information is available in the relevant schedule in your collective agreement
7. Is an allowance paid for ET5? Yes. The current ET5 allowance payable is $3,431 pa and is subject to increases in the life of the current collective agreement. The allowance is payable on a prorata basis for part-time employees.
3. Is there a quota on ET5 numbers? No. There is no system or school based quota on the number of teachers who may hold ET5.
6. Does ET5 have a set life span? ET5 status holders will need to submit a simple Experienced Teacher 5 Action Plan Annual Review yearly.
8. Can a PAR incumbent hold ET5 status? No. A PAR incumbent cannot hold both classifications concurrently. 9. Is ET5 transferable across Queensland schools? No. ET5 status is not portable across Catholic schools in Queensland.
CONTACTS IEUA-QNT Phone: (07) 3839 7020 Fax: (07) 3839 7021 Freecall: 1800 177 937 Email Enquiries: enquiries@qieu.asn.au Internet: www.qieu.asn.au
10. Is there an appeal process available to ET5 applicants? Yes. Any grievance arising from an ET5 application may be notified as a dispute in accordance with the grievance procedure identified in the relevant collective agreement. 11.
Where can I find more information?
For teachers in Religious Institute (RI) schools, more information can be found in Schedule 2 of your collective agreement; For teachers in Catholic Diocesan schools, more information can be found in Schedule 4 of your collective agreement.
These schedules may be accessed under ET5 rubric at: http://www.qieu.asn.au