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Thursday, 16 February 2012


CATHOLIC COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Improving Conditions Collectively

CHAPTER BRIEFING NO. 4 Collective Bargaining Begins Employee Claims Tabled Employer Will Make Claim – But Not Now Dear Colleagues Negotiations began this week on replacement collective agreements for employees of the various Queensland Catholic schools employing authorities. Employee representatives for our part, have tabled a comprehensive log of claims as endorsed by our members. The employer representatives, for their part, have confirmed that employers will make a claim on employees but have declined to table their claim and cannot give an indication when they will let employees know what is in the employer claim. This situation is highly problematic and has the obvious effect of slowing down the negotiations and delaying resolution of a replacement agreement. Church teaching underpins positive bargaining commitment Employing authorities have determined at their convenience to conduct these negotiations in two separate Single Bargaining Units (SBUs): Diocesan schools and Religious Institute schools (RIBS / RIGS). Employee representatives placed on record that they recognised the convenience of the SBU forum for negotiations but also unequivocally stated that in accordance with legislative provisions they were technically negotiating a separate agreement with each employing authority. Catholic employing authorities expressed their commitment to bargain in good faith and in accordance with the principles of Catholic social teaching. SBU members took time to again review the employer document, Church in the workplace – a framework of vision and values for industrial relations between employers and employees in Catholic school in Queensland. Employee representatives confirmed the appropriateness of a clear statement consistent with Church teaching underpinning these negotiations. Employee log of claims explained and draft clauses tabled Employee representatives formally tabled the Catholic Employee log of claims to the employing authority representatives. The various matters tabled had been formulated on the basis of extensive member consultation. Employee representatives provided detailed explanation of the employees’ claims, focusing on the need for employing authorities to come to terms with the expanding role of teachers and provide flexibility and enhanced family-friendly conditions for all employees. Employee representatives tabled draft clauses for over 15 claims including increased preparation and correction time; superannuation enhancements; term length; variation to ET5

and ET6 applications; and a deferred salary scheme. Employee representatives undertook to table the remaining draft clauses at the next SBU meeting. The endorsed Employee log of claims is available on the QIEU website at www.qieu.asn.au. Employers yet to table their claim Employer representatives confirmed that they intended to make a claim on employees but indicated that they would not table their claims until all employee clauses had been tabled. Such a position clearly has the effect of delaying negotiations and delaying an early resolution to negotiations. Next steps in the negotiating process The second Diocesan Schools SBU meeting will take place on Tuesday, 6 March, with the Religious Institute Schools SBU meeting scheduled to occur on Wednesday, 7 March. Employee representatives will table the remaining draft clauses given our commitment to progress negotiations. Employer representatives have indicated they will not formally respond to employees’ claims nor table their claims at this meeting. Continuing member consultation Reference groups have been established for both SBUs. These reference groups will support Employee SBU representatives by advising on employee views on particular issues and by assisting in the development of negotiating positions. Regular chapter briefings will also be forwarded throughout negotiations. We would ask Chapters to regularly convene to discuss emerging issues and provide your feedback as requested. Attached to this briefing is “A Guide to Sharing Chapter Briefings with your Colleagues” which provides strategies for the most effective use of briefings. Making your voice heard Employee representatives’ ability to negotiate a good collective agreement which addresses employee concerns and protects the rights and conditions of all Catholic employees is dependent on members’ collective strength. Members can build on their collective strength by encouraging non-union colleagues to join QIEU, staying informed about the negotiations and joining with colleagues around issues of concern. We look forward to your support in this campaign to secure professional pay rates and enhanced working conditions in Queensland Catholic schools – and build a stronger union in the process. We have attached “A Guide to Sharing Chapter Briefings with your Colleagues” to assist you in making good use of these briefings. Next steps It is not acceptable that employing authorities are withholding their entire log of claims from employees given their espoused commitment to bargain in good faith. It is appropriate for employees to point out to their employer that employees have a right to know what their employer will claim of them in negotiation. Chapter Executive members are requested to hold a Chapter meeting to consider the attached faxback calling on employers to respond to employee claims and table their claims expeditiously. Kind Regards


Catholic Collective Bargaining (ColB7) IMPROVING CONDITIONS COLLECTIVELY

FAXBACK Fax (07) 3839 7021 Thursday, 16 February 2012

Chapter Briefing No. 4






The Chapter at ____________________________________________ notes the

beginning of collective negotiation for a replacement collective agreement and calls upon the employer representatives to respond expeditiously to the employee claims.

□ Carried 2.

□ Not Carried

The Chapter at ____________________________________________ calls upon

the employer representatives to table and make available the employer claims on employees expeditiously so that the claim may be considered by employees in a timely manner.

□ Carried

□ Not Carried

PLEASE FAX BACK TO IEUA-QNT by close of business FRIDAY, 24 FEBRUARY 2012 Fax: 3839 7021 or Email: catholiccolb7@qieu.asn.au F:\DATA\EBARG\Catholic\Colb7\Chapter Briefings\Colb7cb004pg.doc

A Guide to Sharing Chapter Briefings with your Colleagues Sending chapter briefings is one of the most important ways that our union distributes information to our members. Briefings are particularly important during collective negotiations, when our union will send out information to members as soon as it comes to hand. It is very important for the Staff Representative, or relevant members of the Chapter Executive, to ensure fellow colleagues are aware of important updates contained in new briefings. An educated membership empowers our union to grow stronger when confronted with an issue. Every chapter briefing contains the following elements, which Staff Representatives or members of the Chapter Executive can make reference to if relaying the content verbally to colleagues.  Background/Issue 

Sets out the current status of the situation or campaign and gives a brief account of what led to this being an issue.

 What we want 

Explains how the situation can be resolved and the outcome we are seeking.

 Member Action 

Instructs members to take action in relation to the situation or campaign. Member actions can include: chapter meetings; faxing back resolutions to our union; petition; activities checklist; and rally attendance.

A hard copy of chapter briefings should also be distributed to colleagues through accessible channels such as:  Displaying the briefing on staff notice board (and letting colleagues know that it is there),  Emailing to colleagues, or  Asking your principal for time at the weekly staff meeting (if appropriate) to summarise the briefing Open communication is one of the key elements of an engaged chapter; utilising these steps when it comes to chapter briefings will help to ensure that all staff are informed and involved – particularly during negotiations.

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