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PART 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS – ALL STAFF ............................................ 4


Title............................................................................................................................................................ 4


Application................................................................................................................................................ 4


Date and Period of Operation ................................................................................................................. 4


Posting of Agreement............................................................................................................................... 4


The Aims of Djarragun College.............................................................................................................. 4


Objectives of this Agreement .................................................................................................................. 4


DISPUTE RESOLUTION ..................................................................................... 5


Procedures for Preventing and Settling Disputes ................................................................................. 5


Award Provisions ..................................................................................................................................... 6


WAGES ................................................................................................................ 6


Wage Increases......................................................................................................................................... 6


Variation of agreement............................................................................................................................ 6


Salary sacrifice ......................................................................................................................................... 6


No Further Increases ............................................................................................................................... 6


COLLEGE PROGRAM ........................................................................................ 6


Whole College Program .......................................................................................................................... 6


EFFICIENT AND ECONOMICAL USE OF RESOURCES .................................. 7


TECHNOLOGICAL COMPETENCIES ................................................................ 7


Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 7


Information Technology .......................................................................................................................... 8


PROFESSIONAL APPRAISAL ........................................................................... 8


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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING.......................................... 9


CURRICULUM REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT ................................................. 9


SUPERANNUATION ........................................................................................ 9


MATERNITY LEAVE ....................................................................................... 9


SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITY / CULTURAL LEAVE ...................................... 10


BEREAVEMENT LEAVE ............................................................................... 10


SICK LEAVE ................................................................................................. 10


PUBLIC HOLIDAYS ...................................................................................... 11


FUTURE RE-NEGOTIATION OF AGREEMENT .......................................... 11


LONG SERVICE LEAVE ................................................................................ 11

PART 2 – COLLEGE OFFICER PROVISIONS ........................................................ 11 18.

DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................ 11


HOURS OF WORK........................................................................................ 12


TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT............................................................... 12


REST PAUSES............................................................................................... 13


MEAL BREAK ................................................................................................ 13


ANNUAL LEAVE ............................................................................................ 13




DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................. 15


EMPLOYMENT CATEGORIES....................................................................... 16


TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT............................................................... 17


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28. SALARY PROVISIONS RELATING TO THREE YEAR TRAINED TEACHERS ................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ 18 29.

SALARY PROVISIONS RELATING TO FOUR YEAR TRAINED TEACHERS ........................................................................................................................ 18


SALARY INCREMENTS ................................................................................ 18


PROPORTION OF SALARY AND VACATION PAY ..................................... 18


ANNUAL LEAVE LOADING .......................................................................... 19


STUDY LEAVE ............................................................................................... 19


TUTORS ......................................................................................................... 19


SENIOR TEACHER ........................................................................................ 20


BOARDING SUPERVISORS ......................................................................... 27

WAGE SCHEDULES ................................................................................................ 31 DJARRAGUN COLLEGE BASIC TECHNOLOGICAL COMPETENCIES ............... 36 COLLEGE OFFICERS .............................................................................................. 38


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This agreement shall be known as the Djarragun College - Certified Agreement 2007 1.2


This Agreement shall apply to Djarragun College, and all staff for whom classifications and/or rates of pay appear herein. 1.3

Date and Period of Operation

This Agreement shall operate from the date that it is approved by the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission and shall remain in force until 1 January 2009. Where a provision of this Agreement is nominated as commencing from a particular date, then the provision shall commence from that date. The agreement may only be terminated by either the employer or a majority of employees in the manner prescribed in Chapter 6 Part 1 of the Industrial Relations Act, 1999. 1.4

Posting of Agreement

Copies of this Agreement shall be exhibited in a conspicuous and convenient place and shall be made available to employees upon request. 1.5

The Aims of Djarragun College

The holistic education the College offers aims to develop students intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually in a Christian setting. Through the provision of a caring, secure and supportive environment the College seeks to develop in students: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

A love of learning and a desire to develop their abilities to the fullest extent; Critical and effective thinking and problem solving skills; The ability to take responsibility for their own learning; Respect and concern for the natural environment; An awareness and understanding of cultural heritage;

In addition, the College strives to promote and foster: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 1.6

The life skills related to healthy life styles; An environment that nurtures and promotes student self esteem and self confidence; Independent behaviours in students and an awareness of co-dependency and the implications for such behaviour; An environment of respect for God, respect for self, respect for others and respect for property; The development of spiritual strength through the formation of a framework of values which will support students through both prosperous and adverse conditions; Opportunities for students to develop a work ethic and to gain skills that will lead to jobs.

Objectives of this Agreement

The agreed objectives of this Agreement are:


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1.6.1 To maintain and improve the productivity, efficiency, flexibility and effectiveness of Djarragun College through the implementation of agreed measures which will significantly increase the performance of the College and offer secure and worthwhile employment for their employees; 1.6.2 To adopt a consultative and participative approach to implement increased and sustained improvement in performance across all areas of operation of the College; and 1.6.3 To develop an environment of continuous improvement which is conducive to a flexible work organisation able to respond to changing demands in education. 2. 2.1

DISPUTE RESOLUTION Procedures for Preventing and Settling Disputes

The employer and employees have a genuine desire to resolve through the process of negotiation and settlement grievances or complaints related to the working environment, pay and conditions of service, including issues arising from this agreement. 2.2

Procedure for a dispute between an employee(s) and the employer

2.2.1 The employee is required to notify (in writing or otherwise) the employer as to substance of the grievance, request a meeting with the employer for bilateral discussions and state the remedy sought. Such meeting shall be held as soon as practicable. 2.2.2 A grievance must initially be dealt with as close to the source as possible with further discussions and resolution at higher levels of authority, if required. 2.2.3 Reasonable time limits must be allowed for discussions at each level of authority. 2.2.4 At the conclusion of this discussion, the employer must provide a response to the employee's grievance, including reasons for not implementing any proposed remedy if the matter has not been resolved. 2.2.5 While this procedure is being followed, normal work must continue except in the case of genuine health and safety concerns. 2.2.6 The employee may be represented by the Union.


Procedure for a dispute between an employer and employee(s)

2.3.1 A question, dispute or difficulty must initially be dealt with as close to the source as possible, with further discussions and resolution at higher levels of authority, if required. 2.3.2 Reasonable time limits must be allowed for discussions at each level of authority. 2.3.3 While this procedure is being followed, normal work must continue except in the case of genuine health and/or safety issues. 2.3.4 The employer may be represented by an industrial representative and the employees may be represented by the Union for the purpose of each procedure.


Reference to Queensland Industrial Relations Commission


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2.4.1 Each party retains the right to refer a matter to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission and while this process is being pursued, and except in relations to termination, normal work is to be made available and performed, without prejudicing the outcome. 2.4.2 So as to remove doubt the Commission may exercise its conciliation and arbitration powers, subject to the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act, to settle any matter in dispute, and in relation to arbitration any order or determination of the Commission (subject to the right of appeal under the Act) will be final and binding. 2.5

Award Provisions

Notwithstanding any provision in any other Award or Agreement, this Agreement shall be read to the exclusion of all other Awards or Industrial Instruments that may have otherwise applied to the employees except where such provisions are specifically called up within this Agreement. 3. 3.1

WAGES Wage Increases

Salaries, wages and applicable allowances will be increased in accordance with the attached schedule. 3.2

Variation of agreement

This certified agreement may be varied in circumstances where the employer and employees genuinely agree that a variation is necessary. Where agreement is reached then this agreement shall be varied by application to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act 1999. 3.3

Salary sacrifice

3.3.1 Following discussions between the Principal and an employee, the College may offer an employee a salary package whereby a portion of the employee’s salary is ‘sacrificed’ by way of a contribution to an approved College superannuation fund. 3.3.2 Any such offer and acceptance thereof shall be in writing, signed by the employee and on behalf of the College. This agreement may only be altered once per annum. However, in exceptional circumstances (i.e. changes in relevant legislation) the arrangement may be reviewed at any time. 3.3.3 Prior to accepting such an offer it shall be the responsibility of the relevant employee to seek independent financial and industrial advice. 3.4

No Further Increases

Except as provided in this Agreement there shall be no further wage increases during the life of this Agreement. Except as provided in this Agreement the employees undertake that there will be no further claims which would alter labour costs for the life of the Agreement. 4. 4.1

COLLEGE PROGRAM Whole College Program


The employer and employees recognise that independent education involves as a basic tenet the concept of all-round education and the all encompassing curriculum that this implies. This fact is reflected in the College Aims and Objectives.


Accordingly the Employer and employees are committed to the concept of a College Program which involves a total curriculum of academic, pastoral and extra-curricula activities.


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Extra curricular activities (the supervision of College sports, clubs within the College, cadet training, &c) shall continue to be performed on an honorary and voluntary basis.



The employer and employees agree to monitor, and implement where appropriate, improved management practices to reduce College operating costs. Specific attention will be given to the following cost areas: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) 6. 6.1

telephone photocopying maintenance cleaning energy printing relief staff


There are compelling educational reasons for Colleges to ensure that their students are confident and capable users of information and communication technologies. Djarragun College is committed to ensuring that its students have the opportunities to become confident, capable users of the technologies. Such commitment by Djarragun College will be ongoing. The aim is to improve student learning outcomes through the integration of computers in the curriculum and bringing worldwide information resources to classrooms. The employer and employees recognise the achievement of this aim is dependant on teachers’ confidence and competence in the use of computers for learning and teaching. Technological competence is acknowledged as a basic teaching prerequisite without which professionals are not adequately skilled to teach in the most effective ways. To achieve this staff will: Participate in employer provided and funded professional development. Review or assist their Head of Department to review Work Programs, Units and lessons with a view to identifying opportunities to embed core/technological skills. After the provision of adequate training and resources: (i) (ii)

use and promote the use of information and communication technologies in learning, teaching and assessment; report on student achievement relating to the standards attained in the use of information and communication technologies.

8 6.2

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Information Technology


The employer and employees acknowledge the importance of integrating technology into classrooms to enhance quality teaching and learning in Djarragun College. The development and use of new technologies which assist teaching and learning require an increasingly skilled workforce. The employer and employees acknowledge further that teachers as professionals must have a commitment to professional development and training involving both College and personal time.


Mindful of other professional development opportunities the employer will provide resources, to meet the agreed technology needs. As professional development and technology resources become available the employer and employees are committed to the implementation of the comprehensive professional development and training agendas that have been developed. For teaching staff, the employer and employees are committed to the involvement of teachers in an annual program of professional development and training. This may comprise activities scheduled for pupil free days, programs during rostered duty time (with appropriate relief arrangements) and activities voluntarily undertaken outside rostered duty time.


For such a program to be effective the employer recognises that a significant investment in technology is required.


Cost may be incurred by the individual teacher where they do not take advantage of courses organised by the College in College time or pupil free days or where individual choice of course or provider is exercised. This clause will not apply where employees are unavailable due to approved leave or sickness.


Feedback will be provided by participants on the effectiveness, content and presentation of the course. The basic technological competencies (stage one), which support traditional instruction, are as set out in the attached schedule.



The Employer and employees have implemented professional appraisal for all teachers and College officers on the following basis: (a)

the appraisal would be periodic rather than an annual process;


it could be initiated by the College or a staff member;


it will be in the context of the Mission Statement, College goals and objectives;


it provides for a variety of collection processes and sources;


it needs to be flexible to allow for changes and modifications within the stated framework;


it makes provision for the allocation of adequate resources to operate the process.


it would involve College management.


the requested appraisal will be based on agreed and clearly articulated criteria which in the case of teachers would be based on the role of a teacher in an independent College and in the case of College officers their particular role description.


the outcome would be known to the employer and employees and form the basis for discussion in regard to :

9 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

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Further professional development Career development/opportunities Positive re-enforcement Improvement as appropriate Planning program for performance timing/duration in a particular year will be discussed with the appraisee.




Provision of Training

The employer is committed to enhancing the knowledge base of the employees through the provision of both internal and external professional development and training, within the College’ resource capacity, linked to: the relevant appraisal system;



the goals of the College; and


the personal goals of the employees as related to their work.

Recovery of Course Costs

If an employee undertakes training pursuant to clause 8.1 and this training incurred a direct cost to the College such as enrolment fees etc. and the employee then resigns their employment or their employment is terminated for misconduct within 6 months of the completion of the training, the employee must repay 50% of the direct cost of the Training to the College. This payment may be deducted from the employee’s final pay including payment for accrued leave entitlements. 9.



The employer and employees acknowledge the importance of on-going curriculum review and development and recognise the importance of a well resourced and staged implementation consistent with a well managed change process.


The employer and employees agree to undertake curriculum review and development and consistent with the consultative mechanisms provided in this agreement agree to promote improvements in the quality of teaching and learning within the parameters of available resources and planning time.


It is acknowledged that existing College officers have a support role to play in assisting the College to meet College goals.



The Company and employees acknowledge that there is a joint responsibility for contributing to employees’ retirement provisions. After 1 July 2006, where an employee contributes at least 5 percent of their salary into superannuation, the Company will contribute an additional 3.75 percent of salary above the Superannuation Guarantee Charge into that employee’s superannuation account. That is, the Company’s additional contribution is contingent upon the employee’s contribution. The employee’s contribution may be paid using the provisions of the salary sacrifice provision outlined in Clause 3.3 11.



Employees covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to Maternity Leave in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2 Part 2 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999. Employees who proceed on Maternity Leave after 1 August 2005 shall be paid 6 weeks salary equivalent to the rate paid prior to proceeding on leave.


Male employees shall be entitled to take up to 12 months unpaid Paternity Leave in accordance with Chapter 2 Part 2 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999.


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The employer and employees agree that male employees shall be entitled to five (5) days paternity leave. This leave shall be taken as Special Responsibility Leave using accrued sick leave in accordance with the provisions of the Family Leave Award.


The employer and employees agree that all indigenous employees shall be entitled to five (5) days Cultural Leave to be taken from accrued sick leave. If employees have no sick leave entitlement then the Cultural Leave shall be unpaid.




An employee shall, on the death of a member of their immediate family be entitled on notice to leave up to and including the day of the funeral of such relative and such leave shall be without deduction of pay for a period not exceeding the number of hours worked by the employee for two ordinary days of work.


The term “immediate family” means: (a)

an employee’s spouse; and


a child, exnuptial child, stepchild, adopted child, ex-foster child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee or employee’s spouse.


Proof of such death shall be furnished by the employee to the satisfaction of the College whenever required. For the purposes of this clause, the word spouse shall include the person who lives with the employee as a common law wife or husband.




An employee who is absent from work due to personal illness or injury shall be entitled to payment for time absent from work subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Clause 14.


If the absence due to personal illness or injury exceeds three (3) days, the employee shall be required to produce a certificate from a duly qualified medical practitioner specifying the nature of the illness and the period or approximate period during which the employee will be unable to work, or other evidence of illness to the satisfaction of the College.


The employee shall promptly notify the College of the illness and of the approximate period during which the employee will be unable to work.


In respect to any year of employment completed every full time employee shall become entitled to not less than 60.8 hours sick leave for each completed year of employment. For any period of less than one year the employee shall become entitled to 7.6 hours sick leave for each six (6) weeks of employment.


Part-time, Term-time and Fixed Period employees shall be entitled to pro rata sick leave calculated on the following basis :-



for each completed year of service – 60.8 hours x Ordinary hours worked per week ÷ 38


for each completed period of six (6) weeks in respect of an incomplete year of service – 7.6 hours x Ordinary hours work per week ÷ 38

Sick leave shall be cumulative, but unless the employer and employee otherwise agree, no employee shall be entitled to receive, and no employer shall be bound to make, payment for more than thirteen (13) weeks' absence from work through illness in any one year

11 14.7

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The continuity of employment of an employee with an employer for sick leave accumulation purposes shall be deemed to be not broken by any of the following:– (i) (ii)

Absence from work on leave granted by the employer. The employee having been dismissed or stood down by the employer, or the employee having terminated the employment with the employer, for any period not exceeding three (3) months: Provided that the employee shall have been re-employed by the employer.


The period during which the employment of the employee with the employer shall have been interrupted or determined in any of the circumstances mentioned in paragraph (14.7) hereof shall not be taken into account in calculating the period of employment of the employee with the employer.


Staff who fall ill while on other leave cannot cancel one type of leave to activate paid sick leave.




All employees shall be entitled to the following holidays or any day appointed under the Holiday Act 1983 to be kept in place of such holiday:


New Years Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Labour Day, Queens Birthday, Local Show Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day.


By mutual agreement between the College and employee/s another day may be substituted for any of the above holidays.



The employer and employees agree to commence negotiations for the replacement Certified Agreement three (3) months prior to the expiry date of this Agreement. 17.



Employees shall be entitled to long service leave in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act 1999 except as provided for within this Agreement.


Employees shall accrue long service leave at the rate of 1.3 weeks for each year of service from the date of engagement or the date this Agreement is Certified, whichever is the latter.


Employees shall be entitled to take long service leave after 10 years of continuous service.


Employees shall be able to access further and subsequent periods of long service leave after they have completed a further 5 years of continuous service after they last received an entitlement to take long service leave.




"Full-time Employee" is one engaged to work 38 ordinary hours per week on the basis of 52 weeks per annum.


"Part-time Employee" is an employee engaged to work a constant number of ordinary hours of less than 38 per week on the basis of 52 weeks per annum.


"Term-time Employee" is a continuing employee engaged to work: (a)

38 ordinary hours per week but less than 52 weeks per annum; or


Less than 38 ordinary hours per week and less than 52 weeks per annum.


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"Casual Employee" is one engaged and paid as such and who is employed by the hour.


"Specified Period Employee" is one engaged to work 38 ordinary hours or less per week with a specified commencement and cessation date: Provided that a Specified Period Employee may be engaged for a period of up to 52 weeks in respect of any one engagement.


“College Officer” shall have the same meaning as that given to “School Officer” within the School Officers (Non-Governmental Schools) Award State and shall be remunerated in accordance with the College Officer Wages Schedule. Provided that the provisions contained in this Agreement for College Officers (other than classification reviews) shall have no application to Assistant Teachers.




Subject to any other provisions of this Agreement the ordinary hours of work for an employee shall be an average 38 hours per week.


Such ordinary hours of work shall be worked between 7.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays inclusive or on such other terms as agreed at the point of engagement or subsequently changed by mutual agreement.


The normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours shall be established at the point of engagement and may only be varied by the College with two week’s notice, or shorter period by mutual agreement.


Where the College requires an employee to work either before the starting times or after the finishing times of ordinary hours, the employee shall be granted time in lieu for the equivalent hours worked to be taken at a mutually convenient time.



The College shall give to an employee other than a casual employee notice in writing of the termination of service or payment in lieu of such notice as follows: (a)

if the employee's continuous service is: (i) (ii) (iii)


not more than 3 years - 2 weeks; and more than 3 years but not more than 5 years - 3 weeks; and more than 5 years - 4 weeks; and

increased by 1 week if the employee: (i) (ii)

is over 45 years old; and has completed at least 2 years of continuous service with the College.

Provided that this subclause shall not apply to an employee dismissed for incompetence, misconduct or neglect of duty who may be summarily dismissed without notice. Employees are required to provide the same notice as the College when terminating their employment or forfeit moneys owing to them to the value of the notice not provided. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the College may vary the terms of engagement of any employee other than a casual employee by providing two weeks notice of such changes unless it is mutually agreed between the College and employee for a shorter period of time

13 21

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Full-time employees shall receive a paid rest pause of ten minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of each day worked.


Employees other than full-time who work a minimum of four consecutive ordinary hours but no more than six (6) consecutive ordinary hours on any one day shall receive a rest pause of ten minutes' duration. Employees who work in excess of six (6) consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal break) on any one day shall receive a rest pause of ten minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of the period worked.


Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with continuity of work where continuity is necessary.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the College and the employees agree the rest pauses may be combined.

22 21.1 23 22.1

MEAL BREAK An employee shall be entitled to an unpaid meal break of not less than half an hour and not more than one hour per working day. ANNUAL LEAVE Entitlements (a)

Full-time, part-time and specified period employees, covered by this Agreement shall, at the end of each year of employment, be entitled to annual leave with pay as set out hereunder.


The accrual rate of annual leave for full-time employees shall be 152 hours per annum (ie. four (4) weeks annual leave per annum on a thirty eight (38) hour week basis).


Part-time, term-time and specified period employees shall at the end of each College year be entitled to annual leave calculated as follows:

No.of weeks worked during the year x 4 weeks x average hours per week calculated on weeks worked 52



Annual leave shall be taken by all employees during College vacation periods unless otherwise agreed between the College and employee.


If an employee and the College so agree, annual leave may be taken wholly or partly in advance before the employee has become entitled to annual leave. (i)

An employee who has taken in advance the whole of the annual leave that would be due at the end of a year of employment, is not entitled to any further annual leave at the end of that year of employment.


An employee who has taken in advance part of the annual leave that would be due at the end of a year of employment, becomes entitled at the end of that year of employment to the part of the annual leave not already taken.

Calculation of Annual Leave Pay (a)

In respect to annual leave entitlements to which this clause applies, annual leave pay (including any proportionate payments) shall comprise: (i)

The employee's ordinary wage rate as prescribed by this Agreement for the period of the annual leave; and

14 (ii) (b)



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A further amount calculated at the rate of 17.5 percent of the amounts referred to in provision (i) of this subclause.

The provisions in paragraph (a) hereof shall not apply: (i)

To any period or periods of leave exceeding four (4) weeks per annum in any other case.


Where the College (and their employees) is already paying (or receiving) an annual leave bonus, loading or other annual leave payment which is not less favourable to employees.

Termination (other than casuals) (a)

If any employee other than a casual employee shall be dismissed by the College or voluntarily leave employment after any leave shall have become due, and without such leave having been taken, such employee shall be entitled in lieu thereof to a sum equal to salary computed at the rate of wages which the employee was earning at the date of such dismissal or leaving calculated in accordance with this Certified Agreement.


If the employment of any employee is terminated before the expiration of a full year of employment, such employee shall be paid, in addition to all other amounts due to the employee, an amount equal to one-twelfth of ordinary pay for the period of employment calculated in accordance with this Certified Agreement.


If any such leave shall not have been taken as it falls due from time to time, such leave shall be cumulative from year to year for a period not exceeding two (2) years.


Every employee shall be given at least four (4) weeks’ notice by the College of the commencement of annual leave provided that less than four (4) weeks’ notice of the commencement of annual leave may be given by agreement between the College and the employee. 23.



The College and employees to whom this Agreement applies shall observe the terms and conditions of the Statement of Policy on Termination of Employment, Introduction of Change, Redundancy contained in the Decision of the Full Bench of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission dated 29 October 2003 and published in the Queensland Government Industrial Gazette of 14 November 2003 908 - 912.


The College shall display a copy of the aforementioned Decision of the Full Bench of the State Industrial Relations Commission in such a position as to be easily read by the employees.



The Employer and employees acknowledge that the nature and scope of the duties performed by College Officers and Tutors have, in some cases, changed.


It is agreed that where a College Officer or Tutor feels that the position has evolved beyond the original classification they may request in writing and will be entitled to have the level of their position reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the School Officers (Non Governmental Schools) Award State provided:


No more than one such review will occur in each academic year unless the employee’s duties are substantially changed by the employer.


The review shall be completed within four weeks of receipt of the written request.


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The review will consider the content of the current position description together with details of the work actually performed by the employee and the employer’s actual requirements for the position.


Where an employee is dissatisfied with the outcome of such a review the grievance procedure contained in this certified agreement may be accessed.




“Teacher” shall mean any registered teacher or other appropriately qualified person approved by the Principal for special purposes (example, a qualified instrumental music teacher) who is ordinarily engaged (full-time, part-time, specified term or casual) in teaching on the staff of the College.


“Three year trained teacher” shall mean a person appointed as a teacher with three years of approved teacher education or such other qualifications as may be recognised by the College for this purpose.


“Four year trained teacher” shall mean a person appointed as a teacher who holds either: (a)

an approved three year degree or an approved equivalent tertiary qualification plus at least one year of approved teacher education or such other qualifications recognised by the College as equivalent to one year of teacher education; or


an approved four-year degree or such other qualifications recognised by the College as equivalent.


“Year of service” for the purpose of assessing the salary payable to a teacher shall be determined with due regard to qualifications and years of service in a capacity equivalent to the particular category of teacher in a College or a College to which the Teachers Award, - Non Governmental Award applies, in a College or College controlled by Education Queensland, and such other teaching service as the College might recognise.


“Approved” used in relation to course, diploma, degree, or university, means a course, diploma, degree or university acceptable to or recognised by the Director-General of Education Queensland for similar qualifying purposes in respect of teachers employed by Education Queensland.


“Year” used in relation to an approved university course or an approved course at a comparable institution means the subject requirements specified for a year of full-time course or an equivalent number or point value of subjects which are relevant to subjects being taught.


“Job Share” is defined as a mode of employment where the duties, responsibilities and benefits of an employment classification contained in this Agreement are shared between two teachers.


“Senior Teacher” is defined as a Teacher who has been appointed in writing to a supervisory capacity within the College. A Senior Teacher is expected to take a leadership role in curriculum development, mentoring junior Teachers and providing necessary guidance to other Teachers to ensure the smooth operation of the College. A Teacher is eligible to apply to the College to be appointed to the position of Senior Teacher after they have completed two years at Band 3 Step 4.


“Tutor” is defined as an employee who is appointed to the position in writing and who provides support as outlined in clause 34.1. Tutors shall advance through the salary structure according to their skills and experience and not through years of service as do Teachers.


“Casual Tutor” means a person appointed as such who is engaged to work by the hour on an irregular basis.


“Fixed Term Tutor” means a person appointed as such who is engaged as a tutor to work regular hours each week provided the engagement shall always be less than full time.

16 26. 26.1



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A casual teacher shall be employed on an intermittent basis to relieve a teacher absent from duty or to meet a short term staffing requirement.


A casual teacher shall be employed for a minimum period of three (3) hours and maximum period of five (5) days of teaching in respect of any one engagement. There shall be a minimum payment of three (3) hours for each day employed.


Hourly remuneration for a casual teacher shall be calculated by dividing the fortnightly rate of salary prescribed by this Agreement for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualification by 53 and adding thereto a casual loading of twenty-three percent. No payment shall be made to such casual teacher for statutory holidays, College vacation periods or days absent from duty because of illness or any other reason.


Where teachers are required to perform duties over and above their classroom teaching duties, they shall be renumerated for such duties at the rate prescribed at paragraph 30.1(c) above.


Casual teachers in the Secondary section of the College shall be allowed time for corrections, assessments or evaluations at the College not less than the rate of one hour for every five hours of teaching time. This time shall be paid at the rate prescribed at paragraph 30.1(c) above. This entitlement shall not apply to casual teachers in respect of the first two (2) days of any one engagement.


A casual teacher shall be deemed to have completed a year of service, for the purpose of this clause and this clause only when the aggregate amount of time paid for is 1230 hours.

Part-Time Teachers (a)

A part-time teacher shall mean a teacher who is employed on a weekly contract of employment, but who is employed for less teaching time than a full time teacher.


The hourly rate of payment for part-time teachers shall be calculated by dividing the fortnightly rate of salary prescribed by this Agreement for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualification by 53.


Part-time teachers shall accrue entitlements under this Agreement in the same manner as full time teachers, however payment for entitlements shall be pro rata based on the average weekly hours of employment.


A part-time teacher in secondary section of the College shall be allowed time for corrections, assessment or evaluations at the College not less than at the rate of one hour for every five hours of teaching time. This time shall be paid at the rate of prescribed at sub-clause 30.2(b) above.


A part-time teacher shall be deemed to have completed a year of service, for the purpose of this clause and this clause only when the aggregate amount of time paid for equals 1230 hours.


Payment shall be made at the prescribed rate to a part-time teacher whose class or classes are not available unless notice has been given to the part-time teacher of the unavailability of such class or classes on the preceding College day.

Specified Term (Contract) Teachers (a)

A specified term teacher is one engaged to work up to, but not exceeding, a full teaching load with a specified commencement date and cessation date.




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A specified term teacher shall be paid at the appropriate rate as prescribed by this Agreement for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualifications and shall be paid the proportion of the annual salary which relates to the period worked.


Specified term teachers shall accrue pro-rata entitlements of paid vacation period based on the number of hours worked divided by the annualised quantum of hours worked by a full time teacher multiplied by the hours of the entitlement. The leave loading of 17.5 percent on four weeks salary will be paid on the pro-rata annual leave accrual.


Specified term teachers shall accrue pro-rata entitlements of paid sick leave based on a full time equivalent entitlement of 8 days per annum.


Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally engaged, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate of the number of hours normally worked on that day.

Job Share (a)

A suitable job share arrangement may be entered into between the College and teachers.


The salaries paid to job share participants shall be in accordance with the scale of salaries prescribed herein based on the percentage division of the work.


Teachers subject to the job share arrangement prescribed by this clause shall be entitled to pro rata benefits of such leave, vacation periods, statutory holidays and all other accrued benefits and accept the same responsibilities of full-time teachers based on the percentage division of the work.

Tutor Salaries (a)

Tutors may elect to work 43 weeks per year with no additional hours in the Boarding School and be paid the salary specified in the schedule Assistant Teachers (1) or;


Tutors may elect to work 43 weeks per year plus an additional 3.6 hours per week in the Boarding School and be paid the salary specified in the schedule Assistant Teachers (2).

Regardless of which schedule the Tutor elects in accordance with the above, the annual salary for a Tutor shall be divided by 52 and that amount will be paid fortnightly. 27. 27.1


TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Teachers, other than Casual, Part-Time or Specified-Term (a)

The College shall give to a teacher at least 4 weeks’ notice, to be increased to 5 weeks if the teacher is over 45 years of age and has completed at least 2 years of continuous service with the College, in writing of termination of their employment.


The notice given shall be exclusive of vacation periods.

Teachers, Part-Time or Specified-Term (a)

The College shall give to a teacher notice in writing of termination of service as follows: (i)

not more than 3 years continuous service - 2 weeks; and


more than 3 years but not more than 5 years continuous service - 3 weeks; and


more than 5 years continuous service - 4 weeks; and

18 (iv)

1 August 2007

The period of notice prescribed above shall be increased by 1 week if the teacher is over 45 years of age and has completed at least 2 years of continuous service with the College.


A teacher shall give to the College at least two weeks’ notice in writing of intention to resign from their position.


Where possible the notice given should be exclusive of vacation periods.

In lieu of the notice period prescribed by this Certified Agreement, salary equivalent to the notice not given shall be paid to the teacher, or the College shall be entitled to withhold from salary due to the teacher salary equivalent to the notice not given, as the case may be. The notice prescribed by this Certified Agreement shall not apply to any teacher dismissed for incompetence, misconduct, or neglect of duty, who may be summarily dismissed without notice. 28.



A three year trained teacher shall be appointed at Band 1 Step 1 as provided by Appendix 1.


Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, progression from one salary Step to a higher salary Step shall be by annual increment up to the maximum salary of Band 2.


A three year trained teacher shall have access to Band 3 and shall (except as provided in sub-clause 34) complete two years service on Steps 1,2 and 3 of Band 3 before progression to the next Step up to the maximum salary of Band 3




A four year trained teacher shall be appointed at Band 2 Step 1 as provided by Appendix 1.


A four year trained teacher who has first or second degree honours, a Masters or Doctorate, or who has two approved degrees shall commence on the salary prescribed for Band 2 Step 2.


Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, progression from one salary Step to a higher salary Step shall be by annual increment up to the maximum of salary Band 3.



Subject to satisfactory conduct, diligence, and efficiency, a teacher shall receive annual increments in salary according to the scale of salaries applicable in such case until the teacher receives the maximum salary for which such teacher is eligible under this Agreement. 31.



A teacher, upon appointment, shall be paid as from the date upon which that teacher commenced duty.


A teacher who has taught (or has been granted paid leave by the College) for each day of the College year at the College shall be paid as for a full calendar year commencing on 1 January.


A teacher who ceases duty before completing ten teaching weeks of employment shall be paid, in lieu of vacation pay, an amount equal to one twelfth of that teacher’s ordinary pay for the period of employment.


A teacher who ceases duty after at least ten teaching weeks of employment shall be paid the proportion of their salary that the teacher’s service, excluding College vacations bears to a standard College year. Such proportion of salary shall be calculated on the salary which the employee was receiving immediately before cessation of employment.


1 August 2007


A teacher who has taught the full College year, and who resigns from the College effective after the last day of the College year but before the commencement of the next College year shall have their salary entitlement calculated to 31 December of the year in which they last taught.


A standard year shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Clause, to be forty weeks.




A teacher who has taught (or who has been granted paid leave by the College) for each day of the College year at the College shall receive an annual leave-loading equivalent to 17.5 percent of four weeks salary calculated upon the salary which such employee was receiving immediately before commencing the midsummer vacation.


A teacher who commences employment after the beginning of a College year and who has actually taught for at least twenty weeks, or who has taught for at least a full College term and who teaches to the end of the College year, shall be paid the proportion of the annual leave loading prescribed in subclause that the teacher’s service (excluding College vacations) bears to a standard College year.


A teacher who resigns, having given the prescribed notice in writing, or whose services are terminated by the College for some reason or reasons other than misconduct, incompetence or neglect of duty and who has taught for at least the full first College term, shall be paid the proportion of the annual leave loading prescribed in subclause that the teacher’s service (excluding College vacations) bears to a standard College ear.


The loading prescribed by subclauses and shall be calculated upon the salary which the employee was receiving immediately before the cessation of employment. Such loading shall be paid to the teacher at the commencement of the mid-summer vacation or prior to the date of cessation of employment.


A standard year shall be deemed for the purposes of this clause to be forty (40) weeks.



Subject to the operational requirements of the College upon completion of 5 years continuous service an employee may be granted up to 12 months unpaid study leave. Such leave shall be available at a time agreed upon by both the Principal and employee and shall not break the continuity of employment but shall not count as continuous service. 34. 34.1

TUTORS Principles of Programming

Tutors will have a programme that provides the greatest possible client service, flexibility of duties and appropriate programmes. Djarragun College aims to achieve a productive working environment for Tutors so that our clients receive high quality vocational education and training opportunities. To achieve these aims all tutors are expected to have a weekly programme. Consultation with respect to programming should take place between the Tutor Co-ordinator and the tutor. Tutoring duties must take into account all preparation, consultation and other duties associated with the tutorial. To ensure that this is done in an equitable and consultative manner, the tutor’s programme should be determined according to the following principles: (a)

The needs of clients


The level of consultation required between the Tutor and the VET Co-ordinator


The nature of the curriculum and the mode of delivery;


The need to deliver a programme in the most efficient manner without compromising education quality;

20 (e) 34.2

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Local factors peculiar to the College.


The decision to introduce / vary the use of tutors in the presentation of a course will be made by the Principal and VET Co-ordinator through a process of consultation. The appointment to tutors involved in the delivery of courses would be the result of an assessment of client needs, the nature of the curriculum, desired learning outcomes, and the need to deliver a programme in the most efficient manner without compromising educational quality, and other environmental factors. It is imperative that work teams and the VET Co-ordinator plan and create a mix of staff to ensure that clients achieve the desired learning outcomes. The total mix of staff needs to be examined by the team so that an appropriate range of competencies is available. A tutor must present the tutorial programme to be delivered for consideration and approval by the VET Co-ordinator and the Principal. 34.3



Tutors may elect to work 43 weeks per year with no additional hours in the Boarding School and be paid the salary specified in the schedule Tutors (1) or;


Tutors may elect to work 43 weeks per year plus an additional 2 hours per week in the Boarding School and be paid the salary specified in the schedule Tutors (2).

Regardless of which schedule the Tutor elects in accordance with the above, the annual salary for Tutors shall be divided by 52 and that amount will be paid weekly. 34.4

Recognition of qualifications at appointment.

Upon appointment as Tutors, it is agreed, that depending on qualifications and previous experience, tutors can be placed anywhere on the tutor salary scale. The conditions applying would be: Years of recognised service as a teacher or tutor A tutor with qualifications equivalent to the module or course in which the tutoring occurs shall commence at Step 1 of the tutor salary scale. 34.5

Casual Tutor

A casual tutor shall be paid the hourly rate as prescribed in Schedule A.


Hours of Work

The ordinary weekly working hours of tutors shall not exceed 38 Tutors shall be required to be in attendance at the College or engaged in College related work for 38 hours per week. 35. 35.1


The position of Senior Teacher provides teachers with the opportunity to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. The Senior Teacher provision provides an opportunity for classroom teachers to further teaching excellence and promotes a leadership role amongst classroom teachers by undertaking high level tasks consistent with his Schedule.


1 August 2007

The provisions which are contained within this Schedule will be exclusive to the PAR schedule. The duties of a Senior Teacher will not be those of a PAR position and will be remunerated according to the Senior Teacher provisions as outlined in this document. 35.2


A senior teacher is a teacher who:



has been on the classification Band 3 Step 4 for a period of 12 months; and


makes a commitment by signing an undertaking consistent with the Senior Teacher Action Plan.


The College will initiate advice to the teacher regarding the teacher’s eligibility to be a Senior Teacher which will be: (a)

in writing and identify the date of eligibility; and


provided to the teacher at least six months prior to the date of eligibility.

Should a teacher not be notified of eligibility to be a Senior Teacher, then the teacher will not be precluded from submitting the Senior Teacher Action Plan. In cases where notification has not occurred, retrospective payment will be made from that date. 35.4

Senior Teacher Action Plan

The teacher will submit a signed Senior Teacher Action Plan which lists one or more tasks the teacher will undertake as a classroom teacher consistent with the express intention of furthering teaching excellence. This undertaking will be in the form of a Senior Teacher Action Plan which will identify specific task(s) consistent with one or more of the skills identified. The Senior Teacher Action Plan which identifies one or more tasks will be mutually agreed and signed by the teacher and the Principal. A Senior Teacher shall review ad revise, if necessary, the Senior Teacher Action Plan each year. Where a Senior Teacher Action Plan is revised it will be resubmitted to the Principal, mutually agreed and signed, from the Principal. In the event of either party having a grievance with the Senior Teacher Action Plan, each party reserves the right to invoke the procedures for preventing and settling disputes contained within this Certified Agreement. 35.6


The tasks identified within the Senior Teacher Action Plan shall demonstrate one or more of the following skills: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 35.7

Skills in effective classroom practices Skills in evaluating and reporting students’ progress Skills in developing positive relationship with students Skills in the development of personal and professional relationships with other staff members, parents and the wider community. Skills in the development and implementation of ideas gained from professional development activities to enhance students learning. Skills in the development and implementation if ideas gained from professional development activities to promote organisational development.

Indicative Tasks


1 August 2007

The demonstration of one or more of the above skills may involve one or more tasks chosen by the teacher from a list developed via a mechanism of consultation through the College Consultative Committee. The list of tasks developed by the College Consultative Committee shall be consistent with the College Strategic and Operation Plan. It should be noted that tasks developed by the College Consultative Committee are tasks that a teacher may undertake as a classroom teacher. The following list of tasks is an indicative list only and may be used as a guide in the development of the College list by the College Consultative Committee. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) 35.8

Developing teaching-learning activities which enhance student learning; Modelling effective teaching strategies and classroom management strategies in an identified context Providing support to the implementation of a new syllabus Providing support to the evaluation of curriculum Making a contribution to the professional development of other teachers; Providing pastoral support to students in an identified area(s) Providing pastoral support to other employees in an identified area; Providing support to core testing activities; Undertaking the testing, recording and reporting associated with core assessment Providing support to the induction programme for new staff; Undertaking an identified mentoring task(s); Providing support to a year level co-ordinator in an identified area(s) Providing support to a subject area co-ordinator in an identified area(s) Participating in internal and/ or external College /community committees; Providing support to or undertaking a project activity; Providing support to resource development in an identified area(s).

Classroom Allocation

The tasks of a Senior Teacher will not be as frequent or onerous as to detract from the Senior Teacher’s primary role as a classroom teacher. The normal classroom load of a Senior Teacher may be adjusted when necessary, from time to time at the discretion of the Principal, within available resources and consistent with this Certified Agreement. 35.9


A teacher will not be prejudiced by not having complied with the Senior Teacher Action Plan due to circumstances beyond the control of the teacher. If a Senior Teacher does not comply with the terms of the undertaking within the Senior Teacher Action Plan the Principal will: (a) (b)

outline the nature of the non-compliance, in writing to the teacher, and provide the teacher with adequate opportunity to explain/readdress the situation

If the teacher does not provide an explanation to the satisfaction of the Principal and after being given an opportunity fails to address the situation, then; (a)

the Principal will provide a written determination to the teacher outlining the teachers noncompliance with the undertaking; and


the teacher will revert back to the classification of Band 3 Step 4 for a period of 12 months from the date of the Principal’s written determination.

After the 12 month period referred to expires, the teacher is again eligible for access to Senior Teacher. Any teacher aggrieved by the decision to remove their classification of Senior Teacher or to refuse them entry or reentry to the Senior Teacher classification, may access the dispute resolution procedure of this Certified Agreement. 35.10



1 August 2007

Remuneration payable to a Senior Teacher is at the rate prescribed. Remuneration shall be paid from the date of eligibility provided that the teacher provides an undertaking prior to that date. 35.11

Eligibility of fixed term appointees

In the case of a teacher employed on a fixed term basis, such a teacher may only access Senior Teacher classification if either: (a)

the fixed term engagement is of at least three (3) College terms in duration; or


the term of engagement being less than three (3) College terms, the Principal reaches agreement with the fixed term teacher.

In cases where the classification of Senior Teacher is not accessed by a fixed term teacher, then there shall be no employer requirement or expectation that tasks, consistent with this provision will be performed. 35.12

Eligibility of part-time appointees

In the case of a teacher employed on a part time basis of at leat 0.4 of a full-time employee, such a teacher may access Senior Teacher classification through the process identified and shall receive a proportional salary rate based on the salary rate of a senior teacher.


1 August 2007

SENIOR TEACHER ACTION PLAN Name:……………………………………………………… Consistent with the provision given in the Djarragun College Certified Agreement, I agree to undertake tasks consistent with one or more of the skills areas identified in the appropriate clause according to the following schedule. (a) Identified skills(s)

(b) Identified task(s)

………………………………………………………. Signature




………………………………………………………. Principal




Remuneration shall be paid from the date of eligibility provided that the teacher provides an undertaking prior to that date. Where the teacher provides an undertaking, consistent with the agreement, after the eligibility date, remuneration shall be paid from the date the undertaking is provided.


1 August 2007




This schedule shall apply to all teachers, secondary, primary, academic and pastoral appointed to Positions of Added Responsibility (PARs) with the exception of Deputy Principal.


This schedule prescribes conditions of employment for PARs covered by this Certified Agreement.


The level of PAR and the subjects occupying the various levels shall be determined by the Principal following consultation with the College Consultative Committee.


The final decision concerning the most appropriate PAR structure for the Colleges rests with the Principal.

36.1 Positions of Added Responsibility A PAR is defined as a teaching position within the promotional structure of each College , up to but not including Deputy Principal/s where the incumbent may be responsible for curricular, administrative / co-ordinating or pastoral activities in the secondary, middle or primary sections of a College as defined below: Curricular: The co-ordination of all secondary, secondary and/or primary and primary curricular, and co-curricular duties, programmes, and activities associated with a subject. Pastoral: The co-ordination of staff with pastoral duties, programmes, and activities and may include chaplain or counsellor. Administrative / Co-ordinating of a College e.g. Primary, Middle College, Senior Secondary, Vet. Senior Staff are defined as senior educational leadership positions. The incumbents may be responsible for the coordination and supervision of staff in all secondary, secondary and primary, primary, curricular, co-curricular and/or pastoral duties, programmes and activities, in addition to teaching and other classroom duties. Level 1 – 4 Positions of Added Responsibility Positions of Added Responsibility are defined as educational leadership positions. Incumbents may be responsible for the co-ordination and supervision of staff in all secondary, middle College , secondary and primary, primary, curricular, co-curricular and/or pastoral duties, programmes and activities, in addition to teaching and other classroom duties. Level 5 Position of Added Responsibility When a teacher has sole responsibility of an area and is accountable to a member of Senior Management, a Level 5 shall be appointed. Level 5 may also be used to accommodate emergent short term needs of the College. 36.2


A teacher who is appointed as a PAR in a College shall be entitled to additional remuneration to reflect the responsibilities incurred and based on the provisions as set out in the following table. Teachers appointed at Level 5 to accommodate emergent short term needs of the College , will be paid this allowance but will not attract this allowance whilst on leave (sick, annual and long service). 36.3

Selection Procedure

The College shall have the responsibility for the assignment of teachers to the position of PAR. The suitability of an applicant for a position will be based on the requirements of the job description and the general College needs. For each job description an appropriate set of criteria will be developed for each position.


Contract of Appointment


1 August 2007

A teacher appointed to a Position of Added Responsibility under this schedule shall be provided with a letter of appointment which sets out the following:



The level allocated to the position.


The distribution of the total allocation of Salary.


PARs may be require to reflect the performance outcomes contained within the College ’s Strategic and Operational Planning, as part of the appraisal process outlined in this Certified Agreement. 36.6


A teacher who is appointed to a promotional position shall retain that position except where: (a)

the teacher’s performance has been found deficient by a formal diminished performance process: or

(b) the existing promotional position has been abolished after consultation with the College Consultative Committee; or (c)

the existing promotional position has been abolished after consultation with the College Consultative Committee and a new position has been declared open and the applicant fails to be reappointed to such a position.


the provisions of Sub-Clause (b) and (c) shall only be applied in circumstances where the College has undertaken academic and / or administrative change that has resulted in alteration to the duties and / or responsibilities of the existing position.


notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Clause, where a change of the type identified in (d) has occurred, the incumbent teacher shall be offered the option of continuing in that position.

Where the teacher elects to continue in that position the employer will not declare the position vacant and the teacher will not be required to see re-appointment. Where the incumbent teacher does not elect to continue in the position, that teacher shall continue to be employed, in accordance with Clause 4.5 36.7

Termination of PAR

Both the employee and the employer shall have the right to terminate the engagement in the PAR occupied in accordance with this Schedule. Notice of termination will be in accordance with the provisions of this Certified Agreement. A person whose PAR is terminated in accordance with the terms of this Certified Agreement shall continue to be employed as a teacher under the terms and conditions of this Certified Agreement. This Clause shall not apply to any employee dismissed for incompetence, misconduct or neglect of duty. 36.8

Savings Clause

The existing conditions and accrued entitlements of employees employed at the date of signing shall not be reduced as a result of this schedule coming into effect.

27 37.



Position Summaries


Assistant Boarding Supervisor

1 August 2007

Position Summary The role of Assistant Boarding Supervisor is to assist the Boarding Supervisors with student supervision and to assist with the co-ordination of boarding activities for students at Djarragun College. Key Duties and Responsibilities (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

Oversee and supervise the smooth running of morning tea and lunch for boarding students on College days at the College tuckshop as per rosters; Supervise students with afternoon tea on College days and ensure that students collect afternoon tea and bring it to the boarding activities area in a timely manner; Oversee morning tea and afternoon tea on weekends within boarding; Supervise boarding students while using the pay phone at rostered times and ensure all paperwork relating to the use of the phone is completed as per procedure; Ensure students are present at the daily afternoon boarding meeting; Assist supervisors with the supervision of study/quiet time; Assist boarding supervisors with students to ensure all students arrive at meals on time; Organise afternoon student activities as per rosters; Assist boarding supervisors with the supervision of students while on group outings; Sort and distribute student mail on a daily basis; Report any damages/breakages caused by students to a Boarding Supervisor; Other duties as requested by the Boarding Manager.

Reporting Relationships The Assistant Boarding Supervisors report to the Boarding Manager or the Boarding Supervisors while on duty. Assistant Boarding Supervisors are not able to make decisions on the College ’s behalf. 37.1.2

Boarding Supervisor (Level 2)

Position Summary The role of the Boarding Supervisor (Level 2) is to assist the Boarding Manager with the daily routines of the boarding house involving the supervision of students and the general functioning of boarding at Djarragun College. An employee at this level works under close supervision either as an individual or a member of a team. A Boarding Supervisor (Level 2) will apply domestic and interpersonal skills to assist more senior staff on duty in the daily routines of the boarding house involving the supervision of students and the general functioning of the boarding house. They are accountable to higher level staff members and their work is regularly checked. Key Duties and Responsibilities Duties of a Boarding Supervisor (Level 2) shall include but are not limited to: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

Ensuring students rise, attend to personal hygiene, personal housekeeping and duties as rostered. Ensuring students are at meals on time and supervising students while at meals; Assisting in the provision of a secure and safe environment for boarding students; Assisting with the supervision of students while completing study and homework; Participating in student activities and excursions as required; Ensuring all students are in their dorms and ready to go to sleep on time; Report to the higher level staff all accidents, incidents and maintenance concerns, etc; Other duties as requested by the Boarding Manager.

Additional Requirements


1 August 2007

Staff at this level are required to hold a minimum Open (Manual) Driver’s Licence and be capable of transporting students when required. Reporting Relationships Boarding Supervisors (Level 2) report directly to the Boarding Manager. Boarding Supervisors (Level 2) are not able to make decisions on the College ’s behalf. 37.1.3

Boarding Supervisor (Level 3)

Position Summary The role of the Boarding Supervisor (Level 3) is to assist the Boarding Manager with the daily routines of the boarding house involving the supervision of students, the co-ordination of boarding activities and the general functioning of the boarding house at Djarragun College. Boarding Supervisors at this level are required to implement boarding rules. Work by staff at this level is carried out under general supervision by higher level staff. Key Duties and Responsibilities (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Duties of a Boarding Supervisor (Level 3) shall include but are not limited to: All duties as identified in lower levels; Reception duties – eg basic administration tasks, provision of phone cards, management of student money and belongings. Driving students to activities and outings; Supervision and monitoring of the daily boarding programme in conjunction with higher level staff; Supervising students while on outings; Other duties as requested by the Boarding Manager from time to time.

Additional Requirements Staff at this level are required to hold a minimum Open (Manual) Driver’s Licence and be capable of transporting students when required. Staff at this level is required to hold a Current First Aid Certificate. Reporting Relationships Boarding Supervisors (Level 3) report directly to the Boarding Manager. Boarding Supervisors (Level 3) are not able to make decisions on the College ’s behalf. 37.1.4

Boarding Supervisor (Level 4)

Position Summary The role of the Boarding Supervisor (Level 4) is to assist the Boarding Manager with the daily routines of the boarding house involving the supervision of students, the co-ordination of boarding activities and the general functioning of the boarding house. Boarding Supervisors at this level will be required to supervise lower level staff. An employee at this level will be able to perform tasks without supervision. Key Duties and Responsibilities (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Duties of a Boarding Supervisor (Level 4) shall include but are not limited to: All duties as identified for lower level staff; Organisation and planning of boarding activities and outings; Report writing for inclusion in student files/College reports; Liaison with parents as directed; Ensuring students understand and adhere to Boarding policies and rules; Supervision of lower level boarding staff;

29 (h)

1 August 2007

Other duties as requested by the Boarding Manager from time to time.

Additional Requirements (a) (b)

Staff at this level are required to hold a Current First Aid Certificate. Staff at this level is required to hold a minimum Open (Manual) Driver’s Licence and be capable of transporting students when required.

Reporting Relationships Boarding Supervisors (Level 4) report directly to the Boarding Manager. Boarding Supervisors (Level 4) are not able to make decisions on the College’s behalf. 37.1.5

Boarding Supervisor (Level 5)

Position Summary The role of the Boarding Supervisor (Level 5) is to assist the Boarding Manager with the daily routines of the boarding house involving the supervision of students, the co-ordination of boarding activities and the general functioning of the boarding house. An employee at this level works under general supervision and/or broad guidance depending on functions and experience. At this level staff will be responsible for decision making in areas as identified by the Boarding Manager. Key Duties and Responsibilities Duties of a Boarding Supervisor (Level 5) shall include but are not limited to: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

All duties performed by lower level employees; Assisting with the co-ordination and implementation of training of lower level employees in liaison with the Boarding Manager; Co-ordinating and directing the activities of lower level staff as directed; Reporting maintenance requirements to the Boarding Manager; Other duties as requested by the Boarding Manager from time to time.

Additional Requirements (a) (b)

Staff at this level are required to hold a Current First Aid Certificate. Staff at this level are required to hold a minimum MR (Medium Rigid) Driver’s Licence and be capable of transporting students when required.

Reporting Relationships Boarding Supervisors (Level 5) report directly to the Boarding Manager. Boarding Supervisors (Level 5) are responsible for decision making in areas as identified by the Boarding Manager. 37.2

Service Increments and Progression

An employee will progress with an annual incremental increase within the limitations of the income range for the employee’s classification level, until the top pay point is reached, subject to the employee achieving mutually agreed goals. The mutually agreed goals shall be determined using the formative appraisal process as set out in the Classification Structure. 37.3

Formative Appraisal

At least once a year each Boarding Supervisor upon request from and together with the Boarding Manager or Principal, shall set mutually agree goals. The goal setting may consider any of the following: (c) (d)

Improvements in productivity and efficiency; Training relevant to the needs of Djarragun College;

30 (e)

1 August 2007

On the job skills development.

The Boarding Supervisor and the Boarding Manager may review the agreed goals during the implementation stage. At the conclusion of each year the progress towards the achievement of the agreed goals is to be determined by the Boarding Supervisor and the person with whom they have undertaken the appraisal process.


1 August 2007


TEACHER’S SALARY Annual Salary Effective January 1, 2006

Annual Salary Effective January 1, 2007

Djarragun College 5.0% increase

Djarragun College 5.0% increase

Annual Salary Effective January 1, 2008 Djarragun College 5.0% increase

BAND 2 Step 1




Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

$45396.75 $47763.45 $50149.05 $52514.70

$47666.58 $50151.62 $52656.50 $55140.43

$50049.90 $52659.20 $55289.32 $57897.45

BAND 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

$54528.60 $56525.70 $58513.35

$57855.03 $59351.98 $61439.01

$60117.78 $62319.58 $64510.96

Step 4




Senior Teacher




Head of Department

Positions of Added Responsibility Annual Salary Effective Annual Salary Effective January 1, 2006 January 1, 2007

Level 4



Annual Salary Effective January 1, 2008 $4,326

Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

$4,314 $6,471 $10,682

$4,486 $6,729 $11,109

$4,655 $6,998 $11,553

Co-Ordinator Level 5 Level 4 Level 3

$1,797 $2,386 $2,992

$1,868 $2,481 $3,111

$1,942 $2,580 $3,235

Level 2 Level 1

$3,595 $4,171

$3,738 $4,337

$3,887 $4,510


1 August 2007

DJARRAGUN COLLEGE OFFICER Fortnightly/Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2006 Djarragun College 3.5% increase

Fortnightly/Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2007 Djarragun College 3.5% increase

Fortnightly/Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2008 Djarragun College 3.5% increase

$1104.34 $1129.46 $1154.52

$28,712.84 $29,365.96 $30,017.52

$1142.98 $1168.98 $1194.92

$29717.48 $30393.48 $31067.92

$1182.98 $1209.90 $1236.74

$30757.48 $31457.40 $32155.24

Step 4 LEVEL 2 Step 1 Step 2







$1204.76 $1239.48

$31,323.76 $32,224.92

$1246.92 $1282.78

$32419.92 $33352.28

$1290.56 $1327.68

$33554.56 $34519.68

Step 3 LEVEL 3 Step 1 Step 2







$1254.90 $1284.64

$32,627.40 $33,400.64

$1298.82 $1329.60

$33769.32 $34569.60

$1344.28 $1376.12

$34951.28 $35779.12

Step 3 Step 4 LEVEL 4 Step 1

$1343.02 $1380.66

$34,918.52 $35,897.16

$1390.02 $1428.98

$36140.52 $37153.48

$1438.66 $1478.98

$37405.16 $38453.48







Step 2 Step 3 LEVEL 5 Step 1

$1443.28 $1481.04

$37,525.28 $38,507.04

$1493.78 $1532.86

$38838.28 $39854.36

$1546.06 $1586.52

$40197.56 $41249.52







Step 2 Step 3 LEVEL 6 Step 1

$1568.72 $1606.48

$40786.72 $41768.48

$1623.62 $1662.70

$42214.12 $43230.20

$1680.45 $1720.90

$43691.76 $44743.40







Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

$1747.76 $1838.32 $1929.90 $2018.14

$45441.76 $47796.32 $50177.40 $52471.64

$1808.92 $1902.66 $1997.44 $2071.88

$47031.92 $49469.16 $51933.44 $53868.85

$1872.24 $1969.26 $2067.36 $2144.40

$48678.24 $51200.76 $53751.36 $55754.40

LEVEL 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3



LEVEL 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

1 August 2007

Fortnightly/Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2006

Fortnightly/Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2007

FortnightlyAnnual Rate Effective January 1, 2008

Djarragun College 3.5% increase

Djarragun College 3.5% increase

Djarragun College 3.5% increase

$1104.34 $1129.46 $1154.52

$28,712.84 $29,365.96 $30,017.52

$1142.98 $1168.98 $1194.92

$29,717.48 $30,393.48 $31,067.92

$1182.98 $1209.90 $1236.74

$30,757.48 $31,457.40 $32,155.24

Step 4 Step 5 LEVEL 2 Step 1

$1179.99 $1204.76

$30,679.80 $31,323.76

$1221.08 $1246.92

$31,748.08 $32,419.92

$1263.82 $1290.56

$32,859.32 $33,554.56







Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

$1241.35 $1270.30 $1299.23 $1328.85

$32,275.00 $33,028.00 $33,780.00 $34,550.00

$1284.80 $1314.76 $1344.68 $1374.70

$33,404.80 $34,183.76 $34,961.68 $35,742.20

$1329.76 $1360.78 $1391.76 $1422.82

$34,573.76 $35,380.28 $36,185.76 $36,993.32

Step 6 Step 7 LEVEL 3 Step 1

$1374.80 $1422.20

$35,744.80 $36,977.20

$1422.92 $1471.98

$36,995.92 $38,271.48

$1472.72 $1523.50

$38,290.72 $39,611.00







Step 2 Step 3

$1546.92 $1619.06

$40,219.92 $42,095.56

$1601.06 $1675.72

$41,627.56 $43,568.72

$1657.10 $1734.38

$43,084.60 $45,093.88


1 August 2007

DJARRAGUN COLLEGE MISCELLANEOUS WORKERS Fortnightly/Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2006

Fortnightly/Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2007

Fortnightly /Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2008

Djarragun College 3.5% increase

Djarragun College 3.5% increase

Djarragun College 3.5% increase

Caretakers and General Cleaners Step 1 Step 2

$1168.38 $1213.00

$30,378.40 $31,538.00

$1209.29 $1255.45

$31441.64 $32641.83

$1251.62 $1299.40

$32542.10 $33784.29

Step 3 Step 4

$1278.30 $1380.30

$33,235.80 $35,887.80

$1323.04 $1428.61

$34399.05 $37143.87

$1369.34 $1478.61

$35603.02 $38443.91

Maintenance Joiners, machinists, glaziers, bricklayers, tilers, plumbers, painters, sand blasters, plasterers, floor Labourer















Greenkeeper or Grounds person Assistant Greenkeeper, Curator, Grounds person All other employees





Passenger Vehicle Drivers Driver of a bus with less than 25 people for day return Driver of a bus with more than 25 people for day return














1 August 2007

DJARRAGUN COLLEGE BOARDING HOUSE SUPERVISOR Weekly/Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2006

Weekly/Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2007

Weekly/Annual Rate Effective January 1, 2008

Djarragun College 3.5% increase

Djarragun College 3.5% increase

Djarragun College 3.5% increase

LEVEL 1 Step 1 Step 2 LEVEL 2 Step 1

$1151.44 $1176.70

$29,937.44 $30,594.20

$1191.74 $1217.88

$30985.25 $31664.98

$1233.45 $1260.51

$32069.73 $32773.27







Step 2 LEVEL 3 Step 1 Step 2







$1202.16 $1240.14

$31,256.16 $32,243.64

$1244.23 $1296.99

$32350.12 $33372.17

$1287.78 $1328.47

$33482.38 $34540.19

Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 LEVEL 4

$1278.12 $1315.98 $1360.80

$33,231.12 $34,215.48 $35,380.80

$1322.85 $1362.04 $1408.43

$34394.21 $35413.02 $36619.13

$1369.15 $1409.71 $1457.72

$35598.01 $36652.47 $37900.80

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

$1316.00 $1360.80 $1392.00 $1430.00

$34,216.00 $35,380.80 $36,192.00 $37,180.00

$1362.06 $1408.43 $1440.72 $1480.05

$35413.56 $36619.13 $37458.72 $38481.30

$1409.73 $1457.72 $1491.15 $1531.85

$36653.03 $37900.80 $38769.77 $39828.14

Step 5 LEVEL 5 Step 1 Step 2







$1407.60 $1467.50

$36,597.60 $38,155.00

$1456.75 $1518.86

$37875.57 $39490.42

$1507.74 $1572.02

$39201.21 $40872.58

Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

$1505.80 $1531.20 $1569.00

$39,150.80 $39,811.20 $40,794.00

$1558.50 $1584.79 $1623.91

$40521.08 $41204.59 $42221.79

$1613.05 $1640.26 $1680.75

$41939.31 $42646.75 $43699.55

$31584.27 $32660.67

$1257.30 $130015

$32689.71 $33803.79


$1173.70 $1213.70

$30,516.20 $31,556.20

$1214.78 $1256.18


1 August 2007

SCHEDULE B DJARRAGUN COLLEGE BASIC TECHNOLOGICAL COMPETENCIES 1.0 Technology Practice Can locate a file using the file manager Can Copy or Move a file from one file location to another Can Delete files using the file manager Create and Delete folders in the File manager 2.0


Knows the basic functions of hardware Types with some facility, demonstrating some memorisation of keys Use the Start menu in Windows to launch an application Can diagnose simple malfunctions and suggest reasonable actions Can send and receive e-mail Uses menu options and commands 3.0


Can use a URL (web address) to locate a web site Uses a word processor to edit, copy, move, save, and print text with some formatting Uses advanced features and utilities of word processors (e.g., uses clip art, a spell-checker, grammar checker, thesaurus) Knows the common features and uses of desktop publishing software Creates a document using desktop publishing software (e.g. flyer, poster, card) Uses a spreadsheet with basic formulae and to create charts Creates documents using presentation software eg PowerPoint. Can create simple pictures in a Paint program 4.0


Identifies a simple problem that can be solved using technology Understands the concept of software piracy (i.e., illegally copying software), and that piracy is a violation of copyright laws Understands the issue of privacy, and respects the rights of others with respect to passwords and personal documents Evaluate resources from the Internet, particularly their validity and currency Communicates appropriately using e-mail Can search web sites to locate information Can use the College ’s student records management system


1 August 2007

DJARRAGUN COLLEGE BASIC TECHNOLOGICAL COMPETENCIES Additional Information 1.0 Technology Practice • Use a file manager like Windows Explorer to find a file in a drive and folder (directory). Use the Start – Find – Files and Folders in Windows to search for a file • Use Windows Explorer and the right-click menu to locate and copy files, or to cut and paste the file(s) in a new folder or drive • Use Windows Explorer or My Computer to locate a file and delete it, and to empty the trash can or Recycling Bin • Use Windows Explorer or My Computer to navigate to a folder or drive, and then use the toolbar or the Right-Click menu to create a new folder 2.0 Systems • Locate the power switch for the CPU and the monitor, and make sure that both are on to start the computer • Identify input devices such as keyboard, mouse and output devices such as monitor, printer. Know the difference between hard drive, floppy disk and CD-ROM • Sit in an appropriate posture, and can place fingers on the home row keys correctly. Can type when looking at the keyboard without long pauses. • Click on the Start Button in Windows and then locate a program in the menu system (for example, start the Notepad program, located in the Start – Programs – Accessories menus • Identify a computer that may not be functioning correctly, by lack of mouse activity, lack of response to commands or some error message. Can suggest a course of action that may need to be taken (for example, reboot for some situations, call for technical assistance for major problems) • Using any e-mail program, send e-mail to a normal e-mail address (eg. Davidsmith@PowerUser.com.au ), and can read e-mail received from normal users • Use menus in most applications and can use shortcut keys (like F1 to access the Help system) to complete a range of tasks 3.0 Materials • Can use an Internet Browser (eg. Netscape or Internet Explorer), and by typing a URL (like www.microsoft.com) into the address bar, can navigate to this web site • Find the appropriate buttons in the toolbar to copy, cut and paste. Use the shortcut keys to complete these tasks. Can use the Edit menu in a word processor (like Microsoft Word) to complete these tasks. Can use the Print option in the Word Processor to print the document • Use images in their document, as well as check the spelling and grammar using the features of the word processor • Identify tasks that could use a desktop publisher rather than a word processor (for example, creating a poster). Can use the desktop Publisher (like Microsoft Publisher) to create a document • Create more than one type of document in a desktop publisher. This may include a document that requires folding (like a card) or a large format document (like a banner) • Identify cells in a spreadsheet by their code (like C3, B7) and can change the value in a cell that is used in a formula • Select a range of cells in a spreadsheet and create a chart that is a meaningful representation of this data • Open a paint program (like Paint in Windows, and draw using the tools in the toolbox (the pencil, shape or fill tools) 4.0 Information • Distinguish between problems that may have a computer solution, and problems that may best be solved using other means • See that it is wrong to copy software, as the author misses out on a fee that she to which she is entitled • Understand that passwords are private, and should not be given to anyone else • Research using the Internet, and then check to make sure that the information gathered is valid – that is, the author knows something about the topic and has some claim to expertise • Realises that e-mail may not be private, and that any e-mail sent should be treated like a letter that parents could read • Go to a web site like Yahoo, Excite, AltaVista etc and conduct a search on a particular topic


1 August 2007



88 - 94%

Level 1 in the structure may be applied as a level at which employees learn and gain competency in the basic skills required by the employer. In the event that the increased skills/competency are utilised by the employer, classification to higher levels within the structure may be possible. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by their employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

Work is performed under close supervision either as an individual or in a team environment. Work is regularly checked. Less direct guidance and some autonomy may be involved when working in teams.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills to a limited range of tasks and roles. There is a specific range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear. Competencies are normally used within established routines, methods and procedures that are predictable. Judgment against established criteria is also involved.

Formal qualifications/experience -

Junior certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.

Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -

Perform a range of general clerical duties at a basic level, for example, filing, handling mail, maintaining records.


Operate routine office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, guillotine, franking machine, calculators, etc.


Operate audio visual equipment at a basic level.


Attend to front counter and refer enquires to the appropriate member of staff.


Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking.


Monitor and maintain stock levels of stationery/materials for office/department within established parameters including reordering.


Prepare and clean away materials for display/use in classroom or libraries under instruction of a higher level officer or member of the academic staff.

39 -

1 August 2007

Carry out minor maintenance of equipment and material.



96 - 100%

An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 1. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position as required by the employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

An employee in a position at this level works under direct and/or routine supervision depending on function. An employee's work is intermittently checked. Supervision may take the form of general guidance where working in teams is involved. Supervision may involve detailed instructions in some situations.

Supervision of Other Employees -

Within a team responsibility for some roles and coordination may be required. Provide guidance to other employees at a lower level. Provide assistance to less experienced employees at the same level.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills to a range of tasks and role. There is a defined range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear. There is limited complexity of choice of actions required. Competencies are normally used within established routines methods and procedures. Discretion and judgement about possible actions are involved in some cases.

Formal qualifications/experience -

Junior certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.

Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -

Perform a range of general clerical duties at a basic level, for example, filing, handling mail, maintaining records.


Operate routine office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, guillotine, franking machine, calculators, etc.


Attend to front counter and refer enquires to the appropriate member of staff.


Assist student learning, either individually or in groups, under the direct supervision of an academic staff member.


Prepare and clear away materials for display/use in classrooms or libraries under instruction of a higher level officer or member of the academic staff.


Process basic library transactions such as issues and returns, produce overdue lists, entry of orders in a computerised system, perform stock-takes, entering of accession information into computer.


1 August 2007


Operate and demonstrate the use of audio-visual equipment where there is limited complexity.


Maintain a booking system for equipment use and organisation of repairs and replacement of equipment.


Record audio/video programs and maintain a catalogue system of such recordings in accordance with established routines, methods and procedures.


Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking.


Monitor and maintain stock levels of stationery/materials of an office/department within established parameters including reordering.


Provide assistance with an academic programme where limited discretion and judgment are involved.


Within a defined range of contexts, where the choice of actions is clear, maintain science equipment, materials and specimens.


Under direct supervision, assist in design/demonstration of experiments and scientific equipment under the supervision of academic staff member.



100 - 110%

An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 2. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by the employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

An employee in a position at this level works under limited supervision. An employee's work may be checked in relation to overall progress. Supervision may take the form of broad guidance. A level of autonomy may be involved when working in teams.

Supervision of Other Employees -

Limited responsibility for the work of others may be involved. Team co-ordination may be required. Assistance and/or guidance may be provided to other employees.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves application of knowledge with depth in some areas and a broad range of skills. There is a range of roles and tasks in a variety of contexts. There is some complexity in the extent and choice of actions required. Competencies are normally used within routines, methods and procedures. Some discretion and judgement is involved in selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.

Formal qualifications/experience


1 August 2007

Tertiary qualifications at certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -

Carry out a wide range of secretarial and clerical duties at an advanced level, including, typing, word processing, maintain manual and computerised records, and shorthand.


Handle administration enquires from staff/students/parents/public.


Enter financial data into computer and prepare financial and management reports for review and authorisation by senior management.


Prepare and process payroll within routines, methods and procedures.


Carry out bank and ledger reconciliations.


Maintain petty cash.


Assist with preparation of internal and external publications.


Provide administrative support to senior management. Arrange appointments and diaries and prepare confidential and general correspondence.


Assist in the enrolment function including handling initial enquires and arranging interviews.


Prepare government and statutory authority returns for authorisation under supervision.


Provide academic programme assistance where some discretion and judgement are involved.


Under supervision assist in the design/demonstration of experiments where some discretion and judgement are involved.


Limited responsibility for the work of other assistants in a laboratory.


Assistance and/or guidance may be provided for other assistants in a laboratory.


Provide technical assistance in the operation of the library where some discretion and judgement are involved.


Search and verify bibliographical data where some discretion and judgement are involved.


Copy catalogue books, magazines, journals and recorded material, maintain library circulation systems.


Produce display and publicity materials.


Carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student's family where some discretion and judgement are involved.


Assist staff and students in accessing library information where some discretion and judgement are involved.


Assist staff and students in use of library equipment where some discretion and judgement are involved.


Assist in supervision of students in the library where some discretion and judgement are involved.

42 -

1 August 2007

Assist student learning, where some discretion and judgement is involved, including evaluation and assessment, under the supervision of an academic staff member, of the learning needs of students.



112 - 118%

An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 3. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by the employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

Work is carried out under general supervision. Progress and outcomes sought are under general guidance.

Supervision of Other Employees -

The work of others may be supervised. Teams may be guided or facilitated. Responsibility for the work and organisation of others in limited areas. Training of subordinate staff may or may not be required.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves the application of knowledge with depth in some areas and a broad range of skills. There is a wide variety of tasks and roles in a variety of contexts. There is complexity in the ranges and choice of actions required. Competencies are normally used within a variety of routines, methods and procedures. Discretion and judgement are required for self and/or others in planning, selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.

Formal qualification/experience Tertiary qualifications at certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required by the employer or knowledge qualifications and experience as are deemed by the employers as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -

Advanced application of computer software packages.


Provide administrative support to senior management at a higher level than at level 3 where discretion and judgment are required.


Initiate and handle correspondence, which may include confidential correspondence.


Calculate and maintain wage and salary records for a large payroll utilising a variety of routines, methods and procedures.


1 August 2007


Apply inventory and purchasing control procedures, prepare monthly summaries of debtors and creditors ledger transactions and reconcile these.


Control the purchase and storage function for a discrete department.


Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures and with depth of knowledge in some areas, demonstrate to staff and students the use of complex audio visual or computer equipment.


Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures and with depth of knowledge in some areas, monitor performance of and carry out repairs to specialised equipment.


Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures and with depth of knowledge in some areas, supervise and maintain the hardware and software components of a computer network and provide user support.


Assist student learning, either individually or in groups, under the general supervision of an academic staff member(s). Employees at this level are required to exercise discretion and judgement to modify education programmes to meet the learning needs of specific students.


Carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student's family where discretion and judgement are required in relation to the planning, actions and achieving outcomes.


Design and demonstrate experiments within a variety of routines, methods and experiences under the supervision of academic staff members where discretion and judgment are required.



122 - 128%

An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 4. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by the employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

An employee in a position at this level works under general supervision and/or broad guidance depending on function. Supervision of Other Employee


The work of others may be supervised. Teams may be guided. Responsibility for the planning and management of the work of others may be involved. Supervision and training of staff in lower level positions may or may not be involved.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves self directed application of knowledge with substantial depth in some areas. A range of technical and other skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts. Competencies are normally used independently and both routinely and non routinely. Discretion and judgement are required in planning and selecting appropriate equipment, service techniques and work organisation for self and/or others.

Formal qualifications/experience


1 August 2007

Tertiary qualifications at associate diploma/diploma level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required by the employer or knowledge, qualifications and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -

Provide executive support to senior management and associated committees concerning designated aspects of school management.


Direct and supervise the work of other staff.


Oversight the operations of the school's office and other administrative activities, in the areas of enrolment, equipment and statistical staffing returns.


Ensure deadlines and targets are met. Prepare the accounts of the school to operating statement stage and assist in the formulating of period and year end entries.


Provide specialist technical advice, direction and assistance in the employee's area of expertise using the application of knowledge gained through formal study/qualifications applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position in areas such as the operation of a library/resource centre, laboratory or information technology. This may also include developing the framework for and providing the instruction to students (within a structured learning environment) under the general supervision of an academic staff member/s.



132 - 161%

An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 5, demonstrating work of a professional nature. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by the employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

An employee at this level works under limited guidance in accordance with a broad plan or strategy.

Supervision of Other Employees -

Responsibility and accountability is exercised within defined parameters, either for the supervision and monitoring of the work of employees of a lower level or for a defined work function.


Competency required for position


Competency at this level involves the development and application of professional knowledge in a specialised area/s and utilising a broad range of skills.


Competencies are normally applied independently and are substantially non-routine.


Competency at this level involves the delivery of professional services within defined accountability levels.


1 August 2007


Employees may operate individually or as a member of a team.


Significant discretion and judgement is required in planning, design, of professional, technical or supervisory functions related to services, operations or processes.


Employees at this level are expected to plan their own professional development and such increased knowledge, relevant to the position held, will be applied to the work situation.

Formal qualifications/experience -

Formal qualifications at degree level are required.

Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -

Operate and be responsible for a structurally and/or operationally defined section.


Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer's area of expertise.


Prepare advice, reports, proposals or submissions for the senior executives of the school and/or outside bodies.


Within defined accountability levels, perform professional activities which may include: Responsibility for planning and development of programs of structured learning activities; guidance and counselling services; and information services, within the employee's area of expertise.



Level 1 in the structure may be applied as a level at which employees learn and gain competency in the basic skills required by the employer. In the event that the increased skills/competency are utilised by the employer, classification to higher levels within the structure may be possible. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by their employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

Work is performed under close supervision either as an individual or in a team environment. Work is regularly checked.

46 -

1 August 2007

Less direct guidance and some autonomy may be involved when working in teams.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills to a limited range of tasks and roles. There is a specific range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear. Competencies are normally used within established routines, methods and procedures that are predictable. Judgment against established criteria is also involved. Formal qualifications/experience -

Junior certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.

Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -


Perform a range of general clerical duties at a basic level, for example filing, photocopying, laminating, covering books, maintaining records, preparing worksheets on computers as directed by teacher. Operate routine office equipment such as computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, calculators etc. Operate audio visual equipment at a basic level Supervise students in the playground Monitor and maintain all classroom resources Prepare and clean away materials for display/use in classroom or libraries under instruction of a teacher. Take small groups of students for tutorials under the direction of a teacher. Supervise a class when a teacher is away under direction of a teacher or section co-ordinator Work as part of a teaching team helping to supervise discipline, assess and counsel students under the direction of a teacher Keep the classroom environment in a clean, hygienic and attractive condition. Help with extra curricular activities such as outdoor education, school camps, sports, celebrations and ceremonies. Be prepared to offer whatever expertise you may have eg. dance, music, culture, sports etc to enhance the learning of students.

B.1.2 A Tutor at Level 2 and above shall have qualifications and / or experience that meet the recognised national occupational competency standards relevant to their field / area and to the level of instruction being undertaken. Where these do not exist, a Tutor shall: (a) (b) (c)

Have qualifications at least equal to the level of module / course to which they are assigned; Possess current vocational skills relevant to the field / area of study as determined by the Principal Have relevant work experience and the maintenance of applicable registrations/licences.

A Tutor shall possess an instructional qualification or be required to complete a course in an approved instructional programme which articulates and is given credit transfer to high instructional teacher programmes. If that is not completed with 12 months of taking up the position, then they should be required to show cause regarding their continued employment. B.2

Position Responsibilities and Duties

Tutoring Duties are defined as the following:


1 August 2007


Provide support to students through the delivery of tutorials as directed by the teacher and / or in consultation with the VET Co-ordinator and provide support in student assessment (including support in recognition of proper learning and workplace assessment).


Provide support through the delivery of tutorials in the workplace


Provide learning support to students as directed by the Teacher and / or in consultation with the VET Co-ordinator.


Contribute to educational and subject planning and development for the actual delivery of vocational education and training services.


Participate and contribute to the work team


Regularly liaise with team members to discuss issues such as tutorial requirements and content.


Provide advice on trends and practices in industry.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.