Vol. 2 No. 2
In this edition
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Advocating for Positive Change Quality Professional Development - our union can help Changes to 2013 Teaching Calendar Is Your Kindergarten Covered by a Federal Agreement? Quick Links Feedback
September 2012
The newsletter for employers in the Early Childhood Education sector
Advocating for Positive Change in the ECE Sector Our union has highlighted increased workloads for early childhood education employees and problems with the introduction of Universal Access as key issues facing the sector during a meeting with the Federal Education Minister Peter Garrett in March. In the meeting with the Minister IEUA-QNT Senior Officers John Spriggs and Ros McLennan advocated for a series of enhancements for the early childhood education sector. Due to the inadequacies of the funding scheme teachers in early childhood settings face the threat of teaching additional hours without sufficient recompense or reward. The increased costs resulting from the introduction of Universal Access have resulted in parents paying higher fees. IEUA-QNT explained to the Minister that Universal Access requirement to provide a minimum of 600 hours of an educational programme for a child in the year immediately before compulsory schooling was problematic. The long standing provision of the Early Childhood Education Award (Qld) that the maximum number of hours for a teacher teaching an educational programme was 27.5 per week already represented the highest number of teaching hours for a teacher in an educational setting in Queensland. Attempts by some kindergartens to increase the total quantum of teaching hours were having negative impacts upon staff. While Minister Garrett was interested in knowing why Universal Access is perceived as being a ‘cost increase’, he indicated that the federal government has provided all states with the flexibility to deliver the requisite hours, as long as the Universal Access commitment was achieved overall. It was recognised that while the federal government contribution to this initiative was almost $1 billion, the use of that funding had been determined by the state governments. This matter will be further argued by our union to the new Queensland government Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek.
National Quality Framework
implementation of new job titles (ie Nominated Supervisor) and the legislated responsibilities for these positions are unreasonable. Further, they do not reflect the realities of work in kindergartens. It was explained to Minister Garrett that, under the legislation, the Management Committee and Nominated Supervisor (previously known as Director) were both equally liable for the legislated responsibilities of kindergartens. However, it was pointed out that while the Nominated Supervisor may argue for a provision to be taken, the decision as to whether to enact and fund a provision lay with the Management Committee. As such, the final responsibility was out of the control of the employee. Minister Garrett indicated that he welcomed further formal correspondence regarding suggested wording that may better describe the different levels of responsibility of a ‘Nominated Supervisor’ as opposed to an ‘Approved Provider’ in such practical circumstances. Our union strongly encourages employers to ease workload pressures on their staff by providing appropriate levels of non-contact time and support.
The IEUA supports measures to maintain high quality early childhood education. However, the ‘quality assurance’ aspect of the NQF has created an administrative load which did not previously exist for community kindergartens.
It is also mutually beneficial for employers and employees for the kindergarten to be covered by a contemporary collective agreement that considers the requirements of the NQF (See page two).
The time requirements to meet the quality assurance requirements are being imposed on employees in addition to the requirements of the QKFS and Universal Access. The
Our union will continue to seek commitments from state and federal governments to recognise the ECE sector and its employees through adequate levels of funding.
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Quality Professional Development How Our Union Can Help
Professional development is an integral component of teacher development. As an ongoing activity designed to increase levels of expertise and understanding, professional development should also, where possible, be a process that works individually with the strengths and needs of a specific education professional in order to create higher capability and understanding. Professional development comprises active and reflective engagement in a range of professional experiences that are considered supplementary to the day-to-day responsibilities of a teacher. The intent of professional development is to enhance the skills, knowledge and understandings of teachers and school officers in order to enhance student learning outcomes. Much professional development is employer provided. However, there are many quality professional development opportunities offered by professional associations and networks, such as unions. IEUA-QNT members recently undertook professional development at a joint IEUA-QNT and Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU) conference. The ‘Challenging Times: Sustaining Professional Practice Conference’ included a range of presentations that addressed key issues in relation to the Australian Curriculum and the pedagogies necessary to assist students to make the most of their learning opportunities. Members in the early childhood sector were particularly able to access relevant professional development through the ‘Maintaining early childhood pedagogy in a data driven environment’ workshop presented by Professor Sue Grieshaber from the Queensland University of Technology.
Rhonda Murphy and Leanne Cameron from Cannon Hill Kindergarten and Community Preschool and Peter Dart and Jennifer Burke from Sacred Heart School, Yeppoon (pictured, above) attended the conference. Attendees said the conference provided a healthy dose of current and energising thinking and research and helped to re-focus on how educators can sustain their profession in the modern world. Employers are encouraged to allow staff to attend events such as union-run conferences as part of recognised professional development. Quality and varied professional development allows staff to enhance their skills in a wide range of areas and also provides networking opportunities to discuss educational practices with colleagues. ■■ Information about upcoming union events and training can also be found on our union website at www.qieu.asn.au/events.
Changes to the 2013 Teaching Calendar Community kindergartens have traditionally followed the state school academic calendar. In 2013, the calendar is only 40 weeks. To meet Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme requirements, kindergartens must offer children 100 days or 600 hours of care. A 40 week year gives kindergartens less time to provide the hours that they need to meet their funding agreements.
educational programme days or hours by 40 weeks. If this results in a figure of 100+ days or 600+ hours of educational programme, kindergartens can proceed with 40 teaching weeks in 2013. If 100 days or 600 hours is not met with 40 teaching weeks then an adjustment will likely be required in the form that C&K have suggested.
C&K recently suggested affiliates could meet the funding requirements by adding an additional teaching week to reach 100 days or 600 hours.
This allows kindergartens to ask their employees to nominate an extra teaching week provided it does not result in teachers or assistant working more than 37.5 hours or 38 hours per week respectively.
To determine whether changes are necessary, kindergartens must consider how many days or hours of educational programme are offered per week, and then multiply this weekly number of
However, community kindergartens have traditionally matched the academic calendars of state schools and our union believes employers should try to retain this practice as far as possible.
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Is Your Kindergarten Covered by a Federal Agreement? Our union continues to help kindergartens secure mutually beneficial arrangements for employees and employers Our union continues to urge all employers to ensure their kindergarten is covered by a Federal Agreement. An Agreement is not just beneficial to staff in securing provisions that provide appropriate professional recognition but is also key to allowing employers to navigate new legislation requirements. With the implementation of the National Quality Framework (NQF) this year, employers are now dealing with increased regulatory requirements relating to educational programs and administrative tasks. For example, an Agreement is the only way in which community kindergartens will be able to deliver the Government’s new “15 hour” educational program mandatory under the NQF. The old state award and any preserved State Certified Agreements limit a teacher’s contact hours to 27.5 per week. Consequently it would be impossible for the one employee to deliver two programmes. An Agreement, particularly in light of this legislative environment, is mutually beneficial for employers and staff to facilitate the implementation of the 15 hour programme.
Background Information
All About Agreements What the former state award covered The ECEA granted conditions such as an Hours of Duty clause prescribing maximum hours of work; specifically (for teachers) a maximum of 27.5 hours of contact time and 10 hours of other early childhood duties. Further, members were covered by a clause that protected a number of conditions, including access to accrued Long Service Leave accruing at the rate of 1.3 weeks for each year of service. Developing a new agreement Our union provides necessary assistance to employers to make the process of implementing an Agreement as simple as possible. Our assistance will mean there is no cost - either in time or money - for your committee in negotiating an agreement. Disadvantages without an agreement Without a Federal Agreement, your kindergarten is covered by an older state agreement.
Until 2011, Queensland Kindergartens that had not negotiated a collective agreement, were covered by the Early Childhood Education Award (ECEA). However the recent phasing out of this Award meant that workplace and employee entitlements became vulnerable.
Under old state agreements, it is highly likely that employees have been disadvantaged and meeting legislative requirements under the NQF may be difficult for employers.
The expiry of the longstanding ECEA automatically reverted kindergartens back to an unreliable preserved state agreement which would not guarantee pre-existing entitlements.
Many kindergartens have recently succeeded in protecting their workplace conditions and ensuring that the requirements of the NQF are met adequately by registering an Agreement.
Since the expiration of ECEA legislation, our union has been working diligently to help kindergartens implement contemporary Agreements. However, there are still kindergartens that are not covered by a Federal Agreement.
How to Implement an Agreement If your kindergarten is not covered by a contemporary Agreement, our union is able to provide assistance in making the process of implementing one as simple as possible.
Our union commends employers who have already negotiated an Agreement with their staff. There are many resources available on our union website to assist ECE employers. Visit www.qieu.asn.au/eceemployers for more information. ■■ Employers wishing to implement an Agreement are also invited to contact our union directly for assistance by emailing enquiries@qieu.asn.au or phoning 1800 177 938.
More Kindergarten Places For Rural and Regional Areas
grounds at Peak Crossing State School, Mareeba State School and Mitchell State School. A tender process will be conducted to select the service provider for these new services.
Up to 220 extra kindergarten places in eight key rural and regional communities will be established by 2014 as part of a new scheme announced by the Queensland Government.
Providers will also be sought for extra kindergarten places in Mackay South, Miles and Chinchilla in 2013 and in Emerald by 2014.
The extra places will be provided by building new kindergarten services on state school sites, and increasing the number of kindergarten places provided by existing early childhood education and care services in five rural communities. Three new kindergartens services will open next year on state school
Further information about this initiative can be found on the Office for Early Childhood Education and Care website: http://deta.qld.gov.au/ earlychildhood/.
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Quick Links IEUA-QNT - www.qieu.asn.au Our union website provides up-to-date news and resources for the independent education and early childhood sectors. Our union has also established a dedicated page for Early Childhood employers that includes essential resources. Visit this page at www.qieu.asn.au/eceemployers
DEEWR - www.deewr.gov.au/earlychildhood/ The Department of Employment, Education and Workplace Relations website is a central hub for Early Childhood resources relating to Federal Government legislation and policy.
ACARA - www.acara.edu.au The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority provides many detailed reports relating to many education sectors. ACARA particularly reports on key Early Childhood sector data and is responsible for the ‘alignment between the Early Years Learning Framework and school-based curriculum frameworks which relate to the early years of schooling’.
Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) - www.acecqa.gov.au ACECQA is an independent statutory authority that works with state and territory governments to provide leadership in promoting quality and continuous improvement in early childhood education and care and school age care in Australia. This website provides many useful resources about the National Quality Framework.
My Child - www.mychild.gov.au This website, run by the Federal Government, provides many useful resources about the Universal Access Program that may be of interest to employers.
Early Childhood Australia - www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au Early Childhood Australia is a peak early childhood advocacy organisation acting in the interests of young children, their families and those in the early childhood field. Many useful resources can be found on their website.
Kids Matter - www.kidsmatter.edu.au Visit this website for advice about implementing the Kids Matter framework that is designed to support mental development of children and complements the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standard.
FEEDBACK Our union hopes this publication will help employers stay informed about the professional issues that employees are most concerned about. Feedback about this newsletter is most welcome. Suggestions about content for future editions, feedback regarding articles, or general queries about this publication can be made to enquiries@qieu.asn.au or 1800 177 938. Page 4
ISSN 1839-5457 early essentials was prepared by Elise Cuthbertson Editor: Mr Terry Burke, Branch Secretary IEUA-QNT PO BOX 418, FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 PH: (07) 3839 7020 FX: (07) 3839 7021 Email: enquiries@qieu.asn.au Website: www.qieu.asn.au ABN: 74 662 601 045