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Experienced Teacher Six A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for Experienced Teacher 6 Classification

Catholic Schools in Queensland

C:\Users\Lbremner\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\OLKD358\ET6 booklet (3).doc


Introduction ....................................................3

 Step Two:

Definition ........................................................3

 Step Three:

Eligibility .........................................................4

 Step Four:

Process .............................................................5

 Step Five:

The Format of the Application ......................6

 Step Six:

Selection Criteria ...........................................7

 Step Seven:

Submitting your application .........................12

Additional Information for ET6 Applicants:  Timing...............................................................................................13  Remuneration...................................................................................13  Additional Duties .............................................................................13  Portability.........................................................................................13  Appraisal ..........................................................................................13  Experienced Teacher 6 Application Package ................................14 C:\Users\Lbremner\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\OLKD358\ET6 booklet (3).doc

Seven Steps to Success

 Step One Introduction The objective of the classification Experienced Teacher 6 is to recognise the demonstrated skill, knowledge, proficiency and contribution of the classroom teacher.


All IEUA-QNT members who are eligible should apply for an ET6 classification. The procedure is straightforward and set out in this handbook.


All IEUA-QNT members who meet the eligibility criteria and who wish to apply for ET6 should carefully familiarise themselves with the selection criteria, and the process and procedures involved in making application.


There are no limits or quotas set on the number of ET6 positions. This process is essentially one of addressing the criteria - it is not a test!

 Step Two Definition The Teacher at Experienced Teacher 6 classification is a teaching practitioner whose effective teaching and learning in the school contributes to the effective implementation, development, provision and/or evaluation of the school’s educational program.


ďƒ„ Step Three Eligibility Continuing Employees Teachers who have held the classification Experienced Teacher 5 in a Queensland Catholic school for a minimum of three years are eligible for this classification. Teachers who hold a PAR or Middle or Senior Management position may apply for recognition as Experienced Teacher 6 provided they have held the classification of Experienced Teacher 4 for at least four years. Where a teacher holds Experienced Teacher 6 classification and a PAR or Middle or Senior Management position, the allowance paid shall be that which is the greater of the applicable two allowances. All teachers who have held a Position of Added Responsibility (Middle or Senior Management) and who would otherwise have been classified at Band 3 Step 4 for a minimum of four years (i.e. are deemed to have been practising teachers for a minimum of twelve years) are eligible to apply for Experienced Teacher 6 status upon taking up a position as a classroom teacher. All teachers who have held a Position of Added Responsibility (Middle or Senior Management) and who would otherwise have been classified at a level below Band 3 Step 4 (i.e. are deemed to have been practising teachers for less than twelve years) will be eligible to apply for Experienced Teacher 6 status upon completion of twelve years teaching experience. Part-Time Employees A part time teacher who is a continuing employee is eligible to access the Experienced Teacher 6 classification subject to fulfilling the applications and service requirements. A part-time teacher for the purposes of this clause is deemed to have completed 1 year of service on the completion of 1000 hours. A part-time teacher’s appointment to the Experienced Teacher 6 classification (including where employed on a fixed term basis) will be eligible for payment of the allowance on a proportionate basis. Fixed-Term Employees A fixed term employee who is employed on a contract of at least six months duration and whose breaks between employment contracts with Catholic employing authorities are less than three months is eligible to access the Experienced Teacher 6 classification subject to fulfilling the application and service requirements of the current collective agreement. Eligibility of Casual Employees 4

Casual employees are eligible to access Experienced Teacher 6 classification subject to fulfilling the application and service requirements of the current collective agreement. Where an employee attains or holds Experienced Teacher 6 classification and is employed on a casual basis that employee will be eligible for payment of the allowance on a proportionate basis.

ďƒ„ Step Four Method A teacher shall be eligible for the classification Experienced Teacher 6 upon satisfying the Validation Panel that they fulfil each of the five criteria set out below. Satisfaction of at least Criteria A and B shall be by demonstrating high level proficiency. The remaining criteria shall be demonstrated at least at a proficient level of practice. An Experienced Teacher 6 will also remain committed to continuing to undertake a proactive role in enhancing student learning outcomes and continuing to perform at a high level of teaching. Format of the Application The format of the application shall consist of a completed Application for the Position of Experienced Teacher 6. This will require the applicant to provide:


A response containing brief statements evidencing the criteria listed below consistent with the attached pro-forma;


The names, signatures and contact details of two professional referees endorsing the content of the applicant’s statements. Professional referees may also make statement/s on the application form.


The name, signature, contact details and endorsement/statements consistent with the attached pro-forma from the applicant’s principal; 5

Recommendation and Endorsement The recommendation as to whether a teacher should be recognised with the Experienced Teacher 6 classification shall be made by a Validation Panel. This shall be provided to the employing authority for endorsement.

 Step Five Completing the Application  The application consists of the completed Experienced Teacher 6 Application package available from your employer.  Keep it simple.  A series of brief statements of what has actually been done/you do is sufficient.  Applicants should address all the Criteria and use the listed Indicators to assist in addressing the criteria.  Criterion A and Criterion B need to be addressed so as to demonstrate high level proficiency.  Remaining criteria need to be addressed so as to demonstrate proficiency.  A practice/exemplar may be stated in more than one criteria where relevant and applicable.  Teachers should commence recording appropriate activities in anticipation of applying for ET6 status when they become eligible.  Before you begin to prepare your application, you should carefully go through the ET6 Selection Criteria and Indicators and begin to identify how your practices address these criteria.  Seek a mentor to help you brainstorm ideas and assist in recalling activities in which demonstrate your proficiency.  You should go through the criteria and think about the skills, experience and capabilities you have which address the criteria.  It is important to remember that skills are not only developed in the workplace. Many are acquired by “working” in other capacities such as in volunteer organisations and in dayto-day living. These are legitimate and useful skills which you should include as part of your application, providing you link these skills up with your teaching practice and school’s educational programme.

 Remember to keep a copy of your application. 6

ďƒ„ Step Six Complete the application by addressing the criteria and gaining the required endorsements. Criteria A teacher applying for an Experienced Teacher 6 classification shall, to the satisfaction of the Validation Panel, provide evidence of high level proficiency in Criteria A and B listed below. The applicant shall also provide evidence of proficiency in the remaining three criteria. The criteria shall be understood within the framework of the values and ethos of the school/system and may be evidenced by reference to relevant indicators for each criteria. Inability to address a criterion other than A or B will not of itself prevent an applicant from being recommended for the Experienced Teacher 6 classification. Indicators Possible indicators for each criterion are set out below in a non-exhaustive list. Factors such as: i. ii. iii.

limited opportunity to fulfil possible indicators; evidence of the relevant level of practice outside of the possible indicators, but within the parameters of the general criteria; or other relevant factors

will be taken into account by panels when validating applications.

Selection Criteria CRITERION A Understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community. Indicators Indicators may include effective: i. support for, and promotion of the values, ethos and policies of the school within the classroom and the wider school community; ii.

contribution to educational decision-making and planning through reflection on the implications of the school Mission Statement for the life of the school;


involvement in incorporating the values of the Mission Statement into pedagogical practices within the classroom;


involvement in the faith life of the school through prayer and liturgy. 7

Helpful Hints and Guide as to what may be included: Read and Key Word your system and/or school’s Mission Statement. State in your own words with the use of these key words what the school espouses to do. Make these short statements. From these short statements see how they can be applied to your classroom practices in regard to: Work programmes Special needs children General needs children Classroom discipline practice Homework policy Class prayer/ liturgies/ assemblies General organisation of classroom (group work, peer tutoring, parent helpers) Type of assessment procedures Evaluation and reporting Additional considerations to assist in ET6 applications. How do you apply your understanding of the system/school’s Mission Statement in regard to: Parent information programmes Planning committees School Board Voluntary teacher groups Policy and programme validation Key teaching Facilitating moderation In addressing Criterion A the maximum number of words that can be used is 250. This criterion needs to be addressed so as to demonstrate high level proficiency.

CRITERION B Skills in effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom. Indicators Indicators may include effective: i. pastoral care and productive relationships with students; ii. thorough preparation and purposeful planning for an inclusive classroom conducive to learning; iii. use of an extensive repertoire of pedagogical practice; iv. use of appropriate procedures for assessing students, evaluating programs, and reporting on student performance; v. contribution to developing programs and promoting strategies of classroom organisation which foster successful learning for students in the classroom; vi. assistance to students with specific educational needs within the classroom. Helpful Hints and Guide as to what may be included: How do you organise your classroom? (Organisational and management skills) Multi-age - Peer tutoring Learning centres - Contracts Parent helpers - Group activities (friendship, ability) Emphasise the variety of learning experiences you provide eg. camps, excursions etc. 8

How do you assess your students? Running records Conferences


Copies of a child’s work Peer assessment / Self assessment

What reporting procedures do you follow? Criteria checklists - Written report Parent-teacher-child conferences How do you evaluate your teaching practice? Personal reflection - Responses from students Have you had a “special needs” child? What did you do for that child in consultation with Resource Teacher? Individual programme - Ability to diagnose problems Pastoral Care Meeting the individual needs of the child Building relationships based on trust and respect Firm yet supportive discipline techniques In addressing Criterion B the maximum number of words that can be used is 500. This criterion needs to be addressed so as to demonstrate high level proficiency.

CRITERION C Skills in achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members. Indicators Indicators may include effective: i. communication practices within the school including school reporting, parent-teacher meetings, parent nights, school open days and award nights; ii. development and promotion of positive partnerships with parents and community organisations; iii. contribution to developing and promoting school-parish relationships where appropriate. Helpful Hints and Guide as to what may be included: How do you communicate with parents? Letters


How do you involve parents in the classroom? Guest speakers Assist with special activities -

Parent information sessions

Tutors Sport

In what capacities have you represented the school? Educational committees Sporting teams/ associations Union committees Have you worked with parents and specialists from the community to cater for children with special needs? 9

Have you assisted in the organisation of school events which required you to liaise with parents and the wider community? eg: Sport carnivals Fetes School performances What particular skills do you possess? Persuasive communication to create co-operation Conflict resolution Problem solving Additional considerations to assist in ET6 applications: - Training “support a reader/writer� tutors - Making use of school and Parish newsletters regarding educational issues - Orientation days - Guest speaker/presenter at P & F meetings and other consultative groups - Collaborative planning, implementation and evaluation of programmes for particular needs with other staff In addressing Criterion C the maximum number of words that can be used is 250. This criterion needs to be addressed so as to demonstrate proficiency.

CRITERION D Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement. Indicators Indicators may include effective: i. collaboration with colleagues at the classroom level in curriculum planning and evaluation; ii. collaborative support and professional assistance to other teachers in their professional development; iii. performance in the role of resource person and/or mentor for other teachers in the school with respect to effective classroom practices; iv. collaboration with specialist teachers in meeting the needs of students in the classroom; v. supervision and mentoring pre-service teachers. Helpful Hints and Guide as to what may be included: List in what ways you have worked with administration and staff to plan and co-ordinate special events. Sporting events School celebrations Camps School performances Academic contests What special roles have you initiated/ participated in? Key teacher - English, Maths, Science, Health & PE etc. Sport co-ordinator Mentoring of graduates Developing programs in consultation with other staff


Additional considerations to assist in ET6 applications:      

Whole school events - Athletics Carnival - Health Week Policy Writing Assistance given to contract teachers Voluntary networks Professional networks Responding to Issues papers

In addressing Criterion D the maximum number of words that can be used is 250. This criterion needs to be addressed so as to demonstrate proficiency.

CRITERION E Ability to develop and implement ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning. Indicators Indicators may include effective: i. understanding of, and commitment to, curriculum initiatives developed in the school in response to current educational research and policy; ii. insight into individual student needs and demonstrated ability to respond to changed circumstances with innovative and well-researched practices; iii. promotion and implementation of innovative classroom strategies through a wide range of methodologies, resources and assessment techniques to support independent and collaborative learning; iv. leadership in developing and implementing positive, innovative strategies and approaches to classroom teaching. Helpful Hints and Guide as to what may be included: Draw on professional in-service attended and demonstrate how you implemented the ideas gained from these into your classroom - include those done within and outside of school time. List professional reading that has enhanced your abilities and indicate how you implemented these ideas. List any tertiary courses you have undertaken and how these have influenced your teaching. List any articles you have published. Additional considerations to assist in ET6 applications: Open sharing of professional practice, eg. Informing parent groups regarding assessment Reporting back to staff after attendance at seminars/professional development Responding to issues/concerns regarding Moderation, Validation and Assessment In addressing Criterion E the maximum number of words that can be used is 250. This criterion needs to be addressed as to demonstrate proficiency.


ďƒ„ Step Seven Submit your application Your completed application is submitted to the Validation panel. The validation panel The membership of the Validation Panel will be external to the school and each member will have undergone agreed training. Three members, one from each of (i), (ii) and (iii) will be selected from the following list: (i)

A Principal or nominee who is not from the school that employs the applicant;


Person selected by the employing authority from the pool approved by the employing authority and the IEUA-QNT;


Person selected by the IEUA-QNT from the pool approved by the employing authority and the IEUA-QNT.

Time release will be provided for panel members. Decisions will be made by consensus. The Panel will meet to consider the application. If panel accepts the application the Employing Authority is notified and the Applicant is duly notified and appointed in due course. The review panel Where the Validation Panel recommendation does not support recognition as an Experienced Teacher 6, then the Applicant may appeal to a Review Panel. The Review Panel shall consist of three different members drawn from (i), (ii) and (iii) above. If the Review Panel endorses the original recommendation of the Validation Panel, no further administrative appeal is allowed. If the Review Panel endorses recognition as an Experienced Teacher 6, then this recommendation shall be substituted for the original recommendation to the employing authority. Where an employing authority does not endorse a Review Panel recommendation to recognise a teacher as an Experienced Teacher 6, the Applicant must be advised in writing. Any grievance arising from the rejection of a recommendation by the employing authority may be notified as a dispute in accordance with the grievance procedure identified in this collective agreement.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Timing Round 1 Applications to be lodged by the first business day on or after 31 March in any year. Successful applicant will be paid from 1 July of that year. Round 2 Applications to be lodged by the first business day on or after 30 September in any year. Successful applicants will be paid from the first full pay period of the next school year. Remuneration The Experienced Teacher 6 Allowance is payable, if the applicant is recognised as an Experienced Teacher 6. The allowance will be as per Schedule 1 of the relevant Collective Agreement. Additional Duties An ET6 may be required to perform additional duties. Any relevant additional duties should be done by way of consultation with appropriate discounting of normal duties. This should not be applied as to undermine the basic role of the ET6. Portability There shall be portability of an Experienced Teacher 6 classification between Catholic employing authorities in Queensland. Appraisal The Experienced Teacher 6 will be subject to an appraisal in accordance with the agreed Appraisal Process for teachers.


The following is a list of action verbs you could use: acquired, advised, applied, assembled, assisted; addressed; broadened, budgeted, calculated, clarified, collected, controlled, cultivated; challenged, changed, compiled, created, demonstrated, directed, distributed; designed, developed, directed, discovered earned, edited, enlarged, encouraged, engineered, established, expanded, explained; formed, framed; gained, gathered, guided; helped, hired; identified, implemented, improved, improvised, increased, installed, introduced, invented; initiated, launched, located; maintained, managed, modified; marketed, obtained, offered, operated, organised; performed, planned, prepared, produced, presented; proposed, proved; pioneered, recorded, reduced, restored, revitalised, reviewed; recommended, researched, saved, selected, simplified, solved, strengthened, studied, strategies, suggested, supported; studied; shaped; taught, tested, trained, translated; trained; translated. wrote.


The following Experienced Teacher 6 Application package is available from your employer and should be used to submit your application: EXPERIENCED TEACHER 6 APPLICATION PACKAGE PURPOSE This information is provided to assist you in applying for the classification of Experienced Teacher 6. Please read carefully before completing the Application Form. ELIGIBILITY Teachers who have held the classification Experienced Teacher 5 (Leading Teacher or Advanced Skills Teacher 1) in a Queensland Catholic school for a minimum of three years are eligible for this classification. Teachers who hold a current Position of Added Responsibility and who have had twelve years teaching experience may also apply. Successful applicants will receive only the higher of the two applicable allowances. MAKING AN APPLICATION All applications must be on the approved Application Form. This may be downloaded by accessing the link .......... 1

Complete the following sections of the Application Form Cover Sheet a Applicant Details b Referee Details (Nominate two professional referees who have in-depth knowledge of your performance as a teacher.) c Current Principal d Confirmation of your eligibility to apply.


Provide evidence that you fulfil the criteria for classification at Experienced Teacher 6 by responding to each criterion in the space provided. a You are to use Arial 10 point font. The maximum number of words is indicated for each criterion. b Remember that the standard required is i a high level of proficiency for Criteria A & B, and ii proficiency for Criteria C – E. c The panel will look for evidence that your practice demonstrates that you satisfy the criteria. Assertions that are too general may not provide this evidence.


Provide your referees with a copy (preferably electronic) of the Referee Report. a You will also need to supply them with a copy of your responses to the criteria. b The completed forms are to be submitted with your application.


Provide your Principal with a copy (preferably electronic) of the Principal’s Statement. a The completed form is to be submitted with your application. b If you have been at your current school for only a short time or the Principal is new to the school, you may discuss with your current Principal the possibility of your immediate past Principal completing the statement. If your previous Principal makes the statement, your current Principal will still sign the Cover Sheet.


Complete the signatures section of the Cover Sheet .


Submit to .......




APPLICANT DETAILS Preferred title:


Payroll number if applicable:

Phone (w): Email address:

Given Names:


Phone (h):

Mobile: Fax:


Referee 2:














Are you eligible to apply for the classification of Experienced Teacher 6 in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 5 of the current enterprise agreement? Yes No Signature of Applicant:




Signature of Supervisor:




Signature of Principal:






I demonstrate high level proficiency in understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community in the following ways: (250 words maximum)


I demonstrate high level proficiency in effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom in the following ways: (500 words maximum)


I demonstrate proficiency in achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members in the following ways: (250 words maximum)


I demonstrate proficiency in effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement in the following ways: (250 words maximum)


I demonstrate proficiency in developing and implementing ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning in the following ways: (250 words maximum)


REFEREE REPORT #1 As a referee, you are asked endorse the content of this application for Experienced Teacher 6 classification. Comments may be made in the space provided. Criteria A: Understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community.

B: Effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom. C: Achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members.

D: Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement.

E: Developing and implementing ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning.


Comments (optional)

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Referee’s Name (Please print) : _______________________________________________________ Referee’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date:


REFEREE REPORT #2 As a referee, you are asked to endorse the content of this application for Experienced Teacher 6 classification. Comments may be made in the space provided. Criteria A: Understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community.

B: Effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom. C: Achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members.

D: Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement.

E: Developing and implementing ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning.


Comments (optional)

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Referee’s Name (Please print) :_______________________________________________________ Referee’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date:


PRINCIPAL’S STATEMENT As Principal, you may endorse the content of this application for Experienced Teacher 6 classification and/or make statements in the spaces provided. Criteria A: Understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community.

B: Effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom. C: Achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members.

D: Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement.

E: Developing and implementing ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning.



Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Principal’s Name (Please print) : ______________________________________________________ Principal’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date:


APPENDIX: Criteria and Possible Indicators A.

Understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community. Indicators may include effective: i. support for, and promotion of the values, ethos and policies of the school within the classroom and the wider school community; ii. contribution to educational decision-making and planning through reflection on the implications of the school Mission Statement for the life of the school; iii. involvement in incorporating the values of the Mission Statement into pedagogical practices within the classroom; iv. involvement in the faith life of the school through prayer and liturgy.


Skills in effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom. Indicators may include effective: i. high level pastoral care and productive relationships with students; ii. thorough preparation and purposeful planning for an inclusive classroom conducive to learning; iii. use of an extensive repertoire of pedagogical practice; iv. use of appropriate procedures for assessing students, evaluating programs, and reporting on student performance; v. contribution to developing programs and promoting strategies of classroom organisation which foster successful learning for students in the classroom; vi. assistance to students with specific educational needs within the classroom.


Skills in achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members. Indicators may include effective: i. communication practices within the school including school reporting, parent-teacher meetings, parent nights, school open days and award nights; ii. development and promotion of positive partnerships with parents and community organisations; iii. contribution to developing and promoting school-parish relationships where appropriate.


Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement. Indicators may include effective: i. collaboration with colleagues at the classroom level in curriculum planning and evaluation; ii. collaborative support and professional assistance to other teachers in their professional development; iii. performance in the role of resource person and/or mentor for other teachers in the school with respect to effective classroom practices; iv. collaboration with specialist teachers in meeting the needs of students in the classroom; v. supervision and mentoring pre-service teachers.


Ability to develop and implement ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning. Indicators may include effective: i. understanding of, and commitment to, curriculum initiatives developed in the school in response to current educational research and policy; ii. insight into individual student needs and demonstrated ability to respond to changed circumstances with innovative and well-researched practices; iii. promotion and implementation of innovative classroom strategies through a wide range of methodologies, resources and assessment techniques to support independent and collaborative learning; iv. leadership in developing and implementing positive, innovative strategies and approaches to classroom teaching. 21

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