Queensland Catholic Schools
Experienced Teacher 6
Application Guide
Independent Education Union of Australia – Queensland and Northern Territory F:\DATA\TRAINING\COURSES ‐ Approved Training Material\ET6 Catholic\ET 6 Revised Training Booklet.doc
Contents Page
Seven Steps to Success
Experienced Teacher 6 Guide and Checklist
Language Use and Writing Your Application
Examples of Quality Action Words
Have I used a structured approach?
Have I avoided unsupported claims about my capabilities?
Panel Feedback
Criteria Responses
Additional Information
Typical Information package
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Seven Steps to Success
Step One Introduction The objective of the classification Experienced Teacher 6 is to recognise the demonstrated skill, knowledge, proficiency and contribution of the classroom teacher.
All IEUA-QNT members who are eligible should apply for an ET6 classification. The procedure is straightforward and set out in this handbook.
All IEUA-QNT members who meet the eligibility criteria and who wish to apply for ET6 should carefully familiarise themselves with the selection criteria, and the process and procedures involved in making application.
There are no limits or quotas set on the number of ET6 positions. This process is essentially one of addressing the criteria - it is not a test!
Step Two Definition The Teacher at Experienced Teacher 6 classification is a teaching practitioner whose effective teaching and learning in the school contributes to the effective implementation, development, provision and/or evaluation of the school’s educational program.
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Step Three Eligibility Continuing Employees Teachers who have held the classification Experienced Teacher 5 in a Queensland Catholic school for a minimum of three years are eligible for this classification. Teachers who hold a PAR or Middle or Senior Management position may apply for recognition as Experienced Teacher 6 provided they have held the classification of Experienced Teacher 4 for at least four years. Where a teacher holds Experienced Teacher 6 classification and a PAR or Middle or Senior Management position, the allowance paid shall be that which is the greater of the applicable two allowances. All teachers who have held a Position of Added Responsibility (Middle or Senior Management) and who would otherwise have been classified at Band 3 Step 4 for a minimum of four years (i.e. are deemed to have been practising teachers for a minimum of twelve years) are eligible to apply for Experienced Teacher 6 status upon taking up a position as a classroom teacher. All teachers who have held a Position of Added Responsibility (Middle or Senior Management) and who would otherwise have been classified at a level below Band 3 Step 4 (i.e. are deemed to have been practising teachers for less than twelve years) will be eligible to apply for Experienced Teacher 6 status upon completion of twelve years teaching experience. Part-Time Employees A part time teacher who is a continuing employee is eligible to access the Experienced Teacher 6 classification subject to fulfilling the applications and service requirements. A part-time teacher for the purposes of this clause is deemed to have completed 1 year of service on the completion of 1000 hours. A part-time teacher’s appointment to the Experienced Teacher 6 classification (including where employed on a fixed term basis) will be eligible for payment of the allowance on a proportionate basis. Fixed-Term Employees A fixed term employee who is employed on a contract of at least six months duration and whose breaks between employment contracts with Catholic employing authorities are less than three months is eligible to access the Experienced Teacher 6 classification subject to fulfilling the application and service requirements of the current collective agreement.
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Eligibility of Casual Employees Casual employees are eligible to access Experienced Teacher 6 classification subject to fulfilling the application and service requirements of the current collective agreement. Where an employee attains or holds Experienced Teacher 6 classification and is employed on a casual basis that employee will be eligible for payment of the allowance on a proportionate basis.
Step Four Method A teacher shall be eligible for the classification Experienced Teacher 6 upon submission of a written application addressing the five criteria set out below. Satisfaction of at least Criteria A and B shall be by demonstrating a high level of proficiency. The remaining criteria shall be demonstrated at least at a proficient level of practice. An Experienced Teacher 6 will also remain committed to continuing to undertake a proactive role in enhancing student learning outcomes and continuing to perform at a high level of teaching. Format of the Application The format of the application shall consist of a completed Application for the Position of Experienced Teacher 6. This will require the applicant to provide:
A response containing brief statements evidencing the criteria listed below consistent with the attached pro-forma;
The names, signatures and contact details of two professional referees endorsing the content of the applicant’s statements. Professional referees may also make
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statement/s on the application form. This may help the panel in arriving at a decision.
The name, signature, contact details and endorsement/statements consistent with the attached pro-forma from the applicant’s principal. The principal may also make statement/s on the application form. This may help the panel in arriving at a decision. ;
Recommendation and Endorsement The recommendation as to whether a teacher should be recognised with the Experienced Teacher 6 classification shall be made by a Validation Panel. This shall be provided to the employing authority for endorsement.
Step Five Completing the Application The application consists of the completed Experienced Teacher 6 Application package available from your employer. Keep it simple. A series of brief statements of what has actually been done/you do is sufficient. Applicants should address all the Criteria and use the listed Indicators to assist in addressing the criteria. Criterion A and Criterion B need to be addressed so as to demonstrate high level proficiency. Remaining criteria need to be addressed so as to demonstrate proficiency. A practice/exemplar may be stated in more than one criteria where relevant and applicable. Teachers should commence recording appropriate activities in anticipation of applying for ET6 status when they become eligible. Before you begin to prepare your application, you should carefully go through the ET6 Selection Criteria and Indicators and begin to identify how your practices address these criteria. Seek a mentor to help you brainstorm ideas and assist in recalling activities in which demonstrate your proficiency. You should go through the criteria and think about the skills, experience and capabilities you have which address the criteria. F:\DATA\TRAINING\COURSES ‐ Approved Training Material\ET6 Catholic\ET 6 Revised Training Booklet.doc
It is important to remember that skills are not only developed in the workplace. Many are acquired by “working” in other capacities such as in volunteer organisations and in day-to-day living. These are legitimate and useful skills which you should include as part of your application, providing you link these skills up with your teaching practice and school’s educational programme.
Remember to keep a copy of your application.
Step Six Complete the application by addressing the criteria and gaining the required endorsements. Criteria A teacher applying for an Experienced Teacher 6 classification shall, to the satisfaction of the Validation Panel, provide evidence of high level proficiency in Criteria A and B listed below. The applicant shall also provide evidence of proficiency in the remaining three criteria. The criteria shall be understood within the framework of the values and ethos of the school/system and may be evidenced by reference to relevant indicators for each criteria. Inability to address a criterion other than A or B will not of itself prevent an applicant from being recommended for the Experienced Teacher 6 classification. Indicators Possible indicators for each criterion are set out below in a non-exhaustive list. Factors such as: i. ii. iii.
limited opportunity to fulfil possible indicators; evidence of the relevant level of practice outside of the possible indicators, but within the parameters of the general criteria; or other relevant factors
will be taken into account by panels when validating applications.
Step Seven Submit your application Your completed application is submitted to the Validation panel.
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The validation panel The membership of the Validation Panel will be external to the school and each member will have undergone agreed training. Three members, one from each of (i), (ii) and (iii) will be selected from the following list: (i)
A Principal or nominee who is not from the school that employs the applicant;
Person selected by the employing authority from the pool approved by the employing authority and the IEUA-QNT;
Person selected by the IEUA-QNT from the pool approved by the employing authority and the IEUA-QNT.
Time release will be provided for panel members. Decisions will be made by consensus. The Panel will meet to consider the application. If panel accepts the application the Employing Authority is notified and the Applicant is duly notified and appointed in due course. The review panel Where the Validation Panel recommendation does not support recognition as an Experienced Teacher 6, then the Applicant may appeal to a Review Panel. The Review Panel shall consist of three different members drawn from (i), (ii) and (iii) above. If the Review Panel endorses the original recommendation of the Validation Panel, no further administrative appeal is allowed. If the Review Panel endorses recognition as an Experienced Teacher 6, then this recommendation shall be substituted for the original recommendation to the employing authority. Where an employing authority does not endorse a Review Panel recommendation to recognise a teacher as an Experienced Teacher 6, the Applicant must be advised in writing. Any grievance arising from the rejection of a recommendation by the employing authority may be notified as a dispute in accordance with the grievance procedure identified in this collective agreement.
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Experienced Teacher 6 Guide and Checklist CRITERION A High level proficiency in understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community This criteria requires you to: Start with your School Mission Statement/Charter Outline the values contained in the charism attached to your school Unpack the ethos and show examples of understanding, commitment and support of that ethos Personalise the outcome of your contribution Refer to class/school/parish liturgical involvement Fewer examples with evidence is better than a shopping list of references to activities Belief followed by a statement of action relating to that belief. You are required to focus on actual experiences which show the extent of your skills in this area. Provide specific examples to support your claims about Catholic values and ethos in the classroom and the wider school community.
Begin by establishing the key tenets of the Catholic ethos particular to your school: For example, References to the key values attached to the founding of your school. Such as Marcellin Champagnat, Edmund Rice, the Sisters of Mercy, the Franciscans, the Good Samaritans, etc References to key Gospel teachings, the work of Jesus or patron Saints Then highlight the links between these Catholic values and key teachings with how you embed these teachings in your work in the classroom and the wider school community by referring explicitly to the specific mission or charism attached to your school and the Gospel values that relate to your school… eg. social justice, acceptance of diversity, trust, sacredness of the individual, service of others… HOW this is understanding of the mission or charism achieved through your engagement with specific activities, curriculum material or pedagogical approaches? For example, I support student involvement in Service Learning Projects such as working with …. As part of my role with the SVDP society at school, I coordinate appeals once a term… To demonstrate commitment to the social justice ethos and model empathy, I invite members from the local refugee community to attend the school and speak on assembly about their experiences. In my maths classes, we consider social justice issues relating to poverty through the analysis of data about GDP and average incomes of people in developing countries. I select English novels such as ___________________ that allow students to explore the ramifications of bullying behaviours
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Avoid the use of ‘weak’ verbs such as participate, attend, observe…
and how these are in direct contrast to Gospel values of acceptance of diversity and compassion. Assessment tasks I designed have been deliberately designed to allow students to present persuasive speeches from the perspective of those from groups in society that are typically marginalised, thus, developing opportunities to enhance empathy and compassion. Through my work on bullying prevention strategies, I develop and share resources with other classroom teachers for use in our religion classes, using examples from the life of our founder who stood up for those who are treated poorly by others.
You need to demonstrate active engagement vs passive participation. For example, I organise and prepare classroom prayer sessions for my class and share these with other staff in my House vs I participate in weekly prayer. I prepare and conduct sessions for staff retreats that address….vs I attend retreats. I actively participate in the support of Catholic mission by promoting SVDP and Project Compassion appeals and by encouraging each student in my home room to donate at least once a year. I also model this act of mission by donating canned goods to the Christmas appeal in my home room. I create multimedia presentations to promote reflection on Gospel values / the work of the patron saint / promote mission appeals and these are used in school masses / assemblies, etc
Demonstrate your commitment to faith development in line with Catholic values and ethos …
Reflect on your own practice – Most teachers are generally expected to attend Masses conducted at school, and conduct daily prayers what do you in that context within your classroom and the community that shows high proficiency? Through your active engagement / organisation / facilitation of reflection, meditation, prayer, Eucharist and other sacraments, liturgies… both within the CLASSROOM and the WIDER SCHOOL COMMUNITY. For example, I coordinate the liturgical dance group who present interpretations of scripture for class, House and whole School Masses I am a member of the Staff choir and we sing at school events such as the Opening Year and Valedictory Masses. I oversaw the student group who worked with local Indigenous people to develop a mural for the playground wall – an activity that was founded in the ideals of acceptance, justice and inclusivity. Every year, I coordinate and participate in the school team for Relay for Life which involves fund raising and promotion of this charity. Outline your involvement in wider parish activities outside the school community.
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CRITERION B High level proficiency in effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom Have you demonstrated how you achieve…
effective inclusive classroom practices? How do you facilitate learning for your more able and less capable students? What specific pedagogical approaches do you develop and use with your students and what is the link between these and ensuring students are engaged in learning within an inclusive classroom? For example, I consistently and thoroughly modify my curriculum through a wide range of strategies to ensure that the needs of my struggling, capable and more able students are met. This is achieved through modifying assessment, allowing students to select different novels to study / projects design and build / etc. List contemporary/state of the art strategies that are used.
Have you demonstrated how you undertake…
evaluation and reporting of student progress? State the formal assessment that you use and how you use it. How do you use formal assessment to develop your understanding of student progress? What are the informal methods of evaluating student progress that you use? What strategies do you use to encourage students in selfevaluation? What do you do with the information gleaned from evaluating student progress? How do you report back to parents or other stakeholders based on your evaluation? How and how often do you report on student progress? Consider relationships with students, parents / carers, other school staff, other relevant professionals.
Have you demonstrated how you achieve…
the encouragement of positive relationships with students in the classroom? What specific activities do you develop or undertake that allows you to connect with the students within the classroom? What specific activities do you undertake outside that classroom and how does that facilitate positive relationships with students? What personal attributes do you consciously activate to encourage
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positive relationships?
CRITERION C Achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members How do you develop relationships with parents / carers?
The regular and formal expectations of a teacher to participate in report card writing and parent teacher interviews should be addressed in Criterion B. For Criterion C, you would need to demonstrate the other activities where you engage with parents or carers. What specific additional steps or processes do you engage in where contact and communication with parents can occur? Refer to specific activities or events where you actively network with parents/carers and develop relationships as a result. This may include: Co-curricular activities School social events Liaising with parent coaches Written communication in the form of newsletters, notes, articles
How do you develop relationships with other relevant community members and who are they?
How do you engage with carers or other stakeholders in terms of building relationships? This may include those in pastoral or administrative roles in your school. How do you productively involve Parent/Community members in the classroom? Consider your professional links and how these relationships allow you to develop relevant professional relationships. This may include:
Industry contacts Your role or work undertaken on QSA panels or other bodies Relevant industry experience Experts from outside the school Charitable or community based groups Fundraising activities/parish activities that require liaising with outside groups
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CRITERION D Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement How have you developed and acted upon your professional relationships with colleagues?
The key here is demonstrating how relationships that you have with colleagues and other professionals have resulted in improvements of student achievement…
How have you developed collaborative partnerships with relevant professional?
How do these relationships promote student achievement?
how have the relationships with colleagues enabled you to create opportunities to enhance student achievement in academic, spiritual, cultural and sporting arenas? how have the relationships with colleagues enabled you to create opportunities to enhance student achievement in academic, spiritual, cultural and sporting arenas?
Consider: Collaborative processes that strengthen or improve the curriculum – provide examples Collaborative processes that support or improve the process of ensuring the pastoral care of students How have you worked with non-teaching colleagues in the school context to enhance student outcomes? For example, working with counsellors, librarians, school officers, grounds staff, parish priests? Collaborative processes in the context of beginning or preservice teachers. What have you done specifically in mentoring these people and what is the link to improvement of student achievement? Consider: The contacts that you have with professionals external to your workplace that have enabled you to enhance your work as a teacher and therefore, the outcomes for students. This may include:
Membership of professional teaching associations Work done in the context of parishes with regard to sacramental programmes Membership of subject review panels through the QSA Work undertaken with sporting bodies pertinent to your workplace Contact with professional writers, artists, musicians, performers, etc Liaising with language organisations with regard to competitions – Alliance Francais Coordinating Optiminds; liaising with organisers and teachers to facilitate student teams
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CRITERION E Developing and implementing ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning Refer to recent professional activities you have been engaged in: ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
professional development conferences professional readings inservices work with QSA professional associations mentoring or instruction you share with colleagues
For this criteria, you are required to demonstrate relevant and recent engagement with professional activities that relate to your curriculum, spiritual, pastoral or co-curricular tasks and explain HOW these activities enable you to enhance student learning. Ensure that you refer specifically to the nature of the workshop, activity professional reading or conference, and elaborate on what you learned in that context and what impact it had on your professional undertakings as a teacher. For example,
I attended a workshop dealing with the Thrass Spelling Programme and have redesigned and implemented resources for use with my classes in line with this programme. I attended a workshop on training Rugby Union presented by the QRU and facilitated workshops back at school for other coaches that has allowed us to redesign our training programmes. As a member of the District Review Panel for Chemistry, I have implemented knowledge gained in this context by reviewing assessment, and by updating units and resources used with my students. I attended training provided by QSA in BONSAI and allocation of SAIs for Year 11 and 12 students which has allowed me to more effectively determine SAIs for students in my classes. I subscribe to Magpies – a journal that includes reviews of current children's and young adult books as well as articles related to children's books and reading, and this informs me of appropriate novel choices that I can use with my students.
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PAR Applicants: Notwithstanding the role and the nature of the tasks undertaken as a PAR, it is essential to be mindful of the requirement of the criteria to address what you have done in the classroom. Experienced Teacher 6 recognises the teaching practitioner whose effective teaching and learning in the school contributes to the effective implementation, development, provision and/or evaluation of the school’s educational program. Therefore, ensure that your examples are based on classroom practice. Although you may oversee or drive curriculum, pastoral, co-curricular or spiritual initiatives as part of your PAR role, you must demonstrate how the specific classroom based activities are addressing the criterion. Thus, exercise some discretion in terms of how you include references to the roles that would be a direct expectation of a PAR.
Language use and writing your application Have you used positive and specific language? It is important that you avoid ambiguous or unclear expressions such as 'involved in' or 'assisted'. These expressions make it difficult for the reader to understand exactly what you did. For example, instead of 'I assisted the process through a monthly newsletter’; this idea has been phrased as 'I initiated / produced a monthly newsletter'. Words and phrases which could reduce credibility should also be avoided (e.g. some, a little, limited, somewhat).
Have I used strong action (doing) words? Avoid using passive language when describing your experience. The panel DOES not want to see words like: Attend, Participate, Encourage, Involvement in, Supporting of…. Instead, you need to use ACTION Words- For example, 'I received consistently excellent feedback in relation to this newsletter from parents and colleagues and my Deputy Principal”, is better than simply stating, 'Feedback in relation to this newsletter was consistently excellent'. Refer to table below:
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Examples of quality ACTION words acted as liaison for/between acquired acted/ functioned as activated adapted added addressed adept at administered advised advocated allocated amounting to a total savings of analysed assessed applied appraised approved arbitrated arranged assembled assessed assisted with attained audited authored balanced bought budgeted built calculated catalogued chaired classified clarified coached collaborated collected communicated compiled composed conceptualized conceived conducted consolidated constructed consulted contracted/subcontracted controlled convinced coordinated corrected corresponded counselled created customise
defined delegated delivered demonstrated designed developed devised diagnosed directed /indirect control directed dispatched documented doubled drafted earned edited educated enabled encouraged engineered enlisted established evaluated examined executed expanded experience involved facilitated familiarized familiar with fashioned financed forecasted formed formulated founded fulfilled gathered generated guided halved handled headed helped hired honoured as
identified illustrated implemented improved increased in charge of influenced informed initially employed initiated innovation resulted in
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instituted instructed instrumental in integrated interaction with interpreted introduced invented interviewed investigated maintained managed marketed mediated negotiated operated organized originated overcame overhauled oversaw performed persuaded pioneered planned presented prioritized processed produced proficient programmed projected promoted to/from provided publicized purchased recipient of recommended reconciled recruited reduced reinforced remodelled repaired reported directly to represented researched resolved restored reviewed revitalized resulted in
scheduled screened selected served/ operated as set goals set up settled shaped solved spearheaded specified specialize in spoke started stimulated strengthened successful in/at summarized supervised surpassed surveyed systematized tabulated taught temporarily assigned to ensure maximum/optimum trained transformed translated tripled upgraded validated won worked
Have I used a structured approach? The formula below is one way of ensuring that you answer each point fully. 1. The claim you are making in terms of the activity undertaken. 2. Elaborate on the claim you are making with a supporting statement. 3. Link the claim and supporting statement to the outcome and how it demonstrates the Criterion. 4. Where possible/relevant use present tense rather than past tense.
For example:
Refer to PD specifically by name
Describe the impact of this PD on your practice
I attended a workshop dealing with the Thrass Spelling Programme and have redesigned and implemented resources for use with my classes in line with this programme. Outline how this impacted on student learning
Action verb
Outcome in line with criteria
I regularly create multimedia presentations to promote reflection on Gospel values such as social justice / the work of the patron saint / promote mission appeals and these are used in school masses / assemblies. Personalise
Claim Action verb
Link between undertaking and student outcome
Assessment tasks I develop are deliberately designed to allow students to present persuasive speeches from the perspective of those groups in society that are typically marginalised, thus, developing opportunities to enhance empathy and compassion.
Link between ethos, student outcomes and classroom application of the values
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Outcome linked to Criterion
Have I avoided unsupported claims about my capabilities? Avoid general statements - I am a positive role model. The panel will need to see HOW you are a positive role model? Who says you are a positive role model? What are the outcomes for students because of your positive role modelling? Avoid general statement - I have a role in the Formal Committee. The panel will need to know what integral role you play in this committee that enables you to show high proficiency for ET 6. Avoid general statements - I am involved with Project Compassion and debating teams. The Panel does not know what you mean by the word INVOLVED. The Panel needs to see you demonstrate what you are asserting. Convince the Panel with concrete evidence that has some effect. Why you do it? How you do it? Who you work with to complete the task? Be specific - 'I received an achievement award from Administration for the quality of the newsletter. As a result, I am now the key contact for this process to occur in our community”. Be specific – I choose to mentor two pre-service teachers each year because it is a valuable learning process for both parties involved. I meet with pre-service teachers on a daily basis to ensure that open discussion occurs in relation to curriculum planning, behaviour management and assessment and reporting of student progress. Be specific – I choose to mentor the graduate teachers and am supported in this role by Administration. I meet with graduate teachers on a weekly basis to ensure that processes and procedures are being met and to allow open discussion where relationships between the graduate teachers and me continue to develop.
Panel feedback suggests STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT Feedback from some of the Panels suggests that your response should not be written in bullet points only. There needs to be an opening statement that sets up a framework for each criteria response. Responses to a criteria in a list only, can be a problem for some Panels. To make things clear for the panel, you could use features such as:
bullet points – (that are targeted to show clear examples); Underlining; Bolding; italics.
PRESENTATION Feedback from some Panels suggests that some applications had errors throughout. Proficiency does not equate with literacy/language facility/articulate reflection, HOWEVER, the application is a professional document that must present evidence of clearly demonstrated and well expressed statement of proficiency.
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You should ensure that:
there are no errors anywhere in the document; the document is formatted neatly; and the sentences are grammatically correct and concise.
Do not rely on referee comments to fill in the gaps that you did not mention in your application. Referring to current practice at your current workplace is more important to Panels than work you completed in a previous workplace. Unless you can show a link or a continued passion/commitment that you brought across to your current workplace, Panel feedback suggests that it is irrelevant. How does your application and what you contribute to the College/School demonstrate proficiency or high level proficiency? Do not use Acronyms that are not known outside of your College/School. Please spell them out. Referees would be better placed writing simple statements that endorse your applications, rather than leaving it blank. Citing educational jargon without explanation or examples or contextualising as evidence. Listing activities without explanation or elaboration. Stating ability to perform duties without explanation as to HOW and WHY the performance of that duty relates to the criteria. Submitting applications that do not meet the word length requirements – significantly and consistently over or significantly and consistently under the word length has been problematic. Submitting applications that have not been proofread.
IDEAL PRACTICE- Comments include:
Select significant experience and provide elaboration. Focus on quality of responses that are elaborated upon, rather than quantity. Linking examples of proficiency to practice (explain how you do it, justify why you decided to do it and reflect upon enacting process) Context > decision making > process > response. Explain methodologies and their function. Provide evidence of proficiency or high proficiency across contexts. Demonstrate evidence - the Panel should not have to LOOK FOR IT. Provide real life examples and how you LIVED them through the life of the School/College.
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CRITERIA RESPONSES The detailed lists below are provided as reminders of activities that would be relevant to each of the criterion. Ensure that you offer the appropriate elaborations to demonstrate the link between the example and the criterion. (REFER TO PAGE 8) The formula below is one way of ensuring that you answer each point fully. The claim you are making in terms of the activity undertaken. Elaborate on the claim you are making with a supporting statement. Link the claim and supporting statement to the outcome and how it demonstrates the Criterion.
1. 2. 3.
Criterion A Understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community.
Indicators – Criterion A Indicators may include effective: i. ii. iii. iv.
support for, and promotion of the values, ethos and policies of the school within the classroom and the wider school community; contribution to educational decision-making and planning through reflection on the implications of the school Mission Statement for the life of the school; involvement in incorporating the values of the Mission Statement into pedagogical practices within the classroom; involvement in the faith life of the school through prayer and liturgy.
Demonstrate proficient practice at a high level. Practice
Class liturgies School Masses Class prayers daily Circle Time Collaboration on RE units Staff prayer Modifying programs to cater for disabilities, special needs etc Embrace special events pertaining to individual children Celebrate school feast day
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Celebrate key Catholic festivities and liturgical events (Easter, Christmas) Development and implementation of Mission Statement Review and implementation of mission statement Active involvement and participation in Special Needs meetings “Six kinds of Best” program Development of Peer Support School principle of connectedness aligned with resilience Participation in school liturgies – classes are asked to lead Planning and construction and implementation of liturgies Teacher guided Pastoral Care lessons with Yr 1-7 Professional dialogue to determine the Mission Statement of the school → construct as a staff and implement Contribution to the decision making and planning and implementation of IDEAS concept Daily prayer and RE lessons, song, reflecting ethos of school Attending mass and prayer assemblies Establish, maintain and promote sacred space / choir / liturgies / masses / hymn singing / RE lessons / everyday prayers (3 times/day), pastoral care / teacher-student relationships Planning / delivery of lessons / assessment / reporting to parents in ways that reflect the mission statement of the school/system School communication with wider school community (e.g. newsletters / reporting framework / school admissions / enrolment package and school logo and “brand” Values are incorporated into our unit plans, classrooms, playground Implementation of school mission statement into pedagogical practices – booklet Mission contribution – Caritas, Bush Rangers Staff meeting – rewriting procedural manual in light of mission statement School program informed from Mission Statement
Within the School: Prayer Life of your class/classes – starting a class with a prayer Involvement in the liturgies and masses Involvement in Liturgical celebrations Prepare and actively engage in mass with your Pastoral/form class Involvement in Staff prayer and leading on a rostered basis Sacramental program involvement Involvement in the prayer life of the college Graduation Mass Ash Wednesday mass Bishop in-service days Outside of school Parish committees Youth Groups Be qualified for the position and meet all registration, accreditation and other requirements of the State and Church; Accreditation to teach religion in a Catholic school & Accreditation to teach in a Catholic school. Active seeking out, participation in and on-going application of professional development; Demonstrate and promote Catholic educational philosophy, policy and practices of the school; F:\DATA\TRAINING\COURSES ‐ Approved Training Material\ET6 Catholic\ET 6 Revised Training Booklet.doc
Develop and maintain an adequate understanding of those aspects of Catholic teaching that touch upon their areas of responsibility; Strive by their service, performance of duties and personal example to inculcate in students an appreciation and acceptance of Christian teaching and values.
Within the School: Assist in planning of school liturgy services. Participation in mass through volunteering to undertake various roles throughout the mass Whole school prayer assembly – arrange and direct their class in leading of the prayer assembly Participate in and on a roster basis lead staff prayer meetings Outside of school Various parish responsibilities – e.g.. Baptismal co-ordinator Assist in running or run the children’s liturgy on the Sunday morning. I support appeals such as …. Project Compassion via…. I understand and follow Employing Authority/School documents such as …. In my classroom via …… I organise meditation time with my class Writing in work programs – how to structure subject in relation to school community Attended school retreats out of hours Involved in charity and fundraising work Attend Form and Semi Formal Assisting with IT task for Harmony Day in Activities Week Open day displays and engaging with prospective parents Encourage home room fundraising for “Project Compassion” Support in school projects Judging Celebration Day Embedding social justice Care and support of local, national and international communities via work with Interact (Rotary School Group Creating an understanding of the needs of the diverse ethnic community of the school values and partnership with the values of the Mission Statement Attend liturgies for students making sacraments in primary sector; Approachable, professional responses to parents about school policies; Present information at class parent/teacher information meetings; and Respectful towards other staff and their ideas/suggestions involving school and year level decisions. Undertake further study e.g. Cert IV Theology Reviewing School Renewal Plan; Setting school goals
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Criterion B Skills in effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom.
Indicators – Criterion B Indicators may include effective: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.
pastoral care and productive relationships with students; thorough preparation and purposeful planning for an inclusive classroom conducive to learning; use of an extensive repertoire of pedagogical practice; use of appropriate procedures for assessing students, evaluating programs, and reporting on student performance; contribution to developing programs and promoting strategies of classroom organisation which foster successful learning for students in the classroom; assistance to students with specific educational needs within the classroom.
Demonstrate proficient practice at a high level.
Catering for the needs of all children no matter what their need through individualised programmes Parent / teacher interviews Semester reports Term folios Formulating tests to suit the current / present cohort taking into consideration IEP’s Pastoral Care lessons Intervention programs implemented and supported – modified programs and activities such as Support-a-Reader, Multilit Range of assessment procedures – observation, whole school testing, reflection, NAPLAN – analysing results, use of criteria sheets and rubrics, moderation IEPs, EAPs Modified report cards Use of DLP Values program Profiling of students with specific education needs – modifying tests, notes Selection of programs appropriate to all – class / group of students including high-achieving and low-achieving students Daily mentoring of students– listening to student’s problems Pastoral care, house meeting, mentor, sports, camp Develop new units of work – essential learning (involvement / preparation / implementation) Using computers, whiteboards in delivering classroom practice, workbooks, group, individual activities. Catering to learning styles Written and develop various programs reflective of particular needs Teach modified maths class.
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Development of individual educational programs and assessment House meeting Involvement in preparation and implementation of essential learning Development assessment items for intellectually impaired students Promote mutual respect by being aware of each student’s individuality encompassing family and academic circumstances Actively participate in extensive drafting and feedback processes relating to student’s work Planning and writing units of work Implementing / documenting IEPs Being a mentor teacher. Knowing students and families well. Being a first point of contact if problems arise Writing IEPs and setting modified assessment tasks. Appropriate use of support staff and teacher aides Developing programs for Senior subjects from 2009 syllabi Attending QSA workshops on assessment and applying the knowledge gained there to classroom practice Modify programs and assessment for students with special needs, e.g. ESL, ascertained Liaise with Learning Support teachers, Head of Curriculum and other relevant staff Incorporate IT into the classroom Provide appropriate scaffolding for tasks Provide challenging extension activities Provide a variety of assessment items Planning for IEP and EAP (being on review / planning panels) Implementing of IEP and EAP Creation of posters, templates, as reminders/guides for students Use of computer software – PowerPoint, Movie maker, Prezi Regular planning / implementation of Pastoral Care activities, e.g. lunches, getting to know fellow PC class/group members Possibly … involvement in co-curricular activities – developing relationships that flow into classroom Interaction with ESL, Indigenous liaison teachers to enhance the students learning Cultural awareness. Being aware of specific cultural issues and implementing practices which acknowledge and reflect this awareness Meeting needs of international students Catering for needs through individualized worksheets and learning experiences Running tutorials at lunch or after school for students Cross marking Assessment guidelines in line with school policies and practices Have a knowledge of the students within their class, issues and problems confronting youth of today and in particular those individuals within the class and working with them Creating and modeling a socially acceptable safe learning environment with conflict resolution and problem solving strategies being taught and modeled Scaffolded learning and worksheets that are scaffolded to meet the individual needs of the students within the class – from the students requiring extra assistance through to extension work for the higher order thinkers Providing a variety of learning experiences to cater for the students Ways of Learning Verbal, Visual, Tactile, Kinesthetic, and Aural Providing a combination of individual and group learning experiences Rotational learning experiences including guided reading, etc
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Computer based/assisted learning, interactive whiteboards Networking of the pastoral care programs and the dialogue between the Subject Coordinator, School Counsellor, Home room teacher and Campus Minister is integral to meeting the needs of students Facilitating the teacher aides for individualising student work programs for differentiation Recognition and awareness of OHS and risk assessments for my particular classes. Implementation of DOC – writing units On State Panel Catering for different learning styles Providing access to resources so student can obtain outside of class time DOL strategies in the classroom – implementation within units Using ICT in classroom – digital literacy – embedding Having Learning Support/T-L coming into classroom to support the classroom learning Modifying assessment to suit students Curriculum Panels Writing new units / work programs, e.g. BOM, Cert 3 in Business, Cert 2 Workplace Practices Modifying assessment to meet students’ needs Panel membership – monitoring peer’s work Writing syllabus for Senior and Junior area Liaison with learning support person about student strategies Employing Dimensions of Learning in Work Plans Variation of stimulus (primary and secondary sources) Preparation of support materials (e.g. booklets for classes and whole year levels) Preparation of AV material to vary materials for classroom instruction Regular communication with students on expectations and support for students to meet those expectation; Working with students to jointly identify realistic expectations Regular communication with parents on progress between assessment; Develop a ‘team’ or community approach within the classroom setting by moulding a focused outcome approach. First port of call for students in pastoral care groups – ‘Bullying’ – communicate with parents; mediation processes; Tasks set to include all students of all ability levels.
Criterion C Skills in achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members.
Indicators – Criterion C Indicators may include effective: i.
communication practices within the school including school reporting, parentteacher meetings, parent nights, school open days and award nights;
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ii. iii.
development and promotion of positive partnerships with parents and community organisations; contribution to developing and promoting school-parish relationships where appropriate.
Demonstrate proficient practice.
Weekly class newsletter Parent night Parent / teacher interview Open door classroom policy DVD – End of year keepsake Student record books School fair School functions Availability for interviews anytime Working bees School liturgy Special intentions Attention for children with special needs School practices include parent / teacher meeting (MASS) at start year P&F bbq Masses Reporting process reflects school mission Email contact with parents – Connected Learning Communities usage Whole school activities – open days, IEP meeting, tuckshop, library helpers, P&F, P&F bbq, activities – dance night, masses and liturgies Support Jubilee celebrations Workshops Parish fair / fete Mass attendance Celebrations with parish nuns Race days Staff celebrations Care for parish buildings Respect for church / hall / parish leaders Meet and greet nights Christmas concert Fundraising events – Father’s Day stall, Mother’s Day, pie drives Sporting carnivals Info evenings Phone calls Carpark interviews Informal face-to-face interviews/ meetings School musicals Family “fun” days/nights Newsletters home and articles contributed in the newsletter by teachers Letters home
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Contact with parents regarding student behaviour (good or bad), failing to submit assignments, New student induction evening Meet the teacher BBQ evening Pastoral interviews Letters to individual parents or whole class keeping parents informed of developments within the class and planned activities occurring Regular contact/communication with parents through – phone calls, communication books, student diary Attending School BBQ and School Disco Information evenings School Fete’s Inviting parents to attend school assembly when their child is receiving an award or presentation Follow up to special activities information evening – i.e. camp slideshow night Being a member of Parish Council/P&F Making time to meet with parents in an informal setting Year 10 Career Interviews Mass preparation for weekend masses Participation and organisation of students in Red Shield Appeal, Blood Donor drives, local hospice work, overseas tours, social outreach programs ANZAC Day student volunteers – engendering that spirit and further developing the schoolparish relationship Links with Industry via hospitality students Co-Curricular involvement Practice of open door policy with parents/guardians 48 hour return time of parent communication via email or phone Public Speaking development / Public Speaking nights Europe trip Yr 10 work experience visits School open days Liaising with UQ Librarian – trips to university library and State library Guest speakers in AH and English, theatre groups, tournament of minds – adjudicator UQ Debating Adjudicator Assisting subject co-ordinator with Yr10 subject selection night Low level social/incidental conversations with parents via cross country, Saturday, musical, swimming training Industry Placements: visiting students and employers Year 10 community service during Activities Week QUT in Accounting – liaising at QUT re students doing course Excursions, guest speakers Writing individual comments for students – customising House meetings – sharing of info re students who require assistance / monitoring Attend Friday night carnivals for track and field Attend Saturday morning cross country event and runs After school sports events Take students to Women in Sports breakfast Take students to UNIFEM – Women’s Day breakfast Developed system of pro-forma for contacting/communicating with parents
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Involvement within community commemorations Communication with parents and engaging them in school practices including engaging interpreters to facilitate this Inclusion where otherwise difficult due to language and cultural needs Representation of school at funeral of family member Communication over the phone – introduction at the start of the year; Follow-up call regarding issues, progress etc; Parent/Teacher Interviews; Semester Reports on academic progress; and Invitations to attend events.
Criterion D Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement.
Indicators – Criterion D Indicators may include effective: i. ii. iii. iv. v.
collaboration with colleagues at the classroom level in curriculum planning and evaluation; collaborative support and professional assistance to other teachers in their professional development; performance in the role of resource person and/or mentor for other teachers in the school with respect to effective classroom practices; collaboration with specialist teachers in meeting the needs of students in the classroom; supervision and mentoring pre-service teachers.
Demonstrate proficient practice.
Collaborative approach to implementation of new curriculum Attending relevant in-service and modifying classroom practices Planning / writing / guiding / implementing work programs / syllabus documents / essential learning Active membership in professional associations Supervising student teachers and liaising with various academics. Development of assessment tasks / instruments Influence of panel days being implemented in work programs / study plans on classroom practice and assessment Collaborative planning Collaborative teaching
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Maintaining accreditation to Teach in a Catholic school and to Teach Religion in a Catholic school. Year level, subject, department planning Mentoring of new/graduate teachers – informal & formal Induction for new staff Subject/department meetings Involvement with Professional bodies PD – bringing what you learnt back to staff meetings & also through professional readings Implementation of new documents Intern/Prac students Mentoring new teachers Regular Year level meetings In-Servicing staff following attendance at in-services/PD Developing year level curriculum plans in collaboration with other teachers in their year level Planning, preparation and Team teaching Chair/involvement in the Committee/s. Collaborate with teacher-librarian in regard to the development of interesting, multifaceted units of work. Collaborate with School Counsellor/Support teacher in developing appropriate units of work. Working in the Vision for Learning statement Explicitly stating and teaching the CCE’s in work programs Outsourcing to specialists e.g.….. Devising / revising task sheets/revision ICT committee, past students committee, department meeting, house meeting Run debating workshops, helped new staff with coaching Co-ordinator with library (resource centre) co-ordinators Implementation of VET in schools, e.g. Cert 1 in Work Ed, Cert 1 in IT Collaborating with Learning Support in creating assessment and lesson resources, e.g. Year 9 & 8 English Developing/obtaining and sharing resources with other faculty members Collaborating with Resource Centre Staff / library e.g. creating Pathfinders, showing new programs, e.g. Bibliography program, photostory, etc, Web pages; Attend State Conferences to update colleagues Attend panel and QAS workshops on implementation of syllabus and then in-service colleagues Run Gifted and Talented seminar sessions for staff over 3 workshops Work with learning support / house co-ordinator / resource centre to meet student learning Membership of associations help you with best practice Provision of resources and mentoring as required for ESL students in classroom Collaboration with L.S. (General) teachers where needs of ESL student requires attendance at “Communication” LS classes Liaise and inform members of QIEU of latest information etc Seek input from members in regard to submissions of a professional and industrial nature; Professional discussions/questioning due CTJ (Consistency of Teacher Judgment) days; Co-ordinated – Book Week; Science Week etc school related activities or year level to promote awareness; and Student teachers – mentoring, advice and feedback.
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Criterion E Ability to develop and implement ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning.
Indicators – Criterion E Indicators may include effective: i. ii. iii.
understanding of, and commitment to, curriculum initiatives developed in the school in response to current educational research and policy; insight into individual student needs and demonstrated ability to respond to changed circumstances with innovative and well-researched practices; promotion and implementation of innovative classroom strategies through a wide range of methodologies, resources and assessment techniques to support independent and collaborative learning; leadership in developing and implementing positive, innovative strategies and approaches to classroom teaching.
Demonstrate proficient practice. Practice
Student protection Bullying programmes Team teaching safe handling of children First Aid In-service on administering Epipen Peer support Brainbased learning Literacy block Thrass Values education Implementing DLP (Diocesan Learning Profile) - assessment Protective behaviours IDEAS Programme – school based pedagogy Development of school wide spelling strategy Enquiry based education Development of criteria sheets for assessment New reporting system A-E Attendance at professional development CLC
Implementation of new syllabus QSA in-services Trialling Diocesan/system/QSA trials Feedback from moderation and verification panels when……….
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Involvement in gifted and talented, Opti Minds, Public Speaking, Rostrum Youth of the Year, Titration etc… Promotion of the new behaviour management process Developing on line modules for my…………… Developing the cyber classroom for my …………… VET in-service IT integration Child Protection Policy First Aid Students on IEPs DOL implementation Preparing students for NAPLAN Use of video and starboard software to enhance student performance Games approach to learning physical skills Workshop “internet safety” Use of triple P strategies to reinforce positive classroom behaviours Develop new sociology unit for Yr10 PE students to enhance awareness of gender bias in physical activity Streamline of ppt’s developed for new social science unit. Use of museums in instruction Regular professional development in relation to curriculum initiatives and ESL needs in relation to such. Feedback to QEC Specialised approach to identification and meeting student needs Methodologies designed to meet individual needs identified through testing and observation in individual and classroom situations. Assessment through Bandscale levels and school reporting Mentoring and teaching classroom teachers in innovative approaches to classroom teaching. Membership in and contribution to professional and/or education body with demonstrated curriculum relevance or benefits.
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Timing Round 1 Applications to be lodged by the first business day on or after 31 March in any year. Successful applicant will be paid from 1 July of that year. Round 2 Applications to be lodged by the first business day on or after 30 September in any year. Successful applicants will be paid from the first full pay period of the next school year. Remuneration The Experienced Teacher 6 Allowance is payable, if the applicant is recognised as an Experienced Teacher 6. The allowance will be as per Schedule 1 of the relevant Collective Agreement. Additional Duties An ET6 may be required to perform additional duties. Any relevant additional duties should be done by way of consultation with appropriate discounting of normal duties. This should not be applied as to undermine the basic role of the ET6. Portability There shall be portability of an Experienced Teacher 6 classification between Catholic employing authorities in Queensland. Appraisal The Experienced Teacher 6 will be subject to an appraisal in accordance with the agreed Appraisal Process for teachers.
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The following typical Experienced Teacher 6 Application package should be available from your employer and should be used to submit your application: EXPERIENCED TEACHER 6 APPLICATION PACKAGE PURPOSE This information is provided to assist you in applying for the classification of Experienced Teacher 6. Please read carefully before completing the Application Form. ELIGIBILITY Teachers who have held the classification Experienced Teacher 5 (Leading Teacher or Advanced Skills Teacher 1) in a Queensland Catholic school for a minimum of three years are eligible for this classification. Teachers who hold a current Position of Added Responsibility and who have had twelve years teaching experience may also apply. Successful applicants will receive only the higher of the two applicable allowances. MAKING AN APPLICATION All applications must be on the approved Application Form. This may be downloaded by accessing the link .......... 1 Complete the following sections of the Application Form Cover Sheet a Applicant Details b Referee Details (Nominate two professional referees who have in‐depth knowledge of your performance as a teacher.) c Current Principal d Confirmation of your eligibility to apply. 2 Provide evidence that you fulfil the criteria for classification at Experienced Teacher 6 by responding to each criterion in the space provided. a You are to use Arial 10 point font. The maximum number of words is indicated for each criterion. b Remember that the standard required is i a high level of proficiency for Criteria A & B, and ii proficiency for Criteria C – E. c The panel will look for evidence that your practice demonstrates that you satisfy the criteria. Assertions that are too general may not provide this evidence. 3 Provide your referees with a copy (preferably electronic) of the Referee Report. a You will also need to supply them with a copy of your responses to the criteria. b The completed forms are to be submitted with your application. 4 Provide your Principal with a copy (preferably electronic) of the Principal’s Statement. a The completed form is to be submitted with your application. b If you have been at your current school for only a short time or the Principal is new to the school, you may discuss with your current Principal the possibility of your immediate past Principal completing the statement. If your previous Principal makes the statement, your current Principal will still sign the Cover Sheet. 5 Complete the signatures section of the Cover Sheet. 6 Submit to ....... F:\DATA\TRAINING\COURSES ‐ Approved Training Material\ET6 Catholic\ET 6 Revised Training Booklet.doc
APPLICANT DETAILS Preferred title:
Given Names:
Payroll number if applicable:
Phone (w):
Phone (h):
Email address:
Mobile: Fax:
Referee 2:
CURRENT PRINCIPAL Name: School: Telephone: Mobile: Email:
Are you eligible to apply for the classification of Experienced Teacher 6 in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 5 of the current enterprise agreement? Yes No Signature of Applicant:
Date: / /
Signature of Supervisor:
Date: / /
Signature of Principal:
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Date: / /
I demonstrate high level proficiency in understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community in the following ways: (250 words maximum)
I demonstrate high level proficiency in effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom in the following ways: (500 words maximum)
I demonstrate proficiency in achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members in the following ways: (250 words maximum)
I demonstrate proficiency in effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement in the following ways: (250 words maximum)
I demonstrate proficiency in developing and implementing ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning in the following ways: (250 words maximum)
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REFEREE REPORT #1 As a referee, you are asked endorse the content of this application for Experienced Teacher 6 classification. Comments may be made in the space provided. Criteria
Comments (optional)
A: Understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community.
Yes No
B: Effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom.
Yes No
C: Achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members.
Yes No
D: Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement.
Yes No
E: Developing and implementing ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning.
Yes No
Referee’s Name (Please print) : _______________________________________________________ Referee’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date:
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REFEREE REPORT #2 As a referee, you are asked to endorse the content of this application for Experienced Teacher 6 classification. Comments may be made in the space provided. Criteria
Comments (optional)
A: Understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community.
Yes No
B: Effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom.
Yes No
C: Achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members.
Yes No
D: Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement.
Yes No
E: Developing and implementing ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning.
Yes No
Referee’s Name (Please print) :_______________________________________________________ Referee’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: F:\DATA\TRAINING\COURSES ‐ Approved Training Material\ET6 Catholic\ET 6 Revised Training Booklet.doc
PRINCIPAL’S STATEMENT As Principal, you may endorse the content of this application for Experienced Teacher 6 classification and/or make statements in the spaces provided. Criteria
A: Understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community.
Yes No
B: Effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom.
Yes No
C: Achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members.
Yes No
D: Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement.
Yes No
E: Developing and implementing ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning.
Yes No
Principal’s Name (Please print) : ______________________________________________________ Principal’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: F:\DATA\TRAINING\COURSES ‐ Approved Training Material\ET6 Catholic\ET 6 Revised Training Booklet.doc
APPENDIX: Criteria and Possible Indicators A.
Understanding of, commitment to and support for the values and ethos of the Catholic school in the classroom and the wider school community. Indicators may include effective: i. support for, and promotion of the values, ethos and policies of the school within the classroom and the wider school community; ii. contribution to educational decision‐making and planning through reflection on the implications of the school Mission Statement for the life of the school; iii. involvement in incorporating the values of the Mission Statement into pedagogical practices within the classroom; iv. involvement in the faith life of the school through prayer and liturgy. Skills in effective inclusive classroom practices, in evaluating and reporting students’ progress and in encouraging positive relationships with students in the classroom. Indicators may include effective: i. high level pastoral care and productive relationships with students; ii. thorough preparation and purposeful planning for an inclusive classroom conducive to learning; iii. use of an extensive repertoire of pedagogical practice; iv. use of appropriate procedures for assessing students, evaluating programs, and reporting on student performance; v. contribution to developing programs and promoting strategies of classroom organisation which foster successful learning for students in the classroom; vi. assistance to students with specific educational needs within the classroom. Skills in achieving appropriate personal and professional relationships with parents/carers of students and with other relevant community members. Indicators may include effective: i. communication practices within the school including school reporting, parent‐teacher meetings, parent nights, school open days and award nights; ii. development and promotion of positive partnerships with parents and community organisations; iii. contribution to developing and promoting school‐parish relationships where appropriate. Effective personal and professional skills in collaborating with colleagues and relevant professionals in promoting student achievement. Indicators may include effective: i. collaboration with colleagues at the classroom level in curriculum planning and evaluation; ii. collaborative support and professional assistance to other teachers in their professional development; iii. performance in the role of resource person and/or mentor for other teachers in the school with respect to effective classroom practices; iv. collaboration with specialist teachers in meeting the needs of students in the classroom; v. supervision and mentoring pre‐service teachers. Ability to develop and implement ideas gained from professional activities to enhance students’ learning. Indicators may include effective: i. understanding of, and commitment to, curriculum initiatives developed in the school in response to current educational research and policy; ii. insight into individual student needs and demonstrated ability to respond to changed circumstances with innovative and well‐researched practices; iii. promotion and implementation of innovative classroom strategies through a wide range of methodologies, resources and assessment techniques to support independent and collaborative learning; iv. leadership in developing and implementing positive, innovative strategies and approaches to classroom teaching.
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