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Early Childhood Education

FACT SHEET 2 New Curriculum EC Colb5093md

KEY ISSUES  From the start of 2012 the revised “Building Waterfalls” program, approved by the Queensland Studies Authority, or an alternative program that has QSA accreditation, must be used in Queensland Kindergartens.

ACTION  Ensure that your centre is ready to use the revised “Building Waterfalls” program by the start of 2012  If not using “Building Waterfalls” then ensure you make arrangements to use a program that will meet funding requirements from the beginning of 2011.

CONTACTS IEUA-QNT Phone: (07) 3839 7020 Fax: (07) 3839 7021 Freecall: 1800 177 937 Email Enquiries: enquiries@qieu.asn.au Internet: www.qieu.asn.au


BACKGROUND: In 2007 the Council of Australian governments (COAG) established a National Quality Agenda for Early Childhood Education and Care. A key element was the development of a National Early Years of Learning Framework (EYLF). This EYLF was endorsed by COAG on 2 July 2009 as the national curriculum framework for the delivery of all early childhood education programs across Australia. The EYLF is available at: http://www.deewr.gov.au/EarlyChildhood/Policy_Agenda/Quality/Documen ts/Final%20EYLF%20Framework%20Report%20-%20WEB.pdf The Queensland Studies Authority has been tasked with approving early childhood curricula devised by any organisation wishing to deliver their own curriculum. The guidelines against which such curricula will be assessed are available at: http://www.qsa.qld.edu.au/downloads/early_middle/p-9_qld_k_learning_guide.pdf

The draft guidelines were trialled in 27 kindergarten settings between February and May 2010. C&K have recently been given approval from the Office of Early Childhood Education and Care to use the “Building Waterfalls” program through 2011. This will ensure that the requirements for funding purposes are met. Approval for the program cannot be sought until the legislation is passed (probably in August 2010). Once the legislation is in place and the current program has been rewritten to accommodate the new guidelines put in place by the Queensland Studies Authority, it can be submitted for accreditation. It will be necessary to implement the new version of “Building Waterfalls” from the beginning of 2012.

IMPLICATIONS FOR COMMUNITY KINDERGARTENS: The new Kindergarten curriculum guideline will be implemented across Queensland in 2011. However, C&K centres using the “Building Waterfalls” program will meet the requirements for ongoing funding. By the beginning of 2012 all Kindergartens in Queensland must be ready to work with a QSA approved program.

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