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Early Childhood Education and Care

FACT SHEET 4 Central Governing Bodies EC Colb5097md



What are Central Governing Bodies?

 Every service must be connected to a CGB  Govt will announce who CGB’s are in Sept 2010  Services must have foramlised membership of a CGB by 30 June 2011.

Central Governing Bodies (CGB’s) will be organisations which are approved by the Office for Early Childhood Education and care in Queensland (the Office) to:  Support the delivery of quality kindergarten programs in member services, and  Receive funding in a block grant and distribute this funding according to the Kindergarten Funding Scheme guidelines.

ACTION  Read Chapter briefings  Provide feedback as requested; for example, see Chapter Briefing 6

How does an organisation become a CGB? Organisations apply to the Office which will determine their suitability for approval to be a CGB. The Office will assess their suitability against Selection Criteria. Ongoing compliance with the selection criteria is necessary to maintain their role as a CGB. Organisations approved to receive funding as a CGB are required to enter into a service agreement with the Office. To be approved as a CGB, an organisation is to:  Demonstrate experience in the delivery and/or support of early childhood education programs;  Demonstrate ability to provide support and advice to services regarding program management and administration;  Demonstrate experience in effective management of funds;  Demonstrate ability to provide a state-wide service. What functions and responsibilities should an approved CGB fulfil?      


IEUA-QNT Phone: (07) 3839 7020 Fax: (07) 3839 7021 Freecall: 1800 177 937 Email Enquiries: enquiries@qieu.asn.au Internet: www.qieu.asn.au

Distribute in a timely manner the funds due to each of their member services; Support their member services to provide an inclusive quality education program for all children; Advise and support member services enabling them to meet kindergarten program provider eligibility criteria; Comply with the data and reporting requirements and evaluation activities required by the Office; Advise and support member services to develop firm referral pathways to services that promote positive early childhood development and wellbeing; clearly state any criteria for membership with the CGB required by member services including membership fees; CGB’s should make provision for those kindergartens wishing to have a formal arrangement of association with the CGB rather than operating under the direct authority of the CGB; support member services to implement strategies to maximise enrolments of eligible age children for increased participation, including children in priority groups who may have additional needs or require additional support, which are representative of individual communities.

Timeline:  The Office has indicated that the successful applicants to become CGB’s will be announced in September 2010.  Services to have formalised their membership of a CGB by 30 June 2011

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