Queensland Anglican Schools Multiple Business Union Collective Agreement
Summary Documentation For the information of all Anglican School Employees
Page A B C D E F
Précis of the Award Consolidation Process 2008 covering where we have come from, what has happened and where to from now Examples of Employer “gives” in the Consolidation Process Workplace Agreement – Benefits Applicable to Teaching Staff Workplace Agreement – Benefits Applicable to Non-Teaching Staff Overview – School Officer Job Classification Provisions (an attachment to ‘C’ above) Fact Sheet – Consolidated Agreement
Prepared: 19 November 2008
1-4 5 6-8 9-11 12-13 14
Précis of the Consolidation Process 2008 This paper outlines the: (a) work undertaken to prepare the Workplace Agreement 2009 and the approach taken to the consolidation process; (b) steps required to finalise the collective bargaining process; and (c) process to formalise the Workplace Agreement
The Initial Consolidation Process Consolidation Process In order to capture the Anglican School industrial arrangements in one document, the Employers took the 2004 Certified Agreement as a base document and incorporated all other Award and legislative entitlements and merged these into one document. This initial consolidation process involved well in excess of 100 hours of legal work to capture all entitlements in addition to the huge administrative task of physically merging the various instruments. The initial document took up 5 lever arch folders. The draft Consolidated document was then tabled to QIEU prior to the first SBU meeting and arising out of this, a number of amendments were suggested which dealt with inconsistencies and clarified other benefits in the draft document.
Initial Consolidated Instrument The initial document contained relevant clauses from: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Anglican Schools Certified Agreement 2004 Deed of Settlement 2006 Interim Agreement 2008 Teachers' Award – Non-Governmental Schools School Officers' Award – Non-Governmental Schools Greenkeeping Industry Award – State Miscellaneous Workers' Award – State Boarding Schools, Residential Colleges and Other Non-Commercial Establishments Accommodation Award – South Eastern Division Anglican Boarding Schools and Colleges Employees’ (Excluding South East Queensland) Award State Nurses' Award – State Passenger Vehicle Drivers etc Award – Northern & Mackay Divisions Retail Industry Award – State Retail Take-Away Food Award – South-Eastern Division Building Products, Manufacture and Minor Maintenance Award – State Child Care Industry Award – State Engineering Award – State Family Leave Award Relevant legislation
The initial Consolidation process revealed: • a number of inconsistent provisions from different Awards • some unlawful content due the WorkChoices reforms;
ATTACHMENT A • irrelevant references to State legislation given the shift into the Federal jurisdiction; • several irrelevant allowances due to Schools not employing people in some of the callings listed in the Awards consolidated; and • outdated clauses that had not caught up with legislative changes to minimum entitlements Thus, further work had to be done to ensure a consistent, accurate and workable agreement.
The Workplace Agreement Approach taken to Consolidation In preparing the Workplace Agreement, the parties took an approach that considered the following objectives: • • • • • • •
not disadvantaging employees; accommodating all stakeholders; clarity; simplicity (when possible); protecting minimum conditions; remaining an employer of choice; and ensuring Anglican principles of social justice, reciprocity, natural justice and fairness and transparency are maintained
Dealing with inconsistent provisions Where the initial document contained inconsistent provisions from different Awards, the general approach taken by Employers and endorsed by QIEU was to include the provision most favourable to the employees, or a variation of the most favourable provision. For example: Under the Teachers' Award, full time teachers aged over 45 years old with five years' service are entitled to an additional week's notice on termination. The Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) (and the National Employment Standards from 1 January 2010 ) and other awards provide for the additional week's notice to be provided to full time teachers with at least two years' continuous service. The Workplace Agreement removes the continuous service requirement, entitling full time teachers aged over 45 years old to the additional week's notice on termination regardless of their period of service. In addition to the induction process for graduate teachers in the Teachers' Award, the Workplace Agreement ensures graduate teachers are provided with one on one support, including at least one performance review, with the option to extend for a further year. Furthermore, for the purpose of salary increments, casual employees are deemed to have completed a year of service after 1000 hours in accordance with the Workplace Agreement, reduced from 1200 hours under the Teachers' Award. At the SBU meeting on 5 June 2008, Employee Representatives suggested that the Employer prepare a list of identifying examples of such gains to identify where entitlements have been increased by virtue of the approach to the consolidation process.
ATTACHMENT A Examples of Employer gives in the Workplace Agreement are annexed at Schedule B to this paper.
Removal of Prohibited Content Due to the inclusion of all Award provisions in the initial document, the Workplace Agreement contained many references to matters that were no longer lawfully able to remain in an Industrial Instrument. These matters have had to be removed from the Workplace Agreement by law. Examples include: Prohibited content Clauses relating to the role of the Single Bargaining Unit – as this provides for compulsory union involvement in the agreement making process Union recognition Right of Entry Union Encouragement Union Training Leave/Industrial Relations Training Leave
Previous Reference Clause 1.5 of Agreement Clauses 5.8 & 5.9 of Interim Agreement
Clause 2.4 of Agreement Clause 11.1 of Teachers Award clause 11.3 of Teachers Award Clause 5.6.2(e) of the Agreement Clause 11.4 of Teachers Award Clause 11.4 of Officers Award Clause 11.5 of Greenkeeping Award Clause 11.3 of Miscellaneous Workers Award Clause 1.4 of Retail Award Clause 11.4 of Child Care Award Clause 11.5 of Building Award Clause 11.5 of Engineering Award Provision of information relevant to Union coverage Clause 5.3.1(f) of Agreement and benefits in induction program Notification to and consultation with unions in the Clause 5.2 of Agreement Introduction of Changes clause, Outsourcing & Clauses 4.10 & 4.11 of Redundancy Teachers Award Variation, Renewal or Replacement of Agreement Clause 8.2 of Agreement because it locks parties into the form of the next agreement Membership of School Consultative Committees is Schedule 2 of Agreement likely to contain prohibited content because it involves employees receiving paid leave to attend a meeting made up of union members, and because it pre-empts the type and content of any replacement Workplace Agreement.
Currency Some clauses had to be updated to meet the minimum standards in the Workplace Relations legislation, that is: • Bereavement Leave (clause 7.5 of Engineering Award and Ors) – had to be updated in light of the Compassionate Leave provisions in Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard (AFPCS);
ATTACHMENT A • Sick Leave (clause 5.34 of Agreement) and Carer's Leave (clause 3.1 of Family Leave Award) – had to be updated in light of Personal Leave provisions in AFPCS; and • Payslip advice (clause 6.2 of Agreement) had to be reviewed in light of provisions in Workplace Relations Regulations (2006) (Cth).
Removal of redundant and irrelevant references There were a number of references in the initial document that were redundant due to the move to the Federal industrial relations regime, including: • references to the Industrial Relations Act 1999 (Qld); and • time and wages records – this obligation is already in the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) Where to From Here As the parties are negotiating towards a Multiple Business Agreement, that is an agreement relevant to several Employer schools, the Workplace Relations Act requires we obtain the consent of the Workplace Authority prior to any formal ballot on the Workplace Agreement. We have been informed by the Workplace Authority that due to a backlog of work, they are unable to give consent to ballot this document until next year (2009). Both the Employer and QIEU wish to see the benefits contained within the Workplace Agreement flow onto Employees from 1 January 2009. To achieve this, the parties have agreed to seek preliminary acceptance of the agreed positions through individual school motions of acceptance prior to the completion of this school year. For clarity, this motion of acceptance will be open to all employees. This preliminary acceptance will be subject to reconfirmation through a formal ballot once the Workplace Authority has provided consent.
ATTACHMENT B Schedule B - Examples of Employer 'Gives' In preparing the Workplace Agreement, the approach generally taken by the employer Schools has been to provide the most favourable entitlement for employees overall. Some examples of such increased entitlements follow: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n)
(p) (q)
Training records will be retained for all staff, not just teachers. Reference and text books for all staff, not just teachers. Have not included Boarding or Child Care provisions about use of sick leave/personal leave, which are very prescriptive. One on one support for first year teachers throughout their first School year (with the option to extend for a further year), including at least one performance review. Entitlement to a certificate of service on redundancy, stating the employee's full name and address, position description, commencement and cessation dates of employment, workplace address, classification levels and duration at each level and periods of leave without pay taken during the period of employment. Preservation of sick leave entitlements while on unpaid leave. Work done on public holidays paid at double time and a half with a minimum of 4 hours (previously paid the penalty rate from the appropriate Award, which varies from time and a half, double time to double time and a half). Can agree to substitute public holidays for another day. Employees with 2 or more weeks' continuous service stood down in December and re-employed in January entitled to payment at the ordinary rate for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. Provision of necessary clothing or $2.00 per week where clothing not provided. Minimum payment for Saturday and Sunday work for non-teaching staff is 3 hours overtime at the rate of double time and a half (Miscellaneous Workers and Retail Awards provide payment for a minimum of 2 hours overtime). Provided with details of annual leave accrued in payslip advices. Obligation to consult employees where deciding to introduce 'change' with significant effects, including alteration of hours of work, the need for retraining and transfer of employees to other work or locations. Additional week's notice on termination for: (i) full time teachers aged over 45 years old, regardless of their period of service; and (ii) non-teaching employees over 45 years old with at least 1 year's service (previously 2 years' continuous service required) Upon appointment, employees advised in writing of their basis of employment, the number of weeks/terms employed (if not full-time), classification/band, days of the week employed, normal start and finish times, duration of engagement (if applicable), any probation period and usual duties. Where mixed functions are performed for more than four hours, entitled to the higher rate for the whole day, or if four hours or less worked, payment of the higher rate for four hours. For the purpose of salary increments, casual teachers are deemed to have completed a year of service after 1000 hours, reduced from 1200 hours (Teachers Award).
ATTACHMENT C Benefits in the Workplace Agreement Applicable to Teachers The following benefits are offered in the Workplace Agreement: 1. Wages Teacher wage increases are as follows: Band/Step Step 1 Jan 1 Jan 1 Jan 1 Jan (2008) (2009) 2008 2009 2010 2011 B2 S1 1 48,841 4.50% 51,038 5.00% 53,590 5.00% 56,270 15.2% B2 S2 2 51,434 4.32% 53,654 5.00% 56,337 5.00% 59,154 15.0% B2 S3 3 54,111 4.00% 56,275 5.00% 59,089 5.00% 62,043 14.7% B2 S4 4 56,811 4.00% 59,083 5.00% 62,037 5.00% 65,139 14.7% B2 S5 5 59,517 4.00% 61,897 5.00% 64,992 5.00% 68,242 14.7% B3 S1 6 61,776 4.00% 64,247 5.00% 67,459 5.00% 70,832 14.7% B3 S2 7 64,033 4.00% 66,594 5.00% 69,924 5.00% 73,420 14.7% B3 S3 8 66,290 4.00% 68,941 5.00% 72,388 5.00% 76,007 14.7% B3 S4 9 68,546 6.62% 73,085 6.62% 77,730 5.00% 81,617 19.4% ST
71,398 4.50% 74,611 -
81,714 5.00% 85,800
The parties acknowledge the uncertainty around teacher salaries in light of interstate increases and agreed to the insertion of a clause to reconvene the Single Bargaining Unit (SBU) within one month of the Queensland State School Teachers’ wages outcome being known to review the wage offer. Any adjustment to the Anglican Schools’ wage offer, arising out of the State Teachers’ wage outcome, will be applicable, at the very earliest, from 1 January 2010. 2. Accomplished Classroom Teacher (ACT)/Senior Teachers • •
The phasing out of Senior Teacher role (task based) and the phasing in of the new ACT classification from 1 January 2010; A Working Party will be established to consider a draft ACT model.
3. Positions of Added Responsibility (PAR) •
Tenured PAR will move from 3 years to 5 years. After 5 years of tenure, a PAR, on application, could be renewed for a further 5 years subject to a satisfactory appraisal. Any PAR who currently enjoys unlimited tenure would continue to enjoy this status.
The multiplier to determine the point of pay will be 3.5% of Step 9 (Band 3 Step 4).
Senior Co-ordinator Level points will be increased from the present 10 – 12 points to 12-14 points, with a maximum of 8-9 units in salary and a minimum of 4-5 units in time.
Schools will ensure that up to 25 PAR points as part of their total school allocation of PAR points will be designated to Specialist Co-ordinators which may include, but are not limited to, VET Co-ordinators, Careers Co-ordinators, Sports Co-ordinators. This will be determined by the Principal on a school-by-school basis.
PAR Academic Level 6 will be introduced to the Secondary Academic Levels table from 1 January 2009 where the subject(s) or subject area(s) concerned in the secondary school occupies at least 100 hours in the weekly teaching programme. PAR level 6 will be allocated 10 PAR points, with a maximum of 6 units in salary and a minimum of 4 units of release.
Appointment to acting PAR Position The appointment to acting PAR position shall be: • For a minimum engagement of 4 weeks; and • Rewarded by the quantum of time release and points of pay consistent with Schedule 9 Positions of Added Responsibility. Where the position is split between two or more people, the quantum of time release and pay will be split accordingly and any teacher offered an acting role may negotiate, consistent with Schedule 9, the mix of pay and time release which best suits them. 4. Voluntary Professional Development Days Employers may provide two additional professional development days, falling in non-term time, which will be devoted to meeting 10 hours of Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) accredited professional development requirements. These two days will be voluntary and will only be offered where teachers indicate sufficient interest to make the professional development activities viable to run. Teachers who undertake the voluntary professional development will be provided with a certificate of completion to meet QCT audit requirements. 5. Graduate Teachers Graduate teachers will be provided with one on one support, including at least one performance review, with the option to extend for a further year. 6. Casual Teachers For the purpose of salary increments, casual teachers are deemed to have completed a year of service after 1000 hours, reduced from 1200 hours. 7. Re-crediting Long Service Leave for Periods of Illness If an employee is sick for more than 7 days during a period of long service leave, the employee may have this period re-credited to their long service leave balance and the period treated as sick leave. This is subject to the provision of a supporting medical certificate.
ATTACHMENT C 8. Cashing Out of Long Service Leave Employees may apply to cash out accrued long service leave entitlements (subject to Employer agreement). Cashing out to superannuation will be an option subject to legislative requirements. 9. Respect for Employees in the Workplace To deal with concerns relating to inappropriate approaches by parents and others to employees, Schools will develop policies to deal with appropriate communication protocols as to how and when parents and other members of the community may approach employees with grievances. 10. Maternity Leave The existing provision of 12 weeks paid maternity leave exclusive of school vacation time subject to appropriate legislation may be supplemented by any additional State or Federal funded maternity leave. For clarity, any State or Federal funded maternity leave will be in addition to and follow on from the Employer provided paid leave. Employers have agreed to this proposal on the basis that there would be no additional cost to the schools. Should any proposed scheme require schools to outlay additional costs, the parties will reconvene to determine how the benefit can be provided to employees at no additional costs to the schools.
ATTACHMENT D Benefits in the Workplace Agreement Applicable to Employees Other than Teachers The following benefits are offered in the Workplace Agreement: 1. Wage Increases School Officer wage increases are as follows:
As from 1 January 2009 Annual Weekly Salary (4.5%) (4.5%)
As from 1 January 2010 Annual Weekly Salary (4.5%) (4.5%)
As from 1 January 2011 Annual Weekly Salary (4.5%) (4.5%)
LEVEL 1 Step 1 Step 2
634.10 675.90
33,086 35,267
662.60 706.30
34,573 36,853
692.40 738.10
36,128 38,513
759.50 781.50 803.50 825.50 847.50 869.50
39,629 40,777 41,925 43,073 44,221 45,369
793.70 816.70 839.70 862.60 885.60 908.60
41,414 42,614 43,814 45,009 46,209 47,409
829.40 853.50 877.50 901.40 925.50 949.50
43,276 44,534 45,786 47,033 48,291 49,543
894.60 916.60 938.50 960.50 982.40 1,004.30
46,678 47,826 48,969 50,117 51,260 52,402
934.90 957.80 980.70 1,003.70 1,026.60 1,049.50
48,781 49,976 51,171 52,371 53,566 54,761
977.00 1,000.90 1,024.80 1,048.90 1,072.80 1,096.70
50,978 52,225 53,472 54,730 55,977 57,224
1,042.90 1,072.20 1,101.40 1,130.70 1,160.00 1,189.20
54,416 55,945 57,469 58,998 60,526 62,050
1,089.80 1,120.40 1,151.00 1,181.60 1,212.20 1,242.70
56,864 58,460 60,057 61,654 63,250 64,842
1,138.80 1,170.80 1,202.80 1,234.80 1,266.70 1,298.60
59,420 61,090 62,760 64,429 66,094 67,758
1,231.10 1,256.20 1,281.30 1,306.40 1,331.40 1,356.50
64,236 65,546 66,856 68,165 69,470 70,779
1,286.50 1,312.70 1,339.00 1,365.20 1,391.30 1,417.50
67,127 68,494 69,866 71,233 72,595 73,962
1,344.40 1,371.80 1,399.30 1,426.60 1,453.90 1,481.30
70,148 71,578 73,013 74,437 75,862 77,291
1,400.30 1,433.70 1,467.20 1,500.60 1,534.10 1,567.50
73,065 74,808 76,556 78,298 80,046 81,789
1,463.30 1,498.20 1,533.20 1,568.10 1,603.10 1,638.00
76,352 78,173 79,999 81,820 83,647 85,468
1,529.10 1,565.60 1,602.20 1,638.70 1,675.20 1,711.70
79,785 81,690 83,600 85,504 87,409 89,313
LEVEL 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
LEVEL 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
LEVEL 4 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
LEVEL 5 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
LEVEL 6 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
All Employees other than teachers will receive an annual increase of 4.5% on both wages and allowances for each year of the Agreement. The Northern Allowance will be treated separately.
ATTACHMENT D 2. Re-crediting Long Service Leave for Periods of Illness If an employee is sick for more than 7 days during a period of long service leave, the employee may have this period re-credited to their long service leave balance and the period treated as sick leave. This is subject to the provision of a supporting medical certificate. 3. Cashing Out of Long Service Leave Employees may apply to cash out accrued long service leave entitlements (subject to Employer agreement). Cashing out to superannuation will be an option subject to legislative requirements. 4. Respect for Employees in the Workplace To deal with concerns relating to inappropriate approaches by parents and others to employees, Schools will develop policies to deal with appropriate communication protocols as to how and when parents and other members of the community may approach employees with grievances. 5. Maternity Leave The existing provision of 12 weeks paid maternity leave exclusive of school vacation time subject to appropriate legislation may be supplemented by any additional State or Federal funded maternity leave. For clarity, any State or Federal funded maternity leave will be in addition to and follow on from the Employer provided paid leave. Employers have agreed to this proposal on the basis that there would be no additional cost to the schools. Should any proposed scheme require schools to outlay additional costs, the parties will reconvene to determine how the benefit can be provided to employees at no additional costs to the schools 6. Professional Development The cost and time release of approved and directly relevant professional development for employees other than teachers will be met by the school. 7. School Officer Reclassification The new School Officer Classification structure arising out the School Officer Working Party and endorsed by the SBU is summarised as attachment D. In the unlikely event that an employee is classified down, they will remain on their current remuneration and receive annual increases under the Agreement. For clarity the position will be reclassified down but the employee will not be disadvantaged financially as a result of that reclassification. 8. Review of School Officer Position Descriptions School Officer Position descriptions will be reviewed at least once every two years. 9. North Queensland Anglican School Officers Classification Process It is intended that the North Queensland Anglican School Officers reclassification progress be completed by 1 January 2009. However provision 10
ATTACHMENT D has been made to extend the review and implementation timeline until 1 June 2009 if necessary, but any change arising out of the classification process would be backdated to 1 January 2009. 10. Boarding Schools Classifications & Processes A Boarding Schools Working Party will convene in Term One 2010 to review the current classifications, operations and structures operating in Anglican Boarding Schools. Any recommendations arising out of this review will be tabled to the SBU in Term Two 2010 for consideration and implemented in line with any agreement reached. 11. Record Keeping Training records will be maintained for all employees. 12. Minimum payment for overtime performed on Saturdays and Sundays The minimum payment for overtime performed on Saturdays and Sundays will be three hours at the rate of double time and a half.
ATTACHMENT E School Officer Classification Structure Following many years of SBU and working party discussions, a renewed effort by both the employee and employer representatives has achieved great success with a complete and comprehensive revision of the job classification provisions for the School Officers. This replaces existing Schedule 1 of the award (the old Industrial Agreement) and will be used in Anglican schools across the State. There are now seven (7) classification streams and a new level six (6) in the pay points. The following table explains the new classification streams. Stream Name
Typical Roles
Incorporates much of the previous ‘clerical’ stream however does not include an employee assisting ‘student learning’. It provides for those school officers serving in a support or assistance role to a necessary work function (e.g. printing; customer service) or a work role (e.g. Department Head)
Registrar Administration Assistant PA to Director of Curriculum Receptionist Admin Services Officer
A new stream that builds on the financial aspects drawn from the previous ‘clerical’ stream. The specific skills and duties required for this important aspect of school officer work has been extracted into its own stream to avoid any unintended weighting of such skills and duties when classifying roles under the previous ‘clerical’ stream.
Accounting Officer Creditors or Debtors Clerk Payroll Manager Assistant Accountant
Library; Information & Resources
Incorporates much of the previous ‘library’ stream and updates the skills and duties to reflect the manner in which such work is now undertaken in our Anglican schools.
Library Assistant Library Technician A/V Technician Librarian
Laboratory & Technical
Incorporates much of the previous ‘laboratory’ stream and updates the skills and duties to reflect the manner in which such work is now undertaken in our Anglican schools.
Laboratory Technician Laboratory Assistant
Technology & Communications
Incorporates much of the previous ‘computer’ stream and updates the skills and duties to reflect the manner in which such work is now undertaken in our Anglican schools. This stream incorporates those employees undertaking web (internet) based work for the school.
Network Assistant Help Desk Officer Web Master IT Co-ordinator
Learning Assistance
A new stream that specifically accommodates the teacher aide role in Anglican schools.
Teacher Aide Teaching Assistant Learning Support Aide Student Services Officer
Professional Services
A new stream that accommodates the increasing number of professionally qualified roles reflected in the manner that schools service their stakeholders.
Professional / Specialist Role School Counsellor Development Office Specialist
ATTACHMENT E Within each of these 7 classification streams a framework for “explaining” the work that school officers perform in our Anglican schools was developed. This framework provides an overview for each of the levels. It then describes the characteristics of each level in terms of the overall knowledge, competency and performance necessary to perform a job at that particular level. Finally a non-exhaustive listing of specific skills and duties are provided for each stream within the six levels. All employees and employers are encouraged to read the framework to become familiar with the content and context of the revised approach. It certainly covers many of the “gaps” that existed in the previous provisions. The existing pay point schedule using wage rates as at 1 January 2008 is shown below.
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
MIN $ 599.80 706.80 826.10 959.00 1,133.10
P/W $ 15.29 19.88 26.58 43.53 52.47
P/W $ 15.29 19.88 26.58 43.53 52.47
P/W $ 15.29 19.88 26.58 43.53 52.47
P/W $ 15.29 19.88 26.58 43.53
P/W $ 15.29 19.88 26.58
P/W $ 15.29 19.88
P/W $ 15.29
MAX $ 706.80 826.10 959.00 1,133.10 1,290.50
This has been replaced by the table shown below. A new additional level 6 has been incorporated and the number of steps has been standardized across all levels.
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
MIN $ 606.80 726.80 856.10 998.00 1,178.10 1,340.00
P/W $
P/W $
P/W $
P/W $
21.05 21.00 28.00 24.00 32.00
21.05 21.00 28.00 24.00 32.00
21.05 21.00 28.00 24.00 32.00
21.05 21.00 28.00 24.00 32.00
MAX $ 646.80 832.05 960.10 1,138.00 1,298.10 1,500.00
The above tables clearly show that all pay points in the new structure are above the old structure and there is now a clear distinction between the maximum point in any one level and the minimum for the next level above. Finally it has been agreed that for the implementation of these new provisions no existing school officer (i.e. employed as at 1 January 2009) will have their level of remuneration reduced as a result of the implementation. If by some circumstance a position is reclassified to a reduced level of remuneration and/or a lower classification level, the employee, while remaining an employee of the school and in that same position, will continue to receive their current remuneration level calculated in real terms (i.e. with annual percentage increases provided by this agreement). This is a significant and generous offer by the employers and reflects the co-operative and professional approach that both the employees and employers have taken since 2005 to get this School Officer issue resolved in the best interests of all the parties.
Consolidated Agreement Fact Sheet 1. What is the “Consolidated Agreement”? The consolidated Agreement is a document that includes all terms and conditions of employment for all employees at schools that become parties to the consolidated agreement. 2. Where have the terms and conditions of the Consolidated Agreement come from? All of the awards and agreements that previously applied to you. 3. Why are we moving to the Consolidated Agreement? ● Changes to employment law
● Simplicity
● Certainty
4. Who will be covered by the Consolidated Agreement? As long as your school is a party to the Consolidated Agreement, the Consolidated Agreement will cover all employees who were covered by the Certified Agreement. 5. When will the Consolidated Agreement apply? Once the Consolidated Agreement has been successfully voted on by you 6. Where can I find a copy? You will be provided with a copy of the Consolidated Agreement before being asked to vote. 7. Will my Award still apply? No. However, the relevant terms of your Award are in the Consolidated Agreement. 8. Will I be worse off? No. In fact, in some circumstances, you may be better off. 9. Will my employment be covered by anything else? The purpose of the Consolidated Agreement is to be a “one stop document”. There may be relevant policies at your school. There are also some laws that are not included in the Consolidated Agreement (e.g. Workplace Health and Safety laws). 10. How long will the Consolidated Agreement apply? It is intended that the Consolidated Agreement will apply for 3 years from a successful vote.