A healthy dose of current and energising thinking and research about your profession will rejuvenate you, and help you re-focus on how we as educators can sustain our profession in the modern world.
Keynote speakers: Dr Julia Atkin: What is powerful learning and what is powerful to learn? Prof. Allan Luke: Seven Years On: the legacy of NAPLAN, ACARA and the Australian Curriculum Dr Graeme Hall: What’s AITSL up to? How will Principal and Teacher Professional Standards affect you? Do you know about plans for certification of highly accomplished teachers?
Workshop topics: What teachers do with the official curriculum – Prof Allan Luke (QUT), Dr John McCollow (QTU), Dr Annette Woods (QUT)
Featuring panel discussion with
Maintaining early childhood pedagogy in a data driven environment – Prof Sue Grieshaber (QUT)
Julie Grantham
David Hutton &
Understanding Poverty – Student resources for learning – Amanda Wicks (Deputy Principal, Morayfield State School) How to use achievement standards – Terry Gallagher (QSA)
Registration: Cost: $135 inc GST QTU members: online at www.qtu.asn.au/challengingtimes or email services@qtu.asn.au for a printable registration form IEUA-QNT members: online at www.qieu.asn.au/events/challengingtimes RSVP: QTU Members by 20 April, 2012 | IEUA-QNT members by 16 April 2012 Please note: You must be a QTU or IEUA-QNT member to register
Authorised by Graham Moloney, General Secretary, Queensland Teachers’ Union, 21 Graham St, Milton 4064 | Terry Burke, Branch Secretary, Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory, 346 Turbot St, Spring Hill Q 4000