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FACT SHEET Job Share KEY ISSUES  Job share is a voluntary arrangement where pay and other benefits of one full time position are shared between two employees.  All full time teachers working in Queensland non-government schools have the right to request job share.  Good preparation on the part of both job share partners is essential to obtaining the agreement of the employer.

ACTION Contact the QIEU Member Services Department for assistance in developing your job share proposal and request a copy of the QIEU publication, “Job Share Application Guidelines.”

CONTACTS QIEU Phone: (07) 3839 7020 Fax: (07) 3839 7021 Freecall: 1800 177 937 Email Enquiries: enquiries@qieu.asn.au Internet: www.qieu.asn.au

What is job share? “Job share” is a voluntary employment arrangement where two employees share the duties, responsibilities, pay and other benefits of one full time position. At the conclusion of the job share period, both employees return to the position and employment status each held before the job share began.

Why job share? Job share may help attain a better work / life balance and is often of great interest to new parents and employees transitioning to retirement. Enabling employees to achieve a work-life balance forms part of a broader commitment to creating an inclusive work environment that is free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment, and where people are valued for their diverse experiences, knowledge and abilities. It also enables employees to maintain and develop professional skills, whilst attending to other important responsibilities.

Who can job share? All full time teachers working in Queensland non-government schools have the right to request job share. However, it is imperative you plan thoroughly a job share proposal to present to your employer if you plan to job share.

Planning is the key to job share success Job share proposals require the agreement of the employer. Critical to gaining employer agreement is the development of a thorough proposal demonstrating excellent communication and a high level of commitment of both applicants to achieving job share success. The job share proposal should incorporate relevant elements of the employer’s job share policy and demonstrate clearly how the needs of the school and students have been thoroughly considered in the planning and development of the proposal. Some of the key matters to be addressed in the proposal include:       

names of participating employees and dates from which the arrangements take effect; rationale for the proposal; percentage share of the position applying to each participant and timetables; mechanisms for on-going evaluation of the impact of the job share on education and pastoral needs of students and administrative needs of the school; joint planning arrangements and communication methods between employees; arrangements for attendance at whole school professional development, pupil free days, etc and for the sharing of duties; and arrangements for assessment and reporting and attendance at parent interviews.

Job share is undertaken with the agreement of both the employer and employees involved. While a principal can refuse to agree to a job share proposal in a particular situation, any refusal should ideally be based upon real and reasoned grounds. Where such reasons are stated, the applications ought to be permitted opportunity to constructively address any stated concerns. Indicate to the employer that you are prepared to reflect on concerns and adjust the proposal to address the needs better. A copy of the QIEU publication, “Job Share Application Guidelines” is available from our Member Services Department.

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