“Valuing our Profession” WITHOUT PREJUDICE April 2012
Independent Education Union Australia – Queensland and Northern Territory Branch
Wages and salary increases should be negotiated that provide for parity with contemporary benchmarks, such that: An increase in salary of 5% in 2012, 5% in 2013 and 5% in 2014 to allow parity with comparable schools. Remuneration considerations for staff in senior teacher and middle management positions such as (but not limited to) Leading Teacher, Team Leader and Head of Learning. Employees seek to have an extra step above Senior Teacher to be designated Senior Teacher 2 with an appropriate increase in salary with Senior Teacher and Senior Teacher 2 to be incremental steps and retained based on satisfactory work performance. 1.2
School Officers and Services Staff
Comparable remuneration enhancements should be negotiated for all staff. It is proposed that:
All staff receive the same percentage increases;
A minimum flat dollar increase of $34 per week or a percentage wage increase (whichever is the greater) should apply to protect lower paid employees;
An increase in salary of 5% in 2012, 5% in 2013 and 5% in 2014.
International College Teachers
Wages and salary increases should be negotiated that provide for parity with Teachers at John Paul College including: 1.4
An increase in salary of 5% in 2012, 5% in 2013 and 5% in 2014 Casual Staff
An increase from 23% to 25% loading for all staff employed on a casual basis.
An increase in salary of 5% in 2012, 5% in 2013 and 5% in 2014 for all casual staff.
Definition of hours of duty for study group Teachers.
Proper resourcing of classroom materials for study group Teachers by John Paul College.
Wage increases negotiated should be applied as follows:
Increases should compound over the life of the agreement; and
Increases should apply to allowances as well as base salary.
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Hours of Duty.
Employees note the expanding role of teachers and as such seek an increase in the quantum of preparation and correction time.
Years 7-12 the equivalent of 25% of teachers contact time, exclusive of assemblies and services
Primary school teachers : 3 hours preparation and correction time per week, aggregated if necessary over periods of up to one school term
Consideration needs to be given to quantum’s of preparation and correction time above and beyond that envisaged at 2.1 for middle management positions (such as but not limited to) Leading Teacher and Head of Learning. Employees seek to have a starting time for meetings no earlier than 8.00am to minimize the impact on family life. The current collective agreement provides for standard working hours per weeks for each category of employee. However the application of extra hours for co-curricular activities and school camps vary these stated quanta. Directed attendance at school camps should attract penalty payments and/or equivalent time in lieu for all employees required to attend these activities outside of their standard working hours. 2.1.1
Learning Support
Employees seek extra support and resources for Teachers of students that have identified learning needs through the learning enhancement program. 2.2
Technological Intensification.
Availability of staff through electronic means and the expectation of immediate feedback impacts negatively on staff work /life balance. Staff seek measures to address this issue.
A policy to address email communication between Staff and Parents/Carers/Students during the working week, weekends and during school breaks.
Employees seek a reduction from 3 years to 2 years in the replacement age of the notebook computers for all continuing permanent academic staff as provided in the current agreement. 3
Professional Development
The provision of and ability to attend relevant professional development (PD) is of continuing concern to employees in schools. All employees should be entitled to access relevant professional development and training specific to their roles and responsibilities. School officers and services staff should also be provided with PD appropriate to their work to further ensure that student learning is supported by staff with the most up to date qualifications, skills and knowledge. School Officers should also be provided with professional development that will give them access to the qualifications allowance.
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Professional Development Days
Employees seek discussion around Clause 2.8.1 Professional Development of the current agreement. Staff notes that the current agreement mandates nine (9) professional development days. Employees seek a reduction in the number of days from the current quantum. Employees seek the ability to identify and undertake their own professional learning and have such professional learning included in the designated quantum of professional development to be undertaken. Employees seek to have professional development days scheduled 12 months in advance to allow staff to plan their holidays etc. 4
School Consultative Committee (SCC)
Members seek to have a School Consultative Committee (SCC) established to monitor implementation of the Collective Agreement including but not limited to such matters as:
The formation and implementation of recommendations of a bilateral working party into examination of equity issues regarding co-curricular duties
The formation and implementation of recommendations of a Professional Development committee.
Membership Of School Consultative Committee (a)
The School will establish a Consultative Committee, determining size and charter. The School Consultative Committee will reflect the Employing structure of the School and will give appropriate representation to management.
In order to ensure that membership is fair and representative, the following is suggested. At least:
Two (2) persons appointed by the School;
One (1) Union member elected by the Union School Chapter; and
One (1) member elected from each area of teaching; School officer and nonteaching.
When appropriate, other members of School’s Employees may be co-opted for input on specific issues.
Objectives of the School Consultative Committee (a)
The School Consultative Committee is not a decision making body. It is a consultative group composed of the Principal or the Principal’s Representative and staff Representatives. It is an important element in the consultative structure with the School. It is established to ensure all people affected have an opportunity to participate in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this Agreement at School level. The objectives of the Committee are: (i)
to promote a co-operative approach to the implementation of the terms of this Agreement;
to provide a mechanism for employees to have input into decisions that affect their working lives, thus providing a more satisfying work environment; and Page 4 of 7
(iii) 4.3
Tasks of School Consultative Committee (a)
to provide a mechanism for employees to be involved in problem solving.
To achieve the above objectives, the School Consultative Committee will: (i)
assist in the planning and necessary implementation of changes in work practices, including making recommendations in respect of risk assessment and management in regards of students;
monitor the implementation of the Agreement;
identify priorities for the implementation of the Agreement;
oversee the implementation of the Agreement at the School;
recommend to the Single Bargaining Unit items to be included in any future Agreement;
address issues and provide advice at the School level regarding matters arising from this Agreement; and
consult with all Parties affected by ongoing implementation.
In order to achieve the objectives and complete the tasks identified above, the Parties recognise that these Operational Guidelines will be referred to by the School Consultative Committee.
Proposed changes to conditions not already identified will be included in future stages of the Agreement where they have the agreement of the majority of the employees affected by the proposal. Where this is required, all employees directly affected will be consulted as a group and addressed by representatives of the School Consultative Committee. In these circumstances agreement is defined as a majority of employees affected. However, Parties acknowledge that consensus should, wherever possible, be the basis of agreement. In determining the outcome neither Party will unreasonably withhold agreement.
Guidelines for meetings of the school consultative committee (a)
Meetings will be held regularly (at least for (4) per year) with half of the nominated time during working hours and half the nominated time during nonworking hours.
A Chairperson is to be elected by the Committee from within the Committee. The School Consultative Committee can decide upon a formula for appointment/rotation of Chairperson to ensure the position is equally shared.
A Secretary will be appointed, with responsibility for preparing the agenda and minutes of each meeting. The Secretary may not necessarily be a member of the School Consultative Committee. Minutes of meetings will be circulated amongst School Consultative Committee members for approval, then distributed to all employees.
Agenda items can be submitted to the Secretary from members of the Committee and Employee members.
The Agenda should be prepared five (5) days in advance of a meeting and posted on noticeboards in Employee rooms and work areas.
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A working party has been established which has a mandate to examine and review equity issues associated with Co-curricular duties for teaching staff as outlined in 2.5 of the current Collective Agreement. As well as undertaking the tasks outlined in the current Collective Agreement staff request the working party review and consider the viability of payment for Co-curricular activities undertaken beyond the minimum required as outlined in the current Collective Agreement.
Paternity Leave
Staff seek parity with contemporary benchmarks in paternity leave arrangements that allow for 1 week paid paternity leave in addition to the normal sick leave entitlements. 5.1.1
Carer’s Leave
Staff seek a provision of ten (10) days carer’s leave per year (non-cumulative). 5.2
Long Service Leave A provision should be negotiated to enable access to long service leave at half pay for double the period of time. A provision that a period of one (1) term notice be given by employees seeking to access Long Service Leave. Employees seek to have the right to take Long Service Leave in periods of four (4) weeks in normal circumstances. Employees seek the ability to access Long Service Leave for shorter periods of one (1) week for emergent situations.
Staff seek parity with contemporary benchmarks in occupational superannuation benefits: As at 1 July2013, this contribution is equal to 9.25% of an employee’s ordinary rate of pay. As at 1 July 2014, this contribution is equal to 9.5% of an employee’s ordinary rate of pay. As at 1 July 2015, this contribution is equal to 10% of an employee’s ordinary rate of pay As at 1 July 2013, the employing authority shall make available to all employees the following options:
a superannuation employer option of 11% inclusive of the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution, with a co-payment of 3% as the minimum employee contribution; and
a superannuation employer contribution of 12% inclusive of the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution, with a co-payment of 4% as the minimum employee contribution; and
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a superannuation employer contribution of 13% inclusive of the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution, with a co-payment of 5% as the minimum employee contribution.
It is proposed that the collective agreement applies to all categories of employees. 6.2
It is proposed that the collective agreement to be negotiated shall operate from I July 2012 until 30 June 2014; notwithstanding the date on which the parties reach agreement and the date of certification. 6.3
Existing Award Conditions
All prior and existing Award conditions should be secured. The retention of traditional workplace entitlements, beyond those described in the National Employment Standard is sought.
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