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KORMILDA COLLEGE IEUA-QNT- School Staff Survey Please return to IEUA-QNT by MONDAY, 26 MARCH 2012

This survey may be completed in hard copy or online at http://www.qieu.asn.au/campaignupdates/kormilda-college/

Please read all the questions in each section first, then mark the box which reflects your opinion on the topic. Please add further comments as applicable.

No individual comments will be attributed to any person as part of the report on the survey outcomes. Section 1 – Morale at Kormilda 1.1

Do you believe that staff morale at Kormilda College is: Good



On the scale below, where the middle (X) marks staff morale in 2010, where is staff morale now? Lower





If you received an alternate job offer now, would you seek to leave Kormilda College? Yes No Undecided 

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Section 2 – Workplace Harassment and Bullying 2.1

Is there a Kormilda College Workplace Harassment and Bullying Policy? Yes No Unsure 


Would you feel confident to use a bullying and harassment policy to address an incident of this nature? Yes No Unsure 


Have you been bullied or harassed by the Principal/Management team at Kormilda College? (i)

Principal Yes


Unsure 

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College School Survey



Other Senior Management Yes No

Unsure 


Do you know of any colleagues who have been bullied or harassed at Kormilda College? Yes No Unsure 


Are these colleagues still employed at Kormilda College? Yes  No 


Do you believe you might suffer repercussions from the Principal/Management Team if you raised an issue of bullying or harassment? Yes  No  Unsure 

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Section 3 – Natural Justice / Procedural Fairness for Employees 3.1

Do you believe, in dealing with the Principal/ Management Team that you are treated: (i)

with dignity?

Yes 

No 

Unsure 



Yes 

No 

Unsure 


with respect?

Yes 

No 

Unsure 

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Section 4 – Grievance Procedures 4.1

Are you aware that Kormilda College has grievance procedures in place? Yes No Unsure 


Is there adequate provision for grievances to be heard? Yes No Unsure 


Do you believe that your job security may be threatened if you used a grievance procedure? Yes No Unsure 

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ C:\Users\ecuthbertson\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\TXIWBER3\In23440tb.docKormilda

College School Survey


Section 5 - Consultation 5.1

Does Kormilda College have an appropriate process for sharing information and consultation between Principal/Management Team and staff? Yes No Unsure 


When/if staff briefings occur, are they: (i) Generally positive? Yes


Unsure 

(ii) Actively recognising and affirming staff contributions to the life of the school? Yes No Unsure  (iii) Generally repetitive and negative in tone and used to criticise staff ? Yes No Unsure  Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Section 6 – Staff Charter 6.1

Do you support the development of a staff charter setting out employee rights including being treated with respect and proper process for dealing with issues? Yes  No  Unsure 


What key elements should be included in the staff charter?

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 6.3

Do you believe the Administration should support the staff initiative to develop a staff charter? Yes  No  Unsure 

Section 7 – Your Key Concerns 7.1

What are your key concerns with the current direction and management of the College?

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ C:\Users\ecuthbertson\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\TXIWBER3\In23440tb.docKormilda

College School Survey


Section 8 – About You 8.1

Are you employed at Kormilda College as: Teaching Staff - Senior 

Teaching Staff – Middle Management 

Teaching Staff - General 

Non Teaching Staff 

Boarding 

Grounds 

Kitchen 

Other: __________________________________________________________________ Yes 

No 


Are you a member of IEUA-QNT?


Are you aware that the Fair Work Act provides significant penalty on an employer who penalises a union member for being a member of a union or for their union activity? Yes  No 


Would you like more information on becoming a member of IEUA-QNT and the protection provided as a union member? Yes  No 







Providing your name and contact is optional. Providing these details is necessary if we are to provide the information you have requested. The results of this survey will be provided to all staff at Kormilda College. No individual will be identified in the process of this survey. Thank you for taking time to complete this survey.

If you would like to discuss any part of this survey further, please contact Jacques Retief at jretief@qieu.asn.au Mobile: 0439 980 166 Please forward this completed survey to: Fax (08) 8981 1935 or Scan and email your response to jretief@qieu.asn.au Alternatively, the survey may be completed online at http://www.qieu.asn.au/campaignupdates/kormilda-college/ Terry Burke Secretary Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch M – 0419 640 078 E - tburke@qieu.asn.au P - 07 3839 7020

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College School Survey


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