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Clause No


Title Certified Agreement Coverage Date and Period of Operation Certified Agreement Posting WorkChoices Working Party 2.

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5


Preamble Mission Statement Staff Lifestyle Requirement Objectives 3.

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4


Efficient and Economical Use of Resources Recognition of Professional Commitment Hours of Duty - Teaching Staff Procedures for Resolving Disputes Professional Development Computerisation and Technology Dress Code (Schedule 2) Probation Resignation Redundancy School Officers Classifications Appraisal Process Positions of Added Responsibility 4.

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13


Wage Increases – Non-Teaching Employees Salary Increases – Teaching Employees Occupational Superannuation No Further Claims 5.

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4


Leave Annual Leave – Non Teaching Staff Annual Leave – Teaching Staff Long Service Leave Maternity Leave Paternity Leave Compassionate Leave Professional Leave Christian Community Ministries Certified Agreement Draft 2008

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Page 1 of 59

Special Leave Extended Unpaid Leave

5.9 5.10

Salary Packaging
















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Title This Multiple Business Agreement shall be known as the Christian Community Ministries Ltd ACN 105 961 135 P-12 Colleges Certified Agreement 2008.


Certified Agreement Coverage This Agreement shall apply to employees of all Christian Community Ministries Ltd member P-12 Colleges within Queensland (at the date of entering into this Agreement, these Colleges are Groves Christian College, Livingstone Christian College, Whitsunday Christian College, Staines Memorial College and Warwick Christian College (collectively the Colleges)), for whom classification and wage rates are provided herein.


Date and Period of Operation This Agreement shall operate from 1 January 2008 and shall remain in force for three years until 31 December 2010.


Certified Agreement Posting A copy of this Certified Agreement shall be exhibited in a conspicuous and convenient place at the College so as to be easily read by employees.


Collective Agreement Working Party For the purposes of negotiating and establishing this Collective Agreement Working Parties were formed from each member College and comprised employee representatives from College departments.




Preamble The Colleges are ministries of the Christian Community Ministries Ltd. The members of the Board of Directors of the Colleges are ultimately accountable to God for the operation and performance of the Colleges’, which will necessitate continual monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of this ministry.


Mission Statement The aim of the Colleges is to provide Christ centred schooling in an atmosphere of love, respect, peace and discipline which will encourage students to achieve their full potential for God. The ethos, aims and objectives of the colleges are based on; • acceptance of the Lordship of Christ; and • acceptance of the Bible as the revealed word of God The Colleges adhere to the historic doctrines of evangelical Christianity and are therefore committed to the following beliefs:

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• • • • • • • • • • • •

that there is one God who exists in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each of whom is God that the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God and the only infallible rule for faith and practice that Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God, one person with two natures that human beings are, as a result of the fall, born in sin and in need of regeneration by the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ by his sinless life and substitutionary death atoned for the sins of the whole world that Jesus Christ rose bodily before ascending visibly to heaven that salvation is by faith alone in Jesus Christ that believers should affirm their faith in Christ through baptism that all Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit from the moment of conversion and are by him enabled to grow in holiness that the Church, the body of Christ, is made up of all true believers, irrespective of race or denominational affiliation that Jesus Christ will return personally at the end of the age that all people will experience bodily resurrection, judgement and eternity in heaven or hell

The Parties agree not to teach anything contrary to the aforementioned doctrines.


Staff Lifestyle Requirement

2.3.1 The Colleges are Christian Colleges and bases its teachings and beliefs on the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, which the School regards as the inspired and inerrant Word of God. These teachings are expounded in many of the Colleges public and internal documents and available to staff as part of their appointment process. These documents inform our understanding of the lifestyle values which staff who work in this school are required (subject to the provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (The Act)) to respect and maintain at all times, and should be understood as source documents, defining our doctrines, tenets, beliefs or teachings. The Parties agree that every employee of the Colleges, through their calling to serve, plays a significant role in the day to day functions of the Colleges, and in the ministry of the Christian church and the gospel. It is expected of all employees that they will: • comply with the “Code of Ethics” as promulgated by the Colleges from time to time; • behave at all times with honesty and propriety - because such behaviour is morally and legally right, and because the Colleges depend for their business success on their reputation for integrity and on the trust and confidence of everyone with whom they deal; • by their teaching and personal example, strive to help students understand, accept and appreciate Christian teachings and values; • avoid, whether by word, action or lifestyle, any influence upon students that is contrary to the teaching and values of the church in whose name they act; • accept the educational philosophy of the Colleges; • be committed to maintaining an harmonious working relationship.

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It is a genuine occupational requirement (subject to the provisions of the AntiDiscrimination Act 1991) of the Colleges that, consistent with the Act, staff members must not act in a way that they know, or ought reasonably to know, is contrary to the religious beliefs of the Colleges. Nothing in their deliberate conduct should be incompatible with the intrinsic character of their position, especially, but not only, in relation to the expression of human sexuality through heterosexual, monogamous relationships, expressed intimately through marriage. Staff are required to regularly and frequently attend a Christian church and to regularly and frequently support Staff Devotions and Staff Worship Services. A breach of the above expectations may require use of the process outlined in 3.4. The parties agree that a persistent or serious breach of the above expectations may lead to the termination of the employee’s employment with their respective employer.


Objectives The agreed objectives of this Agreement are: The Parties acknowledge that the primary purpose of the Colleges is to provide an education of high academic and spiritual standard at a reasonable cost and primarily for children from Christian homes, through the ministry of the Colleges. The parties to this Agreement acknowledge an ongoing commitment towards improving productivity and efficiency by: • • • • • • • •

• •

Improving the quality of service to client groups; Improving curriculum implementation, teaching strategies and assessment items; Improving the quality of management and administration; Improving the learning outcomes and learning environments for students catering for the diversity in the students’ backgrounds, needs and learning styles; Improving the effectiveness of support services in contributing to the provision of quality teaching and learning; Enhancing the provision of broad curriculum services for students through effective and efficient school arrangements and practices; Reflecting upon and giving support to the principles of employment equity, social justice and accountability; Providing benefits to employees through improved wages linked to their contributions to the development and implementation of workplace reform and through improvements in the working environment; Maximising the utilisation of resources without diminishing quality or standards, Facilitating the spiritual development of staff




Efficient and Economical Use of Resources The Parties agree to implement improved management practices over the life of this Agreement to reduce the Colleges operating costs. Specific attention will include, but not be limited to, costs in the following areas:

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• • • • • • • • 3.2

telephones photocopying maintenance cleaning energy consumption payroll a conscious effort to maintain equipment and to minimise material wastage respect for company property and material.

Recognition of Professional Commitment The Parties to this Agreement agree that participation in planning, pastoral, and spiritual matters are important elements in maintaining the efficient and effective operation of the Colleges. The employer recognises the professional commitment of non-teaching staff who often provide their services on a voluntary basis, in excess of the hours specified in Schedule 4 of this Agreement ‘School Officer Employment Arrangements’. The Parties agree that where necessary, meetings and tasks outside the provisions of Schedule 4 of this Agreement may occur for the professional development of staff. Implementation of these provisions will be determined by a consultative process at the Colleges.


Hours of Duty – Teaching Staff Although teaching often requires hours that extend beyond school hours, the minimum formal requirements are that: • •

teaching staff are expected to be at school between the hours of 8:00am to 3:30pm on each regular school day, teaching staff shall attend staff meetings which will be conducted after school, and for other activities which may or may not be conducted during the regular school day such as sports, parent-teacher interviews, awards ceremonies etc.

Devotions are a vital part of the school team development and staff are expected to attend at the times designated for the devotional program. Reasonable Additional Hours The parties agree that hours under this clause are reasonable additional hours within the meaning of the Workplace Relations Act 1996.


Procedures for Resolving Disputes Subject to the Workplace Relations Act 1996, any grievance or dispute affecting the working conditions of employees or any other industrial matter pertaining to the relations between the employer and employees shall be dealt with in the following manner: (1) Employees shall discuss any grievance or dispute with either the appropriate Principal or their respective supervisor, in the company of a colleague of their choice if requested or, if

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they so wish, have their representative discuss such grievance or dispute on their behalf. This step should be completed within seven (7) days of initiating the action unless mutually agreed otherwise. (2) If no settlement of the grievance or dispute is reached at Step 1, the matter shall be discussed between the employee(s) and or their representative(s) and the Principal or Chairman of the Board of Directors of the relevant College or a nominated representative thereof. This step should be completed within seven (7) days of the initiation of action in accordance with this step unless mutually agreed otherwise. (3) If no agreement is reached at Step 2 the matter shall be referred for settlement to the Board of Directors of the relevant College. This step should be completed within fourteen (14) days of the initiation of action in accordance with this step. (4) In the event that a settlement of the matter can not be reached at Step 3, it shall be notified to the Industrial Relations Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Workplace Relations Act 1996. (5) Until the dispute or grievance is resolved in accordance with this clause the status quo shall continue. This shall not apply in the case of a general safety issue or in the case of dismissal or action that could lead to dismissal from employment. (6) All parties shall give due consideration to matters raised or any suggestions or recommendation made by an Industrial Commissioner with a view to the prompt settlement of the dispute. (7) An Order of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (subject to the parties right of appeal under the Act) will be final and binding on all parties to the dispute. (8) Discussions at any stage of the procedure shall not be unreasonably delayed by any party. If genuine discussions are unreasonably delayed or hindered, it shall be open to any party to give notification of the dispute pursuant to the Workplace Relations Act 1996. 3.5

Professional Development

3.5.1 The Parties are committed to enhancing the skills of employees through the provision of both internal and external professional development and training, within the College’s resource capacity, linked to: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

the relevant appraisal system; the goals of the College; the personal goals of employees as related to their work; the appropriateness to the employee’s position; and workplace and industrial issues.

3.5.2 All staff recognise the importance of professional development as a means of enhancing their skills. 3.5.3 It shall be the employer’s responsibility for provision of a core of professional development, including release time and course fees, within the College budget.

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3.5.4 Staff acknowledge a need for on-going professional development, including release time and course fees, within College budget. Staff also acknowledge some personal contribution. 3.5.5 Staff acknowledge a need for on-going professional development which may occur in school time and in their own time. 3.5.6 Teaching staff may be involved in such things as relevant subject associations, the Queensland Studies Authority as Panel Chairs and Review Panel members, attending and speaking at out-of-school in-services, Cluster meetings and Conferences and further formal study. 3.3.7 Examination/Study Leave (a) Application may be made for leave with pay for the actual time taken to attend examinations, provided that the course being taken is directly related to the employee’s role in the College. Leave would normally be either a morning or afternoon College session as appropriate on the day of the examination plus time for essential travel. (b) Application may be made for leave without pay for study purposes prior to an examination, provided that the course being taken is relevant to the employee’s role in the College. Leave would normally be for a day.


Computerisation and Technology

3.6.1 The Employer recognises the importance of the provision of access to teaching resources and equipment e.g. textbooks, computer software/hardware, as the Employer considers necessary for curriculum delivery, support or management. All such resources which are provided by the College shall remain the property of the College. 3.6.2 Further, the Employer and all teaching and administrative employees, accept a joint responsibility for enhancing skills in the use of technology in the College. The provision by the College of appropriate professional development and training is regarded as essential, as is also the willingness to commit reasonable time to such training by staff. Such training may be in the employee’s own time, College time and dedicated pupil-free days. 3.7

Dress Code (See Schedule 2 attached) The standard of dress will vary depending on such issues as job requirements, weather conditions and changes in student activities. As an indication of appropriate dress code for the Colleges, the following principles are to be considered: • • •

teachers are significant role models for the students in their charge, so their dress and grooming should take this into account, the Colleges have established standards of dress and grooming for students; staff should reinforce this with their own appearance, neatness and modesty in appearance reflects the image of the Colleges in the Community.

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Probation The parties agree all full-time non-teaching employees will be placed on 3 months probation. In the case of teaching staff the probation period shall be 6 months unless reduced by the College Principal.



3.9.1 The Parties agree that in order to enable the College to make appropriately considered appointments to the College staff, there needs to be sufficient time from the receipt of a resignation to the date of its effectiveness. Staff on special unpaid leave will meet whatever obligations are set down in the correspondence approving such leave. 3.9.2 It is agreed that all teaching staff will give in writing not less than four (4) weeks of termtime notice of resignation. 3.9.3 It is agreed that all non-teaching staff will give in writing not less than two weeks of term time notice of resignation unless otherwise mutually agreed. 3.9.4 In lieu of notice, a staff member’s salary equivalent to the required notice period (as in clause 3.9.2 & 3.9.3) or balance of the notice period shall be forfeited unless otherwise mutually agreed. 3.10


3.10.1 All parties acknowledge the constantly changing environment of education and the possibility for changes in staffing and structures to be required for the best development of the College and its programs. 3.10.2 Notwithstanding the commitment of the College to continuing employment, situations may arise where positions become redundant. The procedures and process to be followed in the case of redundancy are contained in clause 5 of Schedule 5. 3.11

School Officer Classifications The parties agree that school officer positions shall be reviewed in accordance with the School Officers Award Non-Governmental Schools Classification structure in an appropriate timeframe. The classifications are provided in Schedule 4 of this Agreement.


Appraisal Process The Parties acknowledge that an appraisal system provides opportunities for employees to identify strengths, to set goals and identify training needs. A formative appraisal process shall be maintained for all staff.


Positions of Added Responsibility The parties agree that the employment arrangements for Positions of Added Responsibility (PAR) shall be a matter for each individual College named in this Agreement. The application of Positions of Added Responsibility will form part of each Colleges’ policy and procedures.

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Wage Increases – Non-Teaching Employees

4.1.1 This Agreement provides for the following wage increases for non-teaching employees to be implemented as follows:



A wage increase of 1.5% of the applicable wage rates shall be paid from the first pay period on or after 1 January 2008;


A further wage increase of 4.5% of the applicable wage rates shall be paid from the first pay period on or after 1 January 2009;


A further wage increase of 5.0% of the applicable wage rates shall be paid from the first pay period on or after 1 January 2010.

Salary Increases – Teaching Employees

4.2.1 This Agreement provides for the following salary increases for teaching employees to be implemented as follows:



A salary increase of 4% on the applicable rates as at December 2007 shall be paid from the first pay period on or after 1 January 2008.


A further salary increase of 4.5% of the applicable salary rates shall be paid from the first pay period on or after 1 January 2009;


A further salary increase of 5.0% of the applicable salary rates shall be paid from the first pay period on or after 1 January 2010.

Occupational Superannuation

4.3.1 Application In addition to the rates of pay prescribed by this Agreement, eligible employees, as defined in clause 4.3.2 (b), shall be entitled to Superannuation Benefits, in accordance with the provisions of this clause 4.3. 4.3.2 Definitions (a)

(b) (c)


Approved Fund means a Fund identified by this clause for the receipt of superannuation contributions for employees. The funds are: (i) Christian Super Pty Limited (default fund); (ii) Sunsuper; and (iii) AMP Flexible Lifetime Super Eligible employee means an employee who has earned $450 or more in any month. Ordinary time earnings means the actual ordinary rate of pay the employee receives for ordinary hours of work including all allowances and loadings, including those applying to shiftwork, casual work, weekend and holiday work, tools and travel. The Parties agree that an individual employee may elect that employer contributions be made to one of the three Superannuation Funds nominated by the employer as

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being available for contributions. Contributions will continue to be made on an employee’s behalf to funds outside of those nominated, where it is a fund to which the employer already contributes on behalf of that employee, until the end of this Agreement. 4.3.3 Contributions (a)








Amount – The employer shall make an employer superannuation contribution of 9.5% of the employee’s ordinary time earnings on behalf of each eligible employee into the Approved Fund. Regular Payment – The employer shall pay such contributions to the credit of each such employee at least once each calendar month or in accordance with the requirements of the superannuation Fund Trust Deed. Minimum level of earnings – An employer will not be required to pay superannuation contributions on behalf of any eligible employee whether full-time, part-time, casual, adult or junior in respect of any month where the employee’s earnings are less than $450. Absences from Work – Contributions shall continue to be paid on behalf of an eligible employee during any absence on paid leave such as annual leave, long service leave, public holidays, sick leave and bereavement leave. Except in the case of absence on Workers’ Compensation an employer will not be required to pay superannuation contributions on behalf of any eligible employee during any period of leave without pay. In the case of Workers’ Compensation, the employer will contribute in accordance with clause 4.3.3(a) whenever the employee is receiving by way of Workers’ Compensation, an amount of money no less than the Rate of Pay under this Collective Agreement. Where an employee wishes to make voluntary contributions to superannuation, the employee may authorise the company to deduct from the employee’s wages an amount specified by the employee. Additional employee contributions and/or additional employer contributions, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, will be forwarded to the Fund by the employer at the same time as the employer’s contributions made under clause 4.3.3(b). Cessation of Contributions – An employer shall not be required to make any further contributions on behalf on an eligible employee for any period after the end of the ordinary working day upon which the contract of employment ceases to exist. No Other Deductions – No additional amounts shall be paid by the employer for the establishment, administration, management or any other charges in connection with the Fund other than the remission of contributions as prescribed herein.

4.3.4 Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation An employee may elect to Salary Sacrifice an amount to Superannuation. Where the employee so elects the following provisions will apply: (a)


The employer will continue to calculate the contributions required by clause 4.3.3(a) and/or the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 on the basis of the employee’s ordinary time earnings before the salary sacrifice is deducted. Salary sacrifice deductions will be made during a period of paid leave and the employee will receive the rate of pay specified under this agreement less the salary sacrifice deduction.

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Calculation of salary for all purposes including leave accruals and other payments due on termination of employment shall be calculated on a rate of pay which includes the salary sacrifice contributions. (d) The arrangement at clause 4.3.4 may be altered only once per year at no cost to the College. 4.3.5 Enrolment (a)


(c) (d)


Each employer to whom clause 4.3 applies shall as soon as practicable as to both current and future eligible employees: (i) notify each employee of the employees entitlement to Superannuation; (ii) take all reasonable steps to ensure that each eligible employee receives, completes, signs and returns the necessary application forms provided by the employer, to enable that employee to become a member of the Superannuation Fund; and (iii) submit all completed application forms and any other relevant material to the Trustees of the Superannuation Fund. Each employee upon becoming eligible to become a member of the superannuation Fund will: (i) complete and sign the necessary application forms to enable that employee to become a member of the Fund; and (ii) return such forms to the employer within 28 days of receipt. Notwithstanding the failure of an employee to complete the required paperwork, the employer will make payments on behalf of the employee to the Superannuation fund. The employee will be offered a choice of the funds identified in 4.3.2(a). Where an employee does not exercise their choice within twenty-eight (28) days the employer will make contributions to the Christian Super Pty Ltd as the default fund.

No Further Claims The parties to this Agreement, undertake that for the duration of this Agreement no further claims will be made on the College in respect to wages or working conditions.





5.1.1 Employees will receive Leave in accordance with the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (except where this Agreement provides otherwise, and the provision is more advantageous to the employee). 5.2

Annual Leave – Non Teaching Staff

5.2.1 This clause 5.2 applies only to non teaching staff. 5.2.2 Employees will receive leave entitlements in accordance with the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (except where this Agreement provides otherwise, and the provision in the Agreement is more advantageous to the employee, in which case the more advantageous provision will apply). 5.2.3 The accrual rate of annual leave for full time employees shall be 152 hours per annum (i.e. 4 weeks annual leave per annum on a 38 hour week basis). Christian Community Ministries Certified Agreement Draft 2008

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5.2.4 Part time, term-time and fixed period employees will be entitled to pro-rata annual leave based on the actual number of hours worked per week. 5.2.5 Annual Leave may only be taken during School Holiday Periods, unless the College Principal approves otherwise. 5.2.6 A term-time employee will be entitled to their annual leave from the date that the midsummer School Holiday Period commences. Where a term-time employee does not have sufficient accrued Annual Leave to cover the entire School Holiday Period, the term-time employee will be deemed to be on Unpaid Vacation Leave for the balance of that School Holiday Period. However, where a term-time employee and the College Principal mutually agree, a termtime employee may access their accrued Annual Leave at some other time. Any part of a School Holiday Period which is not part of the term-time employee’s Annual Leave is deemed to be Unpaid Vacation Leave. Annual leave loading is included in the rates of pay outlined in Schedule 1, attached to this Agreement. Staff may be directed to take annual leave after accruing six (6) weeks entitlement with the provision of 14 days notice in writing. 5.2.7 In this clause 5.2 and clause 5.3 - Annual Leave has the meaning provided in the Workplace Relations Act 1996. School Holiday Periods means the days on which the College shuts down for student school holidays. Term-Time Employee, Fixed Period Employee and PartTime Employee takes the meaning provided in Schedule 4 and 6. Unpaid Vacation Leave means those days in a School Holiday Period for which a term-time employee does not have sufficient accrued Annual Leave to be on Annual Leave. It is not leave as contemplated by the Workplace Relations Act 1996 and does not count as service by the term-time employee for employee entitlements, and the term-time employee is not employed by the College to perform work during that period.


Annual Leave – Teaching Staff After their annual leave credits have been exhausted, full time teaching staff will be granted paid stand down leave during school holiday periods, except where required by the College Principal to attend duty for staff development or other similar activities. It is not the intention to reduce the present quantum of vacation periods for teaching staff, and any proposed variation which may arise as a result of changing educational needs shall be subject to consultation between the College Principal and staff


Long Service Leave

5.4.1 All employees will accumulate Long Service leave entitlement at the rate of 1.3 weeks per full time equivalent year of completed service from the date of engagement. 5.4.2 Employees who have completed seven (7) years of continuous service may access their entitlement to Long Service Leave. After the first 7 years, additional Long Service Leave may be taken at a mutually convenient time negotiated the employer and employee.

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5.4.3 Employees seeking to take Long Service Leave may take leave in periods of not less than 2 weeks (10 working days) per occasion. Provided that in exceptional or unusual circumstances an employee may be allowed to take Long Service Leave for a mutually agreed period of time. 5.4.4 Timing of leave will be at a mutually convenient time with reasonable notice given. Reasonable notice should be not less than one full school term. 5.4.5 Where an employee is entitled to a period of Long Service Leave, such leave may be taken, by agreement between the employee and the employer at the rate of half pay. In such circumstances the length of the employee’s leave would be double the amount due to the employee. 5.4.6 Upon resignation, death, retrenchment or total and permanent incapacity, a pro-rata payment of Long Service Leave shall be made to an employee where the employee has served seven (7) years or more of recognised service.

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Maternity Leave Maternity Leave shall be provided in accordance with the Workplace Relations Act 1996.


Paternity Leave Paternity Leave shall be provided in accordance with the Workplace Relations Act 1996, except that in addition to unpaid leave as provided for in the Workplace Relations Act 1996, 3 days paid leave will be granted for the husband to be present at birth of child or to make arrangements for care of other children of the family.


Compassionate Leave Compassionate Leave shall be provided in accordance with the Workplace Relations Act 1996, except in the case of the death of a spouse or child where up to 5 days paid leave may be granted.


Professional Leave There are occasions which require a staff member to be absent due to attendance at approved work related conferences, seminars and professional development courses. Leave granted for these purposes may be paid or unpaid and is discretionary at the election of the College Principal.


Special Leave Paid leave for personal reasons may be granted for up to 3 days per calendar year. Additional unpaid leave may also be granted. Special Leave is discretionary at the election of the College Principal.


Extended Unpaid Leave

5.10.1 Up to 12 months unpaid leave for study, travel or family reasons may be granted after completion of 5 years full-time service. 5.10.2 Up to 4 years unpaid leave for missionary service or theological studies may be granted after completion of 5 years full-time service. 5.10.3 Extended unpaid leave is discretionary at the election of the College Principal. 5.11

Salary Packaging

5.11.1 Salary Packaging may be accessed by the employees subject to Administrative Guidelines as developed by the College and made available to all employees. 5.11.2 Where agreement is reached between the employer and the employees, Salary Packaging arrangements may be made between the individual employee and the employer. 5.11.3 Where such an agreement is reached, the employee's total salary benefit shall be reduced by an amount equivalent to that agreed between the employer and employee plus any relevant tax liability incurred by the employer.

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5.11.4 In calculating the total salary benefit the employer shall include the appropriate salary as per Schedule 1 – Wage Rates of this Agreement, Leave Loading and Superannuation Guarantee Charge. 5.11.5 The employer reserves the right to outsource the administration of such agreed salary packaging arrangements. Where this occurs the costs will be borne by the employee in regard to their own package. The College reserves the right to recover any administrative costs. 5.11.6 The costs of administration of Salary Sacrifice for the purpose of superannuation only, shall be met by the employer as outlined in Clause 4.3.4 of this Agreement. 5.11.7 For the purpose of calculating employee benefits the following shall apply: (a)


the payment of vacation periods and long service leave and other benefits not identified in subclause (b) will be based on the cash component of the salary package; and the payment of superannuation and annual leave loading shall be based on the employee's wage as prescribed in Schedule 1, prior to any salary packaging arrangements.

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Signed for and behalf of Christian Community Ministries Limited: –

In the presence of:


(witness to sign)

(print name)

(print name)

(position, title, office etc)

AND Nominated Employee Representative:

In the presence of:


(witness to sign)

(print name)

(print name)

(position, title office etc)

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1st January 2008 4.00% Fortnightly



1st January 2009 4.50% Fortnightly



1st January 2010 5.00% Fortnightly


Band 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

40101 41240 42624 44093

1542.35 1586.15 1639.38 1695.88

22.0335 22.6593 23.4198 24.2269

41906 43096 44542 46077

1611.75 1657.53 1713.16 1772.20

23.0250 23.6790 24.4737 25.3171

44001 45251 46769 48381

1692.34 1740.41 1798.81 1860.81

24.1763 24.8630 25.6974 26.5830

Band 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

45323 47838 50341 52854 55374

1743.19 1839.92 1936.19 2032.85 2129.77

24.9027 26.2846 27.6599 29.0407 30.4253

47363 49991 52606 55232 57866

1821.64 1922.72 2023.32 2124.32 2225.61

26.0234 27.4674 28.9046 30.3475 31.7944

49731 52490 55237 57994 60759

1912.72 2018.86 2124.49 2230.54 2336.89

27.3245 28.8408 30.3498 31.8649 33.3841

Band 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

57471 59581 61675 63901

2210.42 2291.58 2372.12 2457.73

31.5775 32.7368 33.8874 35.1104

60057 62262 64450 66777

2309.89 2394.70 2478.86 2568.33

32.9985 34.2100 35.4123 36.6904

63060 65375 67673 70115

2425.39 2514.43 2602.80 2696.75

34.6484 35.9205 37.1829 38.5249

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SCHEDULE 1 Wage Rates – NON TEACHING STAFF Based on 76 hour fortnight CLASSIFICATION Salary






STEP 1 2 3 4 STEP 1 2 3 STEP 1 2 3 4 STEP 1 2 3 STEP 1 2 3

1st January 2008 1.50% Fortnightly


1st January 2009 4.50% Fortnightly




1st January 2010 5.00% Fortnightly



























































































































































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STEP 1 2 3 4 5 STEP 1 2 3 4 5



























































































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SCHEDULE 2 - STAFF DRESS CODE A corporate wardrobe has been selected for the Colleges and is subsidised by the College. It is expected the uniform will be worn when on duty. Generally staff should wear clothing that reflects a conservative, professional style. General guidelines are as follows: TEACHING STAFF, TEACHER AIDES and OFFICE STAFF Male staff: • • • • • •

Long trousers or dress shorts and socks Dress or sports shirt Tie in winter and for formal College occasions - except with special clothing, eg. Sports, Workshops (teachers) No earrings, nose rings or studs - no visible body piercing or tattoos Acceptable hair length and style Appropriate footwear - Joggers for HPE staff only

Female staff: • • • • • •

Skirts or dresses No tight, short or revealing clothing Tailored slacks Blouses No nose rings or studs - no visible body piercing or tattoos Appropriate footwear - Joggers for HPE staff only

GROUNDS and MAINTENANCE STAFF Uniforms appropriate to the nature of the work performed for support services / ancillary staff shall be agreed between the Principal of the particular college and the staff concerned. Variations to any of the foregoing for a particular College require the specific approval of the Principal and Chairman of that College.

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Application This schedule shall apply to all teachers employed at the College.




The “Act” means the Industrial Relations Act 1999 as amended or replaced from time to time.


“Approved” used in relation to course, diploma, degree, or university, means a course, diploma, degree or university acceptable to or recognised by the Director-General of Education (Queensland) for similar qualifying purposes in respect of Teachers employed by the Department of Education (Queensland).


“Duty” includes all tasks related to the educational development of students and tasks concerned with the maintenance of good order and behaviour. Such tasks include class and group teaching and instruction; conducting excursions for instruction in school curriculum during school hours; setting and correcting assignments, tests, laboratory work, and examination papers; supervision of tests and examinations conducted in connection with the school curriculum; evaluating and assessing students’ work; care of laboratories and their equipment; compiling mark registers; compiling syllabuses and work books; giving written reports on students’ work and progress; and supervising students detained for punishment.


“Primary Department” means the Primary Department of a Secondary School.


“Primary School” means any school not under the direct control of the Department of Education which provides primary education. There may be attached to it a Secondary Department.


“Secondary Department” means the Secondary Department of a Primary School.


“Secondary School” means any school not under the direct control of the Department of Education (Queensland) which prepares candidates for the Junior Certificate and/or the Senior Certificate as issued by the Queensland Studies Authority or comparable examinations of educational standard.


“Year of Service” for the purpose of assessing the salary payable to a Teacher shall be determined with due regard to their qualifications and years of service in a capacity equivalent to the particular category of Teacher in a school or schools to which this Award applies, in a school or schools controlled by the Department of Education (Queensland), and such other teaching service as the employing school might recognise.


4 Year Trained Teacher means a person appointed as a Teacher who holds an Approved degree from a recognised tertiary education institution or an Approved equivalent tertiary qualification plus at least one Year of Teacher education or such other qualifications recognised by the Employer as equivalent to one Year of Teacher education.

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Teacher means and includes any employee other than the headmaster/headmistress or principal, who is ordinarily engaged in teaching full-time or part time on the staff of a school. The term also includes any Teacher engaged in giving class instruction in physical education, commercial subjects, home science, agricultural subjects, art, music, manual training subjects or such other subjects Approved by the QSA.


3 Year Trained Teacher means a person appointed as a Teacher with 3 Years of Teacher education or such other qualifications as may be recognised by the Employer for this purpose.


Employment categories


Teachers shall be advised in writing of their employment category upon appointment. 3.1.1 Employment categories are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

3.2 3.2.1

full-time; part-time (as prescribed in clause 3.2); job share (as prescribed in clause 3.3); casual (as prescribed in clause 3.4): or fixed term (as prescribed in clause 3.5)

Part-time Teachers The rate of payment for part-time Teachers shall be calculated in accordance with the following: (a)


By dividing the fortnightly rate of salary (excluding leave loading) prescribed by this agreement for a Teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualification by 70 and adding thereto a casual loading of 23 %. No payment shall be made to such part-time Teachers for public holidays, school vacation periods or days absent from Duty because of illness or any other reason. By dividing the fortnightly rate of salary prescribed by the agreement for a Teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualification by 70. Part-time Teachers employed in accordance with clause 3.2.1 (b) shall accrue a pro rata entitlement to sick leave and vacation periods based on the average weekly hours of employment.


A part-time Teacher in Secondary Schools and in Secondary Departments of Primary Schools shall be allowed time for corrections, assessments or evaluations at the school not less than at the rate of one hour for every 5 hours of teaching time. This time shall be paid in accordance with the scale of salaries prescribed in Part 5.


No part-time Teacher shall be employed in one school for more than 16 hours of actual teaching per week or if employed in more than one school be actually engaged in teaching for an aggregate time in excess of 19 hours.


The provisions of clauses 4, 5 and 6 of this schedule shall apply to part-time Teachers provided that a part-time Teacher shall be deemed to have completed a Year of Service, for the purpose of clause 4 and clause 5 only, when the aggregate amount of time paid for is 1,000 hours.

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Payment shall be made at the prescribed rate to a part-time Teacher whose class or classes are not available unless notice has been given to the part-time Teacher of the unavailability of such class or classes on the preceding school day. Job share


Job share is defined as a mode of employment where the duties, responsibilities and benefits of an employment classification contained in this agreement is shared between 2 employees.


A request may be made by an existing Teacher to share the position the Teacher is currently holding. The request must be made to the employer and must identify the proposed division of the position. If the request is accepted by the employer: (a) (b)

The parties to the proposal must negotiate a mutually suitable division of the work; The residual position must be advertised.


A position subject to the job share arrangements is not regarded as a fixed term arrangement but rather continues for an indefinite period.


The salaries paid to job share participants shall be in accordance with the scale of salaries prescribed in Schedule 1 based on the percentage division of the work.


Employees subject to the job share arrangements shall be entitled to pro rata benefits of such leave, vacation periods, public holidays and all other accrued benefits to full-time employees based on the percentage division of the work.


If a participating Teacher is unable to attend for Duty because of illness, the other participant may be offered the day(s) work by the employer. If the offer is accepted by the participant, the Teacher shall be paid as a casual employee for the relevant period.


Should either participating employee leave the employment of the school, the remaining employee may be offered the residue of employment. If this offer is not accepted by the remaining participant, the provisions of clause 3.3.2 shall be followed.


The number of job share positions offered in any school shall not exceed one to 7 or fraction of 7 full-time Teachers employed by the same employer in the same school.


Casual Teachers


A casual Teacher shall be employed on an intermittent basis to relieve a Teacher absent from Duty or to meet a short term staffing need.


A casual Teacher shall be employed for a minimum period of 3 hours and a maximum period of 5 days of teaching in respect of any one engagement. There shall be a minimum payment of 3 hours for each day so employed.


Where Teachers are required to perform duties over and above their classroom teaching duties, they shall be remunerated in accordance with clause 3.2.1 (a).

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Remuneration for a casual Teacher shall be $280.00 per day from 1 January 2008; $290.00 per day from 1 January 2009; $300.00 per day from 1 January 2010.


Casual Teachers in Secondary Schools and in Secondary Departments of Primary Schools will be paid for preparation and correction time in accordance with normal time provided. Casual Teachers will not receive such payment in respect of the first 2 days of any one engagement.


The provisions of clause 4.2 and clause 5.2 relating to salary increments shall apply provided that 1,200 hours shall be substituted for 1,000 hours.

3.5 3.5.1

Fixed term appointment Fixed Term Appointee is defined as a Teacher appointed by the school to accommodate an identifiable short term need. Without limiting the application of the foregoing, an identifiable short term need could include: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)



Special projects Proposed closure of a school Special Government grants Filling the position of a specified Teacher who is on nominated leave from the school Filling the position of a Teacher arising from a resignation, where such position is declared vacant and no suitable permanent Teacher is available.

Fixed term appointees will be employed for a period no greater than 12 months and shall not be regarded as probationary Teachers provided that if the identifiable short term need exists after the 12 month period, the fixed term appointment may be re-negotiated. Any agreement reached between a school and an individual Teacher as prescribed by this clause shall be in writing, signed by both parties, and shall clearly identify the terms, conditions and specific duration of the appointment.

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Salaries - 3 Year trained Teachers


The following scale of minimum salaries shall apply:

Band 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Band 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Band 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4


Per Fortnight $

Per Annum $

1542.35 1586.15 1639.38 1695.88

40,101 41,240 42,624 44,093

1743.19 1839.92 1936.19 2032.85 2129.77

45,323 47,838 50,341 52,854 55,374

2210.42 2291.58 2372.12 2457.73

57,471 59,581 61,675 63,901

Incremental Progression 4.2.1 A 3 Year trained Teacher shall be appointed at Band 1 Step 1. 4.2.2 Except as otherwise provided by this agreement, progression from one salary Step to a higher salary Step shall be by annual increment up to a maximum salary of Band 2. 4.2.3 Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, a 3 Year trained Teacher shall have access to Band 3 and shall complete 2 years service on Steps 1, 2 and 3 of Band 3 before progression to the next Step.


Progression - Additional qualifications A 3 Year trained Teacher who successfully completes further tertiary study to achieve the status of 4 Year trained Teacher shall as from 1 January or 1 July whichever is the first following such completion upon production of satisfactory evidence thereof have the appropriate salary Step in clause 4.1 determined according to the following table: Salary Step clause 4.1

Salary Step clause 5.1

Band 1 Step 1 Band 1 Step 2 Band 1 Step 3 Band 1 Step 4 Band 2 Step 1 Band 2 Step 2 Band 2 Step 3

Band 2 Step 1 Band 2 Step 2 Band 2 Step 3 Band 2 Step 4 Band 2 Step 5 Band 3 Step 1 Band 3 Step 2

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Band 2 Step 4 Band 2 Step 5

Band 3 Step 3 Band 3 Step 4


The arrangements contained in clause 4.3 shall not alter the date at which a Teacher progresses to the next salary Step on the scale where applicable.


Progression - Professional Development 4.5.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 4.2, a 3 Year trained Teacher may apply for progression by annual increments through Band 3 subject to the following conditions: (a) (b)


completion of at least 12 months service on Step 5 Band 2; participation in 150 hours of accredited professional development activities undertaken no earlier than 1 January 1990 to be achieved at an annual average rate of not less than 30 hours (5 days) and to be undertaken outside the hours engaged in teaching; and provision of a statement outlining the knowledge and skills acquired through participation in professional development.

4.5.2 Applications for progression shall be made through the Principal of the school and be subject to assessment and recommendation to the school authority by a panel consisting of – (a) (b) (c)

a representative of the School Authority; a representative of the Teacher seeking progression; a representative jointly agreed to.

4.5.3 Applications shall include – (a) (b)

certification of participation in accredited professional development activities by activity providers; a brief statement on a standard agreed, outlining the additional knowledge and skills acquired and their application in the Teacher's work.

4.5.4 No Teacher shall be required to undergo classroom or other inspection for the purposes of certification. 4.5.5 The review panel shall make a recommendation to the employing authority as to whether in its opinion the Teacher has satisfied the eligibility criteria in clause 4.5. 4.5.6 A Teacher shall retain all rights under the Act. 4.5.7 A Teacher who is certified as having satisfied the requirements contained in clause 4.5.1 shall be entitled to progress to the next Step in Band 3 from the date of application or on the completion of 12 months' service on their current Step which shall be no lower than Step 1 of Band 3 whichever is the later and shall progress thereafter by annual increments to the maximum salary of Band 3.

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Salaries - 4 Year trained Teachers


The following scale of minimum salaries shall apply:

Band 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Band 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 5.2

Per Fortnight $

Per Annum $

1743.19 1839.92 1936.19 2032.85 2129.77

45,323 47,838 50,341 52,854 55,374

2210.42 2291.58 2372.12 2457.73

57,471 59,581 61,675 63,901

Progression 5.2.1 A 4 Year trained Teacher shall be appointed at Band 2 Step 1. 5.2.2 A Teacher admitted to the service as a 4 Year trained Teacher who has an Approved bachelor's degree with first and second degree honours from a recognised University plus one Year of Teacher education or 2 Approved degrees from a recognised university plus one Year of Teacher education shall commence on the salary prescribed for Step 2. 5.2.3 Except as otherwise provided by this agreement, progression from one salary Step to a higher salary Step shall be by annual increment up to a maximum salary of Band 3.


Salary increments Subject to satisfactory conduct, diligence, and efficiency, a Teacher shall receive annual increments in salary according to the scale of salaries applicable until the Teacher receives the maximum salary for which the Teacher is eligible under this agreement.


Payment of salaries Except where otherwise mutually agreed between the employer and the majority of employees, payment of salaries shall be made fortnightly.


Proportion of Salary and Annual Leave


A Teacher upon appointment shall be paid as from the date upon which the Teacher commenced Duty, provided that a Teacher who has taught (or has been granted leave by the school) for each day of the school year at the particular school shall be paid as for a full calendar year commencing on 1st January. A Teacher who ceases Duty before completing 10 teaching weeks of employment shall be paid in lieu of vacation pay an amount equal to 1/12th of their ordinary pay for the period of employment.

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A Teacher who ceases Duty after at least 10 teaching weeks of employment shall be paid the proportion of the Teacher's annual salary of that year that the Teacher's service excluding school vacations bears to a standard school year: Provided that such proportion of salary shall be calculated on the salary which the employee was receiving immediately before cessation of employment.


A standard year shall be deemed for the purposes of this clause to be the weeks set down in the annual calendar of each College named in this Agreement as teaching weeks plus any days set down as pupil-free days.


The parties agree that the provisions of this clause 8 will not reduce the entitlements of an employee which would have existed under the Teachers’ Award – Non-Governmental Schools.


The parties acknowledge that this clause provides benefits unique to Teachers and which are in excess of the annual leave requirements contained in the Workplace Relations Act 1996. However, if a circumstance is identified where this clause 8 does not exceed the standard, the employer will credit to the employee the additional annual leave entitlement under the Workplace Relations Act 1996.


For the purpose of compliance with the Workplace Relations Act 1996, and for no other purpose, the parties envisage that annual leave shall be deemed to be part of the paid school holiday periods for teachers and annual leave may only be taken during these holiday periods.


As a consequence of clause 8.6, the parties agree that, by the operation of this clause, all annual leave credited to an employee shall be deemed to have been either used in full each year in the case of a Teacher who teaches for a full year, or paid for on a pro-rata basis in the case of a teacher who teaches for less than a full year.


Annual leave loading


Annual leave loading is included in the rates of pay for teaching staff outlined in Schedule 1 attached to this agreement.


Public holidays


An employee who would ordinarily be required to work on a day on which a public holiday falls is entitled to full pay for the time the employee would ordinarily have been required to perform work on that day.


Work that is expressly directed by the employer to be undertaken by an employee on: the 1st January; Australia Day Holiday; Good Friday; Easter Saturday (the day after Good Friday); Easter Monday; the 25th April (Anzac Day); Labour Day; The Birthday of the Sovereign; Christmas Day; Boxing Day; or

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any day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983, to be kept in place of any such holiday

will be paid for at the rate of double time and a-half with a minimum of 4 hours. 10.3

Double time and a-half For the purposes of this clause, where the rate of wages is a weekly rate, double time and ahalf means one and one half day's wages in addition to the prescribed weekly rate, or pro rata if there is more or less than a day.


Work done on any other holiday shall not be deemed overtime or paid at an increased rate.


Annual show

10.5.1 Work that is expressly directed by the employer to be undertaken by an employee in a district specified from time to time by the Minister by notification published in the Industrial Gazette on the day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983, to be kept as a holiday in relation to the annual agricultural horticultural or industrial show held at the principal city or town, as specified in such notification, of such district shall be paid for at the rate of double time and a-half with a minimum of 4 hours. In a district in which a holiday is not appointed for an annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show, the employee and employer must agree on an ordinary working day that is to be treated as a show holiday for all purposes.

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The “Act” means the Industrial Relations Act 1999 as amended or replaced from time to time.


This schedule shall apply to those employees who are not employed as teachers but whose duties are ancillary to and/or involved in the educational process: and who may have been described as teacher aides, librarians, library aides, laboratory assistants, audio-visual aides, scientific personnel, school secretaries, school assistants, school officers and other nonteaching employees; but excluding persons employed as grounds-persons; nurses; builders; carpenters; manual labourers; estate hands; bus drivers; cleaners; cooks; domestics; kitchen hands; laundresses/seamstresses; domestic housemaids; housekeepers; school maintenance assistants, waiters; and boarding supervisors who are not teachers.


This schedule shall not apply to employees who may be commonly described as bursars, school accountants and managers.


Contract of employment


Each employee other than a casual employee shall be advised in writing at point of engagement and at other times when varied in accordance with this Agreement, the following: 2.1.1 The nature of engagement as either full-time or such other category as provided in this schedule. 2.1.2 If not full-time, the weeks the employee is to be employed. 2.1.3 The days of the week the employee is to be employed. 2.1.4 The normal starting and finishing time for each day's employment. 2.1.5 The duration of the engagement in respect of employment for a fixed period.


Employment categories are: 2.2.1 full-time which means an employee engaged to work 38 ordinary hours per week on the basis of 52 weeks per annum; 2.2.2 part-time (as prescribed in clause 3); 2.2.3 casual (as prescribed in clause 4); or 2.2.4 term-time employee (as prescribed in clause 5); or 2.2.5 fixed period employee (as prescribed in clause 5).


Subject to clause 5 and clause 6 of Schedule 5, an employer may vary the terms of engagement of any employee other than a casual employee by providing 2 weeks' notice of such changes unless it is mutually agreed between the employer and employee for a shorter period of time.

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Part-time employment


A part-time employee is an employee who: 3.1.1 is employed for less than 76 ordinary hours per fortnight on the basis of 26 fortnights per annum; and 3.1.2 has reasonably predictable hours of work; and 3.1.3 receives, on a pro rata basis, equivalent pay and conditions to those of full-time employees covered by this Agreement.


At the time of engagement, the employer and the employee will agree in writing on the pattern of work required, including specifying the number of ordinary hours per fortnight, the days on which the work is to be performed and the normal daily starting and finishing times.


Any variation to the work pattern, including the normal starting and finishing times prescribed in clause 10.2 and 10.3 will be in accordance with methods of altering the ordinary hours of work for full-time employees.


Subject to clause 2.3 the agreed number of ordinary hours per fortnight may be varied by mutual agreement. Any such agreed variation to the number of fortnightly hours of work will be recorded in writing.


All time worked at the expressed direction of the employer outside the spread of ordinary working hours and the employees normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours will be overtime and paid for at the rates prescribed in clause 11 - Overtime, of this Schedule.


A part-time employee employed under the provisions of clause 3 must be paid for ordinary hours worked at the rate of 1/76th of the fortnightly rate prescribed for the class of work performed.


Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day.


Where an employee and their employer agree in writing, part-time employment may be converted to full-time, and vice-versa. If such an employee transfers from full-time to parttime (or vice-versa), all accrued entitlements shall be maintained. Following transfer to part-time employment accrual will occur in accordance with the provisions relevant to parttime employment.


Casual employment


Casual employee means an employee engaged and paid as such and who is employed by the hour for a maximum period of 20 working days on any one engagement.

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A casual employee shall be paid an hourly rate equal to 1/76th of the fortnightly rate (excluding leave loading) for a full-time employee plus 23% with a minimum payment of 2 hours for each day's engagement.


Employment of term-time and fixed period employees


Term-time or fixed period employees shall be entitled to be paid an hourly rate for ordinary hours worked equal to the appropriate fortnightly full-time rate divided by 76.


Employees under clause 5 shall be entitled to receive pro rata entitlements to annual leave and sick leave.


Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day.


Term-time employee is a continuing employee engaged to work: (a) (b)

76 ordinary hours per fortnight but less than 26 fortnights per annum; or Less than 76 ordinary hours per fortnight and less than 26 fortnights per annum.


Fixed period employee is one engaged to work 76 ordinary hours or less per fortnight with a specified commencement and cessation date: Provided that a fixed period employee may be engaged for a period of up to 26 fortnights in respect of any one engagement.


Classification process


An employer shall determine the classification of a position through the following process: 6.1.1 An analysis is to be undertaken to establish the skills and responsibilities required for each identified position and a position description written for each position. 6.1.2 Each position is classified by reference to the classification criteria set out in clause 6.2 using the position description developed in accordance with clause 6.1.1. 6.1.3 Employees are appointed to a position at the appropriate level within the structure and to a step in the level according to experience based on years of service.


If at any time an employee or an employer considers that the skills and responsibilities as required by the employer for a position have altered or do not reflect the classification determined, a review of the classification applicable to the position is to be undertaken in accordance with clause 6.1 and an appropriate classification determined. However, except in exceptional circumstances such as a change in the skill and/or responsibility required, or a change in the conditions under which the work is performed, no employee shall be permitted to seek a reclassification of their position on more than one occasion in a 12-month period.


Where a disagreement arises as to the outcome of a classification review, it will be dealt with under the grievance procedure contained in 3.2 of this Agreement. At any meeting

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specified in clause 3.2 the person who made the decision about the classification review shall, wherever possible participate. 6.4

Classification criteria 6.4.1 Classification criteria are guidelines to determine the appropriate classification level under this Agreement and consist of characteristics and typical duties and skills. 6.4.2 The characteristics are the principal guide to classification as they are designed to indicate the level of basic knowledge, comprehension of issues, problem and procedures required, the level of autonomy, accountability supervision/training involved with the position. The characteristics of a level must be read as a whole to gain an understanding of the position and the performance requirements. Isolated characteristics should not be used to justify the classification of a position. 6.4.3 The typical duties/skills are a non-exhaustive list of duties/skills that may be comprehended within the particular level. They reflect the competencies of a particular level. They are an indicative guide only and at any particular level employees may be expected to undertake duties of any level lower than their own. Employees at any particular level may perform/utilise one such duty/skill or many of them depending on the particular work allocated to them. Typical duties/skills should not be used as the primary determinant in classifying employees but may be useful if the characteristics of a level cannot be easily applied in an individual instance. Some of the Characteristics have been included in the Typical Skills/Duties at each level. Where there is inconsistency between the Characteristics and the Typical Skills/Duties, the Characteristics will prevail over the Typical Skills/Duties. 6.4.4 The key issue to be looked at in properly classifying an employee is the level of initiative, responsibility/accountability, competency and skill that an employee is required to exercise in performing the employee's work within the parameters of the characteristics, read as a whole, of the position. 6.4.5 It should be noted that some typical duties/skills appear at one level only while others appear at more than one level. Because of this, the classification or reclassification of a position needs to be done by reference to the specific characteristics of the level. As an example, because an employee may be utilising a skill comprehended at a higher level than that to which the employee has been appointed, the employee assumes the level of initiative, accountability/responsibility, skill and competency envisaged by the characteristics of the higher level. 6.4.6 Level 1 in the structure may be applied as a level at which employees learn and gain competency in the basic skills required by the employer. In the event that the increased skills/competency are utilised by the employer, progression through the structure may be possible.


Classification levels Subject to the provisions of clause 6.4 all employees shall be classified into one of the following levels:

6.5.1 Level 1

Range 88 - 94%

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Level 1 in the structure may be applied as a level at which employees learn and gain competency in the basic skills required by the employer. In the event that the increased skills/competency are utilised by the employer, classification to higher levels within the structure may be possible. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by their employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

Work is performed under close supervision either as an individual or in a team environment. Work is regularly checked. Less direct guidance and some autonomy may be involved when working in teams.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills to a limited range of tasks and roles. There is a specific range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear. Competencies are normally used within established routines, methods and procedures that are predictable. Judgment against established criteria is also involved.

Formal qualifications/experience -

Junior certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.

Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -

Perform a range of general clerical duties at a basic level, for example, filing, handling mail, maintaining records.

Operate routine office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, guillotine, franking machine, calculators, etc. -

Operate audio visual equipment at a basic level. Attend to front counter and refer enquires to the appropriate member of staff. Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking. Monitor and maintain stock levels of stationery/materials for office/department within established parameters including reordering. Prepare and clean away materials for display/use in classroom or libraries under instruction of a higher level officer or member of the academic staff. Carry out minor maintenance of equipment and material.

6.5.2 Level 2

Range 96 - 100%

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An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 1. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position as required by the employer are identified as follows:

Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

An employee in a position at this level works under direct and/or routine supervision depending on function. An employee's work is intermittently checked. Supervision may take the form of general guidance where working in teams is involved. Supervision may involve detailed instructions in some situations.

Supervision of Other Employees -

Within a team responsibility for some roles and coordination may be required. Provide guidance to other employees at a lower level. Provide assistance to less experienced employees at the same level.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills to a range of tasks and role. There is a defined range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear. There is limited complexity of choice of actions required. Competencies are normally used within established routines methods and procedures. Discretion and judgement about possible actions are involved in some cases.

Formal qualifications/experience -

Junior certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.

Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -

Perform a range of general clerical duties at a basic level, for example, filing, handling mail, maintaining records. Operate routine office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, guillotine, franking machine, calculators, etc. Attend to front counter and refer enquires to the appropriate member of staff. Assist student learning, either individually or in groups, under the direct supervision of an academic staff member.

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Prepare and clear away materials for display/use in classrooms or libraries under instruction of a higher level officer or member of the academic staff. Process basic library transactions such as issues and returns, produce overdue lists, entry of orders in a computerised system, perform stock-takes, entering of accession information into computer. Operate and demonstrate the use of audio-visual equipment where there is limited complexity. Maintain a booking system for equipment use and organisation of repairs and replacement of equipment. Record audio/video programs and maintain a catalogue system of such recordings in accordance with established routines, methods and procedures. Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking. Monitor and maintain stock levels of stationery/materials of an office/department within established parameters including reordering. Provide assistance with an academic programme where limited discretion and judgment are involved. Within a defined range of contexts, where the choice of actions is clear, maintain science equipment, materials and specimens. Under direct supervision, assist in design/demonstration of experiments and scientific equipment under the supervision of academic staff member.

6.5.3 Level 3

Range 100 - 110%

An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 2. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by the employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

An employee in a position at this level works under limited supervision. An employee's work may be checked in relation to overall progress. Supervision may take the form of broad guidance. A level of autonomy may be involved when working in teams.

Supervision of Other Employees -

Limited responsibility for the work of others may be involved. Team co-ordination may be required. Assistance and/or guidance may be provided to other employees.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves application of knowledge with depth in some areas and a broad range of skills. There is a range of roles and tasks in a variety of contexts.

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There is some complexity in the extent and choice of actions required. Competencies are normally used within routines, methods and procedures. Some discretion and judgement is involved in selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.

Formal qualifications/experience Tertiary qualifications at certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -


Carry out a wide range of secretarial and clerical duties at an advanced level, including, typing, word processing, maintain manual and computerised records, and shorthand. Handle administration enquires from staff/students/parents/public. Enter financial data into computer and prepare financial and management reports for review and authorisation by senior management. Prepare and process payroll within routines, methods and procedures. Carry out bank and ledger reconciliations. Maintain petty cash. Assist with preparation of internal and external publications. Provide administrative support to senior management. Arrange appointments and diaries and prepare confidential and general correspondence. Assist in the enrolment function including handling initial enquires and arranging interviews. Prepare government and statutory authority returns for authorisation under supervision. Provide academic programme assistance where some discretion and judgement are involved. Under supervision assist in the design/demonstration of experiments where some discretion and judgement are involved. Limited responsibility for the work of other assistants in a laboratory. Assistance and/or guidance may be provided for other assistants in a laboratory. Provide technical assistance in the operation of the library where some discretion and judgement are involved. Search and verify bibliographical data where some discretion and judgement are involved. Copy catalogue books, magazines, journals and recorded material, maintain library circulation systems. Produce display and publicity materials. Carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student's family where some discretion and judgement are involved. Assist staff and students in accessing library information where some discretion and judgement are involved.

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Assist staff and students in use of library equipment where some discretion and judgement are involved. Assist in supervision of students in the library where some discretion and judgement are involved. Assist student learning, where some discretion and judgement is involved, including evaluation and assessment, under the supervision of an academic staff member, of the learning needs of students.

6.5.4 Level 4

Range 112 - 118%

An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 3. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by the employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

Work is carried out under general supervision. Progress and outcomes sought are under general guidance.

Supervision of Other Employees -

The work of others may be supervised. Teams may be guided or facilitated. Responsibility for the work and organisation of others in limited areas. Training of subordinate staff may or may not be required.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves the application of knowledge with depth in some areas and a broad range of skills. There is a wide variety of tasks and roles in a variety of contexts. There is complexity in the ranges and choice of actions required. Competencies are normally used within a variety of routines, methods and procedures. Discretion and judgement are required for self and/or others in planning, selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.

Formal qualification/experience Tertiary qualifications at certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required by the employer or knowledge qualifications and experience as are deemed by the employers as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. Typical duties/skills Christian Community Ministries Certified Agreement Draft 2008

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The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -






Advanced application of computer software packages. Provide administrative support to senior management at a higher level than at level 3 where discretion and judgment are required. Initiate and handle correspondence, which may include confidential correspondence. Calculate and maintain wage and salary records for a large payroll utilising a variety of routines, methods and procedures. Apply inventory and purchasing control procedures, prepare monthly summaries of debtors and creditors ledger transactions and reconcile these. Control the purchase and storage function for a discrete department. Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures and with depth of knowledge in some areas, demonstrate to staff and students the use of complex audio visual or computer equipment. Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures and with depth of knowledge in some areas, monitor performance of and carry out repairs to specialised equipment. Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures and with depth of knowledge in some areas, supervise and maintain the hardware and software components of a computer network and provide user support. Assist student learning, either individually or in groups, under the general supervision of an academic staff member(s). Employees at this level are required to exercise discretion and judgement to modify education programmes to meet the learning needs of specific students. Carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student's family where discretion and judgement are required in relation to the planning, actions and achieving outcomes. Design and demonstrate experiments within a variety of routines, methods and experiences under the supervision of academic staff members where discretion and judgment are required.

6.5.5 Level 5

Range 122 – 128%

An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 4. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by the employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Supervision of Employee -

An employee in a position at this level works under general supervision and/or broad guidance depending on function.

Supervision of Other Employee -

The work of others may be supervised. Teams may be guided.

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Responsibility for the planning and management of the work of others may be involved. Supervision and training of staff in lower level positions may or may not be involved.

Competency required for position -

Competency at this level involves self directed application of knowledge with substantial depth in some areas. A range of technical and other skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts. Competencies are normally used independently and both routinely and non routinely. Discretion and judgement are required in planning and selecting appropriate equipment, service techniques and work organisation for self and/or others.

Formal qualifications/experience Tertiary qualifications at associate diploma/diploma level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required by the employer or knowledge, qualifications and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -

Provide executive support to senior management and associated committees concerning designated aspects of school management. Direct and supervise the work of other staff. Oversight the operations of the school’s office and other administrative activities, in the areas of enrolment, equipment and statistical staffing returns. Ensure deadlines and targets are met. Prepare the accounts of the school to operating statement stage and assist in the formulating of period and year end entries. Provide specialist technical advice, direction and assistance in the employee’s area of expertise using the application of knowledge gained through formal study/qualifications applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position in areas such as the operation of a library/resource centre, laboratory or information technology. This may also include developing the framework for and providing the instruction to students (within a structured learning environment) under the general supervision of an academic staff member/s.

6.5.6 Level 6

Range 132 – 161%

An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 5, demonstrating work of a professional nature. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by the employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Christian Community Ministries Certified Agreement Draft 2008

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Supervision of Employee -

An employee at this level works under limited guidance in accordance with a broad plan or strategy.

Supervision of Other Employees -


Responsibility and accountability is exercised within defined parameters, either for the supervision and monitoring of the work of employees of a lower level or for a defined work function. Competency required for position Competency at this level involves the development and application of professional knowledge in a specialised area/s and utilising a broad range of skills. Competencies are normally applied independently and are substantially non-routine. Competency at this level involves the delivery of professional services within defined accountability levels. Employees may operate individually or as a member of a team. Significant discretion and judgement is required in planning, design, of professional, technical or supervisory functions related to services, operations or processes. Employees at this level are expected to plan their own professional development and such increased knowledge, relevant to the position held, will be applied to the work situation.

Formal qualifications/experience -

Formal qualifications at degree level are required.

Typical duties/skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -

Operate and be responsible for a structurally and/or operationally defined section. Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer’s area of expertise. Prepare advice, reports, proposals or submissions for the senior executives of the school and/or outside bodies. Within defined accountability levels, perform professional activities which may include: Responsibility for planning and development of programs of structured learning activities; guidance and counselling services; and information services, within the employee’s area of expertise.

6.5.7 Level 7

Range 164 - 178%

An employee in a position at this level performs work above and beyond the skills of an employee in a position at level 6. A position shall be graded at this level where the principal characteristics of the position, as required by the employer are identified as follows: Characteristics The Characteristics are to be read as a whole. Christian Community Ministries Certified Agreement Draft 2008

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Supervision of Employees -

An employee in a position at this level is accountable to the school or college administration for the conduct of their work. Within the constraints set by management, an employee works autonomously and is responsible for the professional content of the work performed.

Supervision of Other Employees -

An employee at this level may be required to provide active supervision of and be responsible for other staff.

Competency required for position -


Within constraints set by management, employees exercise initiative in the application of professional practices demonstrating independent discretion and judgment, which may have effect beyond a work area. An employee at this level is expected to carry out a high proportion of tasks involving complex, specialised or professional functions.

Formal Qualifications/Experience Formal qualifications at degree level are required, along with relevant post graduate qualifications or extensive and relevant experience, as required by the employer, to reflect higher levels of professional outcomes. Typical Duties/Skills The Typical Duties/Skills are subject to the Characteristics clause. -


Undertake more complex professional activities above and beyond those required in Level 6, involving the selection and application, based on professional judgement, of new and existing techniques and methodologies. Provide advice to the senior executive of the school on the operational and/or future directions of the employee's section and to contribute to the development of that section in the educational context of the school. Such advice may be given in specialist areas.


Incremental advancement


Each level of the structure has varying pay steps which provide for yearly service increments within a level. Such increments are payable subject to satisfactory performance but will not be unreasonably withheld by the employer without due process.


For the purposes of establishing the entitlement of an employee to a yearly pay increment a year's service shall constitute 1976 hours of duty.


Progression from one level to a higher level is either by appointment to such higher level as a result of vacancy at that level or the employer requiring an employee to perform at a higher level in accordance with the classification criteria set out in clause 6.4.


An employee may be appointed to a higher level without having progressed through all paypoints within a lower level.

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Payment of salaries


Except where otherwise mutually agreed to between the employer and the majority of employees, payment of salaries shall be made fortnightly.


Payments may be made by cash, cheque or direct transfer into the employee's bank account as determined by the employer.




A first aid allowance is payable to Non-Teaching staff subject to the following conditions: 9.1.1 Non-Teaching staff who are appointed to positions classified at levels 1, 2 or 3 and are required to be aware of a student or students with medical conditions and are able and required to participate in the administration of medication or emergency treatment to such student or students on the basis of treatment regimes advised by parents, will receive an allowance at the rate of $10.70 per week. 9.1.2 Non-Teaching staff who hold a QAS first aid qualification (or equivalent) and are appointed as a first aid officer will be paid an allowance at the rate of $10.70 per week. 9.1.3 Non-Teaching staff will only be entitled to receive one of the allowances prescribed in either 9.1.1 or 9.1.2 but not both.


Hours of work

10.1 By agreement non-teaching staff may work an average of 76 hours per fortnight over a period of up to 12 months and reasonable additional hours. 10.2 Such ordinary hours of work shall be worked continuously (except for meal breaks) between 7.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays inclusive. 10.3

The normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours shall be established at the point of engagement and may only be varied by the employer with 2 weeks' notice, or shorter period by mutual agreement.




Except as provided in clause 11.2, all time worked at the express direction of the employer outside of the hours prescribed in clause 10.2 and the normal starting and finishing times shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half for the first 3 hours and double time thereafter.


Time in lieu

11.2.1 Where the Employer expressly directs requires an Employee to work either before the normal starting times or after the normal finishing times contained in clause 10.2 up to a maximum of 2 hours on any one day the Employee may be granted time in lieu for the equivalent hours worked to be taken at a mutually convenient time or receive payment at the rate of time and one half for the time worked. Christian Community Ministries Certified Agreement Draft 2008

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11.2.2 Where the Employer expressly directs an Employee to work more than 2 hours before the normal starting times or more than 2 hours beyond the normal finishing times on any one day, the Employee may receive payment at the rate of time and a half for the first hour and double time thereafter for time worked beyond the first 2 hours or receive payment in accordance with clause 11.1 for the full period so worked. 11.2.3 Any accrued time in lieu not taken within 6 months of its accrual shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half.


Rest pauses


Full-time employees shall receive a paid rest pause of 10 minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of each day worked.


Employees other than full-time who work a minimum of 4 consecutive ordinary hours but no more than 6 consecutive ordinary hours on any one day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration. Employees who work in excess of 6 consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal break) on any one day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of the period worked.


Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with continuity of work where continuity is necessary.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the employer and the employees agree the rest pauses may be combined.


Meal break An employee shall be entitled to an unpaid meal break of not less than half an hour and not more than one hour per working day.


Public holidays


An employee (other than a casual employee) who would ordinarily be required to work on a day on which a public holiday falls is entitled to full pay for the time the employee would ordinarily have been required to perform work on that day.


Work that is expressly directed by the employer to be undertaken by an employee on: the 1st January; Australia Day Holiday; Good Friday; Easter Saturday (the day after Good Friday); Easter Monday; the 25th April (Anzac Day); The Birthday of the Sovereign; Christmas Day; Boxing Day; or any day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983, to be kept in place of any such holiday will be paid for at the rate of double time and a-half with a minimum of 4 hours.

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Double time and a-half For the purposes of clause 14, where the rate of wages is a weekly rate, double time and ahalf means one and one-half days wages in addition to the prescribed weekly rate, or pro rata if there is more or less than a day.


Annual show 14.4.1 Moreover, work that is expressly directed by the employer to be undertaken by an employee in a district specified from time to time by the Minister by notification published in the Queensland Government Industrial Gazette on the day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983, to be kept a holiday in relation to the annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show held at the principal city or town, as specified in such notification, of such district shall be paid for at the date of double time and a-half with a minimum of 4 hours. 14.4.2 In a district in which a holiday is not appointed for an annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show, the employee and employer must agree on an ordinary working day that is to be treated as a show holiday for all purposes.


Notwithstanding any other provision of clause 14, when an employee is expressly directed to work on a public holiday such employee shall be paid at the rate prescribed by clause 14 for the particular holiday or by agreement between the employee and the employer may be paid at the ordinary rate and given a day off in lieu thereof within 28 days of the holiday occurring: Provided that if an employee subsequently works on the day in lieu of the deferred public holiday, such employee shall be paid in accordance with the other provisions of clause 14.2.

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Application This schedule shall apply to all employees covered by the Christian Community Ministries Ltd Certified Agreement 2008.


Induction The Parties agree to maintain an induction program for all new staff. Such an induction program shall include: (1) provision of a position description; (2) identification of lines of support, responsibility and accountability; (3) provision of material relevant to the staff code of ethics and mission of the Colleges (4) provision of documents relevant to the College’s policies and procedures.

3. Transfer Policy and Secondment Policy 3.1 Transfer Policy Staff covered by this agreement may apply to the College Board of Management for transfer to other schools covered by this agreement. Such applications will be considered on their merit, and will be subject to the release of the staff member by the employing school. Staff who successfully transfer will be employed under the salary scale applicable to the receiving school, except that where the applicable salary is less than the staff member would have received from the releasing school at the date of effect of the transfer. In such cases the staff member will be paid the salary they would have received at the date of effect of the transfer for a period of two calendar years, or until the applicable salary at the receiving school overtakes the salary they are being maintained at, whichever occurs first. From then on the staff member will be paid according to the employing school’s salary schedule. Staff will retain all other entitlements and accruals on transfer. 3.2

Secondment Policy Staff may be seconded for service to another school by mutual agreement between the staff member and the two schools concerned under mutually agreed terms and conditions.

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Introduction of changes


Employee Representation At any stage within clause 4 an employee may include or be represented by an organisation or party of their choice.


Employer's duty to notify 4.2.1 Where an employer decides to introduce changes in production, program, organisation, structure or technology, that are likely to have significant effects on employees, the employer shall notify the employees who may be affected by the proposed changes. 4.2.2 Significant effects includes termination of employment, major changes in the composition, operation or size of the employer's workforce or in the skills required; the elimination or diminution of job opportunities or job tenure; the alteration of hours of work; the need for retraining or transfer of employees to other work or locations and the restructuring of jobs: Provided that where this agreement makes provision for alteration of any of the matters referred to herein an alteration shall be deemed not to have significant effect.


Employer's duty to consult over change 4.3.1 The employer shall consult the employees affected about the introduction of the changes, the effects the changes are likely to have on employees (including the number and categories of employees likely to be dismissed, and the time when, or the period over which, the employer intends to carry out the dismissals), and the ways to avoid or minimise the effects of the changes (e.g. by finding alternate employment). 4.3.2 The consultation must occur as soon as practicable after making the decision referred to in clause 4.3. 4.3.3 For the purpose of such consultation the employer shall provide in writing to the employees concerned all relevant information about the changes including the nature of the changes proposed, the expected effects of the changes on employees, and any other matters likely to affect employees, provided that any employer shall not be required to disclose confidential information, the disclosure of which would be adverse to the employer's interests.




Employee Representation


At any stage within clause 5 an employee may include or be represented by an organisation or party of their choice. Consultation before terminations 5.2.1 Where an employer decides that the employer no longer wishes the job the employee has been doing to be done by anyone, and this is not due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour, and that decision may lead to termination of employment, the employer shall consult the employee directly affected.

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5.2.2 The consultation shall take place as soon as it is practicable after the employer has made a decision, which will invoke the provisions of clause 5.2.1 and shall cover the reasons for the proposed terminations, measures to avoid or minimise the terminations and/or their adverse affects on the employees concerned. 5.2.3 For the purpose of the consultation the employer shall, as soon as practicable, provide in writing to the employees concerned all relevant information about the proposed terminations including the reasons for the proposed terminations, the number and categories of employees likely to be affected, the number of workers normally employed and the period over which the terminations are likely to be carried out: Provided that an employer shall not be required to disclose confidential information, the disclosure of which would be adverse to the employer's interests. 5.3

Transfer to lower paid duties 5.3.1 Where an employee is transferred to lower paid duties for reasons set out in clause 5.2 the employee shall be entitled to the same period of notice of transfer as the employee would have been entitled to if the employee's employment had been terminated under the standard termination arrangements. 5.3.2 The employer may, at the employer's option, make payment in lieu thereof of an amount equal to the difference between the former amounts the employer would have been liable to pay and the new lower amount the employer is liable to pay the employee for the number of weeks of notice still owing. 5.3.3 The amounts must be worked out on the basis of: (a) (b) (c)


the ordinary working hours to be worked by the employee; and the amounts payable to the employee for the hours including for example, allowances, loadings and penalties; and any other amounts payable under the employee's employment contract.

Transmission of business 5.4.1 Where a business is, whether before or after the date of this agreement, transmitted from an employer (transmittor) to another employer (transmittee), and an employee who at the time of such transmission was an employee of the transmittor of the business, becomes an employee of the transmittee: (a) (b)

the continuity of the employment of the employee shall be deemed not to have been broken by reason of such transmission; and the period of employment which the employee has had with the transmittor or any prior transmittor shall be deemed to be service of the employee with the transmittee.

5.4.2 In this clause, business includes trade, process, business or occupation and includes a part or subsidiary (which means a corporation that would be taken to be a subsidiary under the Corporations Law, whether or not the Corporations Law applies in the particular case) of any such business and transmission includes transfer, conveyance, assignment or succession whether by agreement or by operation of law and transmitted has a corresponding meaning. Christian Community Ministries Certified Agreement Draft 2008

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Time off during notice period 5.5.1 Where a decision has been made to terminate an employee in the circumstances outlined in clause 5.2.1, the employee shall be allowed up to one day's time off without loss of pay during each week of notice for the purpose of seeking other employment. 5.5.2 If the employee has been allowed paid leave for more than one day during the notice period for the purpose of seeking other employment, the employee shall, at the request of the employer, be required to produce proof of attendance at an interview or the employee shall not receive payment for the time absent. For this purpose a statutory declaration will be sufficient.


Notice to Centrelink Where a decision has been made to terminate employees in the circumstances outlined in clause 5.2, the employer shall notify Centrelink as soon as possible giving all relevant information about the proposed terminations, including a written statement of the reasons for the terminations, the number and categories of the employees likely to be affected, the number of workers normally employed and the period over which the terminations are intended to be carried out.


Severance pay 5.7.1 In addition to the period of notice prescribed for ordinary terminations, and subject to further order of the Commission, an employee whose employment is terminated for reasons set out in clause 5.2 shall be entitled to the following amounts of severance pay: Period of Continuous Service Less than 1 year 1 year but not more than 2 years More than 2 years but not more than 3 years More than 3 years but not more than 4 years More than 4 years but not more than 5 years More than 5 years but not more than 6 years More than 6 years but not more than 7 years More than 7 years but not more than 8 years More than 8 years but not more than 9 years More than 9 years but not more than 10 years More than 10 years but not more than 11 years More than 11 years but not more than 12 years More than 12 years

Severance Pay (weeks' pay) nil 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

5.7.2 Weeks' Pay means the ordinary time rate of pay for the employee concerned: Provided that the following amounts are excluded from the calculation of the ordinary time rate of pay: overtime, penalty rates, disability allowances, shift allowances, special rates, fares and travelling time allowances, bonuses and any other ancillary payments. Christian Community Ministries Certified Agreement Draft 2008

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Employee leaving during notice An employee whose employment is terminated for reasons set out in clause 5.2 may terminate such employment during the period of notice, and, if so, shall be entitled to the same benefits and payments under this clause had such employee remained with the employer until the expiry of such notice: Provided that in such circumstances the employee shall not be entitled to payment in lieu of notice.


Employees with less than one year's service Clause 5 shall not apply to employees with less than one year's continuous service and the general obligation on employers should be no more than to give relevant employees an indication of the impending redundancy at the first reasonable opportunity, and to take such steps as may be reasonable to facilitate the obtaining by the employees of suitable alternative employment.


Employees exempted Clause 5 shall not apply: (a) (b) (c)


where employment is terminated as a consequence of misconduct on the part of the employee; or to employees engaged for a specific period or task(s); or to casual employees.

Exemption where transmission of business 5.11.1 The provisions of clause 5.7.1 are not applicable where a business is before or after the commencement date of this agreement, transmitted from an employer (transmittor) to another employer (transmittee), in any of the following circumstances: (a)


6. 6.1

where the employee accepts employment with the transmittee which recognises the period of continuous service which the employee had with the transmittor, and any prior transmittor, to be continuous service of the employee with the transmittee; or where the employee rejects an offer of employment with the transmittee: (i) in which the terms and conditions are substantially similar and no less favourable, considered on an overall basis, than the terms and conditions applicable to the employee at the time of ceasing employment with the transmittor; and (ii) which recognises the period of continuous service which the employee had with the transmittor and any prior transmittor to be continuous service of the employee with the transmittee.

Jury service An employee, other than a casual employee, required to attend for jury service during their ordinary working hours shall be reimbursed by the employer an amount equal to the

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difference between the amount paid in respect of their attendance for such jury service and the ordinary pay the employee would have been paid if the employee was not absent on jury service. 6.2

Alternatively, by agreement, fees (other than meal allowance) received by the employee to attend jury service will be paid to the employer and the employer will continue to pay the employee their ordinary pay for the time the employee was absent on jury service.


Employees shall notify their employer as soon as practicable of the date upon which they are required to attend for jury service and shall provide their employer with proof of such attendance, the duration of such attendance and the amount received in respect thereof.


If the employee is not required to serve on a jury for a day or part of a day after attending for jury service and the employee would ordinarily be working for all or part of the remaining day, the employee must, if practicable, present for work at the earliest reasonable opportunity.


Ordinary pay means the rate of pay that an employee would normally expect to receive for working ordinary hours on an ordinary day of the week, including any over-award payment. Ordinary pay excludes overtime, penalty rates of all types - including those attaching to working ordinary hours (for example) on a Saturday, disability allowances, shift allowances, special rates, fares and travelling time allowances, bonuses and other ancillary payments of a like nature.

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This schedule shall apply to those employees who are employed as grounds-persons; school nurses; school bus drivers; school cleaners; and school maintenance staff.


The “Act” means the Industrial Relations Act 1999 as amended or replaced from time to time.


Contract of employment


Each employee other than a casual employee shall be advised in writing at point of engagement and at other times when varied in accordance with this Agreement, the following: 2.1.1 The nature of engagement as either full-time or such other category as provided in this schedule. 2.1.2 If not full-time, the weeks the employee is to be employed. 2.1.3 The days of the week the employee is to be employed. 2.1.4 The normal starting and finishing time for each day's employment. 2.1.5 The duration of the engagement in respect of employment for a fixed period.


Employment categories are: 2.2.1 full-time which means an employee engaged to work 76 ordinary hours per fortnight on the basis of 26 fortnights per annum; 2.2.2 part-time (as prescribed in clause 3); 2.2.3 casual (as prescribed in clause 4); or 2.2.4 term-time employee (as prescribed in clause 5); or 2.2.5 fixed period employee (as prescribed in clause 5).


Subject to clause 5 and clause 6 of Schedule 6, an employer may vary the terms of engagement of any employee other than a casual employee by providing 2 weeks' notice of such changes unless it is mutually agreed between the employer and employee for a shorter period of time.

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Part-time employment


A part-time employee is an employee who: 3.1.1 is employed for less than 76 ordinary hours per fortnight on the basis of 26 fortnights per annum; and 3.1.2 has reasonably predictable hours of work; and 3.1.3 receives, on a pro rata basis, equivalent pay and conditions to those of full-time employees covered by this Agreement.


At the time of engagement, the employer and the employee will agree in writing on the pattern of work required, including specifying the number of ordinary hours per fortnight, the days on which the work is to be performed and the normal daily starting and finishing times.


Any variation to the work pattern, including the normal starting and finishing times prescribed in clause 10.2 and 10.3 will be in accordance with methods of altering the ordinary hours of work for full-time employees.


Subject to clause 2.3 the agreed number of ordinary hours per fortnight may be varied by mutual agreement. Any such agreed variation to the number of fortnightly hours of work will be recorded in writing.


All time worked at the express direction of the employer outside the spread of ordinary working hours and the employees normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours will be overtime and paid for at the rates prescribed in clause 11 - Overtime, of this Schedule.


A part-time employee employed under the provisions of clause 3 must be paid for ordinary hours worked at the rate of 1/76th of the fortnightly rate prescribed for the class of work performed.


Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day.


Where an employee and their employer agree in writing, part-time employment may be converted to full-time, and vice-versa. If such an employee transfers from full-time to parttime (or vice-versa), all accrued entitlements shall be maintained. Following transfer to part-time employment accrual will occur in accordance with the provisions relevant to parttime employment.


Casual employment


Casual employee means an employee engaged and paid as such and who is employed by the hour for a maximum period of 20 working days on any one engagement.


A casual employee shall be paid an hourly rate equal to 1/76th of the fortnightly rate (excluding leave loading) for a full-time employee plus 23% with a minimum payment of 2 hours for each day's engagement.

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Employment of term-time and fixed period employees


Term-time or fixed period employees shall be entitled to be paid an hourly rate for ordinary hours worked equal to the appropriate fortnightly full-time rate divided by 76.


Employees under clause 5 shall be entitled to receive pro rata entitlements to annual leave and sick leave.


Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day.


Term-time employee is a continuing employee engaged to work: (a) (b)

76 ordinary hours per fortnight but less than 26 weeks per annum; or Less than 76 ordinary hours per fortnight and less than 26 fortnights per annum.


Fixed period employee is one engaged to work 76 ordinary hours or less per fortnight with a specified commencement and cessation date: Provided that a fixed period employee may be engaged for a period of up to 26 fortnights in respect of any one engagement.


Classification process


An employer shall determine the classification of a position through the following process: 6.1.1 An analysis is to be undertaken to establish the skills and responsibilities required for each identified position and a position description written for each position. 6.1.2 Employees are appointed to a position at the appropriate level within the structure and to a step in the level according to experience based on years of service.


If at any time an employee or an employer considers that the skills and responsibilities as required by the employer for a position have altered or do not reflect the classification determined, a review of the classification applicable to the position is to be undertaken in accordance with clause 6.1 and an appropriate classification determined. However, except in exceptional circumstances such as a change in the skill and/or responsibility required, or a change in the conditions under which the work is performed, no employee shall be permitted to seek a reclassification of their position on more than one occasion in a 12-month period.


Where a disagreement arises as to the outcome of a classification review, it will be dealt with under the grievance procedure contained in 3.4 of this Agreement. At any meeting specified in clause 3.4 the person who made the decision about the classification review shall, wherever possible participate.


Classification Positions

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All Support Services / Ancillary Staff employees shall be classified into one of the following positions: 6.4.1 School Cleaners Positions in this field will be remunerated within Level 1, Non-Teaching Staff Wage Rates (Schedule 1). 6.4.2 School Bus Drivers Positions in this field will be remunerated within Level 2, Non-Teaching Staff Wage Rates (Schedule 1). 6.4.3 Grounds Persons Positions in this field will be remunerated within Level 3, Non-Teaching Staff Wage Rates (Schedule 1). Grounds Persons - Qualified Grounds Persons Staff with a recognised qualification in a trade relevant to their position at the College will be remunerated within Level 4, Non-Teaching Staff Wage Rates (Schedule 1). 6.4.4 School Maintenance Staff Positions in this field will be remunerated within Level 3, Non-Teaching Staff Wage Rates (Schedule 1). School Maintenance Staff – Qualified. School Maintenance Staff with a recognised qualification in a trade relevant to their position at the College will be remunerated within Level 4, Non-Teaching Staff Wage Rates (Schedule 1). 6.4.5 Support Services / Ancillary Staff Supervisor Positions in this field will be remunerated within Level 5, Non-Teaching Staff Wage Rates (Schedule 1).

6.5.6 School Nurses (Qualified – Registered Nurse) Positions in this field will be remunerated within Level 6, Non-Teaching Staff Wage Rates (Schedule 1).


Incremental advancement


Each level of the structure has varying pay steps which provide for yearly service increments within a level. Such increments are payable subject to satisfactory performance but will not be unreasonably withheld by the employer without due process.

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For the purposes of establishing the entitlement of an employee to a yearly pay increment a year's service shall constitute 1976 hours of duty.


Progression from one level to a higher level is either by appointment to such higher level as a result of vacancy at that level or the employer requiring an employee to perform at a higher level in accordance with the position classification set out in clause 6.4.


An employee may be appointed to a higher level without having progressed through all paypoints within a lower level.


Payment of salaries


Except where otherwise mutually agreed to between the employer and the majority of employees, payment of salaries shall be made fortnightly.


Payments may be made by cash, cheque or direct transfer into the employee's bank account as determined by the employer.




A first aid allowance is payable to Support Services/Ancillary Staff subject to the following conditions: 9.1.1 Support Services/Ancillary Staff who are appointed to positions classified at levels 1, 2 or 3 and are required to be aware of a student or students with medical conditions and are able and required to participate in the administration of medication or emergency treatment to such student or students on the basis of treatment regimes advised by parents, will receive an allowance at the rate of $10.70 per week. 9.1.2 Support Services/Ancillary Staff who hold a QAS first aid qualification (or equivalent) and are appointed as a first aid officer will be paid an allowance at the rate of $10.70 per week. 9.1.3 Support Services/Ancillary Staff will only be entitled to receive one of the allowances prescribed in either 9.1.1 or 9.1.2 but not both.


Hours of work


By agreement Support Services / Ancillary Staff may work an average of 76 hours per fortnight over a period of up to 12 months and reasonable additional hours.


Such ordinary hours of work shall be worked continuously (except for meal breaks) between 7.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays inclusive.


The normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours shall be established at the point of engagement and may only be varied by the employer with 2 weeks' notice, or shorter period by mutual agreement.



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Except as provided in clause 11.2, all time worked at the express direction of the employer outside of the hours prescribed in clause 10.2 and the normal starting and finishing times shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half for the first 3 hours and double time thereafter.


Time in lieu

11.2.1 Where the Employer expressly directs requires an Employee to work either before the normal starting times or after the normal finishing times contained in clause 10.2 up to a maximum of 2 hours on any one day the Employee may be granted time in lieu for the equivalent hours worked to be taken at a mutually convenient time or receive payment at the rate of time and one half for the time worked. 11.2.2 Where the Employer expressly directs an Employee to work more than 2 hours before the normal starting times or more than 2 hours beyond the normal finishing times on any one day, the Employee may receive payment at the rate of time and a half for the first hour and double time thereafter for time worked beyond the first 2 hours or receive payment in accordance with clause 11.1 for the full period so worked. 11.2.3 Any accrued time in lieu not taken within 6 months of its accrual shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half.


Rest pauses


Full-time employees shall receive a paid rest pause of 10 minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of each day worked.


Employees other than full-time who work a minimum of 4 consecutive ordinary hours but no more than 6 consecutive ordinary hours on any one day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration. Employees who work in excess of 6 consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal break) on any one day shall receive a rest pause of 10 minutes' duration in the first half and the second half of the period worked.


Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with continuity of work where continuity is necessary.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the employer and the employees agree the rest pauses may be combined.


Meal break An employee shall be entitled to an unpaid meal break of not less than half an hour and not more than one hour per working day.


Public holidays


An employee (other than a casual employee) who would ordinarily be required to work on a day on which a public holiday falls is entitled to full pay for the time the employee would ordinarily have been required to perform work on that day.


Work that is expressly directed by the employer to be undertaken by an employee on: the 1st January;

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Australia Day Holiday; Good Friday; Easter Saturday (the day after Good Friday); Easter Monday; the 25th April (Anzac Day); The Birthday of the Sovereign; Christmas Day; Boxing Day; or any day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983, to be kept in place of any such holiday

will be paid for at the rate of double time and a-half with a minimum of 4 hours. 14.3

Double time and a-half For the purposes of clause 14, where the rate of wages is a weekly rate, double time and ahalf means one and one-half days wages in addition to the prescribed weekly rate, or pro rata if there is more or less than a day.


Annual show 14.4.1 Moreover, work that is expressly directed by the employer to be undertaken by an employee in a district specified from time to time by the Minister by notification published in the Queensland Government Industrial Gazette on the day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983, to be kept a holiday in relation to the annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show held at the principal city or town, as specified in such notification, of such district shall be paid for at the date of double time and a-half with a minimum of 4 hours. 14.4.2 In a district in which a holiday is not appointed for an annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show, the employee and employer must agree on an ordinary working day that is to be treated as a show holiday for all purposes.


Notwithstanding any other provision of clause 14, when an employee is expressly directed to work on a public holiday such employee shall be paid at the rate prescribed by clause 14 for the particular holiday or by agreement between the employee and the employer may be paid at the ordinary rate and given a day off in lieu thereof within 28 days of the holiday occurring: Provided that if an employee subsequently works on the day in lieu of the deferred public holiday, such employee shall be paid in accordance with the other provisions of clause 14.2.

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