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Part 1 - Application and Operation Agreement applies to all employees in all Catholic schools in the Northern Territory under the authority of Catholic Education Office Darwin, and specified under a relevant parent award. PARENT AWARDS : Catholic Schools (Northern Territory) Award 2003; Miscellaneous Workers Award (Northern Territory) 2001; Retail Wholesale and Distributive Workers (NT) Award 2000; Nurses (Northern Territory) Private Sector Award 2002. Part 2 - Principles of Management Wherever possible, employees are to be offered continuing employment rather than contract employment. Teaching staff employed on a full-time contract for one school year are to be invited to apply for positions known to be vacant. Part 3 - Consultation & Dispute Procedures All staff are to be provided with an opportunity to participate in decisions which impact their working lives. In the event of a dispute arising work is to continue in accordance with the Award, Agreement and custom and practice. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Should a matter of concern arise the staff member shall discuss the matter with the Principal in the first instance, then they may refer the matter to the relevant Union representative, and if not resolved it shall be referred to the General Secretary of the relevant Union and the Director of Catholic Education. The matter may be referred to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission for conciliation if not resolved by the parties. UNION RECOGNITION: Union recognition and the provision of two (2) days approved leave per annum will be available for union training, with notice of at least one school term.

Northern Territory Independent Education Union 1st Floor, 38 Woods Street, Darwin NT 0811 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801

Ph: (08) 8981 1924 / 1800 351 996 Fax: (08) 8981 1935 Email : ieunt@bigpond.com


Part 4 - General Conditions of Employment WAGES: The following wage increases shall be applied over the life of the Agreement: 4.88% on 3 March 2006 4.8% on 3 March 2007 2.5% on 3 March 2008 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: All staff are to be involved in eighteen (18) hours of professional development each year in out-of-school hours. First two days of term one, and first day of term three each year will be student free for professional development. LONG SERVICE LEAVE: Long service leave should be taken as soon as possible after it accrues, to be taken as follows: One ten (10) week school term; or One school semester (two full terms), with some unpaid leave; or One ten (10) week school term with cash payment to acquit any unused leave entitlement up to a maximum of three weeks. Entitlement to LSL may be accessed after eight years, provided that such leave is taken as one full school term, and that no further LSL will be granted until another full eight years entitlement has accrued. MATERNITY LEAVE: Any employee with at least twelve (12) months continuous service will be entitled to fourteen (14) weeks paid maternity leave, paid either as a lump sum or fortnightly. In conjunction with the paid maternity leave entitlement, up to 104 weeks of unpaid maternity leave is available. Entitlement to LSL may be taken at the end of the maternity leave, with ten (10) weeks notice in writing. LEAVE WITHOUT PAY: A total of five (5) working days annually, with an option for 6 months to 12 months leave without pay, at the discretion of the Principal. Northern Territory Independent Education Union 1st Floor, 38 Woods Street, Darwin NT 0811 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801

Ph: (08) 8981 1924 / 1800 351 996 Fax: (08) 8981 1935 Email : ieunt@bigpond.com


DEFERRED SALARY SCHEME: Employees who have completed two consecutive years full time service can apply. The scheme will enable employees, over a five-year period, to receive 80% of the salary for the first four years of the nominated period, and take the fifth year as special leave, using the accumulated reserves of deferred salary. The nominated period counts as four years entitlement towards LSL. The employee’s substantive position will be preserved for the fifth year as special leave. Any outstanding leave entitlements of ten weeks or more can be taken as part of the fifth year. PROBATION: Probationary period is not to exceed 6 months. A structured induction program must be followed which provides support and mentoring. Induction period is three school terms. Part 5 - Conditions Specific to Teaching TEACHER ACCREDITATION: All teachers are to gain Teacher Accreditation A in the Diocese of Darwin. Accreditation is to start within two (2) years of initial appointment and be completed within three (3) years of appointment. THREE YEAR TRAINED TEACHERS: Three year trained teachers are to be appointed as per the Award on the T2 level. They may access up to T8 on the same basis as a four year trained teacher. Access to the T9 level will be available provided that they have completed two years service at T8, and have completed at least 40 hours of professional development. BEGINNING TEACHERS: A four year trained teacher holding their first full-time appointment since graduating in a NT Catholic school will move from T3 to T4 level at the commencement of their employment. CONTACT TIME: Face-to-fact teaching in secondary schools shall not exceed 21 hours per week (or its equivalent per cycle). Face-to-fact teaching in primary schools shall not exceed 25.5 hours per week (excluding 2 hours release time). Northern Territory Independent Education Union 1st Floor, 38 Woods Street, Darwin NT 0811 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801

Ph: (08) 8981 1924 / 1800 351 996 Fax: (08) 8981 1935 Email : ieunt@bigpond.com


Part-time teaching staff shall be allocated face-to-face teaching time pro-rata to their FTE. Limits may be exceeded for individual teachers, subject to discussions with that teacher and a reduction in load to some other aspect of that teacher’s duties. RELEASE TIME FOR PRIMARY: There will be a minimum of 120 minutes release time per week for urban primary school teachers. Where possible teachers will be released in a block of 120 minutes, or in two blocks of 60 minutes. Release time is for curriculum development. Where possible staff from similar areas will be released for collaborative work. Part 6 - Conditions Specific to School Officers CLASSIFICATION: Classification structure levels 1 – 5. Classified within a level consistent with duties, skills, qualifications and person specification of the position. They shall progress upon the completion of 12 months service (or FTE) to the next step within each level. WORK BREAKS: School Officers to have access to at least one work break of 30 minutes per day, uninterrupted. Employee may leave the school premises. Part 7 - Conditions Specific to Indigenous Workers The IEW assists directly or indirectly in the provision of support related to Australian indigenous cultures and issues. EMPLOYMENT: A full-time employee is deemed to work at least 37.5 hours per week for 40 weeks per year (plus 6 weeks annual leave). A part-time employee is deemed to work less than 37.5 hours per week for 40 weeks per year (plus 6 weeks annual leave).

Northern Territory Independent Education Union 1st Floor, 38 Woods Street, Darwin NT 0811 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801

Ph: (08) 8981 1924 / 1800 351 996 Fax: (08) 8981 1935 Email : ieunt@bigpond.com


STAND DOWN: Employees who are employed on a 40 weeks per year (plus 6 weeks annual leave) basis may choose to accept 40/46 of their gross weekly/fortnightly wage to be paid over the 52 weeks which will entitle them to 6 weeks paid stand down per year. RELOCATION: The employer reserves the right to relocate an employee’s workplace depending on the funding needs of the Office and schools. Any change in location must be reasonable in the circumstances, and the employer agrees to consult with the employee(s) regarding issues arising from the transfer decision. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Full-time employees may access approved professional development and training of up to 5 days in a 2 year period. The allocation will apply on a pro-rata basis for parttime employees. Cost of training is to be met by the employer. Training required by the employer on a non-scheduled school day will be paid at the normal hourly rate of pay or will attract time off in lieu. WORK RELATED STUDY COSTS: IEW’s who undertake the ‘Aboriginal Education Workers Accredited Course’ (or other approved tertiary course) will be provided with negotiated study leave of up to 10 paid days per year, plus reimbursement of HECS fees on successful completion. CEREMONIAL AND SPECIAL LEAVE: Upon evidence of legitimately required Indigenous tradition to be absent from work for indigenous ceremonial purposes, employees will be entitled to up to 6 weeks unpaid leave in any one year. An IEW who has a representative role in the Indigenous Community (eg ATSIC councillor) shall be entitled to use up to 2 weeks of their annual leave entitlement or unpaid leave. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: If an employee is required to travel to country areas requiring an overnight stay the employer will pay for all working time at the appropriate rate of pay while the employee is performing duties. Employees will be reimbursed for the cost of accommodation, meals and incidental expenses related to authorised travel. Where employees are required to travel in connection with their work a kilometre allowance, as determined by the ATO, can be claimed by the employee where a motor vehicle has not been supplied. Northern Territory Independent Education Union 1st Floor, 38 Woods Street, Darwin NT 0811 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801

Ph: (08) 8981 1924 / 1800 351 996 Fax: (08) 8981 1935 Email : ieunt@bigpond.com


Part 8 - Conditions Specific to Early Childhood Workers Before school, after school, pre-school, kindergarten and long day care facilities run in conjunction and on the premises of Diocesan schools are covered. Wages and conditions of employment set out in the Children’s Services (NT) Award 2005 apply. FULL TIME: Full-time employees shall be engaged for no less than 38 ordinary hours per week. PART TIME: Part-time employees shall be engaged to work less than 38 ordinary hours per week. Part-time employees shall receive a minimum payment of two and one-half hours per shift. Part-time employees working in before and after school care on broken shifts shall receive a minimum payment of one and one-half hours for the morning part of the shift, and two and one-half hours for the afternoon part of the shift. Rostered hours of work for part-time employees may only be altered by mutual agreement recorded in writing. In such cases part-time employees may work up to 38 hours per week or 8 hours per day without the payment of overtime. CASUAL: Casual employees, engaged to work regular rostered hours for a continuous period of four weeks or more, shall have the option (once a year) to convert from being paid as a casual to that of a permanent part-time. Minimum engagement is not less than two and one-half hours. The casual hourly rate is calculated on the basis of 1/38th of the appropriate rate plus 25%. In lieu of all other penalty rates, and the 25% casual loading, casual employees shall receive the penalty rates prescribed for weekend and public holiday work. STAND DOWN: Employees working in before and after school care programs may be stood down without pay during the school vacation period. PROGRESSION: Advancement through the first incremental level at any classification shall be automatic. Progression from one level to the next within a classification is subject to competency at the existing level and 12 months experience (or FTE). Northern Territory Independent Education Union 1st Floor, 38 Woods Street, Darwin NT 0811 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801

Ph: (08) 8981 1924 / 1800 351 996 Fax: (08) 8981 1935 Email : ieunt@bigpond.com


HOURS OF WORK: Ordinary hours of work shall be an average of 38 hours per week over a one, two or four week cycle, worked in periods not exceeding 8 hours, in unbroken periods, save for meal breaks, Monday to Friday. Commencement time for ordinary hours shall not be earlier than 7am and ceasing time shall not be later than 7pm. NON-CONTACT: 2 hours per week non-contact for programming and planning shall be provided when such employee requests that time is necessary. Wherever possible non-contact time should be rostered in advance. ROSTERS: The employer shall post a legible notice of rostered hours of work. Such hours shall only be changed after at least seven days notice to the employee concerned, otherwise overtime shall be paid. ANNUAL LEAVE: Entitled to annual leave on full pay for a period equal to 4 working weeks for each continuous twelve months service. Leave loading of 17.5% on four weeks based on the normal rate of pay. INFECTIOUS DISEASES: An employee who contracts an infectious disease (listed in the agreement at clause 67.1) through a contact in the area of employment shall be entitled to infectious diseases leave : provided that a medical certificate accompanies the application, and it can be shown that a number of children in the care centre have been absent suffering from the disease for the two months preceding the employee’s absence. Such leave taken shall not be debited against normal sick leave credits. Part 9 - Conditions Specific to Boarding Staff Employment may be provided on a live-in or live-out basis. The employer shall be entitled to designate the position as live-in. HOURS OF WORK: A full-time employee shall be a permanent employee who is engaged for no less than 38 ordinary hours per week.

Northern Territory Independent Education Union 1st Floor, 38 Woods Street, Darwin NT 0811 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801

Ph: (08) 8981 1924 / 1800 351 996 Fax: (08) 8981 1935 Email : ieunt@bigpond.com


A part-time employee shall be a permanent employee who is engaged to work less than 38 ordinary hours per week. STAND DOWN: In addition to the normal hours permanent employees shall work an additional 6 unpaid hours per week to accrue entitlement to 6 weeks paid stand down per year. Such hours shall be worked either by sleep over or active duty. CASUALS: A casual employee shall be paid for time worked at an hourly rate calculated on the basis of 1/38th of the appropriate rate, plus 28%. Minimum engagement is 2 hours. Casual employees shall be limited to one election to convert from casual to permanent per year. ACCOMMODATION: All employees who are designated as live-in staff shall be supplied with suitable accommodation, access to a private phone and basic cooking facilities and shall be supplied with suitable meals at no expense when the kitchen is available. BOARD AND KEEP: In addition to the normal hours and stand down hours, live-in employees shall work the following in lieu of board and keep: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Permanent Live-in Staff Teaching Staff Casual Live-in Staff

6 hours/week 7 hours/week 8 hours/week

These hours shall be worked as either active duty or as sleep overs. ANNUAL LEAVE: A permanent employee shall be entitled to annual leave on full pay for a period equal to six (6) working weeks for each continuous twelve months service. Leave loading of 17.5% will be paid on four weeks. INFECTIOUS DISEASE: An employee who contracts an infectious disease (listed in the agreement at clause 83.1) through a contact in the area of employment shall be entitled to infectious diseases leave : provided that a medical certificate accompanies the application, and it can be shown that a number of children in the Boarding House, under the employee’s direct supervision, have been absent suffering from the disease for the two months Northern Territory Independent Education Union 1st Floor, 38 Woods Street, Darwin NT 0811 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801

Ph: (08) 8981 1924 / 1800 351 996 Fax: (08) 8981 1935 Email : ieunt@bigpond.com


preceding the employee’s absence. Such leave taken shall not be debited against normal sick leave credits. Part 10 – Conditions Specific to Nurses CONDITIONS OF SERVICE: The ordinary hours of duty for nurses shall be 38 hours per week Mondays to Fridays. Six (6) weeks annual leave on the completion of twelve months continuous service. In addition to their daily hours of work, a further one hour and six minutes per day shall be worked to receive full or part payment during school closure periods. STUDY LEAVE: After the first twelve months of employment, nurses shall be entitled to apply for up to two (2) weeks per annum of professional leave without loss of pay. IMMUNISATION: The immunisation costs for the school nurse to be immunised against Influenza; Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C shall be met by the employer. Part 11 – Conditions Specific to Miscellaneous Workers GENERAL: Employees may be stood down outside of normal school terms for a maximum of six (6) working weeks. A minimum of two (2) weeks notice is required for any stand down period. An employee who has worked a minimum of forty (40) weeks in a calendar year shall be entitled to six (6) weeks annual leave with a loading of 17.5% of salary paid on four weeks. The employer will supply protective clothing on an annual basis. Part 12 – Conditions Specific to Canteen Staff Shop Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association is the relevant union of coverage.

Northern Territory Independent Education Union 1st Floor, 38 Woods Street, Darwin NT 0811 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801

Ph: (08) 8981 1924 / 1800 351 996 Fax: (08) 8981 1935 Email : ieunt@bigpond.com


Part 13 – Conditions Specific to Remote Staff From the beginning of 2006 there will be no rent payable by remote staff employed by the Catholic Education Office. Remote is defined as Santa Teresa, Daly River, Port Keats and Bathurst Island. Relief teachers working in Catholic Indigenous schools will have their travel cost paid and accommodation cost paid. Attachment A - Catholic Ethos Outlines principles of employment in Northern Territory Catholic Schools. Attachment B - Wages Sets out the wage and salary rates for all employees. Contact your union office for further information on your rate of pay.

Northern Territory Independent Education Union 1st Floor, 38 Woods Street, Darwin NT 0811 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801

Ph: (08) 8981 1924 / 1800 351 996 Fax: (08) 8981 1935 Email : ieunt@bigpond.com

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