The Independent Voice
October 2011
Journal Journal of of the the Independent Independent Education Education Union Union of of Australia Australia -- Queensland Queensland and and Northern Northern Territory Territory Branch Branch
February October 2011 2011
Volume Volume 11 11 Number Number 16
School officer wins QIEU Art Design Award Lourdes Hill College school officer Lisa Carsley Dowall (left) has used her skills as an art assistant to help her win the open category of the 2011 QIEU Awards for Excellence in Art Design. This year entrants, including students and teachers, let their imagination run wild as they put their creative mind to work to paint, print, photograph, sculpt or combine media to capture the ideas of the theme of the awards, Forests. To view the winning entries and full list of winners, turn to pages 12,13.
Reports on school funding threaten teacher jobs Jobs in the non-government education sector remain vulnerable with the federal funding review process raising more uncertainty about future funding levels to schools. The non-government education sector is essentially publically funded and all non-government schools rely in significant part on that government funding. The Gonski federal funding review has released a number of research reports whose observations and ‘favoured’ views do little to inspire confidence of an appropriately funded non-government education
sector. (See article page 10). Of particular concern is the strong suggestion in the reports that the funding nexus between non-government school funding and the Average Government School Recurrent Cost (AGSRC) would be removed in favour of a non-education cost index. Currently non-government schools received indexed increases to recurrent funding on the basis of increases in the AGSRC index which as an index of education costs provides a generally accurate reflection of rising costs of running schools.
Those AGSRC indexed increases in substantial part underpin our capacity as a union to seek enhanced wages and conditions in the non-government sector. Less money for Catholic and independent schools will result in job losses for teachers or downward pressure on their wages and conditions. Students, parents and school employees have a right to expect that the government should commit to additional resources to school education. The funding debate should be about recognising the need for an
increase in funding for all Australian schools. IEUA members will express school funding concerns, the need for a fairer funding system and the need for a real funding increase for all schools with political delegations in Term 4. Members will meet with senators and members of parliament to urge them to commit to increases to school funding in both the government and non-government sectors, to provide more targeted funding for special needs and disadvantaged schools and to support these principles in policy
development conversations in the coming weeks and at the ALP National Conference in December. A guarantee of funding certainty will see the protection of jobs for employees working in non-government schools and will provide confidence for the students and parents in these communities. A commitment must be made by the federal government to guarantee no school will be worse off and funding given to schools will keep pace with the real cost of educating Australian children.
The Independent Voice
October 2011
CONTACTS The Independent Voice is the official publication of the Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory branch (IEUA-QNT) ISSN 1446-1919 IEUA-QNT Brisbane Office PH: 07 3839 7020 346 Turbot Street, Spring Hill Q 4000 PO Box 418 Fortitude Valley Q 4006 IEUA-QNT Darwin Office PH: 08 8981 1924 FAX: 08 8981 1935 38 Woods Street Darwin NT 0800 GPO Box 4166 Darwin NT 0801 Editorial/ Advertising enquiries to Fiona Stutz: Telephone: 07 3839 7020 Toll Free: 1800 177 937 Fax: 07 3839 7021 Email: Editor Mr Terry Burke IEUA-QNT Branch Secretary Publications Officer/Journalist Fiona Stutz Printing: Rural Press (07) 3826 8200 Disclaimer: Advertising is carried in The Independent Voice in order to minimise costs to members and is paid at commercial rates. Such advertising does not in any way reflect endorsement or otherwise of the advertised products and/or services by IEUA-QNT. Copyright All articles remain the copyright of IEUA-QNT. Permission must be obtained before reprinting. ABN: 74 662 601 045
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Queensland Independent Education Union (QIEU) to be held at The Christie Centre, 320 Adelaide Street, Brisbane FRIDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2011 at 4PM Open to all QIEU members
President’s Report Appropriate government funding needed for all sectors of education Government funding for all sectors and levels of education is essential for quality education and ultimately for the support of a diverse and inclusive society. At the end of August the Gonski Panel for the Review of Funding for Schooling released an interim report and also released four research papers it had commissioned. While the Review Panel will make its recommendations to Parliament later this year, these recommendations will need to be considered by the government before they implement legislative change. This legislation will then need to be considered, debated and passed by both houses of federal parliament. Many IEUA-QNT members and Chapters have made submissions to the funding review but it is now
important that we meet our local parliamentary members and provide them with an understanding of the essential role that adequate funding has to our school. The politicians who make these decisions about our school funding need to be clearly informed of the various programmes and projects that are at risk and ultimately about the diverse education that government funding supports, including the employment of services staff, school officers and teachers. I recently had the pleasure of being on “roster” at my sons kindergarten when my own school was on holidays during the exhibition week. It was wonderful for me to be able to see him interact with his friends and to be able to be part of his formal education. As a secondary teacher it also gave me
The new-look website is not only visually more appealing but also offers members a more streamlined process of finding relevant information. The website offers a new dimension of member interaction by providing an avenue for
Our union has requested a review of the Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme as there is major inadequacies; it is essential that whichever level of government is implementing educational funding changes, that they hear first hand
from workers who are directly affected by these changes about the implication to their school; kindergarten, primary or secondary. Each local member needs to know how these changes will affect their local community. Thank you to those who have already made submissions to the Review of Funding for Schooling, or those who have written to the state education minister in relation to kindergarten funding. Andrew Elphinstone IEUA-QNT President
Branch Secretary’s Report Member concerns on funding heightened Members should be rightly concerned with the drift in the commentary and discussions regarding the federal funding review. Cutting through all the reports (see page 10 article) and the various political spin on funding ‘guarantees’ it is apparent that the current funding regime is in for a radical overall and significant readjustments are probable. The commentary has also shifted from the anticipated rhetoric about funding regimes for the so called elite wealthy schools and now includes all nongovernment schools with the local Catholic parish school subject to similar critical observation as much as the ‘elite’ independent school.
The realities are that all non-government schools are publically funded to a significant amount and even in high fee paying schools government funding of say 25 per cent is nevertheless significant if parents were to be called upon to make up the difference. Members will be quick to realise the implications to the level of their wages and the quality of their working conditions if schools have less government funding over time. While the federal government may claim no school will receive fewer dollars out of this review they are not prepared to commit to indexed increases over time for schools which might fall outside new funding formulas.
Visit our new look website IEUA-QNT members can keep up-to-date on the latest professional and industrial issues, news, campaigns, collective bargaining updates and branch meeting dates at our newly designed website.
a greater insight into the demands placed on kindergarten teachers. Queensland kindergarten teachers already have the longest contact time of a teacher in an educational setting, with 27.5 contact hours per week. The “15 hour” model will require additional teaching hours in community kindergartens and will result in additional labour costs. Regrettably some kindergartens have not negotiated a contemporary federal agreement which reflects the greater hours of contact and remunerate teachers with pay and/ or time release.
members to network and share information through comment sections on relevant campaign web pages. Members will also be able to receive information and communicate with our union using social media platforms Facebook and using the Twitter username @IEUAQNT. Both members from Queensland and the Northern Territory are now integrated on the one website where members will find relevant information on specific issues pertaining to their specific branch area and sector. Member
communications and publications can also now be more easily viewed with the introduction of a flipbook for reading union newsletters and union journal The Independent Voice. Potential members will also be able to join as a member of IEUA-QNT online, as well as access branch meeting dates via an online interactive calendar. So check out the changes to the new-look IEUA- QNT website today by visiting
Schools may be able to sustain current wages and conditions on current funding levels but members will find it all the more difficult to improve their wages and conditions overtime if a school’s funding does not improve over time. Committees of review such as the Gonski review may make recommendations but they do not make decisions. Making decisions rests with governments. The member delegations to members of the federal parliament take on an ever sharper importance in light of these developments and member action and representation to government generally similarly so. Our member delegations to members of parliament will commence shortly
and those members who have taken on this role are especially commended. However, every member can play a role in advocating for quality education and quality wages and conditions in our sector. I look forward to your involvement in our campaign to protect quality in our sector. It promises to be a long and challenging engagement. Kind regards, Terry Burke IEUA-QNT Secretary
The Independent Voice
October 2011
IEUA-QNT Chapters support Fiji workers’ rights IEUA-QNT members have overwhelmingly expressed their concerns in a postcard campaign against the Fiji military regime’s ongoing attacks on workers’ rights. Members have taken action in support of unionists in Fiji by sending postcards to Commodore of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces Bainimarama, calling on him to: • cease the arbitary detention of critics and activists and to drop the charges against President of the Fiji Trade Union Congress Daniel Urai; • repeal the Public Emergency Regulation and allow for peaceful assembly and freedom of expression; • restore the industrial protections of the Employment Relations Promulgation 2007 to civil servants; and • repeal the Essential National Industries Employment Decree and restore freedom of union association to workers in Fiji. Co-ordinated rallies were also held in September in Sydney and Canberra to protest the suppression of workers’ rights. The rallies were also held to show solidarity to unionists facing charges of allegedly breaching anti-union laws by holding a meeting with workers to discuss upcoming enterprise bargaining
ECE new
negotiations. Recently Daniel Urai appeared in the Nadi Magistrates Court, alongside union organiser Nitin Gounder, after their arrest for merely having met with and advised union members about collective negotiations with hotel management. Australian unions have condemned the arrest and subsequent court hearing, as a violation of the rights of trade unions and Fiji’s international obligations. A delegation from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has also travelled to Fiji to investigate serious allegations of human and worker rights violations. The harassment of trade unionists is a violation of ILO Declaration of Fundamental Priniciples and Rights at Work. The Fiji military regime has a long consistent history of attacking workers’ rights.
Workers in Fiji are still subject to intimidation and threats for standing up for their rights. IEUA-QNT calls on the Bainimarama government to restore workers’ rights by revoking the draconian Essential National
Industries (Employment) Decree, and to hold democratic elections. ABOVE: Employees at St Sebastian’s Catholic Primary School, Yeronga show their support towards their Fijian colleagues by signing postcards expressing their concerns
IEUA Supports
Dem Huocracy for Fiji
man Rights in Fiji
Future of community kindys
highlighted to state Minister for Education Queensland government Minister for Education and Training, Cameron Dick, has considered early childhood education members concerns about the future of community kindergartens in a meeting with union representatives in September. The potential for increased fees in community kindergartens, the requirement for teachers to work additional hours and the duration of an educational kindergarten programme was highlighted to the Minister as concerns for ECE members. Minister Dick was informed that the Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme (KFS)
remains inadequate and has the potential to result in the closure of a number of kindergartens and a decrease in the affordability of kindergarten education provided through community kindergartens. Typically a community kindergarten would face a shortfall in funding equal to $400 per child per year under this scheme and could thus be beyond the financial means of some families. The fundamental flaw in the KFS is that it fails to also take into account additional labour costs associated with the introduction of the 15 hour universal access model. The requirement that community
School Officer Day School officers across Queensland will be recognised for their skills, professionalism and commitment to education in schools on 19 October, as part of IEUA-QNT’s annual School Officer Day.
In July it published a Decree that, if enacted, would violate international law and Fiji’s human rights obligations with the removal of freedom of speech through control of media. These Decrees give absolute powers to the Fijian regime with the rights and terms of employment of workers having been rendered meaningless.
kindergartens must offer two 15 hour programs, resulting in 30 contact hours per week from 2012, would result in a workload increase of 9 per cent if the one teacher provides both programmes and an increase in excess of 8 per cent per teacher if two teachers shared the workload. During the meeting Minister Dick was informed that it was the policy position of employees, and the IEUA-QNT on their behalf, that employees should not be required to perform additional work without additional recompense or reward. Any additional hours would need to be handled by either additional remuneration for existing
employees, or the engagement of additional staff. As both options would result in additional labour costs for community kindergartens, an improved increase in the quantum of funding to not only cover the additional costs, but also to guarantee that ECE employees receive appropriate wages and conditions would be needed by the state government. IEUA-QNT will continue to seek commitment from the government to appropriately recognise the early childhood education sector and its employees through adequate levels of funding.
School Officer Day is designated by the IEUA-QNT each October to give schools in the non-government education sector the opportunity to recognise the important contribution school officers make in supporting quality education in our state. IEUA-QNT members are encouraged to host a celebratory morning tea on the day to thank school officers for their efforts in enriching the excellent education experience of our students. The celebration day also serves as a timely reminder of the many enhancements to wages and working conditions school officers achieve through union collective bargaining and that, both industrially and professionally, school staff are indeed stronger together. Members are encouraged to take photos of their Chapter celebrating School Officer Day and to email these to IEUAQNT Publications Officer/ Journalist Fiona Stutz at for inclusion in the journal.
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Members in Action School officers support recognition campaign IEUA-QNT school officers have overwhelmingly supported the ‘Recognise, Reclassify and Reward’ campaign during School Officer Action Week by formally lodging requests for reclassification with their employers to ensure wage justice and appropriate recognition for their contribution to schools.
Chapters also undertook a range of activities during the School Officer Action Week in support of their school officer members, including wearing campaign stickers, holding chapter meetings to ensure employers were aware of their responsibilities to correctly classify school officer positions and encouraging school officers to join IEUAQNT as a member. IEUA-QNT organiser Susan O’Leary said many school officers have attended union training sessions as part of the campaign and have gained valuable insight into how accurate position descriptions are written. “Armed with this knowledge school officers
have acted to ensure their positions are reclassified accordingly and are recognised with remuneration reflecting their range of diverse skills, qualifications and experience,” she said.
S ch
During the action week school officers collectively lodged formal requests for reclassification of their school officer positions, where their revised position description points to a higher level of responsibility, autonomy and complexity.
ABOVE: Trinity Anglican School in Cairns school officers Kathy Hennigan, Louise Puddle, Sandra Stone, Judy Ferns, Steve Blacklow and Clare Minchin celebrate School Officer Action Week at the end of August
l Officers
By taking part in the action week activities, school officers let their employer know there is widespread support for the role of school officers to be recognised, reclassified where appropriate and rewarded for their skills and contributions. IEUA-QNT members across the state will continue to highlight the school officer campaign by recognising the skills, professionalism and commitment of school officers as part of our union’s annual School Officer Day on 19 October.
ABOVE: Members at Ryan Catholic College Junior Campus take part in a Chapter meeting as part of the Recognise, Reclassify and Reward school officer campaign
Schools will host a celebratory morning tea on the day to thank school officers for their efforts in enriching the excellent education experience of our students.
ABOVE: Margaret Nugent, Judy Bell and Alicia Nieminen from Ryan Catholic College recognise the importance of the school officer campaign ABOVE: Carol Baines, Kim O’Hare and Kathy Webb from Brigidine College with Sue Lancaster from Clairvaux MacKillop College attend school officer training in Brisbane
RIGHT: Krystine Dunne from Mt Maria College and Joanne Wilcock from Mt Maria College with Anne Dun from Somerville House
ABOVE: School officers (back) Brooke Zande, Margaret Coombes, (front) Jo Miller, Gayle Kemp and Bronwyn Hicks from Marist College Ashgrove
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Members in Action Early childhood employees keep up-to-date on issues in education Early childhood education members from Mackay and Cairns were given the opportunity to become better informed about changes which may affect their working lives and conditions at recent ECE Network meetings. IEUA-QNT Senior Industrial Officer John Spriggs was on hand to provide information and to answer questions regarding the introduction of the 15 hours of an educational programme from 2012, new funding arrangements for kindergartens and the importance of having a contemporary collective agreement in their centres. Mr Spriggs highlighted to members the inadequacies of the current Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme due to its potential to result in the closure of a number of kindergartens and a decrease in the affordability of kindergarten education provided through community kindergartens. “The fundamental flaw in the KFS is that it fails to also take into account additional labour costs associated with the introduction of the 15 hour universal access model.
IEUA-QNT continues to campaign on behalf of our members to ensure employees should not be required to perform additional work without additional recompense or reward,” he said. Members also agreed on the benefits of all centres having a contemporary
collective agreement to protect their current conditions. “Without an contemporary federal agreement, kindergartens will default to an older state agreement which will pose a real danger to members as they will be disadvantaged by the old state
agreement due to wage rates that are out-of-date and the cancellation of some entitlements.” He said our union were more than happy to provide the necessary assistance to reach an agreement with every kindergarten committee.
ABOVE and BELOW RIGHT: Cairns ECE members learn more about the issues that affect their sector during a recent ECE Kindergarten Network meeting LEFT: IEUA-QNT members from Mackay listen to IEUA-QNT Senior Industrial Officer John Spriggs (right) during a recent ECE meeting
Member campaigns in focus during Charters Towers branch meeting IEUA-QNT members from Charters Towers have gained valuable insights into current IEUA-QNT member-led campaigns during a recent branch area meeting. Members were eager to find out how they could support current campaigns such as how they could recognise their school officers and how to appropriately implement Workplace Health and Safety mechanisms in their schools. Other workplace issues that
were discussed during the meeting included:
opinions and concerns about issues affecting their schools.
• collective bargaining in the Anglican, Lutheran and Catholic education sectors; • Catholic PAR Working Party interim report; • school funding; and • the implementation of the National Curriculum in regional schools.
“Though these members work in a regional community they are still affected by education issues; by attending area branch meetings members can not only learn more about current union campaigns and how they can be actively involved, but also they can listen first-hand to the issues affecting their colleagues throughout other schools in the region,” Patrick said.
IEUA-QNT organiser Patrick Meikle said the area branch meeting gave members the opportunity to play an active part in union campaigns and to voice their
“Members who attended the meeting also took the opportunity to farewell
Staff Representative at All Souls St Gabriels School, Russell Wickson (photo centre front), who was leaving Charters Towers to head back to the Gold Coast.”
ABOVE: IEUA-QNT members from the Charters Towers branch keep up to date on important education issues during a recent branch meeting
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Assistant General Secretary’s Report
Charter for Working Queenslanders The Queensland Council of Unions’ Charter for Working Queenslanders is a positive social, industrial and economic agenda that will benefit more than two million working Queenslanders and their families.
maintaining an adequate workers’ compensation scheme.
• Delivers services in partnership with its workforce and unions.
We must value the lives and livelihoods of Queensland’s workers through:
Fairer workplaces
Focusing on four key areas, the Charter steps out the priority policies and commitments that will provide ongoing direct benefits for workers, their families and communities.
• Implementing and enforcing the highest standards of occupational health and safety; and
Skills training and industry growth As Queensland continues to grow and our economy diversifies there is an increased opportunity to build a stronger, better, fairer society. Effort must be invested to support Queensland’s industries in building a workforce that can respond to the many emerging needs of our state. Attracting, retaining and increasing the number of apprentices and trainees is vital for Queensland’s economic future. Government must ensure adequate funding for our young workers to receive the best in training and education. We must ensure our workforce is skilled and capable of meeting future needs through: • Supporting partnerships between unions, industry and government to address skills shortages in building Queensland; and • Delivering the workforce of the future and addressing skill shortages by investing in local training and education and workforce planning. Safety at work Queenslanders expect and deserve the highest standards of occupational health and safety, as well as proper compensation for those injured in the course of their work. Our standards must reflect the complexity and dangers of many Queensland workplaces, as well as
• Maintaining and improving high standards of workers’ compensation for injured workers. Delivery of quality infrastructure and services, such as health and education
Fundamental to the interests of Queensland working families is a demonstrated commitment to fair industrial relations. Equity, opportunity and fairness at work must be central principles in workplaces across all sectors – both public and private. We must build a stronger economy through a fairer industrial relations system that:
The QCU will also use these pre-election interviews and commitments to hold candidates and MPs to account on the key issues contained in the Charter. The Charter for Working Queenslanders will be officially launched as part of a Week of Action in Townsville from 17 to 21 October. Queensland unions will be in Townsville for the week to meet with members, politicians, community leaders and local media to get the word out about the Charter and why it’s so important to working families.
• Treats workers with respect; Queensland is Australia’s m o s t regionalised state.
On Tuesday 18 October at 4pm a combined meeting of the Queensland Teachers’ Union and IEUA-QNT members will be held about performance pay at the Townsville Yacht Club (1 Plume Street).
“Equity, opportunity and fairness
at work must be central principles
With so many workers and families living in regional a r e a s , continued planning and development of infrastructure and services in building our regions is vital for Queensland’s prosperity and growth.
in workplaces across all sectors – both public and private.
The QCU bel i eves t hat t he government should sustain investment in all regions of our state to build and enhance infrastructure that is publicly funded, publicly built and publicly maintained. We must commit to funding and developing a stronger public sector that: • Builds and enhances infrastructure in all regions of Queensland;
• Keeps pace with contemporary industrial relations issues; and • Guarantees increases in real wages to absorb living costs. The Charter is, in essence, our union movement’s agenda for a better Queensland. In a significant departure from the way the QCU has done politics in the past, the purpose of the Charter is to clearly articulate (in advance of an election) unions’ expectations of any future state government - whatever the political party.
• Meets the needs of the community by investing in world-leading health, education and social services for all Queenslanders;
In the lead-up to the state election, unions will take responsibility for interviewing candidates of all parties to get their views on the priority areas contained in the Charter.
• Provides high quality public services by allocating sufficient staff and other resources to meet demand; and
The responses from these candidates will be shared with union members, to assist them to make an informed decision at the ballot box.
All IEUA-QNT members are very welcome to come along and participate in this forum discussion.
Queensland working families cannot be taken for granted and our union movement’s agenda ignored. If you are interested in getting Queensland unions’ agenda for working families back up front and centre with our politicians ahead of the next state election, we’d love you to get involved in this campaign by: • Volunteering to be part of a member delegation to visit your local MP and aspiring candidates and talk to them about why the issues in the Charter are important (email if you can help); • Visiting the website to find out more; • Signing up to support the Charter and to receive updates about its progress; • Showing your support to your family and friends by ‘liking’ the Charter on Facebook.
Other important union activities in that week will include Stolen Wages meetings with claimants in both Townsville and Palm Island, Climate Action Youth event at James Cook University campus and more. Get involved! The last few years has seen the current state government go head-to-head with unions over many issues (most notably the privatisation of state assets and the ensuing ‘Queensland – Not for Sale’ campaign) impacting on Queensland working families in the city and the bush - without due regard for communication, consultation or meaningful negotiation.
Ros McLennan Assistant General Secretary *Acknowledgement to the Queensland Council of Union for the materials contained in this article
MEMBERS MEETING CALENDAR METRO/NORTH METRO: • North Metro Branch meeting 20 October, 4pm, Bracken Ridge Tavern • Metro Branch meeting 26 October, Venue tbc BAYSIDE/LOGAN/ MORETON: • Bayside Branch meeting 12 October, 4pm, Belmont Tavern
4pm, Pacific Hotel, Yeppoon
2 November, 4pm, Mayfair Motel
conference dinner 5pm to 7pm)
SUNSHINE COAST: • Branch meeting 19 October, 4pm, Chancellor Tavern
WIDE BAY: • Wide Bay Branch meeting 20 October, 4pm, QCU Bundaberg • Fraser Coast Area meeting 9 November, 4pm, White Lion Hotel, Maryborough
TOWNSVILLE: • Women Educators Union Conference 11 October, 8:30am (for registration), Seagulls Resort, Townsville (includes post
DARWIN: • Darwin Area Regional Organising meeting 17 November, 4pm, Darwin Railway Club
CENTRAL QUEENSLAND: • Branch meeting 26 October,
EMERALD: • Emerald Area meeting
• Logan Branch meeting 13 October, 4pm, Venue tbc • Moreton Branch meeting 17 October, 3:30pm, Ipswich RSL
To find out more about the latest branch meetings and training dates for your local area, please visit our website
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Assistant General Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
Re-Union Your Chapter for Collective Bargaining Recently across Queensland members of our union took part in a series of one day training sessions entitled Re-Union Your Chapter for Collective Bargaining. Members from Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and single site schools attended to consider the demands and challenges for them in regard to collective bargaining which was occurring or about to occur in their respective sites or sectors. Members attending the training day examined membership, membership density, the guiding role of the Chapter Executive during collective negotiations and learnt about Fair Work Australia legislation, particularly as it pertains to collectively negotiating. Participants on the day understood that to achieve the best negotiated outcome it is necessary to have high member density with members who are involved in and knowledgeable of the process, working collectively to achieve a desired outcome. It was understood that the achievement of desired outcomes can be gained through strategic planning and relevant strategic action. The necessity of active communication structures was something highlighted by members at this training. Participants developed a broad understanding of what constitutes support and industrial action in regard to collective negotiations, coming to understand the reasons for different collective actions and
For these participants it became apparent that the process of replacing an old or developing a new collective agreement is multifaceted and exciting and that member engagement in the process, from the very start and beyond, is vital. Initially members critiqued their current working conditions, as well as the benchmarks that exist in the wider educational environment and looked ahead to changing conditions that are or are going to impact upon them industrially and professionally. Through this critical process, fundamental claims are formulated and justified so that members and their representatives at the negotiating table can substantiate and convincingly negotiate their posited positions. Then the process of negotiation itself begins which is demanding and may be lengthy.
and balloted by employees before being lodged after a successful ballot, with the relevant industrial authority. The development, negotiation and endorsement of a log of claims and resultant collective agreement is not merely an end in itself, but rather a means to an end - a part of an ongoing cyclical process. Once a collective agreement has been endorsed and successfully lodged in Fair Work Australia or other relevant jurisdiction, the effective implementation and realisation of that agreement in the workplace has to be achieved. A new collective agreement by its very nature and intent brings about a number of significant changes to workplace conditions. Members need to be actively engaged to see that such change is implemented and is effectively implemented in accordance with the intent and regulation encapsulated in the collective agreement.
Negotiating a condition into a collective agreement, however, does not necessarily mean that it is realised in the workplace as intended by the agreement. Effective implementation demands the right engagement and goodwill of employees and employers and their representatives. Such obligations apply to both employees and employer. It is only as members interact in a dynamic way with their collective agreement and real world work experience/environment that the agreed conditions are manifested. This can be achieved by members working together with the collective agreement and the school administration. It is in this working together that issues can be addressed and advice provided regarding matters arising directly or indirectly from the collective agreement.
Once the collective agreement is lodged with and approved by Fair Work Australia the ongoing task of implementation of the agreement begins and continues throughout the life of the agreement. The collective agreement is a means and not an end. The process of developing a new or replacement collective agreement is exciting and challenging and calls on all members to be involved so that the best outcomes are achieved. It is also a chance for a union chapter to be re-unionised through collective bargaining. Paul Giles Assistant General Secretary/ Treasurer
Negotiation is a period of time and a process that demands full member engagement. The need for established networks, regular Chapter meetings, involved discussion and a sense of solidarity and willingness to be involved in action that will enliven just and fair claims is a crucial commitment for all involved during this period. Once the negotiations are completed, the draft document is considered
ABOVE: IEUA-QNT members from Cairns at their recent ‘Re-Union Your Chapter for Collective Bargaining’ training
• general advice and templates for whole school, year level and unit overview planning; • advice on time allocations and entitlement; • multiple year level advice and exemplars of year plans and unit overviews; • exemplars to support whole of schools and year level planning in English, mathematics and science P-10; • mapping of Australian and Queensland Curriculum; • Exemplars of unit overviews for English, mathematics and science P-10; and
professional development modules on the QSA website shortly.
Professional development Teachers can learn more about the recently-developed QSA resources and receive valuable advice on implementing the Australian Curriculum by attending QSA Australian Curriculum workshops. For teachers unable to attend, a suite of self-paced professional development modules in available on the QSA website. These modules include introductory information, resource reviews and discipline-specific information for English, mathematics and science.
• advice and resources to support assessment, the use of standards and reporting using the Australian and Queensland Curriculums; • initial advice on managing learning areas in P-2; and • history exemplars for whole school, year level and unit overview planning.
The content of the modules is adapted from QSA’s face-to-face professional development workshops. Further content will be added to the online
Resources available soon include:
The QSA provide:
• Curriculum audit tools. Resources are available on the QSA website at html
Education and training is a billion dollar industry in Australia.
The Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) is continually developing new resources to support the implementation of the Australian Curriculum.
QSA Australian Curriculum resources
the messages that such actions convey to employers, the wider public and members.
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The Australian Curriculum QSA workshop schedule for Term 4 and online discussion forum is available at These workshops will target lower secondary teachers and focus on the learning area specific curriculum content and assessment for English, mathematics and science.
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The Independent Voice
October 2011
Northern Territory News Negotiations continue in Lutheran sector The onus is on Lutheran employers to respond to alternate positions put forward by employees to resolve the outstanding issues remaining after the recent Single Bargaining Unit (SBU) meeting in early September.
• Payment of equivalent salary rates T1-T9 on those delayed dates; • Imposition of certain requirements to access T8 and T9, and limited tenure, unlike the public sector where incremental access exists for T8 and T9.
Employee representatives understand that their role in negotiations is not only to represent employees faithfully but also to give consideration to legitimate employer concerns.
Employee representatives advised employers that employees were generally accepting of the delayed pay dates in consideration of the schools’ finances.
Employee representatives therefore tabled alternative positions on the outstanding matters for consideration of employers. These alternative positions are consistent with employee concerns but are also attentive to employer concerns. The most significant outstanding issue is a wages position. The employer position on teacher salaries has three major elements: • Delayed payment dates in comparison to the public sector;
However, experienced teachers did not sit comfortably with the imposition of requirements at T8 and T9 or the lack of an equivalent salary rate as in the public sector for Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers. As a compromise on wages, employee representatives proposed that on the basis of the employee acceptance of the delayed pay dates, the employer withdraw the requirements (including limited tenure) of T8 and T9; with the
ABOVE: Denise McDonnell and Kym Ritchie from Livingwaters Lutheran School, Alice Springs, are part of the Lutheran employee negotiation team for Lutheran sector negotiations
accreditation requirements to teach in Lutheran schools remaining. The current employer proposed T9 requirements could be assigned to the public sector equivalent Highly
Collective bargaining updates The Essington School The Essington School employee representatives have expressed their concerns about a late amendment to the employer position on the teacher hours of duty clause.
Furtado said the addition of the extra phrase to the clause essentially means employees will have more contact time per week which is inconsistent with what was previously agreed.
Despite an hours of duty clause previously being agreed to, the employer has now proposed an alteration to the hours of duty clause that would result in teachers working a full hour of additional contact time per week.
“The lack of respect for the negotiating process from the employer sits awkwardly against a number of positions where the employer has made significant and far-reaching enhancements to wages and conditions,” Camille said.
Though many positive improvements in conditions have been agreed to in previous SBU meetings, members are now dismayed that the proposed alteration by employer representatives would result in teachers working a full hour of additional contact time per week. IEUA-QNT organiser Camille
“Employee representatives have made it clear that they want to see resolution of an agreement so employees can firstly consider it, then vote on it and if endorsed receive the many benefits in the agreement.”
The employer proposes to
The Chapter will meet in the new term to consider appropriate action if the employer amendment remains.
The latest draft agreement contains many clauses which represent
Pending the review of the document, employee and employer representatives will meet to finalise negotiations prior to a proposed ballot in Term 4.
remove a number of provisions which would undermine employee rights by arguing that a number of matters should be treated as school policy outside the agreement. The employer has also threatened to delay enhancements to wages until February 2012 if an agreement cannot be reached by December.
While it is very disappointing that the employer has seemingly attempted to pre-empt SBU procedure in this manner, our union remains committed to the negotiation process and will seek formal negotiations in Term 4. The current agreement expires on 31 December this year.
Kormilda College Employees at Kormilda College are now awaiting the commencement of formal negotiations for a new collective agreement, following the circulation of an employer draft replacement agreement.
a positive step forward for employees, including: • enhancements to personal leave entitlements and parental leave; • a mentoring and induction clause for graduate and new employees; • a translocated teaching scale for teaching staff, bringing the school in line with changes to the NT Public Sector; • clarity around the Advanced Skills Teacher process; • a new classification structure for school officers; and • clear terminology to describe employment categories in letters of appointment.
Accomplished teacher rate for introduction no earlier than January 2013. The onus is now on employer representatives if they truly
want a negotiated agreement to provide further alternate positions if the employee proposals are unacceptable. The next SBU meeting is scheduled to be held on 1 November.
Survey to address remote housing issues A survey will be sent to remote area members in Term 4 to ensure quality provisions for members across the Northern Territory. Through a variety of consultative measures including organiser visits and teleconferences, a number of concerns regarding remote area accommodation and conditions have emerged. An issue of considerable importance for remote area members, which was initially raised through member teleconferences, is the condition of remote area housing provided by employing authorities. While employers have done much to improve housing provision over recent years the survey will identify remaining deficiencies. As a response to members’ concerns, IEUA-QNT has developed a remote housing survey. The questions will cover a range of topics, such as: • quality and condition of housing; • functionality of share arrangements; • possibility of Asbestos material in structures; and • identifying the need for improved repair maintenance. The results of this survey will allow our union to best address the needs of our remote area members and take action. The remote housing survey initiative, along with the quarterly teleconferences, has allowed our union to effectively respond to the needs of isolated members. The survey responses will determine the current status of housing in remote communities and be collated and discussed at the next Remote Area teleconference in November. If you would like to be involved in the next teleconference, or receive more information regarding the survey, please contact union organiser Camille Furtado at .
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Sector Matters Shafston International College Concerns regarding conditions at Shafston International College, in particular payments of superannuation entitlements, have seen members acting collectively to ensure that legislated and negotiated conditions are being met. Members at the college held two Chapter meetings recently to authorise a times and wages inspection to be conducted. Under the Fair Work Act members
can authorise their union to require an employer to provide wage records for the purposes of ensuring correct entitlements are being made. After receiving the relevant member records, IEUA-QNT reviewed each record to ensure the accuracy of calculations. IEUA-QNT are now working with members and superannuation funds to ensure that all superannuation payments
Browns have been paid to employees. Lead organiser Nick Holliday said the Chapter at the college used its networks and contact people to great effect in educating and activating membership on this important issue. “Members can now have confidence that any irregularities in their entitlements will be identified and corrected; this is the benefit of being a union member.”
Annandale Christian College Members at Annandale Christian College, Townsville have successfully negotiated enhancements to their wages and conditions including a four per cent wage increase for the life of the four year agreement and a new Positions of Added Responsibility structure. In the new federal agreement paid maternity leave for employees has increased from the base provision of seven weeks plus an additional week for each year of service to a maximum of 14 weeks, with the ability to take this at half pay double time. Members can also now access an increase in paid bereavement leave to
three days, as well as access to a new provision for Leave Without Pay (LWOP) for study or sabbatical leave. The agreement also sets out an extended eligibility for Leading Teacher, provides greater clarity around teachers’ hours of duty and retains all Award entitlements and provisions. IEUA-QNT organiser Wendy Hutchinson said the College’s previous agreement was an outdated state agreement from 2003. “With a new comprehensive agreement members can be happy that their wages and conditions are now consistent with what the majority of non-government
school employees also enjoy,” Wendy said. Enhanced processes have also been added around: • A formal review of unsatisfactory performance; • Establishment of a Joint Consultative Committee; • Professional Development access for both teachers and school officers; • Implementation of Workplace Health and Safety guidelines; • Limits on class sizes; • Complaints against employees; and • Reclassification and additional steps for school officers.
ECE students given insight into teaching profession Early childhood education university students were given an insight into the teaching profession during the recent James Cook University Cairns Campus Professional Orientation Week. The orientation week provided an opportunity for IEUA-QNT to present to the students what it is like for a teacher in their first year of teaching.
Bargaining for a collective agreement at Browns has stalled after the employer refused to negotiate in good faith. Following a hearing at Fair Work Australia an order was handed down directing Browns management to recommence bargaining for a collective agreement in good faith. “Collective bargaining is extremely important for me and my colleagues as it gives us the opportunity to have a genuine discussion about a new agreement and our wages and conditions,” IEUA-QNT member and Browns employee Judith White said. Members at the college look forward to the upcoming bargaining meeting to continue to advance discussions.
C&K negotiations Early childhood education members in Creche and Kindergarten Association (C&K) centres have asked for maintenance of wage relativity, retention of current conditions and further assistance with administrative functions as part of negotiations for a new collective agreement. At the recent negotiating meeting in September, C&K employer representatives agreed to consider an undertaking to maintain wage relativity in line with what is paid to teachers in state schools. While this commitment is to be commended, the employer has unfortunately sought the diminution of paid parental leave provisions employees currently enjoy. In the existing collective agreement employees can access six weeks paid leave on top of the government’s 18 weeks paid parental leave. However, the employer has proposed the deletion of the six weeks paid parental leave altogether due to employees’ access to the government leave; such a diminution of conditions will not be accepted by members and will be challenged at the next negotiations meeting in October.
ABOVE: IEUA-QNT organiser Patrick Meikle (left) with final year on-line early childhood education teachers from around Australia attend the JCU Campus Professional Orientation Week recently
Students were informed on important issues such as: • legal and professional issues confronting beginning teachers; • clarification of Queensland College of Teachers’ Professional Standards and Registration requirements; • Principals’ expectations in their first year of teaching; and • how to seek employment in the independent and Catholic sectors. IEUA-QNT organiser Patrick Meikle said final year students were often unaware of what they will face in their first year of teaching as well as the many and varied employment opportunities that exist in the non-government education sector, ranging from kindergarten teachers through to secondary schools across a wide range of employers. “An important part of the day is also
pointing out the important role that a strong union Chapter plays in supporting beginning teachers during a very challenging part of their teaching career – starting out,” Patrick said. Understanding the benefits of union membership, the majority of students decided to join as associate members of IEUA-QNT on the day. The orientation week also involved an intensive program of workshops and lectures to provide students with the opportunity to experience a wider sense of the teaching profession, through presentations by prospective employers and principals. Students were also able to seek information and ask questions in relation to their future teaching careers.
Professional Experience Coordinator (Early Childhood Online) at JCU, Natalie Albon, said approximately 80 students attended the orientation week, of whom 25 were Bachelor of Education Early Childhood students who study externally online. “Many of these students were based outside the Cairns and Townsville regions, with the week providing their first visit to the university,” she said. Other topics of presentations at the orientation week also included: • strategies for teaching and working in Indigenous communities; • essential skills for classroom management; and • introduction to student protection policy training.
Members have also identified a continuing growth in ‘other’ work requirements, such as interviews, information evenings, newsletters and portfolios, contributing to an increase in workload. Members have asked that further assistance to deal with the increase in administrative functions should be considered by the employer.
To find out more about collective agreements, collective bargaining, negotiations and what is happening in your sector, visit
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Review of Funding for Schooling: Gonski’s panel to consider commissioned reports The time is fast approaching for the completion of the Review of Funding for Schooling which has been undertaken by a Panel of “eminent Australians,” chaired by David Gonski. As part of the Review, the Panel commissioned four research reports which were released in August. While the Panel asserts that the reports should not be “read as suggesting the direction the review is taking” or “supported or endorsed by the panel,” it is important to be aware of the views and recommendations that are being put so strongly to the Panel.
Allen Consulting Group report The Allen Consulting Group was commissioned to “examine the feasibility of a schooling resource standard (SRS) {Final Report: p vi.} This report outlines a number of benefits and potential applications of a SRS. These include: • linking funding to outcomes and improvement in accountability by providers; • capacity to adjust funding levels to meet differing needs of individuals and communities; • transparency; and • can be used for public reporting so that organisations can improve their performance and users of services can make informed choices. It goes on to acknowledge that “Application of a resource standard to Australian schooling is influenced by a number of contextual factors {p vi.}” These influences include: • Learning takes place over many years; • Teaching is far more complex than the delivery of other human services and is more difficult to link funding to outcomes at a particular point in time; • Effect of inherent student characteristics; and • Contextual differences for schools. The Report states that the Average Government School Recurrent Costs (AGSRC) “has a number of limitations as the basis for a sustainable and transparent school resourcing measure,” citing the “vastly different characteristics and student cohorts” for the schools from which the AGSRC is derived.
NOUS group report In the report by the NOUS group, ‘Schooling Challenges and Opportunities’, the authors identify six areas for a policy and funding focus to deliver the most benefit to schools and students. These areas include: • Teacher quality and improved
The Report proposes a ‘National Schooling Recurrent Resource Standard’ (NSRRS). Under this model a NSRRS could be used to: • underpin resource allocation to individual schools; • underpin a student entitlement funding model for schools; • provide a more reliable and relevant benchmark against which costs and outcomes for schools and school systems can be assessed; • assist in identifying investment requirements for school education; and • be used by the Australian government to guide its contribution to both government and nongovernment school funding as a replacement for the AGSRC measure. However, it also says that a NSRRS “in conjunction with loadings, could identify both standard and differential costs and link these to the achievement of educational outcomes.” These “loadings” would be applied “to assist students with specific needs to achieve specified outcomes” and to “reflect higher costs faced by schools with certain characteristics;” for example, those in remote locations (p viii.) This model of NSRRS relates resources to outcomes such as literacy and numeracy and retention and completion rates, among others. The report proposes a model that uses a “two-stage Process for assessing schooling outcomes for the purpose of estimating a NSRRS and loadings.” This would comprise “using NAPLAN data in relation to numeracy and literacy to
teaching; • Ensuring the right external standards and governance; • Regional-level collaboration and networked schools; • Support for disadvantaged students; • Investment in under-performing schools where there is a concentration
identify ‘reference schools’, where at least 80 per cent of students are achieving above the national minimum standard for their year levels across the three years 2008 to 2010; and validating NAPLAN outcomes for reference schools, by examining other data and applying professional judgment at the schoollevel. Financial data reported on the MySchool internet site would then be used to estimate the NSRRS.” This model would be a sorry day in Australian education. The notion of using the NAPLAN results on which to build funding arrangements, even though there would be other measures as well, is not something that the vast majority of teachers across the country are likely to support. The feasibility of a NSRRS is a useful paper, but significantly it fails to outline how governments should commit to meet costs of education. If we were to go to costs of schooling as measured by DEEWR, that notional benchmark would be $15,884 for secondary students. AGSRC currently is $11,393. Our union has long argued for a national benchmark to be established and for the need for governments to commit to fully funding such a benchmark. Without such a commitment to an adequate baseline standard, “fair funding” fails.
of disadvantage; and • Improving and supporting school leadership.
Deloitte Access Economic report The Deloitte Access Economics report, ‘Assessing existing funding models for schooling in Australia’, makes some pertinent comments concerning the relationship between funding model design and educational outcomes. It states that “While the evidence relating the design of funding models directly to student outcomes is weak, many… factors which have been demonstrated as …significant determinants of student outcomes can …be influenced by funding model design {p i.) Notable among these are: Teacher quality and the role of funding in “rewarding high caliber teachers,” and “supporting professional development.” According to the report optimal funding model architecture should take account of matters such as: public policy objectives; efficient cost of meeting students’ needs;“Empirical research
ACER report The fourth report, ‘Assessment of current process for targeting of schools funding to disadvantaged students,’ prepared by the Australian Council for Educational Research, provided a comprehensive overview of the complexity and challenges associated with the topic. It is impossible in this space to give a comprehensive overview of the report, but a couple of points stand out for our members. It notes that “Catholic and
Furthermore, the best results will emerge if they are used “in a comprehensive, integrated and sustainable manner” (p55).
[that]underpins funding rates and their variation across student cohorts and schooling settings, appropriate recalibration on a periodic basis, that the model is designed to keep pace with enrolments and growth in efficient service-delivery costs; and that “Optimal funding models incentivize private contributions where this is not at odds with the underlying philosophy; and at the very least do not create barriers to the procurement of private funds under appropriate circumstances.” On page 85 this point is reiterated: “Private funds contribute to the long term sustainability of the sector.” It goes on to say that “funding models should incentivize private contributions where appropriate and not inhibit the procurement of private funds in other areas via the undue withdrawal of public resources.” independent sectors have substantially fewer funds allocated per student with disabilities (p75) and that “This … is particularly problematic for the independent sector schools, which operate outside of a system framework” (p76). It suggests that “[increased] resources … to the levels provided within the government sector will help… provide better quality of services, and … re-dress the imbalance in enrolments of students with disabilities across sectors” {p76.}
Our union, both at the federal level and branch level, will engage in a critique of these reports and ensure that the voice of educational professionals in the non-government sector is heard in the forums that consider these matters.
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Legislative amendments on the way for teachers The Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 was introduced into Queensland’s Legislative Assembly on 2 August 2011.
requirements “be expanded to require reporting of suspected sexual abuse, or a risk of sexual abuse that has been or is likely to be perpetrated by any person, not just an employee of the school” (p3.)
registration in Queensland. However, the Bill also introduces “a process to enable a person convicted of a serious offence to seek, in limited circumstances, an “eligibility declaration” which, if granted, would permit them to apply for registration.
This Bill aims to strengthen the reporting of sexual abuse While many will be concerned requirements and provide for the about a requirement to report what automatic cancellation of teacher is “likely” to happen in the future, registration when a teacher is it should be noted that Queensland T h e Q u e e n s l a n d C i v i l a n d convicted of a serious offence, Education Minister Cameron Dick Administrative Tribunal would irrespective of whether also be given more the person was sentenced “The Bill proposes that these requirements ‘be power to deal with to imprisonment. teachers convicted expanded to require reporting of suspected of criminal offences sexual abuse, or a risk of sexual abuse that The ‘Explanatory Notes’ that would not has been or is likely to be perpetrated by any which accompany the result in automatic person, not just an employee of the school’.” Bill state that currently, cancellation of their staff in non-government registration. schools are required to report has stated that there will be “no suspected sexual abuse of students penalty for failing to reporting (sic) Furthermore, the tribunal would be when perpetrated by an employee the risk of harm” (Press release 15 empowered to make disciplinary of the school. July 2011) and that this is the case in orders to prohibit a person from the Bill before the Assembly. applying for registration or Non-state schools are also permission to teach, for life, or for required to have policies about the The Bill also proposes that a person a stated period. appropriate conduct of its staff and convicted of a “serious” rather wellbeing of its students to maintain than a “disqualifying offence”, QIEU has made submissions on their accreditation. irrespective of whether an order of these amendments pointing out that imprisonment has been imposed, there are significant operational All schools owe a common law will automatically have their and practical implications to the duty of care to students under which teacher’s registration cancelled. requirement to report ‘likely’ child there is a positive obligation to take abuse notwithstanding failure to all reasonable steps to minimise the Furthermore, any person who report is not to be an offence. risk of foreseeable harm (p2-3.) has been convicted of a serious offence will be prohibited IEUA-QNT Reseach Officer The Bill proposes that these f r o m a p p l y i n g f o r t e a c h e r Miriam Dunn
The Office of National School Evaluation: National School Improvement Framework In 2012-13 some 500 schools will receive reward payments as part of the National School Improvement Framework; however, there are inherent problems with singling out a number of schools to receive additional funding, rather than ensuring equitable funding for all schools. The work to establish The Office of National School Evaluation (the Office) and to develop and implement a National School Improvement Framework has been costed by the federal government Department of Finance and Deregulation as follows: $5.1 million in 2010-11; $16.9 million in 2011-12; $49.7 million in 2012-13; and, $93.0 million in 2013-14. Current announcements point to a program of reward payments to government and non-government schools which demonstrate the most improvement from year to year (Release of Costing of Election Commitment, media release 19th August 2010). These reward payments to schools would be up to $75,000 for primary schools and $100,000 for secondary schools. However, there has been little discussion of the means by which schools will be assessed.
MySchool and NAPLAN results have been suggested as elements of assessment, however, the Release of Costing of Election Commitment media release states that the Office would undertake desktop analysis of the comprehensive assessment reports and school self-analysis reports…. Clearly this implies some process of external assessment (although there are to be no school visits) and a considerable additional administrative burden on schools in the production of the self assessment. It is not clear if all schools will be required to submit such reports or be subject to external assessment or if it will only be necessary if hopeful of receiving the additional funding. It is also imperative that the process for identifying schools is released as a matter or urgency. Broad and meaningful consultation is needed which can be used to refine the concept and ensure that schools are not subjected to yet another administrative burden that will not lead to substantial overall improvement in the quality of education provided in this country.
Implementing the Australian Curriculum According to the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) update 31, the following information is based on advice provided to ACARA by jurisdictional officers. However, how does this align with what is happening in your school?
Queensland: • In 2011 teachers are to become familiar with the Foundation to Year 10 English, mathematics and science curricula by auditing and reviewing current programs and engaging with targeted professional development. Discipline-specific teacher Professional Development was
provided in English, mathematics and science in Terms 2 and 3, with history in term 4. Individual schools will run independent trials in some learning areas and levels. The Queensland Studies Authority is playing a key coordination role and has undertaken curriculum mapping
exercises and developed curriculum resources (including bridging materials to current QSA curricula). Subject specific briefings are being undertaken as well as briefings on the whole of curriculum. Cross-sectoral monthly meetings of CEOs are also being held to plan implementation.
• In 2012 English, mathematics and science will be taught in classrooms across all year levels using the Australian Curriculum. Teachers will also have the opportunity to become familiar with the new Foundation to Year 10 history curriculum.
• From 2013 history will be taught in classrooms across all levels to Year 10 using the Australian Curriculum. • All four phase 1 learning areas will be taught in classrooms across all levels to Year 10 using the Australian Curriculum from 2014.
Northern Territory: • This year 22 schools are piloting the Australian Curriculum in English, mathematics, science and history within Transition to Year 10. Piloting is occurring in English (16 schools), mathematics (18 schools), science (5 schools), history (7-10 at six schools) with an Advisory group to advise and monitor during the pilots. Planning workshops were held in
Term 1 and focus groups conducted to feedback issues to ACARA. Mapping and gap analysis will be published for teacher planning. A Getting Started package of materials will be supported by regional professional learning workshops for curriculum leaders. Teaching/Leading for Learning with the Australian Curriculum
support packages will be available in Term 4 to assist teachers to plan, teach, monitor and assess for student learning using the online Australian Curriculum. School leaders will develop a wholeschool approach to implementing the online Australian Curriculum. Cross sectoral curriculum advisory group is meeting regularly.
• In 2012 English and mathematics will be taught in classrooms in all schools. The pilots of science and history will be extended. • From 2013 science and history will be taught in classrooms
in all schools. • All four phase 1 learning areas will be taught in classrooms across all levels to Year 10 using the Australian Curriculum from 2014.
To provide feedback on what is happening in your school, email IEUA-QNT Research Officer Miriam Dunn at
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Awards for Excellence in Art Design - 2011
Parents, teachers and students gathered at the Bardon Conference Centre on 7 September to celebrate the artistic talents of Queensland school students at QIEU’s annual Excellence in Art Design awards night. Queensland-based artist Carla Zapel (pictured right) offered helpful words of advice and encouragement to the award winners, who ranged in age from pre-school students to teachers. This year entrants let their imagination run wild as they put their creative mind to work to paint, print, photograph, sculpt or combine media to capture the ideas of the theme of the awards, Forests.
Award of Excellence Highly Commended
Lucas Habermehl Abbey Moody Jae-Yeon Yi Harrison Muller Caitlin Elsden Emma Kreig
Stones Corner Kindergarten & Preschool Wynnum General Gordon Community Kindergarten Lawnton Kindergarten and Preschool Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten Association Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten Association Pittsworth Kindergarten
Megan Leafe Xavier-Paris Jolliffe-Martin Priscilla Russell Saffron Pearce Liam Viljoen Briana Dorrough James Cartwright Leon Wright
St Peter’s Primary School (Rochedale) St Peter’s Primary School (Rochedale) St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School St Finbarr’s School Glenvale Christian School (Toowoomba) Saint Stephen’s College - Coomera St Agatha’s Primary School St Oliver Plunkett School
Prep – Year 2 Award of Excellence Highly Commended
Year 3 – 4
Award of Excellence Highly Commended
Tom Leadbetter Sarah Robinson Tim van den Bosch Isabel Davis Hannah Elkin Ayla Shaw Maisie Lilienstein
St Peter’s Primary School (Rochedale) St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School Glenvale Christian School (Toowoomba) St Rita’s Primary School (Victoria Point) Our Lady of Dolours School Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School (Darra) Holy Family School (Indooroopilly)
Year 5 – 6
Award of Excellence Highly Commended
Alicia Beccaria Jake Parker-Bush Samara Welbourne Meg Killen Will Blew Richard Bolo Annabel Kennedy
Toowoomba Preparatory School St Mary’s School (Laidley) Matthew Flinders Anglican College (Buderim) Toowoomba Preparatory School St Laurence’s College St Paul’s Primary School (Woodridge) St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School
Year 7 - 8
Award of Excellence Highly Commended
Esther Peden Maddy Ryan Gabby Sachs Melanie Stubbings Madeleine Williams Gabee Ross Harrison White
Glenvale Christian School (Toowoomba) St Peter’s Primary School (Rochedale) St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School Hillcrest Christian College (Reedy Creek) St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School Lourdes Hill College Concordia Lutheran College - Redlands
Year 9 - 10
Award of Excellence Highly Commended
Lachlan Banham Luke Lennon Charlton Wu Georgina van der Woude Sofia Cerimovic Nicole Nicholson Courtney Aisthorpe Gemma Traynor
St Laurence’s College Brisbane Grammar School Brisbane Grammar School St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School Cannon Hill Anglican College The Lakes College Mt St Michael’s College St Ursula’s College (Yeppoon)
Year 11 - 12
Award of Excellence Highly Commended
Tom Gent Anastasia Nasnikova Stevyn Hodgson Lauren MacDonald Sian Laycock Silvester Pereira Leonor Gausachs
St Peter’s Lutheran College Saint Stephen’s College - Coomera Mt St Michael’s College St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School Cannon Hill Anglican College Seton College St Peter’s Lutheran College
Award of Excellence
Lisa Carsley Dowall
Lourdes Hill College
Sian Laycock
Cannon Hill Anglican College
Lucas Habermehl Stones Corner Kindergarten & Preschool “He has used a limited palette of colours which are soft and delicate but also create an effective depth of field.”
Harriet Hunter Memorial Award
Year 3 – 4 Tom Leadbetter St Peter’s Primary School
Prep - Year 2 Megan Leafe St Peter’s Primary School “Megan has created a delightful artwork which succinctly addresses the theme of the competition. Strong and vibrant and highly expressive.”
“The frog, the hero of the picture was bold and engaging with a rich backdrop of iconic rainforest forms.”
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Years 5 – 6 Alicia Beccaria Toowoomba Preparatory School “Alicia’s work showed two frogs on a branch looking at each other as though they were discussing the state of the forest. The suggested dialogue sustains an enduring engagement with this work.”
Years 7 – 8 Esther Peden Glenvale Christian School (Toowoomba)
“(Esther’s) drawing captures the magestic shapes of the forest. Well done!”
Years 11 – 12
Years 9 – 10
Tom Gent St Peter’s Lutheran College
Lachlan Banham St Laurence’s College
“This work captures forest qualities through its elaborate and sophisticated integration of form and content.”
“Such a unique perspective that captures the grandeur of the tree and its environment.”
Harriet Hunter Memorial Award In memory of a gifted and talented young teenager, Harriet Hunter, whose life was tragically taken in 1999, this award is given to a young artist whose work best captures the judge’s heart. Harriet’s father, Adrian Hunter, (right) this year presented the perpetual trophy to Sian Laycock from Cannon Hill Anglican College whose work (below left) was chosen from all award recipient entries.
Open Lisa Carsley Dowall
Lourdes Hill College
“These three sensitive rendered etchings reveal aspects of the forest environment; the pandanus on the coastal edge of the forest, the towering sentinel gums inhabited by elusive moths, the intracacies and complexities of leaf letter; all are part of the fragility and diversity of forest life.”
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Workplace Health and Safety Representatives
Entitlement to training
Workplace health and safety laws are anticipated to change on the 1 January, 2012 when Australia moves to nationally harmonised legislation.
Workplace Health and Safety Representatives (WHSRs) have an important role to play in ensuring each school provides the highest standards of safety and health to all staff and students.
The Queensland Council of Unions Health and Safety Representatives Conference will give Health and Safety Representatives an overview of the new legislation and give them the opportunity to explore how it can be used to enhance OHS in their workplaces.
However, without adequate training WHSRs cannot fulfil the role they have been given under the legislation, such as the rights to conduct workplace inspections, to report issues to the school or government inspector, or to issue Provisional Improvement Notices (PINs). An elected Workplace Health and Safety Representative is entitled to training under Clause 81 (1) (o) of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995which states:
QCU Health and Safety CLAIMER Representatives Conference
Topics will include: • New legislation for OHS (harmonisation of the WHS Act); • Industry-based workshops; and • How you can use the new legislation in your workplace to improve OHS. For more information email QCU Health and Safety Representatives Conference Thursday, 20 October from 8:30am-4pm QCU building, South Brisbane (3) clearly states: “An employer must allow a workplace health and safety representative to exercise the representative’s entitlements during the representative’s ordinary working hours.”
WHSR training will be a five day course, with a concomitant rise in the price.
This then is a argument for the Cl 81 (1) “A Workplace Health and school to provide you with the Safety Representative is entitled training this year. - …. (o) to attend a training course Therefore, WHSRs are entitled to prescribed under a regulation, do the prescribed training course Safework offers training across Queensland. The and refresher courses f o r t h e t r a i n i n g “Until 2011 the (WHSR) course is a three day c u r r e n t s c h e d u l e course, and to have training course. From 2012 the accredited of Brisbane-based courses for the all reasonable costs WHSR training will be a five day course; remainder of the year of the representative’s are for 25 October, attendance at the this is a argument for the school to 22 November and 13 courses, including provide you with training this year” December. course fees and the representative’s usual remuneration, met by the (30630QLD) at the employer’s If you are located outside the expense and during normal paid Brisbane metropolitan area, please employer.” advise your union organiser and working hours. register your interest. The ‘training course prescribed under a regulation’ is contained in Employees in schools should firstly ask to complete this training in an IEUA-QNT will liaise with Regulation 355: emailed request to the school’s Safework in arranging training to “Workplace Health and Safety Workplace Health and Safety suit in your local area. Officer, with a copy to the Representative Training Course To find out more about the training (1) For section 81 (1)(o) of the Act Principal. Safework has to offer, please visit the accredited course mentioned in T h e I E U A - Q N T s t r o n g l y subsection (2) is prescribed. (2) For subsection (1), the accredited recommends courses through course is course 30630QLD-Course Safework Queensland, the health I f y o u h a v e a n y p r o b l e m s in functioning as a workplace health and safety training arm of the with getting approval for your entitlement to attend the accredited Queensland Council of Unions. and safety representative.” WHSR training set out under the If there is any doubt about your Until 31 December 2011 the course Workplace Health and Safety Act, entitlement to training during is a three day training course; please contact your union organiser normal working hours, Clause 81 however, from 2012 the accredited at
“I love teaching but...” I’d love it more if I could: N 8 a 8 ±a8 X mma±a Oa ¼ Ê ´¼ÁXa ¼´ N ,a8O| X´ È| È8 ¼ ¼ a8± N a8Ça ¼|a FÁ±a8ÁO±8OÊ Fa| X N Ê paÉ F a È ± t | Á±´ X Á¼ | È Ê Á O8 È Ê Á± È ± ma´´ 8 FÁ´ a´´ mÁ Ê ´Á ±¼aX FÊ ¼|a È ± X a8Xa± aXÁO8¼ Oa ¼±a´¡ Area Developers/Franchisees Lisa and Ian Kerr, Queensland
Email Ian Kerr 8¼ or visit X a U
Putting safety in the spotlight
National Safe Work Australia Week puts workplace safety in the spotlight from 23 to 29 October 2011 and encourages all working Australians to get involved in and concentrate on safety in their workplace to reduce death, injury and disease. Safe Work Australia wants all working Australians to use Safe Work Australia Week to put the spotlight on safety in their workplace. More than 220 Australians die as a result of work related injuries and over 134,000 are seriously injured every year. National Safe Work Australia Week reminds us all that safety in the workplace is a country-wide priority. One of the best ways to get involved is to become a National Safe Work Australia Week Safety Ambassador. A Safety Ambassador is someone with a passion for work health and safety who is dedicated to making their workplace safer. Any working Australian who is keen to support Safe Work Australia Week can register to become a Safety Ambassador. Once registered, Ambassadors need to take the lead on safety in their workplace, drive safety messages and organise activities to support Safe Work Australia Week. What’s on and when • Zero Harm at Work Leadership Program breakfasts: Ipswich, Gold Coast, Caloundra, Gladstone, Townsville from 3 to 18 October. • Information sessions on the new nationally harmonised WHS laws: Townsville, Mackay, Gold Coast, Caloundra, Toowoomba, Gladstone, Maryborough, Bundaberg, Rockhampton, Cairns, Brisbane, Ipswich from 5 to 27 October. • Safe Work Awards: Brisbane Convention Centre on 26 October. • King George Square Breakfast: Brisbane on 28 October. For information about National Safe Work Australia Week and to register to become a Safety Ambassador visit www.safeworkaustralia.
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The Independent Voice E ON UNIT TY @ E F SA K O W R
Going to work everyday is still a dangerous business in Queensland. In 2009/2010 there were 2,843 workers compensation claims in the education sector with an average of 37.4 working days lost to each claim. Of these claimants, a staggering 8.8 per cent have not been able to return to their pre-injury position of employment. This shows that we are certainly not immune to workplace injury and the catastrophic effects it can have on employees. QIEU has managed many individual cases of workplace injury in recent years that have been serious enough to lead to either forced reduction in employment capacity or a forced resignation due to impairment. Workplace health and safety really is everyone’s business and we encourage our members to do whatever they can and should to prevent the likelihood of this happening to them or to their colleagues. Be active: Effective Consultative Mechanisms By far the most effective means of minimising risks to health and safety is to have effective communication and consultation systems in the workplace. Managers must lead by example and must always encourage a “safety-first” culture. Those staff employed as workplace health and safety advisors or officers need to be promoting open, transparent communication with staff on issues of safety. Of course, the effective operation of any Workplace Health and Safety Committee is essential to good communication and consultation in workplaces, as is ensuring there is an elected employee Health and Safety Representative (HSR) to report issues to. The role of the HSR is significant in terms of acting on safety and preventing risk as they are empowered to report issues directly to management and to take action if nothing is done to address the concerns raised. While most employers are leading by example, there are still some who prefer not to be so pro-active
October 2011
Strategies to Reduce Workplace Injury on issues of workplace health and safety, or those who place the health and safety of their employees as second to other members of the community. Many workplace health and safety issues have been raised and resolved through the effective use of the workplace health and safety committee or via their elected HSRs. This directly equates to reduced risk of harm, reduced compensation claims cost and reduced time lost on the job – making financial managers around the state jump for joy. Be informed: Resources for a Better Understanding The strategies employed across sectors to minimise risk of workplace injury are both universal and common sense. There are many resources very close at hand for employers and employees alike to tap into and gain more information and a better understanding about the issues. The Workplace Health and Safety Queensland website carries a very comprehensive range of information and resources to assist employers and employees to know their rights and obligations under the law, to help assess how safe their workplace is and to help identify and address potential hazards. Two of the pro-active programs WHSQ is running at the moment are worth having a look at: • Take 10 @ 10 – the Take 10 @ 10 information, Power Point presentations and posters on several different health and safety topics can be downloaded and are designed to encourage a quick safety discussion. http://www. education/take-10at10/index.htm • Safety Sense – Safety Sense is an innovative on-line workplace health and safety program for secondary students in years 10, 11 and 12. A quarter of workplace injuries occur with workers aged 15 – 24 and this program targets young adults to try and enhance their health and safety knowledge and awareness. Once the respective levels are completed, graduates receive Workplace Health and Safety Certificates issued by the Department of Industrial Relations.
QComp is the regulatory authority that monitors the activities of workers’ compensation insurers. QComp recognise that workplace health and safety goes hand in hand with workers’ compensation and they also have a number of resources on their website to help employers assist injured workers return to meaningful work as safely as possible ( QComp also offer the nuts and bolts statistics on work-related injuries in Queensland and offer comparisons in performance between the states and territories. QComp have produced a number of publications and online tools aimed specifically at employers encouraging them to employ best practice return to work outcomes in their workplaces when it comes to dealing with injured workers. The QComp “Better Return to Work Guide” is an invaluable resource used by all government departments and informed employers to ensure injured workers can return to safe, sustainable employment. QComp also offer assessment tools that employers and employees can use to determine how well their workplace is responding to the rehabilitation of injured workers. SafeWork is the OHS Unit of the Queensland Council of Unions. Safework is the provider of choice for IEUA-QNT in regard to workplace
health and safety training. Their website offers a range of information on training and fact sheets on both classic and contemporary workplace health and safety issues, at . In addition to the Queensland sites, there are other state and federal authorities who offer complimentary resources and are worthwhile looking at for further information including: • Safework Australia • Safework SA • NT WorkSafe As the workplace health and safety legislation harmonisation process rolls out across the states and territories, we are likely to see a consolidation of these resources which will make it even easier to get access to the information we need. Be observant: Stop. Look. Listen Workplace health and safety is not something that anyone can turn a blind eye to. Looking for hazards needs to become inherent in every aspect of work for everyone in the workplace. The message here is quite simply: if you see a hazard, or the potential for a hazard, report it.
Be responsible: Play your part Finally, and most importantly, all employees must play their part. This means everyone must comply with their obligations. For our members that means they must always ensure that the appropriate advice and direction is followed to carry out tasks in the safest possible manner. This includes always using any personal protective equipment required to carry out tasks and making sure no “short cuts” are taken to get a job done. Above all, our members must always work with safety in mind. Minimising risk to injury is the ultimate aim and if everyone does their bit, all of our workplaces will be the better for it. IEUA-QNT Industrial Services Officer Danielle Wilson
NEXT ISSUE: Putting the Healt
h back
into Health and
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Legal Briefs
Andrew Knott, Macrossans Lawyers
FALSE “SICKIES” AMOUNT TO “FRAUD” A recent decision of the English Courts is illustrative of the dangers to employees making false statements to their employer, and in particular in falsely asserting sickness (especially to receive payment) when that was not in fact true. The case in question is entitled “Patricia Howe and London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham” and is reported at http://www. html. The critical facts were: “Ms Howe commenced work for Hammersmith in April 1987 as a residential social worker, working three or four nights a week. An investigation in 1996 revealed that she had simultaneously also been working for the London Borough of Brent (‘Brent’) as a full-time teacher at a primary school. The outcome was that both Boroughs told Ms Howe that she must relinquish one job or face disciplinary proceedings. She chose to give up the Brent job. “A further investigation in 2006 revealed her, however, as again working for both Boroughs – she was again working as a teacher for Brent. It also emerged that ‘on a number of occasions when Ms Howe had reported sick to [Hammersmith] in her night work,…. she had in fact been able to work for Brent as a teacher during the day.’ On two separate occasions she was off sick for two consecutive days (which I read as meaning nights).” Hammersmith Council suspended Ms Howe and invited her to a disciplinary hearing to answer charges that she had: (a) claimed dual employment with both Boroughs after she was expressly forbidden to do so; and (b) “committed fraud by reporting sick with Hammersmith while physically attending work with Brent”. (Our underlining) This article concentrates on the alleged false claims of sickness, but the finding of the Hammersmith Council’s Assistant Director, Finance related to both matters: “…found that Ms Howe had been engaged in dual employment despite an instruction not to do so; he found too that she reported
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sick to [Hammersmith] while able to work for Brent. He considered that the allegations amounted to gross misconduct and dismissal was the appropriate sanction.” Ms Howe was subsequently dismissed and informed of her right to appeal, which she exercised. There were various levels of appeal and the matter ended in the Court of Appeal. The role of the Court of Appeal was limited to intervening if there was an error of law or jurisdiction established, rather than reviewing the matter on the merits. The Employment Tribunal had found that the investigation was thorough and fell within the range of reasonableness and that the investigators discovered the primary evidence and showed it to the decision makers. That evidence showed that “…there were occasions when she had worked for Brent during the day and had been off sick for (Hammersmith) that night”. The Court stated:
ourselves is irrelevant. We consider that a reasonable employer on these facts could have dismissed, that is [Hammersmith] was entitled (in the sense that it was within the reasonable range of response) to find that there had been a clear instruction given and that it had been disobeyed. It was entitled to find that she was disobeying the instruction. In those circumstances a reasonable employer is entitled to consider that giving a warning is unlikely to have any effect because the claimant has made it plain by her conduct that she is unlikely to obey any further instructions from the employer. We consider that in these circumstances on these facts an employer is unlikely to be able to trust the employee in the future. For those reasons dismissal is a fair sanction.” The Court of Appeal observed: “Ms Howe’s grounds of appeal to the appeal tribunal covered more than seven doublespaced pages. It is in my experience often the case that the more extensive the grounds of appeal, the less substance there is in any of them…..”
“Although we fully accept that there may be occasions when an illness can come on during the day so that one is well enough to work during the day but ill at night or visa [sic] versa, we do not see how this could possibly happen for two consecutive days. Therefore, we considered that the belief held by [Hammersmith] was reasonably based upon the investigation.”
On the critical issue here Ms Howe relied upon:
On the question of whether dismissal was a fair sanction, the Employment Tribunal had found: “Lastly we have to consider whether the dismissal is a fair sanction. We remind ourselves that it is never our job to substitute our view for that of the employer and that what we would have done
On this matter, the Court of Appeal’s conclusions were:
“…the assertion that the ET could not, contrary to its finding, be satisfied that Hammersmith had conducted a reasonable investigation into whether Ms Howe had in fact acted in the dishonest way that it alleged and found.”
“… there was no indication that Ms Howe told the ET that on the six relevant occasions she was sick during part of the day but well during another part of it. If Ms Howe was
not guilty of dishonest behaviour on the two occasions in 2005 and 2007 when she was absent from her Hammersmith job on consecutive days, it appears to me that she needed to provide a convincing explanation as to why. I can find nothing in the papers before me to suggest that she ever provided any such explanation either to Hammersmith or to the ET. The only complaint she now makes is that Hammersmith did not investigate the matter sufficiently and therefore was not entitled to conclude, as it did, that she had acted fraudulently. “In my judgment there is no substance in the argument that Hammersmith did not carry out a sufficient investigation. The ET found that Hammersmith was entitled to be satisfied by its investigation that Ms Howe had acted dishonestly. In circumstances in which it appears to have had information raising a presumption of fraud, being a presumption that Ms Howe appears to have made no attempt to answer or rebut by a cogent responsive explanation of her own, I do not consider that it can fairly be open to her to say that Hammersmith did not conduct a sufficient investigation into matters which were essentially within her own knowledge. There is no real prospect of this court holding on an appeal that this part of the ET’s conclusion in this respect was vitiated by any error of law.” Accordingly, this ground of appeal failed, as did the others, and the dismissal stood. The Court of Appeal in effect held that the earlier decision that the decision was a fair sanction and involved no error of law or jurisdiction. This case is a salutary reminder of the importance of honesty and integrity when communicating with employers.
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The Independent Voice
October 2011
Equ i ty Matters: Equal Pay Day - Not a day to celebrate Equal Pay Day, marked on 1 September, serves as a timely reminder that despite the many gains made by women, pay inequity is still a reality. This date is considered a “catch up” day for many Australian women as it represents the number of extra days women have to work after June 30, in order to earn the same amount that men earn in 12 months. What is the Gender Pay Gap? Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show that the average woman working full time earns 83 cents for every dollar earned by a man – this is an improvement over last year and represents a 17.2 per cent average gender pay gap. Lower wages means less lifetime earnings for women giving them a lifetime of fewer choices. Women are two and half times more likely to live in poverty in their old age. By 2019, on average, women will have half the amount of superannuation to that of men. What does it mean for IEUA members? Pay inequity for our members in schools and early childhood sector is a reality. In the early childhood sector, there is a significant discrepancy between the wages and conditions of early childhood teachers working in long day care centres and in some community preschool/ kindergartens, compared to those
conditions of their colleagues in schools. In some IEUA branches, qualified early childhood teachers are earning up to 20 per cent less than similarly qualified teachers in schools. In schools, pay inequity can also be a matter of equity of access – to appropriate classification of support staff, access to positions of added responsibility and promotions. Changes to school funding could mean changes to salaries and conditions The majority of IEUA teachers in non-government schools receive equitable conditions and salaries. This is due to members’ collective bargaining power and the current funding arrangements to schools which is indexed each year to ensure increasing schools costs are met. This year the federal government has undertaken a review into the funding of schools. The Gonksi Review of Funding for Schooling provides a once in a lifetime opportunity to ensure appropriate funding for equitable salaries and conditions for IEUA members. It may also make significant changes to the way our schools are funded. IEUA members across the country are mindful of the impact of any proposed changes to the funding arrangements for non-government schools. A guaranteed, fair and transparent
Equal Pay funding structure is needed to ensure that the needs of our schools are appropriately met. By guaranteeing funding certainty this will also see the protections of jobs for members and will provide confidence for the students and parents in communities. Campaigning for appropriate and transparent school funding is a job for all IEUA members – because at the end of the day it is about the jobs of all IEUA members. IEUA members should not go backwards as a result of the funding review but be provided with appropriate resources to address inequities. Currently IEUA member delegations are lobbying federal politicians on the need for a fairer funding system
and real funding increases for all schools. On Equal Pay Day IEUA Chapters were encouraged to not only campaign for future advancements to pay equity, but to also campaign for the protections of what we have achieved.
Not sure about the gender pay gap? Here are the facts: •A 17% gender pay gap costs the Australian economy around $93 Billion; •The average superannuation payout to a woman is projected to be $150,000; that’s half of the average payout to a man in 2010-11; •The 17.2% gender pay gap is a national average that opens up to over 30% in some industry sectors; •Equal pay for women raises family income which means more money to spend on food, housing and child care; •Single mothers and working families lose thousands of dollars annually to the wage gap; •A NATSEM report released in March 2010 shows that simply being a woman accounts for 60% of the difference between men’s and women’s earnings.
Equity Committee member profile Darwin primary school teacher Rachel Butt has always been interested in womens’ rights and being a pro-active union member. So when the opportunity arose to join the IEUA-QNT Equity Committee this year, Rachel jumped at the chance. With an interest in women’s rights, in particular in relation to motherhood, Rachel said she was eager to join the Committee to be involved in initiatives to support members on parental leave. As an Equity Committee member, Rachel can now actively contribute to discussion on professional issues and be a part of policy development for the benefit of all members of our union. “I decided to join the Equity Committee because we are pro-active on issues in the workplace. Without the Committee’s input these issues would not be addressed as effectively in our schools ,” Rachel said. Rachel joined our union in 2009 when she began working at St Mary’s Primary School
in Darwin.
As an IEUA-QNT member, you can actively contribute to professional issues and policy development by joining a Committee.
“I believe it is important to be a part of our union because (they) help keep us informed with what is happening in other worksites in our area and interstate,” she said.
The IEUA-QNT Equity Committee has direct input into union Council by helping guide policy development, and has just recently developed an External Breastfeeding and Expressing policy for members.
“Then there is our workers’ rights which our union helps us to negotiate any issues we may have on a day to day basis as well as in collective bargaining.”
Rachel said she would encourage other members, particularly women, from the Northern Territory to consider joining the Equity Committee to ensure their voice is heard and to contribute to union equity policies.
Join the Equity Committee!
Having been a member in various other unions throughout her working life, Rachel said she knew it was important as a teacher to also become a member of IEUA-QNT.
Rachel said she enjoys teaching at St Mary’s due to the school’s long tradition as the oldest Catholic school in the Northern Territory.
IEUA members are encouraged to become involved in the School Funding campaign and work towards equity in our sector. Contact our union on FREECALL 1800 177 937 for details on how to be involved. To find out more about Equal Pay Day please visit
Rachel Butt Teacher St Mary’s Primary School, Darwin
If you are interested in becoming a member of the IEUA-QNT Equity Committee, or would like more information, please contact IEUA-QNT office on FREECALL 1800 177 938 or please email The next Equity Committee meeting will be held at the IEUA-QNT union office on Wednesday, 19 October at 4.30pm.
The Independent Voice
October 2011
East Africa Famine Appeal Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is requesting donations to assist victims of the famine in the Horn of Africa. Due to two years of drought and subsequent crop failure, many people in Somalia, southern Ethiopia, South Sudan and Djibouti have fled their land to seek assistance in refugee camps in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. An estimated 11.3 million people are in immediate need of assistance and about 10,000 people a week are arriving at the giant Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya. While we in Australia continue to debate the economics (and science) of climate change, the poorest and most vulnerable communities in developing countries - who produce almost no pollution - are suffering its worst impacts. The effects of climate change are causing the world’s poorest to lose everything - including their lives. Donations will be directed to their Solidar alliance partners, the German Workers’ Samaritan Federation, which is working in the area to provide relief, food, water and healthcare assistance.
Poverty and severe hardship affect more than a million Australians. Around the world more than a billion people are desperately poor. > Why not organise a display, stall or award? > Maybe a workshop, lecture or forum? > How about a fundraiser, fact sheet or petition? For information and ideas, visit the website, or email or call 1300 797 290
To donate, contact Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA on 1800 888 674 or email
Change begins with teachers Friday 28 October is World Teachers’ Day Themed Teachers for Gender Equity World Teachers’ Day is a day for teachers to unite and campaign for equality in the workplace, as well as a time to reflect on the importance of quality education for children and communities everywhere. Despite the teaching profession being made up largely of women, inequality remains an issue for millions of female teachers around the world. World Teachers’ Day is a reminder to our colleagues across the country and worldwide that despite the many gains made by women, pay inequity is still an issue.
We are Queensland’s number one Industry super fund of choice for the Independent Education and Care sector. We exist purely for the benefit of our members. So if you haven’t already, join today and start enjoying the benefits of being first in our class!
Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show that the average woman working full time earns 83 cents for every $1 earned by a man. By 2019, on average, women will have half the amount of superannuation savings that men have. While the vast majority of IEUA-QNT members receive equitable conditions and
salaries due to our collective bargaining power and current funding arrangements, it is vital to ensure what we have already achieved is protected. Members are urged to be cautious about the potential future impact the federal government’s school funding review could have on our schools. A guaranteed fair and transparent funding system is needed to ensure our schools’ needs are met, and to provide job protection and certainty for members. In the face of the developing national agenda, the collective strength of our union will be critical to ensure appropriate outcomes in gender equality. Chapter executive members are asked to personally invite any teacher who is not yet an IEUA-QNT member to join their colleagues and to be a full member of the collective for World Teachers’ Day.
This information is of a general nature and does not take account of your individual financial situation, objectives or needs. Before acting on this advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should obtain a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and consider the PDS before making any decision. If you require specific advice, you should contact a licensed financial adviser. QIEC Super Pty Ltd (ABN 81 010 897 480), the Trustee of QIEC Super (ABN 15 549 636 673), is Corporate Authorised Representative No. 268804 under Australian Financial Services
A tax claims check-list for teachers is provided free of charge, by:
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The Independent Voice
October 2011
EVENTS DIARY Introducing Aerospace Studies Syllabus 2011 Teachers of the current Aerospace Studies Syllabus (2008 Pilot) and prospective teachers of the Aerospace Studies Syllabus (2011) are encouraged to attend Introducing Aerospace Studies Syllabus 2011. This workshop will introduce the Aerospace Studies (2011) syllabus and provide guidance for completing a work program.
Professional development courses for teachers Professional development courses are on offer in Term 3 and 4 for all education professionals at the Centre for Research, Innovation and Future Development at St Paul’s School, Bald Hills.
to develop work programs that detail how the course of study will be delivered and assessed; • network with other teachers to develop and sustain collegial relationships and professional networks to: - establish shared understandings about changes to the syllabus - share ideas about assessment and work program development.
Year 8 Laptop course and Incorporating Technology into Planning using OneNote (teachers other than Year 8 or 11 teachers) - these courses aim to provide teachers with a set of essential understandings and knowledge when it comes to planning and writing engaging
Dates and locations Participants have the opportunity to: • develop knowledge and
understanding of the content and intent of the syllabus as a reference for improving teaching, learning and assessment; • develop knowledge and understanding of the general objectives and standards of the syllabus; • discuss and apply the purpose and role of assessment and syllabus requirements to their practice; • apply knowledge of the syllabus
• Brisbane South 14 October, 9am–3pm Logan Diggers Club, Woodridge • Brisbane North 19 October, 9am–3pm Arana Leagues Club, Keperra
Cost is $123 (GST included) per participant. For further information please contact the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Professional Development and Events team on or (07) 3864 0471.
The conference will bring together practitioners and experts in the use of learning technologies for education
Differentiation of the Curriculum for Teachers - understanding of the individual differences that students bring to classroom learning and to gain practical experience in the development and use of instructional materials and techniques that can be used to cater for students’ individual learning needs. Differentiation in Practice presented by Annette Kazakoff
and Leisa Harper. Mentoring in Our School - to equip participants with a clear understanding about mentoring, the benefits of being involved, the phases in the mentoring relationship, how to clarify expectations and create outcomes and some introductory coaching skills. To find out more about these programs, visit or contact Sue Norris at s.norris@
Stress management professional development Social psychologist and stress expert, Dr Helen Street, will present two one-day-seminars on 10 and 11 November at The Brisbane Convention Centre from 9am3pm. The Associate Professor of Behavioural Science, Honorary Research Fellow in the Faculty of Education at The University of Western Australia and Adjunct Research Consultant with the WA
and training. The keynote and featured speakers will challenge and extend thinking. The case study speakers are real-life educators who are using these new technologies to engage and extend their learners in ways that are not possible with traditional methods. There is also a conference exhibition
Health Department Centre for Clinical Interventions, has more than 15 years experience researching and working clinically with stressed and overloaded teachers. On her forthcoming visit to Queensland, each seminar will focus on how we can manage our stress realistically and effectively and consequently how we can become better and more satisfied teachers.
The seminar offers strategies that even the busiest teacher can take on board which will lead to a better sense of control and a greater mastery of living in the present. The seminar also includes morning tea and lunch, in addition to handouts and the opportunity for follow up questions and answers. For details and valuable free tips on stress management visit
National Bandanna Day - 28 October
Teaching and Learning with Vision Conference The Teaching and Learning with Vision conference aims to provide two days of expert opinion, networking and sharing ideas about teaching and learning with vision.
units of work which emphasise the use of ICT as part of daily classroom work.
where participants will be able to investigate the latest technological innovations. The conference will be held from 2-4 November 2011 at the Radisson Resort Gold Coast, Palm Meadows Drive. For more information, please visit the conference website at http://
Show young people living with cancer you care by buying and wearing a bandanna on National Bandanna Day on 28 October. CanTeen asks all Australians to buy a bandanna, on sale at outlets and schools during October, to wear on National Bandanna Day. National Bandanna Day is CanTeen’s biggest annual
Managed by
fundraiser and awareness day; wearing your bandanna shows young people living with cancer that they are supported and are not alone. Money raised from the day funds over 80 CanTeen programs, camps and services bringing young people living with cancer together in a supportive environment. Support National Bandanna Day by visiting .
New Resources for Remembrance Day
Want a guest presenter to visit your school during National Water Week? Request a Water Week Ambassador to inspire your students about water. This year’s National Water Week will be held 16 – 22 October. National Water Week is an annual event that aims to raise awareness and improve knowledge of water issues. This year’s theme is ‘Healthy Catchments, Healthy Communities’ and the Australian Water Association is offering you a chance to have a guest speaker from the water industry to visit your class. Benefits of a visit from a water ambassador include: t t t
A chance for students to learn about local catchments from a water expert. An opportunity to participate in water activities linked to the Australian Curriculum. A way for students to ask water questions to their local water managers.
Don’t forget to organise your National Water Week event and register it on our website. This is a great way to promote your event for free. To request an ambassador and register your event visit
SunnyKids, an award winning children’s charity, has launched a new program for teachers called Read2Remember. Developed to support teachers across Queensland, the Read2Remember program supplies teachers from pre-primary to high school with class notes and resources to use on Remembrance Day and automatically enters schools in the National Reading Challenge. Through Read2Remember teachers can bring Remembrance Day into their normal daily curriculum and extend it in creative ways. A multi-faceted program, registration by teachers or heads of curriculum automatically enters schools into the National R2R Reading Challenge, the R2R School Competition and allows students to enter the Aussie Pride Competition. To find out more or register your school or class visit .
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Global Issues Bahrain: EI calls for detained teachers to be released Education International has issued a new appeal to Bahraini authorities to release Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi ‘Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb, Vice-President and President of the Bahraini Teachers Association (BTA) arrested along with several other board members of the BTA. EI issued a first Urgent Action Appeal in April 2011. This second appeal is launched because the situation of human and trade union rights in the country remains critical. EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, has continued to express concern over their detention for exercising their rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly and has urged the Government to immediately release them and to hold to account those
responsible for their arrest and possible abuse. Mr van Leeuwen, said: “Jalila and Mahdi were arrested after calling on teachers and employees of the Ministry of Education to go on strike. Amnesty International has concluded that ‘they are likely to be prisoners of conscience, detained solely for exercising their legitimate rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly as leading members of the BTA’. I urge the government to release both teacher unionists immediately and unconditionally. I also urge the authorities to protect them from torture and other ill-treatment and immediately set up an impartial and public investigation that brings to justice those found responsible for what has happened to them.” Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb, together with
Kenya: Teachers protest in nationwide strike Teachers in Kenya have gone on strike to demand the government awards permanent contracts to thousands of teachers. Led by the Kenyan National Union of Teachers (KNUT), the teachers are calling on the government to hire 28,000 new teachers on contracts that are permanent and pensionable. KNUT members have been fighting for a long time to end the practice of employing teachers on temporary contracts as a means of saving money. Ephrahim Muregi, chairman of the Nairobi branch of the EI-affiliated teachers’ union, said: “This (is) a government that does not care for the common man. Imagine a teacher earning 10,000 shillings a month, that is what most of these young men and women are earning.” “These guys (politicians) are earning
several other board members of the BTA, were arrested in March and April 2011. While their colleagues were released, they were brought to trial before the National Safety Court of First Instance (a military court) on 15 June on charges which include ‘inciting hatred towards the regime’, ‘calling to overthrow and change the regime by force’, ‘calling on parents not to send their children to school’ and ‘calling on teachers to stop working and participate in strikes and demonstrations’. After further hearings in June their trial was transferred to a civilian court and postponed until further notice. Jalila al-Salman’s house in Manama was raided on 29 March by more than 40 security officers. She was reportedly taken to the Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) in Manama where she remained for about a week during which she was reportedly beaten and held
a million shillings and they are not paying tax, while we earn 10,000 which is taxed. That is why we are saying the government is totally insensitive to the plight of the poor in this country,” he said. Ten thousand shillings is approximately $90. To put this figure into perspective, it costs about 3,000 shillings to rent a shack in the city’s Kibera slum. A government committee on education earlier this year proposed budget cuts to save about $75 million (6.7 billion shillings), part of which was to be used for recruitment, but that money was later re-allocated to the military. The move has caused rifts within Kenya’s government, with education ministers blaming the Finance Ministry, led by presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta, for mishandling the funds. Teachers have pledged to continue their strike until the government meets their demands and have told students not to show up for classes.
IEUA-QNT International Committee IEUA-QNT members have long been concerned with equality and social justice not only in our working lives but also on a national and global scale. The IEUA-QNT International Committee was recently formed to provide a structured forum in which to discuss current issues affecting educational professionals in our region and further afield. The committee works on building and sustaining partnerships with colleague unions and aid agencies abroad through a range of strategies. The committee aims to: • Promote human rights protection and education among members and the wider community; • Establish networks with international education unions and peak bodies; • Preserve and enhance fundamental standards of humanity and human rights legislation on the national as well as international levels; and • Work cooperatively with national and international NGOs and labour organisations whose mandate is to promote human rights and peace worldwide. IEUA-QNT International committee is always looking for new members. The committee usually meets every six weeks. If you are interested in becoming a member of the committee please contact IEUA-QNT organiser Camille Furtado on .
Education International
in solitary confinement. She is believed to have been transferred to the custody of the military and held there for around two months, before being transferred again to a detention centre in Issa Town in Bahrain, where she is currently held. Jalila al-Salman’s family were not aware of her whereabouts until soon after her transfer to the detention centre in ‘Issa Town and have only been allowed to see her there on two occasions. The second of these visits was on 16 July, and was under very strict surveillance. Amnesty International has reviewed statements issued by the BTA. One of them, published in March, called on teachers and employees of the Ministry of Education to go on strike, and on parents not to take their children to school during large-scale demonstrations in Bahrain.
Congo: Union demands action to defend teachers’ conditions The Syndicat des enseignants du Congo (SYECO), an EI affiliate in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has called for urgent action by the national authorities to accept teachers’ demands for a salary increase. SYECO’s General Secretary, Jean Pierre Kimbuya, has expressed dismay at the impasse in negotiations which were seeking to increase teachers’ pay and protect basic working conditions. The dispute between the unions representing primary, secondary and professional education teachers and the government has been waging for some time, as teachers’ living conditions have deteriorated because salaries have not kept up with rates of inflation. “Teachers consider this Government’s behaviour to be an insult to the profession. We must draw the public’s attention, nationally
International Literacy Day: Teaching for peace and equality On 8 September, International Literacy Day, EI emphasised the importance of quality teacher training to achieve peace and equality through education and called on all governments to live up to their commitment to invest in teacher development and education for all. According to United Nations figures, 793 million adults continue to lack basic literacy skills; two-thirds of these adults are women. Around 67 million children are not in primary school, while 72 million adolescents are missing out on their right to secondary education. Girl’s education is particularly sensitive to budget cuts and economic downturns: girls are often the first to be taken out of school when family incomes suffer from an economic crisis, or when the cost of education is too high because of school fees or lack of infrastructure and support. The 2011 UNESCO Education For All Global
Amnesty International has also listened to speeches delivered by Mahdi Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb that made similar appeals. It has, however, seen no evidence that either of them advocated violence of any kind in these or other activities. Consequently, although the organisation does not have the full details of the evidence presented so far in the trial, it believes that they are likely to be prisoners of conscience detained solely for exercising their legitimate rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly as leading members of the BTA. Express your solidarity with the Bahraini Teachers Association and send an online message to the authorities of Bahrain visiting uaa_details/31
as well as internationally, to the Congolese education system’s future. Quality teachers are the cornerstone to securing a quality education system,” Jean Pierre Kimbuya said. EI supports its affiliate’s demands for action and calls on the Democratic Republic of Congo Government to ensure decent work standards and conditions for teachers, as well as equipping them with the resources to deliver quality public education for all. EI General Secretary Van Leeuwen said: “EI gives its unreserved support to unions fighting to enhance their education systems, as well as the teacher status. Education quality calls for the commitment of an entire nation. If the democratic Republic of Congo is to be successful in its ‘emergence,’ it must invest in schools and staff working in them. We are on your side and wish to be kept informed about responses brought to your legitimate demands.”
Monitoring Report (GMR) gives further evidence that another 1.9 million teachers will be needed by 2015 to achieve universal primary education. The document also demonstrates how armed conflict is diverting resources from productive investment in classrooms and teachers to destructive military spending, which amounted to US$1.5 trillion globally in 2009. If rich countries were to transfer just six days’ worth of military spending to development assistance for basic education, they could achieve the goal of putting all children into school by 2015. EI General Secretary Van Leeuwen said: “Governments urgently need to... invest in teachers and classrooms. They have to enable teachers to become agents of peace and equality, promoting tolerance, understanding and respect for diversity. Realising everyone’s right to quality education is the most important tool of empowerment and development, and vital for creating a dialogue between different perspectives and resolving conflicts justly and peacefully.”
For more information or to enlist your support for education workers worldwide, visit Education International’s website The IEUA is an affiliate of EI.
The Independent Voice
October 2011
more detailed plans; others like their freedom, and only require a very general picture of what is to happen.
Health & Lifestyle Tips Thoracic spine stiffness In the physiotherapy clinic we see a lot of neck, shoulder and lower back injuries. What these injuries have in common is the susceptibility they have to overload due to stiffness in the thoracic spine. The thoracic spine is the middle part of the back connecting the neck to the lower back. It is made up of 12 vertebrae and the ribs connect/articulate with joints of the thoracic spine as well as many muscles attach here. The thoracic is the most stable region of the spine and as such is vulnerable to stiffness and injury. The cause of thoracic spine stiffness includes poor posture and sitting too long. When someone sits for too long it causes what is termed postural overload. This is when the muscles that support a good posture fatigue and encourage a slouched flexed spine position. A prolonged flexed spine causes stiffness into extension and with extension stiffness often comes an associated limitation of movement into rotation. Thoracic spine stiffness can cause excessive load to be placed on other joints and muscles and lead to: • Shoulder impingement (rotator cuff) injuries; • Low back and neck pain; • Lower limb muscle strains; and • Restricted and painful respiration/chest pain. A stiff thoracic spine causes the shoulder to become vulnerable to injury. When the thoracic spine flexes, such as when in a
poor slouched position, the shoulders roll forward causing less space for it to move in its joint putting a strain and injury on tendons that support and move the shoulder joint. You can test it out yourself. First, sit up tall and lift both arms up towards the ceiling as high as you can. Now sit slouched and roll your shoulders forward and try to lift both arms up, again as high as you can. You should be able to feel the restriction in arm movement when your shoulders are forward. This is why mobility in the thoracic spine is so important. The thoracic spine is responsible for 2-3 times more movement than the low back or neck. Losing mobility at the thoracic spine can force movement at the low back/neck. For example when reverse parking your car if you force too much rotation with your neck because your thoracic spine is stiff you risk injuring your neck. Here is an exercise you can do to help improve/maintain thoracic mobility: Lie on your back over a rolled towel that is placed between your shoulder blades. Relax into this position. Slowly take a deep breath and as you breathe out raise your arms overhead (bent or straight). Be sure to keep your lower back supported by keeping the knees bent and abdominals firm. Repeat 10 times. It’s always worth making an appointment with your physiotherapist for assessment and hands on treatment to aide in your recovery from any spine stiffness and/or low back, neck and shoulder pain.
Jane Stewart (Physiotherapist and Pilates Instructor), St Pauls Tce Physiotherapy
Dear Jo, We are a busy family and have had a lot of stresses recently. Till now our holidays have been mostly spent at home. However, the children have been asking if we could go away together, somewhere ‘fun’. We did try a camping holiday once, but it was a failure. We did not know the first thing about camping, and thought we’d work it out as we went along! We can laugh about it now; however have learnt our lesson and would like some guidance. Happy Holiday Seeker
Negotiate in order to get the most out of your holiday. The families who you see torturing each other on holiday are often the ones who have not negotiated out the holiday ahead of time. A holiday should have something for everyone, which also means there will be some part of the holiday that each individual is less excited about. Talking this through ahead of time, and making sure that all the holiday goers feel that their wishes have been heard and that fair decision-making has taken place means that there will not be the resentments and resulting sabotage that can ruin a holiday.
Dear Happy Holiday Seeker, It is surprising how easy it is to let these important opportunities slip by as it feels like too much planning and organisation is required. However, taking a holiday has to be one of the favourite stress management strategies.
Research in order to get the most out of your holiday. Although this may sound more like work than vacation, investing time and energy in researching your holiday will make it more fun and interesting. Learning some of the language or history of a foreign country you may visit makes the country come alive. Even if you are visiting the family beach cottage again this year, a little research can bring freshness to a familiar vacation.
However, it does not mean a holiday is a reliable remedy. We have all seen couples or families on holiday who are obviously having a miserable and highly stressful time of it. When holidays go wrong it is easy to blame the weather, the service, or the tour operator. But blaming external forces keeps you in the victim role. While there are no guarantees, there are steps to take in order to improve the chances that your next holiday will help you unwind, relax, and enjoy yourself the way it is supposed to.
Be realistic in order to get the most out of your holiday. Trying to fit a year of fun and living into two weeks is almost a certain prescription for failure. Don’t let unrealistic expectations set you up for disappointment. Being realistic about how much money you spend, how much you can do, and about the setbacks and disappointments you will surely encounter will make it more likely that your holiday is a success rather than an event you feel you need a week to recover from upon your return.
Plan ahead in order to get the most out of your holiday. Planning helps everything else in life go more smoothly, why shouldn’t it work with holidays as well? Planning is different than scheduling every minute. Planning means having a broad sense of what will happen and how. It is making sure that one thing logically follows another, and that the resources and implements are in order so that you can easily do what you want to do. Your personal style and preference will determine the approach to planning that works best for you. Some people feel better with
Planning, negotiating, researching and being realistic should not spoil the spontaneity, discovery, laziness, and sense of magic that can come with holidays. In fact these four simple types of activities can help you set the stage so that you can truly get the most out of your holiday. If you have a concern that you wish to discuss with a counselor, call Teachers Union Health Supportline on 1800 655 302, this is a 24 hour service for members. Jo
Join TUH and get peace of mind knowing that you are covered for the unexpected. 2XU KHDOWK IXQG LV UXQ WR EHQH¿W RXU PHPEHUV We provide great value for money products and services As a QIEU member you are automatically eligible to join and so is your extended family! So why would you consider any other health fund? Contact us on for more information.
1300 360 701
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Software Costs Subscriptions Travelling and Accommodation Vehicle Expenses Other Expenses NET SURPLUS/ (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR
2011 $ 84,487 33,350 163,470 93,519 32,777 7,001,241
2010 $ 27,627 38,900 176,465 107,132 41,100 6,778,991
General purpose financial statements for the year ending 31 August 2011 The provisions of the Queensland Industrial Act 1999 require that a copy of the audited accounts is provided to members. In accordance with that provision the audited accounts for the Queensland Independent Education Union (QIEU) are printed on the following pages. Members who have any inquiries regarding these accounts should direct any correspondence to the General Secretary at: QIEU PO Box 418 FORTITUDE VALLEY 4006
2011 $ 4,379,844 3,825,501 8,205,345
2010 $ 3,900,425 3,825,501 7,725,926
350 2,838,904 32,046 681,203 3,552,503
313 2,515,649 18,826 180,159 2,714,947
Represented By: CURRENT ASSETS Cash on Hand Cash at Bank Membership Subscriptions Receivable Other Receivables
NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, Plant & Equipment Other Financial Assets
3 4
7,453,163 60,000 7,513,163 11,065,666
7,208,792 60,000 7,268,792 9,983,739
10 8
200,000 154,059 448,966 796,991 563,601 40,306 2,203,923
200,000 131,570 338,226 456,625 514,183 46,821 1,687,425
125,693 530,705 656,398
113,806 456,582 570,388
TOTAL ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank Loans Lease Liability Sundry Creditors and Accruals Membership Subscriptions in Advance Provision For Employee Entitlements GST Payable
These accounts will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on Friday 28 October 2011. Members are invited to attend.
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Lease Liability Bank Loans Provision for Employee Entitlements
NOTES INCOME Subscriptions - Membership 5 Advertising Employee Contribution – Vehicle Expenses Interest Received Marketing Agreement Profit on Disposal - Non Current Assets Rent Received Other income
2011 $ 6,861,576 25,277 48,139 168,472 30,909 275,986 70,301 7,480,660
2010 $ 7,023,600 22,374 40,840 96,559 20,000 19,429 312,970 75,202 7,610,974
Asset Revaluation Reserve $
Net Operating Surplus for Year
Balance 31 August 2011
$ Balance 1 September 2010
LESS EXPENDITURE Affiliation and Capitation Advertising Amortisation/Depreciation Audit Fees Branch Costs Building Costs Building Union Strength Bursaries and Prizes Collective Action - Financial Hardship Cleaning Commission – Subscription Collection Committee and Council Meetings Communication Expenses Conference Costs Donation and Sponsorship 6 Electricity and Rates Employment Expenses: - Salaries and Wages Officers - Salaries and Wages Clerical - Superannuation - Payroll Tax - Professional Development - Work Cover - Annual Leave and Long Service: Leave Provision - Officers - Clerical Finance Costs - Fees and Charges - Interest Fringe Benefits Tax Industrial Campaign Expenses Insurance Legal Expenses Member Information Services Postage Printing and Stationery Publication Rent – Office Equipment Regional Office Lease Expenses Repairs & Maintenance Research Research Grants Soiree Expenses
463,569 6,625 208,520 6,500 28,948 192,251 30,711 13,170 51,877 43,121 31,021 112,485 5,353 49,386 39,625
390,163 12,885 247,703 6,470 27,112 169,822 43,774 14,727 1,610 50,355 45,810 26,851 110,436 2,915 3,964 42,311
2,352,614 1,145,828 427,302 171,495 48,514 20,883
2,231,066 1,071,225 404,230 149,727 25,140 10,935
109,546 13,994
109,529 (10,986)
53,558 35,790 30,262 7,374 117,260 133,812 8,556 189,642 133,041 125,485 36,076 51,416 90,824 3,454 3,750
52,322 25,788 27,609 110,977 125,611 180,139 18,614 188,081 138,408 165,328 36,076 32,127 87,464 448 5,000 6,001
8 10
QUEENSLAND INDEPENDENT EDUCATION UNION NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2011 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES This financial report is a special purpose financial report prepared in order to satisfy the financial reporting requirements of the Industrial Relations Act (Qld) 1999. The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical costs and does not take into account changing money values, or except where specifically stated, current valuations of non-current assets. The following material accounting policies, which are consistent with the previous period unless otherwise stated, have been adopted in the preparation of these financial statements. (a) Depreciation Depreciation is calculated on a declining balance basis so as to write off the full net cost of each depreciable non-current asset over its expected useful life. (b) Employee Entitlements The amounts expected to be paid to employees for their pro-rata entitlements of long service and annual leave are accrued annually at current pay rates having regard to experience of employee’s departures and period of service. (c) Cash For purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash includes deposits at call which are readily convertible to cash on hand and are used in the cash management function on a day to day basis, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. (d) Income Tax The association is exempt from income tax under section 50-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. (e) Leased non-current assets A distinction is made between finance leases which effectively transfer from the lessor to the lessee substantially all the risks and benefits incident to ownership of leased non-current assets (finance leases), and operating leases under which the lessor effectively retains substantially all such risks and benefits. Finance leases are capitalised. A lease asset and liability are established at the present value of minimum lease payments. Lease payments are allocated between the principal component of the lease liability and the interest expense. The lease asset is amortised in a straight line basis over the term of the lease, or where it is likely that the economic entity will obtain ownership of the asset, the life of the asset. Operating lease payments are charged to the profit and loss account in the periods in which they are incurred as this represents the pattern of benefits derived from the leased assets. (f) Recoverable amount of non-current assets The recoverable amount of an asset is the net amount expected to be recovered through the net cash inflows arising from its continued use and subsequent disposal.
Where the carrying amount of a non-current asset is greater than its recoverable amount the asset is revalued to its recoverable amount. The expected net cash flows included in determining recoverable amounts of non-current assets are not discounted to their present values. 2. OTHER RECEIVABLES Sundry Debtors and Prepayments Reimbursements IEUA-QNT Branch Reimbursements IEUA Federal
2011 $
2010 $
659,275 21,649 279 681,203
161,266 18,784 109 180,159
3. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT NOTES Cash Flows From Operating Activities Receipts – subscriptions received Other income Payments to suppliers and employees
2010 $
7,201,942 6,925,884 416,668 614,264 (7,040,394) (6,346,696) 578,216 1,193,452
Interest received Interest paid Net cash inflow from operating activities
2011 $
168,472 (35,790)
96,559 (25,788)
Cash Flows From Investing Activities Payments for purchase of plant and equipment
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing activities
Land and building – at independent valuation Land and Buildings at Cost Plant, equipment and vehicles – at cost Less: accumulated depreciation
Motor vehicles under finance lease Less: accumulated amortisation
6,180,000 6,180,000 695,602 831,351 1,432,390 1,249,768 (1,300,988) (1,182,982) 7,142,753 6,942,388 573,035 (262,625) 310,410 7,453,163
438,515 (172,111) 266,404 7,208,792
4. OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS Investment in non-listed Unit Trust – at cost 5. SUBSCRIPTION INCOME
Cash Flow From Financial Activities Movement of lease liability and loans
Net (decrease)/increase in cash held Cash at the beginning of the financial year
323,292 2,515,962
571,310 1,944,652
Cash at the end of the financial year
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing activities
The subscription year ends on 31 December, 2011 whilst the financial report is prepared for the period ended 31 August, 2011. Subscriptions received prior to the 31 August, 2011 which relate to the period 1 September, 2011 to 31 December, 2011 have been carried forward to offset expenditure that will become due up to 31 December, 2011. 5. DONATIONS AND SPONSORSHIP Apheda Qld Flood Appeal Other
15,822 30,000 3,564 49,386
The Independent Voice
October 2011
Queensland Independent Education Union QUEENSLAND INDEPENDENT EDUCATION UNION NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2011 (Continued) 7. RECONCILIATION OF EXCESS OF INCOME OVER EXPENDITURE TO NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2011 2010 $ $ 479,419 831,983 Excess of income over expenditure 208,520 247,703 Depreciation and amortisation (30,909) (19,429) (Profit) Loss on Disposal - Non Current Assets Change in operating assets and liabilities: (514,264) 99,413 Decrease/(increase) in receivables 110,740 78,253 Increase/(decrease) in sundry creditors 333,851 Increase/(decrease) in other (72,243) operating liabilities Increase (decrease) in other provisions 123,541 98,543 Net cash inflow from operating activities
8. LEASE COMMITMENTS Commitments in relation to finance leases are payable as follows: Not later than one year 154,059 131,570 125,693 113,806 Later than one year but not later than two years 279,752 245,376 9. RELATED PARTIES (a) The persons holding positions as council members of the union during the year were as follows: Terry Burke Desmond McGovern Kerry Laws Christopher Chapman Andrew Stein Bryce Goldburg Bernadette Murray Paul Giles Matthew Dash Suzanne Burdon Tom Denham Peter Butler-Wood
Beverley Day Lyn Byrnes Michael Moy John Kennedy Andrew Elphinstone Aleisha Connellan Ros McLennan Denis Kettle Lorraine Hellmrich Jane Elliott David Frazer Peter Lovegrove (Part Year)
Maria Campanini (Part Year) Jennifer Winn (Part Year) Ben Van Trier (Part Year) Mary Osterio (Part Year) Jacqui Boyle (Part Year) Jane Blackburn (Part Year)
(b) Amounts received or due and receivable by council members in connection with the management of the union, including amounts paid to superannuation funds in connection with retirement of council members 2011 $
2010 $
(c) Transactions with council members comprise payments by them of union fees on the same basis as other members of the union.
2011 $
Current Liabilities Land and Buildings Non Current Liabilities
200,000 200,000
2010 $
200,000 200,000
Bank loans are secured by registered first mortgage over the organisation’s freehold property.
11. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED TO MEMBERS OR REGISTRAR In accordance with the requirements of the Queensland Industrial Relations Act 1999, the attention of members is drawn to provisions of Sub-Sections (1), (2), (3), & (4) of Section 556 which reads as follows: (1) A member of an organisation, may apply to the organisation for information that it must, under a regulation, give its members.
Responsibility of the Committee of Management and Accounting Officer
13. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS No matters have arisen since the 31 August 2011 that would materially affect these financial statements.
14. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES There were no contingent liabilities at 31 August 2011.
QUEENSLAND INDEPENDENT EDUCATION UNION CERTIFICATION BY ACCOUNTING OFFICER OF UNION I, Paul Giles, being the Officer responsible for keeping the accounting records of the Queensland Independent Education Union certify that 14,873 persons were financial and 903 persons were unfinancial members of the Union at the end of the financial year to which the attached accounts relate. I am of the opinion that in respect of the financial year to which this statement relates: 1. The attached accounts show a true and fair view of the financial affairs of the Union as at the end of the financial year; 2. A record has been kept of all moneys paid by, or collected from, members of the Union and all moneys paid or collected have been credited to the bank account or accounts to which those moneys are to be credited, in accordance with the rules of the Union; 3. Before any expenditure was incurred by the Union, approval of the incurring of the expenditure was obtained in accordance with the rules of the Union; 4. Any payments made from a special account for a purpose, other than the purpose for which the account was operated, was approved in accordance with the rules of the Union; 5. All loans or other financial benefits granted to persons holding office in the Union were authorised in accordance with the rules or the Union; and 6. The register of members of the Union was maintained in accordance with the Act.
………………………………….... Paul Giles, 26 September 2011
QUEENSLAND INDEPENDENT EDUCATION UNION CERTIFICATION BY COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT We, Paul Giles and Terence Burke, being two Members of the Committee of Management of the Queensland Independent Education Union of Employees, so state on behalf of the Committee of Management, in accordance with resolution passed by the committee of Management, that in the opinion of the Committee of Management: 1. The attached accounts of the Union show a true and fair view of the financial affairs of the Union as at the end of that financial year on 31 August, 2011; 2. The attached accounts were prepared in accordance with the Queensland Industrial Relations Act 1999; 3. The union was solvent during the whole of the financial year ended 31 August, 2011; 4. That during the financial year to which the accounts relate, meetings of the Committee of Management were, in the opinion of the Committee, held in accordance with the rules of the Union; 5. That to the knowledge of any members of the Committee there has been, during the financial year, no instance where records of the union or other documents (not being documented containing information available to members under S.556 of the Act) or copies of those records, or other documents, or copies of the rules of the Union, have not been furnished, or made available, to members of the Union in accordance with the Act, these regulations or the rules as the case may be; 6. That in relation to the audit report and accounts for the Union’s financial year immediately preceding the financial year to which these accounts relate: a) The audit report and accounts were presented to an annual general meeting of the union under section 565 of the Act. b) Copies of the Audit Report and Accounts were given to members of the Union under section 566 of the Act.
(4) If the information is given to the Registrar, the Registrar must give the information to the member for whom the Registrar made the application.
12. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE COMMITMENTS The union has entered into a contract to purchase office space in a building complex at Bitinya QLD. The purchase price is $509,200. The contract was conditional at 31 August, 2011.
Auditors Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report to the members of the Union. Our Audit was conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards in order to provide reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free of material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making these risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the commitee, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report. The financial report has been prepared for distribution to members for the purpose of fulfilling the committee’s financial reporting obligation under the Queensland Industrial Relations Act 1999. We disclaim any assumption of responsibility for any reliance on this report or on the financial report to which it relates to any person other than the members, or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared. We believe that the audit evidence that we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Independence In conducting our audit, we followed applicable independence requirements of Australian professional ethical pronouncements and the Queensland Industrial Relations Act 1999.
AUDIT OPINION We, Morris & Batzloff have inspected and audited the accounting records kept by the Queensland Independent Education Union in respect of the year ended 31 August 2011, and we certify that in our opinion: 1. (i)
There were kept by the Union in relation to the year satisfactory accounting records, including: (a) records of source and nature of income of the Union (including income from members); (b) records of the nature of and reason for and the expenditure of the Union; and
(ii) The accounts for the year were properly drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of: (a) the financial affairs of the Union as at the end of the year; and (b) the income and expenditure, and surplus, of the Union for the year. 2.
That information and explanations required of officers or employees of the union were provided during the course of the audit.
The accounts were prepared under the Queensland Industrial Relations Act 1999.
…………………………………. Norman J Hoare Registered Company Auditor Morris & Batzloff Chartered Accountants 26 September, 2011 96 Lytton Road, East Brisbane
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ………………………………. Paul Giles, 26 September 2011
………………………………….... Terence Burke, 26 September 2011
(2) An application may be made by the Registrar for a member. (3) The organisation must give the member, or if the Registrar applies for a member, the Registrar, the information applied for in the way prescribed under a regulation.
The committee of management and accounting officer are responsible for the preparation and true and fair presentation of the financial report in accordance with the Queensland Industrial Relations Act 1999. This includes responsibility for the maintenance of adequate accounting records and internal controls that are designed to prevent and detect fraud and error, and for the accounting policies and accounting estimates inherent in the financial report.
QUEENSLAND INDEPENDENT EDUCATION UNION INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT To the members of the Queensland Independent Education Union of Employees Report on the Financial Report This special purpose financial report comprises the statement of income, balance sheet, statement of changes in accumulated funds, statement of cash flows, accompanying notes to the financial statements and the certificates of the committee of management and accounting officer for the year ended 31 August 2011.
of the Queensland Independent Education Union (QIEU) to be held at The Christie Centre, 320 Adelaide Street Brisbane FRIDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2011 at 4PM Open to all QIEU members Agenda • Welcome and Apologies • Minutes of Previous AGM • Business Arising • Award presentations: Ruth George Award; John (Max) MacDermott Award; Elizabeth McCall Award; and Teacher Education Bursaries • Founders Award • Life Membership • President’s Report
• General Secretary’s Report • Finance • Reports from Delegates to Educational Bodies • Committee Reports • Branch Reports • Secretariat Report • Policy Motions Adopted by Council – October 2010 - September 2011 • Passing of Union Members • General Business
October 2011
The Independent Voice
Soon, people will be more friendliererer.