Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
TABLE OF CONTENTS ORMISTON COLLEGE .................................................................................................1 WORKPLACE AGREEMENT ........................................................................................1 2007TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................2 1.
TITLE ................................................................................................................4
CONSULTATION ..............................................................................................4
RELATIONSHIP TO AIMS OF THE COLLEGE .................................................4
RELATIONSHIP TO AWARDS AND AGREEMENTS........................................5
CONTRACT OF SERVICE................................................................................5
OCCUPATIONAL SUPERANNUATION ............................................................7
SUPERANNUATION SALARY SACRIFICE ......................................................7
OTHER SALARY SACRIFICE...........................................................................8
REPUTATION ...................................................................................................8
INDUCTION ......................................................................................................8
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING ........................................9
POSITION DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................................9
PERFORMANCE PLANNING AND REVIEW ....................................................9
LEAVE ..............................................................................................................9
NOTICE OF TERMINATION ...........................................................................13
DUTY TO DELIVER UP MATERIAL................................................................14
INTRODUCTION OF CHANGES ....................................................................14
NO DIMINUTION IN WORKING CONDITIONS...............................................15
NO EXTRA CLAIMS........................................................................................15
SIGNATURES.............................................................................................................16 SCHEDULE A .............................................................................................................17 1.
PAY AND CONDITIONS: TEACHING STAFF .................................................17
PAR ARRANGEMENTS..................................................................................18
CO-CURRICULAR ..........................................................................................18
HOURS OF WORK .........................................................................................18
PROPORTION OF SALARY ...........................................................................19
ANNUAL LEAVE LOADING ............................................................................19
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
SCHEDULE B .............................................................................................................21 1.
PRELIMINARY ................................................................................................21
SENIOR TEACHER ACTION PLAN ................................................................21
INDICATIVE TASKS .......................................................................................22
CLASSROOM ALLOCATION ..........................................................................22
GRIEVANCE ...................................................................................................22
REMUNERATION ...........................................................................................23
ELIGIBILITY OF PART-TIME APPOINTEES...................................................23
SCHEDULE C .............................................................................................................25 1.
HOURS AND OVERTIME ...............................................................................26
ANNUAL LEAVE .............................................................................................26
TIME OFF IN LIEU (TOIL)...............................................................................27
ANNUALISED SALARIES ...............................................................................27
INCREMENTAL ADVANCEMENT...................................................................27
SCHEDULE D .............................................................................................................29 1.
SCHEDULE E .............................................................................................................39 1. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MATTERS, EQUIPMENT, TOOLS AND AMENITIES FOR GROUNDSTAFF.............................................................................39 SCHEDULE F .............................................................................................................40 1.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
This agreement will be known as the Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007.
The parties to this Workplace Agreement, made under Section 327 of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 are Ormiston College Ltd (the Employer) and its permanent or fixed-term full-time, part-time and term-time employees (the Employees).
The Agreement is binding upon the Employees and the Employer
The Agreement shall operate from the date of lodgement to 30 June 2010.
The Ormiston College Consultative Committee (OCCC) will be formed to address any issues, and provide advice to the College regarding matters pertaining to this Agreement during its life. It should meet at least once per term, and all meetings will be minuted.
The OCCC will reflect the staffing structure of the College (and the Single Bargaining Unit) and will have the following membership: Primary Representative Secondary Representatives School Officer Representative Grounds Persons Representative Employer Representatives
1 2 1 1 2
The parties to this Agreement acknowledge and work towards the achievement of the College Mission as detailed in the published Mission Statement, the Strategic Plan, and related Operational Plans. 4.1.
Objectives of this Agreement
This Agreement provides a framework for the Employer and the Employees to work together to provide an optimum service to our students, and our community by (i) (ii)
establishing a framework for providing for effective and efficient arrangements and practices within Ormiston College; and creating effective management and resourcing processes which increase flexibility, responsiveness and professionalism.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
Recognising the contribution of all staff to the operations of the College, by maintaining and improving their working environment
Upon lodgement of this Agreement with the Workplace Authority, this Agreement replaces all previous Certified Agreements. This Agreement operates to the exclusion of any other industrial instrument (including the relevant Awards) that might otherwise apply. Notwithstanding, it includes a number of above-Award conditions and additional entitlements to be afforded Ormiston College employees.
Legislation which may apply in addition to this Agreement includes AntiDiscrimination Act 1991, Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992, Workplace Relations Act 1996, and Industrial Relations Act 1999.
The matters to be dealt with in this procedure include all grievances or disputes between an Employee and the Employer in respect to any industrial matter and all other matters that the parties agree on and are specified herein. Such procedure shall apply to a single employee or to any number of employees.
In the event of an Employee having a grievance or dispute the Employee shall, in the first instance, attempt to resolve the matter with their immediate supervisor, who shall respond to such request as soon as reasonably practicable under the circumstances.
If, after a reasonable period, a dispute about a matter or matters that arise under this Agreement is unable to be resolved at the workplace level following discussion between an Employee and the Headmaster, the matter(s) in dispute may be referred to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) or its equivalent authority for private conciliation.
The parties agree to be bound by the recommendation of the Commission and will observe confidentiality to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the dispute resolution process.
Whilst all of the above procedure is being followed, normal work shall continue except in the case of a genuine safety issue.
Parties acknowledge that open and effective communication will minimise the need for a formal grievance process, and that all attempts at resolution should be fair, equitable, and objective, and avoid involving staff not immediately affected by the issue.
An Employee may be engaged on a permanent or fixed term full-time, 5
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part-time, or term-time basis. 7.2.
Every Employee shall be advised in writing at the time of engagement their start and finish date (if applicable), whether they are full-time or parttime, their rate of pay, classification and working hours.
Permanent employees will be engaged on a probationary basis for the first eight months. Unless the Employee is notified otherwise in writing by the Employer at or before the end of the eight month period, employment is confirmed.
Part-time and term-time employees accrue a pro rata entitlement to personal / carer’s leave and vacation periods based in weekly hours of employment averaged over the year.
The Employees will:
devote their entire time and attention to the performance of their duties during ordinary business hours and at such other times as may be reasonably required, allowing, of course, for the usual breaks and rest pauses;
promptly and faithfully comply with any lawful directions concerning the affairs of the College;
use the Employee’s best endeavours to protect and promote the reputation of the College;
refrain from acting in conflict with the interests of the College or any Related Entity of the Employer; and
be honest and diligent and perform their duties to their best skill and ability for the benefit of the College.
Incidental and peripheral tasks
The Employer may direct an Employee to carry out such duties as are reasonably within the limits of the Employee's skill, competence and training.
The Employer may direct an Employee to carry out such duties and use such tools and equipment as may be required provided that the Employee has been properly trained in the use of such tools and equipment (where relevant).
Any such direction issued by an Employer shall be consistent with the employer's responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
Details of the Employee’s salary or hourly rate of pay will be provided to the Employee at the time the Employee commences employment with the Employer.
Minimum salary rates and other specialised conditions of employment for relevant categories of employees are prescribed in Schedules A and C.
Payment will be made by electronic funds transfer into an account nominated by the Employee, on a fortnightly basis.
The Employer will contribute for the Employee to the nominated approved Superannuation Fund a prescribed percentage of the Employee’s ordinary time earnings (currently 9.0%) in accordance with the provisions of relevant Federal Superannuation Guarantee legislation as varied from time to time.
If an Employee elects to contribute 5% of their ordinary time earnings to the nominated approved Superannuation Fund, the Employer will contribute 12.75% of the Employee’s ordinary time earnings to the nominated approved Superannuation Fund.
Employees may nominate one of the following approved funds: • • • •
Templetons QIEC AMP SunSuper In the absence of specific nomination, or where a non-approved fund is nominated, contributions will be made to Templetons Superannuation Fund.
Employees employed on a permanent or fixed-term full-time, part-time, or fixed-task basis will be permitted to salary sacrifice into any of the above approved Superannuation Funds.
Such arrangements must be put into effect only by written, signed agreement between an Employee and the Employer, in advance of the salary being earned.
Any amount sacrificed by an Employee for additional superannuation contributions must not cause the total superannuation contributions to exceed the maximum deductible contribution limits, and is not to be considered as part of, or in lieu of the Superannuation Guarantee contribution made by the Employer. 7
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
A request to vary a salary sacrifice arrangement for an Employee may be made by the Employee in writing. However, an Employee may only request one variation in each 12 months.
Any salary sacrifice arrangements must be in compliance with any applicable legislation, Australian Taxation Office rulings or guidelines and superannuation fund rules, and approved by the Headmaster.
It is recommended that Employees obtain independent financial advice specific to their circumstances before implementing or changing any salary sacrifice arrangements. The Employer is not responsible for the appropriateness of any salary sacrifice arrangements for the Employee’s financial or personal circumstances.
The Employees acknowledge that there is an obligation with their role to maintain a civic profile of high regard in the community and education sector which reflects on the College as an education provider of the highest standard.
The Employees acknowledge that any action, which causes an Employee’s reputation within the community or education sector to be brought into disrepute, will adversely reflect on the College.
The Employee and the Employer agree that employment may be terminated should it be determined that the Employee has acted in a manner which has brought the College’s standing in the community and education sector into disrepute. This will not preclude Employees who believe their employment has been unfairly terminated from making application to the AIRC for relief.
While the Employer’s policies and procedures do not form part of this Agreement, Employees will comply with any policies and procedures that the Employer may implement, as varied from time to time by the Employer at its discretion.
An Employee in his or her first year of experience shall participate in induction process of eight months' duration. All employees will familiarised with College policies and procedures, and may request or provided with additional induction practices during their period probation.
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The induction process shall be determined by the College / Headmaster in consultation with the Employee to assist the Employee's professional development, and shall be reviewed regularly throughout this period. 8
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The Employer is committed to building the Employee’s skills by either or both internal and external staff training that is within the Employer's resources to provide. Such needs will be identified by way of: (i) (ii) (iii)
the performance planning and review process; the College’s strategic goals and wider needs; the personal goals of employees as related to their work.
In addition to the five existing pupil free days (six in the senior school), all employees will participate in 2 full days and two evenings of professional development or other Employer-directed activities. These days form part of Teachers’ nominal hours of duty but are in addition to timetabled classroom teaching time, and will be scheduled during the year by the Employer, in consultation with the OCCC. The two full days will normally fall in the final week of the Christmas vacation.
The parties are committed to ongoing development and review of position descriptions in consultation with each relevant group of Employees.
These are to take into account the following issues where appropriate: (a) (b) (c)
clarification of current and/or typical duties; consultation regarding future changes to duties; acknowledgment of current flexibility in duties;
Position Descriptions for non teaching staff will be linked by level to the pay scales at Schedule C.
The parties acknowledge that an effective PP&R process provides opportunities for employees to identify strengths, to set goals and identify training needs.
During the life of this Agreement, the College will review and implement a Performance Planning and Review / Talent Management process in conjunction with Professional Development & Training to ensure the maximisation of the potential of our people, and the fulfilment of College strategic priorities and goals.
The following principles apply to all types of leave: (a)
Approval of planned leave is subject to organisational convenience, and subject to the circumstances of the particular 9
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situation. Of prime consideration is the minimisation of disruption to students in the classroom. (b)
All leave is to be authorised and approved: (i) (ii)
planned leave - in advance and in a timely manner; personal / carer’s, and other unplanned leave - as soon as possible after return to work
When an Employee is absent, his or her leave account is debited by the number of hours he or she was rostered to work during the period of absence.
Leave without Pay
18.1.1 Acknowledgement is made that as a truly independent entity, the College does not have the staffing flexibility of some of the larger school systems. 18.1.2 Because of its capacity to disturb staff continuity, and to destabilise services to our community and outcomes for students, as a general rule, leave without pay will not be approved. 18.1.3 Exceptions may be made where there are genuine and extreme compassionate situations of an emergent nature. In such cases, medical or other appropriate documentation will be required. 18.1.4 An Employee who is (a) (b)
absent from work on paid or unpaid leave granted by the Employer; or terminated and re-employed (temporarily or permanently) within 3 months;
shall not break continuity of service for the purposes of salary, personal / carer’s, and long service leave. The period of unpaid leave shall not be taken into account when calculating the Employee’s period of service. 18.2.
Personal/Carer’s Leave (formerly Sick Leave)
18.2.1 Employees are entitled to paid and / or unpaid personal / carer’s leave in accordance with the provisions of the Workplace Relations Act 1996. In short, the entitlement for Employees engaged on a full-time basis is for 10 days paid personal / carer’s leave for each 12 month period of continuous service and 2 days of unpaid personal / carer's leave per occasion where paid leave entitlements are exhausted. 18.2.2 Paid personal / carer’s leave is cumulative. An Employee is entitled to take a maximum of 10 days paid carer’s leave for each 12 month period of continuous service. 18.2.3 An Employee is required to produce a medical certificate from a registered 10
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health practitioner, or to provide a statutory declaration where it is not reasonably practicable for the Employee to obtain a medical certificate, in connection with each occasion of personal / carer’s leave in excess of 2 days. 18.2.4 Where an Employee is in receipt of workers' compensation, the Employee is not entitled to payment of personal / carer’s leave. 18.2.5 An Employee may only be on one type of leave at any given time. 18.3.
Bereavement Leave
18.3.1 Full-time and part-time Employees shall, on the death of a member of their immediate family be entitled to paid bereavement leave up to and including the day of the funeral. Such leave shall be without deduction of pay for a period not exceeding the number of hours worked by the Employee in 2 ordinary days of work. Proof of death may be required. 18.3.2 Immediate family includes a spouse (including a former spouse, a de facto spouse and a former de facto spouse, spouse of the same sex) of the Employee, a child or an adult child (including an adopted child, a foster child, an ex-foster child, a stepchild or an ex-nuptial child), parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the Employee, or spouse of the Employee. 18.4.
Parental leave
18.4.1 Employees shall be eligible to access unpaid parental leave in accordance with the provisions of the Workplace Relations Act 1996. Parental leave may be taken upon the birth of a child or adoption of a child under 5 years of age. 18.4.2 The Act provides that a person is eligible for 52 weeks of unpaid parental leave for the purposes of being the primary caregiver to the child if they have completed 12 months of continuous service with the Employer. The 52 weeks is reduced by any amount of leave taken by the Employee's spouse in relation to the birth or adoption. 18.5.
Eligibility for 12 weeks paid maternity leave
18.5.1 Female Employees who are eligible for unpaid maternity leave will be entitled to payment for up to 12 weeks maternity leave taken at the time of birth for the purposes of preparation and recuperation from child birth, subject to the provisions of this clause. 18.5.2 The following Employees will be eligible for paid maternity leave: (a)
Full-time Employees who have one years continuous service;
Part-time Employees who have 2 years' continuous service.
18.5.3 An Employee will be entitled to payment for a second or subsequent 11
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period of maternity leave only if they have first returned to work for 12 months after a preceding period of maternity leave, or any unpaid leave of 12 weeks or more. 18.5.4 The Employee will be paid the 12 weeks salary at the time of commencing maternity leave. The Employee will be paid at the rate the Employee was earning immediately prior to proceeding on the leave. 18.5.5 The maternity leave payment will be inclusive of any Public Holidays. 18.5.6 The period of paid maternity leave shall count towards the combined total of parental leave taken by the Employee. 18.6.
Paid Paternity Leave
18.6.1 Male employees who are eligible for unpaid parental leave may elect in writing to access up to 5 days of paid paternity leave by accessing available personal / carer's leave entitlements. Days must be taken consecutively, and such leave should begin within one week of the birth / adoption. Relevant medical documentation is required. 18.6.2 The period of paid paternity leave shall count towards the combined total of parental leave taken by the Employee. 18.7.
Long service leave
The entitlement to Long Service Leave will be in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act 1999, subject to the following: 18.7.1 Prior to January 1996 Long Service Leave was accrued at 0.866 weeks per year. From 1 January 1996 all employees accumulate a Long Service Leave entitlement at the rate of 1.3 weeks per year of completed full time service. 18.7.2 Those employees who have 7 years of continuous service, may (subject to sufficient notice and organisational convenience) from 1 January 2008, access that entitlement to Long Service Leave which has been accumulated on existing formulas. All employees shall have available the 2nd accrual of Long Service Leave after a further 5 years' continuous service. 18.7.3 Teaching staff are required to take leave in term blocks, and must have accrued sufficient leave to do this. Non-teaching staff may negotiate with the Headmaster to take Long Service Leave at times that minimise impact on workflow. 18.7.4 The Employer and an Employee may agree for all or part of the Long Service Leave to be taken according to a double time, half pay arrangement. 18.7.5 If an Employee has completed at least 7 years continuous service, upon the Employee’s death, retrenchment, total and permanent incapacity, 12
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retirement or resignation a proportionate payment of long service leave will be made to the Employee. 18.8.
Public holidays
18.8.1 Provided they are normally rostered to work these days, employees are entitled to take recognised public holidays, or days declared under Queensland statute to be observed in substitution for them where substituted days have been declared, without loss of pay. No Employee will be required to work on a recognised public holiday. This clause applies in lieu of protected Award and preserved conditions relating to public holidays. 18.9.
Jury service
18.9.1 A full time or part-time Employee required to attend for jury service during ordinary working hours shall be provided with paid leave for this purpose. The Employee shall be required to reimburse to the College any monies payable to the Employee for such attendance (excluding reimbursement of expenses) which required the Employee’s absence from the College. 18.9.2 The Employee shall notify the Employer as soon as possible of the date upon which he or she is required to attend for jury service. The Employee shall provide to the Employer a copy of the summons to attend jury duty and a record of payments.
Notice of termination by the Employer
19.1.1 The parties agree that changes to work practices and productivity initiatives must be consistent with the operation of the College. The parties further acknowledge that employees are a critical element in the improvement of quality service delivery. Arbitrary job reductions will not be pursued to secure the ongoing improvements in productivity and efficiency sought. 19.1.2 In order to terminate the employment of a permanent Employee, the Employer must give written notice to the Employee of at least 6 weeks for teachers and at least 4 weeks notice for others. In the case of a temporary Employee, 1 week’s notice to shorten the period of engagement is required. 19.1.3 Payment in lieu of the equivalent salary must be made if the appropriate notice period is not required to be worked. 19.1.4 Notwithstanding the above, the notice period will not apply in the case of dismissal for serious misconduct. 19.1.5 The Employer may suspend an Employee with or without pay while 13
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considering any matter which in the view of the Employer could lead to the Employee's summary dismissal. 19.2.
Notice of termination by the Employee
19.2.1 The notice of termination required to be given by an Employee is 6 weeks for teaching staff and 4 weeks for others. 19.2.2 If the Employee fails to give the notice specified above, the Employer has the right to withhold any monies due to the Employee to a maximum amount equal to the salary the Employee would have received in the period of time that is the difference between the actual period of notice given and the required period of notice. 19.3. 19.3.1
Statement of employment The Employer shall, in the event of termination of employment, provide upon request to an Employee who has been terminated a written statement specifying the period of employment and the classification or type of work performed by the Employee.
Immediately, or as soon as practicable within 24 hours, upon request by the Employer at any time or on termination or cessation of an Employee’s employment with the Employer, the Employee will deliver up to the Employer any of the Employer’s or a related entity’s property which may be in the possession or control of the Employee, including any information, books, journals, documents, equipment, hardware or software (including any computer information wherever it is stored), key or access card, mobile telephone, vehicle or credit card.
Employer's duty to consult
21.1.1 Where the Employer decides to introduce changes in that are likely to have significant negative effects on Employees, the Employer shall notify the Employees who may be affected by the proposed changes 21.1.2 'Significant effects' includes termination of employment, major negative changes in the composition, operation or size of the Employer's workforce or in the skills required; the elimination or diminution of job opportunities or job tenure; or the alteration of hours of work. 21.1.3 The Employer shall consult the Employees affected about the introduction of the changes, the effects the changes are likely to have on Employees (including the number and categories of Employees likely to be dismissed, and the time when, or the period over which, the Employer intends to carry out the dismissals), and the ways to avoid or minimise the effects of the changes (e.g. by finding alternate employment). 21.1.4 Consultation must be timely and Employees should be notified in writing of 14
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all relevant information about the changes including the nature of the changes proposed, the expected effects of the changes on Employees, and any other matters likely to affect Employees, provided that any Employer shall not be required to disclose confidential information, the disclosure of which would be adverse to the Employer's interests. 21.1.5 In the unlikely event that they may need to be invoked, Redundancy Provisions are contained in Schedule F.
The parties agree that no member of staff is to suffer a loss of working conditions due to changes in agreement registration arrangements, wherein this Agreement is to be registered under Federal jurisdiction. If it should become apparent that any member of staff has suffered such a loss of working conditions due to Federal registration, then the Employer will act to correct the situation as soon as possible.
There will be no extra claims by the Employees regarding any industrial matter during the period of operation of this Agreement.
If anything in this Agreement is unenforceable, illegal or void then it is severed and the rest of this Agreement remains in force for the life of the Agreement.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
This Agreement affirms the Employer's commitment to set and maintain salaries at six percent (6%) above the equivalent offered by Education Queensland (EQ) at 1 July each year, during the life of the Agreement.
The following minimum salaries will apply:
BAND 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 BAND 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 BAND 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Senior Teacher
1/07/2007 44031.713 45284.468 46802.707 48412.207 0 49767.284 52527.217 55276.088 58033.255 60801.484 0 63105.116 65422.574 67723.44 70162.579 3000.00 73162.58
2007 pf 1687.732 1735.75 1793.944 1855.636 0 1907.576 2013.364 2118.728 2224.41 2330.516 0 2418.814 2507.642 2595.834 2689.326
1/07/2008 45792.98 47095.85 48674.82 50348.7 0 51757.98 54628.31 57487.13 60354.59 63233.54 0 65629.32 68039.48 70432.38 72969.08 3120.00
2008 pf 1755.24 1805.18 1865.7 1929.86 0 1983.88 2093.9 2203.48 2313.38 2423.73 0 2515.56 2607.95 2699.67 2796.9 128.209
At 1 July 2009 the Employer will grant a percentage increase to the above 2008 minimum salaries commensurate with EQ’s, such that classroom teacher salaries remain 6% above those of EQ.
A 4 Year trained graduate Teacher shall be initially appointed at Band 2 Step 1.
A Teacher admitted to the service as a 4 Year trained Teacher who has an Approved bachelor's degree with first and second degree honours from a recognised University plus one Year of Teacher education or 2 Approved degrees from a recognised university plus one Year of Teacher education shall commence on the salary prescribed for Step 2.
Subject to satisfactory conduct, diligence, and efficiency, on 1 January each year a Teacher shall receive annual increments in salary according to this scale of salaries until the Teacher receives the maximum salary for which the Teacher is eligible.
To be classified and paid as a Senior Teacher, a Teacher must meet the criteria set out at Schedule B, and such classification will be approved by the Headmaster. A Teacher will not be entitled to receive both the Senior 17
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Teacher Allowance and an allowance or remuneration for a Position of Added Responsibility as prescribed in this Agreement.
House Coordinators are entitled to the same allowance as Senior Teachers (currently $3,000 pa).
Subject Area Coordinators and Year Level Coordinators are entitled to an allowance of $6,000 pa plus a maximum of 65% timetabled contact time.
Heads of Department are entitled to an annual allowance of $12,000 pa plus a maximum of 55% timetabled contact time.
These allowances would be adjusted annually, at 1 July, in line with EQ increases.
This clause applies in lieu of protected Award and preserved conditions relating to monetary allowances.
Teachers contribute to the ethos and mission of the College by accepting that part of their duties is the performance of co-curricular activities which are integral to the total school curriculum. The College will ensure equitable practices in relation to co-curricular activities are put into effect.
As part of the commitment to Ormiston College, all Teachers participate in the co-curricular program for a minimum of two seasons or two activities (10 points in the Senior School) per year, overseen by the Activities Consultative Committee (ACC).
Those who perform co-curricular duties above and beyond the required minimum, as deemed significant (ie coaching an extra trimester of sport or equivalent) by the Activities Consultative Committee will receive an additional allowance of $50 per week for the duration of such performance, to be paid in a lump sum at the end of each trimester (term in Junior School), at the recommendation of the ACC, and subject to the approval of the Headmaster. This allowance will be adjusted annually, at 1 July, in line with EQ increases.
Teachers shall be on duty at least 15 minutes prior to students’ scheduled commencement, and shall remain on duty until the time of dismissal of the school for the day.
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The Headmaster may assign to members of their staff duties requiring their attendance after the time of dismissal of the school for the day, provided that such duties shall be allocated, when practicable, on a roster basis.
Timetabled classroom teaching time shall not exceed 30 hours per week, but teachers are expected to work whatever additional hours are required to fulfil their normal duties.
The normal duties of teachers include playground duties, form class duties, staff meetings, assisting students outside of class time, cocurricular and extra-curricular activities, information evenings, parentteacher interviews, attendance at professional development and administrative sessions, and functions including Speech Night, Open Day, Carnival, and other such activities as directed by the Headmaster.
Timetabled times for teachers at the College must include minimums of 320 and 180 minutes of non-contact time per week for Senior School and Junior School teachers respectively.
This clause applies in lieu of protected Award and preserved conditions relating to rest breaks, overtime and penalty rates.
A Teacher upon appointment shall be paid as from the date upon which the Teacher commenced duty, provided that a Teacher who has taught (or has been granted leave by the school) for each day of the school year at the particular school shall be paid as for a full calendar year commencing on 1st January.
A Teacher who ceases duty prior to completing a full year’s employment shall be paid the proportion of the Teacher's annual salary of that year that the Teacher's service excluding school vacations bears to a standard school year:
A Teacher who has taught (or has been granted paid leave by the school) for each day of the school year at the particular school shall receive an annual leave loading equivalent to 17.5% of 4 weeks' salary calculated upon the salary which such Employee was receiving immediately before commencing the summer vacation.
A Teacher who commences employment after the beginning of a school year and has taught for at least a full school term and who teaches to the end of the school year shall be paid the proportion of the annual leave loading that the Teacher's service (excluding school vacations) bears to a standard school year.
A Teacher who resigns, having given the prescribed notice in writing, or 19
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whose services are terminated by the Employer for some reason or reasons other than misconduct and who has taught for at least the full first school term shall be paid the proportion of the annual leave loading that the Teacher's service (excluding school vacations) bears to a standard school year: 6.4.
The full amount of the abovementioned annual leave loadings shall be paid to the Teacher at the commencement of the summer vacation or prior to the date of cessation of employment.
This clause applies in lieu of protected Award and preserved conditions relating to annual leave loading.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
The position of Senior Teacher provides teachers with the opportunity to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. The Senior Teacher provision provides an opportunity for classroom teachers to further teaching excellence and promotes a leadership role amongst classroom Teachers by undertaking high level tasks consistent with this Schedule.
The duties of a Senior Teacher will be remunerated according to the Senior Teacher provisions as outlined in this Schedule.
A Senior Teacher is a Teacher who: (a) (b)
has been on the classification Band 3 Step 4 for a period of 12 months; and makes a commitment by signing an undertaking consistent with Clause 3: Senior Teacher Action Plan.
The teacher will submit a signed Senior Teacher Action Plan which lists one or more tasks the Teacher will undertake as a classroom Teacher consistent with the express intention of furthering teaching excellence.
This undertaking will be in the form of a Senior Teacher Action Plan which will identify specific task(s) consistent with one or more of the skills identified in Clause 4 of this Schedule.
The Senior Teacher Action Plan which identifies one or more tasks from Clause 5 of this Schedule will be mutually agreed and signed by the Teacher and the Headmaster.
A Senior Teacher shall review and revise, if necessary, the Senior Teacher Action Plan each year. Where a Senior Teacher Action Plan is revised it will be resubmitted to the Headmaster, mutually agreed and signed by the Headmaster.
The implementation of the Senior Teacher Action Plan will be undertaken upon request, with reasonable notice, from the Headmaster.
In the event of either party having a grievance with the Senior Teacher Action Plan, each party reserves the right to invoke the grievance procedures contained in Clause 7 of this Schedule.
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The task(s) identified within the Senior Teacher Action Plan shall demonstrate one or more of the following skills: (i) Curriculum Design (ii) Curriculum Development (iii) Classroom Delivery of Curriculum (iv) Evaluation of Curriculum (v) Assessment of Students (vi) Pastoral Care of Students (vii) Professional Development of other Teachers (viii) Mentoring of One or More Teachers INDICATIVE TASKS
The demonstration of one or more of the above skills may involve one or more tasks chosen by the Teacher from a list outlined below: (i) Contribution to educational decision making and planning in the School as they impact upon classroom practice; (ii)
Contribution to School policy making as it applies to classroom practice;
Contribution to implementation of School policies across the School as those policies apply to classroom practice;
Effective contribution to development of programmes and the promotional strategy of classroom organisation which foster successful learning outcomes for students across the School;
Effective leadership and modelling in one or more classroom related areas across the School;
Effectiveness in acting as a resource person for other teachers in the school in respect to professional development re classroom practices;
Effective early career Teacher supervision.
The tasks of a Senior Teacher will not be so frequent or onerous as to detract from the Senior Teacher’s primary role as a classroom teacher.
A Teacher will not be prejudiced by not having complied with their Senior Teacher Action Plan due to circumstances beyond the control of the Teacher. 22
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
If a Senior Teacher does not comply with the terms of the undertaking within the Senior Teacher Action Plan the Headmaster will: (i) (ii)
Outline the nature of the non-compliance, in writing, to the Teacher; and Provide the Teacher with adequate opportunity to explain/redress the situation.
If the Teacher does not provide an explanation to the satisfaction of the Headmaster and after being given an opportunity, fails to address the situation, then: (i)
The Headmaster will provide a written determination to the Teacher outlining the Teacher's non-compliance with the undertaking; and
The Teacher will revert back to the classification of Band 3 Step 4 for a period of 12 months from the date of the Headmaster’s written determination.
After the 12 month period referred to in Clause 7.3(ii) expires, the Teacher is again eligible to apply for the Senior Teacher position.
Any Teacher aggrieved by the decision to remove their classification of Senior Teacher or to refuse them entry or re-entry to the Senior Teacher classification, may access the procedures for preventing and settling disputes (Clause 6) of this Agreement.
Remuneration shall be paid from the date of eligibility provided that the Teacher provides an undertaking consistent with Clause 3 of this Schedule prior to that date. Where the teacher provides an undertaking consistent with Clause 3 of this Schedule after the eligibility date, remuneration shall be paid from the date the undertaking is provided.
In the case of a Teacher employed on a part-time basis of at least 0.6 of a full-time employee, such a Teacher may access Senior Teacher classification through the process identified in Clause 3 of this Schedule and shall receive a proportional salary rate based on the salary rate of a Senior Teacher.
Task(s) undertaken by a part-time Teacher will reflect the proportion of time employed at the School.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
The Senior Teacher action plan will adhere to the following format: Name: ……………………………………………………………. Consistent with the provisions of the Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007, I agree to undertake tasks consistent with one or more of the skills areas identified in Schedule B according to the following schedule: (a)
Identified skill(s)
Identified task(s)
________________________ Date Signature
________________________ Date Headmaster
Remuneration shall be paid from the date of eligibility provided that the Teacher provides an undertaking consistent with Clause 3 of Schedule B prior to that date. Where the teacher provides an undertaking, consistent with Clause 3 of Schedule B, after the eligibility date remuneration shall be paid from the date the undertaking is provided.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
Employees are appointed to a position at the appropriate level within the structure and to a step in the level according to experience or recognised prior learning, in accordance with Schedule D.
At 1 July each year the College will grant a percentage increase to minimum rates for non teaching staff commensurate to that granted to teachers.
If at any time an Employee or an Employer considers that the skills and responsibilities as required by the Employer for a position have altered or do not reflect the classification determined, a review of the classification applicable to the position may be undertaken. Where a disagreement arises as to the outcome of a classification review, it will be dealt with under the procedure for preventing and settling disputes contained in this Agreement.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
1 2 3 4
35432.98 36210.08 36977.86 37754.94
1358.14 1387.93 1417.36 1447.14
17.93 18.32 18.71 19.11
36850.3 37658.48 38456.97 39265.13
1412.47 1443.45 1474.05 1505.03
18.65 19.06 19.46 19.87
1 2 3
38522.73 1476.57 19.50 39585.93 1517.32 20.03 40066.75 1535.75 20.28
40063.64 1535.63 20.28 41169.37 1578.02 20.83 41669.42 1597.18 21.09
1 2 3 4
40066.75 40973.36 42767.95 43924.27
41669.42 42612.29 44478.66 45681.24
1 2 3
44701.35 1713.40 22.62 45856.84 1757.69 23.21 47013.16 1802.01 23.79
46489.4 1781.93 23.53 47691.12 1828.00 24.14 48893.69 1874.09 24.74
1 2 3
48558.03 1861.22 24.57 49714.36 1905.55 25.16 50869.83 1949.84 25.74
50500.35 1935.67 25.56 51702.93 1981.77 26.17 52904.63 2027.83 26.77
1535.75 1570.50 1639.29 1683.61
20.28 20.74 21.64 22.23
1597.18 1633.32 1704.86 1750.96
21.09 21.56 22.51 23.12
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
Level 6
1 2 3 4 5
52433.33 55208.17 57992.33 60812.87 63531.85
2009.76 2116.12 2222.84 2330.95 2435.17
26.54 27.94 29.35 30.78 32.15
54530.66 57416.5 60312.02 63245.39 66073.13
2090.15 2200.77 2311.75 2424.19 2532.58
27.60 29.06 30.52 32.01 33.44
At the time of engagement, the Employer and the Employee will agree in writing on the pattern of work required, including specifying the number of ordinary hours per week, the days on which the work is to be performed and the normal daily starting and finishing times.
The normal hours of work for full-time employees will be 38 hours per week.
Notwithstanding Clause 2.2 of this Schedule, the Employees will be available as reasonably required to fulfil the breadth of the College’s service obligations to its community. This will include, but not be limited to, attending to duties within a spread of normal hours of between 7.00am and 6.00pm each weekday, as well as contributing to College functions and any administrative and professional tasks or activities that might arise outside of normal hours.
The Employee’s salary or, where relevant, their hourly rate of pay, has been set at a level that takes into account each Employee’s normal hours and any additional hours the Employee may be required to work to perform the Employee’s duties.
Employees are not normally entitled to any additional payment for overtime. Payment for any other work performed in addition to the Employee’s school hours must be approved in advance by the Headmaster.
Employees who work a minimum of four consecutive hours per day are entitled to a ten minute paid rest pause. No employee should work continuously for more than five hours without a meal break of half an hour. The meal break is not included in the Employee's paid hours.
This clause applies in lieu of protected Award and preserved conditions relating to rest breaks, overtime and penalty rates.
Full-time Employees are entitled to 4 weeks’ annual leave for each 12 month period of continuous service accrued in accordance with the Workplace Relations Act 1996 plus annual leave loading of 17.5%. Parttime, term-time, and fixed-term employees are entitled to a pro rata 26
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period. For operational reasons, annual leave will only be authorised and taken in full days. 3.2.
Annual leave shall normally be taken by all employees during school vacation periods. Full time (not term-time) staff may access paid annual leave in term time subject to sufficient notice and organisational convenience.
Upon termination of an Employee’s employment, the Employee will be entitled to payment of their accrued but untaken annual leave.
This clause applies in lieu of protected Award and preserved conditions relating to annual leave loading.
Ormiston College does not operate a system of TOIL.
Non-teaching staff are generally expected to complete their work within their allocated hours of duty. Arrangements to work appreciable hours in excess of these should be approved by the Headmaster. Occasionally small amounts of time may be allowed to attend urgent appointments, but these require approval in advance by the Headmaster.
Full-time non-teaching staff are granted the three days between Christmas and New Year as concessional leave in recognition that most do work above and beyond nominal hours of work, including participating in Open Days, Awards Nights, and other College activities.
An Employee who works less than a full year may agree with the Employer to have their wages averaged out over the full year. Where such agreement exists, it shall be recorded in writing between the Employer and Employees affected and a copy must be kept as part of the time and wages record.
Where there is a substantive change to the standard roster, a new calculation of annualisation of wages will occur.
Each level of the structure has varying pay steps which provide for annual service increments within a level. Such increments are payable subject to satisfactory performance but will not be unreasonably withheld by the Employer without due process.
For the purposes of establishing the entitlement of an Employee to a yearly pay increment one year's service shall constitute 1976 hours of duty.
Progression from one level to a higher level is either by appointment to 27
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such higher level as a result of vacancy at that level or the Employer requiring an Employee to perform at a higher level in accordance with these classification criteria. 6.4.
An Employee may be appointed to a higher level without having progressed through all paypoints within a lower level.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
The characteristics of a position are the principal guide to classification as they are designed to indicate the level of basic knowledge, comprehension of issues, problem and procedures required, the level of autonomy, accountability supervision/training involved with the position. The characteristics of a level must be read as a whole to gain an understanding of the position and the performance requirements. Isolated characteristics should not be used to justify the classification of a position.
The typical duties/skills are a non-exhaustive list of duties/skills that may be comprehended within the particular level. They reflect the competencies of a particular level. They are an indicative guide only and at any particular level employees may be expected to undertake duties of any level lower than their own. Employees at any particular level may perform/utilise one such duty/skill or many of them depending on the particular work allocated to them. Typical duties/skills should not be used as the primary determinant in classifying employees but may be useful if the characteristics of a level cannot be easily applied in an individual instance.
Some of the Characteristics have been included in the Typical Skills/Duties at each level. Where there is inconsistency between the Characteristics and the Typical Skills/Duties, the Characteristics will prevail over the Typical Skills/Duties.
The key issue to be looked at in properly classifying an Employee is the level of initiative, responsibility/accountability, competency and skill that an Employee is required to exercise in performing the Employee's work within the parameters of the characteristics, read as a whole, of the position.
It should be noted that some typical duties/skills appear at one level only while others appear at more than one level. Because of this, the classification or reclassification of a position needs to be done by reference to the specific characteristics of the level. As an example, because an Employee may be utilising a skill comprehended at a higher level than that to which the Employee has been appointed, the Employee assumes the level of initiative, accountability/responsibility, skill and competency envisaged by the characteristics of the higher level.
The Table below provides a ready reference for classification of positions, but is indicative only. Classification should be determined by applying the detailed classification descriptions.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
- limited supervision - overall progress checked - broad guidance - a level of autonomy when in teams
- general supervision broad guidance - progress / outcomes under general guidance
- general supervision - broad guidance
some team coordination - some guidance to lower level - provide assistance to less experienced at same level
- team coordination - limited responsibility for work of others - provide assistance to to other employees
- team coordination / facilitation - supervision of work of others - limited responsibility for work / organisation of others - training of subordinate staff
team guidance - supervision of work of others responsible for planning / management of others training of subordinate staff
Competency required
- limited range of tasks / roles - limited choice of actions - established routines - judgment against established criteria
- range of tasks / roles - limited complexity of choice of actions - established routines some judgment against in limited cases
- broad range of tasks / roles application of knowledge in depth in some areas - some complexity of choice of actions - established routines discretion and judgment required
- broad range of tasks / roles application of knowledge in depth in some areas - some complexity of choice of actions - established routines discretion and judgment required
Yr 12 / Cert 2 or 3
Yr 12 / Cert 3 / relevant experience
Certificate 4 or relevant experience
Diploma or experience
- basic / routine / refer enquiries / limited complexity
- basic / routine / enquiries
Junior, trainee
Reception, Print Room Aide, Library Aide, General T/A, Shop Assistant, P&F Assistant, Book Hire, Grounds & Maintenance Staff, Cleaner
- close supervision - regularly checked - some autonomy when in teams
Supervision of Employee
Supervision of other employees
Examples of roles
- none
3 - direct or routine supervision - intermittently checked - general guidance when in teams - detailed instructions in some situations
PA to Management, Science T/A, Library Technical, Accounts Officer, IT Technician, Shop Coordinator
Assistant PA to HM
- broad range of tasks / roles self directed application of knowledge in depth - complexity of choice of actions - competencies used independently discretion and judgment required Degree or relevant experience
Registrar, Director Marketing, Director Development, Works Foreman, Theatre Manager, Events Coordinator
LEVEL 2 Characteristics Supervision of Employee • • •
Work is performed under close supervision either as an individual or in a team environment. Work is regularly checked. Less direct guidance and some autonomy may be involved when working in teams.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
Competency required for position • • • •
Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills to a limited range of tasks and roles. There is a specific range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear. Competencies are normally used within established routines, methods and procedures that are predictable. Judgment against established criteria is also involved.
Formal qualifications/experience Completion of year 12 or relevant Cert 2 or 3 Typical duties/skills •
Perform a range of general clerical duties at a basic level, for example, filing, handling mail, maintaining records.
Operate routine office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, guillotine, franking machine, calculators, etc.
Operate audio visual equipment at a basic level.
Attend to front counter and refer enquires to the appropriate member of staff.
Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking.
Monitor and maintain stock levels of stationery/materials for office/department within established parameters including reordering.
Prepare and clean away materials for display/use in classroom or libraries under instruction of a higher level officer or member of the academic staff.
Carry out minor maintenance of equipment and material.
LEVEL 3 Characteristics Supervision of Employee • •
An Employee in a position at this level works under direct and/or routine supervision depending on function. An Employee's work is intermittently checked. 31
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• •
Supervision may take the form of general guidance where working in teams is involved. Supervision may involve detailed instructions in some situations.
Supervision of Other Employees • • •
Within a team responsibility for some roles and coordination may be required. Provide guidance to other Employees at a lower level. Provide assistance to less experienced Employees at the same level.
Competency required for position • • • • •
Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills to a range of tasks and role. There is a defined range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear. There is limited complexity of choice of actions required. Competencies are normally used within established routines methods and procedures. Discretion and judgement about possible actions are involved in some cases.
Formal qualifications/experience Certificate 3 or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the Employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. Typical duties/skills •
Perform a range of general clerical duties at a basic level, for example, filing, handling mail, maintaining records.
Operate office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding, machine, guillotine, franking machine, calculators, etc.
Handle administration enquires from staff/students/parents/public.
Maintain petty cash.
Assist with preparation of internal and external publications.
Assist student learning, either individually or in groups, under the direct supervision of an academic staff member.
Prepare and clear away materials for display/use in classrooms or libraries under instruction of a higher level officer or member of the academic staff. 32
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Process basic library transactions such as issues and returns, produce overdue lists, entry of orders in a computerised system, perform stocktakes, entering of accession information into computer.
Operate and demonstrate the use of audio-visual equipment where there is limited complexity.
Maintain a booking system for equipment use and organisation of repairs and placement of equipment.
Record audio/video programs and maintain a catalogue system of such recordings in accordance with established routines, methods and procedures.
Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking.
Monitor and maintain stock levels of stationery/materials of an office/department within established parameters including reordering.
Provide assistance with an academic programme where limited discretion and judgment are involved.
Within a defined range of contexts, where the choice of actions is clear, maintain science equipment, materials and specimens.
Under direct supervision, assist in design/demonstration of experiments and scientific equipment under the supervision of academic staff member.
Operate and/or maintain a wide range of turf machinery and equipment, constructs of surfaces, gardens, install and maintain irrigation and drainage systems, control and maintain stores and facilities.
Cleaning duties
Minor maintenance of building and grounds
Assistance in the School shops
LEVEL 4 Characteristics Supervision of Employee
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
• • • •
An Employee in a position at this level works under limited supervision. An Employee's work may be checked in relation to overall progress. Supervision may take the form of broad guidance. A level of autonomy may be involved when working in teams.
Supervision of Other Employees • • •
Limited responsibility for the work of others may be involved. Team co-ordination may be required. Assistance and/or guidance may be provided to other employees.
Competency required for position • • • • •
Competency at this level involves application of knowledge with depth in some areas and a broad range of skills. There is a range of roles and tasks in a variety of contexts. There is some complexity in the extent and choice of actions required. Competencies are normally used within routines, methods and procedures. Some discretion and judgement is involved in selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.
Formal qualifications/experience Certificate 4 or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the Employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. Typical duties/skills •
Carry out a wide range of secretarial and clerical duties at an advanced level, including word processing, spreadsheeting, and use of other programs as required: maintain manual and computerised records.
Enter financial data into computer and prepare financial and management reports for review and authorisation by senior management.
Prepare and process payroll within routines, methods and procedures.
Carry out bank and ledger reconciliations.
Provide administrative support to senior management. Arrange appointments and diaries and prepare confidential and general correspondence.
Assist in the enrolment function including handling initial enquires and arranging interviews. 34
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
Prepare government and statutory authority returns for authorisation under supervision.
Provide academic programme assistance where some discretion and judgement are involved.
Under supervision assist in the design/demonstration of experiments where some discretion and judgement are involved.
Limited responsibility for the work of other assistants in a laboratory.
Provide technical assistance in the operation of the library where some discretion and judgement are involved.
Search and verify bibliographical data where some discretion and judgement are involved.
Copy catalogue books, magazines, journals and recorded material, maintain library circulation systems.
Produce display and publicity materials.
Carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student's family where some discretion and judgement are involved.
Assist staff and students in accessing library information where some discretion and judgement are involved.
Assist staff and students in use of library equipment where some discretion and judgement are involved.
Demonstrate to staff and students the use of complex audio visual or computer equipment
Monitor performance of and carry out repairs to specialised equipment
Supervise and maintain the hardware and software components of a computer network and provide user support
Manage the School Uniform / ROCC / Tuck Shop and associated staff/ volunteers.
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
LEVEL 5 Characteristics Supervision of Employee • •
An Employee in a position at this level works under general supervision and/or broad guidance depending on function. Progress and outcomes sought are under general guidance.
Supervision of Other Employees • • • •
The work of others may be supervised. Teams may be guided or facilitated. Responsibility for the work and organisation of others in limited areas. Training of subordinate staff may or may not be required.
Competency required for position • • • • •
Competency at this level involves the application of knowledge with depth in some areas and a broad range of skills. There is a wide variety of tasks and roles in a variety of contexts. There is complexity in the ranges and choice of actions required. Competencies are normally used within a variety of routines, methods and procedures. Discretion and judgement are required for self and/or others in planning, selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.
Formal qualification/experience Diploma or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required by the Employer or knowledge qualifications and experience as are deemed by the Employers as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. Typical duties/skills •
Advanced application of computer software packages.
Provide administrative support to senior management at a higher level than at level 3 where discretion, confidentiality, and judgment are required.
Calculate and maintain wage and salary records for a large payroll utilising a variety of routines, methods and procedures.
Apply inventory and purchasing control procedures, prepare monthly summaries of debtors and creditors ledger transactions and reconcile 36
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these. •
Control the purchase and storage function for a discrete department.
LEVEL 6 Characteristics Supervision of Employee An Employee in a position at this level works under general supervision and/or broad guidance depending on function. Supervision of Other Employees • • • •
The work of others may be supervised. Teams may be guided. Responsibility for the planning and management of the work of others may be involved. Supervision and training of staff in lower level positions may or may not be involved.
Competency required for position • • • •
Competency at this level involves self directed application of knowledge with substantial depth in some areas. A range of technical and other skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts. Competencies are normally used independently and both routinely and non routinely. Discretion and judgement are required in planning and selecting appropriate equipment, service techniques and work organisation for self and/or others.
Formal qualifications/experience Degree or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required by the Employer or knowledge, qualifications and experience that are determined by the Employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. Typical duties/skills •
Operate and be responsible for a structurally and/or operationally defined section (see classification criteria table).
Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer's area of expertise.
Prepare advice, reports, proposals or submissions for the senior executives of the school and/or outside bodies. 37
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
Direct and supervise the work of other staff.
Ensure deadlines and targets are met.
Provide specialist technical advice, direction and assistance in the Employee's area of expertise using the application of knowledge gained through formal study/qualifications applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the Employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position .
Ormiston College Workplace Agreement 2007
Protective clothing
Employees required to work in the rain, will be provided with adequate rainproof clothing including oilskins, gum boots and sou-wester.
Employees who are required to distribute fertiliser or who are engaged upon spraying shall, upon request, be supplied with gloves, overalls, goggles and a double respirator at the Employer's expense or, by mutual agreement, be paid the allowance prescribed in clause 5.4.2 of this Schedule.
Upon request, all groundstaff shall be supplied with one pair of gum boots free of cost.
Employees required to drive tractors or operate other machinery producing similar levels of noise shall, upon request, be supplied, at the employer's expense, with ear muffs or other suitable protective gear mutually agreed upon.
The Employer shall provide a canopy to protect employees from the sun whenever Employees are engaged upon driving tractors drawing gang-mowers. 1.3. Footwear Where a special type of footwear is required, an Employee shall, after 3 months' service with the Employer, be provided with such footwear. Such Employee shall be entitled to the issue of no less than 2 pairs of footwear per year, other than sandshoes, and such footwear shall remain the property of the Employer. 1.4.
Drinking water
The Employer shall ensure that wherever practicable cool drinking water is readily available to Employees. 1.5. First aid A first aid cabinet shall be available for Employees in case of accident. Such first aid cabinet shall be kept and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 and Regulations relating to such first aid cabinets. 1.6. Changing rooms A suitable changing room shall be provided by the Employer. Such changing room shall be kept free of working materials. 39
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Consultation before terminations
Where the Employer decides that the Employer no longer wishes the job the Employee has been doing to be done by anyone, and this is not due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour, and that decision may lead to termination of employment, the Employer shall consult the Employee directly affected .
The consultation shall take place as soon as it is practicable after the Employer has made a decision and shall cover the reasons for the proposed terminations, measures to avoid or minimise the terminations and/or their adverse affects on the Employees concerned.
For the purpose of the consultation the Employer shall, as soon as practicable, provide in writing to the Employees concerned all relevant information about the proposed terminations including the reasons for the proposed terminations, the number and categories of employees likely to be affected, the number of workers normally employed and the period over which the terminations are likely to be carried out, provided that an Employer shall not be required to disclose confidential information, the disclosure of which would be adverse to the Employer's interests.
Transmission of business
Where a business is transmitted from the Employer (transmittor) to another employer (transmittee), and an Employee who at the time of such transmission was an Employee of the transmittor of the business, becomes an Employee of the transmittee: (a) the continuity of the employment of the Employee shall be deemed not to have been broken by reason of such transmission; and (b) the period of employment which the Employee has had with the transmittor or any prior transmittor shall be deemed to be service of the Employee with the transmittee.
'Business' includes trade, process, business or occupation and includes a part or subsidiary (which means a corporation that would be taken to be a subsidiary under the Corporations Law, whether or not the Corporations Law applies in the particular case) of any such business and 'transmission' includes transfer, conveyance, assignment or succession whether by agreement or by operation of law and 'transmitted' has a corresponding meaning.
Where an Employee accepts or rejects an offer of employment with the 40
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transmittee, the Employer is exempted from having to provide severance benefits as outlined below. 1.3.
Time off during notice period
Where a decision has been made to terminate an Employee in these circumstances the Employee shall be allowed up to one day's time off without loss of pay during each week of notice for the purpose of seeking other employment.
If the Employee has been allowed paid leave for more than one day during the notice period for the purpose of seeking other employment, the Employee shall, at the request of the Employer, be required to produce proof of attendance at an interview or the Employee shall not receive payment for the time absent. For this purpose a statutory declaration will be sufficient.
Notice to Centrelink
Where a decision has been made to terminate employees in these circumstances the Employer shall notify Centrelink as soon as possible giving all relevant information about the proposed terminations, including a written statement of the reasons for the terminations, the number and categories of the employees likely to be affected, the number of workers normally employed and the period over which the terminations are intended to be carried out. 1.5. 1.5.1
Severance pay In addition to the normal period of notice prescribed for ordinary termination an Employee whose employment is terminated for redundancy reasons shall be entitled to the following amounts of severance pay: Period of Continuous Service Severance Pay (weeks' pay) Less than 1 year Nil 1 year but not more than 2 years 4 More than 2 years but not more than 3 6 years More than 3 years but not more than 4 7 years More than 4 years but not more than 5 8 years More than 5 years but not more than 6 9 years More than 6 years but not more than 7 10 years More than 7 years but not more than 8 11 years More than 8 years but not more than 9 12 years More than 9 years but not more than 10 13 years 41
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More than 10 years but not more than 11 years More than 11 years but not more than 12 years More than 12 years
14 15 16
'Weeks' Pay' means the ordinary time rate of pay for the Employee concerned:
Provided that the following amounts are excluded from the calculation of the ordinary time rate of pay: overtime, penalty rates, disability allowances, shift allowances, special rates, fares and travelling time allowances, bonuses and any other ancillary payments.
1.6. 1.6.1
Superannuation benefits The Employer is entitled to relief from the obligation to make severance payments in circumstances where: (i)
the Employer has contributed to a superannuation scheme which provides a particular benefit to an Employee in a redundancy situation; and
the particular benefit to the Employee is over and above any benefit the Employee might obtain from any legislative scheme providing for superannuation benefits (currently the Federal Superannuation Guarantee levy) or an award based superannuation scheme.
Employee leaving during notice
An Employee whose employment is terminated for redundancy reasons may terminate such employment during the period of notice, and, if so, shall be entitled to the same benefits and payments under this clause had such Employee remained with the Employer until the expiry of such notice although the Employee shall not be entitled to payment in lieu of notice. 1.8.
Alternative employment
If the Employer obtains acceptable alternative employment for an Employee, the Employer is entitled to relief from the obligation to make a severance payment for that Employee. 1.9. 1.9.1
Employees exempted This Schedule shall not apply: (a)
to employees with less than one year's continuous service, in which case the general obligation on the Employer should be no more than to give relevant Employees an indication of the 42
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impending redundancy at the first reasonable opportunity, and to take such steps as may be reasonable to facilitate the obtaining by the Employees of suitable alternative employment. (b)
where employment is terminated as a consequence of misconduct on the part of the Employee; or
to Employees engaged for a specific period or task(s); or
to casual Employees.
1.10. Incapacity to pay The obligation for the Employer to make severance payments in a particular redundancy case may be waived on the basis of the Employer's incapacity to pay. 1.11. Should the Employer rely on clauses 1.6.1 or 1.10 to reduce or refuse severance pay to an Employee, the Employer will provide reasons to the Employee for that decision. Employees who believe they been unfairly dealt with in relation to severance payments may make application to the AIRC for relief.