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Title.................................................................................................................................................................................. 1.1 Application ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1.2 Coverage .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1.3 Commencement Date and Period of Operation ............................................................................................................... 1.4 Posting of Agreement ...................................................................................................................................................... 1.5 Relationship to the Schedules .......................................................................................................................................... 1.6 PART 2 – CONSULTATION Enterprise Agreement Meetings ..................................................................................................................................... 2.1 Consultation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2.2 PART 3 – RELATIONSHIP TO AIMS OF THE COLLEGE Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................................................... 3.1 Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................................... 3.2 College Aims ................................................................................................................................................................... 3.3 Objectives of this Agreement .......................................................................................................................................... 3.4 Reduce College Operating Costs ..................................................................................................................................... 3.5 Expectations of Staff........................................................................................................................................................ 3.6 PART 4 – REMUNERATION Wage Increases ................................................................................................................................................................ 4.1 No Further Increases ........................................................................................................................................................ 4.2 Payment of Salaries ......................................................................................................................................................... 4.3 Occupational Superannuation .......................................................................................................................................... 4.4 PART 5 – FAMILY FRIENDLY POLICIES Long Service Leave ......................................................................................................................................................... 5.1 Personal/Carer‘s Leave .................................................................................................................................................... 5.2 Parental Leave ................................................................................................................................................................. 5.3 Unpaid Carers Leave ....................................................................................................................................................... 5.4 Bereavement Leave ......................................................................................................................................................... 5.5 Study Leave ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5.6 College Year .................................................................................................................................................................... 5.7 Individual Flexibility ....................................................................................................................................................... 5.8 PART 6 – NON-SALARY ITEMS Public Holidays................................................................................................................................................................ 6.1 Incidental and Peripheral Tasks ....................................................................................................................................... 6.2 Appraisal Process............................................................................................................................................................. 6.3 First Aid Certification ...................................................................................................................................................... 6.4 Promoting the Teaching Profession and the College ....................................................................................................... 6.5 Job Share Provision ......................................................................................................................................................... 6.6 Job Security ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6.7 Termination of Employment ............................................................................................................................................ 6.8 Statement of Service ........................................................................................................................................................ 6.9 Professional Development and Training ........................................................................................................................ 6.10 Position Descriptions ..................................................................................................................................................... 6.11 Redundancy ................................................................................................................................................................... 6.12 Teaching Resources ....................................................................................................................................................... 6.13 Final Copy (Clean)

2 Staff Discount ................................................................................................................................................................ 6.14 Community Service Leave............................................................................................................................................. 6.15 Salary Packaging ........................................................................................................................................................... 6.16 Dress code for all staff ................................................................................................................................................... 6.17 PART 7 – TEACHERS Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7.1 Employment Categories................................................................................................................................................... 7.2 HAT Allowance .............................................................................................................................................................. 7.3 Salary Increments ............................................................................................................................................................ 7.4 Payment for Full Year and Proportionate Payments ........................................................................................................ 7.5 Salary Provisions relating to Three Year Trained Teachers ............................................................................................ 7.6 Salary Provisions relating to Four Year Trained Teachers .............................................................................................. 7.7 Annual Leave Loading .................................................................................................................................................... 7.8 Induction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7.9 Four Term Probation...................................................................................................................................................... 7.10 Hours of Work ............................................................................................................................................................... 7.11 Co-Curricular ................................................................................................................................................................ 7.12 Non Contact Time ......................................................................................................................................................... 7.13 Supervisions when Absent ............................................................................................................................................. 7.14 PART 8 – SCHOOL OFFICERS AND SERVICES STAFF Employment other than Full-Time .................................................................................................................................. 8.1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8.2 Hours of Work ................................................................................................................................................................. 8.3 Contract of employment ................................................................................................................................................. 8.4 Casual School Officers ................................................................................................................................................... 8.5 Use of Fixed Term Contracts .......................................................................................................................................... 8.6 Rest Pauses ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8.7 Meal Breaks ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8.8 Annual Leave .................................................................................................................................................................. 8.9 Overtime ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8.10 School Officer Classification Structure ......................................................................................................................... 8.11 Progression ................................................................................................................................................................... 8.12 PART 9 – DISPUTE RESOLUTION Dispute Resolution Clause ............................................................................................................................................... 9.1 Principles for Disciplinary Procedures ............................................................................................................................ 9.2 PART 10 – SAVINGS CLAUSE PART 11 – SIGNATORIES SCHEDULE 1 – WAGES SCHEDULE 2 – LONG SERVICE LEAVE SCHEDULE 3 – SCHOOL OFFICER CLASSIFICATION STRUCTURE

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This Agreement shall be known as the Peregian Beach College Enterprise Agreement 2010-2013. 1.2


This agreement shall apply to the Peregian Beach College (―the College‖), (ACN 109 546 358) and its employees and to the Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch ( IEUA-QNT) - (ABN 74 662 601 045). 1.3


This Agreement shall apply to all employees of the Peregian Beach College for whom classification and rates of pay are provided herein. 1.4

Commencement Date and Period of Operation

This Agreement shall operate from seven (7) days after approval by Fair Work Australia and shall remain in force for until 19th Jan 2013. 1.5

Posting of Agreement

A copy of this Agreement shall be made accessible to all employees. A copy shall also be forwarded to all new employees. 1.6

Relationship with Schedules

This Agreement shall be read and interpreted in conjunction with its schedules except as varied by the terms of this Agreement. PART 2 - CONSULTATION 2.1

Enterprise Agreement Meetings

For the purposes of negotiating this Agreement a Enterprise Agreement Unit (―EAU‖) consisting of Employee, Union and Management representatives was established: 2.1.1

Three (3) employee representatives, one (1) representing academic staff, one (1) representing school officer or services staff and other employees in the College, an independent representative and an IEUA-QNT representative.


Three (3) management representatives.



The College, its employees and IEUA-QNT signatory to this agreement are committed to ongoing and positive cooperation to increase the efficiency and productivity of the College and to enhance the career opportunities and job security of its employees. 2.2.1

This term applies if: a)

the employer has made a definite decision to introduce a major change to production, program, organisation, structure, or technology in relation to its enterprise; and


the change is likely to have a significant effect on employees of the enterprise.


The employer must notify the relevant employees of the decision to introduce the major change.


The relevant employees may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedures in this term.

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4 2.2.4

If a relevant employee appoints, or relevant employees appoint, a representative for the purposes of consultation; and the employee or employees advise the employer of the identity of the representative; the employer must recognise the representative.


As soon as practicable after making its decision, the employer must: a)

discuss with the relevant employees: i)

the introduction of the change; and


the effect the change is likely to have on the employees; and


measures the employer is taking to avert or mitigate the adverse effect of the change on the employees; and

(b) for the purposes of the discussion — provide, in writing, to the relevant employees: i)

all relevant information about the change including the nature of the change proposed; and


information about the expected effects of the change on the employees; and


any other matters likely to affect the employees.


However, the employer is not required to disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information to the relevant employees.


The employer must give prompt and genuine consideration to matters raised about the major change by the relevant employees.


If a term in the enterprise agreement provides for a major change to production, program, organisation, structure or technology in relation to the enterprise of the employer, the requirements set out in clauses 2.2.2, 2.2.3 and 2.2.5 are taken not to apply.


In this term, a major change is likely to have a significant effect on employees if it results in:



the termination of the employment of employees; or


major change to the composition, operation or size of the employer‘s workforce or to the skills required of employees; or


the elimination or diminution of job opportunities (including opportunities for promotion or tenure); or


the alteration of hours of work; or


the need to retrain employees; or


the need to relocate employees to another workplace; or


the restructuring of jobs.

In this term, relevant employees means the employees who may be affected by the major change.


Mission Statement

All members of the Peregian Beach College community strive for excellence within a caring, positive and safe environment where diversity is valued and where students can develop the academic and social skills necessary to become successful members of the wider community. 3.2


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5 The parties to this Agreement acknowledge and will work towards the achievement of the Mission Statement detailed above. 3.3

College Aims

The aims of Peregian Beach College are: 3.3.1

To provide a friendly, caring, positive and happy environment where children are recognised as individuals and nurtured individually;


To provide a place where learning is encouraged and celebrated;


To facilitate the development of confident, caring and respectful students with the skills and abilities to contribute to their community;


To provide a non-religious teaching environment with a structured curriculum format;


To encourage interaction between local community groups and the school;


To ensure application of strong social justice principles to all children attending the Company‘s school regardless of ethnic background, religion, physical and intellectual ability or gender; and


To maintain a ―small school philosophy‖.


Objectives of this Agreement


This Agreement provides a framework for management, employees and unions to work together towards improving educational outcomes that can be evaluated against national benchmarks. It aims to provide benefits to:




students and parents through enhanced service delivery, increased value for money and a more effective and efficient College;


the College through a broad workplace reform agenda, improved operational efficiency and flexibility of the College; and


employees through improved wages linked to their contributions to the development and implementation of initiatives to improve performance and through improvements in the working environment.

The parties shared objectives are to: a)

implement measures to improve effectiveness and efficiency in the College;


provide greater scope for improved performance to be identified, negotiated and implemented, recognising the operational requirements of the College and its clients;


provide incentives for the parties to pursue initiatives that will lead to improved performance;


foster the development of a positive and productive College environment through the introduction of Best Practice initiatives; and


provide certainty and equity in relation to wage outcomes for the life of the Agreement in an atmosphere of mutual trust.

Reduce College Operating Costs

The parties agree to implement improved management practices over the life of the Agreement to reduce College operating costs by: 3.5.1

Ensuring the security of classrooms after hours and at breaks;


Maintaining classrooms and grounds to a high standard of neatness and presentation; Final Copy (Clean)


6 3.5.3

Maintenance of a litter-free environment;


The vigilant observance of a vandalism/graffiti free environment;


Developing community within the College by encouraging parental participation in the education process;


Water conservation;


Paper recycling; and


Turning off lights when rooms are not in use.


Expectations of Staff


College employees shall:



have significant participation in the organization, planning and development of the School‘s curriculum;


never knowingly bring the College reputation into disrepute;


hold a current ―C‖ class Queensland driver‘s licence.


The staff and management acknowledge that Peregian Beach College operates in accordance with its Aims, Objectives and Mission Statement.


The parties of the Agreement acknowledge and work towards the achievement of the College‘s Aims, Objectives and Mission Statement.


Wage Increases


The employer recognises the valuable contribution made to the College by its staff, and wishes to recognise that contribution by offering the following wage increases.


Not withstanding the wage rates contained in the relevant awards and conditions of employment applicable at the time of making of this Agreement, the rates of pay shown in Schedule 1 shall apply to employees covered in this Agreement in consideration of the matters specified in this agreement.


Provided that any employee, who would receive a greater increase by application of any safety net increases determined by Fair Work Australia (FWA), shall have wages/salaries adjusted as from the effective date of FWA‘S determination so that employees receive increases at least equivalent to that determined by FWA.


No Further Increases


There shall be no further wage increases during the life of this Agreement except in relation to those matters identified within this Agreement.


To that end the parties recognise that this Agreement constitutes a closed Agreement in settlement of all matters for its duration. The union undertakes that there will be no further claims which would alter labour costs for the life of this Agreement, beyond those issues envisaged by this Agreement.


The above clause shall not prevent the undertaking of a review of conditions applying to Promotional Positions as envisaged in the relevant awards or industrial agreements. The implementation of the results of any review may be implemented as agreed between the parties.


Payment of Salaries

Salaries shall be paid fortnightly (except where otherwise mutually agreed between the College and the majority of employees) by Electronic Funds Transfer (―E.F.T.‖) into an account/s nominated by the employee. Payment by a means other than E.F.T. shall be at the discretion of the College. Final Copy (Clean)




Occupational Superannuation


Application – In addition to the rates of pay prescribed by this Agreement, eligible employees shall be entitled to Superannuation Benefits, in accordance with the provisions of this clause.


Definitions: a)

―Approved Fund‖ means a Fund identified by this clause for the receipt of superannuation contributions for employees. The funds are: i)

ANZ Super Advantage;



iii) The Queensland Independent Education and Care Superannuation Trust.



Eligible employee‖ means an employee who has earned $450 or more in any month.


―Ordinary time earnings‖ means the actual ordinary rate of pay the employee receives for ordinary hours of work including all allowances and loadings, including those applying to shiftwork, casual work, weekend and holiday work, tools and travel.

Contributions a)

Amount – The College shall contribute on behalf of each eligible employee as from certification an amount calculated at 9.00% of the employee‘s ordinary time earnings, into the Approved Fund. Each such payment of contributions shall be rounded off on an equitable basis either to the nearest cent or 10 cents provided that there is consistency of application to all employees at the College.


Regular Payment – The College shall pay such contributions to the credit of each such employee at least once each calendar month or in accordance with the requirements of the superannuation Fund Trust Deed.


Minimum level of earnings – The College will not be required to pay superannuation contributions on behalf of any eligible employee whether full-time, part-time, casual, adult or junior in respect of any month where the employee‘s earnings are less than $450.


Absences from Work – Contributions shall continue to be paid on behalf of an eligible employee during any absence on paid leave such as annual leave, long service leave, public holidays, sick leave and bereavement leave. Except in the case of absence on WorkCover, the College will not be required to pay superannuation contributions on behalf of any eligible employee during any period of leave without pay. In the case of WorkCover, the College will contribute in accordance with the clause above whenever the employee is receiving by way of WorkCover, an amount of money no less than the Award rate of pay.


Where an employee wishes to make voluntary contributions to superannuation, the employee may authorise the College to deduct from the employee‘s wages an amount specified by the employee.


Additional employee contributions and/or additional employer contributions in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, will be forwarded to the Fund by the College at the same time as the College‘s contributions.


Cessation of Contributions – The College shall not be required to make any further contributions on behalf on an eligible employee for any period after the end of the ordinary working day upon which the contract of employment ceases to exist.


No Other Deductions – No additional amounts shall be paid by the College for the establishment, administration, management or any other charges in connection with the Fund other than the remission of contributions as prescribed herein.


Any administrative arrangement may only be varied by the employee annually in writing. Final Copy (Clean)




Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation An employee may elect to Salary Sacrifice an amount to Superannuation. Where the employee so elects the following provisions will apply:



The College will continue to calculate the contributions required as detailed above and/or the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 on the basis of the employee‘s ordinary time earnings before the salary sacrifice is deducted.


Salary sacrifice deductions will be made during a period of paid leave and the employee will receive the rate of pay specified under this agreement less the salary sacrifice deduction.


Calculation of salary for all purposes including leave accruals and other payments due on termination of employment shall be calculated on a rate of pay which includes the salary sacrifice contributions.

Enrolment a)

The College shall as soon as practicable for both current and future eligible employees: i)

notify each employee of the employee‘s entitlement to Superannuation;


take all reasonable steps to ensure that each eligible employee receives, completes, signs and returns the necessary application forms provided by the College to enable that employee to become a member of the Superannuation Fund; and

iii) submit all completed application forms and any other relevant material to the Trustees of the Superannuation Fund. b)



Each employee upon becoming eligible to become a member of the Superannuation Fund will: i)

complete and sign the necessary application forms to enable that employee to become a member of the Fund; and


return such forms to the College within 28 days of receipt in order to be entitled to the benefit of the contributions detailed above.

Notwithstanding the failure of an employee to complete the required paperwork, the College will make payments on behalf of the employee to the Superannuation fund.

Unpaid Contributions a)

Subject to the Fair Work Act 2009 where it has been established that the College has failed to comply with the payment requirements in respect of any eligible employee, the College will be liable to make the appropriate contributions retrospectively to the date of eligibility of the employee, plus an amount equivalent to the rate of return those contributions would have attracted in the Superannuation Fund had they been paid on the due dates.


The making of such contributions shall not limit any common law action which may be available in relation to death, disablement or any similar cover existing within the terms of the Superannuation Fund.


Long Service Leave

This clause is to be read in conjunction with Schedule 2 – Long Service Leave. 5.1.1

Accrual of Long Service Leave All staff shall accrue long service leave at the rate of 1.3 weeks per year of continuous service in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 2 – Long Service Leave. Final Copy (Clean)


9 5.1.2

Access to long service leave Employees are entitled to access their accrued long service leave after completing seven (7) years of continuous service. An employee is entitled to access subsequent leave, where that employee has an entitlement of four (4) weeks or more. All applications for leave will be in accordance with the provisions for taking of such leave. a)

An employee who has completed at least seven (7) years of continuous service is entitled to a proportionate payment for long service leave on the termination of the employee‘s service.


The minimum period of leave that may be taken by an employee is normally four (4) weeks. i)

In some clearly identified and demonstrated exceptional circumstances an employer may approve an application for a period less than four (4) weeks, but not less than one (1) week.


Where the period of long service leave is less than a school term (nominally ten (10) weeks) that leave should normally be taken wholly within the school term period.

iii) Non-teaching term time employees may access accrued long service leave during periods of unpaid leave, including school vacations.



An employee will make an application to take long service leave by giving at least twenty weeks (20) notice prior to the commencement of the period of leave for which application is made.


Where the period of leave applied for is not in accordance with clause above the employee will provide the employer with notice as soon as practicable. Such notice will normally be provided not less than four (4) weeks prior to the proposed date for the commencement of the leave.


Any period of long service leave taken by an employee is exclusive of any public holiday(s), and/or paid vacation periods.


An employee may request to have a period of long service leave re-credited and sick leave used for a period of illness whilst on long service leave.


An employee is entitled to have the period of long service leave re-credited where the period of illness is one calendar week (seven days) or more and the request is accompanied by a medical certificate.


When an employee has a period of long service leave re-credited (as provided in clause above, the actual period of absence from work will not normally be extended.


The College will consider the particular circumstances of applications for periods of leave without pay to be taken in conjunction with long service leave. Such applications will be considered in conjunction with existing guidelines for leave without pay.

Long Service Leave at Half Pay a)

Accrued Long Service Leave (LSL) may be accessed at half pay. In such circumstances the employee will be entitled to double the period of leave which would otherwise be applicable.


The period of LSL at half pay will be paid for at half the rate which would have been applicable if the employee was not accessing LSL at half pay.


Where an employee accesses LSL at half pay that employee will accrue all leave entitlements on a pro rata basis.


Where an employee accesses long service leave at half pay and where a salary packaging agreement exists, this agreement will be honoured or renegotiated. Any associated costs will be borne by the employee consistent with current salary packaging arrangements.


A period of LSL at half pay will be exclusive of Public Holidays. A Public Holiday occurring during a period of LSL at half pay, and which falls on a day on which the subject employee would otherwise work, will be paid for at half the rate which would have been applicable if the employee was not accessing LSL at half pay. Final Copy (Clean)


10 f)

Where an employee on a period of LSL at half pay becomes ill during such period, the provisions will apply, except that the: i)

period of Sick Leave will be paid for at half the rate which would have been applicable if the employee was not accessing LSL at half pay;


quantum of LSL re-credited to the employee will be half that which would have been applicable if the employee was not accessing LSL at half pay;

iii) quantum of Sick Leave debited from the employee‘s sick leave account will be half that which would have been applicable if the employee was not accessing LSL at half pay; iv) a period of LSL at half pay will be exclusive of school vacations; v)

school vacations (except for the Christmas vacation) which are within a period of LSL at half pay will be paid for at half the rate which would have been applicable if the employee was not accessing LSL at half pay;

vi) school vacations (except for the Christmas vacation) which are contiguous with a period of LSL at half pay will be paid for at the rate which would have been applicable if the employee was not accessing LSL at half pay; and vii) Where an employee accesses a period of LSL at half pay which is wholly within one calendar year (as defined in paragraph v)below), that employee will be paid a sum for the Christmas vacation calculated in accordance with the following formula: L P





W Where: P

is the total amount paid to the employee for the Christmas vacation;


is the number of weeks actually worked plus the number of weeks debited from the employees LSL account;


is the number of weeks the teacher would have worked if they had not accessed LSL;


is the total amount which would have been paid for the calendar year if the employee was not accessing LSL at half pay;


is the total amount paid to the employee in that calendar year prior to the Christmas vacation.

viii) For the purposes of this clause, ―Calendar year‖ will be defined in one of two ways, depending on the method of employing staff used by the employer. Where the College employs staff from 1 January to 31 December, then that is the definition of calendar year to be used. Where the College employs staff from the beginning of term one to the day before the beginning of term one in the following year, then that is the definition of calendar year to be used. ix)

Where an employee accesses a period of LSL at half pay and that period extends across two calendar years (as defined in paragraph v)), that employee will be paid in accordance with this paragraph (paragraph vi)). For the Christmas vacation at the end of each calendar year the employee will be paid a sum calculated in accordance with the formula prescribed in paragraph iv). All other school vacations (including, where applicable, the Christmas vacation at the beginning of a calendar year) which are within a period of LSL at half pay will be paid for at half the rate which would have been applicable if the employee was not accessing LSL at half pay.

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11 5.2

Personal/Carer’s Leave

An employee‘s entitlement to personal/carer‘s leave is subject to the following conditions: 5.2.1.

All employees are entitled to personal/carer‘s leave at the rate of ten (10) days per year. Leave is accumulated at one (1) day for every 5.2 weeks worked. Part time employees shall accrue personal/carer‘s leave on a proportional basis, based on hours of service.


All employees are entitled to Compassionate leave of up to two (2) days per permissible occasion.


If the absence due to personal illness exceeds two (2) days, the employee shall be required to produce a certificate from a duly qualified medical practitioner specifying the nature of the illness and period or approximate period during which the employee will be unable to work, or other evidence of illness to the satisfaction of the Head of College.


The employee shall promptly notify the Head of College of the illness and of the approximate period during which the employee will be unable to work.


The continuity of employment of an employee with the College for Personal/Carers leave accumulation purposes shall be deemed to be not broken by absence from work on leave granted by the College.


In calculating the period of employment of the employee with the College, absence from work on leave granted by the College shall not be taken into account.


The College recognises the importance of employees maintaining healthy lifestyles and regular health checkups. In an effort to foster healthy lifestyles employees with forty (40) or more days of accumulated Personal/Carer‘s leave shall be entitled to use one (1) day per annum of their Personal/Carer‘s leave to obtain medical advice and/or treatment of a preventative nature. The employee shall, where practicable, give the employer four (4) weeks notice prior to taking Health Check Leave.


Parental Leave

The following Parental Leave provisions are to be read in conjunction with the National Employment Standards and the Fair Work Act 2009 as varied from time to time. Entitlement 5.3.1

Paid Maternity Leave a)

In addition to statutory entitlements to unpaid leave, an eligible employee is entitled to paid maternity leave of ten (10) weeks, exclusive of vacation periods and inclusive of public holidays which may fall during the period of paid leave.


The employer funded ten (10) weeks paid maternity leave will be in addition to the Commonwealth Government's implementation of a national paid parental leave scheme on 1 January 2011. Superannuation, and all other employee entitlements, continue to accrue during the employerfunded part of an employee‘s period of paid parental leave.



Paid Adoption Leave a)

In addition to statutory entitlements to unpaid adoption leave, an eligible employee is entitled to paid adoption leave of ten (10) weeks for the purpose of the adoption of a child who is, or will be, under school age as at the day of placement, or expected day of placement of the child.


The child must not have been living with the employee for a period of six (6) months or more as at the day of placement, or the expected day of placement of the child.

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The period of leave shall be exclusive of vacation periods and inclusive of public holidays which may fall during the period of paid leave.


Superannuation, and all other employee entitlements, continue to accrue during the employerfunded part of an employee‘s period of paid adoption leave.

Unpaid Parental Leave a)

An eligible employee is entitled to a further maximum total of 52 weeks unpaid parental leave provided that such unpaid leave does not extend beyond the child's first birthday.


An employee may request an extension of unpaid parental for a further period of up to 52 weeks immediately following the end of the available parental leave contained in the above clause.

Paid Paternity Leave

In addition to the unpaid paternity leave provisions prescribed by legislation, an employee, other than a casual, is entitled to a period of 5 days paid paternity leave exclusive of their accrued sick leave. 5.3.5


An employee shall be paid at the rate of pay applying immediately prior to the taking maternity leave. 5.3.6

Eligible employee Employees other than casual employees An employee, other than a casual employee, is not entitled to paid parental leave unless the employee has, or will have, completed at least 12 months of continuous service with the College immediately before the date of confinement (as confirmed by a doctor) or placement (as confirmed by the relevant adoption agency). Casual employees A casual employee, is not entitled to paid parental leave unless: a)

the employee is, or will be, a long term casual employee (with 12 months service) of the employer immediately before the date that applies under subsection h); and but for:


the birth or expected birth of the child; or


the placement or the expected placement of the child; or

the employee would have a reasonable expectation of continuing employment by the employer on a regular and systematic basis. 5.3.7


To become eligible for maternity leave payments a female employee must do the following:



provide the Head of College a notice in writing of the date upon which she proposes to commence maternity leave stating the period of leave to be taken, not less than ten (10) weeks prior to the presumed date of confinement; and


provide the Head of College a notice in writing, confirming her intention to return to work, not less than eight (8) weeks prior to the expiration of her period of maternity leave.

Unpaid Carer’s Leave

In addition to provisions of the National Employment Standards employees may access up to 2 days unpaid carers leave per occasion to provide care and support for members of their immediate family or household when they are ill.

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13 5.5

Bereavement Leave

An employee shall, on the death of a spouse, parent, sibling, spouse‘s parent, child or grand parent, be entitled on notice to leave up to and including the day of the funeral of such relative and such leave shall be without deduction of pay for a period not exceeding the number of hours worked by the employee for two (2) ordinary days of work. 5.6

Study Leave

Subject to the operational requirements of the College, upon completion of five (5) years continuous service an employee may be granted up to twelve (12) months unpaid study leave. Application for such leave shall be made at the earliest possible date but must be in writing at least three (3) months prior to such leave being taken from the employee. Such leave shall be available at a time agreed upon by both the Head of College and employee and shall not count as service with the College. 5.7

College Year

A standard College year shall be forty (40) weeks. 5.8

Individual Flexibility


Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, an employer and an individual employee may agree to vary the application of certain terms of this agreement to meet the genuine individual needs of the employer and the individual employee. The terms the employer and the individual employee may agree to vary the application of are those concerning: a) b) c) d) e)

arrangements for when work is performed; allowances; leave loading; overtime rates; and penalty rates.


The employer and the individual employee must have genuinely made the agreement without coercion or duress.


The agreement between the employer and the individual employee must:



be confined to a variation in the application of one or more of the terms listed in clause 5.8.1; and


result in the employee being better off overall than the employee would have been if no individual flexibility agreement had been agreed to.

The agreement between the employer and the individual employee must also: a)

be in writing, name the parties to the agreement and be signed by the employer and the individual employee and, if the employee is under 18 years of age, the employee‘s parent or guardian;


state each term of this agreement that the employer and the individual employee have agreed to vary;


detail how the application of each term has been varied by agreement between the employer and the individual employee;


detail how the agreement results in the individual employee being better off overall in relation to the individual employee‘s terms and conditions of employment; and


state the date the agreement commences to operate.


The employer must give the individual employee a copy of the agreement and keep the agreement as a time and wages record.


Except as provided in clause 5.8.4a) the agreement must not require the approval or consent of a person other than the employer and the individual employee.


Where an employee or an employer seeks to enter into an agreement as provided by this clause, the intiating party must provide a written proposal. Where the employer initiates the proposal and where the employee‘s understanding of written English is limited, the employer must take measures, including translation into an Final Copy (Clean)


14 appropriate language and the opportunity to seek advice and assistance, to ensure the employee understands the proposal. 5.8.8


The agreement may be terminated: a)

by the employer or the individual employee giving four weeks‘ notice of termination, in writing, to the other party and the agreement ceasing to operate at the end of the notice period; or


at any time, by written agreement between the employer and the individual employee.

The right to make an agreement pursuant to this clause is in addition to, and is not intended to otherwise affect, any provision for an agreement between an employer and an individual employee contained in any other term of this agreement.


Public Holidays

All employees other than casuals shall be entitled to the following holidays or any day appointed under the Holiday Act 1983 to be kept in place of such holiday: New Years Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Labour Day, Queens Birthday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Noosa Show Day. By mutual agreement between the College and the majority of employees another day may be substituted for any of the above holidays. 6.2

Incidental and Peripheral Tasks


The College may direct an employee to carry out such duties as are reasonably within the limits of the employee‘s skill, competence and training.


The College may direct an employee to carry out such duties and use such tools and equipment as may be required provided that the employee has been properly trained in the use of such tools and equipment (where relevant).


Any direction issued by the College pursuant to the aforementioned clause shall be consistent with the College‘s responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy working environment.


Appraisal Process

The parties acknowledge that an appraisal system provides opportunities for employees to identify strengths to set goals and identify training needs. A formative appraisal process shall be maintained for all employees. The College‘s appraisal structures and process, consideration should be given to such elements as the following: 6.3.1

it should be linked with the College‘s goals and objectives;


it should be built into the operational practice of the College via training of all employees, which aims to build common values and understandings of the structure and process;


it is developmental and focuses on improvement and development not supervision of individuals;


it should be directly linked to a clearly articulated statement of agreed expectations of the employee(s). The emphasis is on objective criteria;


it provides for a variety of information collection processes and sources;


it needs to be flexible to allow for changes and modifications within the stated framework; and


it makes provision for the allocation of adequate resources to operate the process.

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15 6.4

First Aid Certification

All employees, who are required to as part of their role, shall hold a current Senior First Aid Certificate. The employer shall pay the costs associated with maintaining Senior First Aid Certificates and shall endeavour to provide such training. 6.5

Promoting the Teaching Profession and the College

The parties agree to work towards improving the status of the teaching profession in the Peregian Beach community and to increase the attractiveness of the teaching profession to the students and parents of Peregian Beach College. 6.6

Job Share Provision


―Job Share‖ is defined as a mode of employment where the duties, responsibilities and benefits of an employment classification contained in this Enterprise Agreement is shared between two (2) employees.


Principles underpinning Job Share arrangements:



Job Share is entered into voluntarily;


Job Share arrangements shall be flexible and accommodate both the school and the employees‘ needs.

A request may be made by an existing full-time permanent employee to share the position the employee is currently holding. The request must be made (in writing) to the employer and must identify the proposed division of the position. If the request is accepted by the employer: a)

The parties to the proposal must negotiate a mutually suitable division of the work;


The residual position must be advertised;


Both employees sharing the Job Share position will share the responsibility for the position for a fixed term of up to one (1) year.


The Job Share arrangement will conclude at the end of the school year (or a shorter time as agreed) and both employees will return to their substantive employment status each held before the Job Share arrangement began.


Employees subject to the job share arrangement prescribed by this clause shall be entitled to pro rata benefits of such leave, vacation periods, public holidays and all other accrued benefits to full-time employees based in the percentage division of the work.


If a participating employee is unable to attend Duty because of illness, the other participant may be offered the residual day(s) or part day(s) of work by the employer. If the offer is accepted by the participant, the employee shall be paid as a causal employee for the residual days(s) or part day(s) worked.


Should either participating employee leave the employment of the College, the remaining employee may be offered the residue of employment. If this offer is not accepted by the remaining participant, the residual position will be advertised as a fixed term vacancy for the remainder of the agreed fixed term.


Should either job share partner choose to end the job share arrangement, the employee ending the arrangement shall be considered to be on Leave Without Pay until the end of the fixed term. At the end of the fixed term the employee on Leave Without Pay shall return to their substantive position in accordance with clause 6.7.2. d)


The number of job share position offered shall not exceed one to seven (7) or fraction of seven (7) full-time employees employed at the College.


Job Security

The Parties agree that changes to work practices and productivity initiatives must be consistent with the operation of the College. The Parties further acknowledge that employees are a critical element in the improvement of quality service delivery. The College does not subscribe to a policy of arbitrary job reductions or the unnecessary use of contracts.

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16 6.8

Termination of Employment


The College shall give to an employee at least four (4) weeks notice, to be increased to five (5) weeks if the employee is over 45 years of age and has completed at least two (2) years of continuous service with the College, in writing of the termination of their employment.


Employee‘s shall give to the College four (4) weeks notice in writing of their intention to resign from their position.


Where possible the notice should be exclusive of vacation periods.


Statement of Service The statement of service should: a)

be an original or certified copy of an original document;


be provided on the official letterhead of the College and it must be signed and dated by the employer or an authorised person;


specify the position held;


specify the period of employment;


specify the exact nature of the employment e.g. full-time, part-time, casual, etc. and provide a detailed description of the teaching or other relevant duties performed;


detail whether the employment was part-time – and if so the number of hours worked per week or their full-time equivalent, or the total number of hours paid for the total period of employment;


detail whether the employment was casual – and if so the total number of hours paid for the total period of employment;


indicate any periods of unpaid leave that were taken; and


specify whether any leave without pay was taken and the period when this leave without pay occurred. If no periods of leave without pay were taken, the statement must show that ‗no leave without pay was taken‘.


Professional Development and Training


The employer and all employees accept a joint responsibility for the negotiation of a program of relevant professional development linked to the school goals and the development/ renewal plan. The employer recognises the value of all employees undertaking professional development relevant to the performance of their work role and duties. As part of a school‘s professional development program, all employees are entitled to apply to undertake relevant professional development activities. Costs and release time involved in attending such professional development shall be covered in accordance with the College‘s professional development plan.

6.10.2 Except where the employer sponsors, provides and/or pays for the professional development, the costs shall be met by the individual teaching or non-teaching employee. Where professional development is required by the employer for school officers and services staff outside ordinary working time, the employee will be granted travel reimbursement when the professional development is further than 50 kms from the College. In the context of the school development/renewal plan the employee can each year undertake professional development outside of school time and exclusive of pupil free days. Final Copy (Clean)


17 6.10.3

Teachers Each teacher will develop a professional development program in consultation with the Head of College. Such a program may be reviewed annually.


Professional development, including that held during pupil free days and staff meetings, conducted by the employer for teaching staff will, wherever relevant, articulate the QLD College of Teacher (QCT) professional standards.


Teachers who attend these planned professional development activities will be provided with a record of attendance. Such documentation will be provided by the employer to teachers to support the maintenance of a teacher‘s individual account of professional development undertaken which is required for report to the QCT.


School Officers and services staff The employer recognises the specific training requirements of school officers and services staff within schools. A professional development plan will be jointly developed between the school officer or services staff employee and the Head of College. This plan will be implemented within the employer‘s resource capacity.


Position Descriptions


The parties recognise the value of position descriptions for employees and the determination of positions within an appropriate classification structure.


Where employees are without a position description, the parties agree that by no later than the final day of term two in 2011 joint development (subject to employer prerogative) of position descriptions shall be completed


Position descriptions are to take into account the following issues where appropriate:



clarification of current positions;


consultation regarding future position changes;


acknowledgement of current flexibility on roles of all Employees; and


clarification of typical duties of all Employees ( which can include co-curricular and extra-curricular activities/events)


The National Employment Standards entitle an employee to be paid redundancy pay by the employer if the employee‘s employment is terminated: a)

at the employer‘s initiative because the employer no longer requires the job done by the employee to be done by anyone, except where this is due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour; or


because of the insolvency or bankruptcy of the employer.

In the case of termination because of redundancy, employees other than a casual employee shall be entitled to: 6.12.1

Notice as provided in section 6.8.1 of this Agreement;


A severance payment of two (2) weeks for each completed year of service thereafter to a maximum payment of twenty (20) weeks; and accrued entitlements of annual and long service leave.


An employee given notice of termination in circumstances of redundancy must be allowed up to one day‘s time off without loss of pay during each week of notice for the purpose of seeking other employment. If the employee has been allowed paid leave for more than one day during the notice period for the purpose of seeking other employment, the employee must, at the request of the employer, produce proof of attendance at Final Copy (Clean)


18 an interview or they will not be entitled to payment for the time absent. For this purpose a statutory declaration is sufficient. 6.13

Teaching Resources

The employer shall provide access to such textbooks, computer hardware and/or software as the Head of College/employer considers necessary for curriculum delivery, support or management. All such equipment shall remain the property of the College. 6.14

Staff Discount

As at 1 January 2011 all staff shall be entitled to a 10 % discount on tuition fees (excluding levies and camps) for their children, after 12 months service, for their period of employment. This clause does not alter the existing arrangements for current employees. The current arrangements will be confirmed in writing by the Principal within one month of this agreement‘s certification date. 6.15

Community Service Leave


An employee, other than a casual employee, required to attend for jury service during their ordinary working hours shall be reimbursed by the employer an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid in respect of their attendance for such jury service and the ordinary pay the employee would have been paid if the employee was not absent on jury service up to a maximum of 10 days for jury service in any one year.


Alternatively, by agreement, fees (other than meal allowance) received by the employee to attend jury service will be paid to the employer and the employer will continue to pay the employee their ordinary pay for the time the employee was absent on jury service.


Employees shall notify their employer as soon as practicable of the date upon which they are required to attend for jury service and shall provide their employer with proof of such attendance, the duration of such attendance and the amount received in respect thereof.


If the employee is not required to serve on a jury for a day or part of a day after attending for jury service and the employee would ordinarily be working for all or part of the remaining day, the employee must, if practicable, present for work at the earliest reasonable opportunity.


Ordinary pay means the rate of pay that an employee would normally expect to receive for working ordinary hours on an ordinary day of the week, including any over-award payment. Ordinary pay excludes overtime, penalty rates of all types - including those attaching to working ordinary hours (for example) on a Saturday, disability allowances, shift allowances, special rates, fares and travelling time allowances, bonuses and other ancillary payments of a like nature.


Salary packaging


The College agrees to the implementation of salary packaging for components other than superannuation. Administrative guidelines will be made available to all employees. Components that may be subject to salary packaging arrangements shall be specified by the College and may include, but are not limited to: mobile phones; laptop computers; self education expenses; motor vehicles; childcare expenses; work related equipment; accident or income protection insurance premiums; technical journal subscriptions; uniforms; protective clothing; union fees or professional association fees. The College shall notify in writing those items which may be included in the salary package. a)

Components which may be subject to salary packaging arrangements will be determined in consultation with employees and will be at the College‘s discretion.


Where agreement is reached between the College and the employee, salary packaging arrangements may be made between the individual employee and the College and shall be recorded in writing.


Where such an agreement is reached, the employee's total salary shall be reduced by an amount equivalent to that agreed between the employer and employee plus any relevant tax liability including fringe benefits tax incurred by the employer.


The employee‘s salary used to calculate superannuation contributions, leave loading, long service leave, severance and termination payment entitlements, will be the gross base salary as per Schedule 1

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19 – Salary, Wages and Allowances of this Agreement the employee would receive if not taking part in the salary packaging arrangement.



The maximum amount allowable for salary packaging purposes shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Australian Taxation Office.


Salary packaging arrangements may be altered once per annum.


The College reserves the right to outsource the administration of salary packaging arrangements to a provider appointed by the College. The College will meet the cost associated with the transmission of approved funds to the service provider. The costs of administration will be borne by the employee in regard to their own package.


Where the College determines that it will internally administer the salary packaging, the costs borne by the employee will be consistent with the costs of administering the elements in the package and will be consistent with that which would be charged by an outsourcer for an equivalent package.

Salary Package into Superannuation Funds Employees shall be permitted to elect to salary package into an approved superannuation fund, subject to compliance with superannuation legislation. Where the College and individual employee agree an additional contribution may be made into a complying superannuation fund within the range of funds offered by the College. This Agreement shall be subject to the following provisos: a)

the fund(s) comply with the provisions of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993;


the nominated fund is to be within the range of funds nominated by the College but in any event no fund shall be a personal fund;


the implementation of any such arrangements shall be at the discretion of the College ;


the contribution shall be expressed as a dollar amount;


such salary packaging arrangements shall be available to all employees with the exception of casual employees and those employed on fixed term contracts for less than a school year;


the funds shall accept electronic funds transfer;


any arrangements as set out in this clause shall be at the employee‘s request;


the terms of the arrangement shall be committed to writing and signed by the College and the employee;


a copy of the signed agreement shall be held by the College and a copy provided to the employee;


this arrangement may be altered only once per annum;


the College shall apply a total employment cost (TEC) approach to make payments under the Salary Packaging Agreement.

The Employee‘s TEC will be the sum of the base salary, leave loadings, locality allowances where they apply and superannuation contributions being met by the College. The parties acknowledge that within the limits prescribed in this clause the implementation of any salary packaging arrangement shall be at the discretion of the College. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the costs of administration of salary packaging for the purpose of superannuation only shall be met by the College. 6.17 Dress Code for all Staff As professional educators, members of the school community will look to you for knowledge, guidance and support. Clothing worn at Peregian Beach College should be appropriate to the tasks you are undertaking. As a professional educator you should model the correct dress code and expected behaviour of students. Enclosed footwear should be worn. The College will collaboratively develop guidelines on dress standards for staff members. The guidelines will reflect common understanding of appropriate professional dress, be consistent with the particular work environment of the staff member and comply with all aspects of Workplace Health and Safety requirements. Final Copy (Clean)



PART 7 - TEACHERS The provisions in this section shall only apply to teachers. 7.1



‗Teacher‘ shall mean and include any employee, other than the Head of College, who is ordinarily engaged (full-time, part-time or casual) in teaching on the staff of the College.


‗Three year trained teacher‘ shall mean a person appointed as a teacher with three years of approved teacher education or such other qualifications as may be recognised by the College for this purpose.


‗Four year trained teacher‘ shall mean a person appointed as a teacher who holds either; a)

An approved three year degree or an approved equivalent tertiary qualification plus at least one year of approved teacher education or such other qualifications recognised by the College as equivalent to one year of teacher education, or


An approved four year degree or such other qualifications recognised by the College as equivalent.


‗Year of service‘ for the purpose of assessing the salary payable to a Teacher shall be determined with due regard to their qualifications and years of service in a capacity equivalent to the particular category of Teacher in a school or schools to which this Agreement applies, in a school or schools controlled by Education Queensland, and such other teaching service as the employing school might recognise.


―Approved‖ used in relation to course, diploma, degree, or university, means a course, diploma, degree or university acceptable to be recognised by the Director-General of Education (Queensland) for similar qualifying purposes in respect of teachers employed by Education (Queensland).


―Year‖ used in relation to an approved university course or an approved course at a comparable institution means the subject requirements specified for a year of full-time course or an equivalent number or point value of subjects which are relevant to subjects being taught.


―Job Share‖ is defined as a mode of employment where the duties, responsibilities and benefits of an employment classification contained in this Agreement are shared between two teachers.


Employment Categories


Casual Teachers A casual teacher shall be employed on an intermittent basis to relieve a teacher absent from duty or to meet a short term staffing need. a)

A casual teacher shall be employed for a minimum period of three (3) hours per day and a maximum period of 11 days in respect of any one engagement. There shall be a minimum payment of three (3) hours for each day so employed.


Casual teachers will be paid for the hours they are required to work.


Remuneration for a casual teacher shall be based on the scale of salaries prescribed in Schedule 1 (Wages and Salaries) to this Agreement and in accordance with the formula contained in clause 1.


Casual teachers will be paid for preparation and correction time at the rate of one hour for every five hours of teaching time. Casual teachers will not receive such payment in respect of the first two (2) days of any one engagement.

For the purposes of salary increments a casual teacher shall be deemed to have completed a year of service when the aggregate amount of time paid is 1000 hours.


Part-Time Teachers

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A part-time teacher shall mean a teacher who is employed on a weekly contract of employment, but who is employed for less teaching time than a full-time teacher.


The hourly rate of payment for part-time teachers shall be calculated by dividing the fortnightly rate of salary prescribed by this Agreement for a teacher of equivalent teaching experience and academic qualification by sixty (60).


Part-time teachers shall accrue entitlements under this agreement in the same manner as full-time teachers, however payment for entitlements shall be pro-rata based on the average weekly hours of employment.


A part-time teacher shall be deemed to have completed a year of service, for the purpose of this clause and this clause only when the aggregate amount of time paid for equals 1000 hours.


The aforementioned salary increment provisions shall apply to part-time teacher.


Payment shall be made at the prescribed rate to a part-time teacher whose class or classes are not available unless notice has been given to the part-time teacher of the unavailability of such class or classes on the preceding school day.

Fixed-term Contracts The College will employ an employee on a fixed term contract of employment only where the employee is appointed to cover an identifiable short term need. An employee may be employed for a fixed term period of time for a period of at least four (4) weeks but no more than twelve (12) months on either full-time or part-time basis to: a)

undertake a specified project for which funding has been made available;


undertake a specified task which has a limited period of operation;


replace an employee who is on leave, performing other duties temporarily or whose employment has terminated after the commencement of the school year. Provided that where the replacement arrangement extends beyond twelve (12) months, the fixed term employment may be extended for up to a further twelve (12) months;


accommodate for fluctuations in enrolments and/or subject choices; or


employing a part-time teacher to address class size issues and/or enhance curriculum offerings on a short-term basis.

7.2.4. Other Information a)

Part-time teachers, specialist teachers, graduate teachers and those providing release for senior administration will not as a matter of course be employed on a fixed term basis.


A fixed term contract of employment will not be used as a probationary period.


Where the College employs an employee on a fixed term contract, the College will indicate in the employee‘s letter of appointment the identifiable short term need which the employee is appointed to fill. The letter of appointment will also contain the terms, conditions and specific duration (commencement and cessation dates) of the appointment.

7.2.5 Conversion from Fixed Term to Continuing Status The College will provide information to any teacher on a fixed term appointment of the procedures to be followed and the criteria used if the teacher wishes to apply for continuing status. 7.3 Highly Accomplished Teacher 7.3.1


The Highly Accomplished Teacher (HAT) provision provides an opportunity for classroom teachers to further teaching excellence and provide leadership amongst classroom teachers consistent with the ethos of the school, the school's mission statement and strategic plan by undertaking higher level task(s).

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22 7.3.2


All teachers with at least three years experience as a Band 3 Step 4 teacher as at 1 January each year, and will be paid from 1st January of that year may apply. Teachers can have accumulated their years of service in both the government and non-government sectors. Teachers currently working part-time are also eligible to apply for HAT, provided that their experience as a teacher equates to one year of service on the completion of one thousand (1000) hours teaching. 7.3.3

Application Process

Highly Accomplished Teachers will be required to: provide written evidence clearly indicating that they have met the Selection Criteria listed below; and receive verification of their application by the Head of College. Broadly, the criteria covers what teachers do with: students; the school community; each other as colleagues; and the curriculum that they teach. SC1: Promotes positive student outcomes and high level learning experiences, (250 words max) SC2: Engages in positive interactions with the wider school community including parents/guardians and other community members.(250 words max) SC3: Assists colleagues and models high-level professional expertise in planning, development and practice. (250 words max) SC4: Has a high-level understanding of and continued commitment to implement current and future initiatives in curriculum. (250 words max) SC5: Demonstrates a high degree of proficiency in the use of ICT and clear evidence of meaningful integration of ICT into the curriculum. (250 words max) SC 6: Active and productive participation in leading the Pastoral Care Program. (250 words) A teacher whose HAT application has been declined shall be advised in writing of those criterion which he/she is said to have failed to satisfy. Unsuccessful applicants may re-apply for HAT status within twelve (12) months of receipt of the College‘s decision to decline their original application. The HAT allowance shall be paid from the pay cycle immediately following a successful re-application. 7.3.4 Tenure There is no tenure on HAT and there is no limit on the number of teachers who can be classified as a HAT. 7.3.5 Appraisal Process In accordance with clause 6.3, the College‘s agreed teacher appraisal process, a HAT teacher will be required to provide the Head of College with evidence detailing how the teacher fulfilled each of the 6 criterion at the end of each academic year subsequent to the appointment to HAT status. This will be evidenced by meeting the following as indicated: SC1ongoing promotion of positive student outcomes and high level learning experiences; SC2 ongoing engagement in positive interactions with the wider school community; SC3 ongoing collegial assistance and modelling of high-level professional expertise in planning, development and practice; SC4 ongoing understanding and commitment to the implementation of current and future curriculum initiatives; SC5 ongoing proficiency of ICT integration into the curriculum; SC6 ongoing active participation and leadership of the Pastoral Care Program

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23 Each applicant must be appraised on the criteria specified in this clause and not against other HAT teachers. The evidence collated by each appraise is not mandated and can take any form the appraise chooses which bests promotes their HAT status. A HAT who is said to have failed to evidence their continued fulfilment of the six (6) criterion shall be advised in writing of those criterion which he/she is said to have failed to satisfy. 7.3.6 Grievance Procedure A teacher may seek a review of the College‘s decision to decline or withdraw HAT status by engaging the disputes resolution procedure contained in clause 9.1 of this Agreement. 7.3.7 Allowance A Highly Accomplished Teacher shall receive an allowance in accordance with Schedule 1 of this agreement. 7.4

Salary Increments

A full-time teacher shall receive annual increments in salary according to the scale of salaries applicable in such case until the teacher receives the maximum salary for which the teacher is eligible under this Agreement. 7.5

Payment for Full Year and Proportionate Payments


A teacher, upon appointment, shall be paid as from the date upon which that teacher commenced duty.


A teacher who has taught (or has been granted paid leave by the College) for each day of the school year at the College shall be paid as for a full calendar year commencing on the last designated pay day before Australia Day.


A teacher who ceases duty before at least ten (10) teaching weeks of employment shall be paid, in lieu of vacation pay, an amount equal to one twelfth of that teacher‘s ordinary pay for the period of employment.


A teacher who ceases duty after at least ten (10) teaching weeks of employment shall be paid the proportion of their salary that the teacher‘s service, excluding school vacations bears to a standard school year. Such proportion of salary shall be calculated on the salary which the employee was receiving immediately before cessation of employment.


A standard year shall be deemed, for the purposes of this clause, to be forty (40) weeks.


Salary Provisions relating to Three Year Trained Teachers


A three year trained teacher shall be appointed Band 1 Step 1 as provided by Schedule 1.


Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, progression from one salary step to a higher salary step shall be by annual increments up to a maximum salary of Band 2 Step 5.


A three year trained teacher shall have access to Band 3 and shall (except as provided above) complete two years service on Step 1, 2 and 3 of Band 3 before progression to the next step up to the maximum salary of Band 3 Step 4.


Salary Provisions relating to Four Year Trained Teachers


A four (4) Schedule 1.


A four (4) year trained teacher who has first or second degree honours, a Masters or Doctorate, or who has two approved degrees shall commence on the salary prescribed for Band 2 Step 2.


Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, progression from one salary Step to a higher salary step shall be by annual increment up to the maximum of salary Band 3 Step 4.


Annual Leave Loading


A teacher who has taught (or who has been granted paid leave by the College) for each day of the school year at the College shall receive an annual leave loading equivalent to seventeen and a half percent (17½%) of four



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24 (4) weeks salary calculated upon the salary which such employee was receiving immediately before commencing the mid summer vacation. 7.8.2

A teacher who commences employment after the beginning of a school year and who has actually taught for at least twenty (20) weeks, or who has taught for at least a full school term and who teaches to the end of the school year, shall be paid a proportion of the annual leave loading prescribed above that the teacher‘s service (excluding school vacations) bears to a standard school year.


A teacher who resigns, having given the prescribed notice in writing, or whose services are terminated by the College for some reason or reasons other than misconduct, incompetence or neglect of duty and who has taught for at least the full first school term, shall be paid the proportion of the annual leave loading prescribed above that the teacher‘s service (excluding school vacations) bears to a standard school year.


The abovementioned loading shall be calculated upon the salary which the employee was receiving immediately before the cessation of employment. Such loading shall be paid to the teacher at the commencement of the mid-summer vacation or prior to the date of cessation of employment.


A standard year shall be deemed for the purpose of this clause to be forty (40) weeks.




A teacher in the first year of experience shall participate in an induction process of one year‘s duration. In certain circumstances the teacher and the Head of College may agree that the teacher should participate in the induction process for a further year.


The induction process shall be determined by the Head of College in consultation with the teacher to assist the teacher‘s professional development, which shall be reviewed regularly throughout the year.


The Head of College shall provide a written statement to the teacher outlining the teacher‘s progress and development. Where viewed as practical by the College this shall be provided no later than four (4) weeks before the end of the school year and in any event not later than the submission of reports to Queensland College of Teachers (QCT).


Teaching staff who commence their service with the College at the beginning of the school year shall undertake an orientation program which will include:



provision of a duty statement;


identification of lines of support;


provision of material relevant to the ethos and mission of the College;


provision of documents relevant to the policies and procedures of the College;


provision of information documents relevant to superannuation entitlements and options;


provision of this Certified Agreement;


relevant Workplace Health & Safety information.

Four Term Probation The probation period for new employees at the College shall be four (4) terms.


Hours of Work

Hours of duty refers to the hours of work that the school may direct and require a teacher to perform duties. The College recognises the professional commitment of teachers who often provide their services, on a voluntary basis, which can be in excess of the hours specified in this section.

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The ordinary hours of Duty for Teachers shall not exceed 30 hours per week of which not more than one-third shall be performed before 9am and after 5pm.


Of the 30 hours required per week occurring between Monday and Friday in a secondary school a maximum of 27.5 hours shall be contact time. Ordinary hours are inclusive of teaching time, pastoral care periods, playground and bus duty, assembly times and programmed sporting times.


Teachers are expected to be available 30 minutes before the commencement of classes (i.e. before the ordinary hours of duty) and 30 minutes after the completion of classes per day (i.e. after the ordinary hours of duty) for pastoral care with allocated classes. This time does not form part of ordinary hours of duties and does not attract further remuneration.


Provided that such duties shall be allocated, when practicable, on a roster basis. The employer will also give special consideration to those employees who may on occasions not be able to fulfil clause 7.10 c) due to family commitments.


In order to achieve the tenet of providing holistic education for students maximising student learning including classroom teaching, a program of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities is in place. 7.12.1


Co-curricular activities are defined as those activities that support the curriculum and activities which are considered to be fundamental to the day to day operation of the College. These co-curricular activities may include: Camps College musical Fun Day/ Evening Full time staff are required to attend and participate in these co-curricular activities without additional payment. Part time staff (who are employed to work more than 15hrs/week) are required to attend and participate in these cocurricular activities up to a maximum of 10hrs (pre-approved) per year outside of their scheduled hours of work without additional payment. The above list may be amended from time to time with the agreement of staff. In negotiation of such an amendment, staff shall be provided with all relevant information including but not limited to dates, times, venues, preparation and other information that is relevant to enabling employees to adequately organise their personal and professional lives. 7.12.2 Extra-Curricular Extra-curricular activities are defined as those activities which, while in part of the broader life of the College communities, support the core elements of the College‘s purpose. Extra-curricular activities may include: After school hours sports; Barefoot in the Park Out of school hours excursions Formals Extra-curricular activities are honorary and voluntary. 7.12.3 Notification As a matter of efficiency, all co-curricular and extra-curricular activities will be identified at the commencement of each semester.


Non-Contact Time a)

Designated non-contact time should only be used for its prescribed purpose, (i.e. to carry out educational planning and preparation activities) and shall be performed on site unless specifically permitted in writing by the Head of College to be performed elsewhere.

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During the period of this agreement, preparation and correction time shall be at least four (4) hours per fortnight for full time teachers and proportional for part-time teachers who are employed for seven (7) hours or more per week. The non-contact time for part-time teachers will reflect the proportion of hours their employment bears to fulltime teacher hours.


Non-contact time can be aggregated as necessary for periods of up to one school term at the discretion of the Head of College.


Every endeavour will be made to ensure that the non-contact time be allocated in blocks of not less that 30 minutes duration.


7.14.1 Teachers may be required to take up to forty (40 periods per annum as ―extras‖) The varying demands from term to term for relief teachers and the limited number of relief teachers available at times will mean some flexibility in the operation of this allocation. 7.14.2

Should an assigned class be absent, or have finished for the term/year, other classes and duties may be assigned ―in lieu‖ of the assigned classes and shall be treated as a part of a teachers normal face to face allocation and shall not be considered as extras.


To promote equity, supplementary periods will be allocated to teachers who are not timetabled for the number of periods which are deemed to be usual full-time face to face teaching load per week or cycle. Supplementary periods are not extras but are given to ‗top up‘ a teaching load to the full teaching load of the College. Supplementary periods may also be allocated to replace teachers who are absent. Teachers may be advised at the start of the year how many supplementary periods they can expect to receive.


Part-time teaching staff shall be allocated face to face extras pro-rata to their FTE.


A teacher who has met the requirement of forty (40) periods of extras or pro-rata before the end of the teaching year may elect to take on additional extras and be remunerated for those periods at their current hourly rate of pay.


Relief teachers, where the subject falls outside their qualifications and experience, shall not be required to supervise a practical class. The subject teacher needs to have prepared suitable work for the non-specialist relief teacher.


Practical subjects are among those that require a higher duty of care. They may involve the use of materials and/or equipment, which may be injurious to the health students or have a significant practical (hands on) component. The subjects designated as practical are Visual Arts, Design and Technology, Food Technology, Technical, Music, Drama and related subjects in Year 11 and 12.


In its growing phase, the College will have some classes with less than ten (10) students. When teachers undertake cover for assigned classes with less than ten (10) students on three (3) or more occasions in any four week period , then one (1) ―extra‖ for every three (3) occasions is deemed to have been created and will be recorded accordingly.

PART 8 - SCHOOL OFFICERS AND SERVICES STAFF The provisions of this section shall apply to school officers and services staff being those employees who are not covered by Part 7. 8.1

Employment other than Full-Time



Where an employee is employed on other than a full-time basis (i.e. part-time, term-time or fixed period) the employee shall be entitled to be paid an hourly rate for ordinary hours worked equal to the appropriate weekly full-time rate divided by 38.


Employees under this subclause shall be entitled to receive pro rata entitlements to annual leave and sick leave.


Where a public holiday falls on a day upon which an employee is normally employed, that employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the number of hours normally worked on that day. Final Copy (Clean)


27 8.1.2

Hourly remuneration for a casual employee shall be calculated by dividing the weekly rate of pay by thirtyeight (38) and adding a casual loading of twenty-five percent (25%). No payment shall be made to such casual employee for statutory holidays, school vacation periods or days absent from duty due to illness or any other reason.




―Full-time Employee‖ is one engaged to work thirty eight (38) ordinary hours per week on the basis of fiftytwo (52) weeks per annum.


―Part-time Employee‖ is an employee engaged to work:




a constant number of ordinary hours of less than thirty-eight (38) hours per week on the basis of fiftytwo (52) weeks per annum.


paid an hourly rate for ordinary hours worked equal to the appropriate weekly full-time rate divided by thirty-eight (38).

―Term-time Employee‖ is a continuing employee engaged to work: a)

thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours per week but less than fifty-two (52) weeks per annum; or


less than thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours per week and less than fifty-two (52) weeks per annum.

―Casual Employee‖ is one who is: a)

employed by the hour for a maximum period of twenty (20) working days on any one engagement; or


paid an hourly rate equal to one thirty-eighth of the weekly rate for a full-time employee plus the abovementioned loading.


―Fixed Period Employee‖ is one engaged to work thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours or less per week with a specified commencement and cessation date. Provided that a Fixed Period Employee may be engaged for a period of up to fifty-two (52) weeks in respect of any one engagement.


Hours of Work


Subject to the provisions of this clause the ordinary hours of work for a school officer shall not exceed 38 hours per week.


Such ordinary hours of work shall be worked continuously (except for meal breaks) between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive or on such other terms as agreed at the point of engagement or subsequently changed by mutual agreement in accordance with the individual flexibility clause at 5.8.


The normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours shall be established at the point of engagement. The normal starting and finishing times can only be varied by the College with two (2) weeks notice or shorter period by mutual agreement


Payment or Banking of Ordinary Hours for School Officers a)


Where an employer authorises additional hours to be worked by an employee (and the employee agrees to work those additional hours) beyond the employee‘s normal starting and finishing times, but within ordinary hours of work, prescribed in clauses 8.3.1 and 8.3.1, these hours will be either: i)

paid for at the ordinary rates; or


banked where this is agreed with the employer.

Where an employee banks hours in accordance with clause 8.3.4.ii), those banked hours must be availed during school vacation periods except where the employing authority, at the request of the

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28 employee, approves that the accrued hours be taken at alternative times. The banked hours shall be paid at the ordinary time rate.



All employees shall have a zero balance of banked hours at the beginning of each 12 month cycle. A 12 month cycle is taken to begin on the first day following the school vacation in January and extending through to the last day of the school vacation period in the next year. Any banked hours not taken prior to the completion of each 12 month cycle will be paid at the employee‘s ordinary time rate.


On resignation, employee must avail themselves of any banked hours prior to the resignation taking effect. In special or extenuating circumstances, if the employee is unable to avail themselves of banked hours, these banked hours shall be paid to the employee at the employee‘s ordinary time rate no later that the date of the next full pay period after termination.

Contract of employment –School Officers and Service Staff

Each employee, other than a casual employee, shall be advised in writing at point of engagement and at other times when varied in accordance with this Agreement, the following:



The nature of engagement as either full-time or such other category as provided in clause 8.2.


The normal starting and finishing time for each day's employment.


The duration of the engagement in respect of employment for a fixed period.

Casual School Officers a) Casual School Officers means an employee engaged and paid as such and who is employed by the hour for a maximum period of 20 working days on any one engagement b)


A casual School Officer shall be paid an hourly rate equal to 1/38 th of the weekly rate for a full time employee plus 25% with a minimum payment of 2 hours for each day‘s engagement.

Use of fixed term contracts – School Officers

The College will employ an employee on a fixed term contract of employment only where the employee is appointed to cover an identifiable short term need. An employee may be employed for a fixed term period of time of at least four (4) weeks but no more than twelve (12) months on either full time or part time basis to: a)

undertake a specified project for which funding has been made available;


undertake a specified task which has a limited period of operation;


replace an employee who is on leave, performing other duties temporarily or whose employment has terminated after the commencement of the school year. Provided that where the replacement arrangement extends beyond twelve (12) months, the fixed term employment may be extended for up to a further twelve (12) months;


accommodate for fluctuations in enrolments and/or subject choices; or


employing a part time school officer to address class size issues and/or enhance curriculum offerings on a short term basis.


Rest Pauses


Full-time employees shall receive a paid rest pause of ten (10) minutes‘ duration in the first half and the second half of each day worked.


Employees other than full-time who work a minimum of four (4) consecutive ordinary hours but no more than six (6) consecutive ordinary hours on any one day shall receive a rest pause of ten minutes‘ duration. Employees who work in excess of six (6) consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal break) on any one day shall receive a rest pause of ten minutes‘ duration in the first half and the second half of the period worked.


Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with continuity of work where continuity is necessary.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the College and the employees agree the rest pauses may be combined.


Meal Break Final Copy (Clean)


29 An employee shall be entitled to an unpaid meal break of not less than half an hour and not more than one (1) hour per working day. 8.9

Annual Leave


Entitlements: a)

Full-time, Part-time and fixed period employees, covered by this Agreement shall, at the end of each year of employment, be entitled to annual leave with pay as set out hereunder.


The accrual rate of annual leave for full-time employees shall be 152 hours per annum (i.e. four (4) weeks annual leave per annum on a thirty-eight (38) hour week basis).


Part-time, term-time and fixed period employees shall at the end of each school year be entitled to annual leave calculated as follows: Number of weeks worked during the year X 4 weeks X average hours per week calculated on weeks worked Divided by 52



Annual leave shall be taken by all employees during school vacation periods unless otherwise agreed between the College and employee.


If an employee and the College so agree, annual leave may be taken wholly or partly in advance before the employee has become entitled to annual leave. An employee who has taken in advance the whole of the annual leave that would be due at the end of a year of employment, is not entitled to any further annual leave at the end of that year of employment.


An employee, who has taken in advance part of the annual leave that would be due at the end of a year of employment, becomes entitled at the end of that year of employment to the part of the annual leave not already taken.

Calculation of Annual Leave Pay a)




In respect to annual leave entitlements to which this clause applies, annual leave pay (including any proportionate payments) shall comprise: i)

the employee‘s ordinary wage rate as prescribed by this Agreement for the period of the annual leave; and


a further amount calculated at the rate of seventeen and one half per centum (17.5%) of the amounts referred to in provision i) of this subclause.

The provisions in paragraph a) shall not apply to any period or periods of leave exceeding four (4) weeks per annum in any other case.

Notification Every employee shall be given at least four (4) week‘s notice by the College of the commencement of annual leave provided that less than four (4) week‘s notice of the commencement of annual leave maybe given by agreement between the College and the employee.




All authorised time worked outside of the hours prescribed in clause 8.3 and the normal starting and finishing times shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half for the first 3 hours and double time thereafter.

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30 8.10.2


Time in lieu a)

Where the employer requires an employee to work either before the normal starting times or after the normal finishing times contained in clause 8.3 up to a maximum of 2 hours on any one day the employee may be granted time in lieu for the equivalent authorised hours worked to be taken at a mutually convenient time or receive payment at the rate of time and one half for the authorised time worked.


Where the employer requires the employee to work more than 2 hours before the normal starting times or more than 2 hours beyond the normal finishing times on any one day, the employee may receive payment at the rate of time and a half for the first hour and double time thereafter for all authorised time worked beyond the first 2 hours or receive payment in accordance with clause 8.3 for the full period so worked.


Any accrued time in lieu not taken within 6 months of its accrual shall be paid at the rate of time and onehalf.

School Officer Classification

Classification structure of School Officer‘s shall be in accordance with Schedule 3. 8.12



Each level of the structure has varying pay steps which provide for yearly service increments within a level. Such increments are payable subject to satisfactory performance but will not be unreasonably withheld by the employer without due process.


For the purposes of establishing the entitlement of an employee to a yearly pay increment a year's service shall constitute 1976 hours of duty.


Progression from one level to a higher level is either by appointment to such higher level as a result of vacancy at that level or the employer requiring an employee to perform at a higher level in accordance with the classification criteria set out in clause 8.11.


An employee may be appointed to a higher level without having progressed through all paypoints within a lower level.


Dispute Resolution Clause

The matters to be dealt with in this procedure shall include all grievances or disputes between an employee and an employer in respect to any industrial matter and all other matters that the parties agree on and are specified herein. Such procedures shall apply to a single employee or to any number of employees. 9.1.1

In the event of an employee having a grievance or dispute, the employee shall in the first instance attempt to resolve the matter with the immediate supervisor, who shall respond to such request as soon as reasonably practicable under the circumstances. Where the dispute concerns alleged actions of the immediate supervisor the employee/s may bypass this level in the procedure.


An employee who is a party to the dispute may appoint a representative for the purposes of the procedures in this clause.


If the grievance or dispute is not resolved under clause 9.1.1, the employee or the employee's representative may refer the matter to the next higher level of management for discussion. Such discussion should, if possible, take place within 24 hours after the request by the employee or the employee's representative.


If the grievance involves allegations of unlawful discrimination by a supervisor the employee may commence the grievance resolution process by reporting the allegations to the next level of management beyond that of the supervisor concerned. If there is no level of management beyond that involved in the allegation the employee may proceed directly to the process outlined at clause 9.1.6.

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31 9.1.5

If the grievance or dispute is still unresolved after discussions mentioned in clause 9.1.3, the matter shall, in the case of a member of the Union, be reported to the relevant officer of the Union and the senior management of the employer or the employer's nominated industrial representative. An employee who is not a member of the Union may report the grievance or dispute to senior management or the nominated industrial representative. This should occur as soon as it is evident that discussions under clause 9.1.3 will not result in resolution of the dispute.


If, after discussion between the parties, or their nominees mentioned in clause 9.1.5, the dispute remains unresolved after the parties have genuinely attempted to achieve a settlement thereof, then notification of the existence of the dispute is to be given to Fair Work Australia.


Fair Work Australia may deal with the dispute in 2 stages: a) b)

Fair Work Australia will first attempt to resolve the dispute as it considers appropriate, including by mediation, conciliation, expressing an opinion or making a recommendation; and if Fair Work Australia is unable to resolve the dispute at the first stage, Fair Work Australia my then:

i) arbitrate the dispute; and ii) ii make a determination that is binding on the parties. (Note: If Fair Work Australia arbitrates the dispute, it may also use the powers that are available to it under the Act.) A decision that Fair Work Australia makes when arbitrating a dispute is a decision for the purpose of Div 3 of Part 5.1 of the Act. Therefore, an appeal may be made against the decision. 9.1.8

Whilst all of the above procedure is being followed, normal work shall continue except in the case of a genuine safety issue.


The status quo existing before the emergence of the grievance or dispute is to continue whilst the above procedure is being followed.

9.1.10 All parties to the dispute shall give due consideration to matters raised or any suggestion or recommendation made by the Fair Work Australia with a view to the prompt settlement of the dispute. 9.1.11

Discussions at any stage of the procedure shall not be unreasonably delayed by any party, subject to acceptance that some matters may be of such complexity or importance that it may take a reasonable period of time for the appropriate response to be made. If genuine discussions are unreasonably delayed or hindered, it shall be open to any party to give notification of the dispute in accordance with the provisions of the Act.


So as to remove doubt, the parties record that the reference to disputes or grievances in respect to any industrial matter includes disputes or grievances in relation to whether the employer had reasonable business grounds for refusing a request under the National Employment Standards for flexible working arrangements or an application to extend unpaid parental leave.


Principles for Disciplinary Procedures


Discipline Procedures (to be followed in accordance with the procedural processes outlined above in 9.1.3) a)

Any areas of concern are to be dealt with face-to-face, sooner rather than later, and at the lowest level of management.


The purpose of the discipline is to: i) ii)

identify and substantiate the problem and its causes; and put in place a program for remediating the problem, agreeable to the staff member and the supervisor.


If informal, face-to-face discussions do not result in improvement, procedures a) and b) above are to be re-done in writing, with a copy going to the next level of management.


These written descriptions are to be signed and dated by all parties, with a clear time-line given for the agreed plan of action, which will include how regular support and review will be given, and by whom. Final Copy (Clean)


32 e)

If no improvement occurs, procedures c) & d) are repeated with each successive level of management, up to and including the Head of College.


If still no improvement occurs, the Head of College will include a formal letter of warning about possible dismissal.


The abovementioned procedures are not necessary for acts of misconduct which can lead to summary dismissal.

PART 10 - SAVINGS CLAUSE The existing agreement conditions and accrued entitlements of employees employed at the date of signing, shall not be reduced as a result of this Agreement coming into effect.

PART 11 - SIGNATORIES Signed for Peregian Beach College: (ACN 109 546 358)

In the presence of:

_________________________________________ (signature)

___________________________________ (witness to sign)

_________________________________________ (print name)

___________________________________ (print name)

_________________________________________ (position, title, office etc) _________________________________________ (address) _________________________________________


AND Signed for the Independent Education Union of Employees – Queensland and Northern Territory Branch (ABN 74 662 601 045)

__________________________________________ (signature)

______________________________________ (witness to sign)

__________________________________________ (print name)

_______________________________________ (print name)

(position, title, office etc) __________________________________________ (address) AND Independent Bargaining Agent ____________________________________ (witness to sign) Final Copy (Clean)


33 __________________________________________ (signature)

______________ (print name)

_______________________________________ (print name)

__________________________________________ (position, title, office etc) __________________________________________ (address)


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SCHEDULE 1 TEACHERS Classification

August 13th 2010

August 12th 2011

August 10th 2012

Band 2

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

51,025 53,856 56,674 59,499 62,338

53,066 56,010 58,941 61,879 64,832

55,189 58,251 61,300 64,355 67,424

Band 3

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

64,701 67,076 69,437 71,936

67,289 69,759 72,214 74,813

69,981 72,549 75,103 77,807

HAT Allowance







Step 1




Step 2




Step 3




Step 4




Step 1




Step 2




Step 3




Step 1




Step 2




Step 3




Step 4




Step 1




Step 2




Step 3




Step 1




Step 2




Step 3




Step 1




Step 2




Step 3




Step 4




Step 5




Step 1




Step 2




Step 3




Step 4




Step 5




SCHOOL OFFICERS Classification Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

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Application of Schedule Schedule 2 shall apply to all staff employed at Peregian Beach College. This Schedule shall be read subject to the provisions of this Agreement.


Definitions Nothing in Schedule 2 shall be deemed or construed to diminish the conditions of long service leave any employee was receiving prior to the date of coming into operation of Schedule 2.


Mode of taking leave a)

The College may direct an employee to take the full period of long service leave accrued within 12 calendar months of the date upon which the employee's accrued entitlement reaches 13 weeks and the employee shall so take that leave.


The minimum and maximum periods of leave that may be taken shall be 4 weeks and 13 weeks respectively, with the proviso that where an employee has accrued 26 weeks leave entitlement at the date of commencement, the employee shall be granted leave up to a maximum at one time of 26 weeks.


An employee shall give at least six (6) calendar months' notice in writing of the employee's intention to take leave, and an employer shall give at least 3 calendar months' notice in writing of the direction to take leave.

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36 SCHEDULE 3 3.



A school officer may request a reclassification of their position. Such a request may be made either in relation to the classification level of an existing position or where the classification level of the position has been changed. Except in exceptional circumstances no employee shall be permitted to seek a reclassification of their position on more than one occasion in a twelve (12) month period.


The employee shall make any such Request for Reclassification, in writing, to the employer.


The employer shall consider the Request for Reclassification and notify the employee in writing of the decision regarding the employee‘s request.


If after receiving the employer‘s notification, the employee believes that their position has not been classified at the correct level, the employee may apply for a review of that decision. In this case the employee shall make written application for a Review of Classification to the employer.


The school officer will be advised in writing of the outcome of this review.


If an agreed outcome cannot be reached then the employee may refer the matter to Fair Work Australia in the terms of the Disputes Resolution Procedure.

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CHARACTERISTICS AND QUALIFICATION Competency of Employee Level 2 Level 3 2.1.1 Competency at this level 3.1.1 Competency at this level involves application of knowledge involves application of knowledge and skills to a range of tasks and with depth in some areas and a roles broad range of skills

Level 4

Level 5 5.1.1 Competency at this level involves self directed application of knowledge with substantial depth in some areas

Level 6 6.1.1 Competency at this level involves self directed development and application of professional knowledge with substantial depth in some areas

5.1.2 A range of technical and/or other skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts.

6.1.2 A broad range of professional skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts. 6.1.3 A proportion of competencies involve complex, specialized or professional functions. 6.1.4 Competencies are used independently and are substantially non-routine with initiative being exercised in the application of professional practices 6.1.5 Significant discretion and judgement are required in planning, design, professional, technical or supervisory functions related to services, operations or processes for self and/or others.

2.1.2 There is a defined range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear

3.1.2 There is a range of roles and tasks in a variety of contexts

4.1.1 There is a wide variety of tasks and roles in a variety of contexts.

2.1.3 There is limited complexity of choice

3.1.3 There is some complexity in the extent and choice of actions required

4.1.2 There is complexity in the ranges and choice of actions required

2.1.4 Competencies are normally checked within well established routines, methods and procedures

3.1.4 Competencies are normally used within routines, methods and procedures

4.1.3 Competencies are normally used within a variety of routines, methods and procedures

5.1.3 Competencies are normally used independently and both routinely and non routinely.

2.1.5 Limited discretion and judgement about possible actions is involved

3.1.5 Some discretion and judgement are involved in selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.

4.1.4 Discretion and judgement are required for self and/or others in planning, selection of equipment, work organisation, services actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.

5.1.4 Discretion and judgement are required in planning and selecting appropriate equipment, service techniques and work organisation for self and/or others.

Level 4 4.1.1 Work is carried out under general supervision.

Level 5 5.1.1 Works under general supervision and/or broad guidance depending on function.

Supervision of Employees’ Work Level 2 Level 3 2.1.1 Works under direct and/or 3.1.1 Works under limited routine supervision depending on supervision. function. 2.1.2 Work is intermittently checked.

3.1.2 Work may be checked in relation to overall progress

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Level 6 6.1.1 Works under broad guidance. 6.1.2 Work is usually measured in terms of the achievement of stated objectives to agreed standards.

Level 7 7.1.1 Competency at this level involves the use of initiative in self directed development and application of expert knowledge with extensive recognised expertise in some areas 7.1.2 A breadth and depth of professional skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts. 7.1.3 A high proportion of competencies involve significant scope and/or complex, specialized or professional functions. 7.1.4 Duties of an innovative and/or critical nature are undertaken without professional direction and initiative is exercised in the application of professional practices 7.1.5 Significant discretion and independent judgement are required within constraints set by management.

Level 7 7.1.1 Work is usually performed under general guidance with limited or no professional supervision. 7.1.2 The general quality of work is monitored by school management and is subject to stated objectives and professional standards.



2.1.3 May take the form of general guidance where working in teams is involved.

3.1.3 May take the form of broad guidance.

2.1.4 May involve detailed instructions in some situations;

3.1.4 May involve a level of autonomy when working in teams.

Supervision of Others Level 2 Level 3 2.1.1 An employee at this level 3.1.1 Peer assistance may be will have no supervisory provided to others. responsibilities 3.1.2 An employee may have limited responsibility for guidance of the work of others 2.1.2 An experienced employee may assist others by providing peer support in the completion of routine tasks

3.1.3 Team co-ordination may be required

Levels 1 to 7 Qualifications Matrix Level 2 Level 3 2.1.1 Junior Certificate is the 3.1.1 Tertiary qualifications at minimum formal qualification. No Certificate level or equivalent experience is required. qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.

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4.1.2 Progress and outcomes sought are under general guidance.

Level 4 4.1.1 The work of others may be supervised 4.1.2 Responsibility for the work and organisation of others in limited areas.

6.1.3 May be less direct than at lower levels and usually be related to task methodology and work practices. 6.1.4 May involve a level of autonomy in accordance with a broad plan or budget strategy. Level 5

5.1.1 Responsibility for the planning and management of the work of others may be involved

4.1.3 Teams may be guided or facilitated. Training of subordinate staff may be required.

Supervision and training of lower level staff may be involved.

Level 4 4.1.1 Tertiary qualifications at Certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.

Level 5 5.1.1 Tertiary qualifications at Associate Diploma/Diploma level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required by the employer or knowledge, qualifications and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.

Level 6

6.1.1 Responsibility for the supervision and monitoring of the work of others and of workflow in the area of responsibility may be involved. 6.1.2 Leadership and development of teams and responsibility for outcomes may be required.

Level 7

7.1.1 Responsibility for the setting and achieving of objectives by a work section and its staff may be involved.

Responsibility for assessment, training and development and performance counselling of staff may be required.

Level 6 6.1.1 Relevant formal qualifications at degree level are required.

Level 7 7.1.1 Formal qualifications at degree level are required, along with relevant post graduate qualifications or extensive and relevant experience as required by the employer to reflect higher levels of professional outcomes.



TYPICAL DUTIES/SKILLS Employee Assisting Student Learning Level 2 Level 3 2.1.1 Assist developmentally 3.1.1 Assist developmentally appropriate student appropriate student learning, either individually learning, either individually or in groups, under the or in groups, where some direct supervision of an discretion and judgement academic staff member are involved in evaluating where limited discretion and assessing (under the and judgement are supervision of an academic involved. staff member(s)) the 2.1.2 Under direct supervision of learning needs of students. a higher level officer or 3.1.2 Within routines, methods members of the academic and procedures carry out staff prepare and clear liaison between the school, away materials for the student and the display/use in classrooms student’s family where or libraries. some discretion and 2.1.3 Perform within well judgement are involved. established routines tasks 3.1.3 Support students in relation associated with the mass to their physical needs production of printed where some discretion and material including collating, judgement are involved. stapling, binding, folding, cutting, etc 2.1.4 Under direct and /or routine supervision, perform tasks of limited complexity, associated with classroom learning experiences, such as assisting teachers in preparing, implementing and supervising learning programs. 2.1.5 Support students in relation to their physical needs.

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Level 4 4.1.1 Assist developmentally appropriate student learning, either individually or in groups, under the general supervision of an academic staff member(s). Employees at this level are required to exercise discretion and judgement to modify education programmes to meet the learning needs of specific students. 4.1.2 Carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student’s family where discretion and judgement are required in relation to planning, actions and achieving outcomes. 4.1.3 Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures provide significant assistance in the enrolment, family liaison and placement of overseas students.

Level 5 5.1.1 Apply a range of technical and other skills involving the self-directed application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualifications applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: developing the framework for and providing the instruction to students (within a structured learning environment) under the general supervision of an academic staff member(s); providing pastoral ministry and support for students. 5.1.2 Under broad guidance, supervise the operations of the school’s processes and activities in relation to overseas students. This may include: enrolment; family liaison; and placement.

Level 6 6.1.1 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree. This may include: the gathering, analysis and interpretation of data; or preparation of reports and the consequent giving of advice to other professional staff to assist student learning; or providing pastoral ministry; or providing counselling and/or guidance support for students. 6.1.2 Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer’s area of expertise or qualification.

Level 7 7.1.1 Undertake more complex professional activities involving the selection and application, based on professional judgement, of new and existing techniques and methodologies requiring the exercise of professional independence combined with competence derived from extensive experience and/or additional study. 7.1.2 Undertake supervisory responsibilities which may include on the job training, staff assessment and performance counselling in relation to staff in lower level positions. 7.1.3 Operate and be accountable for the quality of output of a section or function within the school.






Laboratory Employees Level 2 Provide science program 3.2.1 assistance where limited discretion and judgement are involved Maintain science equipment, 3.2.2 materials and specimens not requiring a depth of knowledge or technical skills. Under the direct supervision of an academic staff member(s) prepare and maintain laboratory teaching 3.2.3 areas including routine setting up and dismantling of items of equipment for use in experimental, observational and teaching activities Assist in the demonstration of experiments and scientific 3.2.4 equipment under the direct supervision of an academic staff member(s). 3.2.5

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Level 3 Provide science program assistance where some discretion and judgement are involved. Assist in the design / demonstration of experiments under supervision of an academic staff member(s) where some discretion and judgement are involved. Under direction, prepare, maintain, organize, set-up and dismantle equipment and materials for routine experiments or student projects and dispose of waste materials. Peer assistance and/or guidance may be provided for other assistants in a laboratory. Under direction and within existing routines, methods and procedures, prepare, maintain and dispense stock solutions, simple chemical mixtures and compounds, cultures or similar materials.

Level 4 4.2.1 Responsibility for and/or training of subordinate staff in limited areas may be required. 4.2.2 Design and demonstrate experiments, within a variety of routines and procedures, under the supervision of an academic staff members(s) where discretion and judgement are required. 4.2.3 Where there is complexity in the range and choice of action and discretion and judgement are required: prepare, maintain and dispense solutions, chemical mixtures, compounds and cultures; prepare, maintain, organise, set-up and dismantle equipment and material for experiments.

Level 5 5.2.1 Apply a range of technical and other skills involving the self-directed application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualification s applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: designing laboratory experiments; and appropriate responsibility for the application of workplace health and safety requirements in the laboratory

Level 6 6.2.1 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree. 6.2.2 Operate (at a level consistent with the qualifications required) a laboratory. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, monitoring and training of staff in lower level positions. 6.2.3 Administer the allocation and monitoring of resources in the laboratory. 6.2.4 Support employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed. 6.2.5 Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer’s area of expertise. 6.2.6 Formulate procedural policy and guidelines in the employee’s area of responsibility; submit recommendations for decision and prepare supporting statements as necessary.

Level 7 7.2.1 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree and post graduate qualifications and/or other professional development and/or industry experience. 7.2.2 Responsibility for the operation of a laboratory which provides complex and varied services. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, monitoring and training of professional staff and staff in lower level positions. 7.2.3 Manage the allocation and monitoring of resources in the laboratory. 7.2.4 Responsibility for direction and support of employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed. 7.2.5 Provide subject matter expertise and/or policy advice across a range of programs or activities undertaken by the organizational area. Formulate policies and provide specialist advice on policy development to senior management.

Administration Employees Level 2 2.3.1 Use keyboard skills to produce a document from written text using a standard format. 2.3.2 Receive and deal with enquiries within well established routines,, including the provision of general information and assistance to the public, parents, students and other employees. 2.3.3 Perform a range of general clerical duties at a basic level, for example, filing, handling mail, maintaining records.

Level 3 3.3.1 Carry out a wide range of secretarial and clerical duties at an advanced level, including shorthand, typing, word processing and maintaining manual and computerized records. 3.3.2 Respond to enquiries from staff, students, parents and the general public and address issues in accordance with routines, methods and procedures. 3.3.3 Enter financial data into computer and prepare financial and management reports for review and authorization by senior management.

Level 4 4.3.1 Provide administrative support to senior management of a school where discretion and judgement are required, including: taking minutes; shorthand; organizing appointments and diaries; initiating and handling correspondence (which may include confidential correspondence); monitoring telephone calls; and establishing and/or maintaining working filing systems. 4.3.2 Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures apply inventory and purchasing control procedures, prepare monthly summaries of debtors and creditors ledger transactions and reconcile these. 4.3.3 Apply knowledge of advanced functions of computer software packages and to manage data ie. modify fields of information, develop new databases or spreadsheet models; or graph previously prepared spreadsheets.

Level 5 5.3.1 Provide executive support to senior management and associated committees concerning designated aspects of school management. 5.3.2 Direct and supervise the work of administrative/clerical and/or other staff. 5.3.3 Under broad guidance, supervise the operations of the school's office and other administrative activities, in the areas of enrolment, equipment and statistical staffing returns. 5.3.4 Under broad guidance, supervise the operations of the school’s processes and activities in relation to overseas students. This may include: enrolment; family liaison; and placement.

Level 6 6.3.1 Operate and be responsible for an autonomous section and all its operations. 6.3.2 Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer's area of expertise. 6.3.3 Monitor and analyse regular management information, such as staffing and financial resource usage; ensure that associated information systems are maintained and that regular reports are provided to management.

Level 7 7.3.1 Supervise staff including implementation and participation in induction, training, review, counselling and appraisal 7.3.2 Manage the work of administrative officers and other staff, assigning and outlining the work, advising on administrative problems, and revising work for accuracy and adequacy. 7.3.3 Identify policies and procedures requiring review or re-development, and define relevant issues.

Administration Employees Level 2 2.3.4 Operate within well established routines, office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, guillotine, laminator, franking machine, calculators, switchboard, etc. 2.3.5 Under the direct supervision of the principal or nominee, contact parents, students and/or others in relation to school attendance and related matters. 2.3.6 Under the direct supervision of the principal or nominee assist with the arrangement of group meetings, morning teas, meetings of parents and external parties, parent/teacher nights etc. 2.3.7 Carry out minor cash transactions including receipting, balancing and banking.

Level 3 3.3.4 Prepare and process payroll transactions within routines, methods and procedures. 3.3.5 Within routines, methods and procedures : provide administrative support to senior management; arrange appointments and diaries; and prepare correspondence. 3.3.6 Within routines, methods and procedures, prepare and dispatch statements to debtors and payments to creditors, follow up on unpaid accounts; prepare bank reconciliations and reconcile accounts to balance; maintain wage and salary records. 3.3.7 Maintain petty cash float and expenses for accounting purposes

Level 4 4.3.4 From verbal or rough handwritten instructions; answer non-standard executive correspondence, prepare papers, briefing notes, or other written material. 4.3.5 Utilizing a variety of routines, methods and procedures, calculate and maintain wage and salary records; perform routine classification determinations; and process resignations, retirements and redundancies in accordance with relevant award entitlements. 4.3.6 Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures provide significant assistance in the preparation of: financial information to trial balance; budgets; cash flow records; balance sheets; trading accounts; cash management analysis; FBT and entity disclosure requirements. NOTE An employee is not required to perform all duties listed to satisfy this skill descriptor. 4.3.7 Train staff classified at lower levels by means of personal instruction and demonstration. 4.3.8 Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures provide significant assistance in the enrolment, family liaison and placement of overseas students.

Level 5 5.3.5 Prepare the accounts of the school to operating statement stage and assist in the formulation of period and year-end entries. 5.3.6 Provide advice requiring knowledge of policies and / or the interpretation of rules or regulations within their area of operation. Assist in developing policy and procedures relating to their work area and identifying future trends. 5.3.7 Under broad guidance supervise the administration of specialized salary and payroll requirements, which may include: eligible termination payments, superannuation trust deed requirements, redundancy calculations or workers’ compensation claims. 5.3.8 Prepare for senior management financial reports relating to the employee’s area of responsibility.

Level 6 6.3.4 Provide financial, policy, or planning advice which may include providing reports, statistical surveys and advice on regulations and procedures. 6.3.5 Monitor expenditure against a budget at a school level, draft financial forecasts / budgets at organizational level and / or prepare complex financial reports. 6.3.6 Administer programs with a range of tasks such as advice on financial implications, interpretation of information, assistance and advice concerning complex issues. 6.3.7 Prepare correspondence which is complex, original and which initiates or responds to new cases or situations.

Level 7 7.3.4 Provide written reports to the school executive on complex matters, suggesting alternative courses of action and analyzing the implications of each alternative. 7.3.5 Provide financial, policy and planning advice and investigate, interpret or evaluate information for the guidance of staff or clients. 7.3.6 Be substantively involved in the construction of annual and forward planning school budgets 7.3.7 Manage the operations of a discrete organizational area, program or administrative function.

Administration Employees cont‌ 2.3.8 Monitor and maintain stock 3.3.8 Assist in the preparation of levels of stationery/materials internal and external for office/department within publications. established parameters 3.3.9 Assist in the enrolment including reordering. function including handling 2.3.9 Within well established initial enquiries and arranging routines, sort, prepare and interviews. record documents (e.g. 3.3.10Under supervision, prepare invoices, cheques, Government and Statutory correspondence) on a daily Authority returns for basis; file such documents in authorization by senior the appropriate system. management. 2.3.10 Within well established 3.3.11Use software application routines, receive and packages for personal distribute incoming mail computers to create database collect outgoing mail, file structures; and maintain mail registers and spreadsheets/work sheets. records and collate and 3.3.12Under direction and within dispatch documents for bulk routines, methods and handling. procedures: draft agenda for 2.3.11 Perform, within well meetings; assemble established routines, tasks supporting documents for associated with the mass informal meetings; take and production of printed material produce minutes. including collating, stapling, 3.3.13Draft and type routine binding, folding, cutting, etc. correspondence from brief oral or written instructions. Respond to requests for information including drafting routine correspondence in reply.

5.3.9 Apply a knowledge of relevant industrial awards and agreements and occupational health and safety requirements. Provide general advice to staff in these areas. 5.3.10Original writing of promotional and advertising material. 5.3.11 Coordination of, and participation in, marketing activities. 5.3.12 Design of promotional and marketing plans. 5.3.13 Responsibility for liaison with media.

6.3.8 Formulate procedural policy and guidelines in the employee’s area of responsibility; submit recommendations for decision and prepare supporting statements as necessary. 6.3.9 Direct and support employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed. 6.3.10 Advise and assist in the preparation of the school budget. 6.3.11Provide executive support to Principals and senior management. 6.3.12Provide advice or make recommendations requiring detailed knowledge of policies, and/or the interpretation of rules or regulations within established guidelines, relating to a major function of the organizational work areas. 6.3.13Supervise staff including participation in induction, training, review, counselling and appraisal and providing feedback on performance.

7.3.8 Provide subject matter expertise and/or policy advice across a range of programs or activities undertaken by the organizational area, formulate policies and provide specialist advice on policy formulation to senior management. 7.3.9 Undertake high level research, review or investigations including the preparation of reports and associated papers to provide advice to the school on the operational and/or future directions of the employee’s section and to contribute to the development of that section in the educational context of the school. 7.3.10Prepare papers, investigate and present information with recommendations for decision by senior officers.

3.3.14 Maintain established central filing / records systems in accordance with routines, methods and procedures. This would include: creating and indexing new files, retrieving records; distributing files within the school as requested, monitoring file locations and identifying and processing inactive and closed files. 3.3.15 Maintain a store through such duties as participation in ordering and issue of expendable stores, recording of stock levels, maintaining records of equipment distribution, delivery dockets, invoices and payment vouchers and responsibility for keys. 3.3.16 Make and record appointments on behalf of another and, where necessary, resolve involved appointment scheduling problems. 3.3.17Make travel and accommodation bookings in line with a given itinerary. 3.3.18Within routines, methods and procedures carry out liaison between the school, the student and the student’s family where some discretion and judgement are involved.

6.3.14Develop systems and procedures for implementation in accordance with school policy. 6.3.15Provide financial, policy and planning advice and investigate, interpret or evaluate information for the guidance of staff or clients. 6.3.16 Original writing of promotional and advertising material requiring significant discretion and judgement concerning content and design. 6.3.17 Management of, and participation in, marketing activities. 6.3.18 Design of promotional and marketing plans requiring initiative in the application of professional practices. 6.3.19 Responsibility for representing the school in the media.

Information Services and Resources Employees Level 2 Level 3 2.4.1 Process basic transactions such as 3.4.1 Search and verify issues and returns, produce overdue bibliographical data lists, entry of orders in a where some computerised system, perform stock discretion and takes, entering of accession judgement are information into computer. involved. 2.4.2 Operate and demonstrate the use of 3.4.2 Copy catalogue audio-visual equipment where there books, magazines, is limited complexity. journals and 2.4.3 Maintain a booking system for recorded material equipment use and for the where some organisation of repairs and discretion and replacement of equipment. judgement are 2.4.4 Within well-established routines, involved. methods and procedures, record 3.4.3 Maintain circulation audio/video programs and maintain a systems where catalogue system of such recordings. some discretion and 2.4.5 Perform a range of general duties at a judgement are basic level, for example, minor book involved. repairs, photocopying and shelving. 3.4.4 Respond to enquiries 2.4.6 Receive and deal with initial requests from staff, students, for information from library clients. parents and the 2.4.7 Under the direct supervision of an general public and academic staff member(s), assist in address issues in the demonstration of routine library accordance with operations and procedures. routines, methods and procedures. 2.4.8 Under the direct supervision of an 3.4.5 Assist in the academic staff member(s), assist in demonstration of the supervision of students in the complex audio library. visual or computer 2.4.9 Under direct supervision of a higher equipment under level officer or members of the supervision of academic staff prepare and clear academic staff away materials for display/use in member(s) where classrooms or libraries.) some discretion and judgement are involved.

Level 4 4.4.1 Responsibility for and/or training of subordinate staff in limited areas may be required 4.4.2 Within a variety of routines and procedures and with a depth of knowledge in some areas: demonstrate to staff and students the use of complex audio visual or computer equipment; or monitor performance of and carry out repairs to specialised equipment.

Level 5 5.4.1 Apply a range of technical and other skills involving the selfdirected application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualifications applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: independent and original cataloguing and classification following precedents and standards; monitoring the performance of, and carrying out repairs to, specialised equipment; and developing the framework for and providing the instruction to students (within a structured learning environment) under the general supervision of an academic staff member(s).

Level 6 6.4.1 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree. 6.4.2 Operate (at a level consistent with the qualifications required) a library/resource centre. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, monitoring and training of staff in lower level positions. 6.4.3 Administer the allocation and monitoring of resources in the library/resource centre. 6.4.4 Support employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed. 6.4.5 Provide professional advice to staff and students in the officer’s area of expertise. 6.4.6 Formulate procedural policy and guidelines in the employee’s area of responsibility; submit recommendations for decision and prepare supporting statements as necessary.

Level 7 7.4.1 Apply a range of professional knowledge gained through successful completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree and post graduate qualifications and/or other professional development and/or industry experience. 7.4.2 Responsibility for the operation of a library/resource centre which provides complex and varied services. This may (or may not) include responsibility for the supervision, monitoring and training of professional staff and staff in lower level positions. 7.4.3 Manage the allocation and monitoring of resources in the library/resource centre. 7.4.4 7Responsibility for direction and support of employees reporting to the position in policies to be followed, methods to be used and standards to be observed. 7.4.5 Provide subject matter expertise and/or policy advice across a range of programs or activities undertaken by the organizational area, formulate policies and provide specialist advice on policy formulation to senior management.

Computer/ICT Employees Level 2

2.5.1 Use keyboard skills to produce a document from written text using a standard format. 2.5.2 Operate within well established routines, office equipment, such as, computer, photocopier, facsimile, binding machine, guillotine, laminator, franking machine, calculators, switchboard, etc.

Level 3 3.5.1 Use software application packages for personal computers to create database file structures; and spreadsheets/work sheets.

Level 4

4.5.1 Within a variety of routines, methods and procedures, maintain the hardware and software components of a computer network and provide user support. 4.5.2 Responsibility for and/or training of subordinate staff in limited areas may be required.

Level 5

5.5.1 Apply a range of technical and other skills involving the self-directed application of knowledge gained through formal studies/qualifications applicable to this level or knowledge and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position. This may include: Assisting with systems analysis and design in relation to the development and maintenance of computer systems; and assisting with application programming (eg modification of package systems; and investigation of malfunctions in operational programs).

Level 6

Level 7

6.5.1 Operate and be responsible for the computing section of the school and all its operations. 6.5.2 Perform non-routine professional tasks governed by procedures or guidelines. Within such constraints the employee is responsible for the independent performance of such functions. 6.5.3 Provide financial, policy and planning advice and investigate, interpret or evaluate information for the guidance of staff or management in the computing area. 6.5.4 Be responsible for the development of software, hardware or applications systems based on the use of current computer techniques. 6.5.5 Be responsible for the development of computer systems, and recommend changes and improvements in systems where appropriate. 6.5.6 Undertake maintenance programming tasks, including investigation and design requirements necessary to implement changes to existing systems. 6.5.7 Provide advice to the senior executive of the school on the operations/future directions of the section by utilising acquired knowledge and experience. 6.5.8 Carry out a range of tasks necessary to support and develop systems software or other support processes.

7.5.1 Operate and be responsible for the computing section which provides complex and varied services to the school community including being responsible for the supervision, monitoring and development of other staff reporting to the position. 7.5.2 Research and examine likely long-term requirements for computer systems, suggest alternative plans and strategies and report on their feasibility. 7.5.3 Consult with departmental computer users to understand and meet the needs of the department and resolve problems concerning systems. 7.5.4 Investigate and design the implementation of computer systems to meet specific needs of work areas. 7.5.5 Carry out a range of complex and varied tasks requiring the selection and application of new and existing techniques and methodologies necessary to support and develop systems software or other support processes. 7.5.6 Develop and present appropriate computer training courses.

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