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Thursday, 7 June 2012


State Government Offer to State School Teachers


Attack on Foundations of Education in this State Attack on Employee Rights Dear Colleagues The State government’s offer to state school teachers of a replacement collective agreement package undermines the profession of education and the conditions of teachers in the state school sector specifically and devalues the role of educators and education generally across the state. On the 6th June, the Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU) received from the Queensland government an offer package for a replacement collective agreement for teachers in government schools in Queensland. This offer package from the newly elected state government is an attack on the education profession, education professionals and school communities across Queensland. Remuneration Classification and Progression The proposed package attacks the importance of education and professional dedication of teachers with an offer of salary increase of 2.7% for each year over the next 3 years. The professionalism and collegiality of teachers in schools is further undermined in this package by requiring annual incremental advancement to occur only after certification by school principals of the diligence, conduct and efficiency of each teacher. As well, graduate teachers will remain at entry level classification for three years before being eligible to apply for a salary increase. Such proposals demean and undervalue the fine work being undertaken by graduate and experienced teachers across all education sectors in Queensland and undermine the strong collegial relationships currently existing in school communities. Removal of Current Agreed Provisions The proposed collective agreement for state school teachers seeks to strip from the Agreement employment conditions and matters which are vital to fair and just school communities. The proposed package seeks to remove over 50 matters from the current collective agreement. Matters to be removed from the enforceable collective agreement include, among many others:

Class sizes Remote area incentive scheme Consultative provisions Job security Work load management and work/life balance Curriculum co-ordination time Union acknowledgement Beginning teacher initiatives Managing unsatisfactory performance. The state government would have these (and over 40 other matters) removed from the legally enforceable collective agreement to policies and employer directives. The point of issue here is that policy and employer directives can be changed at any time by the government and Education Department without any consultation with employees and/or their representatives. Many of the working rights which have been fought for and gained over time and which have always been protected in successive collective agreements will be potentially lost. The proposals in this package undermine and put at risk the very nature and security of basic working conditions and rights which could, at employer whim, be changed or removed altogether. Such a proposal undermines the fundamentals of educational endeavour in Queensland schools. Simplistic Unworthy Package by Queensland Government The simplistic draft agreement package proposed by the Queensland government for state school teachers undermines the professional recognition of teachers and educational praxis in all Queensland schools. As well, this package potentially sabotages long established school cultures where commitment to education in a positive and supportive collegial environment currently exists. Members in the non-government sector of education are aware that any attack on educators and educational praxis in government schools is an attack on the wider education profession and wider education practice and cannot be tolerated. Such attacks, if allowed to go unchecked, will inexorably impact on non-government education and non-government educators and the hard won provisions that are currently available. Next Steps Chapter representatives are asked to convene an urgent Chapter meeting to consider the attached motions. Responses to the attached motions should be forwarded to IEUA-QNT by Friday, 15 June 2012. Kind regards


State Government Offer to State School Teachers

FAXBACK Fax (07) 3839 7021 Thursday 7 June 2012

Chapter Briefing No. 1






The Chapter at ____________________________________________ supports

their colleagues in the Queensland Teachers Union in their enterprise bargaining campaign for a fair, complete and comprehensive collective Agreement. CARRIED / NOT CARRIED


The Chapter at __________________________________________ believes

that all educational professionals in Queensland are entitled to fair and just remuneration and calls on employers across the State to acknowledge the importance of the work undertaken by Queensland educators. CARRIED / NOT CARRIED


The Chapter at ___________________________________________ believes

that enforceable negotiated collective agreements should be inclusive of all employee rights, responsibilities and entitlements and calls on employers across Queensland to commit to full and transparent collective agreements. CARRIED / NOT CARRIED

PLEASE FAX BACK TO IEUA-QNT by close of business FRIDAY, 15 JUNE 2012 Fax: 3839 7021 F:\DATA\Campaigns\QTU\qtu001pg.docx

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