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Tuesday, 7 October 2008


School Officer Day – 15 October 2008

CHAPTER BRIEFING No. 1 IT’S TIME TO CELEBRATE OUR PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL OFFICERS! Dear Colleagues Wednesday, 15 October is School Officer Day. It’s time to celebrate the valuable contribution school officers make to supporting quality education in our schools! School officers perform a variety of essential and diverse roles in schools. Their professional work in our classrooms, administration, libraries, laboratories and computer rooms combine to both enhance students’ educational experience and support the work of teachers. School Officer Day is an opportunity to acknowledge the skills, professionalism and commitment of school officers. QIEU chapters are encouraged to say ‘thank you’ to school officers for their efforts in enriching our school communities on this important day. Celebration Morning Tea Chapter Executives are encouraged to hold a special ‘School Officer Day’ morning tea on Wednesday, 15 October to celebrate and recognise the professional contributions of our school officer colleagues. Please email some high resolution photographs of your celebration morning tea to frichardson@qieu.asn.au, for inclusion in The Independent Voice. A personal invitation By joining with teachers and other school employees in QIEU, school officers have a strong and united voice on professional and industrial issues impacting on their work. In collective bargaining, this means more appropriate recognition of school officers’ contributions through enhanced career structures, decent working conditions, better wages and professional development provisions. (For example, did you know that a Level 2 Step 3 school officer working on a collective union-negotiated Agreement typically earns $5,200 per year more than the basic Award wage?) Chapter Executive members are asked to personally invite all school officers who have not yet joined with their colleagues in QIEU to become a member on School Officer Day. The attached Fact Sheet explains the many benefits of QIEU membership for school officers. Ruth George School Officer Award In the spirit of School Officer Day, Chapter Executives are also requested to formally acknowledge the work of a special school officer in your QIEU chapter by nominating them for the Ruth George School Officer Award. This award is presented in recognition of someone who makes an outstanding contribution to the QIEU chapter, works diligently and tirelessly to represent the interests of school officers, and who acts with honesty, integrity and courage in the conduct of union activities.

Chapter Executives are asked to complete the nomination form attached to this briefing and return it to the QIEU office by Friday, 17 October. Chapter Action In summary, QIEU chapters are encouraged to celebrate School Officer Day on Wednesday, 15 October by: 

Holding a special ‘School Officer Day’ morning tea. Remember to take some photographs at this event for publication in The Independent Voice;

Personally inviting all school officers who have not yet joined their colleagues in QIEU to do so. The attached Fact Sheet explains the many benefits of QIEU membership for school officers; and

Nominating a special school officer for the Ruth George School Officer Award. A nomination form is attached to this briefing.

I look forward to your chapter’s participation in this special day celebrating the important contribution of school officers. Kind Regards


FACT SHEET A Strong and United Voice for Professional School Officers 7 October 2008

KEY ISSUES  QIEU gives School Officers a strong and united voice on professional and industrial matters 

QIEU members have access to expert industrial and legal support

Representation in bargaining ensures better working conditions and wages

Workplace problems can be solved when colleagues work together collectively


Union fees are fully tax deductible and determined according to salary structure Union membership also delivers access to discounted products and service through Union Shopper

ACTION School Officers are warmly invited to join their colleagues in QIEU today

CONTACTS Phone: (07) 3839 7020 Fax: (07) 3839 7021 Freecall: 1800 177 937 enquiries@qieu.asn.au

School Officers work in an increasingly complex and changing educational environment. Schools rely on the skills, professionalism and commitment of School Officers to support quality education for students. QIEU speaks with and for its members on both professional and industrial issues impacting on the work of School Officers.

Better wages and working conditions through collective bargaining

A stronger voice in collective bargaining helps ensure appropriate recognition of School Officers’ contributions. QIEU negotiates for enhanced career structures, decent working conditions, better wages and professional development provisions for School Officers. For example, a Level 2 Step 3 School Officer working under a collective union negotiated Agreement typically earns $5,200 per year more than the basic Award wage, as well as better working conditions such as paid maternity leave, higher employer-funded superannuation and more sick leave.

Individual problems at work

School Officers may unfortunately encounter situations during the course of their work where they require industrial assistance or representation from their Union. Union membership provides immediate access to QIEU’s extensive industrial support team should you encounter any workplace problem. Industrial support can be required by members with issues including:  Needing to respond to a parental or student complaint;  Allegations regarding a member’s work performance or conduct;  Workplace bullying or harassment;  Disputes regarding wages and back pay, correct classification levels, leave or other entitlements. QIEU industrial representation ensures that your interests are protected and that you are afforded a fair opportunity to resolve workplace problems.

Expert legal advice and insurance

With society increasingly expecting higher standards of care by school staff, legal protection is vital – relying on your school for legal protection is not enough. QIEU members have access to expert legal advice regarding work/school matters and discounted legal fees on private issues. QIEU members are also automatically covered by our Public Liability/Professional Indemnity Insurance to specified limits.

Helping QIEU Chapters to resolve workplace problems

QIEU Chapters regularly call on the industrial support of their Union when confronted with grievances or problems outside of the formal bargaining process. Such issues are able to be successfully resolved by Chapters acting collectively with the assistance of their Union.

Ruth George School Officer Award Nomination Form 2008 In Confidence Nominee’s Details:

Nominated by:

Name:……………………………………….. Name:……………………….…………..…. Position:……………………………………… Position:………………………………...….. School Chapter:……………………………..

School Chapter:…………………………....

Telephone No:……………………………… Telephone No:…………………………….. What qualities does the above nominee demonstrate that make you feel they should receive the Ruth George School Officer Award? (refer to above criteria): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… … How has the nominee assisted school officers in addressing their issues in your Chapter or Branch? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..………………………….……………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Provide example/s illustrating how the nominee has promoted member action and networks and involvement of school officers and other members at the Chapter or Branch level (see list above): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………..………………………….……………………… ……………………………………………………………………….. Describe how the nominee has made an outstanding contribution to the school Chapter, school officers and QIEU through activism in a specific area: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Please fill in the nomination form and return to: General Secretary Terry Burke, QIEU office, PO BOX 418, FORTITUDE VALLEY Q 4006 or Fax: 07 3839 7021 or email: enquiries@qieu.asn.au NOMINATIONS CLOSE: Friday, 17 October 2008 at noon Ref:Mem/2008/srep1508

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