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Staying in Touch The e-newsletter for members on parental leave Page 1 of 4

Vol. 3 No. 1 | April 2012 | www.qieu.asn.au/parentalleave

Sector Updates

Welcome Welcome to Staying in Touch, the e-newsletter for members on maternity, adoption or parental leave.

IN THIS EDITION: • Sector Updates • Family Friendly Claims in Catholic Bargaining • Benefits of Membership • Member Profile: Leanne Murray • Information Session: Infant Feeding in the Workplace

CATHOLIC Collective bargaining has commenced for schools across Queensland. As of March, all employee claims have been tabled on behalf of members and now we await the employer’s presentation of their claims. For more details about the log of claims, chapter briefings and other bargaining related developments, visit our website at www.qieu.asn.au/searchable-archive/ catholic-sector-collective-bargaining-2011-2012/

Anglican Negotiations for a new Agreement will commence in Term 3 2012 after a one year Agreement was endorsed with a 4% wage increase. Working Parties have formed to frame discussions around an Accomplished Teacher classification and for provisions relating to Boarding staff.

Lutheran Negotiations for a new Agreement will commence in Term 3 2012 after a one year Agreement was finalised with a 4% wage increase.

PMSA Issues abound in this sector with regard to the Accomplished Classroom Teacher classification proving problematic. Employers have introduced a ‘Lead Teacher’ classification that we contend does not reflect the provision for an Accomplished Classroom Teacher as stated in the Agreement – this matter is now before Fair Work Australia for resolution.

Are you interested in reading about breastfeeding and your return to work? Find a series of articles available for you to download from our website at www.qieu.asn.au/membershipsectors/stayingintouch Want to ask us a question? Send an email to IEUA-QNT Organiser Susan O’Leary at soleary@qieu.asn.au The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch www.qieu.asn.au

Staying in Touch

The monthly e-newsletter for members on parental leave Page 2 of 4

Family Friendly Claims in Catholic Bargaining With collective bargaining underway in the Catholic sector in Queensland, a number of family friendly initiatives have been claimed on behalf of members. These include: * An increase in preparation and correction time for primary and secondary teachers; * Removal of the quota of 1 job share position for 7 full-time positions as this restricts the availability of this flexible arrangement for all employees; * Having paid spousal (parental) leave available before the arrival of your new family member should a situation arise where parental leave is needed earlier – at the moment, paid parental leave can only be accessed within one month of the birth or adoption; * Regularising arrangements across the state so that if an employee on approved leave becomes pregnant she will be entitled to second and subsequent paid maternity leave; * Regularising arrangements so that everyone in Qld can access paid parental leave at half pay for double the time; * Domestic violence leave – additional leave should an employee need to deal with relevant issues; * Infant feeding and expressing facilities – an extension of the current arrangements with timetabled lactation breaks, exemption from duties during breaks and more detail about the set up required for those who wish to feed or express at work; * Provision of an allowance for out of pocket expenses (eg childcare) that are incurred as a result of attending camps or retreats, etc; * Time off in lieu for attendance at school organised events that involve overnight stays; and, * Flexibility for significant caring responsibilities ( for children under school age, children with special needs or family members who need support) for those who hold PARs - they can request conversion of annual financial allowances into additional release time so that more of their work can be undertaken during the working day For more information about Catholic Collective Bargaining, visit www.qieu.asn.au

The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch www.qieu.asn.au

Staying in Touch

The monthly e-newsletter for members on parental leave Page 3 of 4


Member Profile - Leanne Murray

The Benefits of Job Sharing To be honest, I wasn’t overly keen on returning to working. I love my job and have always loved being a teacher, but I love being home with my daughter more! I was dreading going back for the inservices and being away from her. I was also anxious about teaching year one as I had just spent the last twelve years teaching in grades six or seven. Before I left for my twelve months maternity leave, I made an appointment to see my principal to discuss my interest in a job share position. I felt it was important to let the administration team know of my intentions but also to gauge whether this was a possibility. Thankfully my principal was open to the idea and was happy to support this; however, getting a job share position isn’t as easy as that. I needed to wait to see if another teacher at my school wanted to job share with me or alternatively, I had to seek out a position at another school. I also needed to find someone who was happy to work a five day fortnight. I was very fortunate that another teacher at my school was also hoping to job share the following year and was flexible with the days she could work. As much as I would prefer to be home full time, our family simply can’t afford this so being able to work in a job share position is perfect. It allows us to pay the bills and I also get to spend quality time with my daughter. I really appreciate the days when I am at home with her and the mornings are less stressful on the days I don’t work. I think job share is a great option; if your family can afford it, then it’s definitely something to consider. You get to spend quality time with your child, maintain your permanency and continue working in your profession. It’s great that our union advocates job share arrangements. When my daughter was only a few months old I went along to a union inservice which presented the pros and cons of a job share arrangement. We were also shown ways we could approach our principal about the issue. For more JOB SHARE information please visit our Union’s website by clicking on the link below www.qieu.asu.au/parentalleave

Staying in Touch

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Benefits of Membership Members on maternity leave can still access free, confidential and professional advice on any workplace matter - even from home. There is a special membership rate of $90 (or $3.30 per fortnight) for members to receive all our membership benefits while at home with baby. There are a number of reasons members should remain union members while on maternity leave, including: 1. Professional advice on workplace matters Common inquiries can include job share, teacher registration, continuing professional development, accessing paid parental leave, notice periods for resignation and others. 2. Legal assistance 3. Saving money on goods and services Make great savings on goods and services by using your Union Shopper. Call 1800 368 117 or visit www.unionshopper.com.au for your next bargain. 4. Improved wages and conditions 5. Strong voice on professional issues 6. Advocacy through professional bodies 7. Staying in Touch e-zine

Special Invitation Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about:

Infant Feeding, expressing and your return to work This informal ‘information session’ has been developed especially for our members on maternity/family leave. We want you to feel very comfortable coming along, with your children, to talk about your rights with regard to feeding your little one when you return to work.

WHEN & WHERE Wednesday 13 June, 2012

A’ toy box’ will be on hand, to help keep kids amused.

11:00 am - 12:30 pm QIEU Office - Level 1 Training Room, 346 Turbot Street Spring Hill

Free parking opposite Union Office at King’s Parking, underneath Cathedral Square. Please bring your parking voucher when you arrive to be validated by our Receptionist. How to register your interest:

Please contact Tessa McKenzie on 3839 7020 or tmckenzie@qieu.asn.au by Friday, 8 June to ensure sufficient quantities of information sheets and catering

Useful Contacts Pregnancy, Birth & Baby Helpline - for support during the first 12 months of parenting. Paid Parental Leave scheme National Breastfeeding Helpline Postnatal Depression

Contact our Membership Department on 1800 177 938 or (07) 3839 7020 to ask to be converted to our special discounted ‘Maternity Leave rate’ for the time you are away from paid work.

Refreshments will be provided for you and your children.

1800 882 436 Service operates 24 hours a day. familyassist.gov.au 1800 MUM2MUM (1800 686 2 686) beyondblue.org.au - 1300 224 636

Relationships Australia

relationships.com.au - 1300 364 277

Domestic Violence

dvconnect.org - Womensline 1800 811 811, Mensline 1800 600 636

Immunise Australia Program

1800 671 811

Raising Children’s Network


Members on Parental Leave


Union Shopper


The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch www.qieu.asn.au

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