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Staying in Touch The e-newsletter for members on parental leave Page 1 of 5

Vol. 3 No. 2 | July 2012 | www.qieu.asn.au/parentalleave

Sector Update

Welcome Welcome to Staying in Touch, the e-newsletter for members on maternity, adoption or parental leave.


Catholic Sector Updates News Returning to work Member Profile: Sharon Bell • Organising flexible working arrangements • Maintaining your teacher registration while on parental leave • Job share info session

CATHOLIC Negotiations for a replacement Agreement for employees in Catholic Schools are well underway. Discussions have centred on some key areas: * Securing a professional wage outcome – employees have claimed 4% per year for 3 years and employers are yet to respond or to table their own offer. * Resourcing the expanding role of the teacher – employees have claimed additional non-contact time and employers have rejected this claim and asked for an additional 18 hours of PD time on top of your current hours. * Middle leadership – some agreement to the recommendations from the 2011 Joint Working Party and negotiations continue around remaining arrangements. *

Infant Feeding and Expressing – some greater clarity is being sought around ensuring your right to continue feeding your little one upon return to work – more discussions to follow in terms of the practical arrangements that you would require to manage this arrangement.


Pregnant again whilst on maternity leave? A provision is emerging offering consistency across the state in terms of an employee not having to return to work from a period of maternity leave in order to access a second and subsequent period of maternity leave. BCE employers have not yet committed to this.

* Domestic violence leave – a provision that offers support to an employee in terms of additional leave and other arrangements has been agreed. * Accessing parental leave before birth– agreed that a spouse could access parental leave to support partner before birth if needed. * Parental leave – access to half pay for doubling of the time on leave has been agreed. * Accessing job share – the removal of the current job share quota (one job share per 7 FT employees) has been agreed. * Accessing part time status for a temporary period of time whilst retaining full-time position – this has been agreed to by Religious Institute schools but not Diocesan employers. For more information, head to www.qieu.asn.au/catholic

Are you interested in reading about breastfeeding and your return to work? Find a series of articles available for you to download from our website at www.qieu.asn.au/membershipsectors/stayingintouch Want to ask us a question? Send an email to IEUA-QNT Organiser Susan O’Leary at soleary@qieu.asn.au The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch www.qieu.asn.au

Staying in Touch The e-newsletter for members on parental leave

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News Dads/ Partners Get a Helping Hand in Spending Time with their Babies Legislation passed by the Federal Parliament in late June 2012 will give dads extra support to take time off work to bond with their new baby from 1 January next year. This expands the Australian Government’s successful Paid Parental Leave scheme, with Dad and Partner Pay - a dedicated payment to give dads and partners financial support to stay at home for two weeks with their new baby. Dad and Partner Pay will be available to eligible fathers and partners, including adopting parents and parents in same-sex couples. Eligible dads will have access to two weeks’ government-funded Dad and Partner Pay at the rate of the national minimum wage ($606 a week before tax). To receive Dad and Partner Pay a person must be on unpaid leave or not working for that period. A family will be able to receive Dad and Partner Pay either on its own or in addition to Paid Parental Leave or other family payments such as the Baby Bonus and Family Tax Benefit. Since the Government’s historic Paid Parental Leave scheme began on 1 January 2011, more than 160,000 new mums have applied for up to 18 weeks of Paid Parental Leave.

Campaign Seeks Improvements in Early Childhood Education Big Steps in Early Childhood Education and Care is the campaign to win professional wages for educators. For too long, dedicated professionals are leaving the childcare industry in droves for jobs with less responsibility and more pay. And who would blame them? A qualified educator earns around $17.50 an hour to educate and care for our greatest resource. A campaign by members of United Voice, the union for early childhood educators, Big Steps is working hard to halt this growing crisis. By paying professional wages to these dedicated individuals the aim is to transform the childcare sector, stem turnover and foster a quality sector focused on giving children the best start. Early childhood educators provide first class education and care for children while also providing an invaluable service for families and the wider community. They should be paid a salary that reflects their vital role. Parents are already burdened with the enormous cost of raising children and make a hefty contribution to their childcare fees. They cannot be expected to make up the gap in reward for the professionals who educate their children. If Australia values its children we should expect our government to pay for professional, recognised educators. For more information head to www.bigsteps.org.au

The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch www.qieu.asn.au

Staying in Touch The e-newsletter for members on parental leave

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Member Profile - Sharon Bell

Planning Your Return to Work IEUA-QNT member Sharon Bell says organising your return to work after maternity leave has the potential to be really stressful. Sharon, a teacher at Parklands Christian College, recently attended our union’s ‘Infant Feeding, Expressing and Your Return to Work’ information session. The session included discussion about: provisions for women on maternity leave existing in many agreements negotiated by our union, what employees are legally entitled to, how to take the first steps in talking to your employer about returning to work and breastfeeding while at work, and how our union can help members have this conversation. Sharon said the information session was a great opportunity to learn about key issues facing women returning to work and take some of the stress off the process. “I found it really useful in getting prepared. It’s great to know how to start the conversation with your employer about what support you will need,” she said. Sharon is currently on leave following the birth of her son Isaac and is planning to return to work in term four this year; she hopes she will be able to teach three days per week under a job share arrangement. “I’m only looking to return to work part time so I can still spend time with my son Isaac but organising job share can be really difficult.” “I think it’s important for the employer to be accommodating otherwise most women will just choose not to go back to work and they’ll look elsewhere for employment.” Sharon said it is an advantage to be a union member as organising the details of your return from maternity leave and the support you may need can be complicated. “I would encourage other women to remain a member while on maternity leave. It’s great to have that support available if you do have any problems organising your return to work or if you need extra breaks when you get back so you can keep breastfeeding.” Remember it’s important to talk to your Principal as soon as possible about your return from maternity leave. This will ensure there is enough time to negotiate the details as well as any support you may need such as additional breaks and breastfeeding facilities. For more information about returning to work, please visit our union’s website www.qieu.asu.au/parentalleave

Staying in Touch The e-newsletter for members on parental leave

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Benefits of Membership Members on maternity leave can still access free, confidential and professional advice on any workplace matter - even from home. There is a special membership rate of $90 (or $3.30 per fortnight) for members to receive all our membership benefits while at home with baby. There are a number of reasons members should remain union members while on maternity leave, including: 1. Professional advice on workplace matters Common inquiries can include job share, teacher registration, continuing professional development, accessing paid parental leave, notice periods for resignation and others. 2. Legal assistance 3. Saving money on goods and services Make great savings on goods and services by using your Union Shopper. Call 1800 368 117 or visit www.unionshopper.com.au for your next bargain. 4. Improved wages and conditions 5. Strong voice on professional issues 6. Advocacy through professional bodies 7. Staying in Touch e-zine

Organising Flexible Working Arrangements Under the National Employment Standards (NES), as the parent or carer of a child under school age or of a child under 18 with a disability, you have the right to request flexible working arrangements to assist with their care if you have completed at least 12 months of continuous service with your employer immediately before making the request. Changes in working arrangements can allow a number of flexibility considerations such as a reducation in hours, change to the pattern of work or change to the location of work. A request for flexible working arrangements must be made in writing and set out details and resons for the change sought. Employers are required to respond to the request in writing within 21 days and may only refuse the request on reasonable business grounds. The NES do not require the employer to choose between granting an employee’s request in full or refusing the request. Rather, employers and employees are encouraged to discuss their working arrangements and, where possible, reach an agreement that balances both their needs. As a member of the IEUA-QNT, you are encouraged to get in touch with our union for advice about how to approach your employer about a flexible work arrangement to ensure you are not unreasonably refused.

How to Maintain your Teacher Registration Maintaining teacher registration should be a priority for all employees accessing parental leave. It is vitally important to your future teaching career. It is crucial that you contact the Queensland College of Teachers (QCoT) to ascertain how much (if any) professional development you will need to undertake to ensure you are meeting the requirements and will be able to maintain your registration. The College has indicated that they will assess these requirements on a case by case basis. It is important, too, that you make sure you remember to pay your registration fees. For all registration enquiries, contact QCoT by phone on: (07)3377 4777 or 1300 720 944.

Useful Contacts Pregnancy, Birth & Baby Helpline - for support during the first 12 months of parenting. Paid Parental Leave scheme National Breastfeeding Helpline Postnatal Depression

Contact our Membership Department on 1800 177 938 or (07) 3839 7020 to ask to be converted to our special discounted ‘Maternity Leave rate’ for the time you are away from paid work.

1800 882 436 Service operates 24 hours a day. familyassist.gov.au 1800 MUM2MUM (1800 686 2 686) beyondblue.org.au - 1300 224 636

Relationships Australia

relationships.com.au - 1300 364 277

Domestic Violence

dvconnect.org - Womensline 1800 811 811, Mensline 1800 600 636

Immunise Australia Program

1800 671 811

Raising Children’s Network


Members on Parental Leave


Union Shopper


The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch www.qieu.asn.au

Staying in Touch The e-newsletter for members on parental leave





TUESDAY, 14TUESDAY, AUGUST 2012 14 AUGUST 2012 11.00 am to 12.00 NOON 11.00 am to 12.00 NOON

QIEU Office QIEU Office evel 1 Training Room, 346 Turbot St, Spring Hill Level 1 Training Room, 346 Turbot St, Spring Hill

formal ‘information session’ has been developed especially for our This informal ‘information session’ has been developed especially for our s on maternity / family leave. We want you to feel very comfortable members on maternity / family leave. We want you to feel very comfortable along, with your children, to talk about job share and how to make coming along, with your children, to talk about job share and how to make the work life balance work for you. the work life balance work for you. Refreshments will be provided for Refreshments will be provided for you and your children you and your children A’ toy box’ will be on hand, A’ toy box’ will be on hand, to help keep kids amused to help keep kids amused Free parking opposite Union Office at Free parking opposite Union Office at King’s Parking, underneath Cathedral King’s Parking, underneath Cathedral Square. Please bring your parking voucher Square. Please bring your parking voucher when you arrive to be validated by our when you arrive to be validated by our Receptionist. Receptionist. How to register your interest: How to register your interest: Please contact Tessa McKenzie on 3839 7020 or Please contact Tessa McKenzie on 3839 7020 or tmckenzie@qieu.asn.au by Monday, 13 August to ensure tmckenzie@qieu.asn.au by Monday, 13 August to ensure sufficient quantities of information sheets and catering sufficient quantities of information sheets and catering

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