Parties Bound
Operation of Agreement
Certified Agreement Posting
Single Bargaining Unit
Principles For Negotiations
Relationship with Parent Awards
Grievance and Dispute Settlement
Joint Consultative Committee
Vision, Values and Mission
Developmental Goals
Educational Goals
Service Goals
Objectives of the Certified Agreement
Salary Benefits
No Further Claims
Terms of Engagement
Deed of Confidentiality
Professional Practice Review and Development
Career Structures
Paid Maternity
Paid Adoption Leave
Special Responsibility Leave – Paternity Leave
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Recognition of Union Status
Visits by Union Officials
Union Development Leave
Workplace Stress
Complaints Against Employees
Ordinary Hours and Banking of Authorised Overtime
Flexibility in Working Hours
Health Check Leave
Workplace Harassment
Access to Leave - Terminally Ill member of Household
Job Share
Workplace Health and Safety
Job Security
Equal Employment Opportunity
Administration Officers
Rest Pause
Integrating ICT into Office Practice
Breast-feeding and Expressing Facilities
Classification of Clerical Positions
Salary Packaging for Superannuation
Long Service Leave
Sick Leave Accrual
Portability of Sick Leave
Renewal or Replacement of Agreement
1. Definition
2. Principles Underpinning the Guideline
3. Selection Procedures
4. Subsequent Appointment
5. Length of Appointment
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6. Arrangements
7. Ongoing Evaluation
8. Alteration to Arrangements
9. Division of Position
1. Confidentiality
2. Termination of Employment
3. Prohibition on Use or Disclosure
4. Third Parties
5. Exclusions
1. Paid Maternity Leave
2. Interaction with the Family Leave Award
3. Eligibility for Paid Leave
4. Payment for Leave
5. Paid Maternity Leave and Other Entitlements
1. Rationale
2. Values
3. Policy Statement
4. Consequences
Competency of Employee
Supervision of Employees’
Supervision of Others
Levels 1 to 7 Qualifications Matrix
ATTACHMENT B Deponent’s Statement
33 34
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Title This Agreement shall be known as the Roman Catholic Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office, Administration Officers’, Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, Certified Agreement 2005.
Application This agreement shall apply to those employees who are employed in the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office, in the Diocese of Toowoomba, who are signatories to this agreement and are covered by the following Awards.
School Officer’s Award - Non-Government Schools
Clerical Employees’ Award – State
Greenkeeping Industry Award - State
Parties Bound The Parties bound by this Agreement are as follows: 1.3.1
Employees of the Catholic Education Office in the Diocese of Toowoomba who are engaged in classifications specified herein;
1.3.2 The Corporation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Toowoomba; 1.3.3 Queensland Independent Education Union of Employees; 1.3.4 Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union of Employees – Queensland Branch 1.4
Operation of Agreement This Agreement shall operate from the date of certification and remain in force until 31 December 2007 and thereafter continue in force until varied or rescinded. Where this agreement provides for a benefit to apply from a date earlier than the date of operation, the employer will apply such benefit from the earlier date to all employees employed at that earlier date.
Certified Agreement Posting A copy of this Certified Agreement shall be exhibited in a conspicuous and convenient place in the workplace so as to be easily read by employees.
Single Bargaining Unit For the purposes of negotiating this Enterprise Agreement a Single Bargaining Unit (SBU) has been established consisting of Employee, Union and Management. Representatives.
Principles for Negotiations The parties note that arising from the provisions of the agreement there are a number of initiatives which require discussion, further development, and negotiation. The parties agree to observe the following principles: 1.7.1
the development of specific positions on matters and any associated discussions and negotiations are conducted “without prejudice”.
a consultative process will be integral to the process of developing negotiating positions on matters.
the employer and the representative union each have a right to consult with and receive input from their constituents when developing specific positions.
employees may consult with and receive advice and representation if necessary from their representative union on issues at any part of a process.
each party reserves a right to develop its respective position prior to any negotiations.
consideration shall be given to the economic and/or financial viability of initiatives as part of any negotiation.
agreed outcomes will be documented and the parties will determine the industrial instrument which will be the mechanism and provide authority for implementation.
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Relationship with Parent Awards This Agreement shall be read and interpreted in conjunction with Awards having application to or adopted for the purposes of Section 160 and 163 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999, as set out hereunder except as varied by the terms of this Agreement – Administration Officers
Clerical Employees’ Award - State School Officers’ Award - Non-Governmental Schools The Diocesan Catholic Education Employing Authorities in Queensland Certified Agreement 894 of 2003.
Ground Staff
Greeenkeeping Industry Award – State
In the event of any inconsistency with existing Awards the terms of this Agreement will take precedence. 2.2
Grievance and Dispute Settlement 2.2.1
The matters to be dealt with in this procedure shall include all grievances or disputes between an employee and the employer in respect to any industrial matter and all other matters that the Parties agree on and are specified herein. Such procedure shall apply to a single employee or to any number of employees.
In the event of an employee having a grievance or dispute the employee shall, in the first instance, attempt to resolve the matter with the immediate supervisor, who shall respond to such request as soon as reasonably practicable under the circumstances.
If the grievance or dispute is not resolved under subclause 2.2.2 hereof, the employee or the employee’s representative may refer the matter to the next higher level of management for discussion. Such discussion should, if possible, take place within 24 hours after the request by the employee or the employee’s representatives.
If the grievance or dispute is still unresolved after discussions listed in subclause 2.2.3 hereof, the matter shall, in the case of a Union member, be reported to the State Secretary of the relevant Union of employees and the Director or nominated industrial representative. An employee who is not a Union member may report the grievance or dispute to senior management or the nominated industrial representative. This should occur as soon as it is evident that discussions under subclause 2.2.3 hereof will not result in resolution of the dispute.
If, after discussion between the Parties, or their nominees mentioned in subclause 2.2.4, the dispute remains unresolved after the Parties have genuinely attempted to achieve a settlement thereof, then notification of the existence of the dispute is to be given in pursuance of Section 229 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999.
Whilst all of the above procedure is being followed normal work, shall continue except in a case of a genuine safety issue.
Except in the case of termination, the status quo existing before the emergence of the grievance or dispute is to continue whilst the above procedure is being followed.
All Parties shall give due consideration to matters raised or any suggestion or recommendation made by an Industrial Commissioner or Industrial Magistrate with a view to the prompt settlement of the dispute.
Order of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (subject to the Parties’ right of appeal under the Act) will be final and binding on all Parties to the dispute.
2.2.10 Discussions at any stage of the procedure shall not be unreasonably delayed by any Party, subject to Any acceptance that some matters may be of such complexity or importance that it may take a reasonable period of time for the appropriate response to be made. If genuine discussions are unreasonably delayed or hindered, it shall be open to any Party to give notification of the dispute pursuant to Section 229 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999. 2.3
Joint Consultative Committee 2.3.1
The Parties to this Agreement are committed to co-operation and consultation as part of the climate and culture of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office. The Parties also accept that according to the authority and responsibility structure of the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office, the final decision making
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remains the prerogative of the Director of the Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office. The Director, in coming to decisions, is committed to the process of consultation with employees. 2.3.2
The Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office has already in place a number of structures to facilitate consultation and to advise the Director in decision making. These structures include: (a)
Regular meetings of the various Leadership Teams and Committees;
Regular group meetings with the Director;
Other Committees or groups set up from time to time by the Director for a special purpose.
Various Committees or officers appointed according to government regulation (e.g. Workplace Health and Safety).
A Joint Consultative Committee is an important element in the consultative structure within the Diocese to ensure all people affected have an opportunity to participate in the implementation and monitoring of the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement at the workplace level. Such an arrangement acknowledges the requirement for an atmosphere of mutual trust and co-operation. The purpose of the Joint Consultative Committee is to:
provide an environment for greater two-way communication;
establish a forum in which employees are able to participate in the implementation of the Enterprise Bargaining initiatives;
provide management with the opportunity to utilise employee knowledge and experience;
address issues and provide advice regarding matters arising from this Agreement.
The Joint Consultative Committee will include: (a)
Two (2) persons appointed by the Employing Authority;
Two (2) members elected from the administration staff members.
When appropriate, other relevant personnel may be co-opted for input on specific issues. Meetings will be held during work time, provided that wherever possible an agenda will be circulated to members prior to each meeting and these meetings will not exceed one hour in duration.
ROLES OF THE TOOWOOMBA CATHOLIC EDUCATION OFFICE The Parties to this Agreement acknowledge and agree to work towards the achievement of the Vision, Values and Mission for the Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office as detailed in Clause 3.1. 3.1
Vision, Values and Mission It is agreed that the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office Vision, Values and Mission may be the subject of ongoing review where necessary. Vision: Catholic Education is centred on the life and vision of Jesus as recorded in the Christian Scriptures and revealed in the teaching tradition of the Church. Christ is the cornerstone of the educational enterprise. It is Christ’s vision and values that we teach and it is in Jesus the Christ that we observe what it means to be fully human and building a kin(g)dom of life and truth; of holiness and grace; of justice, love and peace. Catholic schools fulfil the fundamental goals of Church, proclaiming and teaching the message, building community, celebrating liturgically and being of service in the world. These goals draw on a philosophy which embraces both belief and commitment. Values: A belief in a creative and loving God who enriches our personal and communal lives. Mission With Christ at the centre of our Mission, we commit ourselves to serving this Diocese with faithfulness, justice, love, humility and hope.
Relationships The Catholic Education Office (CEO) exists as part of the communion of the local church (the Diocese). We operate in a spirit of interdependence with schools, agencies and the community, and are bound together by our commitment
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to a shared vision. As an office we are responsive to contemporary needs and are seeking continuous improvement in our services. Our activities are therefore vision driven and focused outwards on the needs of others.
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The Catholic Education Office operates as the executive arm of the Catholic Education Board in the implementation of policies. The Catholic Education Office operates under the authority of the Director to whom the Bishop delegates responsibility for the leadership and management of Catholic Education at a diocesan level. The fundamental role of the Catholic Education Office (CEO) is to serve, support and promote Catholic parishes and schools in their provision of educational services to the people of the Diocese. Clearly, the focus is on providing empowerment of local communities while at the same time exercising diocesan-wide responsibilities which sustain, nurture, and provide just accountability. The guidance and direction of the diocesan Vision and Mission Statements for Catholic Education and the Mission Statement of the Catholic Education Board provide the framework for the direction of the Catholic Education Office. To achieve its mission, the Catholic Education Office is divided into five service teams, each with its own key result areas, but all operating in an inter-dependent and aligned way. Each team is headed by a senior staff member, who, together operate as a Leadership Team 3.4
Aims Within the parameters of our Diocesan Charter we aim to:
nurture a life-giving Catholic culture;
nurture opportunities for holistic education;
nurture quality service, support and promotion;
nurture personal, family, school, parish agency and community development.
Developmental Goals Empowering people for:
self-worth and dignity;
holistic personal development;
sacramental consciousness;
engagement with Church life (home, parish, local, universal);
service of others;
growth in relationships and community; and
learning which is continuous.
Educational Goals Learning and teaching processes which are: (a)
educative of the whole person;
developmentally sensitive;
socially relevant;
delivered within a religious dimension;
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gospel values (e.g. curriculum, processes, structures);
prayer, ritual, sacrament;
(iii) tradition, story and charism; (iv) personal witness. (e) 3.7
community based and participatory.
Service Goals Servicing, supporting and promoting Catholic Education through:
a strategic policy-driven Catholic Education Board;
a pastoral and purposeful leadership team;
an empowered Catholic Education Office community serving communities;
establishing interdependent relationships with schools and agencies;
identifying and supporting the most needy;
recognising and modelling Christ in people, practices and structures.
Objectives of the Certified Agreement This agreement provides a framework for the employing authority and the employees to implement further a culture of mutual collaborative partnership within and across the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office for the purpose of improving productivity, efficiency and more effective work practices. The Objectives of the Terms of Agreement are to develop a culture of workplace reform by:
Demonstrating a commitment to working as part of the Diocesan educational ministry through an understanding of the Diocesan Vision, Values and Mission Statement for Catholic Education in the Diocese of Toowoomba.
Demonstrating a commitment to the Vision, Values and Mission Statement of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office witnessed in attitude and performance.
Supporting the development of staff members so that they give witness to the Vision, Values and Mission Statement of the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office.
Improving the effectiveness of support services to schools and other agencies in contributing to the provision of quality teaching and learning.
Improving work practices to enhance the efficiency and productivity so that excellent service is provided.
Creating more effective management and resourcing processes which increase flexibility, responsiveness and professionalism.
Reflecting upon and initiating new ways of working.
Promoting a learning community by regularly reflecting on identifying strengths and opportunities, goal setting and planning for professional development needs.
Providing benefits to employees through improved wages and conditions of service.
Developing and implementing collaborative and consultative decision making processes.
Ensuring that the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office is a supportive, caring, professional and safe working environment.
Demonstrating a commitment to continual professional practice review and development and upgrading as required to maintain excellent work practices and performance.
Promoting a welcoming, affirming and non-discriminatory environment.
Encouraging leadership to promote justice and spiritual development in the wider educational faith community.
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Salary Benefits 4.1.1
Employees covered by this Agreement shall be paid according to the respective classification levels as provided in the salary scales as outlined in Schedule 1.
The wage increases to be paid to employees by this Agreement are: 3.8% from 1 June,2003;
3.5% from 1 July 2004;
3.5% from 1 July 2005; and
Any increases in wages and/or superannuation for teachers (Band 3 Step 4) in the period between 2 June 2006 and 31 March 2007 in accordance with CA 894 of 2003 and any Agreement which replaces or amends CA 894 of 2003, will be applicable to employees covered by this Agreement. Such increases would include any interim increases paid to teachers (Band 3 Step 4) who are employed by Catholic Education Employing Authorities in Queensland.
No Further Claims 4.2.1
There shall be no further wage increases during the life of this Agreement other than that provided for in Clause 4.1.2
The Agreement constitutes a closed agreement in settlement of the matters contained herein for the duration of this Agreement. The parties agree that there will be no further claims in regard to the matters set out herein during the life of this Agreement.
This Certified Agreement may be varied in circumstances where all of the parties genuinely agree that a variation is necessary. Where agreement is reached then this Agreement shall be varied by application to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act (1999).
Any agreed variation to this Agreement will be subject to the same consultation and approval process as that used for this Agreement.
Superannuation 4.3.1
Catholic education employing authorities recognise that an increased employer contribution combined with an employee co-payment, delivers a substantial benefit to the employee’s superannuation savings.
In line with the parties’ commitment to quality teaching and learning and the provision of a Catholic Education that is affordable for all families, the parties agree that the maintenance of at least the current level of educational resourcing is to be maintained.
The parties recognise that any additional superannuation contributions from employees is a matter of employee choice within the options available. The payment to be made by employing authorities will be subsumed into any payment mandated by Superannuation Guarantee Charge legislation, if any such payment is mandated.
Employees shall receive a minimum superannuation component equivalent to 10% of the base salary of the position concerned which is inclusive of Superannuation Guarantee Contribution.
The employing authority shall make available to all employees the following options:
a superannuation employer option of 10.75% inclusive of the minimum superannuation component outlined in 4.3.4, with a co-payment of 3% as the minimum employee contribution; and
a superannuation employer contribution of 11.75% inclusive of the minimum superannuation component outlined in 4.3.4, with a co-payment of 4% as the minimum employee contribution; and
a superannuation employer contribution of 12.75% inclusive of the minimum superannuation component outlined in 4.3.4, with a co-payment of 5% as the minimum employee contribution. Where an employee wishes to access one of the options identified in paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) above, the employee will make written application to their employer.
An employee’s voluntary superannuation co-payment may be before tax in accordance with the salary packaging provisions.
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Terms of Engagement At the point of engagement the Employing Authority shall provide the employee with a letter of employment which sets out the terms of engagement stating, inter alia, the length of appointment, the position classification, the rate of salary as at appointment, a role description which sets out key functions, result areas, and responsibilities of that role.
Induction An induction program will be developed and implemented for all new staff. Such an induction program shall include: 5.2.1
Provision of a Role Description;
Identification of lines of support;
Provision of material relevant to the vision, value and mission of the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office;
Provision of documents relevant to the system’s policy and procedures;
Provision of information relevant to superannuation entitlements, benefits and options;
Provision of information relevant to Union coverage benefits;
5.2 7
provision of documentation and training consistent with workplace health and safety requirements specific to the duties undertaken by the employee.
Deed of Confidentiality All employees of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office agree to freely sign an employees’ Deed of Confidentiality as developed and included as Schedule 3.
Professional Practice Review and Development 5.4.1
The Employing Authority and employees accept a shared responsibility for the negotiation of a program of relevant professional development linked to the professional practice performance review outcomes and the Vision, Values and Mission of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office.
In the context of the Values, Vision and Mission of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office, and consistent with professional practice performance review outcomes, the employer and employee shall determine and each year the employee shall undertake professional development. It is acknowledged that some of this professional development will occur during work time. It is expected however, that the employee shall also undertake professional development outside of working time.
Except where the Employing Authority sponsors, provides and/or pays for the professional development, the costs shall be met by the individual employee.
The Employing Authority recognises the values of employees gaining a better understanding of industrial relations within the Employing Authorities operations and in particular a better understanding of the instruments and industrial issues impacting upon the work life of employees. As part of the Diocesan’s professional development program and consistent with professional development guidelines an employee shall be entitled to apply for leave to attend courses and seminars relevant to industrial relations training and specifically courses that take into consideration industrial workplace training.
Employees will be required to participate in an annual performance review in accordance with Catholic Education Board policy as per Schedule 5. The annual performance review will include negotiated goal setting as an integral part of the process. This annual review process will be formative in nature.
Career Structures The Parties agree to give consideration to possibilities which enhance career advancement relevant to the operation of the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office and to identify issues relevant to any implementation of such structures.
Paid Maternity The Parties acknowledge the requirement of the Family Leave Award - State for employees to take a minimum of six (6) weeks leave from the date of giving birth. In recognition of this, the Employer agrees to a provision for up to six (6) weeks paid maternity leave from the date of taking leave. The Parties agree that paid maternity leave will be taken in accordance with the procedures outlined in Schedule 4.
Paid Adoption Leave
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The parties agree to the introduction of a provision for up to six (6) weeks paid Adoption Leave for the primary care giver from the date of placement of the adopted child. This leave will be taken in accordance with the provision of the Family Leave Award – State and agreed adoption leave procedures. Procedures will be developed during the life of the agreement
Special Responsibility Leave – Paternity Leave The parties agree that male employees shall be entitled to five (5) days paternity leave. This leave shall be taken as Special Responsibility Leave in accordance with the provisions of the Family Leave Award. An employee will not be required to provide a medical certificate to support such leave. The period of leave may commence on the date of the birth of the child (if this is a work day) or on a later date nominated by the employee.
Recognition of Union Status The Employing Authority recognises the Union party to this Agreement as the legitimate industrial representatives of the employees according to the Union’s respective callings. The Employing Authority and the Union are committed to working constructively together to further the interests of education and specifically non-governmental education and the employees in this industry. Subject to agreement with the Union, the Employing Authority shall make available to all employees facilities for the payment of their union fees, either by payroll deduction, direct debit or other schemes as agreed. The operation of any such facility shall be dependent upon the appropriate authorisations being signed by the employee.
Visits by Union Officials 5.10.1
Twenty-four (24) hours notice of an impending visit to the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office shall be given by a Union Official. On planning a visit to the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office, the Union Official shall have due regard to the prior commitments of both the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office staff and Director.
On arrival at the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office, a Union Official shall report his/her presence to the Director or person acting in the Director’s stead. If the Union Official is unknown to the Director, the official shall produce the authority issued by the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission.
A Union Official shall enter the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office for the purpose of interviewing or conversing with staff who are members or potential members during the staff members' non-working time, ie. morning tea, lunch time and before or after work.
The Union Official may interview and converse with members and potential members wherever they congregate, including the staff room.
The Union Official shall enter only that part of the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office premises where members or potential members are present.
The Unions party to this Certified Agreement acknowledge that the Time and Wages Records for employees are held at the Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office. It is agreed that such records may be inspected at this location by appointment during hours of business.
Union Development Leave 5.11.1
An employee may request leave without pay for a minimum of four (4) weeks and a maximum of up to twenty-six (26) weeks for union training and development. During this leave, the union will be this person’s employer and the union will be responsible for the payment of the person’s salary. Accruals of leave for the person shall continue during a union leave of absence and provision for the costs of such accruals shall be included in a payment to the employing authority.
The Catholic education employing authority will maintain the employee’s continuity of employment. Upon completion of the leave of absence, the employee will return to his/her former position. Union development leave is restricted to one (1) employee per year from the Catholic Education Office. Such leave will be at the discretion of the employing authority. Normally, there will be at least three (3) months’ notice given, in order to secure such leave. The impact on the Catholic Education Office will be taken into account in the granting of such leave. The employing authority will not unreasonably withhold approval of such leave.
The employing authority will identify any reasonable consequential location, advertising or other expense arising from the granting of union development leave and the union will meet the costs where agreed.
Workplace Stress
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Preamble The prevention and management of workplace stress helps secure a safer and healthier and more effective workplace for employees. The term 'workplace stress' refers to those negative reactions people have to aspects of their environment due to pressures within the work environment. The employer recognises its legal requirement to assess the working environment for systems and practices that may lead to negative stress response and to put into place preventative measures. It is also recognised that policies which benefit employee health can improve productivity. Low levels of negative stress response are associated with low levels of staff turnover, absenteeism and low rates of injury. Workplaces that are perceived as healthy are characterised by clear policies and active methods of dealing with people which encourage (a)
respect for the dignity of each employee
regular feedback and recognition of performance
clear goals for employees in line with organisational goals
employee input into decision-making and career progression
consistent and fair management actions.
Implementation The employing authority agrees to the implementation of strategies to prevent and address workplace stress.
Managing Workplace Stress Stress management interventions shall be based on prevention, management and minimization strategies and are aimed at identifying and eliminating causes of workplace stress.
Structured Approach A structured step-by-step problem solving approach involving participation and consultation shall be adopted to identify and focus on the real issues causing workplace stress.
5.12.5 5.13
Control Strategies Control strategies shall be adopted to reduce the incidence of workplace stress.
Complaints Against Employees 5.13.1
The employing authority will ensure that guidelines exist to cover situations where complaints are made against employees.
The guidelines will ensure that, in dealing with a complaint, the concerns are addressed in an objective and sensitive manner giving due consideration to the reputation and dignity of the persons concerned, and that any staff member who is subject to a complaint will be afforded the fundamental principles of natural justice within a fair and transparent process.
The parties agree that a policy and guidelines consistent with these principles shall be developed or reviewed in consultation with employees and their union. Once developed or reviewed the policy and guidelines will be documented and recorded by the parties.
It is recognised that these processes are not those used to deal with situations where allegations of abuse or sexual misconduct are made against employees
Ordinary Hours and Banking of Authorised Overtime 5.14.1
Subject to the provisions of this clause the ordinary hours of work for an employee shall not exceed 38 hours per week.
Such ordinary hours of work shall be worked continuously (except for meal breaks) between 7.00a.m. and 6.00p.m. on Mondays to Fridays inclusive.
The normal starting and finishing times of ordinary hours shall be established at the point of engagement and may only be varied by the employing authority with two weeks’ notice, or a shorter period by mutual agreement.
Where the employing authority requires an employee to work either before these normal starting times or after these normal finishing times, the employee may choose to receive overtime payment in accordance with sub-clause 5.14.5 or the employee may choose, subject to the provisos outlined in 5.14.6, to bank time, and be accessed in accordance with sub-clause 5.14.6.
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Except as provided in sub-clause 5.14.6, any authorised time outside, or in excess of, the ordinary hours of work, will be overtime and will be paid for at the rate of time and one-half for the first three (3) hours and double time thereafter.
Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-clause 5.14.5, an employee who has undertaken authorized overtime may bank time which will be paid as time off in lieu in accordance with this sub-clause. (a)
Only the first three (3) hours of overtime at any one day may be banked.
Banked time taken as time off in lieu will be taken and paid for at the rate of ordinary time. Overtime on any one day, in excess of three (3) hours, will be paid at the rate of double time.
Time off in lieu must be taken within six (6) months of its accrual and will be taken at a mutually convenient time.
Any banked time not taken will be paid at the rate of time and one-half
Notwithstanding the foregoing, an employer/employee working party will be established to consider the operation of ‘time off in lieu of overtime’ and develop recommendations in relation to the content of this clause and the method(s) in which ‘time off in lieu of overtime’ may be used.
Flexibility in Working Hours 5.15.1
The parties acknowledge the benefits of flexible workplace practices including the provision of flexibility in working hours. The employing authority is committed to the principles of providing family friendly workplace practices and recognises the benefits that flexible work practices can provide to employees with family responsibilities.
Consistent with these principles, an employee may request an amendment to their normal starting and ceasing times, or break times.
In considering the request, the Director will take into account the maximum hours of duty and the operational requirements of the office. If agreed, the arrangement may be either short term or long term and the arrangements entered into will be recorded in writing.
Health Check Leave The parties recognise the importance of employees maintaining healthy lifestyles and regular health check-ups. The employing authority agrees that employees with forty (40) or more days of accumulated sick leave shall be entitled to use one (1) day per annum of the accumulated sick leave to obtain medical advice and/or treatment of a preventative nature. The employee shall, where practicable, give the employing authority two (2) weeks’ notice prior to taking health check leave.
Workplace Harassment The employing authority agrees to ensure workplace harassment policies and procedures exist. The policy development (if relevant) shall take place within the life of this Agreement and shall occur in consultation with the union and their representatives. The structure of the policy and procedures will be determined by the employing authority, but consideration will be given to the following: 5.17.1 Policy Consideration will be given to the following inclusions: (a)
Definition of workplace harassment and provision of examples of the types of behaviour which constitute such harassment;
A statement that workplace harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated;
A statement as to the negative impact on individuals, colleagues and the organisation;
An encouragement to workers who experience or witness workplace harassment to engage in procedures to end such behaviour;
A commitment to education and training in regard to the policy and procedures on a regular basis or at least once per year; and
Provision for the appointment, training and time release of contact person(s) to handle complaints.
Procedures The procedures shall: (a) be fair and equitable; (b)
ensure principles of natural justice are upheld;
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5.17.3 5.18
respect privacy and confidentiality;
be undertaken with discretion so as to protect the reputation of the persons being investigated;
be aimed at resolving the problem rapidly;
ensure that accurate records and documentation are kept;
include procedural steps for dealing with the alleged harassment; and
include formal steps for dealing with the alleged harassment which incorporates an investigative process outlining how and who will conduct the investigation, the rights of both the respondent and the complainant to representation and the need for each party to receive a report on the outcome.
The policy and procedures shall be available to all staff and their availability advertised widely.
Access to Leave – Terminally Ill Member of Household Employees are entitled to access paid leave of up to ten (10) days, in addition to the existing Family Leave provision, to care and support a household or an immediate family member who is terminally ill. Such leave shall be deducted from the employee’s sick leave accrual. A further three (3) months of unpaid leave can be accessed by the employee to continue such care and support if necessary. An employing authority may request a doctor’s certificate indicating the terminal nature of the illness.
Job Share The parties agree that job share provisions can assist employees in balancing work and family demands throughout various stages of their life and work cycle and as such job share can have advantages for employees and employing authorities. The employing authority agrees to implement job share provisions for full-time Administration Officers. The guidelines for these arrangements are attached to this Agreement at Schedule 2.
Workplace Health and Safety 5.20.1
The parties agree that the aims of efficiency and effectiveness can be advanced by implementing strategies to achieve healthier and safer jobs. The review of workplace health and safety procedures will continue and where necessary the provision of training to reduce the incidence and cost of occupational injury and illness will be provided.
During the life of this Agreement, the Workplace Health and Safety Representative shall continue to be established by election, consistent with the requirements of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995.
Employees elected to the role of Workplace Health and Safety Representative shall be elected to that position for a minimum period of three (3) years and shall have those duties recognised as part of their normal position description for the duration of the appointment.
Job Security The Parties agree that changes to work practices and productivity initiatives must be consistent with the operation of the Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Education Office. The Parties further acknowledge that employees are a critical element in the improvement of quality service delivery. Arbitrary job reductions will not be pursued to secure the ongoing improvements in productivity and efficiency sought in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Anti-Discrimination It is the intention of the Parties to this Certified Agreement to achieve the principle objective of the Anti Discrimination Act by helping to prevent and eliminate discrimination.
Equal Employment Opportunity Equal Employment Opportunity is a program whereby the Employing Authority seeks to ensure that policies on recruitment and promotion provide equal opportunity for all employees. To this end, all appointments and promotions shall be based on merit, skill and qualifications. Through an Affirmative Action Program, the Employing Authority shall endeavour to actively and continually identify and remove barriers that impede the achievement of Equal Employment Opportunity.
Administration Officers Administration Officers appointed to the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office are employed under the terms and conditions of the Clerical Employees’ Award – State, the Green Keepers Award-State (as appropriate) and this
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Agreement excepting for the classification and salary levels. The classification and salary levels are based on the School Officers’ Award – Non-Governmental Schools as well as the agreed classification and salary levels of this Certified Agreement. 5.25
Rest Pause A single allocation of twenty minutes will be taken as a combined rest pause.
Integrating ICT into Office Practice The parties acknowledge the importance of integrating information and communication technologies (ICTs) into office operations in order to enhance quality administration. 5.26.1
The Catholic Education Office ICT plans should address the adequate resourcing of staff in terms of hardware, software, systems and technical support and should include consideration of and strategies that address the following: (a) Access to ICT Resources; (b)
Professional development needs of employees.
The employing authority agrees to support each employee as they work towards attaining the ICT competency standards as identified by the employing authority. The standards will be developmental in nature and reflect current best practice. Where they do not already exist, competency standards will be determined in consultation with employees.
Except where the employing authority sponsors, provides and/or pays for the professional development, the cost shall be met by the individual employee.
Breast-Feeding and Expressing Facilities The employing authority will, upon request, provide a private and secure area for the purpose of breastfeeding and/or expressing and storing milk separate to communal staff facilities.
Classification of Clerical Positions Upon appointment or upon establishment of the position, the Clerical position shall be classified by the employing authority in accordance with the classification criteria set out in Schedule 6 of this Agreement.
Reclassification 5.29.1
A clerical officer may request a reclassification of their position. Such a request may be made either in relation to the classification level of an existing position or where the classification level of the position has been changed. Except in exceptional circumstances no employee shall be permitted to seek a reclassification of their position on more than one occasion in a 12 month period.
the employee shall make any such Request for Reclassification in writing to the employer.
The employer shall consider the Request for Reclassification and notify the employee in writing of the decision regarding the employee’s request.
If after receiving the employer’s notification the employee believes that their position has not been classified at the correct level, the employee may apply for a review of that decision. In this case the employee shall make written application for a Review of Classification to the employer.
Where the employer receives a Review of Classification application, the employee shall advise the Queensland Independent Education Union (QIEU) in writing that an application has been received.
A joint review of the classification by QIEU and the employer shall then take place. The persons representing QIEU and the employer will, wherever practicable, have substantial experience in the classification of school officers. Further, wherever practicable, the person who made the original decision in relation to the classification will also be involved.
The joint review will seek to reach a consensus position. The school officer will be advised in writing of the outcome of this review.
If an agreed outcome cannot be reached between the employer and QIEU then the employee may refer the matter to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission in the terms of the Grievance Procedure.
All parties agree that a Matrix of ‘Typical Skills and Duties’ will be developed within six (6) months of certification of this Agreement from a process of consultation. Further, the Matrix will be consistent with the content of the matrix which appears in CA894 of 2003.
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Salary Packaging for Superannuation Employees shall be permitted to elect to salary package into an approved superannuation fund, subject to compliance with the Industrial Relations Act 1999. Where the Employing Authority and individual employee agree an additional contribution may be made into a complying superannuation fund. This Agreement shall be subject to the following provisos: 6.1.1
Contributions will be made into one of the following funds: (a)
Queensland Independent Education and Care
Catholic Superannuation Retirement Fund
National Catholic
Notwithstanding the above, employees who are employed as at date of certification of this Agreement and for whom the employer is currently making contributions to another complying superannuation fund may continue to receive contributions into that fund.
the implementation of any such arrangements shall be at the discretion of the Employing Authority;
the contribution shall be expressed as a percentage;
such salary packaging arrangements shall be available to all employees with the exception of casual employees and those employed on fixed term contracts for less than a school year;
the funds shall accept electronic funds transfer;
any arrangements as set out in this clause shall be at the employee’s request;
Catholic Superannuation Retirement Fund is the nominated default fund.
Long Service Leave 6.2.1
Entitlement All employees will accumulate a Long Service Leave entitlement at the rate of 1.3 weeks per year of completed service from 1 January, 1998. Employees who have completed service prior to 1 January, 1998 accrue Long Service Leave at 0.866 weeks per year of completed service. Employees who accumulate ten (10) years of continuous service, may access that entitlement to Long Service Leave on the amount of Long Service Leave that has been accrued. All employees will be able to access the second and subsequent pro-rata accrual of Long Service Leave, after a further five (5) years of continuous service.
Portability of Long Service Leave For the purpose of this clause, all Long Service Leave accrued by an employee as at 1 January 2002 and all subsequent service will be portable between Catholic Diocesan Education Offices in Queensland, the Queensland Catholic Education Commission and Catholic Systemic Schools of Queensland. It is agreed that the administrative arrangements and procedures to be applied to portability will be the same as that applying to teachers in Catholic Diocesan Systemic schools of Queensland. During the life of this Agreement, discussions will take place between the employing authority and Catholic education employing authorities in Queensland with regard to portability of Long Service Leave for employees moving between this employing authority and other Catholic education employing authorities in Queensland.
Sick Leave Accrual Full time employees are entitled to sick leave accrual at the rate of ten (10) days per year. Such accrual rate will operate from and include the first pay period after the commencement of the 2001 school year. Sick leave is accumulated at one (1) day for every 5.2 weeks worked. Sick leave is accumulative. Part-time or term-time employees are entitled to sick leave on a pro rata basis
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Portability of Sick Leave For the purpose of this clause, Sick Leave accruals as at 1 January 2002 and subsequent service will be portable between Catholic Diocesan Education Offices in Queensland, the Queensland Catholic Education Commission and Systemic Schools of Queensland. It is agreed that the administrative arrangements and procedures to be applied to portability will be the same as that applying to teachers in Catholic Diocesan Systemic schools of Queensland. During the life of this Agreement, discussions will take place between the employing authority and Catholic education employing authorities in Queensland with regard to portability of Sick Leave for employees moving between this employing authority and other Catholic education employing authorities in Queensland.
Renewal or Replacement of Agreement Subject to satisfactory implementation of this Agreement the Parties agree to re-open negotiations at least six months prior to the conclusion of this agreement for the purpose of negotiating a replacement Agreement. Further the Parties agree to monitor the implementation of the Agreement through the SBU and identify issues suitable for negotiation in a replacement agreement.
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SCHEDULE 1 SALARY AND CLASSSIFICATION SCALE 3.5% Increase Effective from July 1 2005
SCHOOL OFFICERS’ AWARD – STATE School Officers - Southern Division Classification
2003 Weekly
LEVEL 1 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 LEVEL 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 LEVEL 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 LEVEL 4 Step 1 Step 2 Step3 LEVEL 5 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 LEVEL 6 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 LEVEL 7 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
2004 Weekly
Eastern Division Weekly Hourly
2003 Weekly
2004 Weekly
Western Division Weekly Hourly
$541.90 $553.40 $564.60 $576.00
$560.90 $572.80 $584.40 $577.05
$30,186.00 $30,825.60 $31,454.80 $32,089.20
$580.50 $592.80 $604.90 $617.10
$15.2763 $15.6000 $15.9184 $16.2395
$542.95 $554.45 $565.65 $577.05
$561.95 $573.85 $585.45 $597.25
$30,240.60 $30,880.20 $31,501.60 $32,136.00
$581.55 $593.85 $605.80 $618.00
$15.3039 $15.6276 $15.9421 $16.2632
$587.30 $603.10 $610.10
$607.90 $624.20 $631.50
$32,718.40 $33,592.00 $33,987.20
$629.20 $646.00 $653.60
$16.5579 $17.0000 $17.2000
$588.35 $604.15 $611.15
$608.95 $625.25 $632.55
$32,765.20 $33,638.80 $34,034.00
$630.10 $646.90 $654.50
$16.5816 $17.0237 $17.2237
$610.10 $624.70 $653.10 $671.40
$662.80 $675.50 $688.20 $694.90
$35,672.00 $36,353.20 $37,039.60 $37,398.40
$686.00 $699.10 $712.30 $719.20
$18.0526 $18.3974 $18.7447 $18.9263
$611.15 $625.75 $654.15 $672.30
$663.85 $676.55 $689.25 $695.95
$35,718.80 $36,400.00 $37,086.40 $37,445.20
$686.90 $700.00 $713.20 $720.10
$18.0763 $18.4211 $18.7684 $18.9500
$683.50 $701.90 $720.40
$707.40 $726.50 $745.60
$38,074.40 $39,098.80 $40,128.40
$732.20 $751.90 $771.70
$19.2684 $19.7868 $20.3079
$684.55 $702.95 $721.45
$708.45 $727.55 $746.65
$38,121.20 $39,145.60 $40,175.20
$733.10 $752.80 $772.60
$19.2921 $19.8105 $20.3316
$744.70 $762.80 $781.10
$770.80 $789.50 $808.40
$41,485.60 $42,489.20 $43,508.40
$797.80 $817.10 $836.70
$20.9947 $21.5026 $22.0184
$745.75 $763.85 $782.15
$771.85 $790.55 $809.45
$41,532.40 $42,536.00 $43,555.20
$798.70 $818.00 $837.60
$21.0184 $21.5263 $22.0421
$806.00 $849.90 $893.70 $938.50 $981.30
$834.20 $879.60 $925.00 $971.30 $1,015.60
$44,896.80 $47,340.80 $49,784.80 $52,275.60 $54,711.80
$863.40 $910.40 $957.40 $1,005.30 $1,052.15
$22.7211 $23.9579 $25.1947 $26.4553 $27.6882
$807.05 $850.95 $894.75 $939.55 $982.35
$835.25 $880.65 $926.05 $972.35 $1,016.65
$44,943.60 $47,387.60 $49,831.60 $52,322.40 $54,704.00
$864.30 $911.30 $958.30 $1,006.20 $1,052.00
$22.7447 $23.9816 $25.2184 $26.4789 $27.6842
$1,028.80 $1,047.90 $1,067.00 $1,085.80 $1,104.70
$55,369.60 $56,399.20 $57,423.60 $58,437.60 $59,456.80
$1,064.80 $1,084.60 $1,104.30 $1,123.80 $1,143.40
$28.0211 $28.5421 $29.0605 $29.5737 $30.0895
$1,029.85 $1,048.95 $1,068.05 $1,086.85 $1,105.75
$55,416.40 $54,537.60 $55,530.80 $56,508.40 $57,491.20
$1,065.70 $1,048.80 $1,067.90 $1,086.70 $1,105.60
$28.0447 $27.6000 $28.1026 $28.5974 $29.0947
Juniors 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years
45% 50% 55% 65% 75% 85%
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GREENKEEPING INDUSTRY AWARD - STATE Southern Division Eastern District LEVEL 1
Western District
Trainees up to 3 months
2005 $531.80
2005 $532.85
Traineers up to 6 months
LEVEL 2 Assistant Greenkeeper Groundsman All Other Employees LEVEL 3 Greenkeeper LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 6 Juniors Under 18 Juniors Under 17
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SCHEDULE 2 JOB SHARE ARRANGEMENTS FOR OFFICE EMPLOYEES Guidelines: The Diocese of Toowoomba recognises that, for pastoral and/or professional reasons, some employees may wish to enter into a job share arrangement. Job share arrangements only apply to full-time positions in the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Toowoomba. Job share arrangements can provide the Diocese with opportunities to employ staff in situations which meet the needs and circumstances of the staff and benefit the operation of the office. It is also recognised that, in some circumstances, a job share arrangement may not be warranted, as the professional and administrative needs vary for each position in the office. 1.
Definition Job sharing is a voluntary arrangement in which a full-time position is divided between two staff members with shared responsibility for the position on a fixed-term basis.
Principles Underpinning the Guidelines 2.1
Job share is entered into voluntarily.
Job share arrangements will be flexible and accommodate both Office and employee needs.
Selection Procedures 3.1.
An employee who is presently employed full time, may request to job share the current position with the additional part-time position that is being created being advertised and engaged as one year fixed term contract.
Two current full-time employees may seek to undertake a job share position. This scenario releases one of the full-time positions which would be filled by a replacement employee on a fixed term basis. At the end of the job share arrangement, the job share employees will revert to their original full-time positions and the contract will cease for the replacement employee.
Subsequent Appointment 4.1
In the event that either job share partner leaves the job share position, within the time of the job share arrangement, the full-time position may be offered to the remaining partner until the end of the job share. In the event that the remaining partner declines to take the full-time position the vacancy for the remainder of the fixed term contract is advertised and will be subject to job share arrangements.
Except in extenuating circumstances, should either job share employee choose not to fulfil the job share contract, the employer holds no responsibility for the continued employment of that employee until the job share contract has concluded and would consider the staff member to have resigned.
Length of Appointment 5.1
The job share position may arise from one of the following scenarios:
Appointments to job share positions are made for a maximum period of one year. The job share arrangement may be renewed each year subject to the arrangement being deemed acceptable by the employees concerned and the employer.
Arrangements The arrangements for a job share position are to be considered on a number of levels. 6.1
Level One is at the system level where parameters are set in accordance with the above guidelines and meet any requirements detailed in •
Any awards applicable to office staff.
Level Two is at Office level where considerations such as: • •
The number of job share positions? Under what arrangements will the job share partners work?
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Level three is at the partnership level. Each participant shall be provided with an individual letter of appointment which outlines the results of negotiations between the participants and the Director regarding the hours of duty arrangements and shall include all of the following: -
days to be worked
hours of duty
professional development arrangements
Employees shall be provided with a copy of these guidelines prior to any agreement being reached in relation to a job share position. In particular, employees shall have their attention drawn to the contents of Clause 4.2 relating to a failure to fulfil a job-share contract.
Ongoing Evaluation 7.1
There should be provision in any job share proposal/agreement for the ongoing evaluation of the impact of the job share on the administrative needs of the Office.
No later than 9 months after the commencement of the job-share arrangement, a review should be instigated in order to ascertain whether the arrangements are satisfactory from the viewpoint of both the employees and the employer.
In some circumstances, the parties to a job share arrangement may not be in agreement with particular changes proposed for job share arrangements. In such cases, the grievance procedure as outlined in this Agreement needs to be invoked.
Alteration to Arrangements Changes to the arrangements may be made by either the Director or the employee/s with two week’s notice or shorter by mutual consent.
Division of Position 9.1.
It is recommended that days worked be full days.
The most suitable arrangement appears to be the five-day fortnight whereby each partner would work three days one week and two days the next week - i.e. a 0.5 split. An alternative could be a 0.6/0.4 split where one partner works three days each week and the other partner works two days each week.
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This deed is made the ……………………….. day of ……………………….. 19…... BETWEEN: [name] of [address] (‘the employee’) AND: [name] of [address] (‘the employer’)
Confidentiality 1.1.
Subject to Clause 5, the employee shall treat as confidential all information disclosed to the employee or made known to the employee during the course of or the purposes of the employee's employment by the employer ('the confidential information').
Without limiting the generality of the preceding clause, the confidential information includes employee files, computer files and information, sensitive information about the current or future employment of employees and all other information designated as confidential by the employer.
Termination of Employment 2.1.
Immediately on termination of the employee's employment with the employer, the employee shall deliver to the employer all documents in any way relating to the confidential information which are then in the employee's possession.
The operation of this deed shall survive the termination of the employee's employment with the employer and should it be later revealed that the employees has not returned all of the employer's property or has breached any of the terms of this deed the employer can take legal action against the employee which may result in the employee having to pay the employer damages.
Prohibition on Use or Disclosure 3.1.
Without limiting the generality of the second clause, the employee shall not:
use or disclose or authorise the use or disclosure of the confidential information to any person or company without the prior consent in writing of the employer. (a)
now or in the future, either for himself/herself or any third party, appropriated, copied, memorised or in any manner reproduced any confidential information which is the property of the employer which includes but is not limited to any documentation or information received or developed by the employer or by the employee in the course of employment which is not publicly available and relates to processes, equipment and techniques used by the employer and the course of the employer’s business including but not limited to designs, technical data and marketing information such as customer/employees lists, financial information and business plans.
Third Parties 4.1.
If the employee is employed or engaged in the education sector after termination of his employment with the employer, the employee shall inform all parties who engage or employ with employee of the fact of this agreement.
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Exclusions 5.1.
The employee is not bound to treat information as confidential under this deed: (a)
where such information is generally known within the education sector;
where it would be unconscionable to require the employee to treat such information confidentially, as the term ‘unconscionable’ is defined in s52A of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (cth);
where it would be invalid restraint of trade under the law governing this deed to require the employee to treat such information confidentially.
SIGNED by the said
(employer) day of
in the presence of:
) )
[Signature of witness]
SIGNED by the said
(employee) day of
in the presence of:
) )
[Signature of witness]
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Paid Maternity Leave Female employees shall be entitled to six weeks paid Maternity leave in accordance with the provisions of this clause as from 1 June, 2001.
Interaction with the Family Leave Award 2.1
The provisions of the Family Leave Award apply to employees covered by this Agreement.
The period of paid leave shall be deemed to be the first six weeks of the leave taken by the employee, provided that the period of paid leave will not include any school vacation time.
Eligibility for Paid Leave 3.1
Employees who have at least one year’s continuous service with the employer shall be entitled to paid maternity leave.
Fixed period employees who are eligible for Maternity Leave will be entitled to either six weeks paid maternity Leave or, in the case where the remainder of the contract is less than six weeks, payment until the expiration of the contract;
Where the contract period of a fixed period employee ends during the period of maternity leave, that employee will not be entitled to have this contract period extended, nor will she be guaranteed a position to return to following the completion of Maternity Leave;
Where an employee is on maternity leave and successfully applies for a subsequent period of maternity leave, that employee will be entitled to a further six weeks paid maternity leave payable from the date of confinement of the subsequent child.
Where an employee is on an extended period of leave without pay, and that employee becomes pregnant, no entitlement to paid maternity leave would accrue.
Payment for Leave 4.1
The employee shall receive payment based on her normal average weekly earnings for the six weeks immediately preceding the date upon which she proceeds on leave;
The employee may request, and the employer may agree, that the payment for the period of paid maternity leave will be made at the time of commencing such leave. Where agreement is not reached, the employee shall be paid in accordance with the normal fortnightly pay cycle.
Where an employee has received payment in advance for the period of paid maternity leave at the time of commencing leave, and the pregnancy subsequently results in a miscarriage or stillbirth, the employee shall be entitled to retain such payment, subject to the employee remaining on leave for a minimum of six weeks;
Where an employee is paid in accordance with the normal fortnightly pay cycle, and the pregnancy subsequently results in a miscarriage or a still birth, the employee shall be entitled to remain on paid maternity leave for the six week period;
4.4 5.
Paid Maternity Leave will be taken as one period and cannot be broken into smaller periods of leave.
Paid Maternity Leave and Other Entitlements 5.1
The period of paid Maternity Leave shall count as service for all purposes;
The period of paid Maternity Leave shall be exclusive of school vacation periods. For example, where a period of paid maternity leave coincides with a paid school vacation period the employee is entitled to be paid for the vacation period and the maternity leave. However, where the paid maternity leave actually taken is less than six weeks, the employee shall only be entitled to be paid for the leave taken.
The period of paid Maternity Leave shall be inclusive of Statutory Holidays that may fall within the period;
In accordance with the Family Leave Award – State, provided that the aggregate of leave does not exceed 52 weeks, an employee may, in lieu of, or in conjunction with Maternity Leave, take other forms of leave
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including long service leave which has fallen due, annual leave (if applicable) or paid school vacation periods (if applicable). The period of paid Maternity Leave shall form part of the aggregate of 52 weeks. Except as provided by the Family Leave Award, paid sick leave or other paid authorised award absences (excluding annual leave or long service leave) shall not be available to an employee during her absence on Paid Maternity Leave.
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SCHEDULE 5 Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Education Board Policy
The process of review seeks to nurture the growth of the individual in the workplace. Its purpose is to:
utilise the opportunity to acknowledge and affirm an individual’s level of performance, to clarify current duties and role expectations,
identify training and development needs,
influence positively the organisation’s ability to meet its goals,
increase the level of job satisfaction and provide better career planning,
maximise the use of individual skills and talents, and ,
contribute information towards the overall data considered for contract renewal or salary review.
Inherent in the processes and procedures of review are the values of trust, hope, authenticity, justice and care for both the individual and the organisation. 3.
Policy Statement
Every staff member in Catholic Education will engage in a process of formal review and goal setting as outlined in any contract or as arranged between the staff member and the Catholic Education Office. 4.
Consequences y
that individual accountability for work performed is recognised.
that the review system will be appropriate for the type of position under consideration.
that an opportunity will occur to acknowledge and affirm an individual’s level of performance.
that the use of individual skills and talents will be encouraged and recognised.
that the organisation’s ability to meet its goals will be influenced so that continuous improvement occurs both for the individual and the organisation.
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A school officer may request a reclassification of their position. Such a request may be made either in relation to the classification level of an existing position or where the classification level of the position has been changed. Except in exceptional circumstances, no employee shall be permitted to seek a reclassification of their position on more than one occasion in a twelve (12) month period.
The employee shall make any such Request for Reclassification in writing, to the employer.
The employer shall consider the Request for Reclassification and notify the employee in writing of the decision regarding the employee’s request.
If after receiving the employer’s notification, the employee believes that their position has not been classified at the correct level, the employee may apply for a review of that decision. In this case, the employee shall make written application for a Review of Classification to the employer.
Where the employer receives a Review of Classification application, the employer shall advise the Queensland Independent Education Union (QIEU) in writing that an application has been received.
A joint review of the classification by QIEU and the employer shall then take place. The persons representing QIEU and the employer will, wherever practicable, have substantial experience in the classification of school officers. Further, wherever practicable, the person who made the original decision in relation to the classification will also be involved.
The joint review will seek to reach a consensus position. The school officer will be advised in writing of the outcome of this review.
If an agreed outcome cannot be reached between the employer and QIEU then the employee may refer the matter to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission in the terms
The provisions of this clause 2.2 will be in addition to the provisions of clause 5.1.1 or the Award.
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Competency of Employee Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Competency at this level involves application of knowledge and skills to a range of tasks and roles
Competency at this level involves application of knowledge with depth in some areas and a broad range of skills
Competency at this level involves self directed application of knowledge with substantial depth in some areas
Competency at this level involves self directed development and application of professional knowledge with substantial depth in some areas
A range of technical and/or other skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts.
A broad range of professional skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts. A proportion of competencies involve complex, specialized or professional functions.
Competencies are normally used within a variety of routines, methods and procedures
Competencies are normally used independently and both routinely and nonroutinely.
Competencies are used independently and are substantially non-routine with initiative being exercised in the application of professional practices
Discretion and judgement are required for self and/or others in planning, selection of equipment, work organisation, services actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.
Discretion and judgement are required in planning and selecting appropriate equipment, service techniques and work organisation for self and/or others.
Significant discretion and judgement are required in planning, design, professional, technical or supervisory functions related to services, operations or processes for self and/or others.
Competency at this level involves the use of initiative in self directed development and application of expert knowledge with extensive recognised expertise in some areas A breadth and depth of professional skills are applied to roles and functions in both varied and highly specific contexts. A high proportion of competencies involve significant scope and/or complex, specialized or professional functions. Duties of an innovative and/or critical nature are undertaken without professional direction and initiative is exercised in the application of professional practices Significant discretion and independent judgement are required within constraints set by management.
There is a defined range of contexts where the choice of actions required is clear
There is a range of roles and tasks in a variety of contexts
There is a wide variety of tasks and roles in a variety of contexts.
There is limited complexity of choice
There is some complexity in the extent and choice of actions required
There is complexity in the ranges and choice of actions required
Competencies are normally checked within well established routines, methods and procedures
Competencies are normally used within routines, methods and procedures
Limited discretion and judgement about possible actions is involved
Some discretion and judgement are involved in selection of equipment, work organisation, services, actions and achieving outcomes within time constraints.
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Supervision of Employees’ Work Level 2
Level 3
Works under direct and/or routine supervision depending on function.
Works under supervision.
Work is intermittently checked.
Work may be checked in relation to overall progress
May take the form of general guidance where working in teams is involved.
May take the form of broad guidance.
May involve detailed instructions in some situations;
May involve a level of autonomy when working in teams.
Level 4
Level 5
Work is carried out under general supervision.
Works under general supervision and/or broad guidance depending on function
Progress and outcomes sought are under general guidance.
Level 6
Level 7
Works under broad guidance.
Work is usually performed under general guidance with limited or no professional supervision.
Work is usually measured in terms of the achievement of stated objectives to agreed standards.
The general quality of work is monitored by school management and is subject to stated objectives and professional standards.
May be less direct than at lower levels and usually be related to task methodology and work practices. May involve a level of autonomy in accordance with a broad plan or budget strategy.
Supervision of Others Level 2 An employee at this level will have no supervisory responsibilities
An experienced employee may assist others by providing peer support in the completion of routine tasks
Level 3
Level 4
Peer assistance may be provided to others.
The work of others may be supervised
An employee may have limited responsibility for guidance of the work of others
Responsibility for the work and organisation of others in limited areas.
Team co-ordination may be required
Teams may be guided or facilitated.
Training of subordinate staff may be required.
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Responsibility for the planning and management of the work of others may be involved
Responsibility for the supervision and monitoring of the work of others and of workflow in the area of responsibility may be involved. Leadership and development of teams and responsibility for outcomes may be required.
Responsibility for the setting and achieving of objectives by a work section and its staff may be involved.
Supervision and training of lower level staff may be involved.
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Responsibility for assessment, training and development and performance counselling of staff may be required.
Levels 1 to 7 Qualifications Matrix Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Junior Certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.
Junior Certificate is the minimum formal qualification. No experience is required.
Tertiary qualifications at Certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.
Tertiary qualifications at Certificate level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required or such knowledge, qualifications and experience that are deemed by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.
Tertiary qualifications at Associate Diploma/Diploma level or equivalent qualifications relevant to the position may be required by the employer or knowledge, qualifications and experience that are determined by the employer as necessary to successfully carry out the duties of the position.
Relevant formal qualifications at degree level are required.
Formal qualifications at degree level are required, along with relevant post graduate qualifications or extensive and relevant experience as required by the employer to reflect higher levels of professional outcomes.
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