newsmonth newspaper of the nsw/act independent education union [vol 31 #7] november Newspaper of the NSW/ACT Independent Education Union (vol 32 #5) August 2012
Print Post: 225007/0002 – ISSN: 0728-4845
Fighting back on workers comp P2
We Connect wrap-up P12-13
Spotlight on clearance checks P5
KU breakthrough a step in the right direction Negotiations with the largest employer of early childhood teachers in NSW are close to finalisation with KU offering a 14.5% pay increase over three years, backdated to August 2011. Successful negotiations will also see a substantial increase in the director’s allowance, an increase to 2.5 hours per week of programming time for teachers and other improvements in conditions. KU and the IEU are continuing discussions on how 15 hours of preschool education can be delivered without having a significant impact on teachers workloads. The increases will put KU teachers’ salaries 5% behind the current pay of school teachers. A KU four-year trained preschool teacher at the top of the scale will earn
$88,412 at the end of the agreement as compared to the current salary of $86,878 per annum for a four-year trained teacher in a Catholic or DEC school. “KU has always felt strongly that teachers are teachers and that they play a pivotal role in the leadership of the learning programs in our services,” Christine Legg, KU CEO, says. “For several years, we have advocated strongly for pay parity between teachers in the early childhood sector with their colleagues in schools. “We are incredibly proud to be taking a leadership role in narrowing this gap
as well as introducing a Responsible Person allowance. “We value the relationship and support provided by the IEU as together we take a proactive role in raising the status and standing of teachers in the early childhood education sector,” Chris says. The IEU is also in negotiations with Big Fat Smile (formerly Illawarra Children’s Services), who have offered a 15% pay rise over three years. KU and Big Fat Smile have been strong supporters of the IEU’s Teachers are Teachers campaign, which calls for pay parity between early childhood and school
“This shows a strong commitment by these employers to address the pay parity issue.”
teachers. Both employers supported Blue Day, a campaign event last year, and other Teachers are Teachers activities. “This is definitely a step in the right direction and shows a strong commitment by these employers to address the pay parity issue, Early Childhood Education Industrial Officer Verena Heron says. “It shows the campaign is bearing fruit, and members' hard work is worthwhile. “We will continue to keep fighting for more improvements.” Later this year the 12,000 signature petition collected by members calling for pay parity will be tabled in State Parliament. The Union is still awaiting the release of the preschool funding review.
IEU survey: Members pinpoint Institute concerns Cumbersome requirements, not enough time, too expensive and a hard time accessing professional development. These are among the most common comments provided to the IEU’s survey of member attitudes and experiences of the NSW Institute of Teachers. Other responses pointed to difficulties navigating the Institute’s website, a lack of input into the choice of mentors, concerns
over accreditation being misused by employers or delayed, a desire for more support and guidance from the Institute and a need for professional development that is better tailored for specific requirements, for example additional needs education. Not all responses were negative, with some expressing appreciation for additional exposure to genuinely helpful professional development and good experiences with mentors.
Comments snapshot: “Does this process make me a better teacher or am I just a more exhausted teacher with less energy to spend on the kids – which is where I need it, I assure you.” “I am very lucky to be at a school that is very considerate about giving my mentor and I all the time out that we need.”
“The biggest issue I have is trying to find time to complete all the requirements.” “We need to ensure that schools support staff by offering inservices. It is very hard to find inservices that are Institute registered and even harder for teachers to get permission from their schools to attend inservices.” Analysis and next steps, p3