Print Post: 225007/0002 – ISSN: 0728-4845
Catholic employers' muzzle fails C
atholic employers’ attempts to muzzle the Union in Fair Work Australia have failed dismally. Catholic employers have distributed a salaries and conditions ‘agreement’ to teachers in nine Catholic independent schools without any prior consultation with the Union. IEU General Secretary Dick Shearman says that while the Union agreed in principle with the salaries offer, “we had a number of significant concerns with other aspects”.
Before meeting to try to resolve some of the issues, the employers tried to get the Union to agree to a process that would restrict its ability to consult with IEU members. “They refused to meet at all unless we agreed to be muzzled,” Mr Shearman says. Fair Work Australia heard the dispute notification by the CCER — on behalf of the nine Catholic Independent schools — on Monday 24 October.
“The Catholic employers have so far refused to respond in writing to the Union’s concerns, claiming we may criticise them if they do,” Mr Shearman says.
The CCER told the hearing it wanted the Union to agree to a “negotiations process” as a precondition to meeting on the substance of the differences with the Union.
“The Union is somewhat bemused by this. We only ever criticise employers based on the content of their proposals. It’s the detail in the agreement that is the problem.”
His Honour Deputy President Sams was highly critical of the CCER saying that no Union would agree to consult with employers before sending information to its members.
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Fair Work Australia dismissed this argument saying the CCER seemed to want to try and stop the Union being critical of the employers. The Union defended its reputation, saying no other employer had ever tried to establish a “process” as a precondition to meeting with the Union. The tribunal hearing ended with the Union and the CCER agreeing to meet without any preconditions. This was the outcome sought by the Union.
“His Honour Deputy President Sams was highly critical of the CCER saying that no Union would agree to consult with employers before sending information to its members.”
Another meeting was scheduled at press time. The Union will provide a report to members on the outcome of this meeting and will continue to keep members fully informed at all stages of the negotiating process.
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