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Talk 14: Side to Side, a Wheelchair Trip in 10 days from the East to the West of Flanders, Belgium

Mario Sel

Vereniging voor Spina Bifida en Hydrocephalus Vzw, Flanders, Belgium


Background: Last year, Mario Sel, an education officer at the Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association in Belgium made a wheelchair trip “Side to Side” from the east to the west of Flanders, Belgium. The aim of this project was to raise awareness, to bring people together and to raise funds.

Method: From the launch of this project till the start of the trip, the association published some stories to give a complete view on living with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SBH). Newspapers and radio and television stations also published some stories about this project.

Results: In 10 days, Mario drove 300 km. More than 300 people took part in this project by giving him a place to sleep, encouraging him along the way, and together taking part in the events during this journey. The association raised a total of 26.000 euros, which is beyond expectation; In 2022 Side to Side will continue in 3 different ways;

Conclusion: This project allowed the association to raise awareness about Spina Bifida, both by citing themes that are taken from life and by focus on prevention. For this the media was used to reinforce awareness. The book covering this journey also supports this. Also other positive developments showed that Side to Side was a success including an increase in the number of members, and inspired young people.

The association will publish inspiring stories from people with SBH; The association will publish a book about this trip and Mario’s life with SBH; The youngsters of the association will organize a Side to Side trip as well.

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