EcMR for Retina Specialists Retina EcMR: Electronic connected Medical Records for Retina Specialists
EcMR for Retina Specialists Requirements and Solutions for Retina EcMR 1. Connectivity to all relevant equipment (OCTs etc.) 2. Interface to existing image systems (e.g. VisuPac, Eyeroute, Eye Explorer etc.) 3. Fundus Drawing with easy to use symbols 4. Meaningful (structured) data for easy review of findings, assessments etc. 5. Outcome analysis (e.g. therapy benefit management for AMD and DR treatments) 6. Automated reports (print or mail with extracted information and images)
EcMR for Retina Specialists ifa EcMR Solutions for Retina Specialists
Comprehensive visual documentation with symbols and free hand drawing
EcMR for Retina Specialists
Easy to use “scratchpad scribbles“ together with the chart review
EcMR for Retina Specialists
All relevant OCT systems are integrated (connected): HE, Optovue, Topcon, Zeiss etc.
EcMR for Retina Specialists
All relevant exam information can be displayed within the dedicated patient context (all in one)
EcMR for Retina Specialists
Based on close cooperation with the international vendors all leading image systems are connected
EcMR for Retina Specialists
“Meaningful data� allow also the visualization of trends for quick review of established data
EcMR for Retina Specialists
The structured data is also the source for automated reports with customized standard text.
EcMR for Retina Specialists
Interfaces to professional patient education software (sample: Eyemaginations) support patients compliance
EcMR for Retina Specialists
“Meaningful data� support better outcome and improved disease management
EcMR for Retina Specialists
The EcMR (Electronic connected medical Record) is based on a integrated data flow (project sample)
EcMR for Retina Specialists Extract from the Connectivity Compendium for Retina Specialists OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) • • • • • • • •
Heidelberg Spectralis HRA+OCT Heidelberg SL-OCT OTI Spectral OCT/SLO Optovue RTVue-100 Topcon 3D OCT-1000 Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT Zeiss Stratus OCT Zeiss Visante OCT
EcMR for Retina Specialists Extract from the Connectivity Compendium for Retina Specialists Image Systems/-Software • • • •
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Canon CF-1 Canon Fundus Camera CCS Pawlowski analySIS CCS Pawlowski WinStation Eyetec EyeSputnik Haag-Streit SDO Heidelberg Eye Explorer Heidelberg Retina Tomograph Heidelberg Retina Flowmeter
• • • • • • • • • •
Heidelberg Retina Angiograph Heidelberg SL-OCT IMEDOS VisualiS Kowa Fundus Camera Kowa FM-600 LDT TopSS XL 2020 LDT TopSS ICG LDT Angioscan LDT GDx/GDx Access/Access VCC Kowa VK-2
EcMR for Retina Specialists Extract from the Connectivity Compendium for Retina Specialists Image Systems/-Software • • • • • • • • • •
Nidek F-10 Digital Ophthalmoscope Nidek AFC-210/AFC-230 Nidek NM-200 D Oculus ImageCam OIS Winstation Optos optomap Talia RTA Topcon TRC NW-6/NW7/NW-8/NW-200 Topcon TRC-50DX Topcon IMAGEnet 2000
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Topcon IMAGEnet i-base Topcon IMAGELink Topcon Non Mydriatic Fundus Camera Topcon TopConnect Topcon EyeRoute Zeiss Visupac light Zeiss Visupac Zeiss GDx Zeiss FF 450+ Zeiss Visucam pro NM
EcMR for Retina Specialists
The ifa Retina EcMR provides all relevant objects for retinal diseases (AMD, DR etc.) such as terminology, codes, templates etc. and can be easily customized for the individual clinical pathways.