IFATCA The Controller - April/June 1970

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In this Issuel Digital ATC Simulators Controller in Future ATC System IFALPA's View on ATS

lATA Policy on ATS Corson Committee Report ,

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Pity the Air Traffic Controller when they come in like this An exaggerated picture perhaps but not for long. Air Traffic is increasing so fast that the controller's job needs an entirely new appraisal. And one of the things

Digital techniques readily permit mod ifications to accommodate changes in a

we've got to look at is the method of

graphical data. Raw radar or fully

training controllers. Is it adequate to meet the demands of the Seventies?

T h e fl e x i b i l i t y o f t h e F e r r a n t i R a d a r Simulator provides the answer窶馬ow and for the future. It gives the trainee con t r o l l e r p r a c t i c e i n A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l under conditions so realistic that when

he takes over control of real aircraft he'll

n o t o n l y b e f u l l y t r a i n e d b u t c o n fi

wide range of parameters, including aircraft type and speed, radar and geo synthetic output can he provided to drive any type of display. The system can

therefore simulate new aircraft and

procedural techniques not even envis aged at this stage.

Ferranti have the capability and ex

perience to design and develop a system

to suit any individual requirements. If you have an ATC training or evaluation problem talk to Ferranti.

dent too.

FERE^ANTI ATC training systems Ferranti



Digital Systems Department, Bracknell, Berkshire, England. RGl-dlKA








THE CONTROLLER Frankfurt am Main, April/June 1970

Volume 9 • No. 2

P u b l i s h e r : I n t e r n a t i o n a l F e d e r a t i o n o f A i r T r a f fi c C o n -

trcllers' Associations, S. C. II; 6 Frankfurt am Main N.O. 14, Bornheimer Landwehr 57a. Officers of IFATCA: M. Cerf, President; J. R. Campbell, First Vice President; G. Atterholm, Second Vice Presi

dent; G. W. Monk, Executive Secretory; H. Guddat, Honorary Secretary; B. Ruthy, Treasurer; W. H. Endlich. Editor, Editor: Walter H. Endlich, 3, rue Roosendael,

Bruxelles-Forest, Belgique Telephone: 456248

Publishing Company, Production and Advertising Sales Office; Verlag W. Kramer & Co., 6 Frankfurt am Main N014, Bornheimer Landwehr 57a, Phone 434325,492169,

Frankfurter Bank, No. 3-03333-9. Rote Card Nr. 2. Printed by; W.Kramer&Co., 6 Frankfurt am Main NO 14, Bornheimer Landwehr 57a.

Subscription Rate: DM 8,— per annum (in Germany).

Contributors ore expressing their personal points of view

and opinions, which must not necessarily coincide with t h o s e o f t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l F e d e r a t i o n o f A i r T r a f fi c

Controllers* Associations (IFATCA). IFATCA does not assume responsibility for statements made and opinions expressed, it does only accept re sponsibility for publishing these contributions. Contributions ore welcome as are comments and criti

cism. No payment can be made for manuscripts submitted for publication in "The Controller*. The Editor reserves

the right to make any editorial changes in manuscripts, which he believes will improve the material without altering the intended meaning.







R. N. Harrison

The Air Traffic Controller in the Future Air Traffic System .... 5 G. Atterholm










Written permission by the Editor is necessary for re

The Development of IFALPA's Views on Air Traffic Services . . 8 Captain W. Masland

printing any part of this Journal.




lATA Policy on the Future Development of ATS D r. K . E . K a r w a r t h

ATC Training Simulator for the German Air Traffic Control School, Munich W. S c h m i d t

Corson Committee Report Advertisers in this Issue: ELLIOTT Space and Weapon Automation Limited (Back Cover); Ferranti Limited (In side cover); Selenio S.p.A. (Inside back cover). Picture Credit: IFATCA 70 (24); Ferranti Limited (4); Friedrich Krupp (25); AEG Telefunken (16, 17, 18).

Clear Air Turbulence Information for Pilots and Controllers

Passenger Containers to expedite Aircraft Ground Handling Corporation Members I FAT C A A d d r e s s e s


The Schiphol ATC Simulator By R. N. Harrison*

In August this year installation work is due to begin on the Ferranti digital ATC simulator for the Netherlands Department of Civil Aviation at Schiphol Airport, Amster dam. When the 1970 peak summer traffic is over, the simu lator will go into full operation for training, and later for evaluation studies in respect of new operational proce dures. Plans for the first four years of operation cover the

The blip driver's keyboard accommodates four different groups of keys. These are: Aircraft identity. Alphabetical and numerical. Function, Executive.

The simulator has a playing area of 240 nm by 240 nm

During the course of an exercise each aircraft identity key may be allocated to a succession of aircraft. To allow for easy change of identification, the association between

to cover the Amsterdam FIR, it includes two primary and two secondary radars, and can handle up to thirty aircraft

shown by means of a magnetic plaque located alongside

training of twenty five approach controllers and seventy fi v e a r e a c o n t r o l l e r s .

tracks simultaneously. Additional aircraft are held on punched paper tape awaiting entry into the system at the appropriate time.

Provision is made in the computer system for the auto matic preparation of flight progress strips. The strips are printed on page printers with guillotine attachments similar to those already in use at Schiphol as part of the SATCO system. Separate printers are provided for blue and yellow

the aircraft key and the callsign at any particular time is

the key. Initial association is done by the computer which lights up an aircraft identity key at the time an aircraft is due to enter the exercise. When the illuminated key is de

pressed details of the aircraft — including its callsign ■—

are shown in the aircraft data section of the EDD. The

magnetic plaque bearing the aircraft callsign can then be positioned alongside the key. Procedure for association is similar when an aircraft is handed over to another ACP, and there is also provision

strips. The information for the flight progress strips is de rived from the flight plan data fed to the computer. Pre

for a blip driver to take control of an aircraft when its start

paration of the strips takes place before the start of the

time in the exercise has not been specified.

simulation exercise.

During the exercise aircraft are controlled from four Aircraft Control Positions, each capable of handling up to

fifteen aircraft. These ACPs, also known as blip drivers' consoles, are equipped with a keyboard, electronic data display, and simulated RT facilities. The FDD has a rect

angular face tube approximately 30 cm by 23 cm capable of displaying alpha-numeric characters and symbols. The information displayed on it falls into six categories:

The simulator allows the blip driver a choice of almost seventy messages in respect of any one of the aircraft he is handling. Some of these are instructions, some are re

quests for information, but wherever appropriate they

equate to words spoken by the controller. The sequence

followed by the blip driver is to depress the aircraft identity

key followed by the function key and such alpha-numeric keys as are required. The message appears in the input message section of his EDD, and if he is satisfied with the content (i. e. he has made no mistake) he does one of two

Aircraft Data,


Computer Message, Amendment, Input Message, Answer Message,

a) In the case of an instruction he acknowledges (or reads

Exercise Time.

back) the message to the controller then presses the execute key.

b) He presses the execute key immediately, then reads back the answer from the answer message section of the EDD.

The different categories of information each have their own place on the display. Aircraft data is written in the

Checking of messages is not confined to the "pilot", and the

upper left-hand quarter and computer messages in the

validity check by the computer may cover as many as nine

upper right-hand quarter. The other sections are arranged to run horizontally across the screen, one above the other

items in respect of a single message.

in the lower half.

Except for new information in the computer message

section or an outstanding answer message, all data shown on the EDD relates to the aircraft selected by means of an

aircraft key on the keyboard. This means that effectively each pilot is dealing with only one aircraft at a time, and does not have to retain in his memory and information about the other aircraft allocated to him. He can rely on the computer to cue him when positional or other infor mation is to be passed to the controller. Ferranti Limited, Bracknell, England.


Such validity checks are additional to the sequence of events set in train by the initiation of an instruction The processes are not dissimilar, but instead of seeking reasons for not carrying it out the computer now concerns itself with assembling precise data on each aspect of the manoeuvre The data may be in terms of the performance characte ristics of the airrcaft type or the path to be followed for a

standard instrument departure, and by its completeness it makes possible a degree of realism not previously attain able.

More than one ACP can be associated with a single RT

channel if the format of the exercise requires it, and in this case the computer automatically allocates aircraft between

blip drivers on the same frequency in order to keep their workload in balance. Normally, however, each ACP has its own frequency, and in an exercise with four sectors on aircraft may be handled by four blip drivers in turn. Alter

natively each blip driver position can be used for a sepa

data from the manually-punched tapes, and to query any points which fall outside the basic parameters laid down. An ILS glidepath of 5° would be challenged because the outside limits laid down ore 1° to 4°.

Following the satisfactory production of the manually-

rate exercise associated with a particular radar display.

punched tapes, the computer produces a series of binary

The only proviso in the case of Schiphol is that, as there are two area radar displays and two approach radar displays,

tapes to correspond to them. The correspondence is not exact because there is significant re-arrangement of infor

the allocation of exercises must be such that two are with

mation. The binary tapes are physically very much shorter

an approach radar and two with on area radar. Provision is made for keeping the video channels completely separate

than the non-binary tapes, and for convenience they are spliced to form a single entry, excluding wind and flight

for each exercise so that no controller sees aircraft from

be frozen independantly without stopping or affecting the

plan information. One reason for keeping the flight plan tapes separate is the need to add more aircraft during the course of an


exercise as the earlier flights terminate or leave the FIR.

For both area and approach radars the simulator pro vides co-located SSR facilities with passive SSR decoding

at each controller position. Combinations of slashes and

Each flight is fully programmed from start to finish in terms of track and flight level, but it is worth noting at this point that differentiation between controlled and pre-program

bloomers are used to indicate coincidence of mode, co

med tracks is a distinction without a difference. A track

incidence of mode and code, SPI, and occupation of a

does not have an existence until it is included in the ex

specified altitude layer. Different spacings of slashes for area and approach radars compensate for the differences

ercise program, but once it is in the program it can be con

in operating range.

another exercise. Furthermore, one or more exercises can

trolled quite freely without reference to the flightpath pre

possible, even when four exercises are in progress simul

viously assigned to it. In practice a balance is struck where by the degree of control is limited to such changes as the controller finds necessary. Provision is made for a reversion to flight plan as soon as the need for a deviation from it has passed. While the preparation of on exercise requires a great

taneously, to provide identification in the form of a fix as

deal of work, much of this is of once-only nature. Either the

far as area radar is concerned, and an indication of bear

same ment of on each

CRDF facilities are also available with simultaneous strobes from each of two DF stations on each of the Area

video channels, and single strobes from a common DF

station on each of the Approach video channels. It is thus

ing in respect of the approach radar. Considerable use of integrated circuits for the computer logic makes it possible to accommodate the complete simu lator in a four-boy rack. (This does not, of course, include radar display backup.) Allocation of equipment to the four

exercise can be re-used as it stands, or the environ portion used with different flight plans. The re-use exercise in no way affects the training value because student controller has to make his own decisions, and

any of these decisions can affect the overall situation. When an exercise is to be re-run, it is necessary only to

bays is as follows:

feed the binary tapes into the computer. Where a new ex

Bay 1 Equipment power supplies.

ercise is being designed which has similarities with an ex isting exercise it is possible to use the editing facilities available with the equipment to transfer such data as is re

Bay 2 Central processor, computer interrupt equipment, core store.

Bay 3 Primary and secondary echo generation; DF strobes.

Boy 4 Peripheral control for ACPs; control and drive units for EDDs.

The computer itself is a Ferranti FM1600B, only seven inches high and less than the widht of a bay wide. It uses 6-layer printed circuit panels plugging into a 12-layer print ed circuit backboard. The computer memory consists of a 24 K core store built up in 4 K modules. No disc or drum backing store is required.

quired from an existing non-binary tape, stopping when required to insert the proposed changes. The sequence here is the same as the original in that the first product is a nonbinary tape which is read and checked by the computer.

The computer then produces a corresponding binary tape. When the simulator is delivered to Schiphol, prepared tapes for a number of exercises will go with it. Other tapes supplied will include test programs and diagnostic pro

grams. Among the advantages of the FM1600B computer is the fact that the real time supervisor program allows the periodic operation of short, fault detection routines time-

The use of this sort of simulator does not require the

shared with the main programs. If a fault is detected, an

establishment of a specialist staff of programmers. Data for an exercise is specified on pre-exercise forms. For the

organisational subroutine is introduced to indicate the ex istence of the fault to the people concerned.

Schiphol simulator there are twelve of these — eleven for

The level of reliability envisaged is a high one based

fixed data and one for flight plans. The fixed-data forms cover such things as primary and secondary radar perform ance, the number of reporting points together with the way they are defined and used, ILS data, aircraft characteristics.

on an estimated meantime between failures of 550 hours.

Wind velocities are treated as fixed data but are associ

ated with flight plan information as far as computer entry is concerned.

When the forms have been completed they are trans cribed on to a punched tape using a teletypewriter and then fed into the computer. In the pre-exercise mode, the function of the computer program is to check and process

This figure incidentally is similar to those achieved by several comparable installations which have been in ser vice over a number of years. Two of the photographs included with this article are of a scale model of the Schiphol simulator, and show in some detail the layout envisaged. Installation will be ad jacent to the operational air traffic control room, and the

second storey within the accommodation allotted provides a balcony from which it will be possible to watch the simu lator in operation.

Keyboard for Schiphol aircraft- control position. Alphonumerlcs ore to a stan dard typewriter layout with aircraft

identity keys above and function keys b e l o w.

Aircraft control position for Schiphol simulotor showing blip drivers' display and keyboard.

Scale model of the Schiphol simulator showing radar operating positions. The backs of the four blip drivers' positions ore in the upper part of the picture.

T h e A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l i e r

in the Future Air Traffic System By Gunnar Atterholm*

Paper to the International Symposium on ATQ Stockholm, 1969 Talking about the air traffic controller's role in the

future is certainly an invitation to speculation and con jectures. Our profession is only a little more than twenty years old and has not so for been defined in a satisfactory way with respect to what we call the human and environ mental factors. Incidentally, we are now assisting the

International Labour Office in a study of the controller's working conditions from which we expect a great deal. There are, indeed, many unknown factors still to be describ ed before we can get a clear picture of our profession of to-day. Then, what about our profession of to-morrow?

Let me say at once that there is no IFATCA policy in this field so far. One certain topic for discussion is the subjection of automation in the domain of aircraft opera

not exercise the fine points of judgement and discretion required in exceptional contingencies, they must be regard ed as auxiliary to but no substitute for the human operator. We feel therefore that there is a definite need for the man behind the microphone in the foreseeable-

future — and so do the pilots, judging from these extracts from a paper given at the BALPA 1968 Symposium (Paper 1 "The Pilot Requirement in Automation and Simulation" — British Airline Pilots' Association Symposium 1968 on Auto mation, Simulation and Data Handling in Civil Aviation): "17. Automatic data handling and processing in ATC leads on to the more fundamental question: is automatic conflict resolution possible or des irable? What decision functions should be dele

gated to the machine? 18. It would be foolish of a pilot to try to give

tions and air traffic control. You will note that no distinc

an answer where it is the controller's view that

tion is drawn between the pilot's and the controller's func tions since, in this context, both are operational rather than

is of prime importance. It does seem, however, that similar reasoning would apply in the con

commercial or managerial.

trol room to that which is applicable in the cock

It is worth mentioning, in passing, that this is only one example of the very close professional affinity between pilots and controllers — others are talking and understand ing the "language of the air", holding licences to operate, passing medical examinations working inconvenient hours, conforming with notional and international regulations, and operating under procedures which ore very much in

pit: since the human controller con not be ex

fluenced by economics, politics, weather and public opi

to aircraft — is of most dubious merit.

cluded, the system design should be such as to make optimum use of his capabilities. In general terms, it would appear that conflict warning is highly desirable, conflict resolution advice is of possible advantage and conflict resolution action — through automatic transmission of instructions

nion. Moreover many controllers are ex-pilots and exnavigators, and many get airborne just to keep abreast of current flight techniques — the most worth while extra-

to hear repeated is the suggestion that compre

professional activity that a controller can undertake to keep in the picture from the pilot's viewpoint. To listen for once from the top of a holding stack instead of passing

tion be transmitted to the aircraft and displayed in the cockpit. The practical use to which a more

instructions to aircraft in it produces a much more realistic approach by the controller in his normal task. It is to be

hoped therefore that greater facilities may be given to controllers in the future so that they may continue this excellent practice, so that their knowledge of flight charac

teristics and type handling of any aircraft is not entirely derived from aeronautical publications. It is therefore endeavoured to include the pilot's points of view, where these relate to areas of common interest, as well as those of the controllers.

Judging by the marvellous technological achievements

19. One thing that I suspect no pilot will wish h e n s i v e d a t a o n t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a l t r a f fi c s i t u a

limited concept, such as an airborne collision

avoidance device or even proximity warning indi cator might be put, must receive the most careful

examination — assuming that this is indeed a technical possibility even in the en-route phase. In the terminal area the problem is of a wholly different order, and I remain to be convinced that

any possible use the pilot might make of infor mation of the traffic in his near vicinity would not

be balanced by a rapid increase in the incidence of self-generated near-misses and of stomach ulcers. The most alarming suggestion that I have

which affect everyday life in 1969, one might be tempted to

heard is that pilots, on the basis of a cockpit dis

think that the era of full automation was close at hand.

play of the ATC situation, would take over the collision avoidance function entirely. This would be like trying to play a game of snooker from

However, although this assumption may well be valid as regards aviation in general, in our eyes it is not valid in

the field of aircraft operations and air traffic control. Since electronic brains are incapable of doing more than they have been programmed to do by human brains and can2nd Vice President, IFATCA.

inside one of the balls!"

It would be unrealistic to venture into the realms of

prediction and speculation without briefly reviewing tech nological development as it has affected the day-to-day task of the controller and, in particular, the fundamental 5

relationship between the controller and the equipment he

and equipment as flexible as possible — in other words,

u s e s .

the only prudent way of making progress is to evolve. The

It is clear that in more leisurely professions the direct

relationship between the worker and his tools, having developed over the span of centuries, has resulted in the evolution of almost perfect equipment for a particular job. As time passed, and events demanded quicker progress, new methods hove been found to replace the old and we have been precipitated into the age of the specialist. We can no longer afford the time for the discovery of the best tools and methods by the former leisurely process; instead we have developed a sub-species of homo sapiens (viz. consultants, advisers, designers, planners and experts) who are all convinced that they, by their greater gift and des

pite their lack of practical knowledge, know what is good for their fellow men. Anyone who has endured the dis comfort of contemporary design in the home or who has

been subjected to modern advertising techniques will ap preciate the truth of this. Unfortunately, there exists a similar trait in those who hove, so far, influenced the pro gress made in the design of equipment for air traffic con trol, particularly so in the case of radar.

question then is how to evolve?

We consider that one fundamental key lies in the crea

tion of the basic concept. All change presents a challenge to human ingenuity — a problem exists and a solution must be found. In many cases it is possible to work within set

parameters where all the variables are known, e. g. in the design of machine tools. However, in the field of air traf

fic control, the variables are so numerous and so unpredict

able that at present almost all reliance must be placed upon human capability, on the ground and in the air, to impro vise according to the changing situation.

We therefore consider that it is futile for the consultant o r t h e d e s i g n e r, w i t h o u t p r a c t i c a l e x p e r i e n c e to try to relate his task to particular problems in isolation from the circumstances which surround those problems. For example, if without practical experience someone wanted to simplify identification of aircraft on radar, he would probably start from a static situation — say a photograph of an actual situation on radar scope. It is at this very point

that the paths of the theorist and the practical controller

The radar scientists discovered that the electron beam

start to diverge, because the theorist, lacking the basic

was, in effect, idle since it was active for only approxi mately one two-thousandth of its working time. Great effort and expense was therefore directed to find some suitable job that it could perform in its redundant time —

practical experience and "know-how" of the controller,

the results were quite impressive. It was found possible to

It must be borne in mind that no problem in air traffic control exists on its own — there is the situation which led

superimpose cathode ray D/F traces, to strobe numbers, symbols, maps, vectors, gridlines and so on. Unfortunately,

no one hod bothered to ask controllers if they wanted any of these devices — and when they said that they did not relish the cluttering-up of radar pictures which prevent

them from seeing the aircraft, much chagrin and dis appointment was felt by the scientific "do-gooder".

Nevertheless, the specialist is not easily deterred by such minor considerations as the customer's actual requirement,

and dismisses them by saying that the controllers need more educating to make them realize just what they do want. So, while one was deciding what controllers wanted on their radar-scopes, another expert was designing a con sole in which to put all this electronic wizardry: he design ed fixed-coi! displays and moving-coil displays; into some

he put blowers so noisy that R/T reception was difficult; into others he failed to provide places to write, lay a pen cil, instal R/T or telephones; into some he provided a trans lucent desc, ingeniously lit from underneath, which became

sufficiently hot to melt wax pencils so that clothing would

would be tackling the task in a narrow analytical approach and his solution, soundly based in theory, might turn out to be useless in practice.

up to the problem, the problem itself and its solution. To controllers every minute of every day has a problem which

is interrelated with other problems; thus over a period, as

experience is gained, has evolved "the art of controlling"

— something that cannot be learned by reading or attend ing courses but which is rather the fruit of continual hard experience.

As this point we begin to look into the future. While we do not have all the answer, we definitely have a contribu tion to make towards the solution of the future problems We have established close contact in technical matters with other international associations and have a close relationship with our corporate members in matters affect ing the future of ATC equipment. In this we consider that we are making a positive contribution towards increased air safety. The very fact that we do provide a common link between various ATC authorities — national and inter national — is sufficient proof of that claim. It is from the sum total of all this that we seek to highlight an importanf

become contaminated — the remedy for this was to pro vide a cold draught from low-mounted blowers which in

aspect of ATC at this Symposium — the relationship be tween the human element and the system, and its applica

duced a form of rheumatism of the knee because of the

tion in the future.

draught. All this carping serves to indicate how large the technological gap may be between the designer's concept and the user's real operational requirement.

This situation is improving these days, albeit gradually, but we must ensure that it progresses at a much faster rate.

Many organizations are now aware of the pitfalls and

have brought in controllers to advise in the early design state, but even so, the resultant product still too often falls short of the actual requirement. Possibly the delay between the drawing-board and installation is so great that chang ing circumstances outstrip the development because the basic requirement has changed. This everchanging environ ment is the dominating feature of the world of aviation, and because of its presence it is essential to keep systems 6

We have tried to show that where a satisfactory rela tionship exists, so does efficiency and contentment. We

have indicated some instances where electronic develop

ments have proved abortive because the manufacturers considered that they had fully understood the problem but had overlooked associated environmental problems We have once again pointed out that it is only the art of the

controller which gets us by today and will get us by in the

future. If this is so, what can be done to improve the capa bilities of the controller?

We must first determine a correct assessment of human capability. From time to time, in discussions with manufac turers and experts, we have been horrified to see the divergence of views on the limitations of individual con-

trollers for specific tasks, caused not doubt by their lack of practical air traffic control experience. Some see the answer to ATC problems in large radars with enormous coverage, presenting the overall picture in plan in the

Having achieved this, it should then be possible for the controller to get down to his more important tasks — to separate aircraft from each other and to promote and maintain a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic.

philosophy of "all you see you control, all you control you

To do this in the busy terminals of the world, he will have

see". Others believe in the complete reduction of the pro

to be rate-aided because he will not otherwise be capable of coping with the intensity of traffic. The corollary to this is that aircraft operating into these busy terminals must be fitted to an appropriate scale for that operation — but on

blem by automation to small programmed steps which fol low in a logical order, like clockwork. But indeed, raindrops

do not fall in a timed sequence, the passage of a line squall cannot accurately be timed, the failure of a compo

the other hand, when operated in less intense traffic areas

nent cannot be predicted within a microsecound. We sub

must be able to manage with very much less sophisticated

mit that the true answer lies somewhere between these ex

ground-based ATC equipment.


The role of the controller in the future is definitely tend ing to become that of a monitor who will intervene only

Firstly it must be realized that the environment must be so organized that controllers and pilots are working to common data in a common frame of reference. This im

plies that there must be a true area coverage navigation system with air/ground data links so that position informa tion is common in the air and on the ground.

Secondly time must be automatically linked between air

and ground.

Thirdly communications must be automatically linked

when needed. He is more than in the past, surrounded by a highly complicated set of technical aids where pressing the button and rolling the ball will be much more frequent acti vities than writing with the pen. His relations with engineers and technicians will become still closer and after this Sym posium, it should be clear that whosoever can formulate a reasonable specification of on ATC device to the industry,

will have a qualified and interesting response.

so that as much as possible of routine communications are removed from the executive mode (i. e. R/T).

In this alliance of technique and air traffic control, we, the controllers, will certainly be satisfied as long as we are

Fourthly passage of essential information (i. e. MET info, RVR, serviceability state of aids etc.) must be provided

given the freedom to express our wishes and see ourselves recognized as an indispensable element in the air traffic control process.

by means of automatic data link.

New Lodge of the U.K. Guild formed At a Ceremony and inaugural Dinner held near Leeds on March 23rd, the Master of the Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers, W. E. J. Groves B. Sc., presented a Warrant of Constitution to inaugurate the Guild's newest Lodge, Northeastern Lodge, to its first Master, G. P. Seller, the Airport Director of Leeds/Bradford Airport. Mr. Groves, in his welcoming speech to the new Lodge, emphasised the value to the Guild and the ATC profession

of the formation of the NE Lodge, particularly in relation to the wealth of experience among its members and their keeness to form the Lodge in an area of such varied and

intense ATC activity — experience which can be drawn from both civil and military ATC sources in the region.

The NE Lodge Master, Mr. Seller, in reply urged the pro fession to endeavour to keep pace with developments in the air and on the ground and promised that the NE Lodge of the Guild would vigourously pursue the professional aims and objects of the Guild.

Nearly 30 members, drawn from a variety of ATC units, from RAF, Municipal and other civil aviation sources throughout Yorkshire and the NE were in attendance. It is of interest that the new Lodge is the first to have appointed its own Chaplain and the Rev. Smith is the first to join the Guild. IFATCA and THE CONTROLLER congratulate The Guild and wish the Northeast Lodge all the best.

Northeast Lodge Officers Master:








Dep. Master: Sqn. Ldr. H. Dixon (RAF Scampton) Chaplain to NE Lodge: The Rev. G. Smith. Clerk of the Lodge: G. A. Wigglesworth 7

The Development of I FALPA's Views on Air Traffic Services with Special Reference to what we have learned from the North Atlantic Airways By Captain W. Masland*

Paper to the International Symposium on ATQ Stockholm, 1969 There was o time when people said "the sky's the limit" whenever they wished to give the idea that there was no limit at all. Unhappily for us those days have gone. To our great sorrow we have proven that some parts of the sky at least do hove a very finite limit. This limit has been test ed and is real. Our present methods and technology pre sently applied can not exceed it, or even put a dent into it. We shall have to be both thriftier and more intelligent in our use of this lost frontier, the sky. The airways of the North Atlantic provide a testing area that has value both for witnessing what is, and also for what might be. This is one of the world's most heavily tra velled airways and also one of major international signi ficance. It is, or it should be relatively simple, being in large part simply east and west bound flow. A review of this

ocean has the additional advantage that North Atlantic's airways have already been subject to considerable obser vation and analysis. The "major area" of the North Atlantic contains some

two million cubic miles of air space that is navigable by jet aircraft. This seems like an almost unlimited sky, but when more than some 25 aircraft an hour seek admission

we say, "No room! There is no room!" Why in so vast a space are we so limited?

The reasons are varied. The first and most obvious of these is that each aircraft has demanded for its own pro

tection a surrounding air space that at minimum is some 5,000 cubic miles extent. The dimensions of this slab of

reserved air space are presently 120 miles by about 120 miles by 1/3 of a mile, in general dimension of the same proportions as those of a seven page typewritten letter. Numbers in the thousands, even millions of cubic miles of air space are numbers too vast readily to be comprehend ed. It has been suggested that we scale down the entire North Atlantic and its jet population to something more easily grasped so as to visualize the problem. Suppose we scale our aircraft down in size to sea gulls, standard, con temporary Swedish sea gulls.

In cruise configuration a standard model sea gull has a wing span just about exactly one one-hundred and twentieth that of a contemporary jet. Very well, give the

and if spaced a minimum of 15 minutes behind the sea gull ahead of him he will be six miles behind. So in terms of

horizontal space he is taking up one times six, or exactly six square miles of area. To be consistent with North Atlan

tic practice we can use, as do the jets, five flight levels. Therefore in our six square miles we can accomodate five

sea gulls when using North Atlantic standards. This comes

to 5/6ths of a sea gull per square mile. If now we consider

the city of Stockholm as covering 72 square miles of area

we could expect the Stockholm Air Traffic Control Center

to clear a maximum of 60 sea gulls for flight over the city, using North Atlantic separation standards. Obviously there is something wrong here. I've seen more sea gulls than that happily circling one fishing vessel

returning to port and without ever brushing a wing tip, or

even filing a near-miss report.

Recognizing that something is wrong, that the sea gulls of Stockholm are smarter than the jets of the North Atlan tic, the System Planning Group for the North Atlantic set about finding the reason. The SPG was created by ICAO in 1965. The six member States have invited three internatio nal organizations to assist in its deliberations. The second

and third meetings of the Group devised a massive data

collection exercise that ran from July of 1967 to the end of April 1968. Most valuable were the more than 14,000 obser

vations of aircraft by surface radars located at two points on the edges of the Atlantic and on surface vessels station

ed in five different parts of the ocean. Much of the data were collected automatically and stored on tape. The Unit ed States obtained the ship-born data, Canada and the" United Kingdom collected the shore-based data, and the

Royal Aeronautical Establishment collated this' massive accumulation.

The Group at its fourth meeting reviewed the data and after two weeks of discussion and deliberation reported"As regards the question of the lateral separation standards to be applied in the NAT Region in actual operations, the findings recorded in

this summary appear to indicate that, based on

the mathematical/statistical method used by the

Group, the appcil ato i n of 90 NM a l teral separa^ tion would be feasible to certain types of traffic and in certain parts of the Region, however that it could not as yet be considered as being "safe"

sea gull one one-hundred and twentieth the lateral spacing

for general application throughout the Region

of a jet. Give it one mile from the sea gull flying on the track next to it. A well-fueled sea gull cruises at Mach .04

statistical sense, the standard of 120 NM was

It was however noted that, in the mathematical/ largely meeting the "safety" requirements used


Vice President North Atlantic, international Federation

in the mathematical method upon which the work

of Airline Pilots Associations.

of the Group was based."

And that for the moment would appear to be that, with

the jets retaining their 120 miles of lateral separation, and a lesser separation only for the birds. It should be noted that the statistical findings of the Royal Aeronautical Est. confirmed with remarkable accuracy the data collected by IFALPA in 1965 and 1966, data which had formed the basis for IFALPA's reluctance to accept a 90 mile standard for lateral separation. The reasons that make a closer separa tion presently impossible are another matter, and will be discussed later. The longitudinal spacing of aircraft in the NAT Region

is variously 30, 20 or 15 minutes. Earlier studies by Canada added to those obtained during the data collection ex ercise of the SPG were believed to be too limited for the

It will be noted that this statement of the SPG regard ing its rejection of 1,000 feet separation applies only to the North Atlantic Region. Analysis of the rather complex mathematical formula that they have used will show the reason that the SPG has been meticulous in limiting its conclusions to the NAT Region. The reason is quite simple. If you lose vertical separation over the North Atlantic

there is, even so, very little chance of hitting anyone, be cause over this ocean there is small chance that any one

would be directly beneath you in a position to be hit. The actual figures used for calculating NAT collision risk are approximately as follows: The chance of losing one thousand feet of vertical separation was calculated to be one in five thousand. The chance that an occupant of the

SPG to come up with definitve answers. The SPG mathe maticians felt that it would require three times as much data

track below would be spaced longitudinally just beneath

as had already been collected for them to make conclu

chance that the aircraft underneath would actually be on

sions that would have validity, and that it would take three

his assigned track to within a wing span was calculated as one chance in eight hundred. The total risk, without taking into account rate of risk, is the product of the three risks

years to collect this mass of data, by which time the data itself could well be obsolete. The SPG therefore declined

you they calculated as one chance in three thousand. The

the taking of any action in this area. Vertical separation of aircraft flying in the thinner

noted above.

atmosphere above 29,000 feet has been at 2,000 feet over

the Atlantic, as well as on most of the rest of the world's

an average 30 minutes (the figure used by the SPG), or if traffic is fed into the system at other than a random rate,

airways. Some States use 1,000 meters of separation, and

then the risk goes up. And if navigation in the lateral plane

others double the separation from the 1,000 feet common in the lower atmosphere at some level lower than 29,000 feet, the sooner to regain the degree of pressure separa tion for the upper atmosphere that has been the standard in the lower atmosphere. The SPG has devoted much of its time at two meetings to the possibility of cutting vertical separation from 2,000 feet to 1,000 feet in the upper levels. After analysing and

But if longitudinal separation falls below the figure of

improves over what it was over the Atlantic in 1967 and

1968, then once more the risk goes up. One of the members of the SPG who had been conducting a series of tests of navigational equipment believed that substituting inertial

navigation for good Doppler navigation would i n crease the risk of collision by a ratio of 10 to 3, a 330 percent increase. It was also pointed out that aircraft near-

reviewing the data that are presently available on the

ing the end of a ocean crossing and coming under the cover of more precise navigational aids would also, by reason of

accuracy of height keeping, the accuracy of the altimeters, the accuracy of the initial calibration of static ports, the

improved navigation, come under the risk of increased ex posure to collision.

accuracy of the static ports of service aircraft, and the size

If there is any validity in the laborious work of the System Planning Group for the North Atlantic it is simply this; any reduction in vertical separation over the Atlantic is presently impossible. Any reduction in vertical separa tion on the more densely populated domestic routes is out of the question. In fact the present 2,000 feet standard might well be reviewed, if safety is a consideration. A mix of two-way traffic is so very much more dangerous that its early elimination should be at the top of the list of things

of the flight technical error plus several other errors that do not fall into these categories: "The Group concluded that there was at the pre sent time insufficient evidence for showing that a 1000-feet vertical separation standard would be

safe for the present track system over the North Atlantic."

In order fully to appreciate the strength of the statement just quoted from the final report of the 5th meeting of the Group (that of December 1968) one should read with care the entire report, as well as a half-dozen of the working papers that had been prepared in advance and for its use. In the first place this statement refers only to samedirection traffic. It is a peculiarity of the NAT Region with its present population of sub-sonic jets that west-bound traffic is mostly in the afternoon, east-bound traffic flies mostly late at night. There is very little overlap, very little two-way traffic. The R.A.E. calculates that the overlap

amounts to but three percent, yet this three percent adds 42 percent to the risk of collision, they conclude. Two-way

to do.

And so we are right back where we started, at least over the North Atlantic, with 2,000 feet of vertical separa tion, 120 miles of lateral separation, and at least fifteen minutes of longitudinal separation, while the birds make mockery of our efforts to invade the unlimited sky that has for so long been their private preserve. To provide a measure of relief from this stalemate the

SPG has proposed a system of staggered tracks which offers a doubling of the capacity of the system, with what they estimate as little increase in risk over what presently exists. The staggered track system they propose accepts the present system with 120 miles of lateral separation and

traffic in a more normal mixture of flow would be even more dangerous. It is for this reason that the mathema

2,000 feet of vertical, but adds a second set of tracks spaced

ticians at the SPG restricted themselves to considering a reduction in vertical separation as applied to only one-way

be spaced between those at 120 miles of separation, and

traffic. But even with this major limitation the SPG could

not find that 1,000 feet separation could be considered safe for the North Atlantic Region.

equally between the first. This new set of tracks would then vertically dropped down 1,000 feet.

In practice this would mean that at any given flight level there would be no aircraft closer laterally than 120 miles. Also for any given track there would be no aircraft


closer than 2,000 feet above or below. The nearest aircraft laterally and vertically would be 60 miles off and 1,000 feet above or below. The major risk would come from a loss of

both lateral separation and vertical separation. This risk is estimated as minimal because quite different techniques and quite different instruments are used for navigating in

total observations. Even so, most of these errors took place under cover of the most southerly of the three radars, giv ing there a gross error rate of 1.58 percent of all observa tions. This is an area of poor Loran cover. The error rate at the two northerly vessels was a mere .11 percent. By con trast the rate of gross error by aircraft approaching the

the lateral and the vertical plane.

Irish coast was .82 percent, more than twice the rate at the

In furthering this proposal for a staggered system of tracks across the Atlantic the SPG recognized that a doubl

three mid-ocean radar observation sites, and close to eight

ing of capacity brought with it difficulties. The continental

to indicate that navigation deteriorates with time, a theory

areas on both sides of the Atlantic are presently incapable

that is supported by the observations at the vessel in the entrance to Davis Strait where the rate of gross errors for aircraft nearing the end of a passage across the ocean was a startling 5.25 percent, more than 13 times that recorded

of handling so great an increase of traffic. Nor are they presently equipped to effect the transition from continen tal system to the proposed Atlantic system. To handle this problem it is our proposal that an area cover navigational system with pictorial presentation in the cockpit should be employed. Area cover navigation gives an aircraft full navigational capability at any place within the area of cover. It is thrifty of air space, if a fine resolu tion type of aid is used. Also it does not require the siting of ground-based aids exactly on the airways, a present necessity. Both advantages are of especial worth in provid ing more continental airways and in making the transition from continental to ocean airways effective. New airways

could be added without shifting any ground aids. Also fewer ground aids would be needed. This is of special importance on the coast of the western Atlantic in the Newfoundland, Labrador area where the siting and servic

ing of ground aids is a problem of major significance. Returning to the data that were collected in the massive exercise that was sponsored by the SPG we can find more of value in addition to the finding that we can not present ly reduce lateral separation below 120 miles that we can

not reduce vertical separation and that we do not have enough data to reach conclusions on longitudinal separa tion. It should be noted that in setting up the data program

it was agreed among the members that the Royal Aero nautical Establishment would collate the data, and would also produce conclusions drawn from analysis of that data, but that others were free to draw conclusions of their own.

Following are some conclusions of our own. The surface radar used to measure navigational accu

racy of North Atlantic jets was despersed as follows; three vessels took up a north-south line at 35 degrees west near

mid-ocean and reaching for more than a thousand miles

north-south along this axis. Two additional vessels took position, one in the southeastern ocean near weather sta tion "Kilo" and the other in the mouth of Davis Sralt in the

northwestern ocean. On the ground a radar mounted on the cliffs of Ireland's west coast reached out some 270

miles to observe inbound aircraft. A second ground-based series of observations came from the standard radar at

Gander, some 50 miles in from the coast of Newfoundland.

Those of us who fly this ocean have not believed that Gan der radar reaches far enough into the oceanic area to pro

vide useful information. Data from the two vessels located to the southeast and to the northwest of the area produced rather small samplings. Accepting these reservations we find two points that are significant; navigation deteriorates near the end of a crossing; navigation is worse where Loran cover is the poorest.

times the rate at the two northerly vessels. This would seem

in mid-ocean.

It should be noted that 85 percent of the aircraft record

ed carried Doppler in one form or another, some 65 per cent with computer added to the Doppler. Yet the carriage of Doppler did not provide immunity against gross error. The RAE in submitting its report to the SPG tabulated the

39 operators or operations by excellence, as determined by their standard deviation as measured at Kilkee on the

Irish coast. It is true that the best operators carried Doppler

with computer. But it is also true that the operators at the very bottom of the list also carried Doppler with computer.

Those at the top of the list accounting for close to a third of all the flights were charged with no gross errors in midocean; all of their gross errors took place near the end of the crossing.

From these observations it seems reasonable to con clude that the mere carriage of Doppler is no talisman

against error. It must be used with skill. It must be skillfully maintained. And it must be up-dated at a more frequent rate than appears to have been the practice across the North Atlantic, where end-of-crossing errors of the size and the frequency detected could only take place where

the Doppler was permitted to run out its dead reckoning calculations uncorrected by the fixing of position.

IFALPA knows that dead reckoning devices such as

Doppler and inertial are excellent for holding to a track, "track crawling" as some call it, because they give an

instantaneous reading of just what is happening right now, and are not dependent upon rate for the forecasting of the present. These devices can also be remarkably accu rate. But IFALPA is convinced that for reliability they must be checked at frequent intervals by fixing of position, a fixing that has no need to fall back upon past history and the recording of a chain of sequences. However navigation is no longer the major concern along our more heavily travelled airways. Collision avoid ance is. And we do not believe that "self contained aids" are adequate to do this job. For staying clear of other traf fic some reference that is common to a I I traffic is essen tial. For this we recommend a ground based aid. We call

it a "station referenced aid" so as to include the possible use of satellites and automatic astro.

One final argument for use of a "station referenced

aid" is simply this. All designers of navigational systems agree that redundancy of equipment is essential for reli

ability. Redundancy by duplication or triplication of equip

These two observations are prompted by analysis of the various error rates in various parts of the ocean. In mid-

ment has advantages. Much greater advantage can be realized, however, by a redundancy that adds a system

ocean the three surface vessels observed the occurence of

totally unrelated to the other system, one that uses different inputs and that operates on different principles.

errors of 45 miles and more as forming .39 percent of the 10

Before leaving the North Atlantic there is one more

thought that comes directly from the data collection ex ercise, the question of blunders. Observations from one of

the surface vessel showed an unusually high number of navigational errors of the order of 60 miles, some four times what could hove been expected. One of these air craft not only showed a 60 mile error, but continued to

track with great precision at exactly 60 miles off the track that ATC believed he should have followed. To the mathe

maticians this may have seemed coincidence. But to those of us who use the airways it is indication of a blunder in the assignment of the track. How common such blunders are

we have no way of knowing. On one night three track blun ders were reported to me. In two of these cases the aircraft followed a track that was exactly 60 miles, or one degree

of latitude, off of the track that ATC believed they had been issued. In the third case two aircraft coming off the ocean at end of a crossing were cleared over the sam.e continental fix at the same time and altitude. It is of small

moment who mode these blunders; sufficient that they are being made. The sysem must be designed to be free of invitations to blunder. Our present system is not. In 1962 a mathematician who is widely respected, after reviewing the North Atlantic Region said that if there had never been an ATC System from the beginning of time till 1961 there would none the less never have been a collision.

This was, according to his calculations, because the space was so great and the navigation so poor. More recently at

a hearing held in Washington lost summer a spokesman for the association of air traffic controllers said "What we are operating is a luck systemi". These same views were

twice reflected in reports of the ICAO Panel on Vertical Separation. After carefully making calculations of the errors that exist in height-keeping and from this calculat ing the number of collisions that should hove occurred,

they found their figure high, and from this they deduced that many collisions that should have taken place did not because the navigation in the lateral plane was so poor. From all of this we can conclude that increased accu

racy of navigation along one axis may well add nothing but a greater risk of collision. We must increase the accu racy of navigation along all three axes. We must develop one-way airways. We must devise systems and procedures that are free from invitation to blunder.

And what has all this talk of navigation to do with the

Air Traffic System? Everything. A sound navigation system is the basis of a sound ATS system. It is IFALPA's conviction that our airways system must be strategic in concept, rather than tactical as at present and can be, if sound navigation is available in the cockpit. The tactical system of air traffic control has also been

described by a leader in the development of systems as the control of traffic by a series of ad hoc decisions". An aircraft arrives within the province of a controller and he is expected to do something with it. Can he move it towards its destination, towards some other place? or must he try to "hang it on a hook", until he can find the time or the space to do something with it. To some degree such a system was tolerable when aircraft had reserves of fuel

that provided spare hours, and when passengers expected little from a new and novel system of travel. Those times are gone. Jet fuel reserves give lots of extra miles, but not so many extra minutes. Our passengers have now accepted

travel by air as an ingredient essential to the functioning

of our modern world. They view our present catch-as-cotchcan system with growing irritation and shorter temper. Nor does there seem to be much future from the ATC

point of view in our present tactical, minute-to-minute system. It calls for constant use of communications. Ap proach control in the New York area has been clocked, and for periods of 13 minutes at a time, with 70 percent occupancy of the radio frequency. What level of service would you expect from a fire house whose phone was busy 70 percent of the time? To keep the occupancy down to even this high a level controllers and pilots have been talk ing at the rate of 200 words a minute, the tape recordings reveal. T h e fi r s t c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n t h a t i s t a k e n w h e n a r a d i o circuit and the controller who uses it are overloaded is to

duplicate each; two radio channels, two controllers. But this does not double the capacity, because time and great care must be used to hand over the control from one man

to the next. Approach control to New York's Kennedy Air port has been divided into two parts, but problems remain. On one of the afternoons I spent in New York's new com mon IFR room watching the controllers working, I watched with growing interest, and so did everybody else, while an

aircraft under radar vector lost contact following a voice h a n d - o v e r f r o m o n e c o n t r o l l e r t o a n o t h e r. T h e a i r c r a f t

continued on its lost given heading, a heading that would take it in 8 miles to the center of the wrong airport. The weather happened to be clear. The pilot knew that some thing was wrong, and managed finally to reestablish con tact, this time with the airport tower. But what a way to handle heavy traffic! There miust be som.ething better. Re turn the navigational capability to the cockpit. Assign a pattern to the aircraft. Then see to It that he both under stands this assignment and holds to it, and that no intruder violates this reservation. I FA L PA d o e s n o t b e l i e v e t h a t a i r c r a f t a n d a i r m e n o f

widely different capabilities can safely share the same air space. We believe that air space and airports should be set aside for aircraft and airmen of various capabilities. The standards of performance for each airspace and air port should be established and met. Not only safety is in volved; there is also the matter of efficiency and econo mics. A tower operator at a major airport has remarked to me that when a certain type of aircraft enters the traffic pattern the rate of acceptance of aircraft into that airport is cut in half. Last summer the Federal Aviation Authority of the US held hearings on proposals that it hod made for rule-making to fix a limit to the hourly rate that aircraft could be accepted into certain overcrowded airports. Addi tionally the rules proposed some minimum requirements for the aircraft that under IFR could be accepted. In testi fying at that hearing a controller said that it was his

opinion that the experience and qualifications of the air man were of even greater importance in safely maintaining a high rate of flow into an airport. The mixing of IFR and VFR traffic is another practice that IFALPA fnds dangerous. Surely it must be eliminated. One illustration out of many; a jet fully loaded with pas sengers and fueled for a trans-ocean crossing takes off from a major airport on on IFR clearance, following by 60 seconds a smaller plane that has elected to leave under

visual flight rules. The big jet, carefully following his clear ance, banks sharply to the left as soon as gear is up. The banking of the plane effectively cuts off all visibility to the

right. The little plane suddenly changes his course and turns

highly accurate, reliable, simple to use and free from invi

also to the left across the path of the jet, both unseen and unseeable by it. They miss by the laws of chance and by no

t a t i o n s t o b l u n d e r. C o m m u n i c a t i o n s s h o u l d b e r e d u c e d o r

other. The passenger jet had no protection even though he had filed and followed a flight plan. The radar never saw

the smaller plane and gave the jet no protection. Nor was he protected by the law. The law as presently written would have held the jet liable had there been a collision, as so

eliminated. This would be one of the many benefits from the development of a strategic system, a system that would clear an aircraft through from ramp to ramp. We believe that airways should be one way "streets'', well separated from opposite direction flow. Instrument or IFR traffic should not have traffic that is unknown and un

very nearly there was.

controlled wandering across its path. Do not mix IFR with

To soy then in a few words what I have tried to say in many, IFALPA believes that there is a need to return full navigational capability to the cockpit with a navigational system that gives the ability to navigate anywhere within an area, not just along a line. The total system should be

VFR traffic. Set standards of performance for any given airspace or airport, standards that apply to the capabilities

Increased Liability for Worlds' Air Carriers

World-wide treaty seeks to eliminate safe

of both aircraft and of airmen. The future of air commerce

is tremendous, if only we can find some place to fly our air craft with expedition and with safety.

haven for "Hijackers" The most widely accepted international agreement is the Warsaw Convention of 1929, revised at The Hague in

1955. It relates to the liobolity of the air carrier for the

safety of its international passengers. The rule of that agreement is that unless the carrier proves that an accident resulting in death or injury to a passenger could not have been prevented by the carrier, it shall be liable up to an amount which is the equivalent of US S 16,600.

The Legal Committee of the International Civil Aviation Organization met recently in Montreal and decided to

The 17th Session of the ICAO Lego! Committee, recently held at ICAO headquarters in Montreal, has prepared a special treaty which deals specifically with the problem of unlawful seizure of aircraft in flight. Anxious to ensure the security of international air travellers, the International Civil Aviation Organization has decided to convene at the

earliest practicable date a world-wide conference at the

highest level of Governments. The 27-member governing body, the ICAO Council, has circulated the draft treaty and

recommende a modification of that agreement to provide for a novel rule of liability. The rule would make the carrier

a Diplomatic Conference will be convened in The Hague

absolutely liable, regardless of whether the carrier was at fault. The only exception to the rule would be where the passenger or person claiming damages had himself caus

treaty as an instrument of international agreement. The treaty concerns only civil air transport and specifically

ed or contributed to the accident.

The limit of the air carrier's liability will be raised to

US S 100,000. This amount would be sufficient to cover the loss caused to the passenger, if injured, or to his depen dents, if he were killed, in the vast majority of cases. Certain additional improvements to the existing international agreement are also proposed by the ICAO Legal Commit tee, which has drawn up texts on the subject for submission to governments.

In a special interview. Dr. D, Pardo Tovar of Columbia, Chairman of the ICAO Legal Committee, said: "This draft Convention, as prepared by the Legal Com

mittee, raises serious financial problems because of the high amounts of money involved in the limits of liability for the airlines. This is true particularly for those airlines with

from 1 December to 16 December 1970 to establish the new

excludes aircraft used by military, customs or police authorities.

The Diplomatic Conference is being called for the pur pose of adopting a world-wide international agreement of governments with the objectives of deterring persons from committing on board aircraft acts of violence or

intimidation directed to seizing control of an aircraft in flight. The agreement contains provisions concerning the prosecution and severe punishment of such offenders, and any State in which an offender is found shall have the

obligation to detain him, pending a decision of the authorities to prosecute him or to respond to a request, for example, from the state of nationality of the aircraft, for his extradition.

smaller resources.

However, there are reasons to believe that the impact

may perhaps not be so great as might be thought. The dimensions of the problem may, after all, be successively reduced in proportion to the improvement of safety levels,

Any diplomatic conference is a sovereign body which

can accept or modify a draft treaty text submitted to it. The conference also determines the number of ratifications

which have a direct effect on insurance premiums. There

required to bring the treaty into force. The time when the effectiveness of the treaty will be felt will depend upon the

fore, it is probable that the States, in examining the draft

speed with which each State can ratify it as an international

Convention, may find that it is a satisfactory compromise

treaty commitment.




lATA Policy on the Future Development of ATS By Dr. K. E. Karwath=^

Paper to the International Symposium on ATQ Stockholm, 1969 I believe that everybody is well aware that lATA acti vities cover many fields and that the main objectives of the organisation come under the heading of safety, effi ciency and economy. Regarding the latter it applies not only to the airlines but also to the public and the providers of ground facilities — the Administrations. Obviously, air traffic control plays a very prominent role in the develop ment of aviation, and the organisation of this system simi larly comes within the objectives, which lATA is always striving to promote. Regarding lATA's activity in this field, many of you will

already be aware of the lATA document entitled Air Traffic Services Reference Document. This book has had a wide distribution and endeavours to set down in some detail the

airlines' interpretation of the contents of a number of ICAO documents and the way in which lATA sees that the faci lities and services may be best provided to suit the opera

the same rate as the advances in the performance of the aircraft and the requirements of the travelling public. The objective of an air transport com.pany is obviously to moke a profit, but at the same time to keep down the cost of the product to the user not only as a means of encouraging the use of its aircraft, but in some areas as

a means of cheapening the availability of transportation as a social service. The airlines can only go part of the way in doing this since not all of the factors affecting cost are under their direct control. This, therefore, is the airlines' and other airspace users' interest in the advancement of airspace utilisation and air traffic control, since deficien

cies in this field can add markedly to the cost of operation. It is quite easy to evaluate the cost of extra flying time, or ground running, in terms of the variable cost elements,

and although these figures in themselves indicate a high cost resulting from delays which are currently being ex perienced, they do not reflect the burden to the airline of the resulting underutilisation of its aircraft.

tional needs in the 1970s.

In brief, the main ideas of the airlines for the present and the future are a requirement for controlled air space

in which to operate on LF.R. plan; segregation of I.F.R. and V.F.R. traffic; with integration or at least co-ordination of the ATC elements controlling civil and military traffic.

We have endeavoured also to detail some major aspects concerning the use of communications, radar and of course secondary surveillance radar. Aviation is a continuously and fast expanding industry. The air traffic anticipated will double in ten years time. In consequence the Air Traffic Control system must be improv ed so as to handle expeditiously the increased traffic. Air traffic is made up of a number of different types of opera tions, namely: a) commercial airlines, b) general aviation,

c) military operations, d) research and development,

and even if only the first two categories were to expand a new system would be necessary, but in order to deal with the problems which the other two categories introduce it is obviously essential that an integrated system is devised. There is already a need for such a system and even today

Air Space The fleets of nearly all of the worlds lATA airlines now consist of a preponderance of pure jet aircraft, in many cases operating at the upper end of the subsonic range even over what today are called short haul routes. Many of the routes operated by the airlines are of relatively high density, and in many cases the route environment includes military operations and also general aviation. We appre ciate that the non-airline operations may to some extent fall into a different category, and it is largely for this rea son that as airlines we can only discuss our own problems. We have the very firm and unshakeable idea that the only safe way of providing a separation service between air craft is to have what is frequently termed positive control and for this reason we 'oelieve that the prime requirement for a safe and expeditious air traffic control systems is pro vision of controlled air space in which controllers can ex ercise the requisite jurisdiction for providing safety. We feel that this controlled air space must encompass the whole of the flight path from take-off through the transi tion area to the top of climb, cover the cruising phase and the transition to the final approach path and naturally also the final landing manoeuvres.

the airlines of the world are penalised by reason of extra

lATA's overall requirement is quite simple to state in

mileage, and traffic delays, because the system of control and the availability of airspace has not been developed at

that the airlines, and probably general aviation and other

users, need to be able to operate their aircraft along the shortest possible route to the destination, and be able to

General Manager Route OPS and Navigation, Deutsche Lufthansa; Representing The International Air Transport Association.

land and take-off with the minimum of delay. To quote another facet of this, there must be sufficient manoeuvring areas provided so as to enable take-offs and landings to 13

be accomplished without delay and the provision of air ports and air space must be dealt with in one plan so that at no time is the non-availability of concrete or airspace a constraint on the overall system.

occasions pilots are being instructed to pass information which may be redundant. We note with appreciation that in some areas there is

already a reduction in the requirements to report position

Before discussing the requirements in some detail, let

and other flight details — sometimes referred to as "silent

me make it clear that we cannot draw a hard and fast line

control". This is brought about largely by the use of radar, both primary and secondary, and our policy particularly in the high density traffic areas, is to encourage this idea so as to reduce the communications loading for both the

between any one particular aspect and another. The pro

blem must be treated as a whole without any arbitrary sub-divisions. To enlarge upon this, it is worthwhile point ing out that airspace utilisation depends upon the density of traffic, aircraft types, speed, manoeuvrability, and navi gational capability. Provision of control will depend upon

exactly the same things, and related to it are the problems of communications and information on the aircraft's posi tion and intention. It is not possible, therefore, to say cate

gorically that if a facility or service is provided, or if the aircraft can manoeuvre or navigate a particular way that

certain improvements will result, since it may be that with out complementary improvements in other parts of the system, isolated developments may provide very little ad vance in the effective operation of the system so that there is no significant economic improvement. It is for this reason

that no attempt is made to deal with a piecemeal outline of improvements, and that what this paper sets out to do is to present an overall outline of the A.T.C. system, and in so doing an attempt is made to show how the related improve ments can combine to produce a workable and more satis factory system involving aircraft, airspace and the control element.

In talking of the future, it is convenient to give this a dateline of somewhere up to 1980. We can expect to see both evolutionary and revolutionary changes in the system but with a dateline of 1980 it is unlikely that we will see deployed at that time anything which is not technically

feasible at the present time. It will, no doubt, be argued

that this is putting a severe constraint on looking at a future system, but this is realism and the idea is put forward quite emphatically that because of the time involved in inter

national agreements, systems planning, and the provision and installation of equipment there is quite definitely the

constraint that we will see nothing in 1980 unless it is now planned and programmed. Having said all this let us now see what we can expect

in the field of communications, navigation and radar.

pilot and the controller. Looking further into the future we believe that all of the flight planning calculations will be carried out on the

airlines' computer and in parallel with the production of the flight plan and other flight documentation the computer could be in direct communication with the Air Traffic Con

trol data processor, which will already hold the programme for the scheduled departures from a number of airfields within the area of its concern. In addition to the informa tion analogous to the current ATC flight plan, it will re

ceive an input concerning any late changes to the scheduled time of departure. In consequence, any unforeseen situation

which may tend to disrupt the air traffic pattern can be taken into account and the airlines advised of any possible departure delays or en-route diversions. It is hoped, how

ever, that with the expected advances in the ATC system these would be quite rare occurrences.

After take-off the aircraft would follow the Indicated route in accordance with the clearance and this would be monitored by radar. Since the aircraft would have a de signated SSR code for the route the automatic data extrac tion system associated with secondary radar would use this

identity to monitor compliance with the cleared flight plan.

In doing this a check would be maintained on the climb profile by means of the altitude encoding. It would follow

from this that only in the event of an aircraft appearing to

be outside of some laid down tolerance for adherence to the cleared flight path the controller would be alerted to check the situation, and in extreme cases to provide the

appropriate instructions so as to bring the aircraft back to within tolerance or to change to a revised clearance.

Accordingly, communications en-route would be largely

a matter of confirmation by the appropriate Centre that communication was established and the aircraft identified When nearing the terminal area for the destination, and therefore in need of descent clearance an up-dated ETA


and, if required groundspeed information from the aircraft possibly provided by an ariborne computer could be used for checking with the A.T.C. computer which would then

In discussing communications, airlines of lATA tend to think in terms of air-ground exchange messages as a main principle but we do not lose sight of the needs for ad

place the aircraft in the most appropriate arrival sequence

equate ATS unit to unit communications Including direct

on navigation services. Looking back over the history of

speech circuits or better between adjacent ACCs. The rapid and reliable ground to ground exchange of relevant infor mation, particularly flight plan data between ATS units, is and will be of prime importance. On the subject of radio telephony, undoubtedly much of it generated today in some areas could be avoided or con siderably reduced and for the future there must be an improvement in the exchange of data within the ATC system itself. All too often at the present time it is necessary for the Captain or Copilot of an aircraft to repeat much of

To return to the development of the system from the present stage of the art we note the dependency of the ATS

civil aviation, and in particular that of the commercial carrier it is interesting to note that there has been a mark ed change in the requirements for navigation. At one time

all that was required was the facility to navigate the air craft with sufficient accuracy between the departure and destination points so as to provide adequate separation

from terrain and achieve a minimum time path. In the high traffic density areas we find that the fundamental require

the flight plan, sometimes to advise the ACC that he is actu

ment for accuracy in navigation today stems from the necessity to provide adequate separation between the air craft. The problem is complicated by the mixed environ

ally approaching their area. We are acutely aware that on

ment of traffic generated by the various airspace users.


The effect of this is that whereas adequate navigational

guidance could be provided along a direct route with a

minimum of ground aids, additional aids are necessary in order to provide the precise guidance around prohibited or

It would seem that the most advantageous way of ing computers in air traffic control, opart from things plan processing, would be for the computer to check means of radar derived data, the actual progress of

danger areas, and in some instances between such areas

aircraft compared with the flight plan intention. This v/ould

where there is very limited airspace available for civil operations. Similarly, in terminal areas where the naviga

be a three-dimensional problem with plan position being provided by either primary or secondary radar, and in the latter case using modes A or B, but of course the third dimension, i.e. flight level information of the aircraft, be

tion onto final approach path might be a relatively simple problem, we find that there is a need for accurately follow

us like by the

ing tracks or complying with holding areas and this in turn entails further demands for navigational facilities to en able the special ATC procedures to be followed. In other words, we now find that there is a more stringent require ment for navigation, and with it a requirement for naviga

ing provided by Mode C. This application would further

tional aids which arises solely for the purposes of provid

areas It will be necessary to apply a kind of composite

ing air traffic services.

However, the airlines are clearly aware of the need to maintain the airborne carriage of requisite facilities co

incidental with the provision of their ground counterpart. We must say that because of the dependence of ATC on the navigation aids defining route patterns, it is essential

that there be satisfactory means for ensuring continuity of their operation, and suitable back-up facilities must be provided, both for the radio and radar equipment as well

as for the navigational facilities and power supplies. This becomes of even greater importance in relation to land ing and approach aids.

relieve the controller, leaving more time for him when alerted, to then vector the aircraft as necessary, or change the clearance, so as to preserve the planned separation. Following on this theme it seems highly likely that in many separation in order that the availability of airspace shall not be the controlling factor on airport or terminal area capacity. This is not to soy that we are suggesting that air craft should be required to follow precisely a flight path in the vertical plane, since this would be difficult to achieve. What we are suggesting is that It is now possible for on envelope to be considered in relation to the climb path so that with separation being provided between the nearer edges of the envelopes for different aircraft and with a three-dimensional monitoring a greater economy of air space usage can be provided.

Nothing mentioned above is not currently the subject of research and development in a number of States but even


if there should be a successful outcome it could be nullified

seen to be providing further improvements, albeit that the

if the conflict between civil and military operations is not resolved. In this paper we have used the term "integration of Air Traffic Services". We mean the provision of a com mon air traffic system for both civil and military aircraft. Ideally, only one ATS unit should be responsible for the provision of air traffic services within a given portion of airspace. The delegation of authority from, one unit to an

implementation in many areas is still far behind the imple

other, including a military ATS unit, may be acceptable if

There is little doubt that the traffic flow in many areas today, particularly in the terminal complexes, would be suffering even greater delays than are presently experienc ed were it not for the use made of radar. Secondary radar,

when used in conjunction with primary radar can also be

mentation state of the aircraft equipment. Unfortunately, with the increasing use of radar we

could have an increasing use of radio-telephony leading to channel congestion and subsequently to channel splitting with all the problems of frequency planning. This leads us to believe, and we are not alone in this, that the air traffic control application of radar could be much improved if the navigational capability of the aircraft were properly exploited. In the very near future there will be many more aircraft with improved navigational capability so that instead of the controller vectoring aircraft to deal with the

this results in improved service, and provided the follow ing are ensured: a) The availability of adequate communication links be tween the respective civil and military units to enable effective coordination.

b) The delegation of authority by letters of agreement. c) The application of ICAO Separation Standards in pro tecting civil aircraft operations.

problems of opposing traffic, or even overtaking traffic during the transition periods of climb and descent, it should be possible to allocate an appropriate track for the aircraft to fly, thus relieving the controller of the task of vectoring

d) The competency of controllers in the application of

several aircraft at the same time. The initial use of radar

few of the factors which ore associated with the air traffic

then in a monotoring role, must inevitably lead to a reduc

control organisation — there are many others which hove a distinct and definite bearing. As airlines and under the

tion in controller workload and hence an increase in his

traffic handling capacity. We see this as getting the best of both worlds in that one is relying upon the accuracy of

ICAO Standards.

In the space of time available I have only dealt with a

auspices of lATA, we are interested in all aspects and lATA will continue to play its part in discussions and deve

the aircraft navigation systems with respect to its geogra phical position, with the checks on separation being provid ed in terms of relative position by means of the controller's radar display. We also see this as the first step forward into

lopments of im.proved aids and facilities in cooperation

the field of automation in that with the introduction of auto

necessary, but the goal to be achieved is Coordinated

matic data processing techniques the monitoring role is the sort of thing to which a computer is better fitted than a human being.

with ICAO, its member Administrations and other organi sations, such as the ones represented here today. However, I must make one final point; planning and discussions ore

Implementation. With high capacity and supersonic aircraft immediately approaching, we express the sincere hope that the realisation phase can be expedited. 15

ATCTraining Simulator for the German Air Traffic Control School, Munich By Wolfgang Schmidt*










^ DATA FOR ^ V J 400 A/C

S I M U L ATO R - C O M P U T E R T R 8 6


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Air Traffic Control is sucfi a complex process that it is difficult and frequently impossible to test new procedures or new equipment in an operational ATC system.

And yet there is this need for realistic training which resembles as near as possible the live operation.

Equally difficult is the training of novice controllers in

Simulators ore used to an ever increasing extent for the training of controllers and for testing new procedures and equipment which, in its functions, should be identical to

a live environment. The decisive role which the Air Traffic

Controller plays in the ATS system not only requires detail ed knowledge of the rules of the game and professional skills to deal with the routine operation, but such quali fi c a t i o n s w h i c h e n a b l e h i m t o a l s o t a c k l e t h e " o u t - o f - t h e

ordinary" and emergency situations. In the course of his training the Controller should be confronted with all situations which may possibly occur in the control of air traffic. The more realistic his training the more efficient will he be in the live operation. This does not necessarily mean that a Trainee Controller should

start working in a live environment, for instance a Tower o r a C e n t r e , a s s o o n a s h e h a s fi n i s h e d h i s b a s i c t h e o

retical course. Such an approach would not be very eco nomical.

The answer is: ATC Simulators.

the material used in the field. Such simulators should hence

be able to operate in conjunction with current ATC equip ment and should be flexible enough to permit the testing of procedures and equipment to be introduced in the near future. This degree of flexibility con be achieved with digi tal computer systems whose functions can be adapted to ATC development by means of programs. AEG-TELEFUNKEN is presently producing on ATC simu

lator for the German Administration of Air Navigation Services, which is destined for the Air Traffic Control School i n M u n i c h . I t w i l l b e u s e d t o t r a i n A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s

who will work with conventional radar display units and with new synthetic display systems. The new display system

DERD disploy


provides a fully synthetic, computer-controlled picture of radar data. It resembles — in its structure — the planposition indicator (PPI) with which the controllers are fami

liar. A TR 86 digital computer, the pilot display units SIG 301-86 and input devices such as rolling boll and keyboard are the main components of the new display system, the acronym of which is DERD (Digital Extracted Radar Data). DERD will be connected to the simulator in its normal con

figuration, OS used in the field, without any changes of the operating mode. The simulator must assume, among other things, the functions of the radar systems and digital ex tractors.

The second display system which will be connected to

the computer consists of the equipment presently used in German ATC units for the display of primary and secon

back to the computer by means af the input "return to flight plan". Even in the "manual" mode some of the aircraft mavements are controlled by the computer.

Examples of this are: the entry into the holding pattern in accordance with standard ICAO procedures or, in case

of ILS approaches, the cantrol of the approach sequence. Direction and speed of the winds aloft can be altered at any time during the exercise. The system can simultaneously simulate the function of 3 radar stations. Data about the radar system such as cover

age, antenna rotation speed, primary and/ar SSR-radar,

mono-radar, or back to back antenna etc. are largely open to choice. The location of DF-stations is independent of the radar head positions. Prior to the actual exercise, parameters such as air

dary raw radar information. The simulator consoles for controllers, "pilots", and instructors ore all equipped with

space structure, flight plans, radar characteristics etc. are

the same type of display units. Their precise functions can be varied from one exercise to another by means of the

tape, so that in case of exercise repetition, the time re quired for parameter input is greatly reduced. The actual

computer program. Hence the equipment configuration can

be "tailormade" to meet the requirements of the exercise specification, with great flexibility as to the number of controllers, pilots and instructors participating. The maximum size of the training area in which the

input. These parameters are also recorded onto magnetic

exercise is similarly stored on magnetic tape. Thus every exercise run can be repeated, starting at any time. It is also possible to interrupt an exercise and repeat or continue it from a deflnd point of time.

flight movements ore to be simulated is 4CX)X400 NM.

On the "pilot's" consoles, only those aircraft are dis played for which the "pilot" is responsible, or those which

Video map information is computer controlled. By changing parameters in the software which generate the map dis plays, it is possible to select the appropriate air space

are continuously on display. Any other data, such as the

structure for a particular exercise. The number and position

of radars, DP stations, beacons, VORs, reporting points, airports, departure routes, holding patterns etc. can thus be specified. In addition to general training in approach control and/or enroute control, on introduction to special local conditions can likewise be given.

are about to come under his jurisdiction. Position, coll signs, actual level, cleared level, track, heading, and speed

intended route etc. are displayed upon request. If particular manoeuvres have been initiated, such as holding proce dures, course alteration etc., the relevant ATC clearance is also displayed. The computer aids the pilot in so far as this is expedient and possible, so that one pilot can control several aircraft.

The number of aircraft to be simulated simultaneously

\A/ith this simulator the ATC-School obtains a system by

is limited to 60 for the time being. A total of 400 flight plans can be input for each exercise. The aircraft are contralled according to the data contained in the flight plans. At any

means of which the controller can be trained on the some

equipment which he is going to use later in the field, and

under conditions resembling the live operation. Training

time, the "pilot" can take the aircraft off the flight plan

becomes more effective and, at the same time, the local

route by appropriate inputs and manually control the flight movements. The "pilot" can transfer control of the aircraft

taken into consideration at the school.

conditions at individual control centres can already be


Hey, you are looking too far to the lefti It's not the matches

— It's the new high-powered 5 MV^ Telefunken Magnetron you ore supposed to look at. 18

Corson Committee Issues Report to U.S. Secretary of Transportation In August 1969 the United States Depart

ment of Transportation Secretary John A. Voipe appointed an Air Traffic Controller Career Committee "to inquire into various

aspects of the airtraffic controllercareer".

The findings and recommendations of the Committee, although specifically related

to the ATC situation in the United States,

are considered to be of great interest to most of our readers. We are much indebt ed, therefore, to the ATCA Bullettin for the

permission to reprint the following extract

of the "Corson Report". Ed.

On January 29, the Corson Committee (Air Traffic Controller Career

Committee) delivered its report to Secretary John A. Volpe. .Following a comprehensive briefing of the Secretary, a summary of the report was issued to members of the press, employee organizations, and other inter

We have enjoyed this opportunity to serve you and your Department. Our carrying out of the tasks assigned us has

been materially facilitated by the generous cooperation of your colleagues — Under Secretary James M. Beegs, Assis tant Secretary Alan L. Dean, FAA Administrator John H. Shaffer and others. In addition, we have been assisted in large measure by the able staff that you made available to

us through contract with Fry Consultants Incorporated and through the loan of departmental staff members. We are especially indebted to Bertrand M. Harding, for his able direction of the staff, and to Ellen Wormser of Fry Consul tants and to Edward Curran and Edmund 'Longen of the

Department of Transportation for their assistance in coordi nating the staff's efforts. Respectfully submitted for the Committee, /S/ John J. Corson Chairman

ested persons . . .

We ore publishing the Executive Summary of the report ... The summary does not go into detail; however, it will give on indication of the recommendations the committee has submitted on the various parts of the air traffic controller career problem after completing its study

M e m b e r s o f t h e A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r C a r e e r C o m m i t t e e : M r. P e t e r W. B e r n h a r d D r. A l l e n D . C a t t e r s o n

The Honorable John A. Volpe January 29, 1970 Secretary

Department of Transportation

Dr. Robben W. Fleming M r. A r t h u r D . L e w i s

Mr. James M. Mitchell

Mr. Stanley H. Ruttenberg

Dear Mr. Secretary:

I transmit herewith the final report of the Air Traffic Controller Career Committee.

This report presents recommendations as to what needs be done with respect to (a) manning the air traffic system, (b) improving working conditions, (c) bettering the con troller's career, and (d) improving employee-management

T h e C a r e e r o f t h e A i r Tr a ff i c C o n t r o l l e r — A Course of Action

Executive Summary of the Report of the Air Traffic Controller Career Committee

relations. The recommendations are neither novel nor un

expected. They flow directly from the facts we have assem


bled and the analyses we present.

The need now is for action. The Committee's study, as you know, has received widespread attention among con

trollers and aviation organizations. A high level of expec tation has been developed that the results of this study will be made generally available and that improvements will be effected. Hence, we recommend that you ensure the

early and wide distribution of this report. Some recommendations that are presented, if they are accepted, can be implemented immediately. There is an

especial need for expeditious consideration of those re commendations designed to resolve the employee-manage ment relations problems which threaten the system. Time will be required to implement other recommendations, or to obtain legislation to permit the implementation of still others. We suggest that, to ensure the action that is needed, you fix promptly responsibility within FAA for evaluating the recommendations that are presented, and that you fix in the Department responsibility for a continuing review of the action taken. If, as individuals, members of this Com

mittee can assist you in the future by appraising the pro gress made, we will gladly do so.


The air traffic controller career problems that gave rise to the establishment of this Committee hove existed since

the early Sixties. During the years since then, these pro blems have been aggravated by the rapid growth in air traffic, delay in the resumption of controller recruitment following its virtual discontinuance between 1963 and 1967, and by the lack of positive efforts to diagnose the person

nel needs of the system and to meet them,. By mid-1968, these factors had caused acute unrest among the controller

work force, unprecedented strife between organized con trollers and FAA's management and in two or more instan ces, the threatened breakdown of a service that is essential to the safe and efficient operation of this Nation s air trans port system.

The Committee's Mandate

Department of Transportation Secretary Volpe appoint ed, on August 4, 1969, an Air Traffic Controller Career 19

Committee ''to inquire into various aspects of the air traffic controller career". The Secretary requested that the inquiry "cover, but not be limited to, employee compensation, work

environment, employment practices, training, employee/

— A capacity for articulate and decisive voice communi cation.

— A capacity for rapid decision making, combined with mature judgment.

management relations, organization and direction".

The Committee, composed of citizens with a combina tion of relevant experiences — in aviation, aviation medi cine, air traffic control, labor relations, and public ad ministration, endeavored to fulfill this mandate in the fol

There is compelling evidence that many controllers work

for varying periods of time under great stress. They are confronted with the necessity of making successive life and death decisions within very short time frames — decisions

lowing ways:

requiring constant standards of perfection.

— Face-to-face discussions with approximately 400 con trollers and TOO supervisors at about 30 facilities.

the personnel work on a 24-hour, multi-shift basis 365 days a year. This schedule adds to the day-in-dcy-out wear and

— Study of written views of, and extended discussions with, officials of employee and aviation-related organiza

tear on the individual and to the disruption of normal

tions OS to problems affecting air traffic personnel and of various recommendations as to what action should be token.

The operations schedule in most facilities requires that

family and social relationships. The controller is convinced

that the job is unique in that he will burn out" between

ages 40—50 and will not be able to continue controlling t r a f fi c .

— Consultation with representatives of the Civil Service

Commission, the Bureau of the Budget, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Manning the Air Traffic System

— Extensive staff research to provide objective data for Committee consideration.

A succession of Committee meetings was held to con sider the views and analyses derived from these many sour

ces in order to formulate the findings and recommenda

tions presented in this report. The Committee believes that there is a clear need for prompt action.

The Air Traffic Service has been inadequately staffed

for at least three years. Recent recruitment has tended to alleviate this dangerous over-all shortage of personnel, but serious deficiencies still exist in important facilities. No

significant improvement in the demands made upon the

controller will be made until these deficiencies in staffing are corrected. The controller authorization for 1970, plus the 1971 request, will obviously improve existing conditions, but

The Context within which the Controller Functions

The air traffic controller is an essential and central

element in a complex system composed of planes, pilots,

— There is general agreement that the methods currently being used for determining personnel needs ore inad equate.

air space, airports, facilities and equipment, the Federal

Manpower utilization policies and practices vary great

Aviation Administration, etc., on which the safe and effi cient operation of air transport in the United States rests

confuses the issue of the adequacy of staffing.

now and for the immediate future.

Our review indicates that this system has experienced

serious shortcomings — particularly during the decade of the Sixties. Recent substantial budget increases and addi

tional financial resources to be m.ade available under the

Airport and Airways Development Act hold promise for the future; however, it is our view that the improvement will

not materially change the existing system for a number of

years. In the meantime, the controller will continue to bear a heavy burden in making an understaffed and unaerfinanced system work.

ly among facilities for no evident reasons. This further — Extreme staffing shortages, especially in relation to cur rent authorization of journeymen controllers, exist in

several facilities (centers in particular) that serve very substantial volumes of air traffic.

— The shortage of staff is aggravated by the presence in

busy facilities of a plethora of untrained developmen-

tals whose training adds substantially to the work load of the journeymen.

— The extremely high attrition rote among those recently recruited (as high as 22% in the center option) further aggravates the staffing shortage.

T h e C o n t r o S l e r ' s Ta l e n t s a n d R o l e

The Committee is impressed with the fact that air traf fic controllers constitute a unique professional group with

in the Federal establishment. While many other categories

of employees must possess some of the talents, and while many other jobs impose some of the exacting responsibili ties, few combine as many demands upon the individual as

— The current rate of recruitment offers no assurance that the agency will meet its 1970 hiring goal. — Recruitment, hiring and assignment processes ore de signed to meet the needs of individual facilities and

regions and are not related to the over-all staffing needs of the system.

does the job of the controller.

The successful controller appears to require — at least the following special talents and aptitudes: — A highly developed capacity for spatial perception. — A keenly developed, quick and retentive memory. 20

R e c o m m e n d a fi o n s

The immediate actions required to alleviate the serious understaffing of facilities and to provide assurance that the air traffic control system can meet its responsibilities are:

1. Detail fully qualified controllers immediately to those high density facilities in which serious staffing shortages exist.

— Inadequate provision for reassignment, retraining, or early retirement for controllers who ''burn out" — typi cally betleen 40 and 50 years of age.

2. Substantially improve the system by which applicants

The above views of controllers and their organizational

a r e a t t r a c t e d t o a n d r e c r u i t e d f o r t h e A i r T r a f fi c

representatives were also discussed, on several occasions, with representatives of FAA management.

Service in order to increase the number and improve the quality of those hired. 3. Develop as promptly as possible revised methods for determining the staff needed which:

— Are based on more equal distribution of work load,

— Recognize the environmental and operating cha racteristics of individual facilities, and — Provide adequately for the reduction of present ly required overtime, and for training, leave and other non-operational requirements.

4. Develop immediately and initiate as promptly as possible on accelerated qualification training pro gram for individuals now serving as developmental controllers in facilities.

Working Conditions T h e C o m m i t t e e f o u n d m u c h j u s t i fi c a t i o n f o r t h e numerous criticisms of working conditions. The major pro b l e ms o re th a t:

— The secluded nature of many of the facilities limit direct contact with the "real world" of aviation, resulting in controller dissatisfaction; — The physical environment in most of the older terminals and flight service stations leaves much to be desired;

— Control equipment is inadequate both in terms of qua lity and quantity, and — Management policies affecting working conditions are in need of examination and reappraisal.

5. Develop in fact, as well as in theory, a tradition of geographical mobility among controllers to the end

T h e C o m m i t t e e r e c o m m e n d s t h a t t h e FA A :

that the needs of the system, rather than the personal preferences of the individual, control assignments.

1. Reduce the time that controllers are required to

6. Require that control experience in high density faci lities be a prerequisite for appointment to higher level staff and supervisory positions in the ATS.

spend on operational positions — particularly those involving heavy traffic. This reduction should be accomplished by limiting consecutive hours on posi tions and total hours per day in operational duties, more liberal annual leave policies and greater use of FAM trips.

The Controller's Career

2. Undertake with controllers and their employee orga nizations negotiations designed to lengthen the interval between shift rotations. Simultaneously, un

Perceptions of the Controller

dertake an intensive, systemwide study of the physio

Based upon the Committee's extensive discussions with controllers, their supervisors, and the employee organiza tions which represent them, we conclude that the FAA is confronted with a highly disaffected work force. The major

logical effects of alternative shift rotation practices.

3. Re-evaluate the nature and quality of annual medi cal examinations of controllers.

items of complaint are:

4. Improve the quality and quantity of existing facilities

— Working conditions ore unsatisfactory and place an excessive burden on the controller — ranging from poor equipment to inadequate relief from particularly stress

5. Undertake a thorough study of the man — machine relationships involved in the controller's exercise of

ful position assignments.

and equipment.

his duties.

— Not enough staff, and particularly fully trained staff, to meet the demands of the system.

— Too stringent policies on approval of Familiarization (FAM) trips.

— Too much differential in compensation between high and low density facilities (according to controllers at low density facilities). — Not enough differential in compensation between high and low density facilities (according to controllers at high density facilities). — Inadequate training — both at entry and in order to maintain proficiency. Controllers also complain of the lack of good supervisory training programs.


The selection process is fundamental to the development

of a viable controller organization. Both the individual and the agency have a great stake in the efficiency of this por tion of the personnel process. Many inadequacies were found in the existing system, including: — Failure to attract an adequate number of applicants and to inform adequately those who are attracted about their potential career. — Failure to differentiate between those candidates best suited for service in either centers, terminals, or stations.

— Granting of undue weight to prior experience which is of doubtful relevance.


— The inadequacy of present instruments used — i. e., w r i t t e n t e s t s , i n t e r v i e w, e t c .

— The lack of reliable objective measures of the profi

ciency of a controller, thus inhibiting the evaluation and improvement of its selection processes.

— Training programs directed at maintaining journeyman

proficiency and developing supervisory and manage ment capabilities are virtually non-existent. The





1. Revise the basic training schedule and curriculum for The Committee recommends the following:

1. Improve the hiring bulletin to the end that it more adequately describes the occupation.

2. Inaugurate a ''prehiring" orientation program for applicants in order to further test the individual's capacity for and interest in the occupation. 3. Initiate an intensive analysis of the differential ta lents required for the three controller options in o r d e r t o r e fi n e s e l e c t i o n c r i t e r i a f o r e a c h . 4. Reconstruct the written test to include tests of other

required skills and examine the present rules govern

ing the types of experience deemed qualifying for

both centers and terminals to the end the training period is shortened and made more relevant to the occupational requirements. 2. Establish a new and more rigorous proficiency train ing program for journeymen controllers. 3. Revise and emphasize supervisory and management training programs for present and potential super visory personnel. 4. Provide greater capacity for training through simu lation devices.

5. Develop the teaching qualifications of the FAA training staffs.


5. Either through the examination process, or by special legislation, eliminate the large number of present hires above age 30. 6. Reduce the "wash-out" rate at the FAA Academy through additional coaching and observation.

7. Improve the interview process by better selection

and training of interviewers and developm.ent of more standardized guidelines for the interview pro c e s s .

8. Reappraise all selection processes to assure that they seek out, and do not discriminate against, minority groups.

9. Develop more systematic and objective means for the proficiency of the controller on the job.

10. Detail fully qualified controllers immediately to those high density facilities in which serious staffing short ages exist. Controller Training

Compensating Controllers

The pay system under which controllers are compensat ed is obviously an important element in any total picture of the career. The Committee found that although the

pay structure is generally in line with comparable occupa

tions within the Federal structure, many inequities exist as

between individuals within and as between faci lities, and that there is unwarranted "compression" of sala ries at the supervisory level in many facilities. T h e C o m m i t t e e r e c o m m e n d s t h a t FA A :

1. Provide a monetary attraction for employment in certain high density high cost-of-living facilities by special pay rates. Authority for this arrangement probably exists in current Civil Service law. 2. Revise — and make more realistic — the criteria under which facilities are rated and individuals are

graded. 3. Seek leslglation that will provide FAA with more

FAA develops controller capabilities. The Committee exam

"supergrades" or will allow authority to place all upper management FAA positions in an "excepted" status and thereby create higher salary levels for high density facility chiefs, reducing grade compres

ined the FAA controller training activities at the FAA Aca

sion at these locations.

As in the case of controller selection, both the individual

and FAA have a substantial stake in the process by which

demy and at facilities and found :

— There are currently about 5,000 recently recruited con trollers in the training — or developmental — pipeline.

It is anticipated that another 4,000 might be added dur ing the current fiscal year. — The FAA Academy is greatly over-crowded as a conse quence of recent recruitment efforts. An evening-night shift is anticipated.

— On-the-job training at facilities is characterized by nonstandardized course material and proficiency require ments and by instructional staffs which too often appear to have minimal training for their role; radar training at the centers is not sufficiently standardized or under taken at an early enough point in the process. 22

Career Progression

The opportunity to progress — occupationally and financially — is a key requisite for the members of a satis

fied and productive work force. It is also a vitally important consideration, if management is to maintain a constant

source of qualified candidates for its most important and demanding positions. The Committee found that:

— The essential characteristic of the present system is that the employee is recruited for — and remains within — a particular facility. — This tendency toward a largely immobile work force is

particularly harmful to the higher density/high cost-of-

living facilities. In fact, there are a number of dis incentives for transfer to these less desirable locations.

— There appears to be no notional program design ed to identify and develop a supervisory managerial infrastructure.

T h e C o m m i t t e e r e c o m m e n d s t h a t t h e FA A :

1. Formulate a career development plan that will pro vide a systematic national program for pro

gressively responsible assignments of controllers. Such a system should culminate, for the most talent ed controllers, in assignment to the most difficult positions. 2. Develop various incentives which will attract the most talented controllers to the most difficult assign ments and provide means to relieve him of these arduous duties after a reasonable period of time. 3. Establish an "ATS Managerial Training Corps" de signed to provide a carefully selected and trained cadre of managerial talent.

1. Re-evaluate and revise existing communication poli cies, and procedures in order to build a more effec tive interchange between FAA management and em ployees. 2. Take full advantage of the opportunity afforded by the new Executive Order (11491) on labor/manage ment relations to revise its practices on dealing with labor unions

3. Reconsider its position regarding the appropriate bargaining unit(s) for controllers. 4. Centralize authority for dealing with employee orga nizations on national issues, while decentraliz ing responsibility for handling local problems.

Needed Information and Research T h e C o m m i t t e e f o u n d t h a t t h e r e i s i n s u f fi c i e n t r e

search and analysis relevant to all aspects of the control l e r s ' c a r e e r, a n d r e c o m m e n d s a d d i t i o n a l e m p h a s i s

on and coordination of this vital aspect of FAA's manage ment responsibility.

Alternative Employment or Retirement

A major cause of dissatisfaction among controllers is the widely held belief that they are confronted with the

prospect of an early "burn out", after which they will be unable to continue in their chosen profession and will have few, if any, alternative m.eans of maintaining their econo mic status. The Committee found little fully documented

evidence to support or deny the early "burn out" theory, but there is supporting evidence that indicates that the

profession is "stressful" and that controllers do, in fact, incur disability at an earlier age than the noncontroller employees of FAA. The Committee recommends that

C l e a r A i r Tu r b u l e n c e I n f o r m a t i o n for Pilots and Controllers* The following explanatory article on clear air turbulence (CAT) is quoted from a recent Flight Safety Foundation bulletin to pilots. It is being reprinted for the information of ATC personnel, particularly those in Area Control Centers who primarily handle en route aircraft, although terminal facility controllers should also be aware of the CAT phenomena as it affects aircraft operations in terminal area airspace.

the FAA:

1. Provide exacting annual proficiency examinations for all controllers and promptly remove those un able to meet acceptable standards.

2. Provide a counseling and training program design ed to place in alternative positions, those control lers who can no longer safely and effectively control a i r t r a f fi c .

3. Make necessary arrangements for selected control lers to take courses from the United States Armed Forces Institute, of the Department of Defense.

4. Seek legislation to provide an "early retirement" provision for those controllers who have experienc ed high density duty and who cannot be retrained or reassinged to less arudous tasks.

Employee/Management Relations The Committee found that employee/management relations within FAA are in a state of extensive disarray, due to ineffective internal communications, to failure on the

part of FAA management to understand and accept the role of employee organizations, and to ill-considered and

intemperate attacks on FAA management by certain em

Incidents of clear air turbulence increase sharply in January and February, and while complete answers as to the cause of CAT ore as yet unknown, it is generally con ceded that CAT is closely related to high temperature gra dients that develop in the atmosphere. Any high pressure ridge aloft preceded by rapid temperature changes; any trough aloft or surface front accompanied by exceptional ly high temperature changes . . . either can be a source of CAT. Also, areas aloft downstream from strong warm air advection in the lower levels (850 to 500 mb) ore CAT prone. Recent studies produced the following suggestions: Insofar as possible, avoid —

— Mountain wave zones at times when a strong tongue of warm air, at 850 mb, lies over or to the lee of the mountain range and the 500 mb winds are blowing

across the mountains at 30 kts or more and increasing. — Mountain wave zones at times when any surface fronts with exceptionally high thermal gradients accompany ing them are moving across the mountains. — Mountain wave zones when temperatures aloft ore col der than standard and winds are blowing across the mountain range, especially when temperatures at 500 mb are well above standard.

ployee unions. The Committee recommends that the FAA:

Reprinted with kind permission of ATCA Bulletin.


— Strong jet stream winds curved anticyclonicaliy, espe

The change is most apparent in strong inversions where

cially when winds in the lower levels (surface to 500 mb) are cutting in under the jet stream from the northwest

CAT exposure is higher than in the weaker inversion situations. Climbing to about 4,000 feet above the tro

or west.

popause level should minimize turbulence exposure.

— Areas above and downstream from sharply curving iso therms at 500 mb, especially when the wind flow has a fl a t t e r c u r v e t h a n t h e i s o t h e r m s .

— Narrow lines or ribbons of cold air aloft, especially

when the temperature changes rapidly on either side. Temperatures that drop at a rate of 1 °C or more per minute in flight indicate possible turbulence ahead. — Zones of apparent strong cold air advection aloft. — Zones where winds are blowing across contours towards higher pressure ranges.

— Flying at or near the tropopause. This feature is usually indicated by a definite change in sky color. The pale blue-gray or haziness of the upper troposphere gives way to the clear, often deep blue of the stratosphere.

Relatively CAT-free areas will be found —

— In the warm air above the tropopause in areas of weak temperature changes.

— In areas of weak temperature gradients, provided no

sharp wind shifts or strong winds are found in adjacent layers.

— Above the tropopause in areas of apparent warm air advection or when flying toward warmer temperatures. — In relatively straight or slightly curved wind flow, when only minor variations in wind speed and direction ore f o u n d b e l o w.

— In penetrating the tropopause where temperature chan ges on either side are minor.

While fhe countdown to IFATCA 70 is approaching "zero", work for the Executive Committee is getting more hectic than ever. L. to r. E. McDougoil — Secretary/Treasurer, A. Cauty — Executive Chairman, R. Wiiiianen — Vice-Chairman.


Passenger Containers to expedite Aircraft Ground Handling The operation of jumbo jets will flood airports with pas sengers, baggage, freight, visitors and cars. Airport autho rities and airline companies will in future only be able to operate efficiently and at low costs if favourable tariffs are offered. This con, however, only be achieved if the time between arrival and departure of on aircraft is as short as possible together with an optimum load factor.

By means of on electronic data processing system the passenger will only spend 30 seconds at the ticket counter if 120 passengers are considered per container and 4 coun

The Central Institute for R&D of the Friedrich Krupp Ltd. has developed a Passenger Unit Transport System (PUT),

tainers in order to ovoid separate handling of baggage.

which fulfils these requirements and provides at the some time a so-far unknown passenger comfort.

In addition passenger walking distances are shortened, check-in counters and aircraft gangways are combined, bottlenecks ore avoided, simplified handling procedures con be introduced and passenger baggage is handled synchroneously with passengers. The nucleus of the PUT System ore mobile highly com fortable passenger containers which can be moved on

ters are in operation. After check-in the passenger enters

the container, stows away his baggage and sits down. Con ventional lounges are therefore superfluous. Interesting to note is the possibility to also provide baggage con After arrival of on aircraft the following will happen: the aircraft taxies head-on towards the terminal, the nose

will lift, the lifting stage moves into position and the first passenger container rolls out of the aircraft onto the stage and is carried towards one of the boxes in the terminal

building and moved in. This procedure is repeated twice for the remaining containers in the aircraft and 3 times in the opposite direction for the 3 cells with departing pas sengers. Right after the lifting of the nose part, refueling and inspection of the oircroft commences. The transport speed of the containers is 0.5 m/s. Given an average length

rollers through the aircraft's nose into the fuselage. This passenger container is completely independent of the air

of 35 m per container, the complete exchange of cells will

changeable toilets, restrooms and galleys. The power sup ply for lighting, air-conditioning and communications is

10 minutes.

craft and includes seats, baggage boxes, as well as ex

alternatively attained either by the terminal building or by the aircrbft.

The connecting link between the aircraft and the air

port terminal is the lifting stage equipped with a platform onto which rollers are mounted.

The terminal is designed for a de-centrolised operation whereby all handling facilities are found in the vicinity of the aircraft concerned.

The PUT service terminal situated at the apron is divid ed into 4 adjacently located boxes which con receive two times three containers. The fourth box is reserved for stand

by cells and is used for maintenance purposes. Servicing of the container boxes con now be carried out after the departure of an aircraft and 6 out of 17 ser

vicing cars are no longer required.

only require 7 minutes. If a fast underground refueling sys tem is ovoilbale, the jumbo jet is ready for take-off after Variations of the PUT System ore possible for almost

all types of terminal buildings and they can be adapted to long-, medium- and short-range operation, whereby it is expected that PUT will work most effectively for shortrange hauls. Passenger transition during intermediate stops can also be achieved in accordance with the through-coach principle. Smaller mobile containers could be placed on under-carrioges, coupled with other containers and sent

as high-speed railway to the city. The PUT System is not only advantageous for airline

companies but also for aircraft producers. An aircraft de signed for such a system provides for a quick transition from a passenger to a freight version, whereby mixed pas

senger/freight versions are also possible. The PUT System is the consequent further development of the quick-change principle combined with a comfortable solution for the passengers. Ga/Kp

Passenger handling at the aircraft of the future.

Cross-section of a PUT mock-up with

lifting stage, container boxes and ticket

counters. A passenger container is rolling from one of the boxes across the lifting stage into the aircraft. 25

Corporation Members of fhe International Federation

of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations AEG-Telefunken, Ulm/Donau, Germany The Air Transport Association, Washington D. C., U.S.A.

Wolfgang Assmann GmbH., Bad Homburg v.d.H. Compagnie Generale de Telegraphie sans Fil Malakoff, Paris, France

Cossor Radar and Electronics Limited,

Harlow, England The Decca Navigator Company Limited, London

ELLIOTT Brothers (London) Limited Borehamwood, Herts., England FERRANTI Limited

Bracknell, Berks., England Glen A. Gilbert & Associates,

Washington D. C., U.S.A. IBM World Trade Europe Corporation, Paris, France

International Aeradio Limited,

Southall, Middlesex, England

ITT Europe Corporation, Brussels, Belgium Jeppesen & Co. GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany The Marconi Company Limited Radar Division Chelmsford, Essex, England N.V. Hollandse Signaalapparaten

Hengelo, Netherlands N.V. Philips Telecommunicatie Industrie Hilversum, Holland

The Plessey Company Limited Chessington, Surrey, England Selenia - Industrie Elettroniche Associate S.p.A. Rome, Italy The Solartron Electronic Group, Ltd.

Farnborough, Hants., England Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas 22, Texas, USA Whittaker Corporation,

North Hollywood, California, USA

The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations would like to invite all corpora

tions, organizations, and institutions interested in and concerned with the maintenance and promo tion of safety in air traffic to join their organization as Corpoiarion ivlembers. Corporation Members support the aims of the Federation by supplying the Federation with technical information and by means of an annual subscription. The Federation s international journal "The Con troller" is offered as a platform for the discussion of technical and procedural developments in the fi e l d o f a i r t r a f fi c c o n t r o l .


The International Federation o f A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n s A d d r e s s e s a n d O f fi c e r s AUSTRIA


Verband Osterreichischer Flugverkehrsleiter A 1300, Wien Flughafen, Austria, Postfoch 36





Nagy H.





Suhonen N.

To r h o n e n







I F A T C A L i a i s o n O f fi c e r F . L e h t o


Deputy Secretary V/. SeidI



F r e n c h A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l A s s o c i a t i o n



Association Professionnelle de la Circulation Aerienne BELGIUM

B. P. 206, Paris Orly Airport 94

Belgian Guild of Air Traffic Controllers


Airport Brussels National


A. Clerc

Zaventem 1, Belgium

First Vice-President

J. M. Lefronc

S e c o n d Vi c e - P r e s i d e n t

M. Pinon

Genera! Secretary



J. Bocard

S e c r e t a r y G e n e r a l A . AD. aDva ivsi st tee rr

R. Philipeou


H. Campsteyn J. Meulenbergs

Deputy Secretary Deputy Treasurer I F A T C A L i a i s o n O f fi c e r

A. Clerc

I FAT C A L i a i s o n O f fi c e r

E. Cools

President Vice-President

A. M.



AM . M a az zi ieerr s

v a nM . vdaen r d e rS S t rt raaca t e c hee er rss SCc. hS e

M. Imbert



C a n a d i a n A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l A s s o c i a t i o n

56, Sparks Street Room 305

G e r m a n A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n

Verband Deutscher Flugleiter e. V. 3 Hannover-Flughafen, Germany

Ottawa 4, Canada


President J. D. Lyon First Vice-President R. McForlone


H. Guddat

Second Vice-President D. M. Diffley



E. von Bismarck

Managing Director G.J.Williams Treasurer A. Cockrem



W. Ehrhard

Chairman AIS

W. K r o n c k e


H. J.KIinke


W. Kassebohm

K. Piotrowski


The Cyprus Air Traffic Controllers Association GREECE

Nicosia Control Tower

A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n o f G r e e c e

Nicosia, Cyprus




Secretary Treasurer

T. T h e o d o t o u A. Avgoustis


10, Agios Zonis Street, Athens 804, Greece President C. Theodoropoulos Vice-President N. Protopapas General Secretary E. Petroulias Treasurer S. Sotiriades

Danish Air Traffic Controllers Association

Copenhagen Airport — Kostrup Denmark

Chairman O- Christiansen V i c e - c h a i r m a n P. H a n s o n Secretary

Treasurer Strand IFATCA Liaison OfFicer V. Frederiksen Member of the Board E. Christiansen FINLAND

Association of Finnish Air Traffic Control Officers Suomen Lennonjohtajien Yhdistys r. y.


Hongkong Air Traffic Control Association

Hongkong Airport President


I FAT C A L i a i s o n O f fi c e r E . C o l l i e r ICELAND

Air Traffic Control Association of Iceland

Reykjavik Airport, Iceland

Air Traffic Control


Helsinki Lento

Secretary Treasurer



Secretary M. A. Wightman Treasurer Leung




S.Trampe Sigurosson


Lufttrafikkledelsens Forening Box 51, 1330 Oslo Lufthavn, Norway

I r a n i a n A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n

Mehrobad International Airport


T. Sepehri

Secretary General











Kalvik Feet


I r i s h A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l O f fi c e r s A s s o c i a t i o n AT S S h a n n o n

R h o d e s i a n A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l A s s o c i a t i o n




Gen. Secretary J. Kerin





Private Bag 2, Salisbury Airport Rhodesia J.






Asst. Gen. Secretary M. Durrack






Va n d e w a a l


S w e d i s h A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n

Pack 22, 190 30 Sigtuna, Sweden Chairman H. Jelveus


A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n o f I s r a e l P. O. B. 33


Lod Airport, Israel

Secretary C. Persson Treasurer G. Kanhamn I FAT C A R e p r e s e n t a t i v e B . H i n n e r s o n


W. K a t z E. Medinc


D. Furrer





Swiss Air Traffic Controllers Association P. O. Box 271

Associazione Nazionale Assistenti e Controllori

della Civil Navigazione Aerea Italia





I FAT C A S e c r e t a r y T. R o u l i n

Via Cola di Rienzo 28

L i a i s o n O f fi c e r

Rome, Italy President

CM 1215, Geneva Airport, Switzerland

for Zurich Airport J. Gubelmann Dr.












Turkish Air Traffic Control Association

Yesilkoy Airport, Istambul, Turkey President Alton Koseoglu


Luxembourg Guild of Air Traffic Controllers


Luxembourg Airport

Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers 14, South Street, Park Lane










London W 1, England Master




Executive Secretary W. Rimmer Treasurer




N e t h e r l a n d G u i l d o f A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s


Postbox 7590

Asocia^ion de Controladores Aeropuerto Nacional de Carrasco

Schiphol Airport Central, Netherlands President


Secretary Treasurer










M e m b e r, P u b l i c i t y A . Vi n k M e m b e r, I FAT C A - a ff a i r s B . H . v a n O m m e n

To r r e d e C o n t r o l

Montevideo, Uruguay Chairman Secretary Treasurer

U. J. M.

Pallares Beder Puchkoff



Jugoslovensko Udruzenje Kontrolora Letenja

A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l A s s o c i a t i o n

Direkcija Za Civiinu Vazdusnu Plovidbu

Dept. of Civil Aviation, 8th Floor, Dept. BIdgs.

Novi Beograd, Lenjinov Bulevar 2, Yugoslavia

Stout Street

President A. Vice-President Secretary D.

Wellington, New Zealand President





I F A T C A L i a i s o n O f fi c e r G . N . M c L i n d o n


Treasurer Member

D. B,

Stefanovic Z.Veres Zivkovic Zivkovic Budimirovic


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