IFATCA The Controller - July/September 1970

Page 1

D 20418 F

Pity the Air Traffic Controller when they come in like this An exaggerated picture perhaps but not for long. Air Ti-affic is increasing so fast

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THE CONTROLLER Frankfurt am Main, July/September 1970

Volume 9 • No. 3

P u b l i s h e r : I n t e r n a t i o n a l F e d e r a t i o n o f A i r T r a f fi c C o n

trollers' Associations, S. C. II; 6 Frankfurt am Main N.O. 14, Bornheimer Landwehr 57a. Officers of IFATCA: A. Field, O.B.E., President; J. R. Campbell, First Vice President; G. Atterholm, Second V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; G . W. M o n k , E x e c u t i v e S e c r e t o r y ; H. Guddat, Honorary Secretary; J. Gubelmann, Trea surer; W. H. Endlich, Editor. Editor: Walter H. Endlich, 3, rue Roosendael,

Bruxelles-Forest, Belgique Telephone: 456248

Publishing Company, Production and Advertising Sales

Office: Verlog W. Kramer & Co., 6 Frankfurt am Main

N014, Bornheimer Landwehr 57a, Phone 434325,492169, Frankfurter Bank, No. 3-03333-9. Rate Card Nr. 2.

Printed by: W.Kramer&Co., 6 Frankfurt am Main NO 14, Bornheimer Landwehr 57a.

Subscription Rote: DM 8,— per annum (in Germany). Contributors are expressing their personal points of view and opinions, which must not necessarily coincide with those of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations (IFATCA).

IFATCA does not assume responsibility for statements made and opinions expressed, it does only accept re


sponsibility for publishing these contributions.

Contributions are welcome as are comments and criti cism. No payment con be mode for manuscripts submitted for publication in "The Controller'. The Editor reserves

Report of the Ninth Annual IFATCA Conference, Montreal Book Review

the right to moke any editorial changes in manuscripts, which he believes will improve the material without altering the intended meaning.

Written permission by the Editor is necessary for re printing any port of this Journal.

Advertisers in this Issue:

AEG-Telefunken (39);

The Decca Navigator Co. Ltd. (Back cove Ferranti Ltd. (Inside cover); The Marconi Co. Ltd. (2,3);

Selenia S.p.A. (Inside back cover). Picture Credit:

Choquette (7, 10, 38); Endlich (11, 38).


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Report of the Ninth Annual I FAT C A C o n f e r e n c e Montreal, 11th - 14th May, 1970 Queen Elizabeth Hotel

Agenda First Plenary Session P. I . O p e n i n g C e r e m o n y Roll Call of Directors

P. 3 . 1 .

Membership Applications for Membership

P. 3 . 1 . 1 .

Professional Membership, Ref. 70.P.3.

P. 3 . 1 . 2 .

Corporation Membership IFATCA Membership

To consider report by Board of Officers, Ref. 70.P.2. Membership difficulties

Presentation of the Report of the Eighth Annual Conference • Belqrnd

March 1969, Ref. "Controller", July/Sept. 1969, Vol. 8, No. 3 ® Report of the President, Ref. 70.P.1 Appointment of Sub-Committees

Sub-Committee A • ''Administration and Nomination" Sub-Committee B • "Technical and Professional" Election of the Officers of the Sub-Committees: Chairman, Vicp.rk^-


Any Other Business

Sub-Committee A • Administration and Nomination A.l. Reports of the Officers A.1.1. 1st Vice-President, Ref. 70.A.1. A.1.2. 2nd Vice-President, Ref. 70.A.2.

A.1.3. Honorary Secretary, Ref. 70.A.3. A . l . 4 . Tr e a s u r e r, R e f . 7 0 . A . 4 .

A.l.4.1. Income and Expenditure Account, Balance Sheet and Report of tftors, Ref. 70.A.5. A . 1 . 5 . E d i t o r, R e f . 7 0 . A . 6 . A.1.6. Executive Secretary, Ref. 70.A.7.


A.2. Reports of the Standing Committees

A.2.1. Standing Committee II • "Publications and Public Relations" Ref Ref- 70.A.8.

A.2.2. Standing Committee III • "Finance", Ref. 70.A.9.

Budget 1970, Budget 1971 (provisional), Ref. 70.A.10. Standing Committee IV • ".Hur

i and Environmental Fcactors in ATC", Ref.

7 0 . A . 11 .

Standing Committee VI • "Constitution a 70.A.12.

ative Policy", Ref.




Reports of the Regional Liaison Officers Australasia

(G. N. McLindon, New Zealand), Ref. 70.A.13. Eastern Europe

(H. Kihr, Austria), Ref. 70.A.14. Far East

(E. Collier, Hong Kong), Ref. 70.A.15. Mediterranean/Africa

(R. Susser, Germany), Ref. 70.A.16. North America

(J. R. Campbell, Canada), Ref. 70.A.17. Northern South-America

(Vacant) Southern South-America

(J. Beder, Uruguay), Ref. 70.A.18.

Appointment of Regional Liaison Officers Regional Officers to be appointed for the following Regions: Australasia, North-America, Northern South-America, Southern SouthAmerica Loss of Licence Insurance

Report by the Swiss Association on progress of study, Ref. 70.A.19. International Labour Office • Study of Conditions of Service in Air Traffic Control

Report by Mr. J.-D. Monin of the Swiss Association on progress of the study, Ref. 70.A.20. Recognition of Outstanding Service to IFATCA Qualification and nomination procedure for the award of a scroll • Report by the Officers, Ref. 70.A.21. Manual


Report by Standing Committee VI (included in Item A.2.4., 70.A.12.) Election of Board of O f fi c e r s , Election to fill the following vacancies: President (holder; M. Cerf, France)




2nd Vice-President (holder; G. Atterholm, Sweden) Treasurer (holder; B. Ruthy, Switzerland) Annual






Location and date

The Belgrade Conference 1969 confirmed Greece as the location for the 1971 Conference

Appointment of Standing Committees Standing Standing Standing Standing

Committee Committee Committee Committee

II • "Publications and Public Relations" III • "Finance" IV • "Human and Environmental Factors in ATC" VI • "Constitution and Administrative Policy"

Conditions of Employment of ATC Personnel Proposal by the Netherlands Guild

(Deferred from the Belgrade Conference), Ref. 70.A.23. Scale of Voting

Proposals deferred from the Belgrade Conference, Ref. 69.A.13-1 Draft Releases

Proposals deferred from the Belgrade Conference, Ref. 69.A.13-2 Transport of Controllers to Conferences

Report on the position regarding free flights or flights at reduced fares, Ref. 70.A.24.

Hi-jacking of, and Attacks on Aircraft Report on action token by the Board of Officers, Ref. 70.A.25. Any Other Business Report and Proposals to the Plenary Conference, Ref. 70.A.26


Sub-Committee B • Technical and Professional Matters

Reports of the Standing Committees 30/32 Standing Committee I • "Technical and Professional Matters", Ref. 70.B.1.

Standing Committee V • "Recruitment and Training of Air Traffic Control" lers, Ref. 70.B.3.

B.2. B.2.1. B.2.1.1.




ICAO • 6th Air Navigation Conference 1969 Report by IFATCA delegate (J. Saker), Ref. 70.B.2.


Follow-up action token and proposed by Standing Committee, Ref. 70.B.2.1 Report on Limited EUM (RAC/COM), RAN Meeting 1969, Ref. 70.B.2.2.


Amendments to Technical Policy


Passing of Essential Traffic Information Report by the Irish Association, Ref. 70.B.4.


Procedures for Primary Radar

Report by Standing Committee I, Ref. 70.B.8. B.2.3.

Formulation of Technical Policy


Relationship between Clearance Limit and Cleared Flight Level, Ref. 70.B.5. Clearance to Controlled Flight to Maintain Own Terrain Clearance, Ref.



Effects of Turbulent Wake, Ref. 70.B.7.

Reports by Standing Committee I Civil/military co-ordination in relation to the unification of the air traffic services and the utilisation of the airspace, Ref. 69.B.14.

Report by the German Association (deferred from the Belgrad Conference)

Automation in Air Traffic Control

Report by Standing Committee I, Ref. 70.B.9.


Air traffic requirements for the navigational capabilities of aircraft

Report by Standing Committee I, Ref. 70.B.10. Co-operation with International Organisations Report by the Executive Secretary, Ref. 70.B.11.

Appointment of Standing Committees

Standing Committee I • "Technical and Professional Matters"

Standing Committee V • "Recruitment and Training of Air Traffic Control lers"

Formation of a Standing Committee VII • "Safety"

Proposal by the Canadian Association, Ref. 70.B.13. Work Programme for 1970/1971 Proposals by Standing Committee I, Ref. 70.B.12. Any Other Business Report and Proposals to the Plenary Conference, Ref. 70.B.14

Final Plenary Session Roll Call of Associations

Report and Proposals of Sub-Committee A, Ref. 70.A.26. Report and Proposals of Sub-Committee B, Ref. 70.B.14. Any Other Business Addresses by Guests and Observers Address by the President

Closure of the Conference by the President of the Canadian Air Traffi Control Association

Te c h n i c a l P r e s e n t a t i o n s

During the afternoon of Wednesday, 13th May, and the morning of Thursday 14th M papers


the subject The Computer and the Controller


were presented by the Corporation Members of the Federation and by other Organisation These presentations met with great interest and stimulated lively discussions. °

Adresses of Welcome

t o t h e 9 t h A n n u a l I FAT C A C o n f e r e n c e

Address by

Mr. W. Binaghi, President of ICAO Mr. President, distinguished guests, ladies and gentle

men, it is my pleasure to bring to you and your organiza tion the greetings of the International Civil Aviation Orga nization. Yours is a young organization, as it exists only since 1961, but you have given ample proof of your dynam ism. You have extended your field of interest more and more throughout the world, you have given better and better service throughout cities and regions, and you were kind enough to organize your annual congress in our city. We are therefore pleased to recognize that your progres ses are becoming better and better. We also support your c o n t r i b u t i o n t o a i r t r a f fi c a c t i v i t i e s . Yo u h a v e t a k e n a n

active participation in our procedures for air-traffic con trol, again I would like to thank you for your efforts and

I wish you very much great success in your deliberations.

Address by

Mr. Lynch-Staunton, Representative of the City of Montreai Monsieur le President, Monsieur le Ministre, Monsieur Choquette, Chers Membres, bienvenue a ce congres. Vous me permettrez tout d'abord d'excuser son Honneur le

Maire Jean Drapeau qui est actuellement d Amsterdam, en train de promouvoir la candidature de Montreal pour les

Jeux Olimpiques de 1976, et je vous assure qu'il lui ferait bien plaisir d'etre parmi nous aujourd'hui. Au nom de tous nos concitoyens, nous sommes extremement heureux que votre premiere conference en dehors d'Europe se tienne d

Montreal. Please accept the apology of Mayor Drapeau who is presently in Amsterdam to promote Montreal's can didature for the 1976 Olympic Games, and welcome in

Montreal, air world capital. We are pleased that your first meeting outside of Europe should be in our City. Address by

Mr. J. Choquette, Representative of the Province of Quebec Monsieur le President, Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles et

Messieurs, c'est avec grand plaisir que j'ai accepte I'invitation de votre groupement de representer Mr. Robert Bou-

rassa, recemment elu Premier Ministre de la Province de

Quebec d cette 9eme conference de votre mouvement. The

Prime Minister asked me to represent him at the opening ceremony of your 9th annual conference of International

Air Traffic Controllers, and it is with great pleasure that I have accepted this honour, as it is, should I say, the first

Mr. W. Binaghi addressing the Conference.

official representation of the Government to be born to morrow to assist at this conference in Montreal in the

Province of Quebec. Therefore, let me say that in my mind it represents a historic moment for us to have been able to bring in Montreal in the Province of Quebec such a re

presentative group as yours. Now I would like to add a

few notes from my own practice in former years, where I became aware of the highly technical and important func tions, the accuracy of judgment which are the qualities of persons who exercise a function such as yours, and 1 am extremely happy to offer you the hospitality in the Pro vince of Quebec. Je suis tres heureux, on me permettra

d'ajouter ceci, que Montreal et la Province de Quebec se sentent une vocation dans le domaine de I aviation. Tout

d I'heure, Mr. Binaghi, representant de I'OACI indiquait que Montreal est une ville particulierement consciente des besoins de I'aviation et de tout le monde de I'oviation

parce que nous avons cette organisation d Montreal depuis plus de 25 ans, alors vous etes bienvenus au Quebec, you are welcome in Quebec as Quebec has a vocation in avia tion and Montreal is the center of this calling, therefore

I wish you a pleasant stay in Montreal, thank you. 7

Address by T h e H o n o u r a b l e M r. J a m i e s o n ,

Representing the Federal Government, Department of Transport Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, I cm very happy

to be able to accept your kind invitation of this morning OS representative of a valuable level in the Government. What I would like to say is that I am pleased to have you

in Canada. Those who are visiting Canada for the first time will see that this is a vital country, and how much aviation has contributed to our growth and that the pro

It is an honour for IFATCA to hold a conference in Ca

nada, one of the leading nations of the world, one of the

few nations whose highly advanced industry and agricul ture make it a land of opportunity for the enterprising ones while, at the same time, offering those wide open spaces which are getting scarce on our crowded earth. Montreal is the gateway to Canada and a city wellknown for its cultural, intellectual and artistic influence, its

charming blend of the old and the new and a place where

every foreigner will find the little something which will cure

blems of aviation in Canada are because of the vast terri

any possible sympton of homesickness. Montreal is part of the Province of Quebec, "La Belle Province", and the second largest French-speaking city in the world. This aspect of Montreal will delight our French-

tory. I remember when I was a young boy I had the oppor

speaking delegates, who, after having struggled valiantly

tunity of seeing the first aircraft taking off for the first transatlantic flight, and I was very much impressed by the size of the aircraft. Most of us to day seem to take for

granted that aircraft fly and land in a certain routine, but

I think that it is important that once in a while we realize that we have to deal with air traffic controllers and are reminded of he vital role that you ploy. I, in my capacity of

Minister of Transport, travel 150,000 to 200,000 miles by air annually, and I don't think that the public is really aware of the very crucial and vital contribution that you play.

My role is purely to welcome you in Canada, and I will give a special word to Canadian air traffic controllers who

are here to day, I certainly believe that there is a con nection between air traffic controllers and Ministery of Transport not only in professional aspects. I am now con

ducting a new reorganization of the Ministry of Transport

and one of the results will be that we are preparing the establishment of a new division for air traffic controllers,

it is my intention to invite your President and Officers to improve regulations and give professional advices. We, in Canada, have one of the most exciting challenges in the world, we have the problem of the land, the problem o.

stretching a small population on a vast territory, from Vic

toria to Saint John's, Newfoundland. To all of you I wish

on enjoyable stay in Montreal, if you can see more of our

country, you will discover that Canada is a country of international co-operation. I am glad that international representatives have chosen Montreal to hold their inter

and sometimes successfully with English during the work

ing sessions, will find relaxation in reverting to their native language in their dealings with the female element of the population.

For air traffic controllers, Montreal has a very special feature which makes us look in its direction often with gra

titude, sometimes with wonderment, but always with deep interest, it is the seat of the International Civil Aviation Organization whose work and decisions bear consider ably upon our professional life.

A number of us have had the privilege of participating

in ICAO meetings either as members of their national ATC

delegations or as representatives of IFATCA, these parti cipations hove left them memories of an efficient and tho rough work done in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere they have been proud to provide their technical contribu tion at the highest level of Civil Aviation.

The agenda of this conference includes a number of items reflecting the present pre-occupation of the air traf

fic controllers. Part of these pre-occupations are specific of controllers, others are shared with different segments of civil aviation and even with the general public. In this latter category, I would put the highjacking of, and attacks

on, civilian aircraft which, by jeopardizing the safety of air navigation and endangering the lives of passengers and crews, by getting more and more frequent, is becom ing an universal scourge.

national conference. Again, I am grateful to you to hove

Although the air traffic controller is not the direct vic tim of highjackers, he has, as a specialist responsible fn.r

c h o s e n o u r c o u n t r y.

safety in the air, his word to say in the matter. This word has been said and repeated under the form of press re

Address by

Mr. Maurice Cerf, President of IFATCA To-day is a most important day in the history of IFATCA;

For the first time since the foundation of the Federation in

1961, the opening ceremony of an annual conference takes place outside Europe, thus underlining, if need be, the true worldwide calling of IFATCA.

We oil know that the previous conferences were held

in Europe for the simple reason that the majority of the

member associations were there. For the convenience of these associations and owing to the endemic transport

difficulty we suffer from, it had become a custom to select venues in European cities of easy reach.

The last two conferences have decided to accept the kind invitation of the Canadian Air Traffic Control Asso ciation to hold the ninth annua! conference of IFATCA in

Montreal, thus making the transport difficulty yield to the quality of the venue. o

leases and appeals to ICAO and the United Nations, fur ther steps have been envisaged and wil be discussed here

If the agenda reflects some of our pre-occupations not

all of them could find their place in a conference of'this nature. It would be frivolous to ignore the state of rest lessness which prevails among controllers; in certain cases this restlessness has reached a point of acute crisis.

It would be paradoxical on the port of an organization which advocates efficiency and regularity in international air navigation, to approve of any action the effect of which would be to disrupt the flow of air traffic. However it is difficult for us to witness them passively.

Honoured guests, ladies and gentlemen, the ninth con ference of IFATCA is about to begin. It has attracted to Montreal a considerable number of delegates and ob

servers most of whom had to travel a long way, may I

humbly hope that the level of the discussions will warrant their journey, and that they will enjoy the social events prepared for them by the IFATCA 70 Committee.

A special welcome to the ladies who have come with their husbands and whose presence will add the touch of charm which often lacks in professional gatherings. My only regret is that financial considerations have prevented a considerable number of us taking their wife along. I want to thank the personalities who are with us to

day. We deeply appreciate the honour they have done to our profession and our federation by accepting to be pre sent at this ceremony.

May I also address a word of welcome to our corpora tion members, to the industries whose participation in the technical exhibit and in the technical panel make them

important features of the conference, and to our observers

Roll Call of Directors The Executive Secretary made the Roll Call of the Direc tors and the following acknowledged attendance: Austria Belgium

Greece Hong Kong


Norway Rhodesia






Denmark Finland France

Israel United Kingdom Luxembourg Uruguay Netherlands Yugoslavia




whether controllers or representatives of different segments

of aviation whose assistance will be requested during the working sessions. Last, but far from least, are groups to which we ore

Unrepresented affiliated Associations

specially indebted. First, the Air Force of the Federal Repu

The following Associations were unable to attend:

blic of Germany who offered free transportation to, and hopefully, from Montreal to about one hundred of us. This

is the first time an offer of that extent was made, let's hope




it is not the last one. I would like the German Air Force to

know that their generous gesture, by allowing more con trollers to be here, is a decisive factor of success for this

conference and for which they deserve all our gratitude. Two gentlemen must be associated to these parties — Arnold Birnbaum and the Honorary Secretary, Horst Guddat, both of the German Association, who co-ordinated the organization of this trip. We are also indebted to the air

Applications for Membership The President reported that applications for affiliation had been received from: Australia:

carriers and national authorities which facilitated the trans

The Civil Air Operations Officers Association

portation of delegates. I would like now to address our thanks to the team of

Hungary: Hungarian Air Traffic Controllers Association

controllers from Montreal Airport who, under the name ot

"IFATCA 70 Committee" organized this conference. It may seem a bit premature to congratulate them at the opening of the conference and I plan to revert to this matter in my closing speech, still there is no doubt that they have done


M a l t a A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l O f fi c e r s A s s o c i a t i o n Netherlands Antilles:

N e t h e r l a n d s A n t i l l e s A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n

everything possible to make a success of the IFATCA 70

conference and that the outcome now depends largely on

the work and the results we are able to produce during the

South Africa: S o u t h A f r i c a n A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n

next days.

An account of the activities of the IFATCA 70 Commit


tee during the last two years would fill a thick book and

A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l A s s o c i a t i o n

would amaze and thrill the readers by the variety and sometimes oddness of the undertakings they gallantly em


barked on. For them nothing was impossible so long as it

Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organisation

had a chance of making your stay more comfortable and

The President read an extract from a letter by Mr. Hugh Riddle, President of the ATCA, requesting that considera tion of their application be deferred for the time being. The President proposed that these applications be re

more enjoyable. This is why, at the outset of the Montreal conference, I wish to express our admiration to the fine Individuals who form the IFATCA 70 Committee. To succeed in their aims the members of the IFATCA 70 Committee had the effective support of the Canadian Air Traffic Control Association, its branches and individual

ferred to Sub-Committee A for consideration, and this was agreed.

members to whom I will direct my last batch of sincere thanks.

Delegates and observers, I hove given you, in the some

what lenghty last part of my speech, an idea of the work

Report of the Belgrade Conference 1969

done to prepare the conference. Let's be worthy of it. It's now our turn to come into action and take the decisions

The Executive Secretary presented the Report, which was published in "The Controller", Volume 8, No. 3, July/ September. The Report was accepted.

which will be the line of conduct of the Federation for the year to come.




c o N F E R





here wtih Monki o Praeketl from Germany ond charming chairwoman Shirley LeSogg

centre. Immediate Post President Maurice Cerf

S.gjg the "Golden Book" of the City of Mon lower: The Board of Officers in session at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel.

Prior to the departure from Koln-Bonn, Airport Director Dr. Ing. W. Grebe

OAF 1004 — one of the Boeing 707s that transported some 100 delegates

(right) gave a reception for all delegates travelling on the OAF Boe ing 707.

of 18 countries to the Montreal Conference.

Chief Poking Fire and his Squaw with Honorary Chief Block Winged Eagle (Maurice Cerf).

Civil-military cooperation on board GAP 1004. German Air Force Pursers and charming Air Canada Hostesses formed an excellent team.

The document of investiture of Honorary Chief Black Winged Eagle In on ancient ceremony the retiring IFATCA President Maurice Cerf was

named Te-ha-nera-hontsa-hontsi-a-kweks and made an Honorary Chief of the Mohawk tribe.

Arrival at Montreal — after a smooth flight and a perfect landing with GAP 002 (Tactical callsign "IFATCA 70").


Report of the President

Standing Committee I. It is interesting to note that the Con

The reading of the respectives reports of the Elective Officers gives on accurate picture of the activities of the

of refusing to fly under circumstances whereby substitute air traffic control systems become necessary. IFALPA thinks

Federation for the past year. I shall not go over the whole

of these activities once again, but will restrict myself to a review of the most salient points.

ference decided to re-state the established IFALPA policy that the fact that authorities have a prior knowledge of this policy may avert any situation deteriorating to the extent

that a substitute sysem became necessary. Let's be opti mistic and share this belief.

This Conference will be pleased to know that our past

J. A. Saker of the British Guild and Member of Standing

President, L. N. Tekstra, was the incumbent of the lAOPA Air Traffic Control Award for 1970, this is a well deserved distinction which would tend to confirm that both General Aviation Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers can maintain good and co-operative relations even though their tech nical requirements may, at times, slightly differ. IFATCA has had interesting contacts with the Internatio nal Air Navigators Council and, through the Swiss Associa tion, with the International Labour Office.

tion. First Vice-President Campbell and myself attended for


Co-operation with International Organizations As usual the Federation has been represented at most

of the meetings of importance held by the International Aviation Organizations. IFATCA was present at the sixth Air Navigation Conference of ICAO held in Montreal in

April/May 1969. The IFATCA delegation was led by Mr. Committee I, who provided a comprehensive report. The other members of the Delegation were Messrs. F. R. Richard son, T. A. Cauty, and J. A. Little of the Canadian Associa a few days.

You will certainly have read Mr. Saker s report which underlines the fact that the proposals made in our working

papers and which had had the opportunity of discussion

at the Belgrade Conference, were well received and most of them were accommodated in the relevant recomm.endations made by the Conference. V^e can consider, with no

complacency, that our attendance at the 6th ANC met with considerable success.

This success was the result of several factors, the exten

a) Secretariat

The comments I made last year on the Secretariat re main valid. Whatever the willingness and ability of our

Executive Secretary, Mr. Monk, it would be ridiculous to

expect him to extend his activity to cope with new objec tives and an additional membership. The need for perma

nent Secretariat assistance is acute, its fulfilment would be

a factor of advancement for the Federation but it would of course, involve additional expense.

sive preparatory work of Standing Committee I, the sense

of organization and engaging personality of our Flead of Delegation John Saker who, well seconded by an un

prepared but eager work force, very effectively covered the

Conference and explained in a convincing manner the views of the Federation; the last factor of success was the

now well-known spirit of genuine co-operation displayed by our delegates.

IFATCA Delegates presented papers at different gather

ings such as the Symposium of the Swedish Society of Aero

nautics and Astronautics and at the British Air Line Pilots

Association Symposium. Some of the concepts included in the papers we presented at various meetings did not al ways meet with a general consensus, we do not claim that we are the sole holders of the magic formula likely to solve

b) Officers Meetings

Board .Meetings are, with the Annual Conference, the vital source of energy for the Officers of the Federation. Consulting one another by mail is a lengthy affair and the personal contacts that Board Meetings afford have a stimu lating effect which compensates for the feeling of lone liness, which, at times, may affect us.

We met in London in September 1969, representatives of the IFATCA 70 Committee and of Standing Committee I attended. We had our second meeting in Frankfurt in Ma.^ch 1970, a representative of the IFATCA 70 Committee joined us.

Board Meetings have the disadvantage of being costly

any problem in the best interest of all concerned and we

and of encroaching on the limited free time the Officers

of others.

the efficient functioning and management of the Federa

are always willing to consider openmindely the arguments We hove continued to enjoy a good and fruitful relo-

tionship with IFALPA. Members of Standing Committee I had regular meetings with the RAC-COM study group of the Airline Pilots' Federation.

This Conference will have to consider some proposals

from IFALPA concerning an "Air Safety Week" combined possibly with an "R/T Discipline Week", and also a cam paign on the hi-jacking of aircraft. Pending your decisions we have indicated our willingness to progress discussions on these matters.

We are indebted to IFALPA for the assistance given us

by keeping a watching brief for us at meetings where we

have, on the other hand they are an absolute necessity for tion.

c) Finance

The income and expenditure account shows an excess of expenditure over income of 5,862 Swiss Francs, this loss

had to be covered out of the Reserve Fund. This is a dry fact which is commented upon in the papers submitted to

your consideration by the Treasurer and Standing Commit

tee III • Finance. The Treasurer's Report provides an accu rate analysis of the situation which underlines three main

reasons for the excess of expense: Difficulty of always

could not be represented.

securing free transport for the Elective Officers, the num

IFATCA was represented at the recent IFALPA Confe rence by Messrs. J. Saker and V. King both members of

the fact that many subscriptions come rather late thus mak-


ber of meetings where IFATCA has to be represented, and

ing necessary the payment of expenses out of the Reserve Fund which consequently forfeits the possibility of interest. The two basic ways of compensating for a financial loss

Activities of the Officers, Regional Liaison Officers and Standing Committee

are: to reduce expense and to increase the income. It seems

Every Officer has performed the duties attached to his

a bit simplistic to state them, still, so far, no one has found

office with a maximum of dedication and efficiency under

any better system.

circumstances which could often be considered as difficult.

At first sight it seems impossible to reduce our expenses

Our First Vice-President who is at the same time Regional

because they are already limited to a minimum beyond

Liaison Officer for North America, was the IFATCA man

which it would be barely possible to survive. However, the Board of Officers has reviewed an important item of the

budget, i. e. the representation of IFATCA at meetings. The Board has carefully considered the list of the meetings where IFATCA should be represented. We have given the world of aviation the habit of seeing the IFATCA man at every major gathering where he could bring his contribu

on a pretty hot spot where he had the difficult job of pro viding the assistance expected from IFATCA while comply ing with the Federation's rules and policy. The Board of Officers considers that he has discharged his duties in the best possible manner. Our Honorary Secretary has continued his action to wards an alteration of lATA Resolution 200 governing free

tion while, at the same time, furthering IFATCA policy. It

transportation on commercial aircraft. This resolution is

would be detrimental to the profession to make ourselves

due for renewal in 1971 and the Honorary Secretary will

scarce and disappoint those who hove learned to reckon

propose a suitable course of action.

w i t h I FAT C A .

will always be represented by members of the National

The Editor of the Controller, Walter Endlich, has been once again successful in producing a Journal of high in terest to Controllers and to the aviation community. We

Association of the country where the Conference is held,

con be proud to have such a fine Journal and I wish this

but, as for most attractive solutions, this one has its weak

pride would prompt the members Associations to contri bute to its edition by providing accounts of their under

It would be an attractive solution to decide that IFATCA

point. Time and experience have taught us that, in many

instances, it was an absolute necessity to be represented by an expert both in the technique due to be discussed and in the particular technique of participation in International

Meetings which is quite an art in itself. Fortunately, we

have experts within IFATCA, the only trouble is that Con ference Organizers display a mischievious talent at select ing venues as remote as possible from the place of abode of our experts.

No need to say that, whenever possible, we ask the National Association to represent IFATCA if the nature of

takings. The Regional Liaison Officers have disseminated infor

mation about IFATCA while informing the Secretariat of the contacts they were able to establish with nonmember Associations.

Standing Committees have submitted reports to your

consideration and the Second Vice-President, in his own

report, has made useful remarks for the future. I trust that

every Member Association is fully aware of the importance

the meeting permits it, we also ask them to assist our main

of Standing Committees for the Federation. Each one of them is entrusted with one area of interest which has a

Delegate when one has to come from another country. The

bearing in the profession. Needless to say that neither the

example of our representation at the 6th ANC illustrates

Executive Secretary nor the Elective Officers would be in

this very well. John Saker would not have been able to provide an effective representation without the assistance

of the Canadian Controllers who, left by themselves, would

have needed a sizable proportion of the Conference time

before being able to participate effectively. Our Canadian Delegates have certainly gained an experience that the Federation would like to make use of at future Conferences. The second means of having more money is to increase

income by having more Individual and Corporation mem bers. Here the situation Is not bad although the circums

a position to embark in the number of studies and projects expected from an International Organization of the stand ing of IFATCA.

The good functioning of a Standing Committee is

governed by the some requirements as the work of the

Board of Officers, i.e. a well defined work programme, regular meetings of the members and, consequently, avail able free time frequently encroaching on family life. The Standing Committee system is the only adequate one permitting to bring a number of various projects to

tances prevailing in the USA have compelled the Air Traffic

successful issues and I would like the Member Associations

Control Association to withdraw their application tem porarily. Without prejudging your decisions concerning the

which, so for, have been spared the trouble of forming a

of IFATCA will be significantly increased and so will the

when need be, and presently to do their utmost to facili tate the work of the existing Standing Committees by answering promptly the mail they receive from them. Any progress of this Organization is dependant on the parti

applications for affiliation, one can hope that membership

income. However, one must not overlook that an Increased

membership means increased expenses. More especialy if

the new membership makes it essential to immediately get

assistance for the Executive Secretary. The third and the last source of increased income lies m the subscription scale adopted at the Munich and Bel grade Conferences. In this respect I would ask the Directors

to consider carefully the proposal made by Standing Com mittee III • Finance for the year 1973/74.

Although not perfectly sound, the present financial

situation of the Federation is not alarming and should be considered as a warning that appropriate measures must be envisaged now.

Standing Committee, to consider that they may very well be called upon to take one over or to form a new one

cipation of the Member Associations in IFATCA work. The financial contribution alone is not sufficient.

Membership The year 1969/70 has been a difficult one for many an Air Traffic Controller and, consequently, for a number of Associations. In my opening address I alluded to the diffi culties which have arisen between groups of Controllers

and their authorities. One important reason for these dif13

ficulties is the comfortable habit to take as matter of course

that the ingeniosity and dedication of Controllers will coun

Any Other Business There being no other business, the Plenary session od-

terbalance the inadequacies of the system. The Controllers now realize that they have been taken advantage of, it

took them, som.e time to come to this unpleasant conclusion, it will take radical measures to convince them that the

journed at 1500 hours on the 11th May, 1970.

The Conference re-convened in Sub-Committee on the

11th May at 1530 hours.

situation has changed. Without being over optimistic one can hope that the M o n t r e a l C o n f e r e n c e w i l l s e e a d e fi n i t e i n c r e a s e i n t h e

IFATCA membership. In order to assist the Directors and to try to ovoid the long discussions Sub-Committee A had last year, the Board of Officers has submitted a paper out lining its opinion on the matter of application for affilia tion received from more than one professional Association

of the some country. It is hoped that this paper can give rise to a decision making provisions for such cases which, if we no longer run the risk of having one this year, are

Sub-Committee A The Sub-Committee with J. D. Thomas (Rhodesia) as Chairman, elected the following additional Officers: Vice-Chairman:

J. D. Monin (Switzerland)


E. McCluskey (U.K.)

likely to occur again.

The following members were nominated by Associations to serve on the Sub-Committee:


It is my belief that we need now, more than ever, to be united on a world wide basis. Many of us are living, others are witnessing, a difficult period during which we have to

display determination while acting tactfully to permit air traffic control to be abreast of the other segments of avia tion, always bearing in mind that one of our ultimate pur

poses is the convenience and safety of airspace users who ever they are.

We have observed a growing tendency to radically and, to my mind, simplemindedly, segregate Senior Controllers from Journeymen Controllers thus restricting and weaken ing the profession.

Gentlemen, you know that the activity of the year to

come depends on your work during the next few days. It has been a difficult job to set up the Federation and give

it the standing it now enjoys and the decisions made here


L. Sloup


A. Maziers


J.-D. Lyon T. Papathomas


E. Larsen


F. L e h t o


J. Bocard


W. K a s s e b o h m


E. Petroulias

Hong Kong

E. Collier


S. Gudmundsson



J. Kerin




J. Rouleaux


F. M e n t e


New Zealand

N. McLindon


G. Nilson


J. D. Thomas

should take into account the now well recognized nature


B. Joelsson

of the profession. Please bear in mind that you are part


J.-D. Monin


W. E. J. Groves

Uruguay Yugoslavia

J. Elissalde

of the Group and that you should, at times, overlook your own personal or national concepts if they do not fit in with the general interest, on the other hand be convinced that your opinion and advice are wanted whatever your facility at expressing them. Gentlemen the responsibility for the future of the reae-

ration is now yours and I make an appointment with you at the last Plenary.

Provisional Members representatives were: Australia



Hungary E. Voit Malta W. Gregory Netherlands-Antilles G.vanDijk South

Appointment of Sub-Committees

J. Mrkonic




( PAT C O )



To m k i n


In accordance with the usual procedure, it was agreed

to appoint the following Sub-Committees to take the Agenda Items assigned to them, and to report to the Final Plenary Session, with their recommendations: Sub-Committee A: Administration and Administration Sub-Committee B: Technical and Professional

The following were appointed Chairmen: Sub-Committee A:

J. D. Thomas (Rhodesia)

Sub-Committee B :

A. Field (U.K.)

The Sub-Committees were requested to elect their ViceChairmen and Secretaries, when they convened. 14

Report of Sub=Committee A [ P. 3 . ] M e m b e r s h i p [ P. 3 . I . ] A p p l i c a t i o n s f o r M e m b e r s h i p Applications for membership were received from the fol lowing Associations:

Australia, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands Antilles, South Africa, United States (PATCO)

These were accepted and recommended to Plenary for adoption.

[# Recommendation P.I.]

[A.l .6.] Executive Secretary

That the application made by Argentina be deferred to

The report was accepted and recommended for adoption.

the 1971 Conference.

[ P. 3 . 2 . ] I FAT C A M e m b e r s h i p The Board of Officers withdrew the paper on the represen tation in IFATCA of more than one association from each

[A.2.] Reports of the Standing Committees [A.2.2.] The Report of Standing Committee III • Finance


was discussed in conjunction with the Treasurer's Report

and was accepted and recommended for adoption; the

[A.l.] Reports of the Officers

following Resolution is recommended: [▶ Resolution A.l.]

[A.I.I.] 1st Vice-President by Plenary.

a) The Directors discharge the Treasurer and Standing Committee III from their responsibilities for the 1969 accounts and financial management;

[A.l .2.] 2nd Vice-President

b) They accept the proposed nomination of another mem

The Report was accepted and recommended for adoption

The Report as amended editorially was accepted and re commended for adoption.

[A.l .3.] Honorary Secretary The Report was accepted and recommended for adoption. The Swiss Association wished to express their thanks to Mr.

b e r o f t h e S w i s s A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l A s s o c i a t i o n t o t h e

office of Treasurer for practical reasons; c) That they accept the proposed new scale for annual

subscriptions for the years 1973 to 1974 as a basis for discussion with their national associations during the coming year with a view on taking a vote on the matter at the 1971 Annual Conference.

Guddot and Mr. Birnbaum of the German Association for

their good work in getting free transportation from Ger many to Canada. The Chairman thanked the Swiss Asso

ciation for their remarks which he was sure every delegate supported.

[A.2.2.1.] The draft budget for 1970 and the provisional budget for 1971 were thoroughly dis cussed and were accepted and recommended for adoption by Plenary.

[A.l .4.] Treasurer Following discussions on the financial difficulties in certain countries it is recommended to Plenary. [# Recommendation A.l.]

That the French Association be permitted to pay back the debt mentioned in the report within five years. [# Recommendation A.2.)

That the debt of the Turkish Association be treated sym pathetically and the Board of Officers exercise their dis

[A.2.3.] The Report of Standing Committee IV, Human and Environmental Factors in ATC, was received by the Sub-Committee but under the resolu tion that late reports would be accepted but no definitive action taken, the report is referred back as guidance mate rial.

The German Association requested that Member Associa tions give comments on the paper by August 1 and they will distribute the co-ordinated results to Member Associa

tions. It is hoped that in October interested Associations

cretion in the matter of collection.

would join the members of Standing Committee IV so that

[# Recommendation A.3.]

a full paper can be presented at the next Conference. It was suggested that the Board of Officers consider the use

That member Associations attempt to include in their

of Sub-Committees at Conferences also consider whether a

annual return the actual number of members and the num

Sub-Committee C might be established to study the work

ber of controllers eligible for membership of that Associa

of Standing Committee IV, Human and Environmental Fac tors in ATC, and Standing Committee V, Recruitmient and Training of Air Traffic Controllers.


The report was accepted and recommended for adoption. The Chairman wished to record the excellent work Mr.

Ruthy had put in as Treasurer over the last four years under extrem.ely difficult conditions.

[A.2.4.] Due to the lateness of the report it was agreed to discuss the Report of Standing Committee VI, "Constitution and Administrative Policy",

[A.l .4.1.] Income and Expenditure Account, Balance Sheet, and Report of the Auditors

but that no definitive action be taken.

Accepted and recommended for adoption.

[A.3.] Regional Organization [A.l .5.] Editor [A.3.I.] Reports of the Regional Liaison Officers

It was agreed to discuss this in conjunction with the report of Standing Committee 11 • Publications and Public Rela tions. The reports were accepted and recommended for

The reports of the Regional Liaison Officers of Australasia, Eastern Europe, Far East, Mediterranean/Africa, and North


America were accepted and recommended for adoption. 15

[A.3.1.7.] The Report of the Regional Liaison Officer for Southern South America

was accepted and recommended for adoption with the a m e n d m e n t t h a t t h e AT C A s s o c i a t i o n s o f P e r u a n d B o l i v i a

have now expressed the intention to join IFATCA. [ A . 3 . 2 . ] A p p o i n t m e n t o f R e g i o n a l L i a i s o n O f fi c e r s [▶ Resolution A.2.]

It is resolved that the following Associations be charged

with the responsibility for nominating Regional Liaison O f fi c e r s :


New 1


Zealand Vice-President

North part of South America/Caribbean Netherlands Antilles


The offers of hosting the 1972 Conference were received from Ireland and Iceland. After some discussion it was agreed to accept the invitation of Ireland for the Confe rence in 1972; Iceland accepted provisionally to become host country for the 1973 Conference subject to confirma tion at the 10th Annual Conference. Discussion was held

on the dates for the 1971 Conference and acceptance of May 3-7, 1971, was adopted, and the following Resolution is recommended to Plenary: [▶ Resolution A.4.]

Australasia North

[A.9.] Annual Conference 1972 and 1973 (Provisional)



T h e l a s t t w o A s s o c i a t i o n s t o a d v i s e t h e B o a r d o f O f fi c e r s

of the countries for which they will be responsible.

It is resolved that

a) the 1971 Conference be held in Greece,

b) the 1972 Conference provisionally be held in Ireland,

c) the 1973 Conference provisionally be held in Iceland!

[A.IO.] Appointment of Standing Committees The following Resolution is recommended to Plenary:

[A.4.] Loss of Licence Insurance

[▶ Resolution A.5.]

The Swiss Association is continuing their studies and their

Regarding responsibilities for Standing Committees:

report is presented for information only. They are willing to continue with the study.

[A.5.] International Labour Office, Study of Conditions of Service i n A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l

Mr. Monin gave an oral explanation of his work with the International Labour Office. The ILO Report on Air Traffic

Control is not yet available. Mr. Kaplansky of the Inter national Labour Office addressed the delegates and he

announced the report should be available by November, 1970, and expressed the good wishes of the Director Gene r a l o f t h e I L O t o I FAT C A .

Standing Committee II, Publications & Public Relations; Germany Standing Committee III, Finance; Switzerland Standing Committee IV,

Human and Environmental Factors in ATC; Germany

Standing Committee VI, Constitution & Administrative Policy; Canada

Before the election of Standing Committee IV the Directors felt that the terms of reference of Standing Committee IV should be precisely defined and the following resolution is presented to Plenary: !▶ Resolution A.6.]

[A.6.] Recognition of Outstanding Services t o I FAT C A

The report by the officers was accepted and recommended for adoption.

The Terms of Reference of Standing Committee IV, Human and Environmental Factors in ATC.

The Standing Committee is charged with:

1. The investigation of human and environmental factors of the air traffic controller's profession.

[A.7.] Manual This was taken under heading A.2.4. and the report was

accepted but no definitive action is to be taken.

2. Proposing appropriate action to the Board of Officers. 3. Being informed by the Board of Officers and Member Associations about any useful information related to its work programme.

[A.8.] Election of Board of Officers It is recommended that Plenary adopt the following reso lution : [▶ Resolution A.3.]

The following are elected to fill the vacancies existing on t h e B o a r d o f O f fi c e r s :

P r e s i d e n t M r. A r n o l d F i e l d , O . B . E . , U . K . 2nd Vice-President Mr. Gunnar Atterholm, Sweden (re-elected) Tr e a s u r e r M r. J e a n G u b e l m a n n , S w i t z e r l a n d 16

4. Preparing repo.ds, proposals or recommendations to

Conference either directly or, at their request, through

the Board of Officers on all specific items.

5. Distributing information of particular interest to the Board of Officers and Member Associations when avail able.

6. After approval by or through the 2nd Vice-President, presenting guidance material of IFATCA regarding human and environmental factors in air traffic control and maintain effective liaison with concerned interna tional organizations and through the Member Associa tions witfi the national organizations.

[A.11.] Conditions of Employment o f AT C P e r s o n n e l The Netherlands Guild withdrew this paper.

c) ICAO has produced a Draft Convention on unlawful seizure of aircraft (making hijacking an international

crime requiring either extradition or punishment). d) There will be a Diplomatic Conference in December to consider the Draft Convention referred to in (c).

[A.l 2.] Scale of Voting A full discussion was held on the proposals and on a vote being taken the proposals were defeated.

[A.l 3.] Draft Releases

e) ICAO has called an Extraordinary Assembly on June 16 to consider the problem.

The Federation considers that hijacking of and bomb attacks on aircraft should be treated as two separate issues

as the problems involved and possible remedial action ore

The proposals were accepted and recommended for adop

n o t s i m i l a r.


The Federation, although it recognizes the requirements for extradition and punishment on those responsible, considers that more emphasis should be directed towards the pre

[A.l 4.] Transport of Controllers to Conferences This question was thoroughly discussed and the Honorary Secretary requests that Member Associations provide a list of the number of government tickets available for the years 1969 and 1970. He also requests that Member Associations provide information on their familiarization flight pro gramme and, if possible, the number of companies involv

ed. If necessary it was agreed that the Honorary Secretary could form a working committee on transport.

[A.l 5.] Hi-jacking of and Attacks on Aircraft [â–ś Resolution A.7.]

After full discussion of the question, the Directors resolved to issue 0 Press Release on the unlawful seizure of and attacks on civil aircraft. The Press Release is as follows:

The Federation considers that incidents of this nature have

a serious adverse effect on the safe, orderly and expediti

vention of such incidents.

The Federation thinks that interference to Air Traffic Con

trol by the screening of passengers, or search if considered necessary, of both aircraft and passengers before depar ture is acceptable.

The Federation is also prepared to assist in the discussion of procedures designed to convey intimation of incidents in the air, safety procedures, and possibly remedial measu r e s .

The Federation deplores the irresponsible attitude of cer tain elements of moss media including the press, television and radio when presenting a heroic image of the hijacker. The Federation deplores any government direction which prevents controllers from giving immediate information regarding bomb threats or impending hijacking to the cap tains of aircraft and wholeheartedly supports all control lers who, through a sense of moral responsibility and pro fessional pride, disregard any directions of this nature.

ous flow of civil aircraft, and is concerned at the loss of life^nd property involved. It has approached the United Nations and the International Civil Aviation Organization, giving the views of the Fede

The Board of Officers is authorized to continue discussions

ration, and has issued a number of Press Releases on the

[A.l 6.] Any Other Business

subject. The Federation notes, with satisfaction, that:

a) The Tokyo Convention (1963) on Offences and Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft (requiring the return of aircraft passengers and crew) has been ratified. b) The U.N. General Assembly Resolution of 29th Decem

ber, 1969 called on States to legislate against hijacking, to ensure that hijackers are punished, and to ratify the Tokyo Convention.

with IFALPA, lATA, lAOPA, ITF and other organizations on

methods of publicizing the problem.s and possible remedies,

The Canadian Association volunteered to provide a work ing committee situated in Montreal to keep a watching brief on matters of IFATCA interest at ICAO and to provide back-up staff at ICAO Conference. This was gratefully accepted by the Directors.

The Honorary Secretary reported that the IFATCA Vacation Scheme for Children had started and he requested that member Associations give more publicity to the scheme. The Directors were requested to contact the Honorary Se cretary concerning the distribution of The Controller.

I FAT C A A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e 1 9 7 1



Appendices to the Report of Sub-Committee A

A.1.1. Report of the

First Vice-President [70.A.1.] The progress of the IFATCA during the last year has indeed

been most encouraging. Evidence of the ingenuity, dedica tion and advancements being achieved for the ATC pro fession and the individual members of the Federation is

readily apparent in that like Messrs. Alcock and Brown, the IFATCA has "en masse" and "historically" crossed the At

lantic as well as the Pacific. Representatives from every continent in our wonderful world are present here in Mon t r e a l a t t h i s o u r 9 t h A n n u a l I FAT C A C o n f e r e n c e . O u t o f

With this one prime objective in mind, it has been my

opportunity and pleasure to serve the Federation and you the individual members, by representing and actively parti cipating in the following meetings during the past year. ICAO 6th ANC, April, 1969, Montreal, assisting and organizing IFATCA representation; CATCA Convention, May 4-11, Ottawa, participating in technical panel discussions and consult ing with industry reps re IFATCA '70;

tion industry, we shall be able to work together to meet the challenges of this supersonic decade. Your patience and

PATCO Convention, May 23-26, Miami, addressing the PATCO Board and presenting paper on "Unification of ATC";

understanding, as individuals, in the 1960's was stretched to

World Conference on Bird Hazards to Aircraft,

determination and dedication to assure the advancement of ATC internationally and with the assistance of the avia

the limit by severe system inadequacies, shortages of per sonnel and, in far too many instances, poor working con ditions, communications and management relations. Traffic increased phenomenally as did the speeds at which the air craft flew and consequently your decision making capa cities as Controllers were taxed to capacity. Your depen dency and trust in the abilities of your colleagues exceed

ed the demands of personal friendship and understanding.

Sept. 2-5, Kingston, participating in panel discussions and drafting of re commendations;

Special PATCO Board of Directors Meeting, Jan. 23-25, 1970, San Francisco,

address and provide advice to proposed actions and consult with industry reps.

Like "career soldiers", many of you in the towers and at the radar scopes advanced the system's capabilities be yond all expectations, and you "stood together at the firing

Detailed reports and observations on the recommendations and resultant proposals have been fled with Member Asso ciations throughout the year on these undertakings. Con

line, undaunted by some of the worst conditions and fac ing insurmountable odds"! Steadfastly together, you turn

siderable correspondance and urgent communications have been dispatched periodically to the Board of Officers and

ed aside the harassment, indignations and verbal jests of

Member Associations, along with seven "confidential re

those in the industry and governmental administrations who

ports" and over 23 memoranda during the first sixty days

would reprimand and deplore your "go-slows" in the inte

rests of safety. Nevertheless, as professionals dedicated to safety and efficiency, each of you strove to assure that the system was kept operational! The majority of you during your lifetime will not receive any medals or awards for outstanding performance for your individual "services above and beyond the call of duty". No, the only title you can reflect upon is "Controller", and the satisfaction of knowing that you gave your best for your country and for world peace through providing safe transportation towards closer understanding. The respect you have achieved dur ing these difficult years is indeed a credit to the ATC pro fession.

United, as Member Associations of the IFATCA, we enter

this decade with humble pride in our chosen profession, for the world today knows what an Air Traffic Controller is, does and is mentally prepared, trained, and medically fit to undertake. Despite the system's deficiencies, the compe tence you have displayed to the aviation public has assur ed the future growth of air transportation and provided a certain degree of confidence to the individual passenger that, "someone really cares"! Consequently, even though we are not in too much "better shape" to handle the traf

fic of the seventies, we do have the fortitude and m.utual co-operation amongst us as Members of IFATCA, to work together in harmony towards "better ATC".

of 1970.

My undertakings on behalf of the Federation as Regional Liaison Officer for North America are described in a sepa rate report. However, I would take this opportunity to

direct your consideration to the necessity of re-organiza tion of the Board of Officers' functions, the increasing

work-load of our "part time" Executive-Secretary and the activities of our Standing Committees. I can assure you

that there is an immediate need for permanent secretarial assistance and that a careful analysis of the fulfillment of the Federation's objectives will be of prime concern to the incoming Elective Officers. Certainly, the endeavours of Standing Committee I on "Technical and Professional Mat ters", and Standing Committee IV "Human and Environ mental Factors in ATC" require additional consideration, as do the establishment of a Safety Committee, a Legal Committee and a Management Advisory Committee, if we

are to efficiently handle the increasing number of projects and areas of concern to the membership, in the future. In conclusion, I should like to thank all the Officers and Directors as well as the individual members, plus the IFATCA '70 Committee for their understanding, co-opera tion and outstanding assistance in permitting me to fulfill the duties of this office. I would be remiss in not also ex

pressing my sincere gratitude to those Corporation Mem bers and individuals of the aviation industry who hove so 19

generously provided transportation assistance and finan cial support to this Federation during these past few

A.1.3. Report of the Honorary Secretary [70.A.3.]


Thank you sincerely one and all! I also trust, that your con

tinued support will enable us, together, "to bridge the gap" between technology and manpower, and thereby assure

safety and efficiency in ATC service for the aviation public during the months ahead.

J. R. Campbell

Many reports start with a few general remarks. This year

I don't feel too happy with what has to be said about the

position of the Air Traffic Controller in general.

Civil Aviation Authorities and Governments hove, by under

estimating the current development in air traffic, misjudg

ing the requirements with regard to quantity and quality

of ATC personnel, no or hesitant introduction of adequate

systems and technologies, monoeuvered Air Traffic Con A.1.2. Report of the Second Vice-President [70.A.2.]

trollers into 0 position, where they hove reached the limits of their capabilities.

For many years Controllers hove managed to handle a steadily increasing amount of air traffic with practically

the same tools and number of personnel. Only by persorKil

Standing Committees

By the present organisation of Standing Committees in

IFATCA, a wide field of activities are covered and during

the past year no problems have arisen falling outside the competency of the present standing committees. The actual set-up of these committees is, therefore, considered to be s a t i s f a c t o r y.

The productivity of a Standing Committee is very much a function of the geographical distribution of its members.

engagement and voluntary service beyond the prescribed

duties a maximum degree of safety and regularity in air traffic was achieved.

To-days overcrowded skies, congested terminal areas and airports, changes in the performance of aircraft, system

and facility inadequacies, and poor working conditions stressing controllers at c great number of ATC units, hove led them to raise up and act in the interest of safety in air traffic. With such action controllers in several countries

While one committee may be located in one place, an

took 0 desperate step to oppose a noticeable downgrad

obvious that, within certain limits, the Federation should

concern about the safety of air operations. The fact that more and more the aviation public is threatened by "GoSlows" or even a complete withdrowel of ATC services indi cates a serious situation which may lead to catastrophic

other may have members living at separate locations. It is economically facilitate the work of committees in which any contacts are made difficult by long distances. Until the budget could permit a more substantial provision for this purpose, requests for financial support could be direct ed to the Board of Officers.

The importance of communications in the committee work has to be underlined. The Board of Officers and in parti

cular the 2nd Vice-President who is, by the Constitution,

charged with supervision and coordination of the Stand

ing Committees, should be kept informed of present and future activities. Such information could advantageously also be sent to other Standing Committees, Member Asso

ciations etc. May all Standing Committees attain the com mendable level of Standing Committee I in this respect.

A proposal was made last year in this report to the effect that Standing Committees should try to isolate problems

within their field of work which could be made the subject

of a special study or the theme of a special meeting. For example. Standing Committee I engaged some of its mem bers in the preparation of papers and briefs for the 6th Air Navigation Conference. This technique which is cur rently used by IFALPA is definitely very useful. Committees must seek participation from people outside the commit

tees, thus extending and intensifying the exchange of views.

ing of their profession and to publicolly express their deep


It is utterly important for Notional Authorities to carefully analyze the present situation in the Air Traffic Services of their particular country. It is earnestly recommended to talk with competent experts and representatives of pro fessional organizations to develop and realize plans improving the situation. Furthermore, it is of importance to firmly insist on the necessary funds to be raised in order to meet the requirements regarding personnel and equip ment.

Handling the traffic of the seventies properly will only be possible through close cooperation, better mutual under standing and good monagement/ATC personnel relation ship. Efforts and actions should not be directed one against an

other, but into the same direction to commonly achieve results all parties concerned earnestly desire.

In this respect IFATCA as an increasingly recognized and strong international body should not hesitate to provide whatever assistance necessary to help professional orga n i z a t i o n s a n d G o v e r n m e n t A u t h o r i t i e s t o e l i m i n a t e d i f fi

culties that might endanger the safety and regularity of air t r a f fi c .

Other Activities

Since my previous report, I have represented IFATCA at a symposium on Air Traffic Control arranged by the Swedish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Stockholm in

March 1969. The Federation presented a paper with the title

Encouraged by the Belgrade Conference and directed by the Board of Officers the Honorary Secretary investigated possibilities to obtain transportation for delegates and observers to the Montreal Conference. It was thought that a n u m b e r o f M e m b e r A s s o c i a t i o n s w o u l d e n c o u n t e r d i f fi

"The Air Traffic Controller in the Future ATC System".

culties to obtain free or reduced fare transportation and consequently would have been unable to be represented

lAOPA in Halsingborg, Sweden, May 4-7, 1970.

at this conference.

I represented IFATCA at the Third World Assembly of On travel, I have been able to pay visits to several Mem ber Associations discussing matters of mutual interest. Gunnar Atterholm


Three schemes were outlined. Group travel in a Split Char ter Arrangement finally had to be cancelled because of a CAB investigation on supplementary carriers. Regulations

now have to be interpreted in a way prohibiting the project

membership for 1969 was 26 Member Associations with

the Board had in mind.

4,220 individual members, and 21 (22) Corporation Mem bers. The one loss here resulted from a decision taken by the Directors at the Munich Conference that organizations

Another scheme was initiated by the 2nd Vice-President providing reduced fare transportation on an individual basis.

With the assistance of the German Association, especially Mr. Arnold Birnbaum, under the third scheme free trans portation was obtained from the German Air Force. In recognition of the outstanding service rendered to German

eligible for professional membership should not be accept ed as Corporation Members (ATCA).

Appendix 1 shows membership figures for 1969, including fluctuation over the last five years.

Air Force planes throughout the world and to support the aims of IFATCA, the German Air Force offered a Boeing

707 to carry delegates from Europe to Canada. A scheme was set up accordingly and from the time of Its initiation

Income and Expenditure Accounts 1969

absorbed most of my spare time.


But the time was well spent as we were able to transport

With an audited income of SFr. 47,953.23 and expenses of SFr. 53,816.15 the financial year of the Federation closed

delegates and observers from about 20 countries, a number of organizations, press and television, to the most impres sing IFATCA Conference ever held. And compared to the e n o r m o u s a m o u n t o f w o r k t h e I FAT C A 7 0 C o m m i t t e e h a d

organizing this Super- ATC-Meeting, my efforts were just

a small contribution to this immense undertaking. Respect fully I thank all members of our host association and all those other people who were engaged to make this con

with a net loss of SFr. 5,862.92.

Apart from the fact that expenses have again generally increased in most items the negative result is also due the necessity of writing off SFr. 1,346.40 outstanding subscrip tions.

The following remarks shall help to give Directors some details on the different items:

ference a success.

My finding with regard to transportation in general are described in a separate report under Agenda Item A.14. (Paper 70.A.24.). Communication with a number of affiliated and non-affi

liated associations, other professional organizations and the industry was intensified during the past year. On occasion of a visit to Hungary, the Honorary Secretary had the honour of meeting representatives of the Hunga rian Civil Aviation Authorities and the President of the recently formed Hungarian Air Traffic Controllers Asso c i a t i o n , M r. E r i k Vo i t . M a t t e r s o f m u t u a l i n t e r e s t a n d t h e

affiliation of Hungary to IFATCA were discussed. It is hop ed that the assistance provided will prove to be useful to our Hungarian fellow controllers, now welcomed in IFATCA


Subscriptions from Member Associations (including affilia tion fees) amounted to SFr. 33,467.33, or roughly 1,000.— above budget. Subscriptions from Corporation members were SFr. 13,649.75, some 300.— below budget. Interest received was SFr. 679.05, also 300.— below budget. The unexpectedly low figure resulted from the fact that

most of the time current expenses had to be covered out of the Reserve Fund, as many of the subscriptions came in rather late and usually were immediately spent on the widespread activity of the Federation.

during this conference.


thened by a considerable number of new Member .Asso

Stationery expenses were slightly below budget. SFr. 1,500.— had been put in reserve from the 1968 accounts to pay for the IFATCA Manual covers ordered in late 1968. The actual purchase prise was only SFr. 1,360.—, the rest was used to cover other stationery expenses.

After the closure of this conference IFATCA will be streng ciations.

With more and more countries affiliating and supporting the aims of the Federation, one not to far away date there will.be no performance in the world aviation theatre with out participation of IFATCA. Participation means that our views are spread, that our opinion will be considered. Our profession needs the international platform.

So in future talks about IFATCA alike every individual member rll take pride in saying the word "International". Horst Guddat

A. 1.4. Report of the Treasurer [70.A.4.] General

The audited Balance Sheet and the Income and Expendi t u r e A c c o u n t s w h i c h s h o w t h e fi n a n c i a l s i t u a t i o n o f t h e

Federation as on December 31, 1969, have been published as Conference paper 70.A.5. After the Belgrade Conference — which accepted the affi liation of Cyprus and decided to terminate the affiliation of Venezuela due to non-adherence to the Constitution —

Postage and General Expenses were 500.— above budget, the reason being the Increased activity with resulting higher postage expenses. In some instances Offi

cers had to use long-distance telephone to ensure timely action under special circumstances. Budgeting this item is difficult anyway, and is more guesswork based on past experience than sound calculation. B o a r d o f O f fi c e r s ' E x p e n s e s i s o n e o f t h e i t e m s that are well above budget, to say the least. The main reason is, as usual, transport. On several occasions free transport could not be secured at the time required. The Officer in question then had to wait for some days, incur

ring hotel expenses or pay normal fare, or both. This transport problem, discussed at every IFATCA Con ference since Amsterdam in 1961, is continuing to be one of the Treasurer's greatest concerns. Unless a suitable solu tion can be found, we must face the fact that with growing

membership and increased activity a considerable part of the income will have to be spent on trove! expenses.

Contributing to the higher Board expenses was also a visit to Belgrade in January 1969 by two members of the Board 21

and the Executive Secretory to assist the Yugoslav associa tion in the preparation of the annual conference. Although

Balance Sheet

in this case free transport was available, accomodation had to be paid. Expenses of Delegates attending Inter

SFr. 8,998.92 annual subscriptions and affiliation fees hod


again to observe the rules laid down in the Constitution, that subscriptions should be paid within the first six months of the financial year.






above budget. This although the budget item was fixed

50% over the actual 1968 expenses. The following is a break-down of actual expenses 1969:

Representation at ICAOs 6th ANC PATCO Directors Meeting PAT C O


1,735.22 417.27

AT C A C o n v e n t i o n 1 9 6 9


Some of the Associations have paid their dues partly in advance (SFr. 3,884.08). This includes prospective new mem

S F r.

bers which have paid their dues together with submitting


their application. The actual reserves of the Federation amount to SFr.


22,231.35 or less than half the annual budget. This is cer


AT C A C o n v e n t i o n 1 9 6 8

not yet been paid on December 31, 1969. Although most of them have been received smce then I must urge Members

tainly not a very comfortable situation. The decisions token 1,082.20

Conference on Bird Hazards

during the last two Conferences to adapt subscriptions for 1971/72 were very appropriate. For the future there are

two possibilities: to increase the membership of the Fede

to Aviation, Ottawa I FA L PA C o n f e r e n c e , A m s t e r d a m

ration or to increase subscriptions again for the period 1973/74 —or possibly both. It must be remembered that we are running an international organization on less than

ATC Symposium, Stockholm Ministry of Technology Symposium,

SFr. 1. per member and month, which probably is quite


WEAAP Conference, Zurich lANC Conference, London CASI Symposium, Toronto

Conclusion 10,846.09

The Board of Officers have discussed the problem of re presentation at their Frankfurt meeting on March 12/13, 1970. They decided to authorize only such representation as is absolutely necessary to further the aims of IFATCA. A

In order to facilitate comparison between actual expenses 1968, budget and actual 1969 plus a tentative budget 1970 (subject to amendments resulting from decisions to be taken by the Montreal Conference) Appendix 2 is attached.

I should like to thank all those who have helped me by

priority list has been established. The main item of course was, and will also be in 1970, IFATCA representation at an ICAO Conference of longer duration. This obviously is one of the "absolute necessities".

quickly answering to letters and paying subscriptions within

Whenever possible we will be represented by the national

B. O. Ruthy

association of the country where the conference is held. This will help to save transport and other expenses. Expenses of the Executive Secretary are again below budget (—2,300.—). It must be remembered,

the prescribed period of time. I should also like to en

courage all members to establish and maintain such good

relations with my successor.

Report of the Auditor

however, that the Belgrade Conference had decided to grant the ES an allowance out of the Reserve Fund of SFr. 2,500.—, which does not show up in the income and expen

To the Board of Officers and the Directors of IFATCA

diture accounts.

at the 9th Annual Conference

Standing Committees' Expenses were also rather low again. Member Associations responsible for Standing Committees fortunately were able to cover some

On request of the Treasurer I hove checked the accounts of

of the expenses themselves which is very commendable. For the efficient work they do, their expenses are indeed asto

your Federation for the financial year 1969 on the 9nd

nishingly low. This proves that the system of assigning one association to one task is an efficient way of doeing

In doing so I hove checked the opening entries as per

I FAT C A s w o r k .

Regional Liaison Expenses were mostly incur red on the North American continent were special circums

tances warranted very active work of the responsible Offi cer. Once the question of US affiliation will be solved ex penses are expected to decrease in this region. Expenses





5th and 16th of February 1970.

January 1, 1969, and thereafter every entry throughout the year together with most of the vouchers.

The closing of the books as per December 31 1969 was

worked out jointly with Mr. Ruthy. The Income and Expen

diture Account shows an excess of Expenditure over In

come of SFr. 5,862.92. The same amount is also shown in the detailed Reserve Fund. The total capital of the Federation

Fee and Depreciation were approximately as

amounts to SFr. 22,231.35.


the Treasurer and to discharge him and Standing Commit

U n d e r M i s c e l l a n e o u s E x p e n s e s S F r. 1 , 3 4 6 . 4 0 outstanding subscriptions had to written off when the affi l i a t i o n o f t h e Ve n e z u e l a n A s s o c i a t i o n w a s t e r m i n a t e d . O n the other hand SFr. 276.70 tax reimbursement was received from Swiss Government.


As a result of my audit I propose to accept the report of tee III of their responsibilities for the 1969 accounts. Max A. Nydegger, Treuhdnder

Berne, the 17th of February 1970

Appendix 1 to Treasurer's Report IFATCA Membership Figures Association



















The Netherlands







New Zealand


























































11 0





























Turkey United Kingdom Uruguay











11 0

11 0












Hongkong Iceland Iran









8 0 *






2 0 *






4 5 *


Rhodesia Sweden

Yugoslavia I FAT C A


* Estimated membership; actual figures not yet received

Appendix 2 to Treasurer's Report Comparison-table Accounts/Budgets 1968-1970 tentative

Budget 1969

actual 1968

Member Associations





Corporation Members













Stationery & Printing Postage & General Expenses







B o a r d o f O f fi c e r s


5,600 6,800

7,000 10,000


actual 1969

Budget 19/



Delegates Int'l. Conferences Executive Secretary Standing Committees Regional Liaison Officers

1,531.62 11,196.98


12,174.49 10,846.09

8,000 12,500

13,400 1,200









Audit Fee





















Annual Conference

Balance: positive negative

893.87 —







The tentative Budget 1970 is based on present membership.


A.I .5. Report of the Editor [70.A.6.]

A 1 4.1. Balance Sheet 31st December 1969 [70.A.5.]

Primary Bank Account



S F r.

S F r.

A.2.1. Report of the Chairman of Standing Committee 1! [70.A.8.]

14,354.22 238.29

Secondary Bank Account

As in previous years the activity of the Editor and Chair



man of Standing Committee II has centered on the produc


Office Equipment

tion of the IFATCA Journal "The Controller".


Badges on Stock



Reserve Fund "The Controller


Reserve Fund

26,115.43 26,115.43

Financially, 1969 was not as successful as 1968. This was partly due to the temporary loss of an important advertis ing contract, partly because of heavy production costs for No. 2/1969 (many illustrations for the "Russian Story") and No. 3/1969 (Report of the Belgrade Conference). With careful budget control, however, and with the credit

carried forward from 1968, we managed to reach a break even point without having to take recourse to the "Con troller" reserve fund. At this point it may be appropriate to remind you that we are far from having reached the goal "Every individual member of IFATCA should get his own

Signed: B. Ruthy, Treasurer Max. A. Nydegger, Auditor

copy of "The Controller", which was established by the

Income and Expenditure Account

from 1st January to 31st December 1969 Expenditure Income SFr.


Subscriptions Affiliation Fees


Postage and General Expenses Board of Officers' Expenses

Expenses of Delegates attending International Conferences E x e c u t i v e S e c r e t a r y,

Salary and Travel Expenses Standing Committees Regional Liaison Annual Conference


contributions to the Journal from Member Associations.


They continue to be so scarce that one is particularly pleas ed if somebody sends in a story. Like New Zealand did the other day. (Thank you very much, Mr. McLindon!) As to the Corporation Members, cooperation was excel lent. It seems to be a recognised practice of most of our


Corporation Members nowadays, to employ ATC know ledge within the company, represented by the gentlemen


our contacts are not limited to the Annual Conference, but


3,334.56 6.111.66

who all of you know and who are usually participating in our Annual Conferences. I am very pleased to report that


that throughout the year our friends from industry were


always ready to render assistance; be it in terms of contri


butions to the Journal or by solving a special problem of an advertising contract.

Audit Fee (1968)

The draft of the IFATCA brochure is now almost ready.

Differences in Currency

We have postponed the printing until after the Montreal

Depreciation of Office Equipment

Conference, in order to be able to include the information

about the ATC Associations which have applied for mem

Vb of purchase price

bership this year.

Extraordinary Income and Expenditure Venezuela, write off

Whenever the IFATCA Board meets, the Officers renew their intention to personally visit Member Associations as frequently as possible. The Editor, too, intended to do so.

subscriptions 1,346.40 Ta x r e i m b u r s e m e n t — 2 7 6 . 7 0

course, been made available to the IFATCA '70 Committee for publicity purposes.

A sad point in my annual report is always the subject of

Corporation Members,

Stationery and Printing

Associations, etc. The Board of PATCO Officers is now on our free distribution list, as are the Officers of ATCA. A

substantial amount of "Controller" back-copies have, of

Member Associations,

Subscriptions Interest Received


Second Annual Conference and endorsed by each of the following IFATCA Conferences. Like in the past we have distributed a considerable number of complimentary copies to national and international aviation administrations, industry, airlines, universities, re search institutes, general aviation, unaffiliated Controller

1,069.70 5,862.92

Unfortunately my activities in this respect were limited to a slide presentation for the Luxembourg Guild and brief discussions with Members of the Belgian and Netherlands Guilds.

53,816.15 53,816.15


Walter H. Endlich

A.1.6. Report of the Executive Secretary [70.A.7.]

Finally, the length of the A^genda for the Annual Confe rence continues to grow and will present a problem at Montreal.

Geoffrey Monk

1 am pleased to be able to report that, on the whole, there has been more communication between the Secretariat

and the Member Associations, and also between the vari ous associations. The creation of the Regional Liaison Offi cers has been a step in the right direction and I am indebt ed to them for keeping me informed on contacts they have made with non member associations. This information — and various associations have also contributed — has

A.2.2. Report of the Chairman of Standing Committee III ■ Finance [70.A.9.]

greatly contributed to the receipt of applications for affilia tion from a number of potential new members of the Fede



There is, however, a need for much greater exchange of

Members of Standing Committee III have — throughout the

information and opinions on ATC procedures, techniques

past year — on several occasions discussed financial blems and procedures with the Treasurer. They noted the main problem was to receive subscriptions within time specified in the Constitution and that, as some

and equipment, although it must be admitted that the machinery of the Federation to effect the co-ordination and

processing of this is not altogether adequate. Applications from the following associations hove been

pro that the MAs

paid rather late, the current activities of IFATCA had, to

received, seeking affiliation:

a considerable extent, to be covered from the reserve fund.

— Air Traffic Control Association (USA);

They also noted that with the decision token in Munich to

— Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (USA); — Civil Air Operations Officers Association of Australia;

establish the legal seat in Switzerland all difficulties with

— Hungarian Air Traffic Controllers Association; — Malta Air Traffic Control Officers Association;

agreement and no further claims had to be expected. Another problem often discussed was the Treasurer's wish

— Netherland Antilles Air Traffic Controllers Association.

to withdraw from office. The Committee was of the opinion that it would be convenient for several reasons (legal seat, official IFATCA currency, continuity and using the retiring Treasurer's experience in Standing Committee III) to nomi

The South African Air Traffic Control Association and the

Asociacion Empleados Circulacion Aerea of the Argentine have indicated they are considering affiliation, and there

appears to be considerable interest in IFATCA among the Eastern European countries of the USSR, Bulgaria, Czecho

slovakia, Poland and Roumania. On the assumption that the applications for affiliation will

be approved, the entry of these Associations will greatly strengthen the world wide "image" of the Federation.

The Federation has been operating on a very tight budget and its activities have been restricted accordingly. Port of the subscriptions of new associations will be absorbed by the continually increasing cost of travel, hotel expenses, printing, stationery, postage, etcetera, but, nevertheless, there should be a useful amount available to permit in creased participation in international and other confe rences; perhaps a strengthened secretariat; and scope for greater output and activity by the Standing Committees and the Regional Liaison Officers. All international organisations suffer from difficulty in arriving at decisions when a sudden event requires instant reaction or more detailed consideration than is possible by letter or telephone. The fact that personal discussion Is still hampered by the difficulty and expense of flying does not assist matters. The Board of Officers is aware of this

problem and has given consideration to the possibility of setting up emergency committees in various circumstances. I think it has been a reasonable year from the point of view of the Secretariat, but the growth, both in numbers of associations and in individual controllers, will soon

necessitate thought being given to establishing a more per manent and professional office and staff to deal, ad equately, with the increasingly important affairs of the Federation.

I am disappointed that no new Corporation Mem.bers have been obtained during the past year, but these are difficult for on international organisation to secure.

Swiss Revenue Authorities had been settled in mutual

nate another member of the Swiss ATCA for the Office of

Treasurer. The Committee tried to find, and subsequently found, a suitable candidate. They were in fact able to choose from a number of volunteers and wish to thank

them all for their willingness to stand for election. It is, for the reasons given above, suggested that Directors consider the nomination brought forth by the Swiss ATCA.

Financial Situation The Committee noted with some concern that the annual

accounts for 1969 closed with a loss of SFr. 5,862.15 which has to be covered out of the Federation's reserves. These

reserves now amount to SFr. 22,231.35. This constitutes less than half one annual budget considered to be a minimum

necessary to guarantee continued flexibility of action. On December 31, 1969, the reserves were actually below those available at the end of 1967.

Decisive steps will have to be taken to provide a broader basis of operation for the future. Item 3 is dealing with some of the aspects to be considered.

Future Development It is indeed very difficult to foresee the development of income and expenditure except that it is certain that ex penses will increase with the general index figures, even if the Federation's activities remained at a constant level.

As it is hoped to increase the activity, too, and hopefully set up a permanent Secretariat in the near future to be able to cope with additional work, the income will hove to be increased considerably. There are two ways of achiev ing this: 25

1. Increased membership (a) within present member asso ciation, (b) through gaining new member associations

3. Accept the proposed new scale for annual subscriptions

and corporation members;

for the years 1973/74 as a basis of discussion with their national associations during the coming year, with a

2. increased membership tees.

view of taking a vote on the matter at the 1971 annual conference.

To take point two first, the Directors have fortunately al

ready at the Munich and Belgrade Conferences agreed to adopt subscriptions for the years 1971/72. We should how ever already now look further ahead and study possibili

ties after 1972. Standing Committee Ml therefore submits a possible subscription scale for 1973/74. Directors are kind ly requested to accept this as a basis of discussion, seek

A.2.2.1. Draft Budget 1970 •

Provisional Budget 1971 [70.A.10.]

their associations' advice and decide on the matter at the 1971 Conference.

Provisional 1971 Income

Annual Subscriptions

S F r.

Member Associations 1969/70

fi r s t 1 0 0





















next 1000




next 2000




next 3000




next 4000





Above 11,000 members, the annual per capita fee shall be S F r. 1 . — .

Corporation Members Interest

1,000.— 74,000.—


Stationery & Printing Postage & General Expenses B o a r d o f O f fi c e r s

Delegates Intern. Conferences Secretariat

Standing Committees Regional Liaison

As regards the increased membership we shall probably

Annual Conference

make an encourageing step at the Montreal Conference. The main problem will therefore be to get through 1970

Audit Fee


with what we have available. The Board of Officers will


hove to apply a strict budget control. They have already token the necessary action at their Frankfurt meeting in March, 1970. The immediate outlook, therefore, is not too

58,000.— 15,000.—

6,000. 8,500. 14,000. 10,000. 20,000. 2,500. 3,000. 7,000. 1,000. 1,000. 1,000.

^4^0^ Expected Balance

bad. The other importani problem, and with Increased membership this really will be an important problem, is the Secretariat. The Board have also discussed this matter, they

are studying several possibilities and will probably report to member associations as soon as a decision con be token.

A.3.1.1. Report of the Regional Liaison Officer

for Australasia [70.A.13.] The Controller

At this point the Committee would like to commend the Editor of the Federation's Journal, "The Controller". He has, in 1969 again, managed to moke ends meet. This means that sofar the Federation never hod to get financially in

volved in the production of this valuable, highly estimated professional paper. It is hoped that this shall also be the case in the future.

The reserve fund "The Controller" therefore still con


Membership (of the N. Z. Association) has recently increas

ed to 180 members and it is hoped to reach a total of 200 during the next twelve months. This is due to an influx of

cadets during the past three years now entering the pro

fession and we trust accepting membership in our Association. Present membership constitutes approximately 90% of those eligible.

tains SFr. 5,000.—, admittedly a very modest sum. Action to be taken

In concluding their report Standing Committee III invite Directors to:

1. Discharge the Treasurer and Standing Committee III

from their responsibility for the 1969 accounts and finan cial management.

2. Accept the proposed nomination of another member of the Swiss ATCA to the Office of Treasurer, for practical r e a s o n s .


Co-operation with International Organisations 1. Representatives attended IFALPA Conference June 1969. 2. Two representatives attended the 4th Aviation Medical Seminar 14th to 16th November in Auckland. 3. Two representatives attending South Pacific Association Safety Services:

Exercise and Symposium 12/14 May.

— The report of the NZATCA representative at the IFALPA Conference contained little of which would be of interest to IFATCA.

— This seminar was orientated almost exclusively around the airline pilot and his problems; this narrowing of the spectrum was commented upon by several of the medi cal delegates privately and by Dr. P. V. Siegel of the

Federal Aviation Administration of Washington public ly, whose paper, by including a considerable section on the air trafic control problems in the United States, pre sented a more balanced approach. So interesting were his submissions on this subject that the NZATCA asked him for a summary of the findings of the Federal Avia

A.3.1.2. Report of the Regional Liaison Officer for Eastern Europe [70.A.14.] Since our last conference, the Regional Liaison Officer Austria, together with members of the Austrian Association, tried to fix IFATCA's position in his area and to establish contact with governments and controllers of Eastern Euro

tion Administration's inquiry of 1966. Dr. Siegel kindly

pean states.

forwarded the complete report of some nine volumes

In detail the following has been done:

which is being processed at present. Judging from Dr. Siegel's comment this report could be of considerable interest to Standing Committee IV. — Since this Safety Services Exercise coincides with IFATCA

70, I am unable to attend personally, but it is being covered by two representatives and if anything of inte rest to IFATCA ensues a report will be forwarded to the Board of Officers.

Soviet Union

A delegation of the USSR Trade Union and Controllership was invited for one week to Vienna to discuss professional matters and to have explained once again the intentions of IFATCA. We were informed that a Soviet delegation will attend as observers the Montreal Conference and the Re

gional Liaison Officer Austria together with the President

Working Report Protracted negotiations have taken place on a Loss of Licence Insurance scheme which appears to be bearing fruit as a rough draft has been submitted and tentative agree ment reached. Copy of draft included with report. (This

of AATCA were invited to continue discussions dealing with IFATCA during this summer in Moscow. I shall contact the Minister of Transport USSR, Mr. Loginov and the Interna tional Relations Manager Aeroflot, Mr. Besedin, in order to continue now on on official basis as we did it in Hungary — and to have a new member of IFATCA very soon.

has been forwarded to the Swiss Association: Executive Secretary.)

The system of Controlled VFR at major airports in New Zealand has been promulgated and is the result of con siderable pressure exerted by the Association. The situa

tion is not yet to the satisfaction of the Association, but is a vast improvement on previous procedures. Copy of AiP promulgations tor Auckland procedures Included as an example of similar procedures used throughout New Zea

land. (Copy forwarded to Standing Committee I: Executive Secretary.)

Bulgaria The Montreal Conference will be attended also by a Bul garian delegation. I renewed the good Austrian-Bulgarian relations with Mr. Stephen Mintschoff, controller and mem ber of the Civil Aviation Board Bulgaria, and 1 hope to

start official talkings in Sofia already this autumn or win ter. I was informed that Bulgarian air traffic controllers are very interested in IFATCA; nevertheless the Ministry of Transport has to be contacted in order to obtain the clear ance for a "go ahead".


1. Civil/Military Co-ordination (forwarded to Standing Committee I). 2. Auckland's Hovercraft (forwarded to Editor "The Con troller"). 3 . N e w Z e a l a n d A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l A s s o c i a t i o n M i n u t e

on PATCO/ATCA/IFATCA (forwarded to the Board of Officers). Although New Zealand has been a member of IFATCA since 1965, this is the first time delegates have been able to

attend an annual conference. Due to our Antipodean posi tion, travel has, and will always be a great obstacle and thus New Zealand will show great interest in that part of the agenda which deals with "Transport by Air to Confe rence".

We hope that some progress will be made towards this and other problems at this conference. G. N. McLindon

Hungary Very close contacts are existing between HATCA and AATCA. Twice a year these organizations have meetings either in Budapest or in Vienna dealing with IFATCA and national professional matters. I can report to the Confe rence, that things with Hungary have come to a successful end and I express my best wishes to HATCA for the future.

For the vakia; I good. In the 1970, I

year 1971 I plan to visit Romania and Czechoslo think that IFATCA's chances in Romania are very course of travelling to London during wintertime will give an oral report to the Executive Secretary,

dealing with the development of IFATCA in Eastern Europe. Gentlemen, let me express my best wishes for this Montreal Conference together with best regards to all my friends! Helmut Kihr


A.3.1.5. Report of the

A.3.1.3. Report of the

Regional Liaison Officer

Regional Liaison Officer

for North America [70.A.17.]

for the Far East [70.A.15.] It was agreed at the 1969 IFATCA Annual Conference, Bel grade, that Hong Kong should provide a Regional Liaison


Officer for the For East region for on initial period of two


years. I was subsequently elected to this post for the first year.

My attempts to moke contact with controllers in neighbour ing states has met with only limited response. Letters sent to India, Indonesia, Ceylon, Burma, Malaysia, South Viet nam and Formosa have gone unanswered and personal contacts by Hong Kong controllers on familiarisation visits hove aroused but little interest. However, contact has been

made with Singapore through Mr. Yeow and with Japan through Mr. Muto. Mr. Yeow is the civil aviation branch representative within

the amalgamated union of public employees which is affi liated with the Singapore National Trade Union Congress. A copy of the IFATCA Constitution has been sent to Mr. Yeow and it is hoped that further interest will develop which may result in an application from Singapore to join I FAT C A .

M r. M u t o i s t h e E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r o f t h e A i r Tr a f fi c C o n

trol Association of Japan. Mr. Muto has expressed a keen interest in IFATCA but thinks the subscription fees are too

high and would be too great a strain on his Association's

The membership of the CATCA has increased from 850 in 1969 to 925 active members as of the November 30th de

claration dote. However, under the new CATCA negotiated

contract all ATC personnel are now obligated to pay dues

to the CATCA whether they wish to become members or

not. Consequently a number of Controllers that were re luctant to pay their dues and who were in arrears are now

members, as are new Controllers entering the service, since

their dues are automatically being deducted from their pay cheques. It is therefore anticipated that the CATCA mem bership will in 1970 increase to around the 1100 mark. United States of America

Latest figures released by the FAA in July of 1969 indicated some 21, 127 employees in the GS-2152 ATCS category. This included: C l a s s i fi c a t i o n

he calls a "Special Budgetary Measure" to IFATCA and

Trainees (GS5-7) Developmental (GS-9)

details of this ore awaited.


The isolated position of Hong Kong and long distances to other states in the Far East coupled with the limited oppor


rather limited resources. Mr. Muto intends to propose what

Term/Towers Centres

Crew Chiefs

tunities for controllers to travel prevents rapid progress

Flight Service Station personnel totalled 4,186 and H Q

towards stimulating interest in IFATCA. Acceptance of a slow rote of progress does not, however, mean that results will not be achieved and it is hoped that more substantial

staffing in Washington, Regional and Area Offices as well

results will be forthcoming during the next year.

The FAA requested an additional 2,800 positions for FY E. Collier

as NAFEC accounted for another 900.

1970 and 4,189 for FY 1971. However, the high attrition rate

in training of 22% as reported in the Corson Committee

Report will probably result in continued understaffing at the high density facilities and increased overtime for a|| U. S. Controllers.

A.3.1.4. Report of the

Of the two ATC representative groups, ATCA has a pro

fessional membership of 2,200 while PATCO reports over

Regional Liaison Officer for Mediterranean/Africa

7,400 members eligible for IFATCA membershio aq nf


April 1st, 1970.

The absence of basic directives and information material restricted my scope of activity to a few formal contacts with agencies interested in and dealing with flight opera tions.

Accumulation and preparatory initiative for investigations on address material could enable a short-notice begin

ning of my duties and functions as liaison officer. The indispensable papers and information bulletin is in print now so that in the near future, I hope, official and successful approaches to the competent authorities and

Other Countries

No direct contact has yet been established with the Carri-

bean Federation of ATC Associations although with the Netherlands Antilles Guild applying for affiliation this

year, it is hoped that a permanent liaison in this area might soon be established. Information on IFATCA activities was forwarded to Mexico and other Central American coun tries, as well as to Bermuda, but no formal liaison has been established to dote.

persons in matters of close desired co-ordination and co

operation between ATC associations for a fertile streng

thening and better recognition of controller's profession c a n b e a c h i e v e d a n d a i m e d a t a c o m m o n b e n e fi t t o a l l parties and individuals. H. Susser



The CATCA has very generously kept IFATCA Member Associations and Officers informed through distribution of

their outstanding new CATCA Journal and the Information Bulletins. These have been supplemented by Special Re ports by the undersigned whenever deemed necessary dur ing the critical contract negotiations period. Additionally 11 "Situation Reports" plus 5 "Confidential Reports", have been distributed by this Officer during the past few months concerning the Controllers in the USA.


The constitution of on ATC Association is foreseen in the

future, OS the Chilean ATC is now being demilitarized. Paraguay All ATC personnel has been demilitarized. There is an Asso ciation that includes all aeronautical technicians. No ex


Several letters and telephone calls have been completed in order to provide Member Associations and the IFATCA Board with up-to-date details on current developments as they happened in Canada and the USA. These are too numerous to list but suffice It to be said that over 800 pieces of correspondence have crossed this Officer's desk as RLO and 1st V-P during the last year, and if your letter did not receive a reply, I apologize herewith. In summary I trust that the information provided to you by the undersigned has been timely and enlightening. I would

c l u s i v e AT C A s s o c i a t i o n i s f o r e s e e n .


No information has been obtained from this country. Peru

ATC personnel belongs to a private company that provides ATC services through a Government contract. An Associa tion exists but so far, it seems to have no interest in IFATCA.

hope that it might have been of some considerable assis tance to you, in arriving at the many decisions to be mode


at this our 9th Annual Conference.

As no report will be forwarded from the Northern South

In conclusion, although this has been a rather disturbing year, and the combined duties of 1st Vice-President and Regional Liaison Officer hove proven most difficult at times, it has been my pleasure to serve you in these elective capacities. I shall therefore trust that the resolutions of this

America Region, we may add that an ATC Association is being organized in Colombia.

Conference and the recommendations derived within the

Committees will "pave the way to success", for the Federa tion in its every endeavour during the forthcoming year of increased activity. J. R. Campbell

A.3.1.6. Report of the Regional Liaison Officer for Southern South America

[70.A.18.] As we have previously reported, the main obstacles for the IFATCA Liaison Officer in our Region are, the long dis tances to travel and the transportation difficulties, both

making an almost impossible mission to hove personal con tacts with our Regional colleagues. As a result of this, most of our contacts are done by moil, which has proved not so

As final conclusions, we think that the ATC picture in Sou

thern South America is partially improving; first with the Argentine Association affiliating and second with the de militarization in some countries, thus permitting the Con trollers to associate themselves, as a first step to integrate I FAT C A .

Sub-Committee B The Sub-Committee, with A Field (U.K.) as Chairman, elected the following additional Officers: Vice-Chairman

J. A. Saker (U.K.) R. W. G. Mundy (U.K.)

The following members were nominated by Associaions to serve on the Sub-Committee: Austria

H. Bauer

effective to our purposes. We have been able to interview Controllers in Argentina and Paraguay and sent letters to Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and


G. LeMaire


W. Hill


T. T h e o d o t o u

Peru. Most of them have gone unanswered. The information


V. F r e d e r i k s e n


H. Nevaste


M. Imbert


W. Goebel

obtained looks as follows:

The Argentine Association is requesting affiliation to IFATCA. If delegates are able to attend the Conference, they will most probably try to join IFATCA there. This is very good news for us, as we will be accompanied in IFATCA membership by a very friendly neighbour Associa tion. We warmly welcome our Argentine colleagues.

Their impossibility to associate remains, as the ATC is pro vided by military personnel.


C. Theodoropoulos

Hong Kong

W. Sanson


O. Jonsson


J. Rockett D. Kendler J. van Ginkel


A. Klein

New Zealanc

B. Abrahams


J. Kalvik


L. Thorogood


B. Hinnerson

W. A e b e r h a r d





Uruguay U. Yugoslavia J.

Pollares Desovic

Provisional Members representatives were: Australia









Netherlands-Antilles South




( PAT C O )




Nicolaas Blount


Visual Meteorological Conditions to a controlled flight, essential traffic information should be passed to the con trolled flight concerned. In all other cases essential traffic

information should only be passed when deemed practic able and necessary by the Air Traffic Controller." [B.2.2.2.] Procedures for Primary Radar [▶ Resolution B.3.]

The report of Standing Committee I was accepted and it was resolved that the draft amendments be adopted with the exception of 4.2., 8.2., 11.2.

[B.2.3.] Formulation of Technical Policy

Report of Sub-Committee B

[B.2.3.I.] Relationship between "Clearance Limit" and "Cleared Flight Level"

[B.l.] Report of Standing Committees

[9 Recommendation B.I.]

[B.I.I.] Report of Standing Committee I •

After discussion, it was recommended that Paper 70.B.5.

Te c h n i c a l a n d P r o f e s s i o n a l M a t t e r s

The report of the Chairman was accepted and recommend ed for adoption.

be referred back to Standing Committee I for further study.

[B.2.3.2.] Clearance to Controlled Flight to Maintain Own Terrain Clearance

[B.l .2.] Report of Standing Committee V • Recruitment and Training o f A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s [▶ Resolution B.l.]

It was resolved that the report of the Chairman (70.B.3.) be adopted as guidance material and that Member Associa tions be reminded of the Belgrade Conference REC. 5 which requested them to submit data to Standing Committee V.

[▶ Resolution B.4.]

The recommendation of the Swiss ATCA was accepted. It

was resolved that the task of formulating IFATCA policy on the issue of clearances to controlled flights to maintain

own terrain clearance be deleted from the Standing Com mittee I work programme.

[B.2.3.3.] Effects of Turbulent Wake [▶ Resolution B.5.]

[B.2.] Work Studies [B.2.I .] ICAO 6th ANC 1969

[B.2.1.1.] Report by IFATCA Observer (J. Saker)

The report of the Observer was accepted and recommend ed for adoption.

[B.2.1.2.] Report on follow-up action taken and pro posed by Standing Committe I

The report of Standing Committee I on follow-up action taken and proposed was accepted and endorsed.

[B.2.1.3.] Report on ICAO LIM EUM (RAC/COM) RAN Meeting 1969

The report of Standing Committee I was accepted and pro posed follow-up action was endorsed. [ B . 2 . 2 . ] A m e n d m e n t s t o Te c h n i c a l P o l i c y

[B.2.2.I.] Passing of Essential Traffic Information

The report of Standing Committee I was accepted. It was re solved that the subject of "Turbulent Vv'ake" be kept under

continuous review by Standing Committee I — particularly in relation to the introduction into operational service of new and very heavy transport aircraft.

To assist Standing Committee I, Member Associations hav ing practical experience in controlling Jumbo Jet aircraft should provide the following information:

a) details of any hazardous situations known to have been created by turbulent wake effects;

b) the method of specifying aircraft in relation to which

special turbulent wake restrictions are to be applied — if other than by aircraft type;

c) details of the restrictions to be imposed by ATC if signi

ficantly different from those detailed in para. 2.4. of Paper 70.B.7.;

d) any significant ATC problems encountered in applying turbulent wake restrictions.

[B.2.3.4.] Civil/Military Co-ordination in Relation to the

Unification of the Air Traffic Services, and the

[▶ Resolution B.2.]

The report of the Irish Association was accepted. After dis cussion it was resolved that existing IFATCA Policy state

ment on Passing of Essential Traffic Information in PANS/ RAC Facing Page 3-16, Para. 18 be amended to read: "Passing of Essential Traffic Information. Prior to the issue of a clearance to fly maintaining own separation while in 30

Utilization of the Airspace [▶ Resolution B.6.]

The report of the German Association was adopted. It was resolved that Paper 69.B.14. be adopted as Guidance Mate rial.

[B.2.3.5.] Automation in Air Traffic Control

[B.4.2.] Standing Committee V • "Recruitment and Training of Air Traffic Controllers"

[▶ Resolution B.7.]

The report of Standing Committee I was adopted. It was resolved that a study of Automation in Air Traffic Control be placed on the work programme of Standing Committee I. [B.2.3.6.] ATS Requirements for Airborne Navigational Capability [▶ Resolution B.8.]

The report of Standing Committee I was accepted. It was resolved that Chapter 4 of Paper 70.B.10. be adopted as the IFATCA Policy Statement on the ATS Requirements for Airborne Navigational Capability and that Paper 70.B.10.


C a n a d i a n A i r T r a f fi c

Control Association

The Sub-Committee discussed Paper 70.B.13. and decided not to endorse the Recommendation given in Para. 4 of that paper.

[B.5.] Work Programme for 1970-1971

Concept of Separation (ROCS Panel).

[▶ Resolution 6.12.]

It was also resolved that the existing IFATCA Policy formu


[B.4.3.] Formation of a Standing Committee VII • "Safety"

be made available to the ICAO Review of the General

[▶ Resolution B.9.1


appointed as Standing Committee V for the year 1970/71.

It is resolved that the Work Programme for Standing Com mittee I for the year 1970-1971 should be:

lated under Resolution B.6. at the 4th Annual Conference

be amended to read as follows: "Navigational capability

in the cockpit forms an essential element in the concept of ATC. Responsibility for the navigation of an aircraft, to

meet both safety and ATC requirements, rests with the pilot. Responsibility for the preservation of separation and effi cient sequencing of air traffic rests with ATC." [B.2.3.7.] Procedures for Primary Radar [▶ Resolution B.IO.]

A proposal to amend Radar Phraseology was made by the German Association. It was resolved that the present

IFATCA policy statement in PANS/RAC facing Page 10-24,

1. Routine

Preparation of policy for inclusion in Manual. 2. Follow-up Action to 6th ANC a) RGCS Panel

( I) to provide ICAO with material on ATS Require ments for Airborne Navigational Capability [70.B.10., Res. 3 & 70.B.2-1., App. G.2.(lll)]

paragraph 6.3.1. (e) be cancelled.

( II) to study the implications of proposed require

[B.3.] Co-operation with International Organizations

(Ill) to co-operate with IFALPA's RAC/COM Study

ments for radar monitoring of aircraft using re duced separation standards [70.B.2-2., Para. 2.3.]

Group RGCS Panel

[B.3.I.] Report by Executive Secretary The report of the Executive Secretary was accepted and recommended for adoption.

[B.3.2.] Report by 2nd Vice-President The oral report of the 2nd Vice-President was accepted and recommended for adoption.

[B.3.3.] Report by Standing Committee I The report of Standing Committee I was accepted and re commended for adoption.

[B.4.] Appointment of Standing Committees [B.4.I.] Standing Committee I • "Technical and Professional Matters" [▶ Resolution B.ll.]

[70.B.11-1., Para. 4]

b) Interim Amendment of PANS-RAC Provisions for Separation

to inform ICAO of IFATCA policy on amendment of separation standards in PANS-RAC and their pre sentation

[70.B.2-1., Appx. G, Para. 2(1) & (II)] c) SST Aircraft to study the "Possible operational requirements of SSTs regarding Air Traffic Services" [70.B.2-1., Appx. F, Para. 2]

d) Air Ground Automated Data Interchange to consider further action on 65.B.27.

[70.B.2-1., Appx. F, Para. 3]

e) Minimum Levels, etc.

The United Kingdom Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers was re-appointed as Standing Committee I for the year

to study implications of 6th ANC amendments to


[70.B.2-1., Appx. G, Para. 4]

PA N S - R A C


3. Preparation for Representation at 6th EUM RAN Meet ing 1971 [70.B.2-2.]

a) Preparation for Representation at 6th EUM RAN Meeting to be held in 1971 [70.B.2-1., Appx. C]. Specific subjects:

( I) Radar monitoring of aircraft with reduced sepa ration (see 2 (a) (II) above) [70.B.2-2., Para, 2.3.1

I am pleased to report that the Work Programme set by the Belgrade Conference has been discharged and that in addi

tion my committee has dealt with a number of minor items outstanding from the discussions at Belgrade and has main tained a very vigorous contact throughout the year with Pilot Associations including the presentation of a paper on behalf of IFATCA to the British Air Line Pilots Associa

tion symposium. These items will be reported upon in detail in Sub-Committee "B".

( II) Practical application of Mode C procedures [70.B.2-2., Para. 5.2.]

(Ill) Use of SSR to reduce R/T comms [70.B.2-2., Para. 6.3.]

4. Follow-Up Action on 5th NAT RAN

to take such follow-up action as may be deemed neces sary

[70.B.2-1., Appx. D] 5. Turbulent Wake Procedures

to collate and study data received from Member Asso ciations

[70.B.7., Para. 3] 6 . A u t o m a t i o n i n AT C [70.B.9.]

[B.6.] Any Other Business

ICAO 6th ANC You will recall that you approved at the Belgrade Confe

rence my committee's submissions to ICAO of Working Papers and the Guidance and Briefing Material for the use by our Observers. Since that date the ICAO Conference has been held and

the report of our Observer is to be presented to you as item 70.B.2. of the Agenda of Sub-Committee B.

You will appreciate that the Conference and the Report are but a starting point for the commencement of a great amount of detailed follow-up action. My Committee com menced to discharge this task immediately following the conference within the constraints set out in IFATCA Tech nical Policy.

I have made mention of this particular task on my Com mittee's Work Programme, for when you read the Obser ver's Report, of some 40 pages, you will I know realise that this has been a task of some magnitude to discharge. That we have been able to do so, has been due to the dedica tion of voluntary assistance and the advice and guidance of the Elective Officers and Member Associations. I feel

No items

bound to advise you, however, that at this moment in time, this task represented the maximum effort which my com mittee was able to muster and although it may appear desirable to seek representation at the many desirable international meetings which should be our concern, our

Appendices to the Report

efforts, if they are to be worthy of the name of IFATCA,

of Sub-Committee B

disposal. IFATCA has gained international repute by reason of the fact that it did its homework on a relatively small number of selected items and did it well. Let us keep it

must be restricted to the slender resources which are at our

that way until our resources grow with our future.

B.1.1. Report of the Chairman

Arnold Field

of Standing Committee I [70.B.1.] Work Programme The Work Programme of Standing Committee I was appro

ved at the Belgrade Conference under Resolution B.16. and was as follov/s:

— the formulation and review of existing policy for in clusion in the Manual;

— the study of the ICAO 6th ANC Report and "fall out" from that report;

— preparatory work for the ICAO 7th ANC in relation to Supersonic Transport;

— to keep under review the ATC requirements for the navi gational capability of aircraft;

— to keep under review the subject of Automation in ATC. 32

B.1.2. Report of the Chairman of Standing Committee V •

Recruitment and Training

of Air Traffic Controllers [70.B.3.] Introduction The wealth of possible material that could have aided us

has not materialized. The seven replies to the questionnaire mentioned in our September 1969 report have been supple mented by two additional reports that have been promised, but not received, at the tim.e of writing. It is our intention in this report to cover recommendations

on general recruiting and training policy and to leave the specifics of Airport, Area, Terminal and Radar Control

untii more data is available. The members and friends of

entering the service in the coming years the knowledge of

this Committee who are training personnel have found

technology and automation is an essential requirement.

difficulty in solving Canada's problems. We do not pre sume to recommend world standards with the relatively

A further consideration for employees and employers alike

1. Age

will be the growing awareness that controllers may have to be prepared for a second career, probably outside of their present profession, after a certain age. It would seem prudent that personnel in this profession prepare for the future and that applicants to the career possess skills and education that will make such future adjustment relatively

2. Education


small amount of data available.

This report and its recommendations will deal specifically with:

3. Selection

4. Centralized Training

5. Refresher Training, Equipment and Procedures Training



3. Applicants to the profession possess the academic qua

lifications required to enter university level studies in their country.

Section 1: Age The primary purpose of the lower age limits appears to be to meet the ICAO Licensing Requirement. The implication of ICAO and the countries following this procedure is that a certain degree of maturity can be expected because a

person has reached a set chronological age. Chronological age may well be a factor in maturity but does not provide a definite and measurable criterion of

4. Personnel presently employed in the profession be con sidered as meeting these requirements for purposes of promotion; and employing Departments or Agencies be petitioned to reimburse present ATC employees for the costs of obtaining higher academic qualifications which will prepare them for promotion and possible job changes.

maturity. Advances in communication and education hove

influenced maturity in young people. They are definitely more mature than preceding generations at the same age. At the other end of the age scale, we find several studies

denoting a decreased ability to successfully complete air traffic control training at ages in excess of 35 years. Appli cants without prior aviation experience have a lower success ratio as age increases. In many countries. Human Rights Legislation makes it unlawful to examine race, re ligion, sex or age as a discriminator of employment. While we concede to the ideals of such legislation, the demanding work and training of an air traffic controller, the length of the training period, and the decreased chance of success

make it equally unfair to offer positions and training, inter ruption of another career and possible failure, to entice applicants to our field.



1. References to a lower age limit for qualification of an air traffic control license be abandoned.

2. A maximum age of 35 be stipulated for applicants to air traffic control who do not possess previous aviation experience.

Section 3: Selection The countries reporting to this Committee have indicated

that some form of written test is used by almost every coun try. These vary from General Intelligence Tests to tests of aptitude that measure certain personal qualities. While we have seen only those from two countries, the reports provided to us by member associations completing our questionnaire indicate that all have a form of General Intelligence Test as a common element. Other parts vary from being identical to those used for aircrew selection to

parts specifically designed to solve traffic problems. The use of a standard selection test common to air traffic con

trollers regardless of country appears to be impractical, although there ore certain elements that have appeared in tests in many countries that are similar. As a rule tests ore not valid from one country to another where language is different. A literal translation is not generally possible and the test must be reconstructed in the second language. There are some elements of visual pre sentation, however, that do not vary and these might well

be "transferable" from one country to another and they have been proven to be reliable indicators. These are: Spatial Oral, Spatial Written,

Section 2: Education

C u b e Te s t .

in terms of personality rather than academic qualifications. Quite often the applicant with higher academic qualifica tions is not as practically oriented as he need be for the essentially practical and common sense environment of air

Another item of the selection process is the personal inter view. There is little guidance that can be provided in a written report that would benefit experienced recruiting officers. One criterion that must be adhered to, however, is that selection must be governed by the personal observa

t r a f fi c c o n t r o l .

tions, during the interview, of experienced air traffic con

The work of an air traffic controller can best be described

We can also state that the increasing technology and great sophistication of ATC equipment will demand of us all an ability to assimilate new knowledge at what might be term ed university level. For those already employed in ATC it will require an upgrading of general education. For those

trol personnel and not by personnel officers who are not familiar with the qualities and temperament required in

our profession. This point is raised here solely because many countries have a Civil Service Commission, Public Selection Board, or other government employing agency 33

responsible for employment for all Government Depart

dures, new or modified equipment, prior to their intro duction into the system. As aviation continues to expand, basic air traffic control

A second item not directly involved in selection is the quali

courses are adjusted to cover the newer material. If the

ments. Air traffic controllers are a rare breed. They must be identified by a member of the breed.

fication, in many countries, that all applicants be former pilots or aircrew members. We do concede that an indi

vidual who possesses all the attributes of a con troller and who has flown will be a better controller.

We do not hold that pilots always can become controllers. This matter is introduced here to strengthen our conviction that air traffic control is a profession that we as members

can be proud of. Let's get out from under the pilot shadow,

even in our basic qualifications.

same procedure is not followed for already licensed con trollers we could have the difficulty of newer personnel be ing more qualified in many respects, with the exception of experience, than are senior personnel. Of the member associations few indicate that mandatory periods of refresher training are provided. They are expect ed to maintain proficiency on their own responsibility. It also follows that in the event of a loss of separation most administrations will insist on a standard check of the indi

vidual in which he must demonstrate his ability in his pro fession.



5. Because attempts to produce a standard test appear

most impractical, a central agency such as ICAO be

asked to co-ordinate certain elements with visual or oral criteria which could be used in all countries. 6. Member associations ascertain and press for the selec tion of controllers by trained ATC personnel with their c o u n t r y.

7. Qualifications of experience for air traffic control per sonnel should show flight crew experience as desirable rather than mandatory.

Flow much refresher training is required? It is difficult to quantify a standard for refresher training internationally. Some countries have a basic system: non-radar, non-co.mputer, etc., and may need 3-5 days of refresher training per year. Others may require 5-7, 7-10 or greater per year, or may need to differentiate between the time periods to be given airport, terminal or en route controllers.

Equipment and Procedures training may be included as part of the refresher training time or may be separated. The important criterion here is that it must be provided a suffi cient time in advance of implementation. If a new procedure is to come into effect in August but refresher

training is not scheduled until September, don't delay until Section 4: Centralized Training The member associations responding to our questionnaire and the references we have on other countries' systems indicate that a centralized or formal training school is in

widespread use. Those countries that do not have such an

establishment are utilizing other countries' facilities, ICAO

sponsored schools, or qualified private agencies. Little can be gained from reviewing the arguments given in our previous report. We can close this subject with: Recommendations


8. Formal training establishments should be used in pre ference to on-the-job training techniques for basic, IFR

after the fact. Provide the training in May or June. It may be a half day briefing. It may be a written test. It must be before implementation. Recommendations


9. Each member association petition its employer to de fine and implement adequate refresher training pro grammes to maintain knowledge and abilities at a high level.

10. Each member association petition its employer to pro vide advance notice of changes, interpretations and training when required before new/modified equip ment and procedures are introduced.

and radar training.

Section 5: Refresher Training,

Equipment and Procedures Training

Summary We have not been able, to date, to define standards for the various controller license ratings that we feel would be applicable to even a majority of member associations.

In general, we have made recommendations on certain of

Many of the member associations had some difficulty in differentiating between these two categories. For our pur poses we have defined them as follows:

the problems that we detailed in our previous report. We ask that IFATCA member associations adopt these as phi losophies and press for their adoption within their respec

Refresher Training

amend them.

tive countries or to provide meaningful data on which to E. A. Smith

Refresher training and simulation designed to ensure a maintenance of knowledge and abilities with respect to all standards, procedures, equipment and techniques cur rently in use. Equipment and Procedures Training

Training and simulation designed to familiarize and quali fy control personnel with changes to standards or proce 34

Final Plenary Session The final Plenary Session convened on the 14th May. The Executive Secretary took the roll call of Member Associations. 23 were present.

Presentation of the Report of Sub-Committee A The Chairman, J. D. Thomas (Rhodesia) reported on the

George Waller, Federal Aviation Administration

Andrew Pitas, Air Transport Association of America

work of his Sub-Committee.

With some editorial amendments (which have been in

corporated in the Report), the Report and Recommenda tions were accepted unanimously.

Captain R. Lang, Canadian Air Line Pilots Association and IFALPA J. de Vienne,

Chief, RAC, ATC and SAR, International Civil .Aviation Organisation

Presentation of the Report of



The Chairman, A Field (U.K.) reported on the work of

C. Theodoropoulos, President, Air Traffic Controllers Association of Greece R. N. Harrison, On behalf of the Corporation Members

his Sub-Committee.

With some editorial amendments (which have been in corporated in the text) the Report and Recommendations were accepted unanimously.

R. Meyer, Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organisation, and New


A. Magnee, International Airline Navigators Council

Any Other Business There being no other business, the President invited the new President, A. Field (U.K.) and the new Treasurer J. Gu-

Mr. Theodoropoulos of the Greek Association thanked all Member Associations for accepting their invitation to hold the 1971 Conference in Greece. He was sure delegates would have something worth while to look back on. Athens

belmann (Switzerland) to join the Officers on the dais. He

was preparing a warm welcome; blue skies, and friendly

congratulated them on their election.

hospitality. Mr. Arnold Field, on behalf of Mr. Jean Gubelmann, and himself, thanked the Conference for electing them to

The President then welcomed the newly affiliated Mem ber Associations:

t h e B o a r d o f O f fi c e r s .


The Civil Air Operations Officers Association Hungary: Hungarian Air Traffic Controllers Association Malta: M a l t a A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l O f fi c e r s A s s o c i a t i o n Netherlands-Antilles: N e t h e r l a n d s A n t i l l e s A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n South Africa:

S o u t h A f r i c a n A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n USA:

Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organisation He presented the Charter of Affiliation to the represen tatives of the Associations.

The President also announced a new Corporation Mem ber:

Air Vision Industries Incorporated, of Montreal, and presented a Charter of Membership.

Final Address by the President Gentlemen, Here we are again at the end of an Annual Conference,

with a feeling of relief in the fact that everything is over and with the impression that nothing really went wrong. I would like to make a few remarks on what has been

a particularly interesting conference. Mr. Binaghi, the President of the Council of ICAO, in

his address at the opening ceremony, remarked that: "Yours is a young organisation, as it has existed only since

1961, but you hove given ample proof of your dynamism." In another part of his speech, he said: "We are, therefore, pleased to recognise that your progresses are becoming better and better. We also support your contributions to a i r t r a f fi c c o n t r o l a c t i v i t i e s . "

Gentlemen, these words are the more significant since they were pronounced by the President of the highest

authority in civil aviation. They ore, for us, evidence of a

Addresses by Guests and Observers The President read letters conveying good wishes, from Mr. Hugh Riddle, President of the Air Traffic Control Asso ciation (USA) and Mr. F. J. Crewe, of Elliott Automation, a Corporation Member.

The following addressed the Conference expressing their gratitude for the hospitality and an interesting con ference, and wishing the Federation success in the future.

satisfactory situation and an indication of a line of con duct for the future. IFATCA has given proof of its dynam ism, the constructive and organised dynamism of a young, enthusiastic, but self controlled movement which, while keeping abreast of developments in civil aviation, must not allow its energy to be dissipated in non-essential acti vities.

The IFATCA '70 Conference is evidence of this attitude, both Sub-Committees acted with a maximum of efficiency and swiftness in considering the agenda items in time to

submit their reports to the last Plenary. 35

These factors, together with the confidence I hove in the new Board of Officers, enable me to view the future with


a good deal of optimism. There is no doubt that the in centive and inspiration given by the conference will be a decisive factor in the work we shall produce when we re

Mr. J.-D. Lyon, the President of the Canadian Air Traf fic Control Association, moved the closure of the Con

turn home.

ference. This proposal was seconded by the Netherlands Guild of Air Traffic Controllers, and carried unanimously.

This has been a great conference. I would like, at this

point, to express once again my, and certainly your, admi ration of the outstanding organization of the IFATCA 70 Committee.

The IFATCA 70 Conference will go down in the history of IFATCA, and I am proud to have presided over it. I w a n t o u r f r i e n d s o f C AT C A t o r e s t a s s u r e d t h a t w e w i l l

retain happy memories of this conference, which, if it did not give much time for rest of our weary bones, provided the opportunity to do some good work and, conscious of having done our duty, to indulge in more frivolous but en joyable activities. I also want to extend my warmest thanks to the Observers, whose contributions were highly appre

ciated, as well as to the industries for giving us the unique opportunity of seeing these new equipments which we al ways ask for and, sometimes, get.

Many thanks to the Secretariat, for their untiring effort in producing sufficient copies of the reports and other papers for the Conference. Sincere thanks also to the Canadian Authorities and those of "La Belie Province" for their kind hospitality.

This is my last conference as President of IFATCA. I do not propose to entertain you with the heart-breaking story of the departing President.

May I say that I enjoyed every minute of the nine years

during which I was an Officer of IFATCA, and this makes

a lot of happy minutes for which I am indebted to the Federation. 1 was particularly proud to be associated with the Officers of the Federation, a group of fine and de dicated persons whose acquaintance gave me great satis faction. These nine years gave me the opportunity of meet ing a considerable number of interesting people belong

ing to the aviation community all over the world. I did my best to give them an acceptable im.age of the Air Traffic Controller.

Last but not least, I always derived immense pleasure from my dealings with you, the members of IFATCA, in spite of the trouble you have sometimes given me, I am sure with the best intentions.

Before closing this speech and allowing you to repair

to your merry libations, I would like to say some words of appreciation for the good work done by our departing

Treasurer, who, at the expense of his pretty wife and of his children, toiled to keep our finances in an acceptable shape, with a modest income and unlimited sources of expense. Thank you Bernhard for preventing IFATCA from going broke, and thank you Lisbeth for still liking us in spite of IFATCA's intrusion in your domestic life.

Ladies and gentlemen the time has come for you to

witness the finishing touches on my career as President of IFATCA. I do not need to express to you what an honour this has been. At times this job makes one reflect on his

own sanity for having accepted the job but the rewards more than compensate for any such self doubts. In wrapping up my duties I might quote Shakespeare and say that parting is such sweet sorrow ... but I prefer to borrow a line from Peter Seeger and say: "So long, it's been good to know you . . . but I've got to be drifting along."


Te c h n i c a l P r e s e n t a t i o n s During the last two days of the Conference, a number

of Technical Papers were read: With a few exceptions they were on the theme of the Computer and the Controller. The Papers were: "Fli-jacking"

(The Flon. Charles F. Butler, USA Representative to ICAO) " T h e R o l e o f A i r fi e l d S u r f a c e M o v e m e n t I n d i c a t o r R a d a r and Performance and Installation"

(Mr. L. J. Dennett, President Decca Canada Ltd.) "Schiphol — ATC Film"

(Mr. Milo, H. S. A., N. V. Flollandse Signaalapparaten, N. V. Philips Telecommunicatie Industrie) "An Airborne Computer System for Navigation and Traffic Control"

(Glen A. Gilbert, Glen A. Gilbert and Associates) "Simulation, Evaluation and Development in ATC" (Mr. R. N. Harrison, Ferranti Limited) "Simulation — The first step"

(Mr. Brian Stollard, The Plessey Company Limited) " G a n d e r A u t o m a t e d AT C "

(Mr. D. K. Jolly, IBM Canada Limited) "Most significant aspects of ATS currently under considera tion by ICAO"

(Mr. J. de Vienne, Chief, RAC, ATS and SAR, ICAO) "Use of Computers in the Aviation System"

(Mr. A. F. Pitas, Air Transport Association) "Centralized Flow Control"

(Mr. Bob Martin, Chief, Air Traffic Control Operations, FAA)

"The Computer Automated Display System for ATC" (Mr. George Melvin, Texas Instruments Inc.) "The Improvements of Wet-Runway Operations"

(Mr. Tirey K. Vickers, Consultant, James C. Buckley. Inc.) "The Case for General Aviation"

(Mr. Roy C. Jones, AOPA)

"Concorde — Progress Report" (Mr. G. Worrall, British Aircraft Corporation) "A Conflict Prediction Algorithm for Use in Procedural Domestic Airspace" (Mr. F. N. D. Gilbert) " C l e a r A i r Tu r b u l e n c e "

(Mr. D. S. Treddenick, National Research Council of Canada)

"A New Tool for ATC Automation — The Computer Con trolled Phase Array" (Mr. A. D. McComas, The Bendix Corporation)

Te c h n i c a l E x h i b i t i o n Supporting the Papers, was a very comprehensive ex hibition of some thirty organisations. These were most in teresting and aroused considerable discussion. The list of Exhibitors is as follows:

Department of Transport Canadian Marconi Company Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Pacific Plantronics Incorporated Marconi Radar Ferranti Limited U. K.

feather headdress, a pipe of peace was smoked. The im posing ceremony ended with the new Chief being greeted individually by the other Indians and welcomed to the tribe.

The Ladies Programme proved to be highly enjoyable and was much appreciated by all participating. It included a tour of the City, a Fashion Show, a Panoramic Tour, luncheons etc., and not least, a talk by a Professor of Socio logy Dr. James J. Morris on "Marriage and Stress Occupa tions".

IFATCA is grateful to Shirley LeSoge, the Chairwoman, of the organising committee, for so efficiently carrying out her task.

Ferranti Packard Limited

Av i a t i o n E l e c t r i c L i m i t e d

Air Vision Industries Incorporated Decca Radar Canada (1967) Limited Conway Electronic Enterprises Limited Ratheyon Company Wolfgang Assmann GmbH. CSF Thomson and Cll A E G - Te l e f u n k e n

Canadian Westinghouse N. V. Hollandse Signaalapparaten

Philips Electronic Equipment Anthony Foster & Sons Limited Plessey Radar International Aeradio Limited

Computing Devices of Canada Limited A i r Tr a f fi c C o n t r o l l e r s A s s o c i a t i o n o f G r e e c e C a n a d i a n N a t i o n a l a n d C a n a d i a n P a c i fi c C o m m u n i c a t i o n s R. C. A. Victor

Acknowledgments It is not possible to mention all those who contributed to the undoubted success of the Conference.

Some of the sponsors of social functions hove been mentioned, and the Federation extends its thanks to them and to the Exhibitors and those who contributed Papers on technical subjects. The Corporation Members of IFATCA,

OS always, earned the deep gratitude of everybody for their generous help and co-operation. Of the greatest importance to the success of the Con

ference was the generosity of the German Air Force in mak ing available a Boeing 707 for the flight from Cologne to Montreal and return. Controllers from 18 countries took

advantage of this offer, and, without this, might have had considerable difficulty in attending. A debt of gratitude is due to Horst Guddot, the Honorary Secretary, and Arnold Birnbau, of the German Association, for so efficiently orga nising this flight.

Social Arrangements

A number of civil airlines, and national authorities also gave thier assistance and support in providing transport facilities. It must be mentioned that for the flight of the

the Conference. IFATCA is very grateful for the generosity

GAF Boeing from Cologne, the Airport Authorities provid ed hospitality and effective co-operation in getting the

of those sponsoring these functions. They were:

flight off to an auspicious start. Lufthansa kindly provided

Luncheons and Dinners were held in the same hotel as

catering on the flight, and Air Canada gave similar faciliEsso/Avitot Limited

Canadian Government Province of Quebec

City of Montreal Air


Canadian Air Line Pilots Association Quebecair Atlantic Aviation Limited

General Aviation Limited

AIL (Cutler-Hammer) C a n a d i a n A i r T r a f fi c C o n t r o l A s s o c i a t i o n

tes for the homeward flight from Montreal.

Finally, the Federation is deeply indebted to the Cana dian Air Traffic Control Association for so efficiently orga

nising the Conference. Many controllers, and their wives, gave up much, if not all, of their spare time, and in some cases annual leave, to this task. The Conference Organisa tion was in the hands of:

Executive Chairman Art Cauty Executive Vice-Chairman Bob Willianen

Secretary/Treasurer Erie McDougall Accommodation Chairmen Pete Proux

The Cocktail Party given by the City of Montreal in their historic Hall, and on the terrace overlooking the City, was perhaps the most memorable. The final "Farewell Party", given by the Canadian Asso ciation, brought some surprises. The first was the presence

Advertising Chairman L. Jobin D i s p l a y s C h a i r m a n To m C u r r a n Ladies Chairwomen Shirley LeSage Program Chairman Doug Buchanan

of the Chief and members of his tribe, from the Caughna-


waga Indian Reservation. The second was the investing of

R e g i s t r a t i o n C h a i r m e n A . Ye a d o n a n d R. Keighan Social Chairman Jack Penney

the President of IFATCA, Maurice Cerf, as an Honorary Chief of the Mohawk section of the Iroquois, with the name TE HA NERA HONTSA HONTSI A KWEKS, or Black Wing

ed Eagle. After being wrapped in the tribal blanket of the Chief Poking Fire, and crowned with the traditional eagle

Protocoll and Membership Don Osborne Ray

Special and Miscellaneous Chairman Frank



Transportation Chairman Ed LeSage 37


Pictures from an Exhibition

The Hon. Don Jamieson, Canadian Minister of Transport, opening the exhibition of ATC equipment.

f/ - /

'J R. N. (Bobbie) Harrison explaining the Schiphol ATC Simulotor to the fhe exhibition stand of the Canadian Department of Transport. C a n a d i a n Mi n i ste r o f Tra n sp o rt.

ICAO President Walter Binaghi presenting the latest issue of the ICAO Bulletin to the Canadian Minister of Transport. Maurice Cerf, Immediate Past President of IFATCA, is looking on.

Copt. Clyde Muirhead (right), representing IFALPA, at the exhibition.

J. Desovic (Yugoslavia) and T. Payne (Editor CATCA Journal) are study- The Marconi TV studio brought daily World and Conference news on ing a new Electronic Data Display.


"Channel Eight".

system design and development hardware, software

latest technology


Electronic Data Processing Systems in digital, analog and hybrid techniques for use • in management information systems •



• as process computer for real-time

problems •



TELEFUNKEN know-how is worth






Germany 39



Jahrbuch der Luft- und Raumfahri 1970

Aviation and Space Yearboak, by K. F. Reuss; 470 pages includ ing various orgonigrammes, plastic cover, DM 24,80; Sudwestdeutsche Verlagsanstolt Mannheim, F.R.G. The editorial policy apparent in previous issues of the "Jahrbuch der Luft- und Raumfahrt" has been continued In the 1970 edition: the user is

presented with a well balanced mixture of directory information and reports about the most important aerospace activities that occured in the F.R.G. during the year 1969. Carefully designed lay-out and a comprehensive index section facili tate the search for particular items. The book covers a wide range of subjects, which are classified under the following chapter headings: Aviation and space legislation, organi sation of the aviation administration in the Federal Republic of Germany,

research and development — technical and scientific institutes, space flight, air traffic, aviation and space industry. Club der Luftfahrt, gene ral aviation, aviation press, aircraft owners (supplement to previous editions). The section on international aviation seems to have been aban d o n e d d e fi n i t e l y.

Under the heading of interdependence of ICAO and lATA the theme

of the speeches at the Montreal Conference is re-echoed. Transport means the meeting of peoples which is a development of civilisation. The pro liferation of international bodies of all kinds is one of the most valu

able developments in world affairs since 1900. Yet there is a definite need for an international federation to protect the rights of passengers. Controllers in EEC countries should find very interesting the lack of

International legal personality of the EEC (a personality extended to UNO by the World Court in its considerations on Insurance for Inter national Civil Servants after the killing of Count Bernadotte). The main

problem here is that EEC agreements can cut across previously negotiated commitments by member states. South America has always been a separate field in International

Law and it is not surprising to find a chapter devoted solely to South American affairs. Unlike other regions the Conferencias Regionales de

Aviacion Civil lack follow up methods and a permanent secretariat. Arbi trations therefore need often to ascertain the intentions of countries and wider use is made in this region of travaux preparatoires. ICAO is mak

ing a regional study to facilitate development with the advent of the jumbo jet and SSTs. In South America it took a conference of Heads of State in 1967 to bring about some agreement multilaterally.

The "Reuss" has gained its reputation as a reliable working aid over a period of almost two decades. The fact that one not only uses the cur

rent edition but frequently also takes recourse to earlier volumes mani fests the permanent value of this yearbook. EH

The chapter on scheduled and non-scheduled services covers many facets and shows clearly some of the difficulties in aviation law. In some cases it is fully developed in others it has nat gone beyond the era of the Hanseatic League in the Law of the Sea. In some instances it

is thoroughly regulated. Do.mestic flights are absolutely protected just as in most countries the coasting trade is for shipping, yet there is not the same freedom of access as ships have to ports. The rote of progress of aviation is fast but it would be even greater if airlines were given more

freedom. Many restrictions deny passengers the most direct routes. More international co-operation along the lines of Eurocontrol, ASECNA and COCESNA on the ground and SAS, Air Afrique Afrique and and East African Airways in the air cannot but bring greater freedom to world

transportation. The difficulty of identifying an organisation or an airr - r r. f f wni ft h n S S tt aa tt ee iiss ddiisscc u s s e d e l s e w h e r e . h a The





Edited by Edward McWhinney and Martin A. Bradley, published by A. W. Sijthoff, Leyden, Holland and Oceana Publications Inc.; clothbinding, 259 pages; Dfl. 26.—.

From the Controller's point of view this collection of legal essays is of particular interest. The book is nicely divided by subject matter, and although it would require certain legal knowledge to appreciate some

of the background to the essays, anyone with a knowledge of aviation should find this interesting reading.

While no basic International law is given, (the student must look elsewhere for this), the subjects treated are written not only very clear ly, giving an overall picture of the p.roblem concerned, but in some ins tances the work is even amusing to read — a very difficult achievement in the field of low. The chapters being short and to the point, this is a book which one can take up and leave down again almost at will, only to return to another facet later on.

Some of the subjects ore not of immediate interest to Controllers but the majority, though removed from our everyday work, hove on impor

tant influence on the profession and could well be the basis for future study. Some ideas are perhaps a little futuristic such ass the development o f i n t e r n a t i o n a l a i r c i t i e s s e r v i n g a w i d e a r e a w i t h ssupersonic flights, e for outer space and the development of present day law to provide travel whilst learning from the mistakes already made je in Air Law. The

comparison of inner and outer space to the territorial sea and the open

sea raises the question of the eventual overlap of air travel and space travel.

The role of ICAO is explained with particular emphasis on the legal problems of technical assistance, scheduled and non-scheduled airlines and the limitations put on the working of ICAO by the member states. A full explanation is given of the lATA Conference system including the veto permitted to all members: the problem for the controller being article 200 g. Underlined in the chapter on lATA is the lack of legal sunctions for non-compliance with ICAO standards either in the air or on

the ground. Highlighted is the problem of non-scheduled operators who have no legal redress under the Chicago Convention or any recognised rule of International Law. Here aviation lags far behind the Law of the Sea.


o u r s aand n d CCanadian o Of general interest is the essay on inclusive ltours

he chapter chapter on oi Sche controllers should find much food for thought in the duled International Air Transport discussed from a Canadian viewpoint. For all the conventions and multilateral agreements, the main basis

of international flying is still the bi-lateral agreement and two chapters deal with such problems as restraint on long international flights through lack of third country rights and economically speaking the fact that free dom of the air does not exist. Multilateralism is the answer.

Air Law Is comparatively in its infancy so it is not altogether surpris

ing that interchange of aircraft raises the question of registration or national flag in deciding nationality. There are several interesting sug

gestions here for upgrading some ICAO Recommended Practices to Stan dards. Aircraft of international agencies should be the responsibility of all member countries but registered in one of the States provided that

allowance Is made in all the States for uniformity of law dealing with such aircraft.

Much in the news these days is international piracy in the air. What has been done in this field is recorded but it seems unfortunate that no

mention is made of piracy inside national boundaries nor of possible remedies. Mention is made only of strongthening municipal law along the lines of the USA as lack of punishment, provided for in notional laws, encourages the pirate to flout jurisdiction of the courts. More emphasis should be made of diplomatic pressure and, to be of use, this should be

immediate and not as in the Tshombe case after some time has elapsed. Earlier futuristic ideas were cited but there are problems for Inter national Law in the near future. Mention is made of several, such as the assistance to and return of astronauts, the need for amendment or re newal of the Warsaw Convention and Hague Protocols, nore more integration integration Whatever weaknesses

JNO has shown, the

proach is the only solution. IFATCA has fast developed interests beyond basic air traffic control

and in common with such development this very readable handbook of legal problems is highly recommended. There is something for every contioller in almost every essay and such background knowledge is essen tial in our dealings with other international organisations.

For those who would like to study further each essay is followed by full



b i b l i o g r a p h y.


The Selenia ATCR-2T, 31 and 4T complete the new line of ail weather, terminal area and long range surveillance radars operating in the L and S bands. The new ATCR's are fully solid state, and feature a revolutionary digital MTI-video integrator. High performance an tennas are standard; dual beam operation is available in L band for reducing 'angel' phenomena and enhancing MTI capabilities. On order: Austria, ATCR-3T; Hong-Kong, ATCR-4T; South Africa, three ATCR-2T's; Sweden, seven ATCR-2T's. To date Selenia has installed twenty-three Air Traffic Control Radars throughout the world.









T r a f fi c


difference between successive points, command information is displayed to enable the required profile to be flown along the chosen flight path. The 3-D feature is applicable • for Standard Instrument

Departure and noise abatement routes • in the climb phase • in the cruise or step-climb phase • for optimum descent profiles • for instrument approach procedures The concept of Area Navigation-the capability to navi

By virtue of these techniques, an Air Traffic Control clear ance can be issued, specifying required route and profile, in the

gate precisely along any track, over any series of reporting

knowledge that the pilot has the capability to maintain such

p o i n t s , t o p r o v i d e c o m p l e t e r o u t e fl e x i b i l i t y a n d e n h a n c e d capacity within an ATC System - haslong been a cornerstone of


Decca Navigator philosophy. Decca-who pioneered Area Navigation - are again first in the field of 3-Dimensional Guidance. By additional program

The new generation of aircraft, SST, Jumbo and Airbus, V/STOL, will demand maximum utilisation of available airspace.

altitude, instead of simply as a geographical location on the

V/STOL City-centre operations will demand discrete routes and altitudes on a mutually non-interfering basis with Conven tional aircraft. 3-Dimensional Guidance is a pre-requisite in the total Air Traffic System - as Eastern Airlines have recognised in their STOL Evaluation. Efficient Navigation means Efficient ATC

surface. By computer calculation, based on the required height

a n d E f fi c i e n t A T C m e a n s 3 - D N A V .

m i n g i n t h e O m n i t r a c a i r b o r n e c o m p u t e r, a n y w a y - p o i n t o r

reporting point can be defined as a specific point in space, at

Conventional tracks STOL tracks

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