IFATCA The Controller - 3rd quarter 2003

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Also in this issue ~$~ J-Jr -yr~ ruJ Ff~ r v:_re-::~(Sirr9f.>o. J C,@Ji1@f@ ~@fiT&~



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f1J®Jn7~1'2 Jj.nJ~ 3/2003 3rd quarter 2003 volume 42 ISSN 00 I 0-8073



In ScottishSkies



Toadvertise in the next issue of THECONTROLLER please contact DavidLancasteron tel: +44 (0)20 7878 2316, or email david@mcmslondon.co.uk


A JustCulture? ChrisStock- Editor

discussionin the internationaland nationalfora so that the commongoal of improvingsafetyis achieved.

of SafetyManagementSystemsby ATMService Providersbecameeffective on 17 July 2003. Althoughmuchhasbeensaidaboutthe benefits of introducingSMS,lesshasbeendiscussedon the moredifficult aspectof implementation.The 11th ANC 22 Sept- 3 Oct majordifficulty is that, with the bestintentions, Mention of the ICAO11th ANC is a reminder an SMScanbe placedwithin the ATMProvider's that IFATCAwill be fully representedat this organisationbut to actuallyto implementit is important conferenceand has submitted 5 far more difficult to achieve. By its policy statementsand principles,the SMSrepresentsa papersfor Conference to consider: radical changein the thinking and actions of both managementand the operational staff, AgendaItem 1.2 AirspaceOrganizationand which in the conservativeworld of ATCis not Management always easy to achieve. Change does not AgendaItem 1.2 ConflictManagement happenovernight! The questionis - how far AgendaItem 2.1 TheHumanin Future downthe roadhavethe EurocontrolStatesgone Systems in meetingESARR 3? Agenda Item 2.1 TheNeedFora JustCulture in AviationSafety The Next Issue Management Agenda Item 2.1 ATMSafetyManagement The next issuewill be distributedin December and backto its 3 monthlyspacing. Thisallows In this issue,we have printed the paperon 'A me to encouragearticlesto be receivedfrom all Just Culture" and in future issues,the other regions. Also, we will give wide coverageto paperswill be published.Also,in the next issue Conference2004, which is to be held in Hong of this journal,we will be publishinga full report Kong. on the 11th ANCproceedings.

A recent TV programmebroadcastin the UK entitled "The CrowdedSkies" dealt with the issueof RunwayIncursions. Examplesranged from the worst evercollisionon the groundat Tenerifewhen two 747's mergedand over 500 peoplewere killed to the more recentaccident at Milan-Linatein which 119 were killed. The programme approached the subject matter mostly in a rational and objective manner. However,at the end of the pieceon Linate,the narrator stated that a number of people, including the ground controller, had been arrestedand chargedwith variousoffences.No further explanation was given and the implicationwas that the wheels of the legal systemare now rolling and justicewill be done on the basisthat someoneis guilty and mustbe punished.Nofurtherconsideration wasgivento the possibilityof systemfailure or humanerror. In this issue,the IFATCApaperentitled "A Just Culture" that has been submittedto the ICAO Foranyonewho hastried to contactmeby email 11th Air NavigationConferenceis presentedin and has not had a reply,my fullest apologies full. It veryclearlyhighlightsthe difficultiesthat Implementationof Safety however I changedmy ISP in July and some arefacedby Statesin comingto termswith the ManagementSystems mails may have been lost in the changeover nationallegislativerequirementsand the safety requirements of the aviationindustry.Ourhope Within the EurocontrolStates,the Eurocontrol period. If this is the case,pleasedo not hesitate - ESARR 3 - Use to contactme again. is that the paper will open up a meaningful SafetyRegulatoryRequirement

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CentralEuropean Air Traffic Services UpperAreaControlCentre Vittorio Della Bitta

Thisdrew concernsfrom amongthe other ANS 2. TheCEATS within the "Single Providers,havingat their disposaltheir national EuropeanSky" initiative. training organisationsand, also beingmembers of Eurocontrol, having the right to take Thisprojecttook its first stepsimmediatelyafter advantageof the existing communitytraining the dissolutionof the SovietBlocIts definition, facilities:the Agency-lANS Institute,without the in 1997,intendedto createa uniformEuropean need to meet further expenses For these ATMsystem,accordingto the new principlesof reasons,this new TrainingCentreof Forll,now harmonisationand integrationof the different underconstruction,will be financedexclusively national airspaces,able to easily allow the by the nationalANSProvider,the town of Forll, realignmentof the airways systems,to grant with the supportof the BolognaUniversity. economicbenefitsto the Usersand to solveone SlovakRepublic• soughtthe establishmentof an ATMTestPlatformin Bratislava.

of the mainproblemsaffectingthe ATMsystem: ATCdelays.

Thereality is, that it is morecomplexthan first Theplausiblemotivationand beliefthat brought envisaged.The concept does not involve the about the 1997 signing have failed to airportsystems.An elementrecognised as being The Agreement among the eight national oneof the greatestcausesof such"delays",but materialisein the interimperiod. contractingpartiesand Eurocontrolwassigned at the momentdeliberatelyand inexplicablyleft on the 27th of June 1997. This set out the outside of the legislative package of the The changes, which have occurred within the provisionand operation of air traffic services EuropeanCommission. Perhapsit is becausethe region, have radically modified the initial and facilities by the Agency at the Central restructuringof an Upper airspacedoes not concept within which the (EATS had developed. EuropeanAir TrafficServicesUpperAreaControl need huge investments, except where the Centre (CEATS). The CEATS UAC Initial decisionis to createa new singlemultinational Operationsin 2007 and the Full Operationsin Duringthe period,the "status" of the majority Centre.In this casethe financialbenefitwould of national ANS Providers,has changed:from 2010. only be in favour of the ANSPs involved. State governmental bodies, all monopolies, Whereasthe investmentin the airport systems It becameobviousthat within the Agreement, towards commercialised and private may be complex and "less desirable" when tied to the CEATS UAC,was the needto satisfy organisations.This gradual, but meaningful profit marginsare non-existent.Since2000,the somenationalinterests.Thisseemedto be more transformation,broughtthe introductionof the Agencyhasplacedthe CEATS projectasthe first importantthanthe earlyapplicationof the new, new "profit" motive,makingthe ANSProvides, example of a FunctionalBlocks of Airspace supposed"philosophy"of integration,than the very sensitiveto "productivity" principles. (FBA).A newconceptof re-definingthe divisions reductionof coststo the operators. of responsibilityandoperationsof the European Meanwhile,the continuouspressureby airlines airspace,independentof national boundaries. Austria - the CEATSUACfor the management over the last ten years and the impressive This,when the "SingleEuropeanSky" initiative of the upperportionof the entireairspacewould growth of traffic, hasforcedthe ANSPsand air of the EuropeanCommission,is still in the traffic control as a whole, to accept the approvalphase. be establishedin Vienna. challengeof increasingthe capacityof national CzechRepublic• the CSPDU-CEATS Strategy units to meettraffic demand.ANSPshavebeen Suchan initiative foreseesthe redefinitionand Planning & DevelopmentsUnit would be in forced into huge investmentsto up-date the divisionof the Europeanupperairspacein 7-10 existing ATM systems to increase their FunctionalBlocksof Airspace,in place of the Prague. productivity: national ACCs have become airspacecurrently managed by the national Hungary• CRDS-CEATS ResearchDevelopment productivebeyondall beliefas witnessedduring Centres. and SimulationCentre(a parallel structureof the recent survey carried out by the Agency the already existing EEC-Eurocontrol during bilateral meetings held with all the CEATS, in the planningphasebecameassociated ExperimentalCentre of Bretigny) would be ANSPsof the countriesinvolved. with such a new "philosophy", which is illestablishedin Budapest. definedand not clearand unequivocalbringing project. Thissignificantchangeof direction,resultingin risksto the CEATS Italy • Participatingin the projectonly with its a differentsituation,suggeststhat the searchfor is oneof thesenewentities,what is the north-east portion of the upper airspace, alternativeoptions to those initially envisaged If CEATS currently handled by PaduaACC, offered to shouldbe investigated.Integrationmaynot now rationale behind using this concept in this project?Thepossibilityto create"competition" locate the CTC-CEATS TrainingCentrein Forli. be the mostcost-effectiveoption.

1. TheCEATS Agreement.



CEATS with itself, when part of its airspaceis within aspect,evenif a (EATSRegulatoryAuthorityhas Another major state concern,which is seldom CEATS andthe otherwith the ItalianANSPis,for to be identified, because"conditio sine qua statedopenly,althoughit is probablyone of the instance,confusingand hasobviouslynot been non", as an indispensableprerequisitefor the mostlegitimate,relatesto the possibleeffectsof thought through. a multinational centre on the domestic ATS "system"utilisation. labour market.The traditional model for such Within the EuropeanCommissionthere is a The idea is not to duplicatethe efforts but to organisations (as that one foreseen to be strong conviction that one of the expected take advantageof what hasalreadybeendone adoptedfor CEATS) impliesthe direct export of benefits of this new initiative could be the by the ECandthe EurocontrolRegulatoryUnit. a numberof jobs for thosecountrieswhich are increase of synergy, brought through the not hosting the centre.Although they should reduction of the number of ANS Providers. ThreemainRegulatoryAuthoritieshavebeenso normallybe granted a quota of positionsfor Undoubtedlythe managementof largerFBAsby their nationalstaff, that modeldoes impacton far identified: a consortium of ANSPsor by even bigger, the overall labour situation, in particular in consolidatedANS Providerswould result in termsof indirectlyassociated jobs. a) the EuropeanCommission/EASA increasingthe synergyeffects. On the other (EuropeanAir SafetyAgency); hand we could see a situation where those Forthat reason,Statesmayfear that they have synergetic effects, achieved through the more to lose than to gain, by adheringto this b) Eurocontrol; common management of one FBA by a earlyinterpretationof the FBAconcept. consortiumof ANS Providers,are counteracted c) Austria. by thesesameANSProvidersbeing involvedin Staff unions also share a numberof concerns the management of other FBAsat the sametime with their governments.They show similar While EASAis thought not to be in the position (a first example has already been reported uneasiness with the prospectof losingworking to becomethe Regulatorin the shortto medium above), necessitating the duplication of positions to international organisations, in term,the appointmentof Eurocontrolor Austria departmentsfor eachFBAthey are involvedin. particular if staff are unwilling to move. was consideredquite acceptableto most, but Enforcedstaff displacementcan proveto be a not all parties. However, concerns exist The EC draft proposal states that the majorissue,andthe reasonfor eitherfailuresor regarding the regulatory aspects: as stated implementationof the FBAconceptshouldbe a critical difficulties regarding existing or past previously,how can the Agencybe the CEATS "bottom up" processand not a "top down" attemptsto establishmultinationalmodels. Regulatorand,at the sametime, the Providerof one,meaningthat the initiativefor the creation the service? of an FBAshould come from those who are It hasto be said that the efficient creationand directly concernedwith it (i.e. memberStates managementof an FBAdoes not necessarily Oneof the purposesin the creationof the Single together with ANS Providers). The same require the physicalconcentrationof all ANS EuropeanSky(SES)initiativewas the reduction proposal contains a "methodology for functions within a single multinational in the numberof ControlCentres.Thisprocessof implementation": organisation.Contraryto a widespreadbelief, rationalisation of the airspace is, maybe, the economiesof scale of large ATC centres thought to be followed by a reductionin the • TheMemberStatesandANSProvidersshould appearto be marginal.A study conductedby numberof sectors.If it is acceptedthat, within forwarda proposalfor an FBA,in EUROCONTROL in respect of a planned bithe complexATM world, safety is paramount, co-operationwith the staff national centre expectedbe set-up by France where is the argumentthat saysthat reducing representatives. and Switzerlandhas demonstratedthat the from 50 to about 34 sectorsand the associated major benefits from multinational structures manpower,when traffic is expectedto double • Eurocontrolshallafterwardsact as derivemuchlessfrom economiesof scale,than within the sametimeframe,is safe?It may be consolidating authority,by validatingor from the operationalsavingsthe AirspaceUsers costeffectivebut will it be safeand efficienti.e. refusingthe proposal,taking into gain in terms of significantreductionof delays no incidentswith no delays? considerationsuchmattersas the interface and increasein capacity. with other areas,the designof the FBA,and A recurringopinionabout FBAsis that creating the traffic flow within the FBA. The CEATSproject, the first attempt of such airspaceblocks necessarilyrequiresthe realisation of the concept of FBA, has then concentrationof all ANSfunctionson a single • At the end the Commission would, after the becomean objectof confrontationand struggle. site, and morespecifically,within a singlelarge Eurocontrol approval, turn the FBAinto First internally, then externally,to the area, multinational centre modelled on Europeanlegislation. confirmingthose fears initially identifiedas an EUROCONTROL's MaastrichtUAC.Thiscouldbe inevitable consequence of the European consideredas one of the possibleoptions,but The reality is that cooperationwith the staff Commissioninitiativethat the realisationof the not easily realised and within easy reach, representativeshas never been taken into objectives of harmonizationand integration, especiallyin areasculturallyso heterogeneous account as a necessaryprerogativefor the inevitablywill introducethe extremelysensitive as the CEATS region. establishmentof any CEATS-FBA-project. The matter of "competition in ATC' even if CEATSAgreementforeseesthe provisionand addressed. operationof air traffic servicesand facilitiesby Thefirst concernexpressedby individualstates Eurocontrolat the CEATSUAC.How can the pertains to their national sovereignty,in the Internal demonstration is the birth of a Agencybe the supremetechnicalauthority,the sensethat the traditional idea of multinational company,CAPS((EATSAir NavigationService impliesthat a numberof ANS ProvidersSupport),organisedunder Austrian referencepoint in Europefor the definitionof a centresnecessarily new FBAand,at the sametime,be the manager functions, some of which are perceived as Law.Throughan association(CAPA-CEATS Air of one of its own? Doesthis not representa extremelycloseto the coreof States'sovereign Navigation Service Providers Association) competencies, will be performedfrom a foreign gathering some of the ANS Providersof the conflictof interests? country. This applies in particular to the region,who todaycompetewith the Agency(to With regard,then, to the regulatoryauthority, surveillanceof national airspacein respectof ensurefuture survival)the managementof the Vienna CEATS UAC, while externally the CEATSAgreement does not cover this illicit intrusionsor nationallaw violations. ---·


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CEATS demonstrating the effects produced by "catchingup actions" on traffic flows that the CEATS establishment is expectedto put in place to the neighbourANSproviders.

• Approvalby the EurocontrolPermanent Commission, includingthe unanimousvoteof the CEATS States;

The CEATSrate, well below the European average,will unavoidablyproducea level of strong competitionwithin the European"Core area" and have a direct impact on the ATC provisionin the neighbouringstates,with its destabilisingeffects.

• Eurocontrolassole majoritysharehold~_r or with goldenshare: However,the ANScommunityhas traditionally always been sceptical about sharing The missing, necessaryunanimity on the "commercialcompetition"within theATMarea, • Ultimateoversightby the Eurocontrol Organisation; businessstrategy of the project, mixed with and rationalising it with the principles of generalfears,derivingfrom the CEATS as a trial "safety". • Undertakingto be governedby nationallaw field, in a changing European political of oneof the memberStates. environment, has, for the moment, forced The EuropeanCommissionitself has remained Eurocontrolto changedirection,withdrawing very cautious about openly using the word Corporationwouldnot bepart of the the signedCEATS Agreement,leaving,however, "competition"in respectof Air TrafficControl,in TheCEATS its draft regulations.In fact, it hasevenmadeit Agencybut ratheranother-Entitycreatedby the the opportunityfor Article. 2.5 incorporation (with its commercial competition inherent) clearthat the introductionof competitionin that Organisation" availablefor applicationat a latertime. area was not an immediateobjectiveof the state that this foreseen CEATSCorporation Commission. "... wouldn't be part of the Agencybut rather It is necessarynot to forget that the CEATS However, the proposed provIsIons for the ANOTHER BODY-ENTITYcreated by the Agreementforeseesa charges collection: a "cost allocation" regime.with the costsof the creationof the Single EuropeanSkywould de Organisation". CEATSCentre and the service provided, facto lead to the introductionof a competitive dimensionin ATC,sincethe regulationsforesee CAPAitself is lookingfor other solutionsthan recoveredby allocationto the nationalcostbase that individualstatesare free to designateany those already cited in the former CEATS for eachState,andthat this optionis considered of by most of the involvedpartiesas "potentially authorisedserviceprovider,regardlessof its Agreement,with regardto the establishment and ...possibly nationality.Moreover,even the very notion of a "Corporation"where Eurocontrol,evenwith unfair, not business-orientated cross-border serviceprovision,which is viewed oversightfunctions,couldonly be a stakeholder not orientatedtowardsthe objectivesof the SES corporateentity (asa limitedliability initiative" or" (so much so, that some ANSP as an unconditional necessity for the of a CEATS implementation of the SingleEuropeanSky,will company),registeredunder Austrian laws, a defined, as "unfair" the Ministers' CEATS unavoidablyresultin somelevelof competition. positionwhich doesnot havethe agreementof Agreement). all the States. This scenario,allows the CEATSAgreement, 3. TheProjectdevelopments Almost 70% of the revenuein the region is whetherwe like it or not, to be recognisedas obsolete,expectedto CEATShas been featuredby the Agencyas a generatedby the route charges.This is the extremelyunsatisfactory, model of how the organisationof European incentivefor a new "businessstrategy"within be usedas a pretextto movetowardsthe new phaseand this, despitethe airspace,in the light of the SESinitiative,could the project. Preferably,a "CEATSRate" or a market-orientated "Regional Rate" as the new "charging system" principle of "ATM considered as a nonresult in the future. What the Federationis experiencing is that all the raiseddoubtson the in place of the "Cost Recovery" i.e. cost- liberalisedactivity,but as a publicserviceunder generalprinciples,discussedwithin the Single allocation-tothe national cost base, as laid strongsupervisionof the authorities". EuropeanSky legislativeproposals,particularly down in the original Agreement, with its ' ' ,1:,>".., with regardto the serviceprovisioni.e. "It is the potentiallydestabilisingeffects within all the . ,. ! :f··.-.. generalview that ATMshouldbe consideredas whole EuropeanRegion,will be implemented. ,;;·~\ a non-liberalised activity,but as a publicservice ' ,r understrongsupervisionof the authorities",are The applicationof these new Ratesare also \[{ . --.:~, welcomed, facilitating even the transfer of the somehowunfavourably becominga reality,even thoughthis is an earlyand immatureapplication lowerportionof the airspaceof involvedStates, '> ,: nationalratesthat the of the European Concept. The current dueto the unsustainable r·• ..·•-......-1"·} .\ ; developments within the CEATS projectforesee ANSPswould be obliged to apply within the .)\ a Corporate Entity realised through the remaining lower portion of their national • () the hugelossestheywill applicationof the Article 2.5 of the Revised airspaceto compensate that could Convention of the Agency, and a possible meet, with further consequences 4. CEATS StaffingPlan,Communication applicationof its own "morethan competitive" generateevenbiggersocialimplications. Plan & SocialDialogue. Charging system, with the consequent introduction of "commercial competition in Taking into considerationthat the European On the 5th May 2003, Eurocontrolorganiseda ATM" within the EuropeanCoreArea. averageUnit Ratein 2001 of about€ 54, the CommunicationPlan meeting, attended by intentionis to applythe BosniaHerzegovina rate IFATCA,ATCEUCand ETFwhich was to be Someof the conditionsexpressed by the Article (€ 1O)in the periodfrom 2007to 2010asthis is consideredas a small,first step towardsSocial 2.5of the Eurocontrol RevisedConventionstates expectedto be the only airspacecontrolledby Dialogue. that: the Centreat that stage,and a rate of € 20, whenthe full operationbegins(2011). Thisrate TheAgencydeclareditself to be in favourof a "The creation of such an undertakingwill, of is expectedto be allowed,throughthe increase move towards SocialDialogue(SD).The only course,be subjectto the conditionsexpressed in in the volumeof traffic, due to the significant limit was represented by the fact that SDneeds theArticle.Someof thesecanbe summarisedas shifting of traffic flows toward the CEATS core all the othersplayersto be readyto acceptit: follows: area. States,ANSPsand, of course,the European •,






CEATS political authorities,for the (EATSinvolvement another item that has been tackled. On this within the text of an action paper presented within SES. subject,IFATCA prepareda presentationfor the during the recent5th BusinessPlanTaskForce 4th meeting of the BusinessPlan Task Force meeting. This referred to "national quotas Generalassurances have,for the moment,been showinghow unrealisticandunreliablerevealed derived from the validated CEATS ..." usedto formulatethe resultant givenby the Agencyon the following principles: the data collected was int formulating the sectorisation "assumptions"usedwhenpreparingmodelsfor recommendation.The need to realign these a) the ATMsystemis expectedto remain the definition of the nationalATCOsquotasof statementscomesfrom the necessityto avoid human-centred, with the staff playinga participation in the project and national any misinterpretationsof the difficult objective sectorisation(with crosskey role in systemsafetyand capacity revenues, now discarded because of the of identifyingof CEATS borders,trans-nationalsectors),which nation enhancements; increasednumberof negativereasonsaffecting contributes. the model. b) the CEATS StrategicPlanestablishesa Again, even during the last bilateral meetings, fully coordinatedprocessof manpower The new selected criteria appear to be held by the Agency with each State-ANSP's planningand recruitment; orientated to permit an easier approach: the needfor the employmentof "national quotas for initial staffing will be representatives, experienced staff from the CEATSregion as a c) practicalapplicationsof the principleof derivedfrom the numberof sectorsactivein the prerequisite has been realisedto grant a socially " movingATCOswith airspace"are national airspace. as far as the planning acceptabletransition,the highestlevelof safety expectedto be extendedto other staff assumptionfor cost allocation". and to minimisetransitionalcosts.Resolutions categories(technicians,keyadministrative functions)to ensurethe maximumreNational staff are, therefore, expectedto be to guaranteethis employment,duringthe whole of allocationof the regionalworkforce, employedaccordingto a "fair-share" in CUAC transitionalperiod,throughthe establishment lookingto the harmonisationworking financing,throughthe applicationof a formula, special measures,still have to be finalised in Agreement conditionswith the staff choosingto to be prepared, taking into consideration both the differentscenarios:CEATS remain in currentorganisations. differentvariablessuchas the airspacevolume, (Eurocontrol binding ECAC-wide hiring sector working-hours, etc. The intention to regulations)and Article2.5 Corporation(under With regard to these last items, there still remodel a different requirementin terms of the Austrianlaws). remainsuncertainty,due to the fact that these manpowerto meetthe new capacitiesexpected applicationsare directly dependenton other to be adopted at the CEATSUAC has been institutional questions still remaining reported. '(Austria,BosniaandHerzegovina, Croatia, unanswered: e.g. who will be the CUAC CzechandSlovakRepublic,Hungary, Italy and Doubtshave still however,been expressedby employer? Slovenia) The determination of national "quotas" is IFATCAon contradictorystatementscontained



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Wind shear and Wind turbulence

Ongoingresearch in HongKong hasledto improved windshear andturbulence alerts (Publishedin the InternationalCivil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)Journal,Volume58, Number2, March2003) Locatedin an areasusceptibleto wind shearand turbulence,the HongKongObservatorycontinuesto refine techniquesfor detectingthesephenomenaand providing timely alerts to aircraft approachingor departingHong KongInternationalAirport. C.M. Shun- HongKong Observatory(China)

year-because they can lead to gust fronts and microbursts,with associatedwind shear and turbulence.Seabreezesalso causewind shear andturbulence.Typically,a low-levelconvergent shearoccursbetweenwesterlyseabreezesand the opposingbackgroundwinds from the east. Yetanothercause,albeit the leastfrequent,is a low-leveljet-a narrowband of strongwinds in the lower atmospherecausinga headwindgain to an aircraftenteringthejet andvice-versa. The headwind changes are most significant for departing aircraft than those on approach becauseof the steepergradientof the departure flight path. Terrain-included wind shear.Most wind shearand turbulenceat HKIAis causedby air flowing acrosshilly terrain,especiallystrong windsat LantauIslandin the springand during the passageof tropical cyclones.Information obtainedfrom pilot reportsand high-resolution weather radar observationsat HKIAhas shed light on the characteristicsof terrain-induced wind shearand turbulence.

Sincethe openingof the HongKonInternational Typicalscenarios Airport (HKIA)nearlyfive yearsago, about 1 in 600flightsin andout of the airporthasreported Thereare a numberof reasonswhy shearand significantturbulence. turbulenceat HongKongInternationalAirport. The most commonis windy conditions,where Hong Kong InternationalAirport was built on the hillssurroundingthe airportdisruptthe flow reclaimedlandto the northof the mountainous of air. Thunderstormsare another cause On windy occasionssuchas the passageof the LantauIsland,which has peaksrisingto nearly occurringat HKIAon an averageof 37 daysa tropicalcyclone,streamsof high-speedair were 1,000 metres(3,281 ft) adjacentto valleysas low as 400 metres(1,312ft). Figure1 illustrates Figure 1 - Map of HK/A and the surrounding area, with 100-metre terrain contours. the location of HKIA relative to this rugged terrain.Tothe north-eastof HKIAare a number @ Anemometer of smallerhills with peaksrisingto 600 metres (1,969ft). In this hilly, coastalenvironment,a □ LIDAR wide varietyof weatherphenomenacan cause • Terminal Doppler Weather Radar ' wind shearand turbulence. Wind shear is sustainedchange (i.e. lasting more than a few seconds)in wind direction and/or speed,resultingin a changein aircraft lift. A decreasein lift will causethe aircraftto descendbelow the intended flight path. A changeof 15 knots or more in headwindor tailwind is consideredsignificantwind shear which may require timely and appropriate correctiveaction by the pilot. Turbulenceis causedby rapid, irregularmotion of the air. It brings about bumps or jolts, but does not normallyinfluencethe intendedflight pathof an aircraft to a large extent. However,in severe turbulence,abrupt changesin the altitude and attitude and attitude of an aircraft may occur and the pilot may momentarilylosecontrol of the aircraft.Forreportingand alertingpurposes, moderateor severeturbulenceis considered significant.


!:::,.Wind profiler □


Weather buoy

ai'I Temporary Cl' anemometer


Wind shear and Wind turbulence

high wind speed

~--> low wind speed

and departing flights. Weather sensors for monitoring wind shear and turbulence conditions in and around HKIA include a terminal Dopplerweatherradar (TDWR)and a suiteof wind sensorsconsistingof a numberof anemometers andtwo wind profilers(seefigure 1for the locationof thesesensors). A wind shear and turbulence warning system (WTWS) equipped with a suite of wind shear and turbulencedetectionalgorithmsprocesses data from these weather sensors. The system automatically integrates wind shear alerts generatedby the TDWRand wind shear and turbulence alerts generated by WTWS algorithmsinto consolidatedalertsfor relayto pilotsby air traffic CONTROLLERS.

TheHongKongObservatory aviationforecaster issueswind shear alerts to supplementthe automaticWTWSalerts.Theforecasterdoesthis by referringto informationfrom the weather observedby weather radar to emerge from Windshearand turbulencealerting.The Hong sensors and utilizing techniques developed valleys.Lyingbetweenthesefast air streamsare Kong Observatory (HKO) provides aviation through studiesof pilot reportsof wind shear lowerspeedair streamsdownwindof the peaks. weather servicesfor HKIA, including a wind and associated weather patterns. These Aircraft traversingthese alternating high-and shearandturbulencealertingservicefor arriving techniquesare being progressivelyautomated low-speedair streamsmayencounterheadwind lossesandgainsat differentlocationsalongthe approachand departure paths. A schematic diagramillustratingthe observedphenomena in relationto the terrainis shownin Figure2. Figure 2 - Themostcommoncauseof windshearat HK/Ais the terrain-induced air flow pattern.

When an aircraft moves from a high-sped streamto a low-speedone, it mayexperience a largeheadwindlossresultingin lossof lift. This sinkoccurswhetherthereis precipitationor not. The sequenceof headwindgain followed by headwind loss may sometimesresemblethe classicpatternof microburst.In wet conditions suchas thoseaccompanying tropical cyclones, this patternhasmisledsomepilotsinto thinking that the terrain-induced wind shear was associatedwith a microburst. Pilots would anticipatethat the conditionwould diminishas the precipitationmovedawayor easedoff, only to discoverthat terrain-induced wind shearstill persistedin the latter part of the flight. Terrain-inducedwind shear and turbulence events are also found to be transient and sporadic.This is best illustratedby the wind shearthat occurredon 17 March2000, when strongsouth-easterly winds blew acrossLantau Island.Reportsfrom pilots makingconsecutive landingson the samerunwayover a half-hour period around mid-dayshow that half of the flights experiencedwind shear. One aircraft reported a 15-knot headwind loss, followed within the spaceof two minutes by another reporting a 25 to 29 knot headwind gain. Amazingly, an aircraft two minutes later reportedno wind shearat all, followed by yet anotherreport of a 15-knotheadwindgain. In other words, even though weather conditions may remain broadly similar, some aircraft encounterwind shearor turbulencewhileothers Weathersensorsfor monitoringwindshearand turbulenceconditionsin and around HongKongInternationalAirport includea terminalDopplerWeatherradar. do not.



Wind shear and Wind turbulence atmosphere. Theseparameterswerejudiciously combinedto form equationsand decisionflow charts for issuing wind shear alerts under differentweatherscenarios. Theequationsand flow charts were then tested for optimaI performanceby maximisingthe number of successful alertsandminimizingfalsealarmson Duringthe exercises,pilots were requestedto the basisof the pilot windshearreportsreceived In this wind duringthe intensivereportingexercises. Basedon observationsmade by the weather file a reportwhethertheyhadencountered sensors,the WTWSissuesalerts for possible shearor not. Altogether,HKOreceived10,000 manner,thresholdfigureswere establishedfor one-thirdof all the relevant meteorologicalparameters,and wind shear and turbulenceoccurringwithin reportsfrom pilots,representing three nautical miles (NM) of the runway flights during the two intensive reporting optimal equations and flow charts were thresholds.Alerts for wind shearare classified exercises. This allowed the Hong Kong adopted. to conducta comprehensive review into two levels a "microburst alert" for a Observatory headwind loss of 30 knots or greater of the performanceof the wind shearalerting After independently testing the alerting accompaniedby precipitation,and a "wind serviceand also permittedfurtherdevelopment techniquesin referenceto pilot wind shear reportsreceivedoutsidethe intensivereporting shearalert" for a headwindloss of 15 to 30 of wind shearalertingtechniques. exercises, thereby confirming improved knotsor headwindgainof 15 knotsor more. Improvedwind shearalerting techniqueswere performance, the new techniques were developed using a systematicapproach.Pilot implementedin early 2001 with encouraging Alerts are based on the same intensity thresholds as those adopted by ICAO for reportsof wind shear,includingthosereceived results.Over85 percentof wind shearreportsin coveredby coveredby automaticaircraftturbulencereporting.Theyare during the intensivereportingexercises,were 2002 were successfully wind shear alerts. issuedwith referenceto heavycategoryaircraft collated to form a chronologicaldatabaseof Hong Kong'sObservatory's This contrasts with a previous figureof around actual wind shear conditions. Data from the suchas the Boeing747-400.Turbulencealerts are classified into two levels: "moderate various weather sensorsand on-boardflight 50 percentfor 2000. Thefalse alarm rate has turbulence" and "severeturbulence".This is data obtainedfrom commercialaircraft were alsobeendecreasing. basedon a quantitycalledthe eddydissipation analysedfor the wind shearcases. The performanceof the turbulencealerting rate. Factorsdeemedimportantin the occurrence of servicewasalsoreviewedbasedon pilot reports Improvedwind shear alerting techniques.To wind shear were quantified according to receivedduring the two intensive reporting Duringthe exercises therewereabout obtain a more completepicture of the wind meteorological parameters, including the exercises. half as many reports of turbulence as of wind prevailing wind direction and speed, horizontal shear situation at HKIA, the Hong Kong Observatory launchedtwo month-longintensive and vertical differencesof winds at different shear.Overall, the Hong Kong Observatory's reportingexercises with activeparticipationby locations,andverticaltemperatureprofileof the turbulencealertswereaccurateover90 percent of the time. and integrated into WTWSfollowing their verificationbasedon actualflight dataandwind shearreportsby pilots. Actual pilot reportsof wind shearor turbulencereceivedin a timely mannerby HKOalso trigger forecasteralerts. The forecaster alerts are broadcaston the automaticterminalinformationsystem(ATIS).

airlines,pilots and air traffic controllers.Oneof theseexercises was timed to coincidewith the springseasonwhenterrain-induced wind shear is believedto be most frequent,and the other duringthe rainyseason,whentyphoons,severe stormsand highwindsoften occur.

NewDevelopments Toenhancewind sheardetectionin dry weather, the Hong KongObservatoryhas implemented several new experimental facilities. These includetwo weatherbouysstationedabout 1 NM to the west of the parallel runway thresholds,severaltemporaryanemometers on valleysover Lantau,and a pulsedDopplerlight detectionand ranging (LIDAR)systemat the airport. The location of these facilities is indicatedin figure1. Whiledatafromthesenewfacilitiesare still beinganalysed,resultssofar showpromise. Forinstance,the weatherbouyshaveprovedto be very effectivein extendingthe coverageof the surfaceanemometernetwork in detecting wind shearcausedby seabreezes.

Figure3 - HongKongObservatory LIDARDopplerradicalvelocitypattern from a lowelevationscan,revealingthe presenceof high-and low-speedair streamsdownwindof ruggedterrain


Installedin mid-2002,the pulsedDopplerLIDAR systemsis strategicallyplacedon the roof-topof the air trafficcontrol(ATC)complexbetweenthe two parallelrunways.At this location,the LIDAR is able to scan the approachand departure corridorsof both runways.Operatingon the principlesimilarto that of Dopplerradar,albeit at a muchshorterwavelength(2 micrometeres comparedwith a few centimetresfor weather


Wind shear and Wind turbulence radar),the LIDARis capableof receivingreturn colours(i.e. greenand purple)representradial information material for pilots, air transport signalsfrom aerosolsin the air. It is currently velocity towards the LIDAR. Over the operatorsand air traffic controllers.An example configuredto perform sectorscansat several approaches to the west of the airport, is a booklet preparedjointly by HKOand the different elevation angles to enable the alternating high-speed and low-speed air International Federationof Air Line Pilots' monitoringof wind conditionsout to about 3 streamssimilar to those illustratedin figure 2 Associations (IFALPA)on wind shear and NM from the respectiverunway thresholds. can be seen. To summarizethe LIDARhas turbulencein Hong Kong, which is available LIDARdata are collectedautomaticallyand are demonstrateda potential for detecting wind in hard and on the Internet shearnot only in fine weatherbut also under (http://www. hko.gov.hk/ artic Ies/ws-tu rbupdatedonceeverytwo minutes. pre-pain and post-rain conditions,when the booklet-web-ver. PDF). Overa periodof severalmonths,the LIDARhas laser beam is not attenuatedor blocked by alreadycapturedsome interestingwind shear precipitation.The LIDARhas proved useful in As for the LIDARimplementation,the Hong events occurring in fine weather conditions, supplementing the TDWR in wind shear KongObservatorywill continuedata collection suchas thoseassociatedwith the onsetof sea detectionfor a much wider range of weather and analysis for a long enough period to breezes. Althoughthe LIDARworksbestin fine conditions. establish and optimise the functions of the weather, it did capture terrain-inducedwind system.Observationsso far are encouraging, shearduring the passageof tropical cyclones, FutureWork and the HKO aviation forecaster is already both before the rain approachedand after it making use of LIDAR data in day-to-day weatherradars preparationof aerodromeforecastsand in the subsided.An exampleof this wasthe passageof Pilotreportsand high-resolution severetropicalstorm Hagupiton 11 September observationsin the pastfew yearshavehelped issuanceof wind shearalerts.Thereareplansto 2002,duringwhich a numberof aircrafthad to the Hong Kong Observatoryto improve the integratethe LIDARwith the existingweather go-aroundon accountof wind shear. understandingof the characteristics of terrain- facilities to further enhancethe overall wind induced wins shear. To promulgate this shearalertingservicefor the airport. Figure3 showsthe LIDARDopplerradialvelocity Knowledgeand experience,the Observatory away from the LIDAR whereas the "cool" conducts regular briefings and prepares

Issuesare usuallypublishedat the end of March,June,September and December. Subscriptionratesfor 2003Volume42, four issuesare US$24.00per annum,pluspostage& packing.OrderForm- page19.A reducedrate is availableon requestfor bonafide Air TrafficControllers Magazinesare dispatchedusingpriority airmailworldwide

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Wind shear and Wind turbulence

Windshear WarningSy - A controller's p PhilParker- VPTechnica//Profi

As one of two HKATCArepresentatives on the 1st. Working Group for the Windshear & TurbulenceWarning Systemin Hong Kong, I have had a long-term interest in both the systemand its reliability. In fact, it was the HKATCAthat insistedthat warningsbe given for 3nm on approach and departure. (The original systemsin the U.S.A.were 3nm on approachand2nm on departure). I was able to see the systemin operationfor sometime,beforethe airportopened,as I spent considerable time at the newairportwith flight calibration and training commitments.The problem was that a!though the system appearedto work well, we had no regular traffic to enable us to validate the data presented.Thefirst 2 monthsof operationafter the airport opened also did not help. The weatherwasbeautiful.Notyphoonsandlittle in the way of thunderstorms. Thisis very unusual for HongKong,wherethe weatheris not oneof its best attributes during the long summer months.

Oncewe did start to get badweather,it did not take long for the controllersand pilotsalike to be awarethat the systemwas not reliable.It gave warningswhen there was nothing there and no warnings when there was. This developeda generalmis-trust of the system amongst controllers, but we have a legal responsibility to passanyalert from the system, howevergenuine,to the pilot. It started to become annoying with pilots complaining about the informationgiven. It also required some very long phraseology,coupled with landing or departure clearances.e.g. "XYZ caution,windshear,minus25 knots2 mileson departure, preceding traffic advised no windshear experienced,surface wind 240 degrees10 knots, runway25 left, clearedfor take-off". Once or twice is O.K., but when

you're doing this hour after hour,it gets really irritating. As Mr. C. M. Chunwrites, "Therehas been a greatimprovement overthe lastcoupleof years in the reliabilityof the WTWS. Asa resultof HKO pilot reportsurveys,loggingof pilot comments by ATC,coupledwith on-going researchand changesin the algorithmsused,the controlleris slowlygainingmoreconfidencein the system". TheWTWSnowseemsto work well whenthere is precipitation, convective windshear and microbursts around. The TDWR (Terminal Doppler Weather Radar) and Anemometer network,surroundingthe airport, are able to detect such weather and generate reliable alertsto ATCfor onwardtransmission to pilots. On clear days however,with the presenceof swirlingwinds off Lantauand seabreezes,the WTWSis not so reliableas it doesnot give a true reflectionof terrain-induced windshearand wind conditionswithin 3nm of arrival and departure.As controllers,we are all looking forwardto the resultsof the LIDARsystemtests, asthis systemshouldcoverthesedeficiencies. TheHKOis now regularlymakingpresentations to all ATCpersonnelto updatethem on their researchand weatherphenomenain general. Until I was told about their research into Terrain-InducedWindshear and Gap Flow Microbursts,I was ignorantof the phenomena. The on-going research and continued presentation of the information gained by controllersshouldgo a longwaytowardsgiving us confidencethat the warningswe are giving pilotsare both timelyand accurate.




EMARSSH PROJECT IMPLEMENTED BETTER ATSMANAGEMENT, SIGNIFICANT AIRLINESAVINGS Neil Vidler On28th November2002a majorICAOinitiative, departing from the Malaysianpeninsularand ordination and a lack of an overall traffic the Europe- MiddleEast- AsiaRouteStructure further East. However,there are still some management scheme. The airlines also South of the Himalayas(EMARSSH) project, problemareas in northern India and Pakistan continuedto plan on the most favouredroutes cameto fruition. Thismassiveproject,affecting and, with entry into Afghanistan, work is rather than opt for slightly lessefficient routes 3 ICAOregions,32 Statesand more than 40 continuingto overcomethese. which offered higher opportunitiesfor optimal FIRs,was born in September,2000 when the levels.Sobunchingup still occurred.Theresult Asia Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Likewise,the new routes acrossthe southern was lessthan the anticipatedbenefits. ImplementationRegional Group (APANPIRG) Bay of Bengal,southernIndia and on to the agreedto the projectand it wasacceptedby the Middle Easthave much aided the traffic flow Theseproblemswere addressedduring a Post Air Navigation Commissionand the ICAO originatingin Australasiaand Indonesiaand,to Implementation Review (PIR) meeting in Council later in 2000. The first EMARSSH a lesserextent,Singapore. Australiain April 2003. Dueto non-availability workingmeetingwasheld in February2001and of representatives, IFATCA had not been eightmorefollowedin the following 18 months. Considerableco-operationwas required and representedon the earlier EMARSSH meetings. So, from the first meeting to implementation provided between individual ICAO Member However,when the implementationproblems was less than 2 years - an incredible States and between them and their military were highlighted at a February,2003 ICAO achievementand onewhich speaksvolumesfor authorities.Forexample,excellentco-operation Middle East ContingencySchememeeting in the dedicationand perseverance of a few ICAO between the Indonesian, Malaysian, Bangkok,which was attended by IFATCA,the and StateCivil AviationAuthorityofficers. Singaporeanand Australian authorities saw Federation ensured representation at the EMARSSH Phase1 on routesin the Westernpart subsequentPIRmeeting. The driving force behind this project was Mr. of the IndonesianFIRsactuallyimplementedin John Richardson,an ex-AustralianATC and December 2001! Indonesia simultaneously Thismeetingcommencedwith a Stateby State more recently RegionalTechnicalOfficer, Air introducedRNP10separationon these routes. review of their implementationprocessand TrafficManagement,ICAOBangkok(and Cairo Two of the new EMARSSH routesin Indonesian impacts upon their ATS systemssince 28th prior to that). Mr. Richardsonwas more than airspacewere alignedeither in closeproximity November. Singapore,for example,quoted a ably assistedby the Core TeammembersMr. to, or overhead, existing military airspace rise in departure delays of 8% since Dhiraj Ramdoyal(RegionalOfficer,Air Traffic demonstratingthe co-operationexhibitedby the implementationbecauseof problemscausedby Management,ICAOMiddle East),Mr. Mervyn variousmilitaryauthoritiesduringthis exercise. Statesdownstream.However,sincethe February Fernando (Singapore) and Mr. Ron Rigney Middle East ContingencySchememeeting (at (Australia). Considerablesupport was also Furtheralongthe routes,considerable work had which the EMARSSH problemswere discussed), renderedby Mr.DavidBehrens,IATAAsia/Pacific to be done with the military authorities those delayshave reducedby 6%. Malaysia Director of Operations and Infrastructure, governing Afghanistan.The Afghan airspace reported that delays were caused by LOAs anotherCoreTeammember. occupiesa key positionon routesto and from requiring spacing additional to basic MNT. Europeand it was a significantbreakthrough Thesehavenow beenrevised.Also,radarhand The EMARSSH project deliveredan enhanced when extra routes and additional flight levels off procedureshave been amendedto allow route structure between Australia, Asia, the were granted. minimumspacingfor aircraft divergingafter a MiddleEastand Europe.Priorto EMARSSH, the certainpoint. The no-PDCarrangementworks routestructureacrossAsia and the Middle East The cutover to the new route structure was well unlessa third airport departurejoins the was very congestedwith severalseriouschoke mostlyachievedin a smooth,efficient manner. flow. FL260hasto be utilisedoccasionally(LUL points, particularlyin the Indian, Pakistanand All Stateshad trainedtheir air traffic controllers for EMARSSH is FL280).A direct speechcircuit Afghanistanairspace. EMARSSH has provided and preparedtheir centres with new charts, and AFTN link between Kuala Lumpur and what amountsto two parallelroute structures. proceduresand standards.However,whilst the Chennai,India hasbeenupgraded. Malaysiais Thenorthernoneof theseis acrossthe northern changeoveritself went well, there aroseseveral also working on a procedurefor its automated portionof the Bayof Bengaland northernIndia. problemsin the aftermath.Amongstthesewere ATCsystemto acceptmultipleflight plans. Thisis providinga much better traffic flow for some States applying varying separation flightsproceedingto Europevia the Caspianand standards, non-uniform Mach Number Thailandwould like to see the EMARSSH LUL Black Seas and is mostly utilised by traffic Technique(MNT)applications,somelack of co- lowered to FL260,the no-PDCarrangements

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15N KiM /



r Equator

Picture- ASPACcontingencies

limited to the rushhoursonly (1400-1900UTC) 'transition' zone. Afghanistan still presents and advisedthat they have reducedthe radar major obstaclesdespitesomerecentrelaxation handoff separationrequirementsfor diverging of restrictions.Anotherrouteand a lower level routesto 20nm (or 10nm laterally)irrespective (FL260)areurgentlyneededto assistwith traffic of speeddifferential.Indiaadvisedthat, with 12 managementright back down the line. ICAO Bayof BengalEMARSSH routesin their airspace, will pursue these options with the military they still had problemswith weatherdeviation authorities. procedures, multiple crossing points, flight planning(with respectto flightschangingroutes Overall, it seems that the problems and at crossingpoints)and MNTapplications.India difficultiesencounteredwith the initial use of have been overcomeor are in the advisedthat MNTcouldnot be appliedon some EMARSSH routes becauseof unreliablecommunications processof being so. Furtherexperiencein the facilities. Although it was recognised that requisitetechniques(especiallyMNT and the extendedVHF is not a pre-requisitefor the 'faster in back' application) and the implementationof MNT, India will reconsider implementationof RVSM(November,2003) in the applicationof MNTon N877and P628once the region will measurablyassist with traffic the extendedVHFfacilitiesat PointBlairbecome handlingand createfurther efficiencies.One of reliable.Indiawasrequestedto implementMNT the strongest points pushed by the States (particularlythe 'faster in back' application)on concernedthe applicationof fixed Machnumber by all flights on a particularroute to easethe L759and M770as soonas possible. problemscausedby variousaircrafttypes. This Pakistan has seen greater flexibility in would greatly facilitate the faster aircraft managementof traffic transiting their airspace (B747s, B777s) and ease the pressure on to Afghanistanand Iran.Theywill examinesome controllerswho could then set up a relatively possible route re-organisations to further simplein-train flow with everyoneat the same facilitatethe traffic flows.Pakistanexpectssome speed. Theidea was generallyaccededto and problemswhenRVSMis implemented,as not all will be furtherconsidered. neighbouring States will implement the technique, thus forcing Pakistan to be a However,it appearsthat some form of flow


management scheme would greatly assist. IFATCAmade the point that there must be a critical examination of the specific problem areas, notably the Delhi chokepointand the Afghanistanairspacerestrictions.If thesecannot be solveddirectly(via new routesand/orlower levels) then there would be a need to look further backdown the routes,perhapsevenas far as the departurepoints. It maywell be that there is now (or soonwill be) a needfor some form of strategic traffic management, for example,a flow managementcentreor a traffic orientation scheme. These comments were generallywell receivedand indeedsupportedby IATA's comments and by a couple of the States."Developmentof a Westbound Flow Management Plan" was included in the meeting'sActionItemsand IFATCA wasincluded asone of the responsiblepartiesfor this action. IFATCA was unableto supportan IATAproposal to restrict one new route solely to facilitate Indiandepartureseventhoughthereareobvious problemsof trying to fit into an established trafficflow. Thepoint wasmadethat all facilities should be at the controllers'disposalto assist the traffic and limiting utilisation of a needed routewould not be a stepforward. Reservation of 3 or 4 slots per hour for the Indianjoining


EMARSSH flights and allowingwider useof the remaining slotswasa reasonablecompromise.

3. Createa procedurewherebya fixed mach numberrequirementis appliedon a specific route(All States,IATA,ICAO);

The main regional IATA representativewas unableto be present(dueto the Iraq crisis)but 4. Development of a westboundflow he sentan extensivepaperwhich coveredmost management scheme(All States,IFATCA, of the problemsandproposedvarioussolutions. IFALPA, IATA,ICAO); Most of these were taken on board by the meeting. These included better segregated 5. Pursueadditionalflight levelsin KabulFIR routesex Singapore, KualaLumpurand Bangkok (ICAO); and more(direct)routesin Indiaand Pakistanto link up with existingroutesacrossAfghanistan. 6. Investigatethe capabilityof someflights climbingto FL350beforeKabulFIR(IATA);

Actionitemsfromthe meetingwere: 1. Reviewthe routedescriptionof L333to includeFL280(India); 2. Establishthe feasibilityof a newroutelinking ASOPO(in India)to RK(in Pakistan)(India and Pakistan);

proposedseveral important action items for short term resolution. Therewill be a further reviewmeetingin about 8 months,that is, 12 monthsafter implementation.

As a direct result of EMARSSH, Asia-Middle East-Europetraffic is benefiting and making significantsavingon theseroutes. It hasmade life considerably easierfor the region'sair traffic controllers and, in turn, facilitated their managementof the routesand the traffic using them. Morestill needsto be doneand is being undertaken. Theimplementation of RVSMacross mostof the regionin November2003 will also 7. Pursuitof consistentapplicationof proper greatly assist in this regard.The project has MNT(All States). clearlyillustratedwhat canbeachievedwith the will, individualapplicationand co-operationof It wasa successful meeting.Whilstthe meeting all authorities. IFATCAacknowledgesthe itself probablydidn't achievea lot, being as it tremendousinputof ICAO,IATAandthe relevant was a PostImplementationReviewmeeting,it State authorities in bringing this project to did clearthe air on severalissues,re-committed fruition. severalStatesto actionon importantitemsand

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ParisAir Show

LEBOURGET PARIS AIR SHOW2003-07-04 PhilippeDomogala- Europeaneditor "Dreamliner" project will be "slower than a 747". Thegoodthing for us is that the aircraftis supposedto be made to cruise at very high altitudes(FL410-450)flying aboveothertraffic. Thisis reallygoodnews.Onthe otherhand,we haveheardthat before,but FL350doesseemto be the most popularlevel even with the new A320sand 737s.We will see,in the end, if this onediffers.TheDreamlinerwill be,accordingto Mike Bair,20 % more efficient that its Airbus It was not of a party at this year'sShow! The counterpart,the A330. aftermathof 9/11, plusthe effectsof the SARS REACTION TOBOEING NEW crisis is causing the civil aviation transport AIRBUS industryto take a low profile.Also,the Iraqwar AIRCRAFT: and the collapse of the traditional Russian economyhavehadtheir effectson the show.The ThenI went to the Airbuschaletto checkon the USmilitary had decidednot to participate(for latest progressof another monster,the A380 the first time,I guess),officiallybecausetheydid superjumbo (moreon this later,seefigure 2). not want to showoff so soonafter their victory There I had the chanceof meeting Barbara and and becauseof budget restrictions. Thenthe Kracht,the Headof AirbusCommunications Russianmilitary did not appear (alsoa first, I could not resist asking her what she thought guessfor fearof havingtheir aircraftimpounded about the Boeing new aircraft. She said she onceagainby Swisscreditors.Sowe missedthe thought the new name "Dreamliner "an excellentchoice,"I guessit will remainwhat it Su30this year. says;a dream" Shedoesnot believethe 20% BOEING NEWDREAMLINER PROJECT reductionin operatingcostsBoeingclaimsthe Boeing,on the other hand,arrivedwith its big gear on the civil side,contraryto the last few years.Theydisplayedon the groundtheir latest B777longrangemodeland madea mediacoup on the first day by divulgingthe nameof their latest model - the 7E7 project will be called "Dreamliner".Theaircraftlookslikea B767with a drop-off nose and a batman style tail (see figure1). Thisis boundto bea brandnew,nearly all composite(readplastic)aeroplaneaimingat replacingthe B767in the 250 seatsmarket.

newaircraftwill havealsoabovethe A330.She saidthe A380,comparedto the B747,hasonly 17%reductionin operatingcosts,8% of thisare dueto engines,so lessthan 10%for the aircraft itself and a few percentsof thoseare due to its larger size only, (the larger the size,the lower the costsper seat).Thegenerationgap between the 747 and the A380 is 35 years.The gap betweenthe A330 and the Dreamlineris 10 years. You cannot get 20% differencein 10 yearson the samenumberof seats,shesaid.

A380 ONTARGET FORJANUARY 2005 FIRST FLIGHT TheA380 is in the processof beingbuilt. Huge metal parts are currently beingproducedand will be assembledin a brand new factory in Toulouse. Theystill expectthe first flight to be in January2005.Whetherthe monsterwill be on display at the next Paris Airshow is in everyone'smind. Theenginesthat will power the A380are nowclaimedto be veryquiet.The A380will be onlyhalf as noisyas a Boeing747, it is claimed.During the Airshow,new major orderswere received,21 from Emiratesand 8

Figure1 - Boeing'slatestmodel,the 'Dreamliner'

I met MikeBair,the DreamlinerProjectManager, who saidthat the newaircraftcouldfly as early as 2008,if the airlinesorderit and if the Boeing Boardof Directorsgive the go-ahead.However, othervoicessaidit couldtakeanother10 years to materialise,if indeedit everdid. Everyone still hasin mindthe "soniccruiser"of 2 yearsago,at the same show.That project is now officially dead,as no airlinewaspreparedto payextrafor a few machpoints... Interestingly,speedseems no longerto be Boeingprioritybecausethe new



Paris Air Show

Figure· 2 - Airbufs newmonster,theA380 from KoreanAir, bringing the current A380 ordersand commitmentsto 129aircraft.

NorthAmericanfriendswould like the world to regulatorsto definecommonstandards. believe(moreon this tricky subjectduring the next issueof TheController!) Anywaythe new Presidentof this Companyis EMBRAER NEWEB170 LionelWonneberger, who comesfrom the old NEWJOINTATCCOMPANY ThomsonCSF,(now THALES) and he is an old Embraerdisplayedtheir brandnew aircraft,the friendwell acquaintedwith IFATCA. Thatshould EB170, a 70-seataircraft,lookingexactlylike a Finally,Boeingcontinuesto believethat it can bea goodplaceto startfrom. However, he is to mini-airbusA320. I guess computersalways developan ATM systemto challengeexisting havesaid(accordingto Flightmagazine) that his comeup with samedesign... systems.It announcedin LeBourgetthat it has new companyfirst priority will be "increased joined with rival Airbus,in a bid to harmonise automation"and "auto-separation".I havea AEROBATICS PISTONS the ATM/CNSstandards.Boeingwill, in fact, suggestionfor Lionel:why not changethe name collaborate with EADS,Airbus and THALES of your Companyinto "Dreamcontrol" which As said earlierthe Russianmilitarywas absent forming a new entity called "Air Traffic would fit nicelywith new Boeingaircraft, and and therewereno spectacular air displaysfrom Alliance". Theaim of the Companyis to push who knows,dreamssometimescometrue... Mig 29 or Sukhoisjets this year.However,the Russians,nevertheless,managedto dominate the air display by having two of their magnificent small single propeller engine /... aerobaticsaircrafton display- the SukhoiSU31 and the Yak 54. One of them, in Brietling colours,flown by Brigitte,a small Frenchlady. You would not believewhat she can do with that aircraft,evenflying backwards ...

WRIGHT BROTHERS "FLYERS" As the Centennialof poweredflight arrivesthis December,a number of companieshad on display the original "Flyer"from the Brothers Wright.No lessthan 3 full sizemodelswereon display and numeroussmaller models.This Wright mania is not to be confusedwith the centennialof Flight (whichwas in 1885),as our



Satellite Tower

A Satellit Tower for Schipol Bert Ruitenberg

After a lengthyand complexpolitical debatein the mid-90s, the decisionwas taken in The Netherlands to expandthe airportof Amsterdam (Schiphol)with another main runway,bringing the total number of runways to 6 (5 main runways of 3300 metres or more and one auxiliary runway of 2014 metres). The newrunwaywasto get a north-southalignment, parallel to two of the existing runways,and would be locatedon the westsideof the airport. ATCThe Netherlandscommissioneda studyto determine whether it would be possible to control the traffic on the new runwayfrom the existing Tower,which is over 100 metreshigh and located centrally in the existing airport layout.The resultof that studywas that with a fair amountof electronicsurveillancetools and dedicatedprocedures,it would be feasible to providean acceptableATCservicefor the new runwayfrom the existingTower. When, however,in the summerof 2001 the constructionwork for the new runwaybegan,it soon becameapparentto the controllersin the existingTowerthat this new runwaywasquite a fair distanceto the west. Thesouthernend of it is some5 kilometresfrom the Tower,the north end is more than 7 kilometres away (in a straight line). This caused serious concern amongcontrollers,who fearedthat controlling traffic on the new runway,from the existing Tower,would be closeto impossible.

Due to legal and environmentalrestrictions, landing or departingon runway 18R/36Land therewasno other optionthan to build the new that on the taxi track connectingthe runwayto Toweron the columnof a newlyerectedground the rest of the airport. At a designatedpoint radar antenna. A futuristic and innovative along the taxi track, the traffic is transferredto Later in 2001, at the instigationof the Dutch designfor the new Towerwas chosen,and the (inbound) or by (outbound) the Ground Guild of Air TrafficControllers,the decisionto constructionwas completedunder heavytime Controllersin the centralTower. controlthe traffic on the new runway,from the pressureto meet the date on which it was In the base of the Toweris a small rest room existingTower,was reviewed.In February2002, envisagedto start usingthe new runway. annex pantry with a fridge, a microwave,a it was decidedby ATCThe Netherlandsthat it dishwasher, and a dispenserwith light snacks The desired height of the satellite Tower was was essentialto build a satelliteTowercloserto and beverages. Thereis alsoa toilet in this area. first established by using the tower simulator the new runwayin orderto safelyandefficiently Higher up in the constructionis another level from ATC The Netherlands, and later it was controlthe traffic on that runway. confirmedby usinga helicopterat the eventual with toilets, a rest area and even a bathroom Initiallythe new runwaywas meantto havethe location.Its height (includingthe groundradar with a shower.Thishigherlevelcan be reached designation 18/36, with the existing parallel antenna) is 59,45 metres above ground; the eitherby a staircase(insidethe column)or by an runwayshaving the designations01U19R and working height (eye level) for the crew is elevator which moves on the outside of the columnbetweenthe baseandthe top structure. 01R/19L, but after some harmless-but- between45 and 46 metres. meaningfulincidentsin which aircrewson final manoeuvred to the wrong runway it was A crew consistsof a RunwayControllerand a ThesatelliteTowerhasbeenin usesince1 July decided to rename all parallel runways into Ground Controller, each with a dedicated 2003. frequency.Theyare responsiblefor the traffic 18U36R,18C/36Cand 18R/36L.



Safety Management

JustCulturein Aviation SafetyManagement Doug Churchill- ExecutiveVicePresidentProfessional Aviation traditionally was an environmentin which no,or at leastveryfew errorsweremade. Wetendedto believethat individualsworkingin the aviationindustrybelongedto a specialbreed of super-humans who perform error-free throughouttheir careers.In a small numberof caseswherean accidentoccurred,industryand the general public readily accepted an explanationthat one or more peopleinvolved had made an error or errors that causedthe accidentto happen.

The Dividing Line?

Sometwenty-fiveyearsago this perceptionof the aviation industrybeganto change.People realized that the aviation industry is not Sabotage populatedby super-humans, but normal every, Substance abuse day people,eachas proneto committingerrors Reckless violations as anyother.Industryattentionhasshihedfrom ·'. etc. determiningwho madethe error to identifying ,. the circumstances under which the error was made. The purpose was two-fold: first, by understanding the circumstances it might both Statesand ServiceProvidersto implement become possible to introduce changesthat SafetyOccurrence ReportingSystems. Manyfeel couldmakeit lesslikelythat similarerrorswould that by sharingknowledgeand experience(s) by be madeagain (ErrorPrevention);and second, way of comprehensive andsystematicreporting, understandingthe circumstances might makeit occurrenceof air navigationincidentscan be possibleto developstrategiesto minimisethe prevented, or perhaps more realistically,be negativeeffect of the error (Error Recovery). significantlyreduced.Thisapproachcentreson SafetyOccurrence ReportingProgrammemes are two very important initiatives: a confidential a cornerstonefor finding thesecircumstances. reporting system, and a non-punitive environment. IFATCAtakes the position that TheLegalSystem- Fundamental voluntary reporting systems are essential, however we do not encourage joining a Differences voluntaryincidentreportingsystemunlessthere A similar shih, as in av1at1on,has not (yet) is guaranteedimmunityfor the individualswho occurredin the judicial world. In many legal are providing the information. Reluctanceof systemsaviation professionals(e.g. pilots, air individualsto participatefor fear of retribution traffic controllers,and maintenancepersonnel) jeopardizesthe programme.What has to be is that onlya verysmallpercentage can and will face criminal prosecutionif they remembered becomeinvolvedin an incidentor accident,even of controller/pilot error can be attributed to a though they were acting in accordancewith lackof intellectual,physicalor emotionalability. their professionaltraining and experience.In The reasonpeoplefail to perform is that they IFATCA's view criminal prosecution is work in a flawed system.Simplyblaming(an) counterproductive to improvingaviation safety. individual(s)is an expedientform of removing In stead of creating an open culture in which blame from the organization and effectively errors and incidentsare reported for analysis masksany latentflaws in it. leadingto systemicimprovements,prosecution createsa "don't get caught" culture in which As the sole objectiveof any investigationis the few reports are made and consequentlylittle prevention of accidents and /or incidents, theinvestigationprocess must not apportion systemicimprovements occur. blameor liability. Thisis not to say there is no In today's environment Regulatory role for legal actions in aviation. In many Requirementsrelated to Safetyissuescall for countriesthere are laws enabling(or obliging)


authorities to investigate aviation-related occurrences. In caseswhereoperatorsare guilty of wilful misconductin a form perceivedto be beyondthe limits of acceptabilitysuchas actsof sabotage,grossnegligenceor substanceabuse it is necessarythat criminal prosecutionwill follow. In these instancesthe operator could reasonablyforeseethe negativeoutcomeof his or her actions.But in the majorityof casesthe operatorswere acting with best intentionsand did not wish,norexpecttheir actionswould lead to disastrousresults

Blameand Punishment Thisbringsto light anotherdifficult aspectof the equationfor consideration:the issueof blame. Blamefocuseson the defectsof individuals;it doesnot necessarily takeinto accountall system components.Blame leads to the adoption of defensive attitudes, and encourages an ineffectivereporting system.IFATCAdoes not subscribeto the theorythat progresson safetyis synonymouswith learning from failure, as it categorizes learning and punishment as mutuallyexclusiveactivities.It impliesthat we either learn from accident/incidents or punish the individualsinvolvedin them,but not do both at the sametime (Dekker,2002).The result of the"punishment"theory is the perpetuationof falsebeliefsaboutthe safetyof the system,and characterizes humansas unreliablecomponents.


Safety Management Punishment emphasizes that failures are deviant,that they do not naturallybelongin the system.Learningmeansthat failuresareseenas "normal"-as resultingfrom the inherentpursuit of success.Punishmentpoints a "guilty" finger and conditionsothers to not get caught next time somethinggoeswrong. Learningis about avoidinga next time altogether.Punishmentis concernedwith closure,about moving beyond and away from the event, whereaslearningis about continuous improvement,and closely integratingthe eventinto the system.Mostof us who are in a positionto be directlyaffectedby this (air traffic controllersand pilots) seemto agree that a non-punitive and confidential environment cannot be equated with total immunity. Therealwaysis, and alwayswill be a threshold beyondwhichan ANSsafetyoccurrencewill be subjectto a punitive treatment.A crucialfirst step in clarifyingthe matter is to recogniseand makepublic the fact that ConfidentialIncident ReportingProgrammes will be basedon "honest mistakes." It is to be understoodthat any behaviour beyond the notion of "honest mistake"cannotbe protectedby confidentiality and immunity.

TheNeedfor NonPunitiveReporting Systems If this becomesthe agreed-to scenario,the possibilityfor difficultyexistsin the fact that the categorizing of behaviour as an "honest mistake" or otherwise,cannot be determined until after an investigationhasbeencarriedout. No guaranteesfor confidentialityor for nonpunitive treatment can be given until the investigationprocessis completed.Air traffic controllers,as an examplemay, in full good faith, report incidents based on the understandingthat they did nothingwrong,but still face the risk that the investigationboard takes a different view on the subject.In most cases,ServiceProviderswill not havethe luxury to ignore reports filed in a non-punitive reportingenvironment,shouldthey not conform to conditions for immunity. A necessary improvementto the processwill be to provide for assurances of fair treatment,and the respect for confidentiality.It is of paramountimportance to demonstrate that individual reporting systems guarantee the fair treatment of personnelinvolved, particularlyas far as the notionof "honestmistakes"is concerned.

secure in the knowledge that whatever deficienciesthey do reportwill not backfireon them.

cannotbe changedbut nonetheless arerequired tomakethe systemwork safely.Thelegal world holdsthe view that the systemis inherentlysafe andthat the humansarethe mainthreatto that Criminalization of Error safety. As mentioned earlier, the safety improvements in the aviationsystemare largely Possiblythe most fearedof alI repercussions is achievedas a result of an open exchangeof what has come to be known as the informationbetweenthe layersof the system. "criminalizationof error". This may simply be Contraryto what some may believe, human defined as "criminal proceedingsagainst a errorcannotbe avoidedby "designingit out of personor personsinvolved in an incident or the system"or discipliningoperators.Erroris a accident." Witness the ever-increasing normalcomponentof humanperformance. This occurrences of theseactionsagainstindividuals fact must be incorporated into the design, in the aviation industry,and it would appear implementation and operation of complex there is a distinct increasein casesin recent systemswheresafetyis the expectedoutcome. years.Among them have been severalhigh- Air Traffic Management(ATM) systemsare a profile examples whereby avIatIon primeexampleof sucha complexsystem. professionals, acting in accordance with appropriatelevelsof trainingand experiencein TheIFATCA View their respectiveareasof operation,havefallen victim to some unfortunate transgression. IFATCA is of the opinion that criminal Typically,the guilty party is not an organization prosecutionis counter-productive to improving but an individual or individuals;be they air aviationsafety.Theeffect of legal prosecutions traffic controllers,aircrew or technicians.The is that if pilots and controllersperceivethey will reason?It couldbe manyreasons,but whatever be held personallyliable for any safetyrelated they may be, the threat of any form of events in their work, they will stop reporting retaliation(punishment)leadspeopleto adopt such events. This means legal prosecutions a "don't get caught" attitude.Thisdoeslittle to achievethe exact opposite of what they are foster meaningful improvementsto system aiming to achieve• they don't help to improve safety. aviation safety.However,we must still have a mechanism for holdingpeopleaccountableeven From a Human Factorsperspective,this is a in a blame-freeatmosphere. Blanketamnestyon lose-lose proposition. To quote Dr. Sidney all unsafeactswould lack credibilityin the eyes Dekker of the Swedish Center for Human of employees(workforce)and mayevenbe seen Factors in Aviation: "Incarceration or alternativepunishmentof pilots or controllers to oppose natural justice. Accountability is has no demonstrable rehabilitative effect possible if we can come up with workable solutions to re-constructingour relationships (perhaps because there is nothing to with each other throughout the industry. rehabilitate).It does not make a pilot or air traffic controller(or his or her colleagues)any Perhapssuch "mendingof fences" will enable safer-indeed, the very idea that vicarious us to movetowarda "just" culture. learning or redemption is possible through criminaljusticeis universallycontroversial."

Accidentsare rarelythe resultof the failuresof individuals.Thereare alwaysadditionalfactors, each on its own an integral part of, and a contributor to, the whole. Accidentsare the productsof the system,not individualparts of it. Blame-free, or no-blame cultures are extremely rare, however we believe real progresswill come as we move beyond a "blame" culture. Criminalizationof error is a key contributorto adversarialrelationshipswe sometimesseein the aviation industry,and as long asthereis the potentialfor it to playa role in an incidentor accident,the "real" truth may Basedon ICAOguidelinesthe aviation industry neversurface.Variousversionsof the truth will hasan effectivesystemto learnfrom incidents emerge,perhapsfollowing particularagendas and accidentsand has achievedan impressive suchas stayingout of jail or limiting corporate safety level. The free flow of safety related liability.Learningbecomesseverelyrestricted,if information among the various levels and not impossible. playersin the industryis key.Safetyreportsare forthcomingonly when their originators (e.g. TheRoleof HumanError pilots, controllersand maintenancestaff) know they are in a non-punitiveenvironmentand are Theaviationindustryhasacceptedthat humans


REFERENCES Dekker,Dr. SidneyW.A., When Human Error Becomes a Crime.TheJournalof HumanFactors andAerospace Safety. SKYGUIDE (2003), Non-Punitive ATM Safety Occurrence Reporting. High Level European Action Group for ATM Safety (AGAS),4th Meeting. Ruitenberg,B. (2001)Accepting Human Error as a Normal Component in Behaviour. Presentation - Aviation Safety and Juridical Actions,HIASSymposium, Toulouse, France. IFATCA(2003), Just Culture, Working Paper (Draft Version),IFATCAStandingCommittee4, AnnualConference, HongKong,China. ICAO(2001) Annex 13 to the Conventionon InternationalCivilAviation,AircraftandIncident Investigation, NinthAddition,Montreal,Canada. Thispaperhasbeensubmittedto ICAO11thANCbyIFATCA for action


Radar then and now



A halfcentury


Today'sair traffic controllerswould find it hard to contemplatedoingtheir job without the help of radar- a fixture at towers and areacontrol centresfor nearlyhalf a century. Yet in radars earliest days, controllers approachedthe technologywith trepidation. Thefirst generationof radarwas primitiveand far from perfect,recallsretired controllerKarl McDonald."We usedit verycautiouslyat first, as we weren't sure it was reliable", says McDonald,who was working in ganderwhen the first systemswere introduced."Therewere dayswhenwe couldn'tuseit at all. At the time, we sharedthe systemwith the RCAF,and, in additionto the technicalproblems,occasionally a techniciannewto the basewouldshutit down for preventative maintenance without any warning-allof a suddenthe screenwould go blank. This of course was contrary to the operatingagreement".

ee 0 Ye

McDonaldalso recalls that the monitor was regularlyvictimizedby "weatherclutter" which produceda confusing array of dots on the screen. Thentherewasthe problemwith glare.Anylight reflectingon the screenwould renderit useless, which forced controllersto work in a dark, bunker-likeenvironmentfor a numberof years. Dorval 1977

Althoughthe earlyradarsystemswerelow-tech by today's standards,McDonaldnotes that it projects like JETS(Joint Enroute Terminal radarandmakingthe didn't take long before gradualimprovements System)weremodernizing made them an indispensable part of the controllersjob easy". workplace."Theequipmentgot a lot better-scan conversion(which allowed radar signalsto be Bornin Newfoundland,McDonaldworkedas a convertedand displayedon a TVstylemonitor) weather observerat a local US air force base helpedwith the glare,and within a few years beforebecomingan ATCassistantat Ganderin


1951 and an oceaniccontroller in 1957. He transferredto Dorval airport in Montreal in 1961, and later servedin a numberof senior administrative positions in Ottawa before retiringin 1989. "The way the job is done today is a lot


Radar then and now

JETS, launchedin the early1970s,revolutionized the computerdisplay of radar informationby providingcontinuouslyupdatedelectronictags that wereattachedto eachaircraftsblip on the screen. By displayingflight-path history and detailed flight data, the new systemrelieved controllersfrom the burden of developinga strictly mental picture of flights under their control.

ASSRor DeccaRadar different," he pointsout." Beforeradar,you had to keepa picturein your mind of all the traffic you were controlling.Youhad to be constantly mindful of the situation and focusedon the paperdata strips.I think this fact was reflected in the personalityof the controllerat the time.In my view,if you stayedcalmand didn't allow the pressureto get to you, it was easier to be successful."

Equallysignificantwas RAMP,a replacement project started in 1984 that increasedradar accuracyand vastly expandedthe airspace surveillancerange acrossthe country. RAMP replacedthe old vacuumtube technologywith state of the art microelectronics and proved digitised primary surveillance data, which allowedthe radar data to be transmittedover long distances using inexpensivetelephone circuits.FortyOone RAMPsystemswereinstalled acrossCanadaat a cost of more than $800 million. which produceda better quality and enabled "The original plan was simply to replacethe controllersto "move out of the dungeonsand electronicsof ourAASR-1radars,but it wasthen into semi-brightness" accordingto Dyck. decidedto replaceall our radarswith RAMP, which are still operationaltoday", saysDyck, The AASR-1was later joined by the ASR-5,a who joinedworkedfor RobertStalker.Stalkeris radar system made specificallyfor terminal considered the fatherof civilianradarsystemsin control use. The ASR-5 had faster rotating Canada. antennae,which providedan enhancedpicture of radar-controlled airspace. While the ongoing Northern Radar, NAV

CANADAcontinuesto build new systemsand Radar technology evolved significantly over After scan conversion, the next major expand its radar coverage.The program is a severaldecadesas engineersand technologists breakthroughinvolveddigitisedradar.Digitisers testament to the staying power of the worked to improveon what was originally a enhancedthe value of radar for controllers technology,notesDyck. military invention.Throughoutthe sixties and because the technology placed critical seventies,the hardwarewas being constantly informationabout an aircraft (for example,its "The imminent demise of radar has been enhancedand updated to meet the highly identityandaltitude)right on the radar'sscreen. predictedfor manyyears", he says."And I can specializedneedsof air traffic controllers. seea time when we will dependon an aircrafts By the 1960sradar use was fully entrenched computingsystemto provide its position and Thefirst majorradarsystemusedin Canadawas within the air navigationsystem.But it would altitude,with radarbeingusedonly as backup. the Raytheon-built AASR-1, a primary still take two major projectsto modernizethe As for when this will take place,I can only tell surveillanceradar that detected all aircraft technology and bring it closer to today's you what BobStalkertold mea longtime agowithin its range, along with rain drops, capabilities. radarwill one day be on its way out, but I cant mountainsand other objects.Later,secondary predictwhenthat will happen." surveillance radar-an offshoot of the US JETSand RAMP(RadarModernizationProject) Thisarticlewas first publishedin Nav CanadaNewsJune military's IFF (Identify Friendor Foe) system broughtradarinto the modernera,saysDyck. 2003 iiwould alleviatethe problemof "clutter" by identifyingonlyaircraftthat wereequippedwith a transponder. "With the AASR-1,you still had to remember who'sand what altitudetheywereflying at, but it represented a majorchange,becausewith the radaryou could actuallyseewherethe aircraft was at that exact time," says John Dyck, Manager,SurveillanceSystemsEngineering,at NAVCANADA."Beforeradar,you dependedon pilots telling you wherethey were." Oneof the majordrawbacksof this early systemwas that controllerscouldnot seethe screenunlessthey workedin a darkenedroom.Withina few hours, however,engineershad solved the problem through the developmentof scan conversion,




Welcometo HongKong SomeSARSFacts Peter Leung- Conference2004 OrganisingCommitteeChairman For three months earlier this year Hong Kong was in the world's spotlight and making the headlineseveryday- but for all of the wrong reasons. The outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)that affected many Asian Europeanand North American countrieswastracedbackto HongKongandthe visit of a single infectedpersonfrom Southern • China. The most alarmingthing about SARSwas the fact that it was a new diseasewith no antidote and manypeoplewere falling victim with some dyingfrom the mysteryillness. All of the countriesdirectlyinvolvedtook drastic measuresto containthe outbreakand medical research laboratories worked overtime to • analysethe virusand find a cure.All thesesteps provedto be very successful- as fast as SARS had eruptedand seeminglyspreadaroundthe world, within a few monthsthere were no new cases,the infectedregionswere declaredSARS free and the majorityof those infectedmadea full recovery. In spiteof this successstorythereare still many questionsthat peopleaskabout SARS: 7 so what happened how manypeoplewere infected? is it going to suddenlyoccuragain? is it safeto travel to Asiaand HongKong?


SARSis one of a few new virusesthat are mutatingfrom animalsto humans(similar to the outbreakof BSEin Europe).In the earlystagesof the infectionit can be very • contagiousand transmittedby coughing. Therefore,whena singleinfectedperson, travelingfrom SouthernChinato Vietnam, stayedin a HongKonghotelfor two dayshe unknowinglystarteda worldwidescare. Within a few days,the infectedpersonwas in a criticalconditionin Vietnam,and some of the hotelgueststhat had beenin close contactwith him wereshowingsignsof the virus- unfortunatelythey had travelledon to Canada,Taiwanand Singapore.Thenthe cyclerepeateditself in thoselocations.Very quicklyit was realisedthat total isolationof the victimsand all recentcontactswasan

absolutenecessity.Oncethis was establishedthe problemwas containedand there havenot beenanyfurther reportsof SARSsincethe WorldHealthOrganisation (WHO)declaredTaiwan,as the last infected state,to be free of SARSin July. Thetotal numberof peopleinfectedin Hong Kongwas 1,755andthe numberof fatalities was296.Theseare distressingfigures,but eachwinter thereare aboutthe same numberof peoplehospitalisedwith commoninfluenzaor pneumonia.Of those who unfortunatelydied,the majoritywere elderlypeoplesufferingwith otherchronic diseasesor disorders. SomesaySARScouldreturnin the winter as the virusis relatedto the coldandinfluenzatype viruses,but this is not proven. However,it was discoveredthat one of the mosteffectivedeterrentsto the outbreakof the SARSvirusis simplecleanliness.Hong Konghasalwayspridedits self on beinga hardworkingand fast pacedsociety;as a resulttherewas neverenoughtime to ensurecompletepublichygiene.However sincethe SARSoutbreakHongKonghashad a completemakeoverwith personal hygieneand publiccleanlinessthe number one priority for the new Government'Team CleanTaskForce'.Streetsare now spotless andthe marketsarealwaysneatand tidy the samepeoplearestill hardworkingand living in a fast pacedsociety,but now they are proudof their new cleancity and make time to keepit clean.

Heli at Kai Tak

ratesof lessthan 10%. EventhoseAsian statesthat weretotally free of SARS, e.g. Japanand Thailand,sufferedequally.On 23 June,whenthe WHOremovedHongKong from the list of areaswith SARSinfection andthe traveladvisorywascancelled,it was thoughtthat it would take at leastsix monthsfor peopleto regainconfidenceto start travellingagain.Howeverwithin onemonthaircraftmovementswere backto within 80% of the pre-SARS figure and manyflights were full. Thesefigures continueto increase,indicatingthat everyoneis confidentthat HongKongis a safe placeto visit and greatplaceto do business.Eventhoughthereis confidence that thereis no moreSARSin HongKong,as an addedprecaution,everytraveller enteringHongKonghasto completea healthdeclarationform and havetheir temperaturetaken(a high temperatureor feveris one of the first symptomsof SARS). Thisprocedurewill be continuedfor one yearto ensurethe public'shealthis closely monitored.

FACT- HongKongis a healthycity. Becausethe diseasewasa big unknown therewas initially a lot of guessworkand rumourwhich ledto someover-reactionby certainorganisationsand the publicationof a few factsbut a lot of fiction in the media. Whilsttherewas causefor someconcern, the overallresultof this excessive dramatisationof the situationwasa startlingcollapseof travelthroughoutthe regionwhich hadworldwiderepercussions on the airline industry.In HongKongover one half of all flights were cancelledand thosethat did operatehad loadfactorsof only 20 - 30%, somehotelshad occupancy

FACT- HongKonghasnot hada caseof SARS reportedsince2 June2003.

FACT- HongKongis now a cleanercity. FACT- HongKongauthoritieshaveeffective and efficientSARSpreventative measures.

FACT- HongKongwill hosta great IFATCA Conference 2004.

FACT- HongKongwelcomesyou all!!


Charlie's Column



Last month. when tuning in Luton Airport Approach,pilotscouldhearwhat soundedlike a baby crying. A young controller loosing their nerves?Somenew methodof earlyrecruitment? A controller offspringpushingthe Push-to-talk travellingwith his guideanimal,but it wasnot a button? No, it was a standard off the shelf dog, but a miniature horse. Under FAA rules, Babyphone,the one you can buy in your local seeing-eyes-animals helping Blind people,can supermarketto listen to your kids not sleeping travel together.Sincethe horsewas 60cmhigh when you are with the neighbours.Thiscouple and 35 Kg,it did not fit in the maincabinand it had bought the latest version that also and its ownerwere both upgradedto first class. happenedto interfere with the VHF aviation band! Theparentswere quite surprisedto see Thecabincrewfirst askedif the horseshouldbe the policehammeringtheir dooraskingthem to diapered(likea baby I suppose!)but the owner switchthe thing off ... said that sincethe plannedflight was lessthan 2 hoursthe horsewould manage.Well,bad luck NEWSFROMTHEUSA struck, as the ATC controllers delayed the departurefor 45 minutesandjust beforearrival, It sayshere,in smallletters,that a new Potomac naturecalledandthe horsedid histhing. In fact, consolidatedTRACONin Warrenton,Virginia most of the other passengers found the whole was openedlast month. It has 300 controllers episodeamusing. for 5000 flights a day over five Statesin the BaltimoreWashingtonArea. Thisis just one of Whydid the manchoosea horseand not a dog; the small facilities - not one of the big ACCs. well. horseslive 30 yearsor more,and dog only Makesus,in the restof the world,wonderabout half that... Costbenefitsagain. the definitionof "what is small..." Controllersyou know now the consequences of delayingaircraft: OK, as long as they do not carrybulls... CLEAi✓ li'lG THEMESS UPAFTER ATC

taxied towards the runway. The local TWR controllers tried in vain to contact him. He apparently taxied very fast and took off (unauthorised) keeping very low level and disappearedinto the African sky.The 727 had beenparkedapparentlyfor morethan a year,in a muddy place, and insiderswondered how, after sucha longtime, the aircraftenginescould start and the planetakeoff. Themanwho stole the plane was apparentlyalone,for a normal3 crewoperations( 2 pilotsand a FlightEngineer). However,a 727 pilot friendstold me that if you configurethe FlightEngineer's panelbefore,you cantakeoff, as longas,after takeoff, you put on the auto pilot and leaveyour seat to adjust a few thingson the FEpanel.. Or youcarrya stick with a hook and do the job while sitting in the captain'sseat. As long as you do not haveany malfunctions, you are OK Initially the CIA believedthis was the work of Al Quaida,but later it turned out that it was the SouthAfrican ownersrepossessing the aircraft after the local companythat had operatedit had defaultedon some payments.The aircraft has apparently DELAY Thisstoryremindsmeof oneof mayold sayings: beenrepainted,re-registeredin anotherAfrican countryand flies from Conakrynow. It all started with a report messagefrom an Charlie's philosophy (part 98): AmericanAirlines crew to their management Acceptthat somedaysyou are the pigeon,but In a separateincident,anotherB727at the same last month: on otherdays,you are the statue...! airport,a few monthsearlier,wasalso stuck in the mud.A tug wassent to try and moveit, but "Passenger wastravellingwith miniatureservice could not do the job. The pilot decidedto help )PERAT NCJ HOEI\Gs A RCJ:'{AFT N horsein seat3A. Horsehadbowelmovementon the tug and appliedfull poweron the 3 engines the carpetof the bulkhead.Cabincrew had to '\NGOLA with its tail pointing at the domesticterminal. do excessivecleaning.Strongodour had to be airedout..." Themediareportedthat "a white man" climbed First,it coveredthe terminalwith tons of mud, on board a parked Boeing 727 in Luanda then blew off the roof of the baggagearea,then What happenedwasthat a blind passengerwas (Angola) last May, started the engines and whenit finally moved,the tug still attachedand,



Charlie's Column You have probably seen the new trend of painting aircraft of well known airlines,in the coloursof their parent company,most of the time travel agencies.Thelatest is CONDOR, the oldestCharterairlinein Germany, whoseaircraft are now painted in THOMASCOOKcolours. Exchangeof R/T in Frankfurt:Pilot: Ground, Condor 3172 is ready in sequence.Ground controller: HallocaptainCook,I will call you... Pilot: Errr, but we are still called CONDOR ...Controller:Ohyes,then why doesn't it sayso on your aircraft?

pt thatsome days are the pigeon,but days,you are tue...! Charlie's philosophy (part 98):

In fact the Marketingdepartmenthad painted, in smallletters,just belowthe registrationof the aircraft "POWERED BYCONDOR",which looks like the Prattand Whitney'shavebeenreplaced by mean-lookingbirds. Shouldthis trend continue,sinceultimatelyit is the bankswho own the planes,we might soon see new aircraft colours. Luthansa will be renamedDeutscheBankand will competewith old Air France,renamed Paribas, KLM will becomeABNAMRO,and Alitalia will be Banco del Spirito Sancto(Bankof the Holy Spirit, my favouriteVaticanbank)Lifeis goingto be fun!


stuckunderthe plane,wastakenfor a ridealong the taxiway before the pilot had noticed somethingwas slowing him down, decidedto stop.

damage on one of its wings, but the pilot decidedto continue flying and continuedhis flight to Lubango,then on to Luanda,nearly2 hoursaway.Wellmy friend,beinga controllerin Angola involvessomenervesof steel, I would Thiscomesafter the Namibianincidentlastyear think... in December, when a Boeing737 from Angola collidedwith a Cessna404 Titan, a Westair10 Overheardon the Frequency : seater.After take off from Windhoekat 11.500 feet, it chopped the tail of the Titan off Controller: ABC 1234 what are your flight (see photo at www.sundaytimes.eo.za/2003/01 /OS conditions? /news/news03.asp), which managed,without tail, Pilot : Well I am not sure,It is so hazyup hereit to return to Windhoek.The 737 had severe is hardto tell...


How to makenumbersmatch- I read herethat a North American newly-privatised ATC corporationhasa deficitof S176million,with 43 of theseowedby their nationalairline (a merger of two old successfulairlines) which is itself underbankruptcyprotection. Do not smile,this is supposedto be the future. In one of the latestannualreportsof one of the most well-known EuropeanATCCorporations, the staff is mentionedunder- Costfactors. In anotherbrochurefrom the sameorganisation,it says: Staffareour morevaluableasset.Sowhat are we, Assetor Costs? I would like to know, sinceI needto borrow moneyand my bankeris confused.



AGENDA 2003 Se tember 19 - 21 SC3Meeting London Contact:IFATCAOffice Manager,Tatianalavorskaia

22 - 3 Oct ICAO11th ANC- Montreal Contact:IFATCAOffice Manager,Tatianalavorskaia

October 4 - 6 ExecutiveBoardMeeting- Montreal Contact:IFATCAOffice Manager,Tatianalavorskaia

15 - 17 Asia PacificRegionalMeetingChristchurch Contact:IFATCAOffice Manager,Tatianalavorskaia

17 - 19 EuropeanRegionalMeeting- Porto Contact:IFATCAOffice Manager,Tatianalavorskaia

19 - 20 SC4MeetingTrinidadand Tobago Contact:IFATCAOffice Manager,Tatianalavorskaia

21 - 23 IFALPAATS- Washington Contact:IFATCAOffice Manager,Tatianalavorskaia

20 -22 Africa Middle EastRegionalMeeting- Amman Contact:IFATCAOffice Manager,Tatianalavorskaia

30 - 1 Nov AmericasRegionalMeeting- SantoDomingo Contact:IFATCAOffice Manager,Tatianalavorskaia

2004 Januar 16 - 18 EBMeeting- Montreal Contact:IFATCAOffice Manager,Tatianalavorskaia

March 19 - 20 Pre-Conference EBMeeting,HongKong 22 - 26 43rd Annual Conference,HongKong 27 Post-Conference EBmeeting,HongKong



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