IFATCA The Controller - 1st quarter 2004

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Editorial leadsusto anotherquestionii is the Stateregulator verymuchorientatedtowardsthe engineers.The SAFETYis Freedom credible and experiencedenough to have the answerto hazardidentification andriskassessment authority to undertake safety oversight task? is a co-operativeeffort includingsafety experts, from Harm Answerii in somestatesyes,othersno. Wherethe controllers,engineersand aircrew who have a

ChrisStock- Editor As we approachthe annualconferencein Hong Kong,thesubjectof ATMsafetyremainshighon the agenda.In this issue,we have highlightedtwo approaches, one takenby a MA, the other by a multinationalorganisation. NATCA, the MA in question,convenes a nationalconference annually of the frontlineoperators,pilots and controllers, togetherwith industryexpertsto discussthe safety mattersthat affecteveryone.Thereis no doubtthat the major benefit to be gained is to hear and understand the pointsof viewfromthe cockpitand the control room. The article by Doug Church explainsin greaterdetailhowthe conference works. In a way, we can regard this symposiumas a bottom-upapproach whereasEurocontrol hastaken a top down view from a multinationallevel by introducinga StrategicSafety Action Plan for Enhanced ATMSafetyin a SinglePan-European Sky. Thisinitiativehasbeendrivenby themidaircollision overUberlingen andthe runwaycollisionat Milanlinate, both accidentscausingmanyfatalitiesand both in whichATMwas a factor. In parallelwith thesedevelopments, the IFATCAExecutiveBoard will present a working paper on ATM safety detailingideasanda wayforwardfor the MAs. We all acknowledgethat safetyis paramountin ATM- thereis no argumentbutdo we knowwhat we meanbysafety?It canbequiteemotional,if you don't agreethenyou shouldlistento the voicesof the victims' familiesand friendsin the two TV programmesdescribingUberlingenand Linate accidentsproducedby the BBC.Onthe otherhand, safety can be discussedin an objective and calculatedmannerby referringto, amongstother scientificvalues,TargetLevelsof Safety(TLS)using figureslike 5 x 10-9to describethe probabilityof two aircraft colliding. Forcontrollers,the safety medianlinewill probablyexistsomewhere between theseextremesbut movesone way or the other dependingon anynumberof conditions.However, one thing is for certainas the pressurebecomes more intense for maintaining,or even better, increasingthe currentlevelsof safety,controllers needto understandthe safetyframeworkwithin whichtheywork. Beingleft out of the loop is not an optionif the operationalinput is to be heardin the safetyfora.

answeris in the negative,ATM regulationitself becomes a riskbecause a dominantANSPis likelyto imposeits philosophyon the safetyprocess. The Eurocontroldocument identifies the need for improvementin training for regulatorsand an increase in humanresources for the regulatorytask. Eurocontrol Areas of immediate Focus • Safetyrelatedhumanresourcesin ATM • Incidentreportingand datasharing • ACAS • Runwaysafety • Enforcement of ESARRs and monitoringof their implementation.

Wheredoesthis leavethe MAsand the individual controller?In my opinion,I believethat a similar training programmeis necessaryfor controllers. Not everycontrollerbut at leastone,possiblymore controllers, perATSfacility(dependent on sizeand complexity) shouldundergocomprehensive training in safety matters. Thiswill give a focusto the necessary safetyissueswhichneedto be addressed on a regularbasis. Onceagain,in myopinion,the core issue is the hazard identificationand risk assessment procedures. If thesecanbegraspedand understood thenATMsafetywill benefit. Clearing out the woodfromthetreeswill avoidincorrectuse or abusage. Thefollowingquotesaysit all: "Riskassessment is like a politicalprisoner:if you tortureit longenough,it will giveyou the answer youwant" reputedlyutteredby a USEnvironmental Protection Agencyadministrator.

mutualtrust in what theyareseekingto achievein an objective and non-commercialmanner. It becomesa multi-disciplinary team effort for the ANSP and there has to be an equal and authoritativeresponsefrom the ATM regulator. Failurebythe ATMregulatorto respondcanleadto delayin the development of newtechnologies and procedures.To ensurethat this doesnot happen meansthat the ATM regulatormust be properly resourced andtrained. It would be interestingfor MAsto comparethenumbers andstandards of their respectiveATM regulatorybodiesto identify the statesthat canandcannotregulateeffectively. And you thoughtsafetywas 5 miles lateraland 1000feetvertical- well,think again! 'Eurocontrol Strategic SafetyActonPlan

In Memoriam Duringthe Christmas break,we heardthesadnews of the passing of two well-known IFATCA personalities who,althoughtwo generations apart, represented the idealsthat manyof us aspireto within the Federation.Arnold Fieldwas IFATCA President in the period1971-72but beforethat, he was a leadingplayer in SC1and the technical activitiesof IFATCA.Hewas a greatsupporterof IFATCAin his retirementand followed the new developments with greatinterest.A shorttributeto EugenioAlvarezOrtegaonpage32.


It is with extremeshock and sadnessthat the Understandingthe processesis essential in InternationalFederationof Air TrafficControllers' presentingsafetyclaimsto the regulator.Equally, Associations(IFATCA) and the global Air Traffic the regulatormustindicateclearlywhat is required Controllercommunityhas learnedtoday of the to allowthoseclaimsto be madeon a levelplaying murderof our Danishcolleaguein Zurich.IFATCA field. If this is understood thenthe regulatoris in a wouldliketo passon its deepestcondolences to his positionto evaluatethe claimthroughtheevidence wife andfamilyfor theirtragicloss,andto convey of the hazardidentificationand risk assessment. to all SwissandDanishcolleagues of theirprofound Returningto my original argument,the ATM sympathy duringthesedifficulttimes.Ourmurdered regulatorhasto well trainedin all aspectsof ATM colleagueand fellow professionalwas at work safetyto undertake the safetyoversighttaskand it during the night of collisionin July 2002 above is to the ANSPandits staff i.e.operationalinputto Ueberlingen (Germany) betweena Boeing757and ensurethat theyaresufficientlycompetentto carry a Tupolev154.At presentthere is no provenlink out the in-depthhazard identificationand risk with the murderto the collision.Suchan eventhas assessment techniques whicharethencapturedin a neveroccurredbeforeand raisesquestionsof how robustsafetycase. to copewith the consequences shoulda link be

established betweenthe murderand the collision. One of the major obstaclesfor controllersin Many questions will have to be answered. ATMSafetyis sub-divided into two separateareas. understandingthe nature of ATM safety is the Regrettably, the final reportof this collision,due to Safetyregulationis the processfor establishing, development of new technology.Controllersare be publishedin the coming months,is widely overseeing and enforcingcommonsafetylevelsin capableof dealingthe safetyissuesassociated with expectedto demonstrate a chainof eventsleading the publicinterestwhilstsafetymanagement is the procedures arisingout of the newtechnologies but to the accident,in which no particularindividual processof providingservicesand productssafely'. lesssowhentheyenterintothetechnicalities. More playeda majorrole.Theaviationfraternityis deeply In otherwords,the ANSProvideris responsible for often than not, new equipmentand technologyis saddenedat the premature loss of a fellow ATM safety whilst the Regulatormaintainsan introducedandthe controlleris told it is safeto use professional. oversightof the ANSPprocesses.Thisleadsto an eventhoughit hassoftwareprogrammes that may area that, I believe,we have not paid enough not havebeensubjectto the appropriatelevelof Apologyto RichardArnold attentionand that is ATMregulation.TheStateis scrutiny.In manycases,the assurance is takenon responsiblefor ATM regulation however the trust andwhenthereis a glitch,the humanenters In theprevious issueof TheController, thenameof the standardsand levelsare variablebetweenstates. the chainto resolvethe problem. But we are all authorforthe "Seaof Change in AirTraffic Management The Eurocontroldocumentidentifiesthe differing aware that with traffic levelsrising, the human (ATM) Training" wasomitted. Theommission wasanerror standardsbetweenStateregulatorsin comparison input answermay be limitedso what assurances onmypartandI wishtoapologise to Richard Arnoldfrom with the ANSPs. The tendencyis towards the can be gainedfrom the integrityof the equipment theDFS Academy fornotattributing thearticleto him. maturityof theANSPratherthantheregulator.This and software.ESARR 6 addresses this issuebut is



OJTI Training

Breaking Groundin OJTITraining A different approachby DFSDeutscheFlugsicherung GmbHand CroatiaControlLtd KevinSalter - Headof QualificationsProgrammes,DFSAcademy,Germany



Course Description

How longandwhere? • Theoretical Phase 5 daysin Zagreb,Croatia 17 participants Radar Control Prc1ctical 5 daysin Zagreb,Croatia 6 participants ligh Ji'ta/AIS - Practic I 4 daysin Zagreb,Croatia 6 participants Tov•tr Contro Practical 5 daysin Langen,Germany 4 participants • Tec1111IcIar,s Theo y ,in , 1nical 8 daysin Langen,Germany 12 participants

Above: Chris Lefevre - Instructor (Far left) and Kevin Salter - Course Manager (far right) pictured with the members of the first OJTIcourse to be held at the Zagreb Area Control Centre.


• Aclv nc d OJTI 8 daysin Zagreb,Croatia 12 participants

Theoretical Module

It was alsothe first time that the DFSAcademy hasbeentaskedto providea theoreticaltraining The course comprisedthe following selected coursein OJTItechniquesfor a mixedgroupof personnelfrom Croatia Control Ltd and was radar controllers,tower controllers,flight data conductedat the PalaceHotelin centralZagreb: and AISspecialists.


CroatiaControl'srequirementsmeant that the DFShadto tailor the coursecontentto coverthe differing aspectsof OJTtechniqueswithin the varyingroles.

6 rad· r c.,n rollers 'ro11 1h, ZagrebAreaControlCentre 1 con,rollN· from the ATC towersat Dubrovnik,Pulaand Osijek

In September2003CroatiaControlLtd signed a contract with the DFS Deutsche Thejoint theoreticalmodule,for 18 participants, 4 t rght data ,ind 2 J.I5 Flugsichersungsakadamie which createda first was followed by separate practical training specialistsfrom Zagreb,Dubrovikand Zadar modules to assess a students' practical for both ATSproviders. application of the theory in a simulation Theother 3 placesweretakenby observerswho It was the first time that Croatia Control had environment. assessedthe course on behalf of Croatia employedan outside agencyto develop and The DFS developed the following training Control. conductan OJTIpackagewhichwould cover4 programmefor CroatiaControlLtd: variedATMdisciplines.



OJTI Training Thecoursecontentincluded: •

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,sess1ng tr.11nu• perforrr,mce

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theory and practical parts taking place at Langen. All 12 participants achieved the requiredstandardand returnedto Croatiato commenceOJTIduties.

coursefor their experienced instructors. Instructors everywhere share many similar trainingproblems,problemsfacedby one group of instructorsare muchthe sameas another.

Advanced OJTI Course

During the course there was a very useful exchangeof ideasresultingin a positivecourse A verysuccessful modulewhere12 experienced result. There was also a revised outlook • how peope I r radar OJT instructors undertook training in regarding trainees and their associated 'Remedialtraining techniques'at Zagreb.This • 1u111c1n iera111,1u1 problemsfrom the participants. was a mixtureof theoryand practicalexercises • CISl'vl (Crit .a lnc1clP1·: StressMai 1q1:m~11•) where investigations into various training FinallyI wouldjust liketo saythat if anyonehas • s,1fetyni.111,,gem, m problemstook place. the opportunityto visit Zagrebor Croatia- take it. Youwill not be disappointed.I am certainly The module was very successfulwith all Conclusion looking forwarded to my return to Croatia, participantsachievingverygood resultsin their renewing the many friendships that were theoreticalexaminations. At the start of this project I had concerns formed during my visits, and continuingthe regardingmixing ATM disciplinesin the same closerelationshipthat has developedbetween Practical Modules theoreticaltrainingcourse. our two ANSproviders. • stre<s11,maqe1rn nt 1

Thesemoduleswere conducted,as planned,in "Could I ensurethat with a mixed group the the ZagrebArea ControlCentreand in the DFS demandsof all participantswould be met and Academyat Langen.Threedifferentdisciplines, that the courseobjectiveswould be achieved?" radarcontrol,towercontrolandAIS/FlightData, wereassessed usingon - the - job instructional Although my initial concernsappearedwell techniqueexercises.All participantsachieved founded,afterconductingthe trainingin Zagreb the requiredstandardand werepresentedwith I found that the module went very well. their OJTIcertificates. Everyone achieved very good examination results and I would happily conduct such a courseagain. Technical Course Thismodulewas also successful with both the

Oneother highlightfrom my time with Croatia Controlwas conductingthe first AdvancedOJTI

Author: Kevin Salter, - has been working for the DFS DeutscheFlugsicherungGmbH since retiring from theAir TrafficControlbranchof the British Royal Air Force in September 1994. He is currentlyHeadof the QualificationI Advanced Trainingdepartmentof the DFSAcademyat Langen,responsiblefor the managementand provision of the qualification and advanced trainingprogrammesfor the DFS.

serco.... Serco is an internationalfacilities managementand systemsengineeringcompany,providing comprehensive engineering andsupportservices across a widerangeof applications.

Since 1947,Serco hosbeen o provider ofcontracted technical services onairports worldwide. Thisremains oneofourcore services todoy, exemplified bymojor ATC contracts inmainland Europe andtheUK. Thescope ofthecompany's activities extends tototalconlracted management ofairports oswellosprovision ofoiltheservices onthe airport, including airport management, airtraffic services, rescue ondfirefighting services, passenger andbaggage handling, aviation security andinfrastructure management. Serco orealsoproviding consultancy onSafety Management Issues foro number ofnon-Serco airport companies.

DavidFortet Business Development Manager Serco Defence andAerospace Enterprise House, 11Bartley WoodBusiness Park Bartley Way,Hook,Hampshire RG279XB T:+44 (0) 1256745900 E:dfortet@serco.com





Doesseriousinformation have to comein a boringpackage? ClasFolin- SeniorAdviser,SwedishATSAcademy- SATSA Most of us have listenedto presentationsor lessonsaccompaniedby an endless line of PowerPointslides.Usuallythese slideshave a standardizedbackground,and the messageis deliveredin the form of text, text andtext. They are not reallyall that differentfrom what was used before we had data projectors and PowerPoint- transparencies that quite often were photo static copiesof documentsand manuals.True,the size of the letters makesit possibleto actually read what it says,which wasn't alwaysthe casewith the transparencies. Theremay also be somesort of animationto movethe text into position,but doesit makeall that muchdifference?

Right:Typicaltraditional PowerPointslide.

Let'shavea look at what happensduringsucha presentation:The presenterclicks the mouse button,a line of text movesin positionfrom the left. Sometimeshe (or she, but this happens moreseldom,sincewomentendto be moreself critical)may let it comefrom the right or from the top, to confusethe audience.He will then say exactlythe same thing that we are just situationis perceivedas fun, the listenerswill reading.At least we think that's what he is remember much more, and perhaps even saying,sinceeveryoneis busyreadingthe text understandwhat theyremember! on the screenand not really listening.If it is some sort of lessonwe are listeningto, we Thesebeliefswere the reasonwhy the training probablygot a document,or at leasta handout, packagedesignedat SATSAfor the Swedish beforethe lessonbegan.Most likely,the text ATCO:sbeforethe introductionof RVSMdidn't that we seeon the screenalsoappearson paper. look like mostother packagesI haveseen.We Thatmeanswe get the samemessage3 times, do believethat the controllersare capableof in the sameformat, albeit oncespoken(if we reading the text of the regulations and listen to what the presentersays)and twice proceduresthemselves.Therefore,since they havetheir own copiesof that text, there is no written. reasonto repeatit on the screen,andevenless Sowhat hasthe presenter achieved? Hasit been reason to read it aloud while it is being that interesting?Perhaps, but probablynot. Hasthe displayed.Whatis neededis a presentation presentationappealedto severalof our senses? can clarify and stimulate, thus helping the iiNot really!Hasthe fact that peopleremember instructorin creatingwhat we sometimesrefer in differentways,e.g. pictures,sounds,written to asa "fun-to-learn-atmosphere". text, etc.beentakeninto consideration? Hardly! The guidelineswe set up do not differ much If we want the listenersto reflect on and from thosewe normallyapplyin the production rememberwhat we say,which is the basisfor of teachingmaterialsat SATSA: lasting, true understanding,the chancesof • Thetext shallbe in handoutsor documents, successare much greaterif the answerto all not in the slides. thosequestionsis "YES"! • An illustrationshallclarify,provokeor provide I truly believethat peoplelearnmuchmoreif we a vividvisualmemory. try to stimulate severalsensesand help in • A seriousmessage doesn'thaveto bea boring creatinga mosaicof memoriesbasedon that. message. Furthermore,I believe that if the learning


left: Thesamemessagein the SATSA format (Pictureelementswere animatedand accompanied by sound)

• Variationis essential- in media,pace,colours, sounds,or whateverit takesto maintain interest. The resulting series of slides, grouped into modules,metthesecriteria.Togetthe variation, attentionand provocationwe were lookingfor, sound clips and animations were used extensively.It was a delicateact of balancing betweenthe positiveeffectswe wanted,andthe possiblenegativeeffectsof overdoingit. We may haveslippedonceor twice, but all in all I think we succeeded. The presentationsin most casesresulted in discussionsand strong involvement- exactly what we hadbeenhopingfor. Eventoday,some 18 months after the RVSMimplementation, colleaguesrememberand commenton some slidesthat arousespecialattention.I therefore concludethat there is no reasonto deliver serious information in a serious (=boring) package,on the contrary,then there is even morereasonto add someglitter andsparkles!

If you have any commentson this please e-mail: clas.folin@lfv.se



RVSMintheAsia/Pacific Region - Historyand Future KyotaroHarano - /FATCARepresentative 0200 UTC,27 November2003, the Asia/Pacific from the outset. Martin Cole (then EVP-T} particularlydraw a line between the oceanic regionsawthe final implementation of RVSM,in representedIFATCA at the two IPACGRVSM/TF airspaceand the domesticairspace. At least, I the area south of the Himalayasand over the meetings. The 12th meeting of ISPACGin do not remember anybody mentioning Bay of Bengaland beyond (hereafter"Bay of January1998 agreedthat ISPACGwould join "oceanic" or "domestic" at the RVSM/TF Bengal and Beyond Area"}. RVSM was IPACGto form a single RVSM/TFto address meetingsover the last years. So,perhaps,the introducedin the area to maximizethroughput implementationof RVSMin the Pacificregionas impetus for RVSMto be applied in oceanic on routesconnectingSoutheastAsiaand Europe a whole. airspacewanedaroundthat time. Finally,RVSM in conjunctionwith the Europe-Middle East-Asia was introducedover the Europeancontinentin Route Structure South of the Himalayas In August 1998,the ninth meetingof the Asia January2002. (ActuallydomesticRVSMhad (EMARSSH) project. Pacific Air Navigation Planning and been implementedbefore. New Zealandand ImplementationRegionalGroup (APANPIRG/9} Australia applied RVSM in their domestic TheRVSMimplementationin the Bayof Bengal deliberatedthe RVSMimplementationfor the airspacefor tactical use in July 2000 and in and BeyondArea signifiesa linkageof RVSM Pacific region, and decided to form !CAO November2001,respectively.} airspacearoundthe globefrom the west coast Asia/Pacific RVSM/TF, incorporating the of the US,throughthe Pacific,the SouthChina combinedIPACG/ISPACG RVSM/TF, in order to The criss-crossingairway structure of the Sea(SCS},the Bayof Bengaland BeyondArea, promote continuity in the planning and WPAC/SCS area gave rise to a new flight level the MiddleEast,Europe,the NorthAtlantic,then implementation process beyond the orientationscheme(FLOS}, i.e. a modifiedsingle to the easternseaboardof the US.As ICAOput IPACG/ISPACG region. alternateFLOS,whereodd numberflight levels it, "Alreadyimplementedin the North Pacific, are allotted to east-west airways as in a RVSMhascut fuel costsfor aircraftoperatingin Sincethe first meetingin November1998, the conventional vertical separation minimum that regionby 0.5-1% and resultedin savingsof ICAO Asia/ Pacific RVSM/TF (hereafter (CVSM},e.g. FL290, 330, 370 and 410 for $8 million a year... ICAOpredictsotherbenefits "RVSM/TF"}met five times before RVSMwas eastboundtrack and FL310,350 and 390 for suchas reducedair pollutionand fewer ground implemented in the Pacific region. Yoshiki westboundtrack. Theevennumberflight levels delays,especiallyfor flights on the Asia-Europe lmawaka (then IFATCA Representative) are allottedto north-southparallelRNAVroutes routesouthof the Himalayas."(AviationWeek& representedIFATCAat the five meetings in which are laterallyspacedby 60NM basedon SpaceTechnology, December8, 2003,p.15) addition to the last IPACGRVSM/TFmeeting. RNP10.ThismodifiedsinglealternateFLOSwas IFATCA took the positionat the meetingsthat it proposed by IATA and developed solely to Now is the right time to look backat wherewe was highly desirable that transition areas mitigate any overburden to establish have comefrom and forward to wherewe are betweenRVSMandCVSMbe established within separationsin the WPAC/SCS areawith the crissgoing. radarcoverageand underdirect controller-pilot crossingairwaystructure. voice communication,and that proper traffic RVSMwas neverall in a day'swork. TheThird flow managementbe in place. Thenext thing we facedwas a transitionissue. Asia/PacificRegionalAir Navigation(ASIA/PAC Thetransitionissueusedto meanthe transition RAN/3)meeting held in 1993 agreedthat an From the sixth meeting in April 2000, the betweenCVSMand RVSM.Now the transition RVSM implementation schedule should be RVSM/TF shiftedits focusto the WesternPacific also occursbetweenthe single alternate FLOS developedfor the Pacificregion. Followingthe (WPAC}and SCSareasfrom the Pacificregion. and the modifiedsinglealternateFLOSbecause ASIA/PACRAN/3,discussionson RVSMin the RVSMwasappliedoriginallyin oceanicairspace; the flight level allocationin terms of the eastPacificregionstartedin both the InformalPacific in the North Atlantic Minimum Navigation west flow in the modifiedsinglealternateFLOS ATC Co-ordination Group (IPACG}and the PerformanceSpecifications airspace on 27 is identicalto that of CVSM. InformalSouthPacificATSCo-ordinationGroup March 1997, in the Pacific airspace on 24 (ISPACG}. February2000, and in the Western Atlantic TheRVSM/TF furthershiftedits focusto the Bay Route System (WATRS} airspace on 30 of Bengaland BeyondAreafrom the WPAC/SCS The 10th meeting of IPACG(IPACG/10)in September 2000. Apparently, RVSM was area. A bunch of traffic bound for Europe January1997agreedto establishan RVSMTask introduced in oceanic airspace becausethe Force.Thefirst meetingof the IPACGRVSMTask varianceof aircraft performanceis limited and departs simultaneously from Hong Kong, Forcewas held in Los Angelesin June 1997, airways are not so thickly structured,often Bangkok,KualaLumpurand Singaporearound followed by the secondmeetingin Honoluluin parallel, both of which resulted in an easier midnight. India was reluctantto apply Mach January1998. IPACGRVSMTaskForceagreed collisionrisk assessment, and moreimportantly, number technique for some reason. to an initial target date for RVSM becausein domesticairspacethere were many Consequentlythere was capacityconstraintin implementationof 24 February2000 for the fleets that could not obtain RVSMcertification Indian airspace, and RVSM was earnestly Pacificregion. as required. desired.Hereagainwasanotherdebate.All the EMARSSHroutes run across the Indian IFATCAhas been actively involved in the In the WPAC/SCSarea, RVSM/TFdid not subcontinent.Indiastatedtheir implementation Asia/Pacific RVSM planning/implementation





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FL 390







FL 360

7 FL 340


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Transition I I

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Myanmarand China,VHFradiocommunications are often interferedwith by illegal high-power mobile phones, and the transition between RVSMin feet in DhakaFIRandCVSMwith China metric in Kunmin FIR, is carried out in the Yangon FIR from Myanmar. An RVSM/TF meeting worked out a flight level allocation scheme(FLAS)wherebyIndia does not assign RVSMFL310,350 and 390 for the eastbound traffic, and Kunmincarriesout the transition from Chinametricto RVSMFls. Aircrewchange their altitude in accordancewith the FLASin caseof communicationinterference. Whatarethe prospectsfor RVSMin Asia/Pacific? Oneof the outstandingissuesis the FLOS.There were pros and cons among States in the WPAC/SCS areaon continuationof the modified single alternate FLOS.As the Philippinesand Thailandare locatedin the marginalareaof the WPAC/SCS area, which meansthey bear the burden of the transition between the single alternateFLOSin the surroundingareasand the modifiedsinglealternateFLOSin the WPAC/SCS area,theywant to changethe FLOSto the single alternateFLOS.On the other hand, Singapore, IATAand IFALPA supportthe continuationof the modifiedsinglealternateFLOS. Another issueis RVSMexemptionsfor military aircraft. Theoperationof non-RVSMapproved aircraft in RVSMairspacehas an impact on controllersbecausewith 2000 foot separation being necessaryfor the non-RVSM(military) aircraft,the controllersare compelledto change the levels of other traffic. The exemption procedures alsoneedto be alignedwith thoseof neighboringFIRs. Japanand SouthKoreawill implementRVSMin their whole airspacein the first half of 2005. More flights connectingSoutheastAsia and North Americamay utilize Kamchatkaroutes, whichmeanmoreflightsoverKorea.In the light of this, I believeit is crucialto reviewanewand introducethe sameFLOSin this region, which would otherwise bring about transitions betweenthe differentFLOS.

RVSMvs. China Metric

planof RVSMwould be in airspaceaboveFL330 to cater for their domestic non-RVSMfleet. However,the departuresfrom the Malaysian Peninsulaairportscan barely attain FL320over the Indian subcontinentdue to their heavy weight, so the RVSMimplementationabove FL330 does not make sense! India was reconciledlater with the operators,loweredthe


No one can overstatethe importanceof air safety and the transition may well have an impacton air safetyunlessattentionis paidto it. floor and ended up making their domestic There are also many ramifications to be airspacenon-exclusive airspace.However,India addressedsuchas largescaleweatherdeviation had to adopt verycomplexFLASbasedon time in Typhoonseasons.RVSMimplementationin window,directionof flight, airways,etc. Asia/Pacificregionhas not beencompletedyet in that senseand is still on-going. Havingsaidthat the transitionshouldbe carried out in a radar environment with direct Specialthanksgo to Mr.Yoshikilmawakafor his communications,the reality is different. In help to this article.


Runway incursions

RUNWAY INCURSIONS: AN HOLISTIC APPROACH AntonioTravaglione- IFATCAAerodromeSafetyRepresentative

In IFATCA's opinion, the event classifiedas a runway Incursion (RI) is one of the most frequentand potentiallydangerousin the field of aviation. Consequently, the associatedrisk (probability by severity) is very high. Notwithstandingthis, it shouldneverbe taken into account,apartfrom a wider vision of the Aviation-Aerodrome System,where the event couldoccur,to avoidthe riskof losingthewhole "picture".


the Reason'sModel (Decision Makers up, Defences down)andthe SHELL Model.

It is veryimportant,in the interestof the safety Thisthreedimensionmodelenablesus to focus ofpassengersand those on the ground,, to the attention on the OperationalPersonnel establish a reporting system capable of collectingall usefuldata. Experiences all over (OP), core strengths and weaknessof the the world show that a compulsoryreporting system.Fromthem, it allows extensionof the system within a "punitive environment" vision on all areas affecting operationsand doesn'tsucceed.On the contrary,best results interacting with OP, directly or indirectly, are obtained in those countries where the upwardsin the ReasonModel,in orderto make reporting system is both "blame-free" and evidentas manylatentfailuresas possible. In addition,considerationmustbe given to all "voluntary".At the sametime,it is necessary to elementsaffectingthe AerodromeSystemand establisha "sharingof data" system,in orderto The ReasonModel 1 its analysis,suchas the Occurrence Reporting distributethe "lessonslearnt" from incidents System,the Aviation SystemDescriptors(or and to reducethe rate of accidents.A direct JamesReasonconsiders the aviationindustryas models),the attitude towardspropositionand consequence of what was statedin the above a complexproductivesystem.He representsit choice of countermeasures to risks and the paragraphis that it is very difficult to define by a "layers" model. The upper layer is ability to learnfrom lessons. whethera mitigatingactionreducesthe RIrisk represented by the so called "Decision to acceptablelevels,definedin the numberof Makers" (upper management,a company's events per number of runway operations, corporatebody,the regulatorybody).A second A "Just culture" and "Blame-free becausethe real numberof events,or eventhe key element is "Line Management" (those reporting system" real extent of the phenomenon,is unknown. who implementthe decisionsmade by upper statesthat in Europethe averageis management). For upper-management Flight Safety is usually pursued through (Eurocontrol 3-4 Rlspermonth;non-officialdatashowsingle decisions and line management actions, analysisof data resultingfrom investigationof relatedoccurrences (reactivemethod),analysis airportswherefiguresareabovethat). resultingin effectiveand productiveactivities of the system of identifying and correcting by the operationalpersonnelinvolved,certain possiblelatent failures (proactivemethod),or A proactive approach "Preconditions" have to exist (for example, equipmentmust be availableand reliable,the combinationof the two. As far as the first methodis concerned, it is necessary to establish On the contrary,as a proactiveapproach,the operational personnel have to be skilled, an efficient system of data collection and analysis of the system can be a powerful knowledgeable and motivated, and sharing.Thehardestproblemin this directionis instrumentfor prevention,if correctlyapplied environmentalconditions have to be safe). "Productive Activities" result from direct that the availabledata is not an on modelsableto representthe systemitself.In indicationof the realdimensionof the issueand relation to Rls, IFATCAanalysesthe Aviation- action of the operationalpersonnel,and from of the causesof it. Thisis dueto the lack,in AerodromeSystemthrough a tri-dimensional indirectactionof the upperlayerstoo. Thefinal elementis "Defences" or safeguards(usually mostof the countries,of a "just culture" and a model,combinationof a verticalisedversionof



Runway incursions in placeto preventforeseeableinjury,damage or costly interruptions of service). Due to technologicalprogressand excellentdefences, accidentsare seldomoriginatedexclusivelyby the errorsof operationalpersonnel- frontline operators- or as a resultof major equipment failures. Instead, they result from the interactionsof a seriesof failures, or flaws, alreadypresentin the system.Many of these failuresare not immediatelyvisible,and they havedelayedconsequences.

environmentas part of the system(because we act on it, e.g.. by settingup wildlife safeguards and cutting trees), and, mainly,becauseit is humancentredand considers the systemfroma HFpoint of view.


Our analysis has been conductedwith the cooperation of a group of colleagues experiencedin various related fields such as HumanFactors,Airport Operationsand Flight Failurescanbe of two types,dependingon the Safety.Resultsare representedby severalsets immediacyof their consequences. Active (an of identified "failures", too many to be error or a violation which has an immediate comprehensivelylisted here, often different adverseeffect.Sucherrorsare usuallymadeby from one airport to another. We will only the front-lineoperator)and latent (a resultof a providesomeexample. decision or an action made well before an accident,the consequences of which may lie On the Softwareside,majorexamplesare: dormantfor a long time. Suchfailuresusually • As alreadyshown,the lackof a "just culture" originate at the decision-maker, regulator or ableto promotethe reportingof as many line management level,that is,with peoplefar eventsas possibleandto stronglyimprove removedin time andspacefrom the event). the perceptionof the risksand prevention; Latent failures, which originate from questionabledecisionsor incorrect actions, althoughnot harmfulif they occurin isolation, can interact to create a "window of opportunity"for a pilot, air traffic controller,or vehicledriver to commitan activefailure.The front-line operatorsare the inheritors of a system'sdefects.Theyaretheonesdealingwith a situationin whichtechnicalproblems,adverse conditionsor their own actionswil I revealthe latentfailurespresentin a system.

• Ambiguousphraseology, relatedto taxi instructions. Onthe Hardwareside,majorexamplesare: • Potentiallyunsafegeneralconfigurationof the manoeuvring area,forcingtaxiingaircraft to crossrunways;

singlecrewand accordinglytrain them: pilots,ATCOsand groundpersonnelall togethercontributingin a newway to the safetyandthe efficiencyof the system.Every time pilots and ground personnelvisit an ATCfacility, every time a controller flies on the jump-seat in the cockpit or take part in a runway inspection, total safety of the system is enhanced.

Actions A further step, in an "Operational Risk Management Cycle" is to propose countermeasures, to close the "windows of opportunity"for an occurrenceto becomean accident.Adding a fourth dimensionto the model, Time, we can affirm that countermeasures to risks can be divided into "short", "mid" and "long" term actions.In our experience, recentinitiativesfor the prevention of Rls,for different reasonssuch as "hurry", "budgeting system", etc., concentratetoo manyeffortstoward "short term actions".We are convincedthat every measureable to mitigatethe risk of a RI mustbe implemented. At the sametime we are dubiousabout the effectivenessof some of those amongstthe "short termactions"for the followingreasons.

• Theytoo often relateto Procedures, moving responsibilityfrom upperlayersto • Poorvisibilityon the manoeuvring area, "ProductiveActivities",assigningnew tasks causedby TWRframesandexternalobstacles to OP.Possible consequences are the (terminalbuilding,apronlight towers,etc.) reductionof reportson incidents,but to • Equipmentprovidinginformationin a non createnewwindowsof opportunityfor Wherefront-lineoperatorshavethe possibility optimisedway (redundant,hidden,poor humanerrorsto happen. to closetheir window (or defenceswork) the information;improperHMls;non-properly • Theyoften aren't "solutions"to failures,but resultis an incident;when they do not, it is an controllablestop-bars,etc.) only "mitigatingmeasures".As stated accident.Everyattemptmustbe madeto close above,to reachan "acceptablelevelof those "windows of opportunity" at upper Onthe Liveware side,majorexamplesare: safety"througha mitigatingmeasure,we layers,in orderto providefront line operators • Staffing.In privatised/commercialised ANSPs needto haveall possibleinformationon with the safestoperationalconditions.What is the numberof ATC-staffmaybe influenced occurrences, in orderto effectivelymeasure meantby that, in our opinion,in mostcases,the by incomeratherthan by safetybuffers.This safety.Wheninformationon probabilityis accidentdoesn't happenbecauseOP makea mayhavetwo consequences, both affecting not available,and the severityof the hazard mistake;it happensbecausesomeoneelse is the ability of controllersto maintainsafety: so high thatit is necessary to effectively awareof the hazard,doesnothingand remains reducedstaff in TWRduringa roster,which interveneto removethe hazard,not onlyto sitting,waitingfor the mistaketo be made. increases the workloadper singlecontroller blindlytry to mitigatethe associatedrisk. and reducesthe possibilityof relieftime; The SHELLModel reducedtotal staff in forceat the unit, which Crossroads vs Intersections increases the numberof workinghoursper This model is commonly recognised as a controller,permonth,reducingnecessary rest It can be necessaryto learn from others' powerful "complex humancentredsystem" periods.Boththeseconsequences resultin lessons.For example,we are now facing the descriptor,through its four parts, being laws, high fatigue. same problem civil engineershave already rules,regulations(S-software);infrastructures, • Training.Team-working cansometimesmake facedwhen projectingroadsin increasedtraffic devices,equipments(H-hardware); operational, the differencebetweenan incidentand an situations; in IFATCA'sopinion, we strongly physical,anthropicenvironment(E-environment); accident.An airportis a verynarrowand needto take the samestepsthey made.Not the personnel(L-liveware);and the interaction congestedarea,whetherconsidering with a magic wand but, seriously,with long of these four elementsonce again with the dimensions, speedand energyof the traffic term plans, we needto destroy,one by one,all operationalpersonnel,being the core of the on and aroundit. Collaborative decision our "crossroads"and substitute them with whole system.The reasonto adopt the SHELL makingis needed.TeamResource "intersections"(in the "road" meaning,not modelinsteadof others (e.g.the PPE)is that management(TRM)is now studiedin the airport one), a different net of taxiways SHELLconsidersall applicableregulation(not ATCOs'classrooms; the next challengecould allowingsegregated operationsbetweentaxing only procedures),all interestedinfrastructures be to considerthe operationalpersonnelasa traffic andtraffic on the runways. and equipments(not only these last), the



Runway incursions Conclusions Theaviationworld hasthe opportunityto face effectively what probablyis the most severe categoryof hazardsit haseverexperienced. It is necessary to useall availableinstruments, at all levels,to obtain as much informationon the phenomenonas possible,to makeevidentas many latent failures as possible,to close as many windows of opportunityas possible,in the interestof the aviation communityand of the "travellingpublic".This,in our opinion,can only be madewith an holisticapproachto the system, made through proper system descriptors. We needto take into consideration the real benefitsthat are possibleto obtain througha just culture,changesin phraseology, redesigningMaster Plans and an integrated approachto aviation personneltraining. We needto lookahead,not onlytargetingwhat we can implementtoday,but to what we can start todaytoo, for a safertomorrow.

LosRodeosAirport Tenerife CanaryIslands,March27, 1977 Taxiingaircraftcollidedwith takeoff aircrafton samerunway l<nnw:1y :1,'~lt) l:h::!,l'l! ,< ,1,, IYl(•l<'l'h AJ}ll)l'l

K LM/111



io \L!:::::I ~~=:=:===('

1lOl 10 >< ,dd 0


1 ====(":;:::5i&~i.::=::::::('


Acronyms ANSPAir NavigationServiceProviders;



HMI Human-Machine Interface; OP


PPE Procedures, People,Equipment {Model);



• • •

Day/ IFR . Weather- LightRain Visibility- Restricted; fog and low clouds

TRM TeamResource Management 1 Reference to ICAOHFTraining Manual- Doc9683

The worst•accidentin aviation historyoccurredin 1977 when two 747 aircraftcollidedon a runwayin the CanaryIslandskilling583 passengers




NormalOperations Safety Survey(NOSS)workshop Dublin(Ireland),7 November 2003 Bert Ruitenberg- IFATCAHumanFactorsSpecialist

Summary This article introducesthe Threat and Error Management(TEM)philosophyand the data collection tool Line OperationsSafety Audit (LOSA)that was derivedfrom it for use in the airlineenvironment.An overviewis providedof the work doneto date with a view to applying the TEMphilosophyin the ATSenvironmentand creatinga tool for the collectionof safetydata in normal ATS operations: the Normal OperationsSafetySurvey(NOSS).


The conceptsof communication,teamwork, decision-making,and leadershipremain the For well over a decadeaircrewhave received Hallmarkof CRMtraining.Formanyyears,they CrewResource Management(CRM)trainingon were proposed as routine "inoculation" of pilotsagainsthumanerror.Simplyput, teaching a structuralbasis.Theaim of CRMtrainingis to pilots prescribed CRM behaviours, and givethe crewsa tool for errormanagement that would makehuman can be used in their normal working enforcingtheir observance, environment.CRM has evolvedinto its sixth error go away. In retrospect,this approach generation, which can be characterisedas ignores the fact that error is a normal componentof humanbehaviour,and therefore "Threatand ErrorManagement". inevitablein operationalcontexts.As long as Thefollowing paragraphsare quotedfrom the humansremaininvolvedin the aviationsystem, ICAO Human FactorsTraining Manual (Doc. theywill commiterrors. 9683):

Threat and Error Management

All conventionalsourcesof safety data in the Doc. 9683 offers the followinggraph to illustrate the TEMconcept: aviation industry are related to occurrences: incidentreporting,accidentinvestigation,flight Threats data recorder analysis, etcetera. Complementing these sourcesis a systemof ' - . --individualproficiencycheckingthat is common ~ "_-fi!l~":.:'.:"':_; ·l:(t[,(_t,•.-::q: ; Threat for pilots and not-so-commonfor air traffic . ",.' ' ' ' ' jl • 11._' 111:..1 1 - ,1, ~ Management controllers.Suchproficiencycheckingcan be ~1:t~:l•,:?/1_~ , -1 donein a simulatoror duringrealoperations,or -- , -- - - - - - - -- . . '" . as a combinationof both options.Froma safety managementperspectivethough proficiency CrewError checksprovidelittle informationon the safety statusof thesystem,for the individualswho are checkedgenerallydisplaytheir best behaviour CrewError (" angelbehaviour")duringthe check,which is Responses not necessarily the behaviourtheydisplaywhen in a "normal" work situation.Yet in a normal work situation the same individualsor crews must cope with a multitude of factors that Undesired potentiallyaffectthe safetyof the flight(s)for AircraftState which they are responsible.Knowing what those factorsare and how the crewsmanage them in real-life situations provides an CrewUndesired additionalsourceof safetyinformationthat an AircraftState aviation organisationcan use for its safety Responses change process.This source therefore is an additional componentto the organisation's safetymanagement system. :












NOSS The goal of CRM should therefore be the recognitionof threatsto safeoperations,as first line of defence, since such threats are thebreedinggroundsof operationalerrors.The secondline of defenceis the useof appropriate threat management responses to cancelthreats, and the recognitionof the potentialerrorsthat threatsmight generate.Thelast line of defence is the use of appropriateerror management responses. This four-layered, principled approach to threat and operational error management increases the likelihoodofarriving to outcomesthat minimiseoperationalrisks to ultimatelypreserveflight safety. Doc. 9683 explainsthe differencesbetween Threatsand Errorsas follows: Threats are external situationsthat must be managedby the cockpit crew during normal, everyday flights. Such events increase the operationalcomplexityof the flight and posea safety risk to the flight at somelevel. Threats maybe expectedor anticipatedand, therefore, the crewmaybrief in advance.Threatsmayalso be unexpected.As they occur suddenlyand without any warning,there is no possibilityfor the crew to brief in advance.Externalthreats maybe relativelyminoror major.

Context and Threats Distractions

Passenger events




Similarcall signs

Maintenance Timepressures GroundCrew Flightdiversions

Heavytraffic Unfamilarairport Automationevents

Basedon theTEMphilosophya methodology for


Systemmalfunctions Missedapproaches

Above:/CAOusesthe followingillustrationto show what "Threat"to pilots

the collectionof data on threatsand errorsthat crews encounterand manageduring normal operationswas developedby the Universityof Texastogetherwith selectedpioneerairlinesin the United States.This methodologyis called the LineOperationsSafetyAudit (LOSA).

Trained observers,mostly from the airline Errorsoriginatedby non-cockpitpersonnelare conductingthe LOSAbut alsoexternalto it, join consideredexternalthreats.Forexample,if the the crew at the pre-departurebriefingand stay cockpitcrew detectsa fuel loadingerror made with themuntil the endof the flight. Theysit on by ground staff, it would be entered as an the jump seat, watch the crew at work and externalthreat, not an error.Thecrew was not makebrief notesof what happensduring the the source of the error (althoughthey must flight. Afterthe flight theyfill out a de-identified manageit, as they would any other external form on whichtheyrecordall threatsanderrors threat). Other examplesof non-cockpitcrew that were observedduringthe flight, how they errorsthat would be enteredas externalthreats weremanagedand what the outcomeswere. are errorsin Air TrafficControl(ATC)clearances discoveredby the crew, dispatch paperwork After a periodof LOSAdatacollection(usuallya errorsand discrepancies in passengerboarding coupleof weeks)the reportsare validatedand countsby cabinattendants. analysedin a strictly controlledprocessunder the auspicesof a speciallycreatedscientific Error is definedas an actionor inactionby the organisation called The LOSACollaborative crew that leads to deviations from (TLC).TLC subsequentlyproducesthe endorganizational or flight crew intentions or reportof the LOSAand presentsit to the airline. expectations.Errorsin the operationalcontext Thisreportprovidesthe airlinewith an overview tendto reducethe marginof safetyand increase of the typesandcategoriesof threatsand errors the probabilityof accidentsor incidents.Errors that were most prevalent in their operation maybe definedin termsof non-compliance with when the observations were made. When regulations, Standard Operating Procedures possible, the report will also provide a (SOPs)and policies,or unexpecteddeviation comparison(i.e. a benchmark)with the same from crew,companyor ATCexpectations. Errors types and categoriesof threats and errors in observedmay be minor (selectingthe wrong non-identifiedsimilar airlines.The information altitude into the mode control panel, but from the reportwill enablethe safetymanager correctingit quickly)or major (forgettingto do from the airlineto determinethe stepsthat are an essentialchecklist). necessary for a safetychangeprocessto address the identifiedsystemicshortcomings.

Line Operations Safety Audit {LOSA}


It is importantto realisethat all informationin the reportwasderivedfromobservations during normal operations.No incidentsoccurredand

no emergencieswere encountered- if that wereto happenwhen a LOSAobserverwason board,there simplywould be no recordform filed by that observerfor by definitionthisflight no longer was a "normal operation". (The safetydata from sucha flight howeverwould still be capturedby the conventionalreporting mechanisms.) ThereforeLOSAprovidesa rich sourceof safetydatathat otherwisewould not be availableto the airline.

ExtendingTEM and LOSAto ATS Building on the positive experiencefrom airlines with TEM and LOSA, ICAO has embarkedon a projectto extendthe concepts of TEM and monitoring safety in normal operationsto the ATSenvironment.(Formore information on the rationale behind this decision,see WP39 for the 11th ICAO Air NavigationConference, Montreal,Canada,22 September - 3 October2003.) One of the steps in that projectwas inviting IFATCA to attendthe 1st ICAOTEMWorkshop (SanSalvador,2002) and the 3rd ICAOLOSA Week(Dubai,2002). IFATCA's HumanFactors Specialist(HFS)participatedin both events. Anotherstephasbeenthe creationof a (sofar) informalgroupof representatives from the ATS safetycommunityto exchangeinformationand ideaspertainingto the extensionof TEMand LOSA to ATS. The group comprises representativesfrom NavCanada,Airservices Australia,ATCThe Netherlands,UK NATS,UK CAA, FAA, CAA New Zealand, Eurocontrol, IATA, ICAO,Boeing ATM, the Universityof Texas,and IFATCA (HFS). One of the first things that the group agreed


NOSS uponwasthat TEMasa conceptcanbeadapted for ATS,but that LOSAas an airline data collection tool was not suitable for the ATS environment.A different tool will need to be developedfor the collectionof safety data in normal ATSoperations,and for that tool the tentative name "Normal Operations Safety Survey"(NOSS) wasadoptedby the group.

slightly modified(indicatedas bold print) it is just as validfor ATS:

Also the TEMmodelfrom ICAODoc.9683 can easilybe adaptedfor ATSusage:

The concepts of communication,teamwork, Thesamedefinitionsfor Threatand Errorwould decision-making,and leadership remain the apply,i.e. a Threatis somethingof an external hallmarkof TRMtraining.Formanyyears,they origin that needs to be managed by the were proposed as routine "inoculation" of controller(s)duringa normalshift, and an Error controllersagainst human error. Simplyput, is an action or inaction by the controller(s) teaching controllers prescribed TRM leadingto an outcomedifferentthan what was behaviours,and enforcing their observance, intended. At the initiativeof ICAO,a first meetingof the would makehumanerrorgo away.In retrospect, group was held as a "NOSSWorkshop" in this approachignoresthe fact that error is a With respectto the definition for "Undesired Dublin, Ireland, on 7 November 2003 in normal componentof human behaviour,and State"in the ATScontextmorework needsto be conjunctionwith the 1st ICAO-IATA LOSAand in anydepthby thereforeinevitablein operationalcontexts.As done(for it wasn'tyet addressed TEMConference heldtherefrom 5-7 November. long as humansremaininvolvedin the aviation the group).The following text from the ICAO With the exceptionof the FAAand CAA New LOSAManual(Doc.9803) mayalreadyprovide system,theywill commiterrors. Zealand,representatives from all organisations an indicationof what is meantby it in the airline of the groupparticipatedin the workshop.There The goal of T"M should therefore be the context: also were representatives from the Irish recognitionof threatsto safeoperations,as first AccidentInvestigationBoardpresent. line of defence,since such threats are the An "UndesiredAircraftState" occurswhen the breeding grounds of operationalerrors. The flight crew placesthe aircraft in a situation of TEM In ATS secondline of defenceis the useof appropriate unnecessaryrisk. For instance, an altitude threat management responses to cancelthreats, deviation is an UndesiredAircraft State that risk.An Undesired Aircraft Airline CRM training programmeshave been and the recognitionof the potentialerrorsthat presentsunnecessary used as a model for the creation of Team threatsmight generate.Thelast line of defence Statemayoccurin responseto a crew actionor Resource Management (TRM) training is the use of appropriateerror management inaction (error). It is important to distinguish AircraftState programmes for ATS, but the structural responses. This four-layered, principled betweenerrorsandthe Undesired implementationof TRM training in the ATS approach to threat and operational error that can result.If an UndesiredAircraftStateis environmenthas beenlessthan in the airlines. management increases the likelihoodof arriving observed,there shouldalwaysbe a c,rewerror for this undesiredstate.Such Yet if the text from the ICAOHumanFactors to outcomesthat minimiseoperationalrisksto that is responsible errors may be miscommunications,lack of Training Manual that was quoted earlier is ultimatelypreserveflight safety. proficiency,poor decision making or willful violationof regulations. Below: "Threat" to aerodrome controllers

Context and Threats Distractions


Commsfailure/ sticking mike


Shift handovers


Similar call signs


Non-standard local procedures

Airspace restrictions

Runway inspections

UndesiredAircraft Statescan also occur as a result of equipmentmalfunctionor external party errors, for example,a malfunctioning altimeteror flight management system(FMS),or an ATCcommanderror.Thesearenot associated with crew error and would be classifiedas externalevents. In the ATS context an "undesired state" thereforedoes not necessarilyimply a loss of separation,but such a loss could for example occur as a result of one or more undesired states. Foraerodromecontrollers,the followingThreats canbe identified: Forradarcontrollersit couldlook likethis:

Heavytraffic System malfunctions

Unfamilar airport Automation events

• VFRtraffic • Military activities

Missed approaches

• Photoflights • Parajumping activity

Noticethat in both illustrationsthe listingsare not exhaustive. Alternativeitemsare offered in the top lefthand corner of each picture."Pilot error" is anotherexampleof a threat for controllers,which is not includedin theseillustrations.

Oev~lopingNOSS As mentionedearlier,the consideredopinionof




Context and Threats Distractions


Commsfailure/ stickingmike


Shift handovers


Similarcall signs


Non-standard localprocedures

Airspace restrictions


Heavytraffic Co-ordination othersections Automationevents

• VFRtraffic • Unfamilarcrews

System malfunctions Differingequipage

• Photoflights • Parajumping activity

Above:Whatit couldlook like to radar controllers

the group is that LOSAas a tool is not suitable for use in the ATS environment. For the developmentof NOSSthe group agreed to adapt the ten LOSAoperating characteristics (ref.ANC/11WP39and Doc. 9803) and adopt theseas the ten NOSSoperatingcharacteristics asfollows:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Futureevents The group will tentatively meet again in late spring/early summer 2004, probably in Montreal, Canada.ICAO is also planning to organisea FirstGlobalNOSSWorkshopin early 2005,for whichthe EurocontrolTrainingCentre in Luxembourg wasaskedto providethe venue.

Conclusion The Line OperationsSafetyAudit (LOSA)tool basedon the Threat and Error Management (TEM)concept is acceptedby airlines as an important element in systemic safety managementsystems.Yetit is alsoacceptedin the airline industrythat LOSAis not for every airline. LOSA is a tool that only is worth applyingin ultra-safesystems,i.e.thoseairlines that have an outstandingsafety record as a result from acting on data from conventional safety sources.Thereare many airlines that could achievesignificantsafety improvements by fully exploitingthese conventionalsources without conductinga LOSA.TheTEMconcept on the other hand can be introducedin all airlines.

For the ATS environmentthis situation will is an importantmilestonefor the development probably not be any different. Setting up a conventionalsafetymanagementsystemis the of NOSS. first requirement,and only when this has been Futuremilestonesincludeagreeingon a format up and runningfor sometime it may become useful to considermoving into a NOSS.For for the NOSSobservations,agreeing on the manyATSProvidersthereforeNOSSmay be a profile for the observers,and agreeing on future prospect. However for those ATS whether or not to include post-observation Providers who already have mature safety interviewswith the observedcontrollers- just management systems in place, the to namea few. incorporationof NOSSin their systemsmay be Initial thoughtsconcerningthe format for the the next logical step towards realisingfurther structural safety improvements. More observationsare that they will be done by a team of two (or maybemore)observers;LOSA importantly,all ATSProviderscan usethe TEM observations are performed by a single conceptas the philosophygoverningsafety in observer.In LOSA,most observersare (check- their day-to-dayoperations.

)pilotsor (simulator-)instructors from the airline conductingthe LOSA,preferablynot rated on 5. the typeof aircraftbeingobserved,with a small 6. percentage of researchers(i.e. non-pilots) added.ForNOSSa similarpopulationcouldbe 7. used,with perhapsan evenbalancein numbers 8. to makeup an observationteam. With respect to the needfor post-observation interviewswith 9. the controller(s),most groupmembersseemto 10. be of the opinion that such interviewswill be required in a NOSS.(In the interviews the Justas with LOSA,theseten characteristics will controllers can be invited to explain their all need to be strictly observedwheneveran actionsand decisions,whichis not the sameas ATSProviderconsidersconductinga NOSS. The askingthemto justifythese.It would be the sort adoptionof theseten operatingcharacteristics of explanationthat is sometimesprovidedby


controllersto traineesor visiting colleagues.In contrast,in LOSAobservationsno interviews with the observedcrewsare held.)

References Monitoring Safety During Normal ATS Operations. Workingpaper39, 11th ICAOAir NavigationConference,Montreal,Canada,22 September - 3 October2003. Human FactorsTraining Manual. ICAO Doc. 9683,ICAO,Montreal,Canada. Line OperationsSafetyAudit (LOSA)Manual. ICAODoc.9803,ICAO,Montreal,Canada.


Regional articles

14THREGIONAL MEETING OFTHEAMERICAS - IFATCA El -Kadur Acosta Forthe first time,the DominicanRepublichosted beforeit started.TheCivil AviationDirector,Mr. a meeting on Continental aviation and the Carlos Alvarez Guzm·n, pointed out the IFATCA14th Americas'RegionalMeeting.The importanceof such events for the technical convenientgeographicallocationmeantone of growthof the NationalATCSystem. the largest gatherings ever at a Regional Meeting.Themeetingtook placefrom October OPENINGCEREMONY 30th until November1st, at the Hilton Hamaca Coral,a five star hotel locatedin the town of At 9:15AM, the Meeting began. Mr. Victor BocaChica,closeto SantoDomingo. GomezCasanovahostedthe openingceremony and Mr. EI-KadurAcosta hosted the sessions The Meeting's Minutes, presentations and duringthe remainderfirst day.Mr.VfctorGomez photos may be downloadedfrom ADCA'sweb introducedthe List of Honour,composedof: EIKadurAcosta,OrganizingCommitteeChairman; site,which is http://adca.org.do JuanPerezMafia, EVPAMA; GabrielaLogatto, IFATCA's DP;FranciscoBolivarDe Leon,ADCA's MEETINGFEATURES President; Carlos Alvarez Guzman, DCA; This three-daymeeting consistedof a day of RaymondYbarra, ICAO'sCAR/SAMRegional Presentationsand during the remainingdays, Director; Ruben Quinones, FAA's Caribbean standard working agenda. Facilities,such as Representative; Cap. Miguel Marin, from STACommittee;and, GeneralAlegria, simultaneoustranslationfor the entire event,a IFALPA's Deputy DCA. data show and an equippedoffice,all inclusive accommodation, in whichthe delegatesstaying were,Mr. OrlandoCoronel at this hotel had all their meals,activitiesand Amongthe Speakers representing the Pan Am InternationalFlight servicesincludedin a singleprice,as well as a Academy, who thanked the DirectorGeneralof technicalexhibition,were provided. Civil Aviation, as well as ADCAfor the trust Thesponsorspresentat the technicalexhibition awarded to the Pan Am Academy for the were GECIEspafiola(official sponsor),PanAm training of their ATCOs. Also, Plates of Recognitionwere presentedto the DGACand InternationalFlightAcademyand Raytheon. ADCA,for their constantpursuitof the highest Therewas PressCoverageof the Meeting,even standards of training. Mr. Carlos Alvarez


Guzmanreceivedthis recognitionon behalf of the DGAC and the Dominican Republic's Government.In the meantimeADCA'sPlateof Recognitionwas receivedby Mr. SantiagoRosa, ADCA'sformerPresident. Amongother personalities, we were honoredto have among us, Mr. ErasmoCafarofrom the CerveceriaNacionalDominicana;Julio Heinsen, Landominicana Airlines' CEO; and also, representatives from the Technicians' associationand the Pilots' associationwere present.

PRESENTATIONS A very interesting presentationagenda was scheduled.Although IFATCA'sPresidentand CEO,Mr. Marc Baumgartnerwas meant to participate,it was not possibledue to health issues. The presentationsagendawas programmedas follows: ICAO'sQuality AssuranceProgramme (ICAO);the Phraseologyused by ATCO'sand Pilots(IFALPA); Liabilityin casesof Incidentand accidents(IFATCA); and RVSM.Thislast onewas made by both ICAO and IFATCAat different times.GECIEspafiola,the officialsponsor,made a short presentation about the company's profile.


Regional articles privatization;NATCA,on the other hand,is not pleasedto report that the authoritiesin their countryare not focusingon logisticsin safety. The DominicanRepublicpresenteda report addressingthe difficult situationthey are going through becauseof the economic' crisis,which has lead, them into the task of seekingbetter salariesand workingconditionsfor this year. Other countriesreportedthat they are in the processof upgradingtheir ATC systems,for example,Haiti; changesin ·Management,in Trinidad& Tobago,and also,workingon several In the presentationmade by IFATCA's Deputy developmentprojectswith other organizations, President,Gabriela Logatto, the Federation's like Mexico'sACTAM,with IFALPA.

was assembled, consisting of, the whole ExecutiveBoard of ADCA and many ATCO volunteers, we knew we would have a successfulMeeting. I would like to sincerely thank the OrganizingCommittee,Betty, Henry, Luis,Edwin,Keilysand Yelida.TheEBhasgiven us a great exampleof teamwork and high motivation,leadby Bolivar,our President,along with Felix,Meran,Eddianand Mora.Others,but not least, Isabel- our office secretary,Elvin, Elvis,Cesar,Georgeand Roosevelt.

concernsabout the lack of liability legislation were addressed,along with the differences Argentinawas electedto host the 15th RM of betweenthe mostcommonlegalsystems.ICAO the Americas.Governmentsupportis assured. Ratesfor hotelsand transportationfacilitiesare madean interestingoverviewon RVSM,in the meantime,EVPAMAgavethe Federation's point beingnegotiated.Insteadof Mendoza,Buenos Aires is the chosencity, in order to guarantee of view regardingthis subject. discounts.


TheEVPAMAmadea presentation aboutRVSM, complementingICAO's,the previousday.EVP's Therequiredquorumwas established,including presentationwas focusedon the Federation's the presenceof Observers,such as Colombia point of view, addressingIFATCA's statements and Honduras,which currentlyare applyingto regardingRVMSimplementation. become IFATCAmembers.Also, there were representatives from ICAO,IFALPA and FAAand In record time, the Agenda was completed, the localCAAwasrepresented by the DGAC. finishingat 6:30PMlocaltime in the Dominican Republic. Before its closure, some MAs The original agendawas approvedwith one expressedtheir gratitude to ADCA for the single change,which placedas Agenda ITEM organizationand the kind attention that they No.3 the Member Association Reports. had received.Also, the EVPAMA asked the Immediatelythe discussions,point by point, organizingteam to stand beforethe delegates began. to thank them for their hard work. ADCA's President thanked the attendees for their Beforeeach MA presentedtheir Association's presence, and the sponsorsfor their support. Reports,the EVPAMA providedan updateon the PeruvianATCOs'AssociationCrisis.Duringa SOCIALACTIVITIES conversationon the previousnight,betweenMr. Juan PerezMafia and the Presidentof SUCTA Besidesthe interesting working agenda, a Peru, the EVP was informed that the different social activity was organized each negotiations with CORPAC's(Peru's Civil nightto delightour delegates.Onthe first night, AviationAuthority)representatives had reached a show of folk dancing, organized by the no agreementregardingpendingrevenues.Due Ministry of Tourism,was put on, and on the to the recentlydevelopedcrisis, SUCTAPeru secondnight, a party in a very attractiveplace couldn't senda representative to the Regional was planned.Thiswas at a club calledGu·cara Meeting. Taina, an underground cave turned into discothequeyearsago, which servesas part of Among the good news reported,Argentinais the nightlifein SantoDomingo.Onthe lastday, workingon a project,whichwould meanthat on the Saturdayafternoona city tour around ATC would be recognizedas a professional SantoDomingowas organized,once again by careerin that country;CostaRicareportedthat the Ministryof Tourism. theyhada goodrelationshipwith their employer dueto thechangeof approachstrategy;Jamaica ThefarewelI party was scheduledfor that very informedthe Meetingthat JATCAhad reached night, in the mainHotel'sdanceclub. its 25th anniversary; Panamahad arrivedat the 7th Anniversaryof the strike,and, in contrast, talked about the good relationship they THETEAMBEHINDTHEMEETING currentlyhavewith their employer. A successfulventure doesn't just happen In othernews,CATCAis still strugglingto reach becauseyou wish it to. It happensbecause a positive agreement with its employer everyonein the organizationhas workedhard. NavCanada, for not recommending Oncethe structureof the organizingcommittee



Regional articles

20thAnnualAsia-Pacific Regional Meeting-15-16 October2003 PhilCraig- NZALPA


Theseissuesare being addressed,plus the IFATCA website has been reformatted (www.ifatca.org). He tabled reports from representativesof the 7th North East Asia TrafficManagement(NEAT)meeting,the 14th Asia Pacific Air Navigation Planning and ImplementationRegionalGroup (APANPIRG) meeting,the 13thAPANPIRG ATS/AIS/SAR Subgroupmeeting,a post-implementation meeting of the Europe-Middle East-AsiaRouteStructure Southof the Himalayas (EMARSSH) meeting,an ICAO Asia PacificAir Navigation Deficiency Review taskforce meeting, and a Regional SupportGroupmeeting.

DavidCheungpresenteda videotitled Crowded Skiesdealingwith the mid-aircollisionon 2 July 2003 in the vicinity of Lake Constanceand Ueberlingenbetweena DHL-operated Boeing 757-200and a BashkirianAirlinesTupolevTu154M,detailingimpactsof increasingdemands TheannualAsia-PacificRegionalMeetingwas A brief introductionfrom CaptainJohn Jones on air traffic controldueto extrapressures such held in sunnyChristchurch, largestcity in New (Directorof CivilAviation,NZCAA)precededhis as reducedpersonnellevels and equipment Zealand'spicturesqueSouthIsland.Luckilythe official opening of the meeting and the downgradedor withdrawnfor eventssuch as cold,wet weatherof the precedingdaysstayed extensionof a warmwelcometo all delegates, maintenance (therebyreducingradarcoverage, awayfor the durationof the meeting,allowing especiallythosevisiting New Zealandfor their removing short-term collision avoidance delegatesto stroll aroundthe city streetsand first time. systems,affectingtelephonecommunications, parks. to name a few major areas).EachMA was AshleySmout(CEO,AirwaysCorporationof NZ) supplied a copy for viewing amongst their Following registration delegatesand guests presentedan overviewof where he considers membership asan educationalaid in identifying attended a cocktail party at the Copthorne world air navigationserviceprovidersmight be humanfactorselementsin thesesituations. Central Hotel on 14 October before in 2030. commencing businessthe followingmorning. There were short presentations for the Civil Air (CAOOAA)PresidentTed Lang listed forthcoming43rd IFATCAAnnual Conferences Hostedby the Air TrafficControlCouncil(ATC() changesin Australia with implementationof (22-26March2004in HongKong,organisedby of the NewZealandAir LinePilotsAssociation stage2Bof the NationalAirspaceSystem(NAS), HKATCA- refer www.ifatca2004.org for (NZALPA), Air TrafficControlDirectorJimDunn dueto occuron 27 November2003.Heoutlined information) and the 44th IFATCAAnnual welcomed those attending to the meeting concernsrelatedto perceivedcostbenefitsand Conferenceplannedfor Melbourne,Australia themed "Enhanced safety from new reductionsin safety. CAOOAAlooked for a (April 2005), while ROCATCA Taiwanintends technologies".Jim supportedExecutiveVice- resolutionfrom MAsthat theywouldtakethese biddingfor the 45th IFATCA AnnualConference PresidentAsia-PacificRegion(EVPASP)David concernsback to their respectivegovernments in late March2006. Cheungin holdinghisfirst meetingin this role. in the hopethat formal representation, at that Delegates fromten MemberAssociations (MAs) level,to their Australiancounterparts mightsee Followingcompletionof the day's businessa attended, including: Civil Air Operations a review of stage 2B changes prior to formal dinner was arrangedat the Gondola Officers' Associationof Australia [3], Hong implementation. Subsequently a statementand Restaurant.Sponsoredby Airways,DaveRollo KongAir TrafficControlAssociation[7], Japan interview by NZALPA Vice-PresidentPaul (GroupManagerANS)welcomeddelegatesand Federationof ATC [26], Macau ATCA [4], Robinsonon the matter was releasedto the guests before speakingabout the air traffic Malaysia ATCA [3], Mongolia ATCA [3], media. control industry.Thosegatheredsampledfine ROCATCA - Taiwan[5], ATCAof Sri Lanka[2], local cuisinesuchas smokedsalmon,venison and ATCAof Singapore[41, plus host New David Cheungpresentedminutesof the 19th and lamb accompaniedby a range of local Zealand[5]. Representatives from Fiji, France Annual Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting wines.Thegondolaride to the top of the Port (APCAcovering New Caledoniaand French (Singapore October2002),the ExecutiveBoard Hillsbeforeduskprovidedsuperbviewsacross Polynesia), Indonesiaand Nepalwereunableto Report to 2003 regional meetings,and his Christchurchand the CanterburyPlains,while attend. CharlesStuart (ex IFATCAPresident) report.Hetouchedon recentproblemswith the the magnificentsight of LytteltonHarbourand and BarrieMalloch(ATCANZ) were observers. overall quality of The Controller magazine. surroundingareaswere on offer during dinner



Regional articles asdarknessfell. Theride down the hill late that flights nationwideand worldwide.A disturbing evening allowed spectacular views across eventoccurredon 7 May2003when the Tokyo Christchurch.The after-dinnerCommitteeD MetropolitanPoliceDepartmentsent papersto meeting was held in "The Jolly Poacher", the TokyoRegionalProsecutor's Officealleging repeatingmanyinfamouslate-nightdiscussions professional negligenceresultingin injuriesand from the 1993 Annual Conference in aviationjeopardywith negligenceregardingthe crew and air traffic control officers(instructor Christchurch. and trainee)involvedin the 31 January2001 Workingsessionsover both daysallowedMAs nearmid-aircollisionbetweena JapanAir Lines to table activityreportsandadditionalworking B747-400 (JAL907) and company DC10 papers. (JAL958)overYaizu,southwestof Tokyo.

an Asia-Pacific Regional meeting in Ulaanbaatar(either 2006 or 2007)...this was favourablyreceivedby delegates. Dueto work commitments,delegatesfrom the NepalATCAwere requiredto withdraw from attendingwithin daysof the meeting.Apologies were tendered, however no report was submitted.

ATCC, reported their collective agreement (employmentterms and conditions)is due to expire in March 2004. Preparationsprior to Civil Air identified recent industrial issues MacauATCAadvised,following the impactof commencing negotiationsare in hand,the final duringnegotiationof their CertifiedAgreement severeacute respiratorysyndrome(SARS),a levels. cutover to a Lockheed-MartinSkyline ATC (employment conditions and terms) and steadygrowthof traffic backto pre-SARS reiteratedconcernsoverimplementation of NAS Enforcedannual leave and cutback of hours system took place on 4 September(using stage 2B. Other items included continuation workedduringthe heightof the SARSoutbreak existingradar aerialsconnectedto new flight systems), the oceanic under limited trial of automatic dependent were forced upon Association members. andradardataprocessing surveillancebroadcast(ADS-B),defermentof Discussionscontinue with their employer control system operating in New Zealand consolidationof TerminalControlunits for five regardingretirementand lossof medicalfitness oceanic FIR since 1995 continues to be provisions.TheAssociationcontinuesto press enhancedto removeworkaroundsrequiredto years, and the Association's input to be performedby controllersto cover system formulating future human machineinterface for air traffic control allowances(relative to (HMI) requirementsfor TAAATS. The FijianAir other professionals employedby the company). faults (raisingissuesof controllerliabilitywhen the Traffic Control OfficersAssociation(FATCOA) Due to SARS,defermentof approachradar the systemfails or performsunexpectantly), USA Advanced Technology and Oceanic was not represented, as it hasonly about nine training for six monthswas instigatedby the members,noneof whom are currentlyworking companyandplannedrecruitmentof controllers Procedures project that sees Airways Corporation(providingATC instructors),and in ATC. StrategicAir ServicesLtd (SASL)is was curtailed. Lockheed-Martinpartnered in a major FAA employingcontrollerswhohaveformeda group Malaysia ATCA reported that a training contractto replaceoceanicATCCsin Oakland, called Air Traffic ManagementAssociationof Fiji. SASLhas offered employmentto some programmeis requiredfor ATCOsat the Kuala New Yorkand Anchorage.A recentreviewby Lumpur ATCC prior to the impending AirwaysCorporationof existing primary and FATCOAmembers, as it appears, due to secondaryradarservices,triggeredby pending deregistrationmoves,FATCOAmay not exist introductionof RVSMPhase2 in the Bay of Bengal(27 November2003). The Association majormaintenance requirements that waslikely beyondthe nextfew months. with eitherADS-Bor a continuesinvolvementin assistinglocal flying to seetheir replacement multilaterationsystem,saw the ATCCstrongly Hong KongATCAoutlined eventsof the past clubs and other aviation events held in year, including: implementationof reduced Malaysia.The privatisationof the Air Traffic opposedto removalof primaryradaras it is the vertical separationminimum (RVSM)in the ServicesDivisionis on hold until furthernotice, only systemcurrentlyoperatingthat doesn't rely on airborne equipment. Following HongKongFIR(November2002),new training and a budget has been appropriated for to a reviewmeetingit appearsthat opportunitiesfor ATCassistantsto undertake implementation of an ADS-CPDLCsystem submissions in 2005predominantly the primaryradarsystemswill be upgradedand clearancedelivery duties, a fruitful meeting (plannedcommissioning betweenthe Civil Aviation Department(CAD) for usein the Bayof Bengalareaplusremainder remain in service until around 2020. ATCC andthe Associationthat hasseensupportfrom of MalaysianFIR),while the recruitmentand reportedon three recent aircraft accidents:a PA-31that crashedin poor weather on final the CAD for the 2004 IFATCA Annual trainingof newcontrollerscontinues. approach to Christchurch,a PA-18 glider Conference, renewal of flight deck Mongolia ATCA (MonATCA) presentation towplanethat crashedshortlyafter take-offat familiarisation programmes for air traffic and the late-nightcrashof a Convair startedwith an interestingoutlineof thecurrent Tauranga, control officers (ATCOs),and pay cuts in October2002,January2004andJanuary2005. Mongolianair navigationand ATCsystemsplus 580 freighter during stormy and turbulent organisationalstructuresof the Civil Aviation conditionsoff the KapitiCoast.Criticalincident No delegateswere present from Indonesia Authorityof Mongolia(CAAM)and MonATCA. stresssupportassistancewas providedto all MonATCArecentlysettleda contractwith the ATCA.No reportwas submitted. CAAM for preparationof a draft copy of a Japan Federationof ATC reported on recent Manual of Air TrafficServicesdocument.and developmentsregarding changesto ATCOs this will bring MonATCArevenuewhen it is periodic performance assessments, accepted.Membersare still using procedural implementationof a new safety reporting control methods despite high workloads at system(that by the end of 2003 will allow an times. OperationalADS-Contractequipment incident report to be made voluntarily and providescoverageover the main air routes, following the completionof the data analysis althoughFANS1 movementsonly accountfor the system is designed to provide secure 10-19% of all traffic throughout Mongolia concealmentof personal details), expansion (mainlyUnitedAir Lines,ContinentalAirlines, plans for Tokyo's domestic Haneda airport CathayPacificAirwaysand LufthansaGerman involvingconstructionof a fourth runway,anda Airlines). Two SSRsystemsare planned for recentshutdownof the flight data processing installationto coverthe main air routes,while system(FOPS)in TokyoACCthat causedthe in future ADS-B equipment could also be cancellationof 205 flights and delay of 1,462 installed.MonATCAexpresseda desireto host



Regional articles controllersinvolved,while police and accident have been restarted. Several Asian MAs systems; current trials (including global investigationsare still to be completed.There reported on the NEAT meeting (hosted by navigationsatellite system,VHFdatalink, ATS are no questionsof causalinvolvementof ATC ROCATCA,August 2003) covering airspace Inter-facilityDataCommunications [AIDC],ADSpersonnelin anyof theseaccidents. capacityin the region,flight level orientation B, surface movement guidance and control systems in RVSMoperations, regional flow system,RNAVarrival / departureprocedures, ATCA-Singapore had discussions with management, AIDC,and an ATSroute network and messagehandlingsystems);meteorological managementto review various operational review. systems,and air traffic management functions. issuesand improvements to existingprocedures, and has hostedan aviationsafety seminarfor KyotaroHarano(JFATC) presentedpaperson the HKATCA presentedan informationpaperon the membersincludingpresentationsfrom the Air 18th IPACG meeting(Tokyo)andthe 20th IPACG effectsthe SARShadon the HongKongaviation AccidentInvestigationBureauand a prominent meeting (Honolulu,October2003), plus three industry (especially the association's psychologist(specialisingin aviation accident papers on implementationof RVSMin the membership).It detailed measurestaken to investigationandtrauma). Asia/Pacific region. identify and isolatepotentialcarriersof SARS, andcontingency plansput in placeshoulda case ATCAof Sri Lankahas seenmajor changesin AndyLee(ATCA-Singapore) tabledan Air Traffic of SARShave been identifiedwithin the ATC compositionof the committeememberswith ServicesSafety ManagementSystem paper workplace. new blood being infused. The Association containingCivilAviationAuthorityof Singapore reported that recruitmentof a new batch of initiatives,covering:safety monitoring,safety Nominationsfor hosting the next three Asiatrainees has occurred, re-instigation of a reviews, safety assessments and safety Pacific annual regional meetings were, familiarisationflight programmefor ATCOswith enhancement measures. His presentation provisionally, receivedfrom MacauATCA(2004), assistancefrom SriLankanAirlines has taken finishedwith the viewingof a video DangerOn JapanFederationof ATC(2005; Nagoya,Naha place,introductionof RNP10on somenew air The Runway(producedfor TransportCanada) or Tokyo) and Mongolia ATCA (2006; routes, while pending future projects include relating to runway incursions,their possible Ulaanbaatar).Ted Langadvisedthis would be implementationof RVSM(November2003), causes,and waysto preventthem occurring. his last regionalIFATCAmeetingas a resultof majorairportdevelopmentincludinginstallation standingdown as Presidentof CivilAir in 2004, of new SSRequipmentat the ATCC,and major EVPASPpresenteda paperfrom Eurocontrol's althoughhe will attend the upcomingIFATCA terminaland apronexpansionplusa safetygroupAGAS,outlining recommendations Annual Conferencein Hong Kong.All visiting new cargofacility (for completionby 2005). resulting from analysis of the Ueberlingen MAs expressedthanksand best wishesto the collisionandthe October2001collisionbetween hostMA for their hospitalityand runningof the ROCATCA-Taiwan reportedon implementation a Citation2 (whichhadinadvertentlyenteredan meeting. of RVSMphase 2 (October2002), identified activerunwayat Milano- Linate,inItaly,in thick progress on implementing CNS/ATM fog conditions)and an MD87 during take-off. In closing, Jim Dunn congratulated David DevelopmentPlanningover a ten year period These recommendationsinvolve eight major Cheungon his role as EVPASPand chairmanof (2002n2011 ), completionof twenty GPS/RNAVareas:safetyrelatedhumanfactorsin air traffic his first ASP regional meeting. Jim thanked procedures for terminal and non-precision management, incident reporting and data AirwaysCorporationas principalsponsor,plus approachesat nine airports (2001), several sharing, airborne collision avoidancesystems the meetingorganisers:Kim Smith for taking datalink trials had beenconductedsuccessfully (ACAS),ground-basedsafety nets, runway minutes, Diane Barton for administration including ADS, CPDLC and D-ATIS, and safety, enforcement of Eurocontrol Safety supportand PaulaWillcox for runninga very consolidationof eight existingATCCsinto three Regulatory Requirements (ESARRs) and successfulannual meeting.Paulawas assisted new facilitieswere plannedoverthe next eight monitoring of implementation,awarenessof by the host contingent,namelyPaulRobinson, years. safety matters,plus safety and humanfactors BraedenSmithfor technicalsupportand myself researchanddevelopment. providing editorial functions. Kim receiveda Many MAs reported on social act1v1t1es and bottle of wine, and Diane and Paulaeach a exchangeprogrammesduring the past year. DavidCheungpresenteda paperwritten by Phil bouquetof flowers.Paulaand Dianewere ably Most had curtailedtheseactivitiesduring2003 Parker(HKATCA) on CNS/ATMImplementation assistedby TimBoylein organisingthe meeting, as a resultof SARS, howevermanyprogrammes in Hong Kong discussingpresentoperational howeverhe was in Porto?at the time (so that was rewardenoughfor his efforts!).Jim finally thankedthe delegatesfor attendingand wished thema safejourneyhome. A farewell dinner was staged at Boaters Restaurant (a practical training venue for budding chefs and hospitality staff) at the ChristchurchTown Hall. A three-coursemeal providedeveryonetherewith a wideselectionof sumptuouslocalcuisinewhile localwineswere againon offer.A numberof delegatestook the opportunity to continue the previousnight's work in "CommitteeD" later that evening. On 17 Octobermany delegatesplus EVPASP took the opportunityto visit the Christchurch ATCC,viewing the new Skyline equipment, while the Japanesecontingentmadea similar visit on the 14th ...Phil Craig



Regional articles


REVIEW OFATCSERVICE ANDATCO/PILOT COOPERATION IN AFRICA ANDMIDDLEEAST Albert AidooTaylor- IFATCAExecutiveVicePresidentAfrica/MiddleEast The past In 1996 IFALPAdeclared a large portion of African airspaceas being critically deficient. IFALPApraisedTCASas the 'saviour'of pilots and passengers flying overAfrica. ManyindustrypartnerscriticisedIFALPA for the mannerin which pilots voicedtheir concerns. Thosewho disagreedwere of the view that IFALPAwas scaring potential investors and touristsawayfrom Africa.Theoutcryof IFALPA was corroboratedby the IATAdeclarationof a substantialportion of Africanairspaceas an In Flight BroadcastProcedures (IFBP)area due to inadequateATCinfrastructureand service.

Hasthere beena markedimprovementin ATC Navigation infrastructureand service delivery after the protest? Most of the navigationaids requiredby the AFI Air NavigationPlan (ANP)were not provided. Was the IFALPAaction a wakeup call for all Many ANSPswere neither able to provide industrypartners? effective maintenance nor ensure regular calibrationof existingnavigationaidsto certify Havewe learntsomelessons? that requiredtoleranceswere achieved.In some cases, the ANSPswere unable to provide FACTS essentialinstallationsdue to politicalconflicts.



The ATC Communicationinfrastructure had Until quite recently Africa did not have a virtuallycollapsed.Manyof the VHFradioswere regional Surveillance Plan. Installation and unreliableand thereby made communications provisionof RadarServiceswas totally at the betweenATCOsand Pilotsvery frustratingand discretionof the State or ANSPsbut not as a unsafe.ManyATCunits hadto relyon HFradios regional requirement.In fact, in most cases, The IATA IFBP is similar to ICAO Traffic for air-ground communications.The saddest State Securityagenciesprimarilyperceivedthe Information Broadcast by Aircraft (TIBA) acquisitionof radar as a tool to safeguardand procedures. However, TIBA is a temporary aspectwas that receptionon many HF radios strengthennational security rather than as a procedureand hasto be implementedby a State was too poor to justify their use for essential tool for providing ATC service.A reasonable ATC services.Coordinationbetween adjacent underICAOspecifiedconditions. ATCunits via ATSDirectSpeechCircuitswas a number of ATCOsand ATC managershave becomevictims of this perception.IATA and privilegeratherthan a requirement.Many ATC The fact is that many Statesare reluctant to Statesdisagreeon the criteriafor decidingthe unitsthereforehadto relyon the sameHFradios declareTIBAprocedures as it impliesthe Stateis needto provideradarservice.IATAbelievesthat for ground-ground ATScoordinationandfor airunableto providethe requiredservice. airlines cannot pay for radar serviceswhere ground communicationbetween ATCOsand traffic volumedoesnot justify the useof radar. congestionon However,some Statescontendthat volume of I found myselfdefendingthe positionof IFALPA pilots.Thiscreatedunacceptable the alreadypoor receptionof HFradios.Hence, traffic is not the solereasonfor the provisionof at manyforums,at times to the displeasureof HFsbecameunreliablefor safeATCoperations. radar services. The underlying determinant colleagues.My decisionwas becauseI makeit It wasthereforenot surprisingwhenin a replyto shouldbe that of safety. my businessto visit the cockpit each time I ATC requestsfor ReadabilityCheckfrom an travel by air. I therefore witnessedthe risks Alitalia flight, the pilot responded,'I ReadYou Procedures, Charts, Documentation faced by pilots. I believethat self-defenceis like a Cow'; I ReadYouMoo Moo Moo'. Another legitimate for anyone under threat. I also pilot remarked,'in fact your radio is shit'. Such Essentialoperationaldocumentssuchas PANS understoodthat IFALPAand pilots were not comments from pilots are unprofessional, ATMDoc4444, Annexes2 and 11, AIP.Charts, criticizingthe integrity and performanceof the unacceptable and should be condemned. ATSOperationalManualsand in some cases individual air traffic controllers but were Stripswerenot availableto some However,they reflectedthe desperationof many FlightProgress addressinga total ATCsystemdeficiencythat Wherethesedocumentswere available, includesequipment,documentation,procedures pilots.We shouldnote that receptionof cockpit ATCOs. transmissionsat many ATCunits was equally someof the pageswerelost, mutilatedor simply and humanbeings. poor; however,appropriateauthoritiesignored outdated. It was therefore not surprisingfor Reflection ATCOs'complaints.ATCOsdetest the use of pilotsand ATCOsto argueabout Pilot Estimates poor facilitiesjust like the pilots; however,they to SignificantPointsin anyparticularairspace.In to expect With the benefitof hindsight,can we say that cannot refuseto use them when there are no this environment,it was inconceivable ATCOs to have any reference document for IFALPA wasshoutingabout nothing? better alternatives. Aeronautical Fixed Radio Telephony procedures and Standard Telecommunication Network (AFTN)links had WereIFALPA and Pilotsjustifiedin cryingout? Phraseology. Althoughtheseshortcomingswere broken down and it was impossibleto send not visible to pilots, the effect on the ATCO Werethere reallycritical deficienciesin Africa's NOTAMs,Flight Plans and other important performancewasapparentto manypilots. Movementand ControlMessages. ATCservicedelivery?



Regional articles What were and still are the prohibitive have either installed new Communication, constraintsinvolved? Navigation and Surveillanceequipment or restoredserviceabilitystatus of broken-down Perhaps, the bitteresttopicto reflecton is that of had not criedout loudlyfor safetywho facilities.The remarkableimprovementsmade HumanFactorsin ATC.ATCOshavesufferedso If IFALPA by the TanzaniaCAA within three years of much injustice in the past due to lack of would? becomingautonomoushaveto be recognized.I knowledgeon human limitations and human Turning Point would like to takethis opportunityto commend errors.Useof excessive ExecutivePowerandthe the management of autonomous CAAs, absenceof a "Just Culture" created fertile cry for safetyand IATAIFBP particularly TCAA, for the impressive groundsfor the abuseof ATCOsand someATC FollowingIFALPA's within a veryshorttime.However, managers.Most of the abuseswould have declaration, IFATCA organised an ATC achievements attracted condemnationfrom Human Rights symposiumin 1997 in Hararewith the theme we wish to cautionthat the complimentsand activists, and possibly the United Nations ATC in Africa at crossroads.The symposium acknowledgementsfrom industry partners sanctions,had they been made public. Many called on stakeholders to address the should not makethem complacentbut rather anddeficiencies in the provisionof urgethemto do better. relevantinternationalorganisationsare aware shortcomings of the human factors shortcomingsin ATC ATCservice.This unity of purposeencouraged operations. However, unlike the technical participantsat the AFI RegionalAir Navigation It is importantto note that autonomyof CAAs deficiencies wherethereareroadmapsto correct meetingin Abuja, Nigeriain 1997to resolveto hasnot comeon a sliverplatter.In all cases,air the deficiencies, we continueto lookawayfrom find solutionsto the threat to safety.The AFI traffic controllers'associationshad to fight for the institutionalreformsjust asAfricancountries this canof wormswhen it comesto ATChuman RAN/7wasa majorturningpoint. had to struggle for political independence. factors. Participants at the AFIRAN/7,includingheadsof Again, in all cases,someair traffic controllers I would rathernot revisitthe pastbut hopethat CAAs,unanimouslyacknowledgedthat there had to paythe pricefor the struggle,the recent we can unite our efforts to establisha regime were shortcomingsand critical deficienciesin one being in Kenya.The support of national that enhancesATCoperationsand offer better servicedelivery.AFI RAN/7thereforeplanned ALPAsin this struggle has been that of a infrastructuralneedsto improveservicedelivery cautiousobserver.I wish to commendKALPA, protectionfor ATCOs. in Africa.Toachievethis objectivethe meeting and indeedIFALPA for the initial PressRelease identified the need to create the appropriate on the KATCA struggle for Kenya CAA's Institutional institutional framework to implement plans autonomy.Thirty-eightveryexperienced ATCOs whilesomeradarpositionsare It may appearfrom the foregoingthat Chief formulatedat AFI RAN/7.Oneof the important remaindismissed Executive Officers (CEO) of Civil Aviation decisions reached was to encourage the not manned. of autonomousbodiesto manage Authorities(CAAs)and ATSmanagementwere establishment Air Navigation Services. Whateverthe 'casualties'sufferedby ATCOsin to blame.However,the blameculture is not a the struggle, the level of service delivery panaceato the myriadof problemsconfronting that countriessuchas improvesafter institutionalchanges.I wish to the ATCservice.Unfortunately,some CEOsof AFIRAN/7acknowledged CAAs and ATS managers were wrongly Ghana, Uganda,Nigeria, South Africa, Cape urge IFALPA to issue a communique dismissedandmadescapegoats of a systemthat Verde,etc madea quick turn aroundafter the acknowledgingthe considerableimprovement CAAswere divorcedfrom the civil serviceand achieved in the level of services delivery, was extremelydifficult to manage. made autonomous.Countriesunder ASECNA commendthoseCAAs/ ATSProvidersfor their also did not facegovernmental budgetapproval effort, and urgethem to do more.IATA,IFALPA The fact is that most heads of CAAs and managementdid not have the appropriate constraints,as was the casein manyCAAs.The and IFATCAhave been tagged as sensational institutional framework, managerial,financial main objectivewas to providethe appropriate troublemakersfor playing watchdog roles. this gesture't.Ji!! he!pto correctthl:; and legal autonomyto function effectively.In institutional reforms, create a more prudent Pcrh~ps somecases,the CAA lackedthe management business environment and strengthen the perception. capacityand the appropriateexpertiseto plan effectivenessof CAA managementto meet and implement major projects. Additionally, regional aviation requirements.The meeting It is importantfor IFALPAto reviewher list of strongpoliticalinterferencein the management emphasizedthat autonomydid not necessarily criticallydeficientairspaceand urgelocalALPAs to meetlocalATSprovidersin areasIFALPA still structureandfunctionsof ANSPsobstructedthe implyprivatizationof services. considersdeficientto discusshow to improve efforts of leaders who were determinedto improveservicedelivery.Mostimportantly,there Many autonomousCAAshave attractedother services. is a lack of an effectiveregulatoryframework professionalsto complementthe efforts of due to the "marriageof convenience"between existing professionalsand technocratsin the IATAshouldalsoreviewits list of IFBPapplicable service providers and State CAA regulatory industry. This has helped to increase airspaceand adviseStatesconcerned. authorities.Fora continentwherea majorityof managementcapacityand increasedefficiency. the populacelackedbasicsurvivalneedssuchas TheautonomousCAAshavebeenableto access IFATCAbelievesthat ATCservicedeliveryhas food, clothing, shelter and health, it was international financial markets to contract improved significantly and we need to consideredpoliticallynot expedientto channel developmentloans to improveservices.Most acknowledgethis fact. Thereis howevera lot scarce national resourcesinto a 'luxurious' serviceprovidersincludingChad,Cote D'Ivoire, more to be done to reach targeted levels of Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda,Cape Verde, safety. enterprise. Morocco,Tunisia,SouthAfrica,Sudan,Tanzania, The aforementionedsituation would at first Botswana, to mention but few, have FutureChallenges glance appear rather simplistic and easily significantlyimprovedtheir ATSinfrastructure, correctable.If this wasthe case,why then hasit trained their staff and established some All CAAsand ATSPs contractedforeignloansto motivationschemes for employees.ManyATSPs improve their services.Therefore,they are not beeneffectivelydealtwith?




Regional articles obliged to pay back such loans with the • Howdo we distributeprofit and debt? enable IFALPAand IFATCAto preparea joint applicableinterest.Theyalsofacethe challenge • Howdoesthis objectiveaffectcurrent/future paperfor discussionat the next AFIRVSMTask to train personnel and maintain the Force meeting. IFATCA will support the programmes of individualStates? infrastructure.Mostoften, repaymentschedules establishment of a specialIFALPA / IFATCA AFI are basedon projectedincomelevels.Manyof • Howdo we addressLowerairspaceneeds? RVSMimplementationTask Force if IFALPA (Lowerairspaceaccountsfor morethan 85% considersucha recommendation the fragile regionalairlineshavecollapsedand worthwhile. of accidents.) thecapacityof the strongerairlinesreduceddue to the worldwide economic downturn. • Whatarethe politicaland economicalrisksto Professional Issues Consequently, many CAAs/ATS providersare States? not recouping expected returns on their • Arewe sure,this is the bestway to proceed? We have experiencedsome "unprofessional" investments, therebyexertingpressureon their attitudeson both sidesof the ATCO/Pilot divide. ability to maintainstandards. The questions and challenges are endless. I do not think it is appropriateto useindividual However,until we can demonstratethat Single pilot or ATCOconductto judge the majorityof Organisational who aredoinga verygoodjob Skyor FunctionalBlockof airspaceis the best our professionals in an extremely difficult environment.I wish, optionfor the industryandAfrica,and providea Thereare calls to establishthree Area Control however, to appeal to all pilots and ATCOsto roadmapto achievetheseobjectives,we appeal Centresto provide ATCservicein the Upper learn from the weaknesses that we are to industrypartnersto tread cautiously.It is Airspace of Africa. There are also calls to important to focus on achieving planned privilegedto have learnt from other peoples' introduce either a Single Sky or Functional infrastructure requirements and attaining mistakes,errorsor misjudgements. ATCOsand Blocksof airspacefor Africa. IFATCAsupports Pilotsassociationsshouldstudy the causesof projectedlevelsof safety. the introduction of new technology and increasing unprofessionalconduct and find conceptsthat have the proven potential to effectivemeansto correctthem. ISSUES enhanceATCservicedelivery.Wewish,however, TECHNICAL to caution against hasty implementationof Theneedfor cooperationis now morenecessary borrowed concepts without thoroughly Ten Minutes Longitudinal than ever before to avoid chaotic analyzingthe total effectof someof the brilliant Separation impiementation of some of the emerging ideas.Implementationof technologyand new concepts. concepts is becoming a "shifting-sand" for After almosttwo yearsinto the implementation Africa.Headsof organisations that are servicing of 1OMinutesLongitudinalSeparation, thereare Looking backwards international loans are wondering if their no recordedATCincidentsthat canbe attributed decisionto improveserviceswas appropriate. to the reductionin SeparationMinimum.The Were IFALPAand individual pilots justified in Othersare developinga wait-and-seeattitude. reduction in separation required neither cryingout againstthe unsafeATSinfrastructure Unlesswe clearlydefinewherewe want to go additional avionics onboard aircraft nor and deficienciesin servicein Africa? and how to get to our destination,Africa risks additional certification from regulators. YES uncoordinated implementationof concepts,and However,the sameconditionscannotapply in could becomea test-bedfor potentiallyunsafe ReducedVerticalSeparationMinimum (RVSM) Did IFALPA playa rolein findingsolutionsto the and costlyexperiments. implementation. problems? We need to find answersto some important questionsregardingthe FunctionalBlock of Airspaceand SingleSkyfor Africainitiative.



Middle East

Looking forward

• Whatare the keydrivingfactors?

ANSPsin the Middle Eastare finalizing RVSM Is the currentATSinfrastructureat the desired implementation.The final meeting to decide level? whetherto implementRVSMin the MiddleEast NO, ALTHOUGH SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT will be held in Abu Dhabi on 19-22 October HAS BEENMADE WE ARE FAR FROMTHE • Will Africanleadersrelaxtheir hold on 2003.IFATCA supportsimplementation of RVSM DESIRED airspacesovereignty? SAFETY TARGET. only after all the safety elements(including • Whatare the securityassurances for warring equipage,regulations,proceduresand training) Is IFALPAdoing ENOUGH to reachthe desired States? are fully in place and 'Risk Assessment'and safetylevel? • Howdo we distributecost? Safety Assurance' probes satisfactorily NO • WhichcountriesshouldhostkeyATCfacilities completed. and why? WhatshouldIFALPA do? Africa IFALPA must adopt a more proactiveapproach • Howdo we appointstaff? at national ALPA level. The introduction of • Howdo we set/harmonize standards? At the last APIRGmeeting,Africa did not rush SafetyManagement providesan opportunityfor into the implementation of RVSM.It wasa wise moreALPA/IFALPAinvolvement.Pilotscannot • Whichbodywould be responsible for decisionto postponeRVSMimplementation.I regulation? continue to be innocent bystandersat the wish to reiteratethat postponementhas given nationallevel,complainduring or immediately • Whatlaws/legislationwouldbe applicable? IFATCA and IFALPA sometime to work towards afterflights and expectthe 'voiceless'ATCOsto • Wheredo we train? ensuringthat all requirementsare put in place. fight chronic deficienciesin ATC servicesin • Howdo we retireor redeployredundant This is not the period to rest but to obtain Africaall alone. staff? availableinformationon bestpractices.Thiswill

• Whichorganisations shouldbe the driving force?



Regional articles Manymeetingshavequestionedthe correctness It is not enough for IFALPAand IFATCAto In addition,I recommendthe establishmentof and accuracy of ATS deficiency reports cooperateat the ExecutiveBoardlevel whilst local ALPA/ ATCA standing committees to submittedby IFALPA. I believeIFALPA canavoid we alienateeachotherat the localALPA/ATCA addresstechnicaland operationaldeficiencies some of the embarrassment if ALPAswould level. The target levelsof safety both IFALPA expeditiously. makeit a point to verify the statusof reported and IFATCAenvisagecan only come about CA11th Africa In this way, we can give practicalmeaningto deficienciesbefore attending meetingswhere throughcooperation.At the IFAT and Middle East Regional Meeting heldin Addis ATCO/Pilot cooperation and help to find thosedeficiencies are reviewed. Ababa,Ethiopiain 2000,a recommendation for solutionsas and when they occur,rather than joint forumswas adopted. wait to report at meetingswhich those who TheUnitedKingdomprovidesthe finestexample annualALPA-ATCA to providesolutionsmaynot of ALPA/ ATCA cooperation.An annual UK However,Tanzaniais the only Statewherethe haveresponsibility BALPA/ GATCOforum thoroughlyexaminesall ALPAand ATCAorganiseda forum. IFATCA attend. professionaland technicalissuesaffectingthe wishesto call on IFALPAto urge ALPAsto be industry.Theyalso addressissuesof common more forward leaningto ATCAsso that the Togetherwe fly! Dividedwe stall! associations canbe unitedin theireffortsto concern. addressissuesof commonconcern. Thankyou for your attention

THECONTROLLER SubscriptionRates Issuesare usually publishedat the end of March, June,Septemberand December. Subscriptionratesfor 2004Volume43, four issues are US$30.00(GBP20)per annum, plus postage& packing.Order Formpage 29. A reducedrate is availableon requestfor bona fide Air TrafficControllers Magazinesare dispatchedusingpriority airmailworldwide

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Regional articles

ICAOASIA-PACIFIC OFFICE NEWCONFERENCE CENTRE NeilVidler ,':;iiii!!:::;;i11 1,; ,1111t,,,,




OnThursday15thJanuary, 2004,duringthe One host country to ICAO'sRegionalOffice since the new facility was named'TheKotaiteWing' YearReviewmeetingof the Europe-Middle East- 1955". (TheFarEastand PacificOffice,asit was of the ICAOAsia PacificRegionalOffice. Asia Route StructureSouth of the Himalayas then called, was situated in Melbourne. (EMARSSH) Task Force (see The Controller, Australia,from 1948- 1955.) The ICAOAsia-PacificSecretariatwill continue 3/2003),the ICAOAsiaPacificofficein Bangkok its work in the originalfacilities with the old, celebratedthe openingof its new conference In reply,the Presidentof the Councilof ICAO,Dr very crampedmeeting room convertedinto a facility. Assad Kotaite, said the "the role of this library.This meetingroom was the venue for and decisionsover conferencecentre in facilitating cooperative manyimportantdiscussions This new state-of-the-artconference/meeting work amongthe Asianand PacificStateswill be the previous15 years. Not the least of these facility was constructedwithin the presentASP particularlyvaluedas we redefinethe technical, was the EMARSSHproject which saw the office grounds,on the banksof a small klong operationaland economiccontextfor globalair creationof a new,moreefficientroutestructure andsurroundedby beautifulparklands.As with transportin the 21st century". from Asia to Europeand involvedthree ICAO regions,32 Statesand more than 40 FIRs. It the presentfacility,it was a generousdonation fromthe governmentof Thailandand reconfirms In recognition of Dr Kotaite's distinguished was, perhaps, fitting that the concluding wasthe lastmeetingto be that country's support of ICAO and its careerovermorethan 50 yearsand as a tribute meetingof EMARSSH commitmentto internationalcivil aviation. to hiscontributionto internationalcivil aviation, heldin this historicvenue. More than 200 dignitaries,delegates and guests attended the opening ceremonies conductedin the largestof thethreemeetingrooms.Thecentrealso contains translation facilities, a large auxiliary room (presentlycontaininga display of gifts from various administrations in the Asia-Pacific region),an internetcafe and a dining area completewith extensivecatering facilities. During the opening ceremonies,the Deputy Minister of Transport for Thailand, Mr Vichet Kasemthongsri stated that "Thailand recognisesthe vital role playedby ICAOas a specialised agency of the United Nations in promoting the necessarycooperation among the States of the world to achieve excellentstandardsof safety, securityand efficiencyof air transport. Thailandtakespride in havingbeenthe







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This is not your standardmeetingreport, but merchandise comefrom there rathermy own reflectionson attendingthe last of course. ATCAConventionin October2003. Not a lot of newstuff on show ■ Thisyear the ATCAconventionwas held in the this year,but a goodchanceto large Marriott Wardman Hotel (the Former see where things have SheratonTowersfor those of you who know improved,where things have abandoned (the WashingtonDCa bit). TheConference part was been attended by over 700 participants,generally politically correct name is r:;,.:.;;;,o'\,.._..,""~,c:""5;,-,o_;::.~ ., comingfromthe world of ATCmanagement. The "frozen") and what the next exhibition part, covering the whole of the projects are. With a bit of basementof the Hotel, had over 100 stands experience,one can decipher from almosteveryATMmanufacturer and major the marketingwords to find ATSserviceprovider.Someof the standswere out what product or project enormous,like those of Lockheed- Martin, hasa chanceof seeinglife beyondprototyping. It doesnot do justiceto sumup, in a few lines, Raytheon,etc.at homethere,of course,but the eleven20 or 30 minute presentations.I would FAA and Eurocontrolalso displayedsome of Also, I have noticedover the yearsthat, if a ratherextract somesentencesby key speakers their projects.EvenNASAhad a standshowing product is good, it generally is sold at least that areworth thinkingabout: off someof their newesttechnologythat could once,and otherswill be lookingat thosewho haveboughtit for advice, so there is no need haveATCapplications. for expensiveadvertisement. As we are in America,marketingis at its best Onthe contraryif a productis not that good,but and stands competedwith one another in costsa lot to develop,thereis a seriousneed handing out free plastic gadgets, from the to advertiseit. In fact the moreit costs,the more useful, like pens(but someare with a battery you will needto advertise.Fromthis you might insideto power multi-colourflashing LEDs)to concludethat the largeststandsare generally the moderatelyuseful,like modelplanes,stress full of not very good, very expensiveproducts balls,letter openers,to the totally useless,like that no one has boughtyet. But I did not say smalldollsmadeof jelly that stickto everything. that, this is vastlyexaggerated of course.Weall ThewinnerI foundwasgivento mebythe NASA respectour manufacturers who are after all the girl: a round wide-anglemirror that is selfsponsorsof many good things,and there is a adhesive.: I wastold it is a PCrear-viewmirror, businessworld out there.. that you shouldplaceon the top right cornerof your PCscreento warnyouwhenyourboss( or The conferencepart was very interestingas your wife if you are at home) is coming.The usual. Unfortunately,I could only attend one mixtureof SantaKlausand Hightechdisplaysis day{I wasbusyon the other threeattendingthe part of the charmof an ATCAConvention.You IFALPA ATSCommittee)but what I heardwas comeback with a lot of presents,that mostly challenging.Interesting? end up in a box at home,but I understandit makes a few Chinese happy as all this




• il:i;'Hiilppe Domagala• -Europeaneditor


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afraidwe will readsimilarlinesin theyearsto come.Airlineswill alwayswant things done morecheaplyandexpecta betterserviceat the same time. I liked the line about ancient civilisations needing less time to build a pyramidthan it takes today to build a new runway.This is reality. There are no more Pharaohstoday and there is no slave labour either.Peopletodayliketo getpaidfor the work they do and are lookingfor an enjoyablelife whethertheyarepassengers or ATCmanagers Oneoften forgetsthat it is the sameperson who complainsloudlyabout the noiseof the sameaircrafthe will take in two weekson his holiday.The samepersonthat shoutsabout safetyaftera crash,hasbookedon the Internet a flight, on an unknownairline,for lessthan 50 dollars! Thesamepersonthat complainsabout a 30 min ATC delay to board a flight to Disneyland where,oncehe arriveswill gladly queuefor 2 hoursto get to everyattraction inside!Wearea complexsociety,but onething is for sure:a betterATMwill costmoneyand no-onetoday is going to build pyramidsfor nothing. Nevertheless, thanksto ATCA,in general,and CarolNewmaster, in particular,for allowingme to participate in this uniqueevent. Well, with thesesentences, one has enough wisdom to knowhowto reformthe wholeATC andmakeit somethingmoreefficient,but I am


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:SpulJJf)}Jlon Corporate Members J<evln.::;~1her Cu11trJJJutJny Edltur, Curpurate Business

Welcometo our new magazinefeature 'Spotlight'.Startingwith this issuewe hope that ·spotlight'will becomea regularitem where I will provide informationon new and on-going developmentswithin our corporatemembership.The aim being to ensure all our readersare current with 'what's happening'in the corporateworld of ATM.

ThalesATM includethe full integrationof the MaestroFlowManagementSystemand the abilityfor the systemto receive,process and display ADS-B*information sent by equipped aircraft.*ADS-B: Automatic DependentSurveillance- Broadcast:ADS via Broadcast from groundequipment.

Bosnia-Herzegovina As a first instalmentI havechosento focus on


Australia ThalesATM developedthe new air traffic management system for Airservices Australia - The AustralianAdvancedAir Traffic System (TAAATS).This turnkey projectinvolvedbuildingsand civil works, dedicated telecommunicationnetworks, computer based training and four simulatorsat two en-routecentresand four distributed terminal control units. The heart of the programmeis the Eurocat 2000air traffic management system. Covering 11% of the earth's surface, TAAATS is the most modern and sophisticated air traffic management system operating in the world today following entry into full servicein March 2000. Recentenhancements deliveredby


The FederalMinister for Transportand Communicationsof Bosnia-Herzegovina, Nedzad Brankovic, and the French Ambassador in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Henry ZipperdeFabiani,officiallyinauguratedthe terminal radar systeminstalledby Thales Air Traffic Management (ATM) at the Sarajevointernational airport, during a ceremonyon the 2nd of December 2003. The new radar systemconsistsof a STAR 2000 S-Bandsolid state primary and a RSM970SmonopulseMode S secondary surveillance radar (MSSR), with Air SituationDisplaysfor terminalapproachat SarajevoTerminalManagementArea.Both radars comply with ICAO* and EUROCONTROL requirements and are configured to be adapted to changing operational needs. They are the latest generationproductsfrom ThalesATM. People'sRepublicOf ChinaThalesATMwas awardeda contract by the Civil Aviation Administrationof Chinafor the provisionof integratedair traffic managementsystems in Beijing,Shanghaiand Guangzhouunder the NESACC**project.Thecontract,with an estimatedvalueof around 100 million euros, consists of Thales ATM Eurocat systemsfor the 3 En-Route(ACC) Centres and will includeover200 air traffic control workstationsand is duefor commissioning in 2005.** NESACC: Northern,Easternand SouthernAreaControlCentres.


Germany ThalesATM has been awardeda contract by DFSDeutscheFlugsicherung GmbH,the Germanair traffic serviceprovider,for the supplyof a TErminalCO-ordination System (TECOSA:)to Hannover and Bremen's airporttowers.BremenTower These new installations are part of a progressivephasingof the Germanairport Tower Flight Data ProcessingSystem (TFDPS)modernisationprogramme.The new German airport system offers the latest technology to improve airline services.

Hungary HungaroControl, the HungarianAir Traffic Servicesprovider,recentlyhostedthe 9th ThalesATM UsersGroup(TUG)meetingin Budapestfrom 29th Septemberto 3rd October2003. Since1991,ThalesATM'scustomershave organisedthis conference every18 months.




TheTUGhasbecomean idealforumfor the sharing of operationalexperienceand enables customers to consider the harmonisationof their future requirements of ATM technologies. Present at the conference were60 CivilAviationAuthority delegatesfrom 25 countries. HungaroControl CEOlstvanMudrasaid in his final speechat the TUG meeting, "I think that I had alreadyfelt the successof the meeting by the second day. New information exchangedwith each other concerningdifferentproductsand projects, extensivediscussionson commonissues, use of new equipment etc. is all very important for the ANSPcommunity. In conclusionthe main of the TUG,that of a commonunderstandingand co-operation between the Serviceproviders and the supplierwas achieved." ThenextTUGwill beheldin Cairo,Egypt,in April 2005 and will be organisedby the NationalAir NavigationServicesCompany of Egypt.

New Zealand FirstMode S capabilities

ThalesATMhasbeenawardeda contractto supply an upgradeto the New Zealand radar network,which will introduceMode S capabilitiesto the country. Under the contract,ThalesATM will modernisethe radarsit suppliedto NewZealandfourteen yearsago. Thiscontractwill be completed by 2006andwill extendthe currentradars' life span by at least 15 years,using the latestradartechnology.

at the forefront of developmentsin air traffic management. Theimplementation of Mode S in New Zealandwill ensurethis continues,whileat thesametime providing improvedserviceto our customers".

Vietnam ThalesATM has recentlybeen awardeda contract for a Eurocatair traffic control centrefor Ho Chi Minh City,as well as a long rangesurveillanceradar.Additionally radarandILSequipmenthasbeensupplied to Danang (central Vietnam), and a meteorological radarwasinstalledlastyear in Hanoi.

Thisconcludesour first installment.I hope you found the informationinterestingand informative.If you have any questionsor would like further informationon anytopic that was covered,pleasecontactme using the following address: KevinSalter, Headof QualificationsProgrammes, DFSDeutscheFlugsicherung GmbH Flugsicherungsakademie Am DFS-Campus 4 D-63225Langen Tel:+ 49 (0)6103707 5120 Fax:+ 49 (0)6103707 5177 E-Mail:kevin-john.salter@dfs.de

I'm going to do something about il It will involve a lot of time. effort, and yes, even suffering. I'm going to suffer so that hopefully,someday, otherswill not. I am rurrenlly in training to participate in the SI. Anthony's Olympic distance Triathlon (1.SK Swim, 40K Bike, 10K Run) to be held at St Petersburg, Fl on Sunday,April 25, 2004, as a member of the Long Island Chapter "Team Strong Island" of the Leukemia & LymphomaSociety's Team In Training (TNT). All of us on Team Strong Island are raislng funds to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma from taking more lives. I'm completing this triathlon in honor of all individuals who are battling cancer. These people are the REAL heroes on our team, and I need your support to cross the ultimate finish line - the cures for cancerl Will you help me achieve my goals by making a donation? You can do~ right on my website. Just go to:

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Airways New Zealand Chief Executive OfficerAshleySmoutsays "AirwaysNew Zealandhas alwaysprideditself on being

Thank you for your support]


TEAM 1 ■ :Mi·t ii



Brian J. Fallon P. O. Box 10408 Westbury, NY 11590


Editorial EXTRA-~--

In M mor1 m Those of us who have had the honour of meetingMexicanair traffic controllerEugenio Ortega Alvarez are deeply saddenedby his death. Our dear friend and colleaguepassecl away on 21 December2003,victim of a ve( aggressive bout of pneumonia.

t and made friends easily.He ry fluent English, but spokeit with a slight Britishaccent.Hetold jokesthat wereactuallyfunnyandalways~ada kindword,a handshake,or an amusingstdryto share with anyone and everyone.He had a passionfor air traffic controlthat wasapparent Someof TheController'sreadersmayremember to all who interactedwith him. His hobbies EugenioOrtegaas an occasionalcontributorto were airplanes,books,nature,and travel. He 11z,,..,.....,,...t is publication.Otfiersmay havemet him in often citedcyclistLanceArmstrongand hisown person at one or all of the many IFATCA father, FranciscoOrtega,as being his greatest conferencesthat he attendedas part of the heroesand role models. He was extremely Mexican delegation, in representation of generousandeagerto helpanyonewho needed ACTAM(Mexico'snational ATC association). help, any time, any where. These are the Thoseof us who have had the pleasureof memoriesof him that will live on. Thetruth is meetinghim, will rememberhim not only as that while Eugeniowas a keenand dedicated someonewho frequentedthe conferences, but controller,but hewasan evenmoreremarkable rather as someonewho contributedto them humanbeing. actively and tirelessly.Eugeniocared deeply abouthisprofessionandhispeers.Aviationand Eugeniowas born on 01 September1972 in (in particular)all things ATCwere his passion. MexicoCity,Mexico.Aviation ran in his blood Those who had a chance to know him (his father,Francisco, was a controllertoo, and professionallywill undoubtedlyrememberhis his mother,Eugenia,was an airline executive). enthusiasm, his generosity, his friendly He becamean air traffic controller in 1993, demeanourand positive"can-do" attitude,not when he graduated from Mexico's ATC to mention his utmost professionalism.For academyandgladlyacceptedan assignment to instance,IFATCA-Cancun (2002)bringsto mind go work at Puerto Vallarta's International manymemoriesof his radiantpersonalityand Airport (PVR)control tower. Since then, he professional demeanour. There, Eugenio becameactivelyinvolvedin ACTAM'sbusiness, labouredcheerfullyaroundthe clockasmember eventually becoming vice president of his of the local organisingcommittee,not only to help ensurethat everythingflowed smoothly regionalchapter,and later as the organisation Needlessto say,he becamea and without a glitch during the registration PressSecretary. regular fixture at IFATCA events,as well as in process,but to help raisefundsfrom corporate various other aviation-related events, sponsorsand to help plan the memorable entertainment events and multimedia exhibitions,and air showsaroundthe world as presentationsthat conferenceattendeesso often as time and budgetallowed.In addition much enjoyed during the course of that to his ACTAMresponsibilities,Eugeniowas conference. He evendesignedthe conference's editor-in-chief of his own ATC magazine, logothat year,proofthat his talentsdid not lay "Masquerade", which he published and solely in the art of ATC, but manifested distributedto air traffic controllersworking at themselvesthrough his many creative and airports located throughout the regions of Jalisco and Mazatlan, among others. On artisticpursuits. occasion, some of his own articles were Somewho met him maynot haverealisedthe featuredin TheControlleraswell. SinceOctober extent of his involvementat that particular 2002, he had also assumedresponsibilityfor conference6or, for that matter, at any other the publicationof ACTAM'sofficial magazine, IFATCAconference6butall who met him in titled "ACTAMlnformaFuertey Claro",andhad Taiwan,France,Switzerland,Mexicoor, more recentlybegun the processof designingand recently,Argentina surely will rememberhis developingthis organisationwebsite.



Eugenio leftbehind manydearfriends, family andlovedones.He issurvived byhisgrieving parents, Francisco and Eugenia, his beloved grandmother Eugenia,his beautifulsisters Erendira, Citali,MariaLuisa andMariaJose and yourbrother Francisco hisfirstwife,Dawn,and hisfianceSandra, allofwhommourn hisdeath deeply andwiththegreatest ofsorrows. Hewill bemissed tremendously aswellbya multitude of colleagues andfriends fromall around the world(toonumerous to name~d in pafticolar;--by--his-colleague~felfowcontrollers and friends at PVR.May we mourn his death together, but most importantly, may we celebratehis life and his passionfor living, which he sharedso generouslywith us all. Of his many passionsperhapsairplaneswere oneof the greatest.Airplanes,anyandall, large and small,privateor commercial:DC-8s,DC-9s, DC-10s,B-727s,B-737s,B-747sOandB-757s. Eugeniopassedawayat exactly7:57AM on 21 December2003. The exact time he choseto leavewas ratherironic and, if we didn't know any better,we could almost say it may have been intentional on his part to once again reflecthis love for aviation.If anything,taking his final flight at 7:57 is an interesting coincidencethat illustratesand underlinesthe fact that Eugenio lived and died by his profession.Forthis reason,we like to think that he isn't gone forever,but rather travellingon one of the B-757she so often guidedsafelyto the skies;onlythat this oneairlinerin which he now travels is headedon a one-waytrip to a most rewardingand peacefulplace,wherewe all hope to go ourselvessomeday for much neededrest at the end of our own worldly journeys.Someday, perhapsour pathswill cross Eugenio'spath again in that beautiful place form whenceno man returns,so that we may tell him all the thingswe'veleft unsaidbecause we alwaysassumedhe would not leaveus so soon.In true form, he will flash his trademark smileto makeus feel welcomeand will delight us, onceagain,with one of the manyjokesin his repertoire. Eugenio:Until we meet again,fare thee well and Godspeed, dearfriend!


Book review

BookReview: Publishedby AshgatePublishingLtd GowerHouse,CroftRoad Aldershot,Hampshire, GU113HR UnitedKingdom

Seamless Sky ByH.V.Sudarshan

ChrisStock- Editor

For those readerswho either bought or read "TheFutureAir NavigationSystem(FANS)"by VinceGalotti,this bookby anotherICAOofficer is a logicaland welcomeadditionto the ATM library. TheFANSbook was publishedin 1997 whenthe CNS/ATM conceptwasin its gestation periodand thereforewas an ideal introduction to the subject. Now,H. V.Sudarshan's book expands on the developmentof CNS/ATM systemsand includesthe many facetsof the work that is being undertakenon a regional and globalbasis. Hefocuseson the States' needs to integrate the global air traffic management systemand the way forward to meetthat objective.

for the majority,this bookprovidesan excellent referenceto the many developmentstaking placein globalATM. Mr Sudarshanhas done a great serviceto the aviation community in pulling together the complexstrandsof the developingglobalATM scenarioand presentingthem in a

readableand easilyassimilatedstyle. I would recommendthis book to anyone with an interestin the aviationindustrywho wishesto get a betterappreciationof howthe globalATM is likelyto developin the nexttwo decades.For those involvedin CNS/ATMdirectly,this book shouldbe an essentialreferencetool.

Thestructureof the bookfollowsa logicalsequenceopeningup with an overviewof CNS/ATMsystems followedby an explanationof the planningmechanismscurrentlyin progress worldwide. This is followed with a chapter on Air Traffic Managementand further chapters introducing theory and practices in establishing the infrastructure in terms of communication, navigation and surveillance that meet ATM requirements. Thefinal two chapters considerthe needfor interoperability and seamlessnessand develop a means to achieve harmonisationof systems and procedures plus a summary of the economic, organisationaland legal aspectsthat have to be taken into accountwhile managingthe transition to CNS/ATM systems. Thebook is then broughtup to date to take accountof the proceedings of 11th ANC by including annexeswhich deal specifically with the ATM, communications, navigation and surveillanceoperationalconcepts. For thosereaderswho are familiarwith much of the ICAOoutputoverthe pastfew years, thereis not a lot of new materialhowever



Charlie's Column

:£ COLUMN Thenew737-800offeredbythe airlinewill have fixed non-recliningseats,with no removable headrestsand no seatpockets.Thewindowsof the aircraftwill haveno blindseither. Thiswill savethe airlineabout 2 millionUSDapparently. Anothermovebythe airlinewouldbe to restrict luggage(e.g. penalizepassengers checkingin Theydefinedquotasper tribe: luggage)to reduceairportchargesand increase To enablea tribe to havesomerepresentatives turn around. in the centre,onemusthavea minimumof 5 % of the airspaceof a given sector.Determining Well, a friend of mine suggestedthat Ryanair sectorswill be done regardlessof the tribe's would havebeenbetter off if they had bought VROOM-VROOM formal nationalairspaceborders.Also,the size Antonov 124sinsteadof 737s.With the back entrancedoor openthey coulddrivethe airport Last Decembersomewherein Italy, Michael of sectorwill determinefuture revenue. busesdirectlyin the backof the aircraftandfly Schumacherraced his FerrariFormula12003 with 4.9 %, youwill the wholething to destination.Thatwill be the model againsta Eurofighter.The aircraft was Nowpayattentionbecause piloted by former Italian astronaut Maurizio haveno rightto havecontrollers,butwith 5.1% mostcosteffectiveoption! youwill get a credit. Sothe bazaaris open... If Cheli. the tribes cannot fulfill their quota, then The Ryanair press release mentions: "The Michaelwon the first raceOto 600metres,but controllers will be taken from the closest decision to remove in the future all nontribes.If that doesnot work, then essentialluxuryitemsfrom its aircraft." Well,it lostthe two others(0 - 900metresandO- 1200 neighbouring do not consider metres) However,after the 1200m run the all the tribes participatingin the project will mustbe carefulthat passengers Ferraricouldbraketo stop beforethe endof the have a go and, if that does not providethe that they are themselvesalso too much of a controllers,then everyoneelsein Europewill be luxuryin the future... runwaywhilethe Eurofighterhadto takeoffO. allowedto comein. AND FINALLY: Why do they do such stupid races? Well, Readinga passageof Lordof the Rings?No officiallyit is to commemorate a similarracein 1931 betweenan Alfa Romeoand a Caproni this scenariocomesfrom a draft planfor CEATS, Oneof the bestwishesfor the NewYear: the future multi national centre for central biplanein similarcircumstances. Europe. I'd liketo die likemyfather:quick,easy,without pain,sameas his passengers. Therealreasonis to re-assure the Italianmilitary that theyboughta verygoodplaneableto beat LOWCOSTAIRLINES;HOWLOW (Beforeeveryonesendslettersof complaintto a civil sportcar in two thirds of the casessince CANYOU GO. the Editor,this is calledblackHumour!) there are no wars for Italy to use the aircraft anyway! You must have read about Ryanair latest a mountainousarea, a new air traffic control centreis beingvirtuallybuilt. Theengineersof the Plan,in their marblepalacenearthe centre of Europe,havedeviseda simplemechanism to determinewho will finally work in the virtual centre:


innovationsto reducecostsevenfurtheron their flights.

Pilot:canyougiveme a roughtime? TWR:it is Monday ... Pilot: Declaringemergency,just hit a bird, windshieldbroken... TWR:Do you requirespecialmedicalassistance on the ground? Pilot:No,I guessthe bird is dead.... Approach Control: "Cessna, you have unidentifiedtraffic at 2 o'clock, three miles, altitudeunknown,overthe railroadtracks.Very slow moving primary target...might be a helicopter." Cessna:"Might be a train."

HAUTECUISINE: Somewhere in the Balkans,deepin the forestsof



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