Roy Visits Successful KAED Project in Kyrgyzstan
IFDC President and CEO Dr. Amit H. Roy (third from left) met with representatives of Eurasia Group – Kyrgyzstan, including Business Development Manager Tatyana Mussorina (far left), Deputy Director General Elena Yanbaeva (second from left) and Director General Omer Doganci (second from right). Hosting Roy’s visit are KAED Follow-On project staff – Chief of Party Dr. Hiqmet Demiri (far right), Education Program Manager/ Government Liaison Officer Djahongir Djumabaev (third from right) and General Manager Alisher Kasymov (center). John Deere® farm machinery is seen in the background. John Deere® is a U.S.-based company that sells farm equipment around the world. It is involved in a public-private partnership with the KAED Follow-On project through the USAID Global Development Alliance.
Roy (right) examines corn on the Tri-T poultry farm of Timur Kavun (background in cap) in northern Kyrgyzstan. KAED General Manager Alisher Kasymov looks on.
KAED Follow-On staff with IFDC President and CEO Dr. Amit Roy.