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USAID Feed the Future Agriculture Technology Transfer Project The USAID Feed the Future Agricultural Technology and Transfer Project (ATT) will increase the availability of appropriate and affordable key technologies to sustainably improve the competitiveness of the maize, rice, and soya value chains in northern Ghana. USAID/Ghana anticipates funding this project for a period of five years with an estimated life of activity cost of $22 million. ATT is funded through a Cooperative Agreement to the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC). Feed the Future ATT is improving Ghana’s agricultural research and extension Geographic Focus systems by creating a private sector led agricultural technology transfer mechanism, linking research, extension systems, and producers to a market driven approach to variety development and dissemination. Main stakeholders include producers, agro-­‐input dealers, farm services providers, private sector actors involved in seed and fertilizer production and distribution, research institutions and laboratories, as well as government and regulatory bodies responsible for creating and maintaining an enabling environment for a dynamic agricultural sector. IFDC is the lead implementing partner, with additional Zones of Influence technical support provided by Iowa State University (ISU), the District Boundary Center for Development Innovation of Wageningen KM 0 75 150 300 University (WUR-­‐CDI) and Ghana Agricultural Associations and Business Information Center (GAABIC). In addition, research institutions, including the Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, and agencies relevant to private sector agricultural investment in Ghana are key partners. ATT is an integral component of USAID’s Feed the Future portfolio, and will work closely with other USAID activities in research, policy, finance, commercialization, and value chain development. The project is composed of three components: seeds, soil fertility, and capacity for agricultural research. It will operate primarily by improving the capacity of both the public and private sector in their respective roles in technology development and dissemination. The ATT project is taking steps to increase effective demand for quality seed and other technology packages in targeted value chains with a potential for high impact on incomes, food security, and nutrition.


IFDC-Tamale -BOX ER 542, Tamale Tel: 233 27 7753434 IFDC Ghana — PMB CT 284 Cantonments - 3 Orphan Crescent, Labone - Accra - Ghana Tel: +233 21 780830 / 786069 • Fax: +233 21 780829 • Annex: +233 21 770838 / 766797 www.ifdc.org • Email: ifdcghana@ifdc.org

ATT Project Components: Seed: • Improving public and private capacity for demand-­‐driven production of breeder seed, seed multiplication, certification, and variety release processes; • Provide technical assistance to local seed companies in business planning and management, seed processing, labeling, and marketing; • Strengthen relevant industry associations to improve member services, such as trainings, advocacy, and the establishment of standards for self-­‐regulation; • Strengthen the networks and performance of agro-­‐dealers in marketing and financial/enterprise management. • Use relevant information and communications technology options to build the capacity of commercial seed companies, agro-­‐dealers, seed service delivery providers and other stakeholders. Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM): • Identify existing and new ISFM technologies that can be improved or adapted to the Ghanaian context and taken to scale; • Build capacity of relevant institutions in the fertilizer sector to ensure product quality and standards, advocacy efforts, competition, and truth in labeling; • Facilitate linkages to sources of finance, including USAID’s Financing Ghanaian Agricultural Program (FinGAP), for agricultural inputs supply chain actors; • Support fertilizer information systems to provide relevant market and technical information to farmers, agrodealers, and extension professionals. Research: • Support PhD and Masters Candidates to increase the number of Ghanaian seed breeders and soil scientists; • Upgrade and rehabilitate research equipment and facilities at SARI to improve their capacity to carry out research; • Support SARI to ramp up research efforts and develop improved systems for releasing relevant varieties, fertilizer recommendations, soil management techniques, and other relevant technologies;

IFDC-Tamale -BOX ER 542, Tamale Tel: 233 27 7753434 IFDC Ghana — PMB CT 284 Cantonments - 3 Orphan Crescent, Labone - Accra - Ghana Tel: +233 21 780830 / 786069 • Fax: +233 21 780829 • Annex: +233 21 770838 / 766797 www.ifdc.org • Email: ifdcghana@ifdc.org

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