1 Tajikistan, located in Central Asia, north of Afghanistan, has one of the lowest per capita gross domestic product (GDP) rates ($600) among the 15 former Soviet republics. Of the country’s total land area, only 6.5 percent is arable – and natural resources are scarce.
4 IFDC is also facilitating farmers’ access to quality agro-inputs (fertilizers, seeds and CPPs). This includes working with private sector input suppliers and training farmers in correct input use.
2 The PRO-APT project is helping farmers increase agricultural productivity and strengthen private sector agribusinesses. IFDC’s role is to intensify farm productivity, primarily through the promotion of yieldenhancing technologies for six value chains (lemons, apricots, onions, tomatoes, melons and beef ).
3 In the photo above, 32 greenhouse owners are being trained in pest management for their lemon crops. Demonstration plots, field visits and training sessions are key components in the introduction of new, intensive production technology and techniques to Tajik farmers.
5 PRO-APT seeks to increase targeted farmers’ incomes by about 25 percent annually. The five-year project (2009-2014) is funded by USAID and implemented by ACDI/VOCA and IFDC.