Functional Showflat

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投稿热线:0755—25576801 设计热线:0755—25466634 公司网址 本书工作人员:徐宾宾 黄子平 李萧悦 李建生 贾小帆 余 晶 金陈晨 张诗静 肖 彬 彭小壮 郭 华 黄胜群 李晓航等


Popular Designers' Refined Model Houses

深圳市创扬文化传播有限公司是目前亚太地区最大最专业的 建筑装饰图书出版机构之一,公司旨在把国外的优秀设计师带到 中国来,同时把中国设计师传播到全世界。公司所出版图书在中 国、日本、韩国、印度、泰国、马来西亚、新加坡、越南等深受 欢迎和好评,并远销欧美、中东等国家和地区。 2008年以来,公司利用自身的影响力,为广大的业主和设计 师搭建了交流的平台,成功地促进了众多地产商、开发商、专卖 店、餐厅、豪宅的业主和他们所需的设计师交流与合作。

Popular Designers' Refined Model Houses 当红设计师精品样板房 深圳市创扬文化传播有限公司





室 内

2011年《室内公共空间》征订工作现在开始,页数保持不变,价格将从 68 元/册调整为 38 元/册,全年定价228元(增刊未含在内)。


现订阅杂志一年以上,将有机会获赠精美图书(200元以上) 一本,中奖率为5%;订阅杂志两年以上,中奖率为10%。获奖名 单将在杂志上公布。


银行汇款: 开 户 行:交通银行深圳竹子林支行 开 户 名:徐宾宾 号:6222 6013 1001 7285 362 账 联系电话:0755-82790854 联 系 人:肖小姐 真:0755-25576801 传 址:中国·深圳市福田区竹子林中国经贸大厦9C室 地

《室内公共空间》以跟踪全球室内设计发展趋势、分析最顶尖的建筑室内案例、推荐国内外优秀设计师为宗旨,力求第一时间传达 全球最新最顶尖的室内设计。

本书编委(排名不分先后) 陈明晨 / 鼎汉唐设计机构 陈志斌 / 鸿扬集团—陈志斌设计事务所 陈永杰 / 深圳市品杰室内设计有限公司 陈振东、林登峰 / 深圳市冲击力环境艺术设计有限公司 符 军 / 三原色建筑装饰设计院 洪约瑟 / 洪约瑟设计事务所 江萍萍 /重庆麦子黄装饰设计工程有限公司 赖旭东 / 重庆大木室内设计有限公司 李 波 / 重庆尚辰建筑设计有限公司 李伟光 / 汕头市丽景装饰设计有限公司 李益中 / 深圳市派尚环境艺术设计有限公司 林永锋 / 极度空间酒店设计机构 利旭恒 / 古鲁奇建筑咨询(北京)有限公司 林文格 / L&A文格空间设计顾问(深圳)公司 刘伟婷 / 刘伟婷设计师有限公司 上架建议


刘 威 / 武汉刘威空间设计有限公司 刘卫军 / PINKI(品伊)创意机构 刘 强 / 上海一墨十方室内装饰设计有限公司 孙华锋 / 河南大木鼎合建筑装饰设计有限公司 孙 亮 / 成都优佰文化传播有限公司 王 锐 / 沈阳一工室内设计事务所 萧爱彬 / 萧氏设计


张晓莹 / 成都大木多维设计事务所

Popular Designers' Refined Model Houses 当红设计师精品样板房 深圳市创扬文化传播有限公司








Tianhe B12 Real product house


012 020 026 034 040 046 052 062 070 074

¹Ç¾¶ ¨½ÄÌij¶É



内湖庄宅 桃园林宅 抚远街付宅 临沂街白宅 帕里奥利公寓




马可波罗公寓 Marco Polo apartment

东港印象样板房 大直刘公馆 天母杨公馆 中庚国际华府

136 142

194 198 204 210

国际铭邸 台湾台中彭宅

Kaidi City

万科夏瑾苑 恒茂国际华城 中兴和园样板房

276 282 288

Peng's Residence in Taizhong



292 300

¨Å¶ÇÀÁ¾Ã¼ ºÈɽºÉ¾¸ ¢¶¼Ã¾IJ¸ºÃ¸º




Leisure Time




Simple Green




Transparent GardenGreen

Hengmao International City



A Residence in Zhonggeng International Hua's Mansion



International Ming Mansion

Vanke Summer Jade Garden






Qiyuan Chen's Residence

Golden Area Famous City






Urban Paradise at The Peak, Hong Kong

Roral Crown International Mansion



Bond St

Zhonggeng International Hua's Residence

simple and elegant



Tianmu Yang's Mansion

Parioli Apartment

¹Ç¾¶ ¨½ÄÌij¶É





Zhongnan Century City

Dazhi Liu's Residence

Linyi Street Bai's Residence

Samodol Apartment



Fuyuan Street Fu's Residence

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Taoyuan Lin's Residence

JingduïUnit 3 Room1, A4



Neihu Lake Zhuang's Residence

JingduïUnit 3 Room2, A5




天华美地样板房 º¶Êɾ»ÊÁ ¡¶Ã¹ ¨½ÄÌij¶É

Lushan Bay,Hongkong

Songshan Jiang's Residence

¨½ºÃϽºÃ ®Ê ·¶Î ¨½ÄÌij¶É



Neihu Lake Qiu's Residence

Zhaoqing Star Lake Olympic Park Model Room




Star House

Arrangement of H appartment,constanta

Chongqing Yongchuan Runjin Garden house



White, white, white

The Babington Model House



庭院豪宅 Courtyard Town House

Illife House

Tian Mulu Residence



Fresh home

Tianhe Chen Residence




Zhongxinghe Park Model House


当红设计师精品样板房 opular designer boutique model room



Tianhe Real product house

设 计 师:杨焕生、郭士豪 参 与 者:王莉莉、王慧静 设计公司:杨焕生建筑室内设计事务所 摄 影 师:刘俊杰 建筑面积:165平方米 项目地点:中国台中 主要建材:木材、石材、烤漆、进口马赛克、裱布、订制家具


Rectangular space configuration owns three face daylighting. In the premise of concise layout , internal operation elegant style, uses gray to create incongruous elegant tonal in the space, in elegant tone sitting room, dining-room uses hollowing grille to foil penetrating feeling of hall, deliberately chooses succinct low furniture to keep space wide, let vision penetrate and filter sieve scene. Hall area has contracted outline, used brunet line elements outline visual surprise and space texture, sitting room uses leather facade of level disjunctive mode as the main wall and includes audio-visual equipment, sunglasses and stainless steel edge link with leather, let space have a bit more metal feeling. Integral space is warm color grey as fundamental key, deep and shallow, soft and hard, fold the space shading elements and have stacked metrical sense. Designer combines bedroom, study, change clothes area together which play out a wide feeling of space, invests rich media elements, combines with different methods and grain, narrates simple but elegant bedroom’s exquisite texture changing, and conveys detail aesthetics of daily life.




长方形空间配置拥有三面采光。在布局简洁前提下内部经营素雅风貌透过灰黑色系将空间营造出 合谐高雅调性,在基调淡雅的客厅、餐厅里运用镂空格栅烘托厅室穿透感,特意选择身型简练低矮的 家具维系空间开阔感,让视野能穿透及滤筛景致。 厅区在简约的轮廓下,运用深色线条元素勾勒视觉惊喜与空间纹理,客厅运用水平分隔方式皮革 立面作为主墙并将视听设备柜包含其中,与皮革相连的是墨镜及不锈钢收边让空间多几分金属感。整 体空间是以暖色系灰构成空间基调,一深一浅、一软一硬、交交叠叠的将空间材质元素堆叠的有韵律 感。 设计师将卧室、书房、更衣区三者结合一起,将空间开阔感发挥出来,并投入丰富素材元素,并 结合不同工法、纹路,位素雅居室叙述细腻的质地变化,传达细节的生活美学。



当红设计师精品样板房 opular designer boutique model room



Tianhe Chen Residence

When the body and mind eager to get relaxed, sense should be treated better, so we read YangHuansheng’s case, always pursuit delicate among leisure, texture among simple and use fashionable topic in low-key elaborate, such space is a warm home, also collection of beauty in the field as if go into wonderful heaven, heartily navigate among them and enjoy themselves. How to interpret the grace of tolerance of the abode, Yang Huansheng’s space appears a unique thinking, minus luxuriant and complicated, outline extreme tension with agile lines, a selection of building materials show delicate, fine texture replaces trivial fancy, such a generous and complete design, simple comfortable really pleasing eyes also moved, in this case a four layers residence though sky is the soul.

设 计 师:杨焕生 参 与 者:王莉莉、王慧静 设计公司:杨焕生建筑室内设计事务所 摄 影 师:刘俊杰 建筑面积:264平方米 项目地点:中国台中 主要建材:木材、石材、烤漆、进口马赛克、裱布、订制家具





Low-key harmonious elegant display, enter the first floor, open kitchen open public field, with activity type bar replacing fixed table, let couples’ life have more random pleasing. The coloring of the sitting room is brown alternation of deep and shallow staggers out distinct , seems simple but rich sense; Single snow-white YinHu marble TV wall, such splash-ink primitive grain wins artificial carve, enjoyable Oriental elegant open overture, peace for mansion , comfortable and unbounded; the ingenuity of sofa’s back wall table cloth refined echoes with TV wall, selected ostrich dermatoglyph importing cloth, , shallow color under light shine, low-key light rhyme is more charming than luxuriant. Sitting room to dining room, brunet grille as if exists or not, it clearly defines but doesn’t hinder view across, dinning area without tables becomes best place for emotional communicating, whether warm brunch or dinner, even children get together on holidays, friends’ visiting, we can neatly adjust length of the bar depending on the number of dinners, share delicious food and contact emotion, sometimes one just watch TV or read for relaxing; The key design of this area is bump texture of side walls, copied Mosaic cutting marble walls, lively and composed, such clever thought injects exquisite and change into space, exquisite creative wins bright beautiful appearance. Turn to the third floor and the four floor, they are child room and visual room, different from quiet and stable of master bedroom, quiet has contrast of deep shallow cisscross, pastel’s romantic fantasy, maintains consistent neutral contracted, deliberately adds grey and white.



由客厅过渡到餐厨,深色格栅的存在似有若无,清楚界 定却又不阻碍视线穿越,移除餐桌后的用餐区成为最佳感情交 流地,无论惬意的早午餐、温馨时刻的晚餐,甚至假日孩子的 相聚、亲友的来访,在这个可以依用餐人数而灵活调整长度的 吧台上,分享着美味料理与联络情感,有时一个人无所事事地 以电视或阅读配餐也是难得偷闲;此区的重点设计为侧墙的凹 凸质感,仿马赛克切割的大理石墙兼具活泼与沉稳,如此的建 材巧思为空间注入细腻与变化,精湛的创意更胜亮丽外貌。 转入三楼与四楼分别为孩子房间与视听室,有别于主卧的 安静沉稳,静谧在此多了深浅交错的对比与粉彩的浪漫梦幻, 然维持着一贯的中性简约,用色刻意加了灰与白。

当身心亟欲获得放松,感官更应好好被对待, 于是阅读杨焕生的个案,总是在休闲之中追求精致, 在简炼之中追求质感,并在低调的铺陈里以时尚为 题,如此空间是温馨的家,更是美感汇集的场域, 彷佛进入美妙天堂,尽情地悠游其中而乐此不疲。 如何去诠释宅邸的雍容气度,杨焕生的空 间呈现的是一种独特思考,减去华丽繁复,以 利落线条勾勒出极度张力,精选建材展现细腻 精巧,倚天成的质感纹理取代琐碎花俏,如此 设计大器而完整,简单舒服的实在悦目亦令人动 容,而本案一间四层的透天住宅正是个中精髓。 低调和谐的优雅铺陈 进入一楼,开放式的客餐厨 打开公用场域气度,以活动式吧台取代固定餐桌,让 夫妻俩人的生活多了随性的惬意。客厅的用色以褐色 为题,深浅更迭交错出层次分明,看似简单的意念丰 富;单一的雪白银狐大理石电视墙,如泼墨般的原始纹 路更胜人工雕琢,写意的东方优雅为大宅打开序曲,祥 和、舒适且怡然自得;与电视墙的雅致呼应则是沙发背 墙表布的巧思,精选鸵鸟皮纹的进口布料,沉浅色彩在 光照之下隐隐发亮,低调光韵比起华丽四射更加迷人。



当红设计师精品样板房 opular designer boutique model room



Tian Mulu Residence

设 计 师:张德良、殷崇渊 设计公司:演拓设计 建筑面积:99平方米 项目地点:中国台湾台北 主要建材:茶镜、抛光石英砖、金属珠帘、粗烧面木化石、特 殊木皮、沙发后特殊壁材、耐磨地板

Porch: go through the porch, the first view is the elegant with plain breath dining space. Behind the low cabinet is a tawny glass as metope, not only has the effect of enlarging space, wall lamps are on both sides, which foil more downy and sweet family atmosphere. Sitting room: go through the restaurant, we use light and contemporary feeling metal pearl curtain and make simple segregations between dining-rooms, light outside the window can also freely spread in indoors. Master bedroom: to master’s requirements, we will get throgh master bedroom and study so it becomes a wide bright multi-purpose living room. The head of bed is texture stick wood and adds wear-resisting floor to build a sweet and comfortable space atmosphere. Storage: we use the remnant odd space when we get through master bedroom and study as storeroom, adopt the design of secret door high sly and make full use of space benefit! Child room: use system furniture tailor, because they are adolescent boys, we choose a masculine color as the dominant color.

玄关:通过玄关首先映入眼帘的是典雅略带质朴气息的 用餐空间。矮柜后方是以茶镜做为墙面,不仅有空间放大的效 果,两旁的壁灯更烘托出柔和温馨的家庭气氛。 客厅:穿过餐厅我们以轻透具现代感的金属珠帘将客餐厅 之间做了简单的区隔,窗外的光线也可以自由地流泻于室内。 主卧:应主人的要求将主卧和书房空间打通,成为一个宽 敝明亮多用途的起居室。床头是贴木皮的质感加上耐磨地板营 造出温馨舒适空间氛围。 储藏室:我们利用打通主卧和书房所剩的畸零空间做为储 藏室,采用暗门的设计,隐密性高又达到充分利用空间的一大 好处! 小孩房:采用系统家具量身订做,因为是正值青春期的男 孩,所以选用了较阳刚的色系为主色调。





当红设计师精品样板房 opular designer boutique model room


璟都• 三單元一号房A4 Jingdu•Unit 3 Room1, A4

设 计 师:冯景生 设计公司:生色室内设计制作 建筑面积:90平方米 项目地点:中国香港 主要建材:米白色砖、墙纸、清镜及雕花玻璃、包布、面纱帘


Designer uses contracted golden years design gimmick to deal with this space. First, enter through the door,there is a quiet hanging shoe ark, which makes corridor become more spacious than original narrow looking. According to the design of sitting room, TV parados’ designer changes guest room into clear glass interval. There are two purposes to use clear glass interval, the first: because there are many rooms in this unit, which draws out corridor position and becomes monotonous. In order to eliminate shortcomings, stylist changes original solid wall into clear mirror interval in the first room. Second: after changing into clear glass interval, enter through the door, sitting room looks bigger and fully. Finally, stylist decorates a golden leaves’ artwork at the back of TV, this part looks filled with luxuriant artistic. In sofa parados, he uses characteristic wallpaper and matches with characteristic carved patterns design on the other side. Instead, it’s a simple technique way making a person feel comfortable, generous, costly. Plus ground material adopts pure white brick, floor tile’s white is a comfortable, concise feeling. In the dining room area, metope design with irregular non-ferrous mirror and wrap cloth design makes dining room area have another kind of feeling. In the furniture processing, stylist personally bought some characteristic furniture and accessories. Secondly, in the bedroom space processing, continues design style of the sitting room, emphasizes luxuriant and comfort.




设计师以简约金色年华的设计手法去处理此空间。首先,进门口 位置采用清境及吊鞋柜,使原本看起来狭窄的走廊变得宽敞。针对客厅 的设计,电视机背墙设计师将客房改成清玻璃间隔。设计师使用清玻璃 间隔是有两个用途,第一:由于这个单位的房间多,使走廊位置拉长之 外变得单调。为了要消除这个缺点,设计师把走廊的第一间房间原有的 实墙改成清镜间隔。第二:改成清玻璃间隔后,在进门口位置一看,就 使空间整一个客厅看起来更大、看起来更通透。最后,设计师亲手在电 视机背布置了一棵金树叶的艺术品,这个部份看起来充满了华丽的艺术 风。在沙发背墙采用了特色墙纸,另外一旁再配上特色雕花玻璃设计。 取而代之的是让人感觉舒服、大方、奢华的简易手法方式。再加上地面 选料采用了白色砖,地砖的纯白带出一片舒适、简洁的感觉。在饭厅区 域,墙面上设计了不规则的有色镜子与包布设计,让饭厅区域看起来有 另外一种感觉。在家具的处理上,设计师亲自选购了一些特色的家具和 配件。其次,在卧室空间的处理上依旧延续客厅的设计风格,强调了华 丽和舒适感。





当红设计师精品样板房 opular designer boutique model room



The model room of 8-Mile Island flat in Beijing

设 计 师:王小根 设计公司:北京根尚国际空间设计有限公司 建筑面积:220平方米 项目地点:北京 主要建材:护墙板、雨林绿、雅士白石材、木地板


This case is an interior design for the model room of 8-Mile Island flat in Beijing. The designer is seeking for the emotion and aura of eastern and western cultures in an atmosphere of downplayed delicacy and artistic extravaganza. The sketchy and capricious oriental art style, combined with the visual and precise western art, was how designer interpreted and understood the eastern and western cultures. The color tone for the whole interior design was dark green, white and a little bit of black, like an oil painting that revives a three-dimensional Chinese landscape painting. The carpet decoration was originated from Song dynasty porcelain, equipped with antique simplicity and grace. The colored wood-cutting Buddha figure contrasts with the photo of tree branch in the frame, reminding people of a verse that the Sixth Patriarch of Buddhist Monk once wrote: There is no Buddhist tree at all / And there is bright mirror nor. / Now there is nothing at all, / How could there be dust any more? The flower-arranging by dead twigs corresponds to the above, expressing the thoughts that designer had toward the grandeur beauty of the winter season in north China.


本案为北京8哩岛样板间所做的室内设计,设计师力图在低调、精致、唯美与奢华的 氛围中寻找东西方文化的情感与气质。 东方艺术的写意随性融合西方艺术的具象与严谨,是设计师对东西方文化的理解与阐 释。 墨绿、白与少量的黑色是整个室内设计的色彩基调,宛如一幅油画再现了立体的水墨 山水。地面的地毯纹样取自宋窑开片,古朴细腻而典雅。 木雕彩绘佛像与画框里的树枝照片相对照,不禁联想起六祖禅师的一首偈子:“菩提 本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物,何处惹尘埃”的诗句。 瓶中的枯枝插花与之呼应,倾诉着设计师对北方冬季大气壮美景象的感想。



当红设计师精品样板房 opular designer boutique model room



Samodol Apartment The Samadol apartment in the Cove building is a modern bohemian refuge from the urban jungle that surrounds it. It mixes the ubiquitous style, familiar to our casual selves with the sophisticated city smart attitudes of its owners. We used existing character pieces from the client and mixed them with contrasting styles to create something unique and not inimitable. Moody charcoals in gloss marbles and matte stone were mixed with textural prints and veneers. Layers of elements like the zig-zag of the Missoni print are juxtaposed with the traditional Persian style carpet. The furniture combines a mix of classic silhouettes with the modern icons of from the 1960’s to the present. A creamy pastel crystal chandelier sits pretty with Louis style dining chairs. Lustrous reflective surfaces imitate the glass facades of buildings in the view.

设 计 师:Greg Natale Design 参 与 者:格雷 娜塔莉,史黛西 帕帕斯 摄 影 师:莎琳 瑞兹 项目地点:悉尼





坐落于柯芙大楼的萨玛朵公寓,是人们从钢琴水泥般的都市生活中逃离的心灵避难 所。它集合常见的建筑样式与精密老练的城市化设计风格于一体。我们使用的材料,不 仅仅有客户提供的当今最优质的材料,而且运用了对比手法,为公寓营造了无与伦比的 独特感。 炭灰色的光泽感大理石与砂质石材上混合着纹理感的图案和薄片镶饰。 层层如锯齿状的米索尼印染装饰与传统的波斯风格的地毯装饰得错落有致,恰到好 处。家具则既有20世纪60年代传统的轮廓又颇具现代气息。天花板上那乳白色的水晶吊 灯与路易风格的餐椅相映成趣。光泽的表面则对应了这座建筑外观的玻璃装饰。





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Adria Showflat 1

Mere minutes away from Orchard Road, Adria’s 2-bedroom apartments embody the sophisticated modernity of city life. Monochromatic tones stylishly present each space within dark walls, contrasted against white Volakas marble floor. Simple linear elements create interesting perspectives, while mirrors are cleverly employed to enhance the apartment’s depth. Communal areas are compact yet luxurious with the fusion of kitchen, living and dining rooms. This seamless transition between areas gives the apartment an impression of greater space. The kitchen is well appointed with simple yet elegant white cabinets that create a clean, modern canvas. An interestingly layered bunk bed and glass study desk give the children’s room an element of quirkiness, while a dramatic stone wall in the master bedroom serves as a key visual element. These apartments demonstrate simplicity at its best.

设 计 师:Lynn Ng 参 与 者:Myo Kalayar Win, Maung Thant Zin Oo, Koh Jin Yu, Dickman Tan, Nithipong Subaneknan 设计公司:ONG&ONG Pte Ltd 摄 影 师:See Chee Keong 项目地点:新加坡德比希尔路21号





乌节路亚德里亚二室公寓,体现了复杂的现代城市生活。单色格调高雅,每个空间的黑色墙壁 与爵士白大理石地板形成对比。简单的线性元素创造出有趣的视角,采用镜子巧妙地提高了公寓的 深度。 公共领域小巧豪华,融合了厨房、客厅和饭厅。这个过渡区域使公寓成为更大的空间。厨房设 备齐全,用简单又不失优雅的白色橱柜,形成一个干净现代的画布。 有趣的分层床铺和玻璃书桌给孩子房间里带来神秘的元素,而在主人的卧室里,戏剧性的石头 墙充当了一个关键的视觉元素。简单的展示出公寓的最佳状态。



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Adria Showflat 2

Adria’s 3-bedroom apartments are located in the heart of Singapore, creatively embracing both urban living and nature. Earthy, pale tones form the basis from which darker tones create splashes of contrast in this luxurious unit. The spacious living room and balcony project a unified, multi-purpose area. Similarly, the kitchen, living and dining rooms exist as a continuous space, each unconstrained by partitions. A full height, glass display shelf demarcates an additional activity area. This provides an exhibition space without compromising the feeling of openness – which is amplified by black tinted mirrors. In the master bedroom, warm-colored marble runs uninterrupted into the glass partitioned bathroom. This seamlessly links the two spaces as an aesthetic whole. Adria cleverly strikes a delicate balance between the modern and the natural.

设 计 师:Lynn Ng 参 与 者:Myo Kalayar Win, Maung Thant Zin Oo, Koh Jin Yu, 设计公司:ONG&ONG 公司 摄 影 师:See Chee Keong 项目地点:新加坡德贝希尔路21号



雅德利三室公寓座落于新加坡的中心地带,衔接了都市 繁华的同时,不乏亲近大自然气息。灰的主色调与深色交相辉 映,错落有致,给人以视觉上的奢华感。 宽敞的会客厅和阳台共同组成了统一而又多功能的空间。 同样的,厨房,起居室和餐厅自然衔接着,却又各成一局。 除此之外,屋里配置的玻璃陈列架又为公寓增加了一个活 动区域,既提供了一个充足的空间用来陈列艺术品,又不至于 牺牲空间的宽阔感,且黑色的玻璃镜面还起到了扩大空间的效 果。 在主卧里,暖色的大理石色调一直延续到用玻璃隔开的浴 室中,把浴室和主卧天衣无缝地连接在一起,给人以赏心悦目 感。 雅德利匠心独具的设计,实现了都市现代化同大自然的和 谐一体。





The enough space for displaying articles is important too besides necessary room for bookcase and closet, so we totally design two or three different kinds of cabinets for the owner's antique exhibition.In addition,we have two storerooms to accepting life sundry like electric fan or vacuum .We also have got plenty space in bedroom so the closets can be well kept.For the last part,we employ the intervene of closets to make bedrooms separate from each other ,instead of compartment design,and certain space is saved.



本案设计是很常见的格局,进门后左右两侧都是公共空间,一边客厅、一边是厨房、阳台, 长型的后方,则是被浴厕分开的两个房间。这是一个四口之家,已经长大的一对儿女,期盼获得 各自独立的空间。原本的客厅及主卧、窗户望出去是栋距很近的小区中庭,而另一边的卧室及厨 房才是能见到青山的方向。我们将空间由原始的前后关系,改为左右关系的思考。将邻路的一半 改为公共空间(客厅、吧台、厨房、阳台),窗外隐约可见青翠的青山,感觉也可听见清晨的虫鸣 鸟叫。将与邻户栋距较近的另一半改为三间卧房,主卧仍保有完整宽敞的空间。两间小孩房,则 分别交错的使用原有的客厅空间,令他们各自都能拥有一扇窗,光线与通风是这个改造最另我们 觉得骄傲的一点。除了房间数的需求达成外,另外就是收纳的空间,除了必须的书柜、衣柜外, 展示品的收纳也很重要。我们一共设计了两到三处大小不一的柜体以供客户的古董艺品陈列。另 外也设计了两个小型的储藏室,将生活杂物(电扇、吸尘器等)一一收藏,房间内该有的收纳也都 非常充足,衣柜数量及架高地板下皆有收纳。房间与房间的隔间部份是由柜体交错组合并无隔间 设计以减少浪费空间。



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Taoyuan Lin's Residence

设 计 师:黄铃芳 设计公司:馥阁设计有限公司 建筑面积:112.2平方米 项目地点:中国台湾桃园市 主要建材:老柚木、栓木集层刷白、复古砖、文化石、茶镜、 调光卷帘


The design is of simple style, together with a little bit of representitive country elements. The neat space makes the features of furniture stand out and naturally brings forth the house owner's unique temperament. Family members and guests can feel the rich country ambiance as long as they see the retro tiles floor and culture slate wall in the hallway at the entrance. The living room becomes bigger and more complete after reforming. The kids' paintings are the best decoration on the cabinet on the TV wall that stretches to the outer space. The living room is connected with the former balcony and becomes a leisure room beside windows. With roller blinds in this room, the owner can modify the light and space when he reads or has a snap. Each space has a window after reforming. The former kitten has not been changed. The dining room can also be used as a study where the owner can company the kids with their homework easily. A whole wall is used as a cabinet for books and the door is skillfully hidden. At the back of the screen in the hallway is cabinets in large numbers. The special designed long cabinets is for kids' paintings and paint buckets. The wall that stretches to the back balcony make the entrances of the bathroom for guests and the living room hidden.




以馥阁所擅长的简约风格为主轴,搭配少量但具代表性的乡村元 素,让干净的空间衬托出家具的特色,进而自然蕴生出属于屋主独特的气 质。一进入室内,玄关空间运用了复古地砖及文化石墙面,让一进门的客 人及家人立即感受到满满的乡村风情。改良后的格局,将客厅空间变的更 大更完整。延伸到外维空间的电视墙展示柜上,随意摆上小主人的绘画作 品就是最好的陈设了。客厅纳入原有的阳台后,将其规划为一个窗边的休 闲平台,可坐可卧的空间深度加上调光卷帘的使用,让屋主能随阅读或午 睡调整最适合的光线与角落。 格局改良后,让每个空间都有一扇窗,原本的厨房位置不变,餐厅 兼顾书房的功能,让屋主能轻易的陪伴孩子一同温习功课。在这空间中设 计出一整面的书墙,并巧妙的将房门隐藏。玄关屏风的背面,是大量的收 纳柜,特别规划的长型收纳可解决小主人图纸画桶收纳的问题。延续至后 阳台空间前的墙面,也将客浴及主卧室的入口一致的隐藏了起来。



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Fuyuan Street Fu's Residence

设 计 师:黄铃芳 设计公司:馥阁设计有限公司 建筑面积:102.3平方米 项目地点:中国台北市松山区抚远街 主要建材:灰色雾面抛光砖、超耐磨地板、集成实木板、复古 砖


Two people get to know each other in foreign country or the favorite little café room, and we are trying to convey the feeling of the main school color and beautiful memory of past days that only belongs to them. The living room will look a little bit smaller if we add the porch design, but the owner insists on the idea. After thinking twice , we decided to break a new wall so the entering direction is changed, which leads to a better layout because the original living room turns out to be much big apart from the porch room. In order to well keep the lady owner’s shoes and present a warm and cosy feeling of the house from the first sight, the re-organized porch area not only embrace a further wide room but also cleverly make the shoe room disappear, moreover, it combines the living room with the kitchen when the outdoor is shut, making the vision of dining room enormously broad. As to the floor material of entering room, we adopt grey polishing brick, which is easy cleaned and not inclined to be dyed, therefore, it forms a separate space compared with the floor material in the living room. The wall lamp hanged on the porch provides a warm welcome every time the owners come home, and this is what it means when we are back home. The design of the line board behind the couch relaxingly sends out an American gracefulness. If the owner is intending to maintain an American style for the house as long time as possible , then we are taught to employ adjacent plank ,partly decorated wall and cabinet line board. Of course it can not lack simple ,light-color wall surface plus the integrated solid board on the window.


All in all, this is the exact American style message we are sending :succinct ,comfortable. The spacious kitchen is full furnished, except for the pure white cooking utensil like toaster and steaming microwave oven, the owner also have a wine cabinet in constant temperature. What a delightful thing to zip a glass of wine while the owner returns from work! Looking down to the kitchen floor, we can find all the bricks tilts a little with little flower decoration, which absolutely is highlighting an American –country-kitchen appealing. The last region we are visiting is the main bedroom which were originally two rooms .Given that the man owner have to stay up to work in studying room, but the wife wants to go to dream with his companion, we considerately combines the two rooms into one big bedroom with purple color. Painting going with wall papers enriches the space appearance. A snug sleeping atmosphere is created by the combination of bedside lamp and wood bedroom furniture. A huge bookcase stands out in the room with a mixing feeling of orange and blue, which are actually the color of the school they used to go together. This is a kind of design that implies a sweetness only the two people can understand, popping out a memory when they met for the very first time.

两人的相遇在国外居住的区域与最喜欢的小咖啡店,学校的代表颜色以及最重要的两人过去 生活中的美好记忆都是我们在这个设计中要为屋主呈现的感觉。原有的客厅空间如果加入玄关就 会变小,但屋主希望能有个玄关。几经思考后我们决定另开一面墙,将入口改向,原来的客厅少 了玄关空间自然就放大了许多,而为了收纳女主人的鞋子,及进门后一眼望入仍能呈现出家宅温 馨及舒适空间的感觉,改向后的玄关区不只拥有宽敞的空间,更巧妙的隐藏了鞋类收纳,在关上 门后更连接了客厅与餐厅动线,让客餐厅的空间视野无限放大。进门的地板使用灰色雾面抛光砖 做为地坪材质,好清洗不易吃色的抛光材与客厅的木质地板做出空间区隔。玄关墙面上的壁灯总 是在屋主返家时提供最温暖的拥抱,这就是回家的感觉。客厅沙发背墙的线板造型 轻松点出美 式风情,利用全室踢脚线板及部分点缀的墙面及柜面线板,简洁的天花带点低度色彩的墙面及窗 台上的集层实木板,更加适合长时间居住的美式风格,简单、舒适这就是馥阁创造出的轻美式风 格。 宽敞的厨房设备一应具全,纯白色的厨具内除了烤箱、蒸气微波炉外,还多了恒温红酒柜, 回到家喝杯红酒也可增添不少生活情趣。地上斜贴的复古砖及小花砖,更烘托出美式乡村厨房的 韵味,最后来到的区域将两个房间打通,改为一整间的主卧室,考虑到夜里男主人可能使用书房 工作或阅读,但又想陪伴女主人入眠,贴心的将书房与主卧合为一间,紫色的主卧,油漆与壁纸 的搭配简单的将墙面空间表情加分,搭配上床头的壁灯与木质床组就是一个舒适的舒眠空间,大 面积的造型收纳书柜,橘色与蓝色的跳色,其实就是两人念书学校的颜色,这是一种只有两个人 懂得的甜蜜隐身在空间设计中,在适当的时机让两人回忆起初相识的刹那。



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Linyi Street Bai's Residence

This kind of style comes from two industrial designers. In the space of 72.6 square meter, we create big porch to embrace dining room,bedroom and studying room,of course including the capacious bathing room. Regarding to the material,we adopt some special kinds,which not only presents a visual sense,but also a breakthrough in body sensation.Gray- fog -polishing -surface brick describes cosiness and simplicity;spraying white phellem stripe clearly being visible;it brings more traits of cypress layer material forming ups and downs.As to the color,we thought a connection among wall paper,painting and full color will make the house harmonious and free, which indicate the owner's youth and free spirit.The living room can absorbs a bunch of light beam;the ceiling is close enough to the original structure.We are trying to enlarge the space as much as possible, then adoption of indirect light can make different lighting show.The color of closets adds some lively elements to the house,but the mature tone tells owners character also with a lit bit of Mandrian. 设 计 师:黄铃芳 设计公司:馥阁设计有限公司 建筑面积:72.6平方米 项目地点:中国台北市大安区临沂街 主要建材:进口壁纸、灰色雾面抛光砖、金属、栓木实木、桧 木集层材

We combine horizontal lines with vertical lines on surface so that a square or rectangle shape can be formed,in which we use raw red,blue,yellow and grey colors.In order to well separate the kitchen from the dining room,we make the yellow short wall and pure widow get the work done, and it keeps the smell of cooking from the kitchen. The left side of the path is the bathing room and the right one is the big closet attached to the main bedroom.Also we can put books in the aisle . The bathing room is spacious and the white-black-mixing bricks go with casually patched bricks,it feels like all the butterflies were amazingly dancing. We re-decorate the titling wall surface so that the owner can have more space. Good daylighting can offer a quiet and comfortable atmosphere for reading and thinking.



这是两个工业设计师的风格居家。 在72.6平方米的空间中,我们创造了大玄关收纳客餐厅、卧室及 书房,当然还有不能少的大浴室。在材质上,也采用了一些特别的材 料,不只视觉,更是感官上的一大突破。灰色雾面抛光砖朴质舒适;喷 白的栓木皮木纹清晰可见;高低起伏的桧木集层材线性结构更显特色。 色彩使用上搭配壁纸、涂料、整体色系和谐、自在,更突显屋主年轻、 自我的风格。客厅保有大面积采光,贴近原始天花的天板,尽可能的挑 高空间,利用间接光源制造不同的灯光表情。柜体的色块成了空间中活 泼的元素,成熟的色调凸显出屋主的个性,也带点蒙德里安的味道。 在平面上把横线和竖线加以结合,形成直角形或长方形,并在其 中安排原色红、蓝、黄及灰色,使用黄色矮墙及清玻璃隔间,创造出餐 厅与厨房的区隔,也将油烟完全的隔绝在厨房空间。 走道的左边是浴室,右边是与主卧共享深度的柜体,走道也可以 是个书廊。 偌大的浴厕空间,纯粹的黑白磁砖搭上随意拼贴的报纸花砖,彷 佛墙上的蝴蝶各个都在生动的飞舞着。





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帕里奥利公寓 Parioli Apartment

Interior design project of two identical apartments that have been changed and characterised through different interior design approaches. All furniture has been designed by the architect. This allowed to use the space in the most rational way possible. Colours have been important as well, in order to differentiate the apartments by giving them two completely different flairs. The lighting design played a very important role in order to emphasise the functional areas.

摄 影 师:Filippo Vinardi 建筑面积:60平方米 项目地点:意大利罗马



Parioli_E The main colours selected for this apartment are black and white. They apply to different elements such as custom made furniture, objects and details. The living room's equipped wall includes several functions and becomes the apartment's fulcrum. It contains storage cabinets, tv appliances, bookshelves, a desk, and two sliding tables. These can be extended and moved by simply sliding them on recessed wheels and tracks. In this way they allow a flexible use of the entire day area. The balcony has been furnished in order to suggest the feeling of the interior space continuing into the exterior Inside and outside melt through the large glass sliding door, while emphasising the space's depth. The small kitchen corner has been carefully designed in order to use all possible storage space. The wall's red resin veneer counters with the cabinets' black painted wood. A custom made wooden printed panel creates a nice and colourful background to the all composition. The bedroom is characterised by different shades of white, which give lightness and warmth to the room. The designed bed has a backlit headboard and a sliding slim table that can be used for morning breakfast or as a work surface.


改变两个相同公寓的室内设计项目, 特色是室内设计方法不同。 建筑师设计了所有的家具。 以最合理的方式使用空间。 颜色也很重要,为了区分公寓,它们的本质是完全不同的。 为了强调功能区,灯光设计起了重要作用。 帕里奥利_E 这间公寓选定的主要颜色是黑白。 它们适用于不同的元素,例如定制的家具、物品和细节。 客厅设置的墙包括几种功能,并成为房子的支点。 它包含了储物柜、电视,书架,一张书桌,和两个滑动的桌子。 在轨道上,简单地滑动凹陷的车轮,可以使它们延伸和移动。 以这种方式,可以灵活使用休息区。 为了使内部空间感一直延伸到外部,我们提供了阳台 大型玻璃推拉门使内部和外部融合,同时强调了空间的深度。 为了使用所有可能的存储空间,我们精心设计了小厨房的角落。 墙上是有黑漆木橱柜的红色树脂单板柜台。 定制木制面板给所有的成分创造了色彩鲜艳的背景。 卧室的特点是不同色调的白色,使房间明亮温暖。 床的设计有一个背光床头板和滑动小桌子,用于早餐或工作台。


Parioli_A This apartment is characterised by warm colours and a cosy and intimate flair. The designed white wooden furniture and the big red sofa, connect to each other, while creating wide perspectives. The peculiar lighting system uses spot lights that underline the different functional areas. The balcony has been furnished as if it was an interior room, in order to give the feeling of the continuing space. Thus, it becomes a pleasant extra room that can be isolated from the facing building through custom made rolling curtains. The kitchen keeps the white tones for both cabinets and walls. The recessed appliances are hidden into the cabinets in order to give consistence to the white lacquered wood. The bedroom is also characterised by neutral and light tones. The white wooden bed, wardrobe and frame have also been designed by the architect. Into the bed's base and headboard have been created drawers and shelves in order to increase the storage space.



帕里奥利_A 这间公寓的特点是温暖的颜色,舒适亲密的感觉。 设计的白色木制家具和红色大沙发,相互连接,同时创造了宽阔的视觉效果。 特有的灯光照明系统,在不同的功能区,使用投光灯照明。 我们提供了阳台,像一个室内的房间,赋予了空间持续的感觉。 因此,它变成了一个愉快的空间, 通过卷帘与外界建筑隔绝。 厨房里保持了橱柜和墙壁的白色调。 隐藏在橱柜里的电器和白色漆木材相互衔接。 卧室的特点是素净和静谧的。 建筑师还设计了白色木床,衣柜和框架。 为了增加存储空间,床底和床头板设计了抽屉和架子。



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Simple and elegant

The main task in joining two apartments is to improve the functioning of the dwelling at the expense of a L-shaped corridor 12 m long. This has resulted in a combined space in the day area, leading to two self-contained bedrooms with bathrooms. The corridor is incorporated into the parent bathroom, which opens into the bedroom through glass doors. The bathroom encloses a shower and WC, while the bath and washbasin are facing this large room. The hanging closet is hidden behind a wenge wall and a mirror part symmetrical to the glass bathroom partition. This gives the impression of a much larger space, open on all sides. The bed nestles between two columns, although it is located in the centre of the room. The wenge forms the main line of the entire apartment. In the day room, some of the walls are "veneered", concealing the kitchen cupboards and a door to the bedrooms, the guest WC, the wardrobe for coats and a working space with bookshelves behind the TV zone.

设 计 师: 伊娃伊洛·扎哈瑞夫、阿德里安娜·季米特洛 娃、迪米娜·西苗诺娃 建筑面积:150平方米 项目地点:索非亚





加入两间公寓的主要任务是通过L形12米长的走廊来提高住宅结构。两间设备齐全带有浴 室的卧室,这使得休息室成为联合的空间。走廊通向父母的浴室,通过玻璃门进入卧室。浴室里 有一个淋浴和卫生间,而浴缸和脸盆正对这个大房间。悬挂式衣橱隐藏在鸡翅木墙壁后面,镜子 和玻璃浴室对称隔断。这给人的印象是更大的空间,每一边都能打开。床紧贴在两个圆柱之间并 位于房间的中心。鸡翅木形成整个公寓的主线。在休息室中,一些墙只是装饰,掩盖了厨房的橱柜 和一扇通往卧室的门,客人的卫生间,挂衣服的衣柜和带有书架的工作空间在电视区后面。





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Vanke Summer Jade Garden

The overall design style is neat, poised, exquisite, luxury, mature and staid, maintaining a gorgeous and comfortable ambiance. Red solid wood furniture with a noble, antique and elegant feel maintains a classic Chinese-style charm. Through the French windows in the living room, one can see the bright green trees outside. The interior bonsai plants that can be seen everywhere bring the outside garden in. Decorative copper and bronze ware make the space more staid and classic. The crystal chandeliers add to the splendid and elegant ambiance. The display closet at the hallway is a natural partition simultaneously. The large landscape painting on the wall in the living room gives people a magnificent feel. The open dining space is connected with the living room, which adds to the ventilation in the space. The cupboard set in the kitchen is made of red solid wood, which is in harmony with the whole style of the furniture.

设 计 师:蔡进盛 设计公司:方块空间 建筑面积:137.4平方米 主要建材:仿古瓷砖、灰镜装饰墙面、墙纸、水曲柳、天然啡 网纹石材、花园鹅卵石铺地





整体设计是利落大器、奢华精致、成熟稳重的风格,营 造一种华丽舒适的空间氛围。红色实心木制家具古色古香,雍 容华贵,有古典中式韵味。透过客厅的落地窗可见窗外的鲜绿 的树木,以及室内随处可见的盆景植物把室外的花园带入了室 内。铜器装饰品将空间点缀得更具稳重的古典风格,加上水晶 吊灯的点缀增添了华丽典雅的气氛。 玄关处的陈列柜同时是一个隔间。客厅墙上巨幅的水墨风 景画给人气势磅礴的壮丽感。客厅与开放式餐厅连成一体,增 加了空间的通透感。厨房的壁橱采用红色实木材质,与整体的 家具风格一致。



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Hengmao International City The wood furniture with natural texture and floor of rustic tiles create a living space of classic style ambiance. The soft and comfortable fabric sofa cushions and pillows on the wood chairs reveal a blend of classic style and modern simple style. The bamboo pattern wallpaper on the TV wall matches the whole space perfectly. Every corner in the space is decorated with green bonsai plants, which shows the host's healthy and fashionable life style. The flower pattern wallpaper and the flower pattern curtain make the bedroom splendid and elegant, cozy and comfortable as well.

设 计 师:蔡进盛 设计公司:方块空间 建筑面积:132.6平方 主要建材:仿古瓷砖、竹纹墙纸、天然啡网纹石材、水曲柳、 灰镜





整体家居采用天然纹理的木制家具,搭配仿古瓷砖铺 就的地面,营造一种古典风格的空间氛围。木制座椅上配 以柔软舒适的布艺沙发垫和抱枕,融合古典与现代简约风 格。电视墙的竹纹墙纸与整体空间完美融合。居室内的各 个角落都装饰有绿色盆景植物,体现了屋主健康时尚的生 活方式。卧室的花纹墙纸和花纹窗帘,卧室氛围华丽典雅 又温馨舒适。



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Zhongxinghe Park Model House

Modernism is fully expressed in this design, with a feeling of simple, creative and great momentum. Walking into the living room, you are greeted by the decorative paintings of Renaissance atmosphere. The lights through French window reflecting by mirrors and the cut glasses expand the interior space. Both silver lamps on the table and chandelier up on the ceiling are fully displaying the elegance and nobleness. Standing in the dinning hall, you can see the stairs from bottom to top creates a more layered structure. The designs in bedroom and bathroom are simple without plain, pure without dull, making them more comfortable and warm places.

设 计 师:陈伟 建筑面积:230平方米 项目地点:南昌市高新区艾溪湖北路668号南昌中兴和园二期 主要建材:雅士白石材、黑金花、绒布软包、雕花玻璃



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