Face to Face July Issue

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Volume 4.7 July, 2015

VISION To be the most sought after destination for quality management education in India

MISSION Nurture holistic, socially responsible and continuously employable professionals

Editorial Board Managing Editor – Dr. Madhumita Chatterji, Director Email: director@i mbschool.com Mob: +91 98441 71648 Chief Editor – Prof. Chowdari Prasad, Dean-Academics Email: chowdari.prasad@i mbschool.com Mob: +91 94825 49472 Executive Editors – Marushka Monette, Josmi Joseph, Shikha Kumari Email: marushka.monette@i mbschool.com Mob: +91 99005 35880 Email: josmi.j@i mbschool.com Mob: +91 95389 25099 Email: shikha.kumari@i mcollege.com Mob: +91 99722 95833 Creative Head - Mr. Shivashankar E-mail: shivashankar.n@i mbschool.com Mob: +91 9886598145

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Face to Face brings out its new edition of the newsletter to provide information on various activities and events at IFIM Group Contents: Ÿ

The IFIM family pays respect to Mother Earth on World Environment Day, 5th June


IFIM Business School in collaboration with ThinkerLabs, conducted an IFIM E-biz Innovation ‘Design Thinking’ boot camp on June 5th, 6th and 7th


IFIM interviews Lt Col Harinath K, COO at Electronics City Industrial Township Authority


Mr. Mahadev M, Senior Librarian from IFIM presented a paper entitled "Research institutes and R&D organizations library infrastructure in Bengaluru" at TAPMI on 7th May


Prof. Shaji Kurian was one of the key speakers in Kerala education Conclave held at Hotel Ramada Resort Cochin, on 10th June


Dr Satish Kumar's paper has been published in “International Journal of Management and Business Studies”


IFIM’s Quiz Biz Club organized an innovative Quiz competition on e-Business on 17th June


Ms.Nandita Kathuria conducted a guest lecture on 18th June on 'Consumer Insights Mining for Creating Transformational Brand Ideas'


Industry visit to TVS Motors was organized for IFIM students on 19th June


A new mind set to 'Skill India' by Prof. Anand Narasimha, Professor of Marketing & Strategy


On 25th June, the IFIM Human Resource specialization students visited the Infosys Campus at E-city Bangalore


Alumni Connect with Mr Harish Achar, one of IFIM B School’s successful entrepreneurs running a business considered as one of the most powerful Real Estate Consultancy in Bangalore


Faculty Development Program on 'Research Paper Writing: Tools and Techniques' was by Dr. Rajesh Iyer, on 29th June

‘TRANSFORM AT IFIM’ is our theme that enables us to focus and integrate all our actions towards a single-minded purpose of ‘Transforming our Students’ - over the two years, from orientation to convocation. On graduation they are armed not just with a management degree, but also with wings to y.

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The IFIM family pays respect to Mother Earth on th World Environment Day, 5 June 2015 World Environment Day is the United Nations' principal vehcle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment. Over the years it has grown to be a broad, global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated by stakeholders in over 100 countries. It also serves as the 'people's day' for doing something positive for the environment, galvanizing individual actions into a collective power that generates an exponential positive impact on the planet As part of the World Environment Day celebrations, IFIM undertook a sapling plantation drive on 5th June 2015 with the united efforts of students, faculty as well as staff, to raise global awareness and encourage positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet Earth. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) theme this year was 'Seven Billion Dreams; One Planet; Consume with Care'

IFIM Business School in collaboration with ThinkerLabs, conducted an IFIM E-biz Innovation Bootcamp on June 5th, 6th and 7th. This three day customized program focused on a variety of aspects like a) Comprehension of e-biz trends- their impact on industry's L&D requirements b) Building innovation and problem solving abilities of IFIM's faculty and students. This will enable in achieving IFIM's vision 'to become the E-business school of India'. IFIM E-biz Innovation Bootcamp was conducted in an action o r i e n t e d h a n d s - o n m a n n e r by Ti n k e r L a b s i n collaboration with industry experts – E-biz functional managers, L&D Managers, Training Organizations, and ebiz Consultants. The key Facilitators were Mr. Kunal Gupta & Mr. Ankur Grover. They have trained business executives, social entrepreneurs and business school students in collaboration with institutes like CIIE - IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Calcutta, IIFT New Delhi and many more on Problem Solving & Innovation through Design Thinking. Mr. Gupta is an alumnus of BITS Pilani and IIM Ahmedabad and Mr. Ankur is the co-founder of TinkerLabs. He is an alumnus of BITS Pilani and MBA from INSEAD.

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IFIM interviews Lt Col Harinath K, COO at Electronics City Industrial Township Authority The man behind ELCITA and the leader in several of their projects in Electronics City, Bangalore is none other than Lt Col Harinath K. He has served in the Indian Army (Corps of Engineers: Madras Sappers) for 23 years before taking up voluntary retirement. He was actively involved in Counter Insurgency and various other operations like Operation Rakshak (in Kashmir), Operation Parakram (Pakistan) etc.

903 acres and providing routine operational support to over 190 IT/ITES/Electronics industries in the township. In addition, he provides technical and supervisory support to ELCIA and ELCIA Cluster in all their construction related activities. When it comes to Education, Sir said that he supports the idea of live projects and industry – academia interaction along with traditional classroom lectures. “Electronic City is the perfect place to study as it is situated in the heart of all the leading MNCs and organizations of the world. Students who study here are more polished and have the corporate culture imbibed in them. As they are constantly in touch with the industry, they can easily have frequent fac tor y visits, internships, job opportunities etc. IFIM also supports ELCITA in its new Lake Rejuvenation Campaign. Every Saturday, volunteers gather at the various lakes in electronic city and organize clean up and sustainability drives under the leadership of Lt Col Harinath K and team. Electronics City is not going to just be a concrete jungle or Silicon Valley. Instead, the planning is done to involve a wholesome environment with clean lakes, plenty of trees etc. so the working and studying environment is as calm and conducive to all. In the past six months, Lt Col Harinath has lead numerous projects for ELCITA like s Improvement of roads and footpaths

He has graduated in Civil Engineering from SJCE, Mysore and quali ed in Business management from IIM Ahmedabad. Being from Corps of Engineers, Lt Col Harinath K is extensively involved in Operations M anagement, Facilities M anagement, Vendor Administration, Premises Development & Infrastructure P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t , G e n e r a l & Pe r s o n n e l Administration, Transpor t Management, Crisis Management, Security Management and Policy implementation. As Chief Operating Officer of ELCITA,Lt Col has been a leader and always stayed at the forefront when it comes to developing Electronic City. As of lately, he has been spearheading execution of developmental projects, managing the complete infrastructure, housekeeping, solid waste management, sustainability of water, sewage disposal requirements of the complete estate of

s Construction of 300 KLD conventional STP at ELCIA park and UGD from all the companies in Cluster 2 & 3 to the STP under construction. Covered slabs with newly designed slabs along with checkered plate opening to improve pedestrian comfort. s Construction of 1 lakh ltr capacity rain water harvesting system at Fire Station in addition to construction of deep trench rain water harvesting pits all over the estate. s Provision of e-toilets for the public at various locations in Electronics city. s Construction of cross drainage works like culverts and improving the storm water drainage system. s Increasing the capacity of Solid Waste Management facility from 0.8 T to 2.8 T per day.

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We at IFIM salute Lt Col Harinath and support him and ELCITA in all future endeavors for the betterment of Electronics City.

Mr. Mahadev M, Senior Librarian from IFIM presented a paper entitled "Research institutes and R&D organizations librar y infrastructure in Bengaluru" at TAPMI on 7th May Digital revolution has had huge impact on every system in the world, especially the way we communicate and interact.

However we need to introspect ourselves whether we have adapted to the changes effectively and whether moving in the right direction. SWOT analysis is needed to answer these questions. This, perhaps, was the mission behind the MALIBNET 2015 International Conference. 16th MANLIBNET, the International Conference on Managing Library and Information Systems in the Digital World: Challenges and Opportunities was jointly organized by T.A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) and Management Libraries Network (MANLIBNET) from May 7 to 9, 2015 at TAPMI, Manipal, Karnataka. The inaugural session of the conference was organized in K.K. Pai Hall, TAPMI, Manipal, on 7th May 2015. Around 150 Delegates have attended this conference all over the country. 35 members were presented papers on sub theme of the topics. It was well organized by TAPMI Team. Mr. Mahadeva from IFIM presented the paper entitled "Research institutes and R&D organizations library infrastructure in Bengaluru": An investigative study which was well appreciated by all. Dr Satish Kumar's paper has been published in “International Journal of Management and Business Studies” Dr. Satish Kumar's, Dean-Research & International Relations and Professor, Marketing, IFIM Business School, paper 'Just in Time (JIT):A Tool to Decrease Cost and to Improve Pro tability', co-authored by Anand Poojary has been published in “International Journal of Management and Business Studies (IJMBS) “ ISSN(Print):2231-2463, ISSN (online) 2230-9519, Volume 5, Issue.1 (January to March, 2015). Impact Factor of above journal (2014) is: 0.742.

IFIM's Quiz Biz Club organized an innovative Quiz competition on e-Business on 17th June

Library and information systems have undergone drastic changes compared to any other man made systems.

A quiz on e-business was organized by the QuizBiz club and conducted by IFIM students Vishnu Pradip & Gourav Srivastav in the IFIM Auditorium

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The winners were Balaji & Alagu Piraisoodan securing the rst place, Yeshaswi & Sandeep CH who stood second and Wasim & Srivyas who came in third. The cash prizes were handed over to the winners by Mrs. Kalpana Padode, Prof.Chowdari Prasad and Prof. Rajarshri Chakraborthy. The students extended a special gratitude to Prof. Chowdari Prasad, Dean Academics for sponsoring the cash prizes.

Additionally, they were taken through the step by step process of manufacturing of spare parts as well. The students have also seen the entire cycle of engineering of a scooter. The purpose of the visit was to enable them to understand, how operations are carried out in manufacturing plants. They have further been exposed to concepts like JIT, Gemba planning etc.

IFIM Times Ascent Transformation Series held on 20th June

The quiz was held in two stages – preliminary round and 3 nal rounds. The prelims consisted of 10 questions based on e-business. The rst round had ve direct questions; the second round was a visual round, while the third round involved lateral thinking. Speaking on the occasion, student and quiz host Gourav Srivastav said “We want the students to be more aware of the e-business environment through some innovative methods. Just reading information online is not enough. We must engage ourselves with the current e-biz scenario through such quizzes. Besides gaining knowledge through contestants, we also shared information and facts with the audience. I am looking forward to conducting many more quizzes for my peers.” Industry visit to TVS Motors was organized for IFIM students on 19th June On 19th June 2015, 41 students of SCM (Supply Chain Management) course visited TVS Motors, Hosur plant. They have seen the layout of Plant and understood the process of manufacturing a scooter.

The Ascent Time Series in association with IFIM Business School was held on 21st June 2015 in the IFIM auditorium. The panel discussion was monitored by Mr. Viren Naidu, National Editor for Times Ascent. The event had 3 discussions chaired by eminent personalities from the corporate world. The topics were: 1. Challenges of skilling in the new economy focus 2. HR: The new marketing manager 3. The new nancial year: What's new on the HR manager's agenda? Panel 1: Challenges of skilling in the new economy focus Among the panelists were industrial doyens like Mr. Ravi Vishwanath, Team Lease CFO, Mr. Prmod Mahatme, Wi p ro Co n s u m e r c a re - V P H R , M r. N a t a r a j a n Chandrakumar from Karle Group-VP HR, and Dr. Gunjan Mohan Sharma from IFIM. The panelist talked about the industry-academia gap during this session. The amount of skilled candidates from the institutions who get hired through campus placement may not be industry ready in the true sense. In such cases the panel discussed about the alignment that is important between the students, institutes and employers.

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They also emphasized about requirement of skills universities where in there is an amalgamation of classroom, employee exchange and apprentice program which are the key drivers for skill. These can change the skill dynamics of the country. Panel 2: HR- The new marketing manager Panelists were Mr. D.P Singh - IBM Head of HR, Mr. Ashish Tanwar- DELL University Relations Manager-India, Ms. Shefali Mohapatra from ACTTV Group Head-Human Resource, Mr. Edwin Moses- Oracle Senior VP and Prof. Rahul Chowdhury from IFIM. The panel discussed about Employment Branding and how the employer branding proposition is used as a recruitment marketing tool. They stressed on the fact that organization needs to be advertised to reach out to prospective employees and the current employees gives the “branding” to the organization. Job sites have review sections where past employees post. Employment experience needs to be taken care of as they don't want disgruntled employees who could hinder the marketing for the HR department. The HR department should not promise to deceive. Business HR helps create the brand in the rst place and they should know the business in and out. They are responsible to unleash the human spirit for innovation. Panel 3: The new nancial year: What's new on the HR manager's agenda? Mr. Dinesh from HP-India VP L&D, Mr. Prmod Mahatme from Wipro Consumer care -VP HR, Col. Rajesh Jasial -Get Ahead Education Limited COO and Mr. Satish Kalra, IFIM Business SchoolDean-Planning & Development

Prof. Shaji Kurian was one of the key speakers in Kerala education Conclave held at Hotel Ramada Resort Cochin, on 10th June 2015

The Kerala Education Conclave had participation from vice chancellors as well as heads and representatives from different educational verticals in South India. The conclave was to discuss the issues and challenges in higher education eco-system in India. On the Occasion, Shaji Kurian spoke about management education and employability issues in India.

The discussion was on the role played by HR in making decisions about budgets and preparing an employee friendly plan for 2015-16. The HR must seek to understand the business and then ask for budget related matters. They should get into the business language, identify risk and risk management. They should ultimately try to be in the shoes of the CEO to in uence the budget of an organization. The panelist supported the notion of HR getting involved in the budgetary decisions of the organization. This will resist any kind of employee reaction which could adversely affect the company. The panelist concluded by saying,” Every penny spend on human resource has given ten folds”.

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Ms.Nandita Kathuria conducted a guest lecture on 18th June on 'Consumer Insights Mining for Creating Transformational Brand Ideas’ Ms.Nandita Kathuria has over 20 years' experience in a career that spans Advertising (Account Management and Account Planning), Brand Consultancy and Market Research. Her Career spans stints with premier advertising agencies like Ogilvy & Mather, Ambience, Enterprise and Saatchi & Saatchi.

A new mind set to 'Skill India' by Prof. Anand Narasimha, Professor of Marketing & Strategy Any references to the 'caste system' in this article is only used as a metaphor to depict a 'way of thinking' and not meant in the literal sense to refer to any religion or community. We keep hearing ad-nauseam, about the gap in what the industry requires and what the academia in India churns out, quoting gures on how only a small percentage of graduates/postgraduates are truly employable. These are backed up by slogans like 'Skill India' and 'Industry-Academia Engagement' amongst others. Various solutions to this problem are espoused across forums, focusing on the role Industry, Academia and the Government should play in 'enhancing employability' and developing skills relevant to the job market. However, unless we identify and address the root cause of the problem, a lot will be said, but little achieved. At the heart of this issue, lies the fact, that we still follow a 'caste system' of sorts in the way we view education in India. This is best demonstrated through a parable narrated by Sri Ramakrishna Parmahamsa: A scholarly Brahmin was

being ferried by a boatman across a river. The Brahmin, in all his learned vanity, began boasting of his vast knowledge by asking the boatman if he knew the Vedas, the Upanishads and other scriptures. Suddenly a storm arrived and as the boat was about to capsize, the boatman asked the Brahmin if he knew how to swim. The rest is obvious. The same mind set plagues our education system, in which knowledge is given precedence over skill. Although, the requirement for a larger number of jobs in the industry is just the opposite. There is a bigger need for smart 'doers' over esoteric 'thinkers', in the result oriented world of business and enterprise. The reason why our educational institutions still hold on to this 'Brahminical' way of thinking is that in our cultural legacy, education is supposed to be about the scholarly pursuit of 'gyaan' (knowledge) and not so much about the acquisition of the practical day-to-day skills. In fact, our educational institutions and society, more often than not, view pure skill development as infra dig, compared to the acquisition of intellectual knowledge. 'Knowing' is haloed; 'Doing' is a lowly pursuit. The caste system hangover still plagues our mind set. No wonder 'Vocational Training' and its institutions are generally looked down upon in society. Everyone from students and parents, to promoters and faculty, shy away from skill & training based institutions and gravitate towards the more 'glamorous and respectable' degree (read knowledge) based education. Our society pushes people to aspire being an average 'Electrical Engineer', but looks down upon someone being an excellent 'Electrician', without realizing that there are more occasions in life when we need to x a fuse, than narrate the Ohms Law. To really 'Skill India' in the true sense of the word and meet the growing demand of the industry for a skill driven workforce, the rst change has to be in the mind. Where as a society, we treat knowing and doing with equality and stop this discrimination. (In fact, the original caste-system was never based on hierarchy but on dierent roles in society. Over a period of time it was misinterpreted to suit vested interests). Liberalizing our education from the clutches of the 'Brahiminical' legacy, by giving skill development equal status and priority and stop treating it as a 'paraiah', is our best bet to bridge the gap and make programs like

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'Make in India' successful. To x the industry-academia gap, India needs to take an urgent, booster dose of the 'Skill-Pill'. On 25th June 2015, the IFIM Human resource specialization students visited the Infosys Campus at E-city Bangalore. On 25th June 2015 , the Human Resource specialization students of 2014-2016 , under the guidance of Prof. Shaji Kurian and Prof. Rajshri Chakraborty visited the Infosys Campus E-city Bangalore. It was indeed a great platform to interact with the Infoscions. We interacted with Mr IS Krishnamurthy from Employee relations team and Mr Sundaram from the campus and B-school recruitment team of Infosys.

The IFIM NHRDN 3rd Industrial Relations Summit was held in Mumbai on 'Rejuvenating Industrial Relations to Make in India Happen' on 22nd and 23rd May 2015 at Hotel Taj Lands End. Prof. Shaji Kurian addressed the audience on 'Challenges in Service Industry: Experiences in the Industries of Health Care, Hotel and Aviation. He said, that the service industry with Employees rst and Customers second faces unique challenges when people resort to collective bargaining. The traditional IR approach often does not work. Prof Shaji along with professionals from some select verticals in service industry explained the challenges faced in such circumstances and the strategies adopted.

This provided an opportunity to hear/interact from the leaders of the industry. The students had a hands on experience as to what is exactly expected of them in the corporate world, opportunities in store and an insight into personal career progression. This visit strengthened the level of interest among the Infosys group towards our student community and were very keen on interacting in the future too. Looking forward for more industry connect platforms in the future too.

Alumni Connect Name: Harish Achar Brahmavar Designation and Organisation: Founder – Homz N Space Work Experience: 7 Yrs B-school/ Programme/Batch: 2006 – 2008 IFIM NHRDN 3rd Industrial Relations Summit held in Mumbai on 'Rejuvenating Industrial Relations to Make in India Happen.'

Q1. Tell us about your domain and your work pro le? Domain: Real Estate Investment Consulting Work Pro le: As a Founder of Homz N Space, I look at endto-end operations of the company and I also take care of sales operations, Builder relations, Technology adaptation, Development of the customer review platform, Customer advisory services, Market Research, Digital Marketing, Public Relations and nancial management.

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be the part of India's No 1 Builder. During my journey in DLF, I always had a thought running in the back of my mind that I should bring in something new and refreshing to this competitive segment.

Q2: Can you please brie y tell us about your career path so far? The journey began in early 2008, when I started my internship with Indian Express publication as Space Selling executive; I was responsible for generating revenue to the publication. Besides, I was excited, as it was my rst corporate exposure. My 6 months internship thought me “Selling is living”. In the year 2009, as part of Campus Selection, I got through a company called Ajmera Housing Corporation (Mumbai Based Real Estate Developers). It's a Full time placement as Management Trainee. I was directly reporting to Directors and CEO of the company. I was more excited to learn, but god wish was different, unfortunately, there were no one to teach me about Real Estate in that company, Directors were just passing commands. CEO's considered me as a kid involved in Management. But, I managed to learn by myself. But was just a beginner in the sector. But, unfortunately, all my learning's and contribution to Ajmera Housing had gone for toss because of recession. Company was going through tough times and I had been asked to leave job. The Job Market was down and I was job less for almost 6 months. I started applying in all job portals. In the meantime, Companies took advantage by not paying salaries. I didn't let hope down, and my hope gifted me offer letters from top 4 Brands of Real Estate, ( DLF, Sobha, Mantri & Adarash Developers ) Year 2010, I thanked god and restated my career in DLF as Sales Managers. As usually I was excited and was also proud to

I always believed in focusing on consumer behavior and to then offer a product which suits them basis their needs and I believed that the only solution to this was an Advisory that offers multiple products options that are ltered to the customer need. But I was afraid to leave the job and to start a new venture. But, as I have already seen the worst of times, I was ready to take a risk and I resigned from my Job and started 'Homz N Space' on 15th July 2011 with zero investment. As on today, we are considered as Most Power full Real Estate Consultancy from Top 30 Builders of Bangalore. We have generated 220 Crores business for builders and as a company with Zero investment we have touched the revenue of 4.5 Crores and looking forward to expand our business to International level. Q3: Is industry work different from what you learn at B-schools/ IFIM? Its 50 – 50, B- Schools are like guide for corporate world. Q4. From you experience, please share how did your internship experience help you at your rst job? I learnt sales skills during my internship and If you know, How to sell. You can crack any deal. Q5. How do you think your MBA/PGDM programme has added value to your life, both professional life and social/personal life? Professionally, yes MBA has helped me a lot. Especially subjects like Marketing & Organization behavior. My Favorite subjects are economics & people management, which has helped me in social & personal life too.

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Q6: You must have spent memorable time at IFIM. Do you miss being a part of it? Please share a few good memories? Who won't miss those days… I call it as Golden days. I still remember those last minute presentations, Management fests, Holy celebrations at hostels, Debate on topics, there are lot. Q7. What was your initial thought process when you joined IFIM? What is my Section Name? Q8. Brie y take us through your life at IFIM campus, both academic and non-academic life? Academic – I have enjoyed all the marketing class “Thanks to Sathish Sir & Madumitha Chatterji Madam”. Non Academic – I have learned to mix up with people who are from different cultures thanks to Raju Poojari Sir Q9. You are proud alumni of this top B-school. What is the best part of this B-school from a student perspective?

IFIM Business School, Bangalore organized a one-day Faculty Development Program on 'Research Paper Writing: Tools and Techniques' by Dr. Rajesh Iyer, Associate Professor, Foster School of Business, Bradley University, USA on June 29th, 2015. Dr. Rajesh Iyer is an Associate Professor of Marketing & Director of International Business program in the Foster College of Business Administration at Bradley University. He has published several scholarly articles in academic journals, including the Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Marketing Education, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Marketing Education Review, Marketing Health Services, Marketing Management Journal, among others.

It is the Personal Involvement from faculties, Infrastructure and like-minded student groups.

Staff of the Quarter

Q10. Tell us one of your IFIM student life secrets and tips, which can be shared with the future aspirants?

Congratulations to Ms Bindushree Priyadarshini who has been declared as the 'Staff of the Quarter’

Take initiative, Fight for change and don't be bookish. Accept Your Faculties as your Gurus and enjoy your subjects. Q11. Could you share with us a little information about your family and hobbies? My father was business development manager for Zydus and currently retired and my mother is a home maker. My brother is a Project Manager in Cognizant, U.S.A. My hobbies are aquascaping , music, technology, and reading news dailies. Faculty Development Program on 'Research Paper Writing: Tools and Techniques' was by Dr. Rajesh Iyer, on June 29th, 2015










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