131010 ifla rfp website enhancement

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International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) RFP for website upgrade

THE DEADLINES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED SINCE THE RFP WAS FIRST ISSUED. THE CHANGES ARE HIGHLIGHTED IN RED IN THE DOCUMENT 1. Introduction Following is a brief summary of the key issues related to this RFP. 

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IFLA is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to the profession of Landscape Architecture throughout the World. There are four subdivisions of this organization based on geographic location: Americas, Asia Pacific, Africa-Mid East and Europe. Information about our organization can be found on our current website http://www.iflaonline.org/ Our existing website was developed in 2009 within the Joomla system. Recently, unknown hackers invaded our website and partially damaged it. Re-uploaded backup of the website has been hacked again on several occasions. To prevent further hacking into our website, host of this website blocked its all editing capabilities. It is currently only partially functional with no possibilities for any updates and revisions. IFLA is in urgent need for redeveloping this website with the latest and safer technologies (i.e. new Drupal 8 or alternative). The new, improved website shall be easy for navigating, visually attractive and reflecting the profile of our organization. IFLA has developed a set of graphic standards for the use of IFLA logo (see attached at the end of the RFP). This standard has to be followed by the winning proponent. The content of the new website shall include all current content of the IFLA existing website (backup of the existing website in Joomla will be available to the winning proponent). Proponent may also suggest additional website upgrades that are not described in this RFP. Majority of the IFLA website is intended to be publicly accessible. A small portion of the website is to be designated for “Restricted Access Only”. This portion is intended to function similarly to an FTP site, where selected personnel will be able to pickup or drop-off various files. This area will require a password protection and a possibility for easy maintenance and administration (i.e. changing the password, etc.) The currently allocated budget for the IFLA website upgrades is €10,000 (including all taxes and associated costs) The proponent may also include a proposal for additional (above the €10,000) services, clearly indicating the additional cost and the benefits of the proposed services to this project. This proposal shall also include an allowance (valued at up to € 500 per year) for a periodic maintenance and technical support to the IFLA staff, allowing for our staff to make upgrades and changes to the website content. The proponent is to provide a comprehensive, detailed description of the proposed services, methodology and deliverables allowing IFLA to select the proposition with the optimal improvements to our website within the allocated funds. th It is the IFLA intention to award the project or a portion of the project on Friday November 8 , 2013. Start of the project (design process for the IFLA website) is intended to commence within max. 7

days after the awarding (or sooner). allowing for the design and building of the website commencing in November 2013. The completion of the entire website redevelopment and launching of it is intended for February 28, 2014

2. Objectives of the proposal:  Redevelopment of the existing website  Periodic maintenance and support to IFLA staff 3. Main goals of the new development for both linked components are:  designed and built to the latest standards and technologies;  secure to the current industry standards for similar websites;  securely protecting privacy information where required (i.e. “Restricted Access Only” section);  easy to navigate;  easy to update with new articles, images, data, etc. by IFLA staff with no web-design training except for simple set of instructions from the proponent;  professionally designed to high quality standards;  high in aesthetic values related to landscape architecture and in general, to the design character of our profession;  rich in images and high quality graphic interface;  relatively easy to maintain, expand and further develop in the future;  all content text to be in English; however all text and menus shall be suitable for text translation via existing, internet systems. (i.e. Google translate)  easy and fast for viewing by users with relatively slow internet access.  all public accessible content shall be searchable.  improved visibility of the IFLA website via search engines i.e. Google.  linked to social media 4. The content of the redeveloped IFLA website The architecture of the redeveloped website shall be based on the existing content with a new graphic design and possibly redesigned infrastructure (if needed). The content shall include:  generally the content matching the existing website (see Site Map of the current website);  opportunities for further expansion (proponent may provide ideas for further development)  written manual for the maintenance and update procedures by IFLA staff. Restricted Access Only section is to be password protected. A three level access password shall be provided:  administrative password with full access and editing capabilities  selected personnel password for uploading files and adding new folders  download-only access for selected end users The Restricted Access Only section shall include the following:  a flexible structure of folders allowing for the administrator or selected personnel to add a folder and upload various files.  an opportunity for deleting the content of the folder or the entire folder by the administrator or the person that uploaded the files/folders.  measures preventing accidental deletion of the content (files or folders) All of the above content for Restricted Access Only section will be populated and maintained by IFLA staff and/or selected personnel, therefore the database is to be easy to maintain. 5. Additional information  IFLA has already a domain name that is to be used for this project.

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The current host may be changed (if required). Our staff, currently located in Brussels, Belgium, will be providing future updates of the website content. Each of the four regions will have a selected web administrators (at various world locations) responsible for the website updates, related to the regional activities. If required, IFLA can provide additional images.

6. RFP Instructions The complete cost of preparing this proposal and all pre-acceptance activities in response to this RFP is the responsibility of the proponent. Format of proposal Proposal shall be submitted to IFLA in one of the following two formats: By e-mail Please submit your proposal in digital format (PDF file - max size not to exceed 5 MB) to: Christine Bavassa - IFLA Executive Secretary: admin@iflaonline.org or By mail Please submit your proposal in printed format (1 hard copy in a standard document print size) + digital format as PDF file (on a USB memory stick or CD) to the following address: IFLA Avenue Louise 149/24, 12th floor B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

Proposal deadline: Proposal shall be submitted to IFLA no later than: Closing Time: 12:00 pm (noon local time in Brussels) Tuesday, October 29, 2013 NOTE: It is the proponent’s responsibility to ensure that any information submitted to IFLA via e-mail is received by IFLA no later than the Closing Time. IFLA will not be responsible for any issues related to electronic delivery of information. (i.e. file size limitation, spam-filters, delays, etc.)

Content of proposal The proposal shall include the following:  Name of the proponent (firm or individual);  Contact information including full address, telephone number, and email address;  Estimated time to complete the project;  List of needed resources from IFLA;  Relevant experience (years in business, similar websites designed by the proponent);  References (minimum 3) ;  Full description of the methodology for the design and implementation process including at minimum: o Staff selected to work on the project (including relevant experience) o Proposed technology/system for the development of this project o Description of the design coordination process and related reviews by IFLA  Deliverables including all key stages of work completion;  Timeline for completion of all critical components;

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Proposed technical support provided to IFLA by the proponent; Proposed training provided to IFLA staff by the proponent; Proposed support documentation provided to IFLA by the proponent; Proposed warranties for the designed website; and Total cost for the project including upload of the completed website to the host and initial full testing to eliminate all potential glitches: o Lump sum for the redevelopment of IFLA website; o Lump sum for the periodic maintenance and technical support for IFLA staff; o Any additional costs (i.e. travel, communications, other) with a full description; o Unit price for any additional work not included in the proposal (hourly bases)

7. Acceptance of the proposal IFLA reserves the right to: • Award all or none or portion of the project • Request additional clarifications prior to awarding of the project • Negotiate the scope of work with the selected proponent • Interview (personal or teleconference) the proponent or proponents prior to awarding. 8. Award of the proposal The selected proponent will be notified by e-mail with a letter of intent of entering into a written agreement. This will be followed by a written Contract Agreement documents ready for signature. Only the written and signed by both parties Contract Agreement will become a legal, binding agreement between IFLA and the proponent. 9. Questions should be directed to: All questions related to this Request for Proposal shall be directed in writing only to: Christine Bavassa - IFLA Executive Secretary: admin@iflaonline.org The deadline for the questions is midnight (local time in Brussels) on October 22, 2013

10. Evaluations criteria of the proposal: All valid proposals received by IFLA will be evaluated by IFLA committee in accordance with the following criteria: • • •

Proposal content (55%) Past experience (references) (10%) Technical skills of the proponent (35%)

Please note, that each proposal must achieve a minimum 50% value for each of the above three criteria and a minimum 65% total of the combined three values, to be considered as meeting the minimum acceptable standard. The example of the evaluation matrix is shown below only for clarifications purposes.


Description of Response

0% to 29%

Unsatisfactory response, suggesting the proponent would have serious difficulties meeting the requirements of this RFP, or the proponent provided no or very limited relevant information.

30% to 49%

Unacceptable response, indicating that the proponent would meet only some of the requirements of the contract. Considerable work would be needed with the proponent to obtain additional information in order to verify suitability of this proposal for this RFP

50% to 74%

Acceptable response, indicating that the proponent would be likely to meet the minimum requirements, but further interview with the proponent may be needed to obtain additional information in order to verify suitability of this proposal for this RFP 75% to 89% Good response, clearly indicating that the proponent has fully understood the requirements of this RFP and that the proponent is capable to meet the minimum criteria of this RFP. Further interview with the proponent may be needed to clarify some minor issues. 90% to 100% Response indicating that the proponent has a complete understanding of the RFP and that the proposed solutions meets or exceeds the requirements of this RFP.

11. Post-tender negotiation: IFLA may elect at its own discretion to enter into post-tender negotiations with selected proponents. However, these negotiations will not allow for altering the price nor the content of the submitted proposals. Therefore, it is critical that proponents submit their final offer at the tender stage and do not rely on post-tender negotiation to revise the submitted proposal.

IFLA Existing Website Sitemap

IFLA Main menu 1/2

IFLA Main menu 2/2

IFLA Meta navigation

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