Ifla europe tender for website

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European Region of the International Federation of Landscape Architects IFLA Europe Invitation to tender for web-design and maintenance services

Table of Contents

SECTION 1: Introduction and contact details ............................................................ 2 SECTION 2: Procurement timetable .......................................................................... 3 SECTION 3: Instructions for submission of tender..................................................... 4 SECTION 4: Evaluation of tender .............................................................................. 6 SECTION 5: Background Information on IFLA Europe ............................................. 8 SECTION 6 – Specification ....................................................................................... 9 SECTION 7: Documents to be completed ............................................................... 15 SECTION A – GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................. 16 SECTION B – TECHNICAL CAPABILITY .................................................................. 16 SECTION C – FINANCIAL INFORMATION ............................................................... 17

Section 7B - METHOD STATEMENT ...................................................................... 18 Section 7C - PRICING SCHEDULE ........................................................................ 19 Section 7D - FORM OF TENDER............................................................................ 20 APPENDIX 1 – REFERENCE WEBSITES .............................................................. 21

SECTION 1: Introduction and contact details 1.1.

Your organisation is invited to submit a tender for web-design and maintenance services to the European Region of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (hereafter IFLA Europe). Please note, that throughout this document, “organisation� is taken to include sole traders.


The deadline for submission of tenders is 12 noon (Belgium time), Tuesday 28th October 2013.


The information and instructions provided in this Invitation to Tender are designed to ensure that all tenders are given equal and fair consideration.


If you have any queries relating to tender documentation, or would like to request further information, please contact the persons named below, via email. Only electronic queries will be answered and no later than 5 days before the deadline for tender submission.


You should note that any issues raised, which are not commercially confidential, will be shared with other Tenders.


Contact for this Tender: Name: Christine Bavassa, Marina Cervera and Bruno Marques Address: Avenue Louise 149/24, 12th Floor, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Telephone Number: +32 497 630 550 Email: ifla_europe@skynet.be

All requests for clarification or further information in respect of this tender should be addressed to the named contact point. No approach of any kind in connection with this tender should be made to any other person within, or associated with, the European Region of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA Europe).

SECTION 2: Procurement timetable

The intended timetable for this procurement is:

Stage in Procurement Process


Issue of Invitation to Tender

23 September 2013

Deadline for tender queries

22 October 2013

Deadline for submission of tenders

28 October 2013

Evaluation of tender

31 October to 12 November 2013

Notification of result of evaluation

19 November 2013

Award decision

21 November 2013

Anticipated contract start date

25 November 2013

Anticipated contract completion date

28 February 2014

Please note: these dates are intended as a guide and whilst IFLA Europe does not intend to depart from the timetable it reserves the right to do so at any stage. IFLA Europe also reserves the right to cancel the tender process. IFLA Europe is not liable for any costs resulting from any cancellation of this tender process, nor for any other costs incurred by those tendering for this Contract.

SECTION 3: Instructions for submission of tender 3.1. General information How to prepare and present your tender proposal can be a crucial factor in securing a contract. The following points may help you to understand what can turn a tender into a winning tender: 3.1.1. Respond in the required format. If the space on the form is insufficient, attach additional sheets but please follow a similar format. Mark all sheets with your organization name and the question number 3.1.2. Please provide as full a response to the requirements as possible. It is your only chance to give solutions rather than create more questions. Answer the questions but be concise and don’t make us search too hard to find answers 3.1.3. Be upfront – we will be as honest about our requirements as possible 3.1.4. Make sure that your tender is typed, in English, with all prices in Euro (EUR) inclusive of VAT, and is signed and dated. 3.1.5. Please ensure that where information is to be sought from third parties such as references, guarantees, etc., such requests can be dealt with the speedily and at no cost to IFLA Europe. 3.1.6. You must notify IFLA Europe, in writing, of any change in the information submitted in the response at any time during the tender process.

3.2. Submission of Tender 3.2.1. You must complete and return all the tender documentation listed below as your tender submission  Contractor questionnaire – section 7a  Method Statement – section 7b  Pricing schedule – section 7c  Signed Form of Tender – section 7d 3.2.2. You must submit 1 electronic copy of your tender (single PDF file, no larger than 5MB), to: Name: Christine Bavassa Email: ifla_europe@skynet.be No later than 12 noon (Belgium time), Monday 28th October 2013. Only tenders by emails will be accepted. 3.2.3. Verbal tenders will not be accepted 3.2.4. IFLA Europe will keep all tenders received securely, and open them once the tenders deadline has expired. All tenders submitted and valid will be open by the

jury. 3.3. Contractor questionnaire 3.3.1. Please answer the questions in the Contractor questionnaire

3.4. Method statement 3.4.1. The Method Statement should set out how you will meet the requirements set out in the Specification. Your Method Statement is the formal offer to IFLA Europe and will form part of the contract between us. 3.4.2. Throughout, we are assuming that only one organization will be involved in the delivery of the contract.

3.5. Contract price and payment 3.5.1. Funding has been committed and will be made available by IFLA Europe. We anticipate bids will be in the region of: Website design and build (all phases): Website annual hosting, upgrading and maintenance:

4.500 EUR in total 300-500 EUR per year

3.5.2. You must calculate the full costs of providing the service for which you are tendering, including both the direct and non-direct costs. For example, travel, mobile phone costs, etc. 3.5.3. Payment will be phased. Details will be agreed as part of post-contract negotiations. 3.5.4 Payment will be normally be made within 10 days of IFLA Europe registering a valid invoice. 3.6. Contract award and conditions 3.6.1. You will be notified via email, if you are the successful tenderer. We will ask you to sign a written contract. Without a contract signed by both parties, there will be no legal binding agreement between us. 3.6.2. The contract will be awarded on the IFLA Europe’s terms and conditions of contract. These will form the basis of any written signed contract between us, and will take precedence over any other conditions that you may propose. 3.7. Incurred expenses IFLA Europe shall not be responsible for any expenses that you incur in any aspect of the tendering process.

SECTION 4: Evaluation of tender

4.1. Tender evaluation 4.1.1. IFLA Europe will evaluate the tenders it received on the basis of:  Most economically advantageous tender (a balance of quality and price) We are not bound to accept the cheapest, or any tender, and will award contracts on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender to IFLA Europe. 4.1.2. The tender evaluation process will cover evaluation of Tender, including Pricing schedule. 4.1.3. An evaluation panel made up of 5 people: IFLA Europe’s President, IFLA Europe’s Secretary General, IFLA Europe’s Treasurer, IFLA Europe’s Executive Secretary, and IFLA’s SPWG co-chair, will carry out the evaluation of tenders in accordance with the following weighted criteria:  Proposals for delivery of the project – 55%  Track record of delivering similar contracts – 10%  Skills and experience of the staff who will be committed to work on the project – 35% 4.1.4. An example of an evaluation scoring matrix is included below for information only. Nor that failure to achieve 50% of the available points for any one quality criterion will bar a tender from further consideration. Additionally, tenders must achieve an aggregate quality score of 2/3 (i.e. 3.33) to be considered.


Description of Response

0 – 1.4

Unsatisfactory response, suggesting the tenderer would have serious difficulties delivering the required contract standards, or has provided no relevant information at all Unacceptable response, indication that the tenderer would meet only some of the requirements of the contract. Considerable work would be needed with the tenderer to expand on information provided in order for the information to indicate that contractual standards are likely to be met. Acceptable response, indicating that the tenderer would be likely to meet the basic contract standards, but further work needed to ensure that contract standards will be met consistently. Good response, clearly indicating that the tenderer has fully understood and can apply and deliver all the required contract standards. Small amount of further work may be needed in some areas Response indicating that the tenderer has a wholly comprehensive understanding of the contract standards and that the proposed approach will result in the contract standard being exceeded.

1.5 – 2.4

2.5. – 3.4 3.5 – 4.4

4.5 - 5

4.1.5. IFLA Europe reserves the right to reject any tender that fails to comply fully

with the requirement of the selection process outlined above.

4.2. Post-tender negotiation We may enter into post-tender negotiation, but not on price alone, nor will we allow any post-tender negotiation to distort competition. It is important that you submit your best and final offer at the tender stage and do not rely on post-tender negotiation to revise your tender.

SECTION 5: Background Information on IFLA Europe The International Federation of Landscape Architects is the body representing Landscape Architects worldwide. Its purpose is to coordinate the activities of member associations when dealing with global issues, and to ensure that the profession of landscape architecture continues to prosper as it continues to affect the design and management of our environment. The Federation is currently constituted as a global body formally operating around four semi-autonomous Regions (IFLA Europe, IFLA Americas, IFLA Asia-Pacific and IFLA Africa), with 70 member associations.

IFLA Europe origins Representatives of twelve national member associations1 of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) formed the European Foundation for Landscape Architecture (EFLA)2 on the 4th of April 1989 in order to specifically address European landscape architectural educational and professional issues. Membership of EFLA was gradually opened to national associations of landscape architects in the European Union, the European Economic Area, Switzerland and the Associate Countries (those countries formally applying to join the EU. In 2011 after changing its original name for European Federation for Landscape Architecture to meet the requirements of the Belgian laws, the General Assembly voted in favour of a definite change of name to IFLA Europe to match with the purpose of representing one of IFLA’s region.

SECTION 6 – Specification

This tender exercise is for services concerned with the future development of the European Region of the International Federation of Landscape Architects website – http://europe.iflaonline.org

The website will:  allow people to access information  communications within the IFLA Europe community members  communication to external audiences  promote IFLA Europe has a world-wide organisation

Specifically, IFLA Europe expects to achieve the following points:  Clear visual visibility of IFLA Europe and its members (for instance by using a map tool and easily access the member associations’ profile).  Provide information about IFLA Europe and its activities, with personalised pages for IFLA’s committees/working groups.  Provide free access to an interactive news page to create news items of global and regional interest.  Create a new discussion forum so views can be expressed and exchanged on local and global topic issues.  Create associations’ profile and delegates profile pages (easily editable by the association and delegates).  Enable associations and communication groups to publicise their own events through an interactive events calendar.

    

Embed IFLA Europe social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Wordpress, etc.) on the website as well as news feed panel, which can be easily connected to other member associations social media. Provide an email service to facilitate better communication between community groups. Creation of an internal and online email communication system, just for registered users. Private delegates’ area for file sharing. Tackle digital exclusion by using the site to link with other innovative schemes and in having an adaptable website for laptop, tablet and smartphones.

IFLA Europe provides an image gallery aiming to elucidate the functionality for the future website. We advise Tenderers to check it only as reference imagery and not as model to follow. For that, check appendix 1.

We would appreciate the following costs estimates: 1. Phase one: Information gathering, planning and design 2. Phase two: Development 3. Phase three: Testing and delivery 4. Annual costs for (i) provision of web server and (ii) on-going maintenance and updating We are also interested in which web content management system would be utilised and why. 6.1. Current situation A website originally went online in 2010. It was originally designed by Tilt Factory, Brussels, Belgium; with hosting by OVH, France.


IFLA does not appear in the first five results on a Google search for “International Federation of Landscape Architects’ Needs extensive updating


Requires continuous update/maintenance provision Cannot add images and video clips

6.2. Current functions/Layout of website: Home page including news items and highlights, having the website the following structure: - About IFLA - Profession - Communication - Education - Awards and Competitions - Links All entries are organised in sliding menus, with sub-options in a similar format with limited space for text.

6.3. Interaction wanted A need for cross-action with social media, such as: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/IFLA-Europe/108119929242588 - Twitter: https://twitter.com/iflaEurope - LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=38616 - Tumblr: http://iflaeunews.tumblr.com IFLA Europe also aims the following interaction platforms embedded in the website: mobile/tablet website versions, global event conferencing online, online group networking, global resource library/interrogative data mining, individualised member pages. 6.4. What is wanted? What is the design brief? We want a website which informs people what IFLA Europe is and what it does. It should inform people about (i) what is IFLA Europe and its importance, (ii) current IFLA Europe projects, activities and concerns, and (iii) IFLA Europe as a reliable partner for the future. We also require control if inputting and changing web content without needing to involve the design company. It is advisable that the content management system should be Open Source. We expected the following phases to take place within the project:  Phase one: Information gathering, planning and design  Phase two: Development  Phase three: Testing and delivery

By the end, IFLA Europe will be the owner of the design, content, and all creative property of the project. The tenderer must provide all the files of the project.

6.5. Design, server, hosting issues to be considered include:

IFLA Europe aims a website structure similar to:

That website should contain: -

Content management system Usage statistics to be monitored, including individual page views Accessibility standards Multiple browser compatible


Clear page structure – home page with clear and logical sub-structure –deep linking includes home page link and source information Clear identity and structure for IFLA Europe Look and branding – common look on all pages, taking into account logo guidelines and specificity of colour schemes for IFLA Europe Smart phone and tablet friendly (Android/Apple/Blackberry/Windows, etc.) Metatags Written for the web not for paper copies Organic developable structure Usability testing Use standard web page conventions Images – use thumbnails, which can expand of relevant images. Link to Facebook, Twitter … for slideshows State linking policy and date of last update Advertising and sponsorship possibilities

Full details of timeline and payment schedule will be agreed at the post-contract negotiation stage.

SECTION 7: Documents to be completed The documents that you must complete and submit as your tender submission can be found in the following sections 7A-7D. Checklist for tenderers: You must submit all the tender documentation listed, duly completed, as your Tender submission; use the checklist, below, to make sure you have included all the required information:    

Completed Contractor Questionnaire – section 7A Method Statement – section 7B Pricing Schedule – section 7C Signed Form of Tender – section 7D

Section 7A – CONTRACTOR QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is designed to provide IFLA Europe with the information required to assess your organisation’s suitability to enter into a contractual relationship with us. The questionnaire is divided into 3 parts: Section A – General information Section B – Technical capability Section C – Financial information

SECTION A – GENERAL INFORMATION We need to know details of any individual organisation or partnership with whom we may enter into a contract. We also need to ensure that we can demonstrate safeguarding of public funds and that there will be no conflict of interest in the awarding of this contract.

A1. General Organisation Information Please provide (where applicable): A1.1 The name, address and website of your organisation A1.2 The name, position, telephone number and email address of the main contact person for this tender. A1.3 Current legal status of your organisation (eg. partnership, private limited company etc.). A1.4 Date and place of formation of your Organisation and registration number. A1.5 A brief description of your Organisation’s primary business and main products or services. A1.6 A brief history of your Organisation, no more than 400 words.

SECTION B – TECHNICAL CAPABILITY This section assesses your organisation’s technical ability to carry out the work you are applying to undertake. We also need to ensure that you are able to fulfil the contract requirements.

B1 Experience and Capability

Please provide: B1.1 Details of relevant contracts awarded to, or work undertaken by, your organisation, highlighting any relevant experience in relation to this contract. Please indicate if references can be sought, and if so, from whom. You may use the table provided below, copying it as needed, or your own listing as long as it provides the information shown.

Name and Address of Organisation


Approx. Value


Date of Contract

Please indicate if reference can be sought and from whom

1. 2. 3. 4.

SECTION C – FINANCIAL INFORMATION C1. Financial details The following questions relate to your organisation’s financial standing, so that an assessment can be undertaken of your financial stability in relation to the contract, and the risk to the Forum of contracting with your organisation can be evaluated.

Please provide: C1.1 Details of your bankers, who may be required to provide you with a reference. Please include contact details.

Section 7B - METHOD STATEMENT METHOD STATEMENT: Europe Region of the International Federation of Landscape Architects Web Design This document requires details on how you will fulfil your role as Contractor in relation to the specified requirements within the Invitation to Tender. You should note that if your tender is successful this Method Statement together with the rest of the response to the Invitation to Tender document and the information you have supplied on it will form part of the Contract between yourself and IFLA Europe. Instructions & Guidance 1. Ensure that your response to this Method Statement clearly identifies those elements, which your organisation is seeking to deliver itself and those that it anticipates buying-in/sub-contracting (if any). 2. Your response should answer all questions/respond to all sections. Answers/responses should be as succinct as possible whilst providing all necessary information.

1. THE CAPACITY OF THE ORGANISATION TO DELIVER THE PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT. All sections must be answered, in full, by tendering organisations. Staffing 1.1 How many people will be involved in the delivery of the project? 1.2 Please detail the experience and qualifications of each member of staff who will be involved in the delivery of the project, together with their anticipated roles and responsibilities in delivering the project. 2. DELIVERY PROPOSALS 2.1 Please outline your organisation’s proposals for delivery of the outlines services, including indicative timeline. Also include a visual/conceptual draft how the new IFLA Europe website will look like.

Section 7C - PRICING SCHEDULE Actual Costs Payment will be based on the actual costs incurred in delivery to a maximum as expressed in the Invitation to Tender. Therefore as part of the tender submission you are required to provide a breakdown of the actual allowable costs that will be incurred by your organisation in the delivery of the different elements of the programme to a group. A template has been provided (below) in order to identify elements of cost.

Elements of Actual Costs Incurred Cost for Phase One Cost for Phase Two Cost for Phase Three Annual costs for (i) provision of web server and (ii) on-going maintenance and updating Other – you may specify other appropriate categories

Actual Cost (EUR)

Section 7D - FORM OF TENDER This Tender will not be considered unless received no later than 12 noon (Belgium time), 28th October 2013. European Region of the International Federation of Landscape Architects Website Project

Tender TO THE EUROPEAN REGION OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (IFLA EUROPE) *...............................................................................................… (the Contractor) * Insert the full name of sole contractor or all the full names of all partners or the name of the limited company completing the tender. whose address is: ………………………………………………………………………………………....…... .................................................................................................................................. Telephone number: ……………………………………………………………………………………

I/We undertake and agree to supply and deliver goods, carriage paid, or provide services to the reasonable satisfaction of IFLA Europe for the period specified in the Contract and in accordance with the terms of the contract. Such terms of the contract are to be agreed and recorded in writing and duly signed by both parties. No conditions submitted or referred to by me/us when tendering or at any other time shall form part of the contract unless otherwise agreed to, in writing, by both parties and then included in the contract terms. I/We declare that this tender will remain valid for 90 days. This 90-day period will commence on [INSERT DATE]. I/We agree that there will be no binding agreement between us unless there is a written contract signed by both parties.

Dated this [date] day of [month] 2013


APPENDIX 1 – REFERENCE WEBSITES A list of reference website from other organisations in the field of IFLA Europe. We kindly ask tenderers not to follow religiously the provided imagery but only use it as a source of inspiration or to understand the asked functionalities. Le-Notre http://le-notre.org

Member’s area with visible online members on the left, central the news feed, and calendar of activities on the right.

E-mail centre, just for registered users, with a list of last sent emails.

The e-mail box, composing mode, possible to select recipients organised by lists

Download centre, private area where members can access the shared files VisitEstonia http://www.visitestonia.com/en/

The embedded map and all social networks is one of the aims of new IFLA Europe’s website

International Union of Architects http://www.uia-architectes.org

Simplicity of the design

ISOCARP http://www.isocarp.org/

Another simple design Other reference websites in related fields: http://www.ifrc.org http://www.spd.org http://www.amnesty.org http://www.inta-aivn.org/en/

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