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With the global economic crisis hitting hard in many major and minor countries, energy is becoming more and more expensive. People have to look for cheaper sources of energy. To add insult to injury, we keep hearing stories about global warming and about how our current sources of energy are accelerating this process. This would mean that people must turn to other reliable alternatives of energy to save us from the effects of global warming. There have been cases snowcaps melting in some European countries and also heat waves. This means that it has already started. So what is the alternate source of energy people can turn to? Well, it would have to be home made energy. Basically, this energy is where individual people look for the most relevant way of creating and using energy from the natural surroundings, without completely depleting the environment. Despite being encouraged to venture into this field of energy making and use many people still have doubts whether home made energy really works. So, does home made energy really work or is it a scam and a waste of time? There are people who have succeeded and believe that home made energy works. There have been cases of people disconnecting lines from the local grid of electricity and turning to solar power. What they do is they purchase solar panels. (There have been cases where professionals have made their own solar panels...it's possible). They then install the solar panels on the roofs of their houses and use solar energy to run components that were running on the electrical grid. The solar panel may not save enough energy to run each and every application that needs electrical power but it is a money saver, especially in these hard economic times where every penny counts. Once this has happened, most of the people said that their electricity bills had gone to as low as 5 dollars a month yet when they were connected to the electrical power company, they were paying as high as 200 dollars. This means that home made energy actually works. Another way that home made energy works is by using cow dung. The droppings of farm animals, especially cows, remove heat. If one is able to tap this energy properly, one can be able to come up with biogas which is much cheaper than using electricity to cook. Most of the funds may be spent in the initial installation of the equipments so store and tap the biogas but in the long run, it is a worthwhile investment. There are many other examples where home made energy works. The main thing is to make sure that the natural environment is not depleted. With the economic meltdown and uncertainty of where energy may come from, the place to turn to would be home made energy.
Home Made Energy is a evolutionary product that will Slash Your Electricity Bill By 80% Or Even