Florilège de témoignages et de « choses vues » au cours de la Journée Portes Ouvertes du samedi 29 janvier 2011.
2. Programme Postgraduate de CrĂŠation (Mode et Accessoires).
«What is required to study Fashion Design at IFM ? Strong personality, positive energy and hard work» (Franc’Pairon).
«IFM was like an Erasmus year, you don’t feel like being in Paris» (Mathieu Desmet*- IFM/Accessory Design 2008) * Mathieu Desmet était diplômé de Duperré avant de faire l’IFM en 2008. Maintenant il est assistant styliste souliers chez Vuitton.
“You can’t dabble when being at IFM, you’re amongst designers from all over the world, whose dream was to joint that school. You have to be the best everyday..” (Raphaëlle H’Limi - IFM/Fashion Design 2006) *Raphaëlle H’Limi est diplômée de l’ENSAV La Cambre. Elle vient d’être lauréate du Grand Prix de la Création de la Ville de Paris et lance sa marque.
«At IFM, I’ve learnt to be efficient, accurate and critical of my own work» (M. Desmet, IFM/Accessory Design 2008). http://yfrog.com/h3ubrmtj
IFM is not an art school. It is design + collaboration with companies (Franc’Pairon).
«At IFM, you learn to work in real conditions, it’s painful but then you do not fear the real world anymore» (Mathieu Desmet).
Fashion Design at IFM: 200 applications, 20 students selected.
Recruitment process of the fashion design program is based on video presentations: «fashion is all about communication» (Franc’Pairon).
«You have to constantly set yourself new goals, do, and redo again, improve yourself, Franc’Pairon is never satisfied» (Arnaud Bombelli, IFM/Fashion Design 2011).