Annual Report 2020

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l a u n n Aeport2020 r ent m e v o M n o lc a F l Internationa al n io t a n r e t In l a n Socialist Educatio


fabiana montiel kleiner

International Falcon Movement Socialist Educational International Rue Joseph II 120 1000 Brussels May 2020

Who we are

The International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International is an international educational movement working to empower children and young people to take an active role in society and fight for their rights. We are an umbrella organisation for child and youth-led movements all over the world, delivering socialist education on the basis of our values of equality, democracy, solidarity, peace, cooperation and anti-capitalism.

By children and young people, for children and young people

It is our firm belief that children’s voices are valuable in decision making processes both on issues directly affecting them and on global issues. IFM-SEI non-formal education principles and methods to empower and equip children and youth to be active participants in civil society, and to have their voice heard, despite their background.


We are aware that 2020 has been quite a challenging year and want to acknowledge and thank you for the time you put into your organisations and into IFM-SEI despite the situations we are facing worldwide, locally and individually. Last year, we promised to live by our values, lower the barriers to participation, ensure democracy, create strong governance structures and were aiming to create safe spaces of exchange for our members, and we continue with the work for the full implementation of children’s rights and education for social change. Even though the restrictions limited our movements, it did not limit our actions. We believe we made significant progress within our organisation. In 2020 we completed our two global projects, ‘Building Bridges’ and ‘Amplify. ‘Building Bridges’ was a two year project on peace education and dialogue for inclusive societies. Young educators from partners across three of our world regions were able to participate in a capacity-building activity, developed a peace education toolkit, a situation report, and a Massive Open Online Course on peace education and intercultural dialogue. Through the project ‘Amplify, we cooperated for the first time with Canadian partners - Oxfam Canada. The project focused on young people developing research and awareness-raising activities on gender equality, violent extremism and climate change, and it is an excellent example of young people’s self-organisation and participation. In 2020 we’ve seen the development of regional-led networks and thematic networks, new globally focused projects, and changes of governance structure. We have established the Centenary Celebration Task Force, which will plan our 100 years anniversary in 2022, as well as a task force for a More Democratic More Participatory IFM-SEI which will end before


our next International Committee Meeting in 2021. The presidium has as well launched one-to-one meetings with our members to discuss the difficulties we faced in 2020, our future plans as well as our cooperation. None of this could have been achieved without the commitment and energy of our volunteers from all over the world. Their contribution is invaluable, and the results are visible for all to see. We say thank you to the previous mandate leadership, our volunteers and a huge thank you to our member organisations. Without you none of this would have happened! Even though 2021 might not be very clear on the prospect, we are looking forward to a diversity of activities with all of you together, whether these will be virtual or physical. In unity and diversity, we will become an even stronger International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International umbrella movement. To a better 2021. To a better future! In solidarity and friendship,

Ruba Hilal

IFM-SEI Secretary-General

Christina Schauer IFM-SEI President


Our member organisations With this map you get a glimpse of our members worldwide.

At the International Committee 2020 we welcomed Arciragazzi to our umbrella. Do you want to know more about them?

Check their website:


Projects and Activities 2020

2020 was the year we ended the implementation of our two long term and global projects, Building Bridges and Amplify. Through our projects we have reach different places in the world. Here are the projects and the activities of this exceptional year!

Amplifying the voices of young people with fewer opportunities Overview: Amplify was a two-year project (2019-2020) that brought together young people from Europe and Canada to discover and support the fight against climate change, gender inequalities and violent extremism. In fourteen localities, activists hosted Local Labs (weekend workshops), conducted youth-led research and gathered for collective actions. The project was a partnership with Oxfam and is funded by EuropeAid/DEVCO, with members of Esplac, Rote Falken Kinderfreunde and Slovenian Falcons, plus young people from various organisations coming together in the Brussels local lab.


Activities in 2020:

Local Labs II in Vienna, Ljubljana, Barcelona and digital in Brussels and Beyond

Out of fourteen European and Canadian locations, the IFM-SEI Youth Champion hosted four Local Labs between May and December 2020. The group in Vienna, supported by our member organisation Kinderfreunde, looked at Gender Inequalities, and produced a fairytale podcast for children that reflect on gender roles. The youth in Barcelona, supported by ESPLAC, and in Ljubljana, supported by the Slovenian Falcon, both decided to work on Climate Change. Our digital Lab Brussels and Beyond took a deep dive on all three themes and have produced a zine in collaboration of different young artists.


Meta University 2020 organised by the North-South Centre: COVID-19 and Violent Extremism- Youth as stakeholders for conflict transformation and shaping peaceful societies In November 2020, the activity ‘COVID-19 and Violent Extremism – Youth as stakeholders for conflict transformation and shaping peaceful societies’ aimed to bring together the findings and learning of the youth in amplify project when counteracting violent extremism and the harmful escalation caused by the COVID-19 virus. The session brought together 30 participants from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, the Middle East and Latin America.

Youth Celebration As the final step to close Amplify project, a youth celebration for the project was held online to celebrate 60 youth and youth workers who participated through the whole project as well as to showcase of the project activities and outputs. The celebration took place in December 2020.


Building bridges

Overview: Amplify was a two-year project (2019-2020) that brought together young people from Europe and Canada to discover and support the fight against climate change, gender inequalities and violent extremism. In fourteen localities, activists hosted Local Labs (weekend workshops), conducted youth-led research and gathered for collective actions. The project was a partnership with Oxfam and is funded by EuropeAid/DEVCO, with members of Esplac, Rote Falken Kinderfreunde and Slovenian Falcons, plus young people from various organisations coming together in the Brussels local lab.

Activities in 2020:

Building Bridges project implemented two meetings this year, and the following outputs.


1. Training in Inclusion and Dialogue; Yaoundé, Cameroon This training was hosted by our coordinating partner organization and one of our newest IFM-SEI member organisations Girls Excel. This training reunited the youth workers who had worked together at our training in Inclusion and Dialogue in Paraguay. Together, the participants explored the role of youth work in fostering inclusion and combating polarisation in society. The youth workers also shared their experiences on planning and delivering their local projects and got together to design the regional projects that they were meant to be implemented in Spring of 2020.


2. Building Bridges Closing Conference; Online

This was the official closure of the project, which included partners from the Consortium, sister organisations or institutions, and other guests, we brought together around 60 people. The purpose of it was to share the outcomes of the project, including the local and regional projects, to officially launch the Massive Open Online Course and to present the final version of the toolkit and situation report. The conference was supposed to be held in Brussels and to bring 30 stakeholders and organisations so that the participants can showcase their achievements in Building bridges Project and promote the outputs. Due to the Pandemic we had to carry the conference online.


Resist! The Global Climate Divide Steering and Focus Group

The aim of Resist! is to mobilise a young generation of climate change activists to be ambassadors and multipliers for a systemic and intersectional approach to the global climate emergency. The meeting brought together a group of climate change experts who volunteered their time to exchange ideas and knowledge about the climate crisis, answering questions that our steering group team designed and delivered to gather different knowledge and perspectives. Then, the steering group spent a day designing a dynamic programme for Resist!’s next activity, which meant to be a training for young climate change activists and educators (dates postponed due to the outbreak of COVID-19 until 2021, itwill be held online).


The aim of Resist! is to mobilise a young generation of climate change activists to be ambassadors and multipliers for a systemic and intersectional approach to the global climate emergency. The meeting brought together a group of climate change experts who volunteered their time to exchange ideas and knowledge about the climate crisis, answering questions that our steering group team designed and delivered to gather different knowledge and perspectives. Then, the steering group spent a day designing a dynamic programme for Resist!’s next activity, which meant to be a training for young climate change activists and educators (dates postponed due to the outbreak of COVID-19 until 2021, itwill be held online).


Society is ours!

This activity were held online due to the pandemic, we had 26 participants from our European member organisations. Society is Ours! is a project that aimed to explore the importance of civil society and how democratic participation is vital to the good functioning of the European Union in protecting and safeguarding fundamental rights, as well as sharing and identifying methods to combat shrinking civil space and promote civic engagement through volunteering in non-formal children’s and youth organisations.



We sustained our cooperation with other global and Europe-based children and youth organisations. IFM-SEI continued the work with the European Youth Forum and attended all their online meetings. We have also attended the 3rd European Youth Work Convention which took place online. We followed closely the progressions with the Erasmus + successor programme and the development of the next Multiannual Financial Framework. Additionally, we increased our engagement in global youth processes. Our Vice President (Ellen-Lindsey) was elected in the task force of the International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organisations (ICMYO). We are also represented at Generation Equality Forum youth Task Force (say Hi to Pip Gardner).


Finally, IFM-SE became member at the world civil society alliance CIVICUS and are excited to look forward for future cooperation as well as possibilities and chances for our members.

Our stay at home merchandise

Are you looking for the right outfit for your home office? Who doesn’t love to wear a cool t-shirt or hoodie promoting the values of IFM-SEI? Do you want to look cool and be comfortable? Then visit our online shop where you can pick your design, your garment and your colours in a mix and match styling process. and it will be delivered directly to your front door.


Our designs aim to stimulate curiosity and initiate conversations about IFM-SEI and its values, as well creating our shared identity through our clothing. Better than that – they look great! As well as the new designs we also have many items with classic IFM-SEI logos. Bright colours and different fits for all ages to ensure we have something for everyone. Get your hands on a new snapback cap, water bottle, teddy bear, drawstring bag or vest online now!


Statutory Meetings

International Committee 2020, Online IFM-SEI’s International Committee is the highest decision-making and administrative body during the Congress period. It takes place at least once every year in which an Ordinary Congress is not held, the IC is an opportunity for our membership to send delegates who can participate in our democratic processes, and vote on decisions on all matters relating to IFM-SEI. In 2020 we held our IC meeting in May, we had around 67 participants in the meeting, and we had a total of 27-member orginasitions coming together. We elected coordinators to our thematic network, adopted the fundraising strategy of IFM-SEI (including the Friends of IFM-SEI Scheme), and the More Democratic More Participatory IFM-SEI resolutions. We also ratified the centenary celebration task force, as well as established the more democratic more participatory IFM-SEI Task force.


Presidium The role of the Presidium is vital to our movements: to lead on the implementation of our Strategy and Work Plan, to ensure that resolutions are implemented, and to discuss political issues concerning IFM-SEI and liaise with member organisations. The presidium managed to have one face-to-face meeting before the pandemic, however the rest of the meetings were held online.

Control Commission The Control Commission’s role is to monitor the finances of IFM-SEI and our compliance with the IFM-SEI Constitution. The Presidium meets approximately every two months and the Control Commission meets at least twice per year. So far in their mandate, the Control Commission has approved IFM-SEI’s 2021 budget.

Thematic Networks Thematic networks became a key statutory body of IFM-SEI since our Congress in 2019. The networks provide an opportunity for our membership to bring their expertise on specific topics, and compliment Presidium’s work in those areas. It is also an opportunity for IFM-SEI to support our member organisations to develop their work in specific fields, and for member organisations to collaborate and work together on different themes. The following networks are established and working:

Rainbow Network Feminist Network Accessibility Network Migration Network


Regional networks The regional networks are in process of becoming more sustainable, and the structure in each region vary from the other. Each regional network would elect a regional coordinator that the region decide on the task they need to carry. In 2020, our regional networks had met at least once, specially the Latin America region, African Falcon Network, and the European Falcon Network. The regions are vital organ in our structures in IFM-SEI and we believe that the stronger the regions are the stronger IFM-SEI is. Our Current Presidium members are:

Babacar Toure Baturay Goksular Cesar Rivero M. (African region)

(Middle Eastern region)

(Latin American region)

Christina Schauer Ellen Lindsay A. (President)


(Vice President)

Jasmin Trogen (European region)

Ruba Hilal


The Control Commission consists of the following three people:

Deborah McCahon Jure Stajnbaher

Etaka Bibiche

The IFM-SEI Secretariat Our office team has had some changes this year, we said goodbyes to Christine Sudbrock, Basak Van Hofe, Federico Pozzoni, and Nadia Asri. We also welcomed, Ruba Hilal as Secretary General, Andrés Santiago as Project officer, and Iris Garcia as IFM-SEI long term volunteer. Our Office Manager, Ingrid de Kock, continued to offer reliability and support to the Secretariat, celebrating 42 years working for IFM-SEI in 2020. And our Project and Communications Officer – Anuschka Ruge worked for four days a week in 2020 rather than three days.


Christine Sudbrock Ingrid de Kock

Basak Van Hove

Secretary General Interim (until Mar. 2020)

Office Secretary

Federcio Pozzine

Ruba Hilal

Anuschka Ruge

Andrés Santiago

Nadia Asri

Project Officer (from Mar. 2020 - Jul. 2020)

Iris Garcia

long-term volunteer (Sep. 2020 - Aug. 2021)


Project Officer (Until Feb. 2020)

Secretary-General Project and (in office from Mar. 2020) Communication coordinator

Project Officer (From Jan. 2021)

Project Officer (Jul. 2020 – Jan. 2021) Longer term Volunteer (Sep. 2019 - Aug. 2020)

IFM-SEI Finances

In 2020, IFM-SEI had an ambitious budget and was able to enact an increasing number of projects and a larger secretariat to go with it. The finances remained stable with the aim of a breakeven budget, and the balance came in with a small profit of 230.61 euros. Thanks to our operating grant from the European Commission, the Structural Grant from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, project grants, membership fees and donations, we are able to run an effective secretariat in Brussels and organise meetings, projects and activities to put into action our Aims and Principles.



0 2 0 2 INCOME 27.7%

TOTAL: 262,505.68€






TOTAL: 262,275.07€ However, it is important to mention that, with all the instability that 2020 came with, financially it was very hard to keep and implement the international activities as planned, this has had some impact in our finance, as we had to postpone and cancel some of our projects


Educational resources

Check out our three new resources available, two Massive Online Open Courses, one Educational Toolkit, one zine, and a situation report.

Womxn in Reflection-Zine

WOMXN in Reflection Zine is from womxn of colour for womxn of colour. We wanted to bring visibility to womxn of colour, their experiences interacting with different institutions in society and their work. In this zine, you will find contributions from 21 different womxn, who share their creative reflections on their experiences. Womxn from across Europe who all have different cultural, educational and career backgrounds have come together in this zine. This zine was produced during Amplify Project.


Amplify youth voices MOOC

This is a pilot module of our MOOC on non-formal and popular education, facilitation and training for social change. To learn about tips, tools, and methods for facilitating anti-oppressive, safer, ‘non-formal’ and ‘popular’ education spaces!

Building Bridges Youth Work and Peace MOOC This MOOC was one of the outputs of building Bridges project, to learn tools for Peace and Human Rights Education, and see what impact they can have on young people worldwide!


Situation report and Best Practices This study was conducted as part of the project ‘Building Bridges: Youth work for peace and dialogue’, a two-year global project implemented by IFM-SEI and funded by the European Commission (EC).

Peace Education toolkit This toolkit was developed during the Building Bridges project, a two year long project supported by Erasmus+, thanks to the hard work of youth workers from eight different organisations from Africa, Asia, Europe and South America.


International Falcon Movement Socialist Educational International

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