IFM-SEI Strategy and Work Plan 2022-25

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

Dear comrades, This three-year mandate 2022-2025, comes at a landmark time where we will be celebrating 100 years of IFM-SEI whilst welcoming in a new period. We used this opportunity of the IFM-SEI centenary to not only honour our work but also to look back, understand what makes IFM-SEI distinctive and relevant a century after its inception, and reflect on the strengths of our movement. We are also taking this opportunity to recognise and reflect on the flaws and barriers within our organisation with the aim of addressing these, building a stronger movement and ensuring the future of IFM-SEI grows sustainably and is accessible. In the last few years, we have had to implement international activities in the ever changing landscape of a global pandemic, causing us to move countless projects online. We have become more adaptable as an organisation, moving projects and meetings online at the same time as securing new funding streams and building towards a financially sustainable future. Despite making progress as an organisation, we have also recognised that there is more work to do: inequalities have been amplified by COVID-19 and we as children’s rights, socialist organisation has to be tackling both in our own projects and in wider society. We believe we are on the right track and that this strategic workplan will further steer us in the right direction. With this we commit to continue our fight for climate justice, our work on children’s rights and for peace education at the same time as setting up aims and objectives to grow as a global movement of movements. We are going to use our recent digitalisation to connect with more children and young people directly and to spread socialist education to all our members. We recognise that while our movement has always been for children and young people our own political structures are inaccessible and unexciting. We now are looking to truly empower them to take decisions and discuss with us together is the way. This Strategy and Work plan 2022-2025, is the foundation to make all of this happen. It serves as a tool to facilitate our work in the next three years while still being flexible enough to foster change and development within our organization. It is the product of discussions within the movement both formally and informally through online meetings and consultations on structural and political topics. Key feedback and reflections from activities and discussions with member organisation and statutory body members over the past years have been inserted into the work plan throughout its development phase. It sets high, yet achievable aims for us while reminding us of our common vision and keeping us 22-24 April 2022 Austria / Online Amendment form


XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022 accountable. It is essential we are striving towards a better world for all children, towards a stronger, accessible, and sustainable IFM-SEI and it is imperative that we are doing this together. This Strategy and Work Plan is a key tool to ensure we are working together to bring this change. Towards a stronger IFM-SEI!

The MISSION of IFM-SEI is to contribute to the education of young people, through socialist values and non-formal education, enabling children and young people to become critical thinkers and active decision-makers in their lives and communities. We believe that through empowering our members to bring about smaller, local changes we can bring about a bigger, further reaching change in society – we call this education for social change. By 2025, our VISION is to create more spaces within the movement where children and young people from different socio-economic backgrounds feel empowered to raise their voice and are able to actively and meaningfully impact and participate in decision-making process that affect their lives.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

Overview of the Strategy and Work Plan 2022–2025 The Strategy and Work Plan 2022–2025 is divided into six strategic priorities. These correspond to IFM-SEI’s mission and vision and support the aims and principles outlined in the IFM-SEI constitution. As an outcome of multiple consultations with our member organisations1 this Strategy and Work Plan includes three overarching strategic focuses: inclusion and diversity, child and youth participation, and accessibility. We believe that these topics should be included in all our work and should be present and reflected under each of the priorities. The order of the six strategic priorities in this document does not hold any significance. Each of the strategic focuses for the years 2022-2025 is accompanied with a general overview and aim, alongside a short analysis on the topic and a set of objectives and performance indicators for the strategic priority upon which our work and progress will be measured. The objectives are a set of steps that we should take to satisfy or achieve a strategic priority, in line with our mission and vision. The performance indicators are measurable goals that are used to determine our success in relation to the outlined objectives. Each area consists also of the impact on our work and work of our member organisations over the three-year period. At the moment project funding provides the foundations for the majority of IFM-SEI’s work and is not often reliable or regular and so we have to be flexible with timings for projects and activities. In order to account for these specific timings for the implementation of our aims and objectives have not been set. In order to ensure they are being met they will be incorporated into the annual implementation plan which is approved by the IFM-SEI Presidium each autumn. The implementation plan is regularly shared and open for consultation with MOs after it is approved.


Throughout this document, we use the abbreviation ‘MO(s)’, which stands for a ‘member organisation(s)’. 22-24 April 2022 Austria / Online Amendment form


XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

Six strategic priorities

1. Children's rights: IFM-SEI should remain a key stakeholder in the fight for children’s rights across the world. Empowerment and awareness raising in relation to the rights of our members should be the cornerstone of children’s rights education. Each of our members should know their rights and be able to uphold and protect them.

2. Socialist Education: IFM-SEI should foster shared socialist values with our members through non-formal and human rights education on local, national and international levels. This is our unique quality as a socialist educational movement.

3. Peace Education: IFM-SEI should diversify the focus of peace education work and provide space for young people to develop skills, attitudes, values and knowledge to build sustainable, just, and supportive societies.

4. Growing a Greener Future: IFM-SEI should keep promoting environmental sustainability from a socialist educational perspective while supporting young people in the crucial role they play in climate justice efforts by providing them with opportunities for engagement.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

5. Stronger IFM-SEI: IFM-SEI should strengthen our internal and external structures in order to ensure they are accessible and inclusive to children and young people from all of our regions. We should be looking to grow as a movement in order to foster our shared socialist and human rights values with our members.

6. Digitalisation: IFM-SEI should explore the impact of digital youth work and digitalisation on young people’s lives and its implication for youth policy, youth work and non-formal education, specifically focusing on the intersection between social inclusion and digitalisation.

Three overarching focuses ➔ Child and Youth Participation: IFM-SEI should be promoting greater engagement of children and young people on regional and international levels withing IFM-SEI and its Mos. We are committed to creating and adapting spaces for engagement and leadership that are child and youth friendly and do not pose any systemic barriers for participation and engagement in dialogue and decision-making processes. With this focus IFM-SEI aims to promote the active and meaningful participation of our beneficiaries in our structures, activities and programmes, ensuring our movement and member organisations are led by children and young people, not simply for or with them. ➔ Diversity and Inclusion: IFM-SEI and its membership should be inclusive of everyone regardless of their background, beliefs or social class. Our movements and organisational cultures should reflect the diversity of local communities, including young Roma, young migrants and refugees, young people with disabilities and young LGBTQIA+. We strive towards a non-violent society where all forms of structural discrimination are confronted from a systemic, structural and individual approach. We want to demonstrate this in our governance, educational work and projects. 22-24 April 2022 Austria / Online Amendment form


XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

➔ Accessibility: IFM-SEI should be creating an environment where everyone is able to participate and where people’s individual needs are considered. For IFM-SEI to be accessible to everyone regardless of their additional requirements our projects and working environment must be spaces where everyone can actively and meaningfully participate and where additional measures are available for everyone who requires them.

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1. Children's rights 2. Socialist Education

3. Peace Education

STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 4. Growing a Greener Future

5. Stronger IFM-SEI 6. Digitization

XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

1. Children's rights Aim: For IFM-SEI to support children and young people by protecting and fighting for their rights across the world and, through education, providing them with space and tools to advocate for themselves and raise their voice. To build a world where children’s rights are respected, our members must know and understand their rights and be empowered to stand up and advocate for themselves and for every child. Analysis: The convention on the Rights of a Child is a key document in IFM-SEI and raising our members awareness of these rights and how to fight for them is at the core of our movement. As experts for child rights on a regional and national level, we take strong actions for children’s rights through both advocacy and empowering children through non-formal, peer education. We have made significant progress in creating spaces to share programmes, frameworks and good practices on children’s rights advocacy and education with our international project, Kids Got Rights. However, our consultations with the members noted that there is still significant work to be done specifically in opening our decision-making processes to active and meaningful participation of children. We need to move from advocacy to action and ensure that not only IFM-SEI spaces are accessible to children but that all our members are also equipped to fight for children’s rights on local, regional, and national levels. Objectives: ●

Support a child-friendly children’s rights charter created by children for children.

Research the impact of non-formal educational practices on the wellbeing of the children and the protection of their rights during the pandemic.

Create specific tools for a child-friendly and child-led advocacy.

Advocate for mainstreaming of children’s rights.

Deliver a series of activities led by children on a national and international level.

Performance indicators: ●

Complete a research paper that studies the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022 children, their rights and their wellbeing, and the role of non-formal educational organisations. ●

Launch a social media campaign that ensures the visibility of the children’s claims to a wider audience.

Develop and disseminate an educational resource on child-friendly and child-led advocacy.

Have children from all over the world present and with a role at IFM-SEI Congress and International Committee.

At least one international project focusing specifically on children’s rights.

Have a representative for children and young people on IFM-SEI Presidium.

Impact: Through the Kids Got Rights Project and the Resolution on Child and Youth Participation, adopted at the International Committee 2020, we are on the right track to ensure that our youngest members have the competencies to not only understand their rights but also to defend and uphold them. While many of our member organisations are recognised as key stakeholders in the protection and promotion of children’s rights, as a movement we want to cement a children’s rights approach in all levels of our governance. We are committed to taking a step forward by moving from consultation processes with children to their active and direct engagement. In the new Strategy and Workplan we therefore put a more direct effort to include children in decision-making levels in meaningful and inclusive ways by engraving these mechanisms in our organisational culture.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

2. Socialist Education Aim: For IFM-SEI to continue to develop Socialist Education and distribute its knowledge and practices on a global level in a way that is available, understandable, and relevant in local, national and international spaces. We strongly believe that systematic change is essential to fight inequalities on local to global levels and have developed a form of socialist education that uses non-formal methodologies to demystify and fight power structures and share socialist values. We want to use this socialist education to enhance solidarity and international understanding between our members. Analysis: The projects and workplans we deliver at IFM-SEI are all structured by a socialist education framework and aim to deliver quality, meaningful education on the world. We have made recent efforts to consolidate our understandings of this process in the Socialist Education Toolkit that is being produced in early 2022. This will bring together perspectives, methodologies and activities from IFM-SEI and our MO’s and provide a comprehensive and useable resource for facilitators around the world. However, while we have made progress in developing a common understanding of quality socialist education and started creating materials that support its theory and practice, the current reach and impact of this work in our different regions is unequal. The amount and the quality of resources available to different regions varies drastically while the objectives of the trainings and the work are often nonrealistic for specific areas. We therefore want to ensure that while we are continuing to implement socialist education with our members, we are also expanding the reach and impact of this work around the world. Objectives: ●

Create and regularly promote materials for members and educators on the theory and practice of socialist education.

Promote a model for the regular training of members and member organisation on socialist education in practice and offer trainings on socialist education on an annual basis.

Revitalise the Pool of Socialist Educators and deliver a training for trainers courses for members.

Nurture the common identity as socialist educators.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022 ●

Strive to have at least one of the trainers from outside of Europe at international activities in order to ensure the activity is inclusive and reflects global opinions.

Performance indicators: ●

Develop a programme for an annual academy where children, young people and young experts and trainers share best practices and sessions of socialist education.

Engage at least 20 young people annually in academy for socialist education.

15 new members will join the Pool of Socialist Educators (POSE) with representation from at least three world regions.

5 open-source educational resources will be produced in print, digital or e-learning format.

Impact: We aim to continue the work done on this strategic priority in the previous three years by successfully disseminating the educational resources on socialist education and highlighting its added value. This means also growing our Pool of Socialist Educators (POSE) and providing more capacity-building opportunities where young people can learn more about the style of non-formal education that IFM-SEI is promoting and become multipliers of socialist values in their local communities. Additionally, efforts will be made to make POSE more inclusive by encouraging trainers, facilitators and educators from outside of Europe. We want to ensure that our human resources reflects the diversity of our members around the globe and are able to bring different perspectives to the activities.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

3. Peace Education Aim: For IFM-SEI to develop, strengthen and share its understanding of peace as more than simply an absence of war. It is a non-violent environment free from discrimination, abuse, war, bullying and fear and with opportunities to be healthy, to learn, to grow and to prosper. We want to re-prioritise peace education within our group work, developing and sharing it as a critical thinking tool to learn about and analyse conflicts and fight exploitation. Analysis: IFM-SEI has a long history of peace education, delivering many projects and workplans focusing on a culture of peace. In the next workplan we would like to reexplore peace and our understandings of the concept, focusing on having more skill sharing between groups and within projects. We want to return to our previous work on these topics and ensure we are using peace education to educate our members on mediation, conflicts and advocacy. This will then create and maintain a culture that promotes and builds sustainable, just and supportive societies. Objectives: ●

Create materials for youth leaders and youth trainers on mediation, non-violent communication, conflict prevention and peace education.

Foster a sense of social responsibility and solidarity.

Enhance youth worker’s competencies and training capacity on creating safe(r) spaces in youth settings.

Provide space to explore and understand the mechanisms behind violent radicalisation and extremism.

Empower members through non-formal education and peace education to act as multipliers of inclusion that mitigate violent radicalisation.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022 Performance indicators: ●

Develop and publish “PeaceCommunicators” starter kit for trainers focusing on nonviolent communication in group work translated into two languages.

Create at least three animated videos on peace communication, peace education and conflict management.

Deliver a training for trainers on peace education.

10 MOs will deliver national or local projects on peace education.

Engage with at least two network and coalitions tackling violent radicalisation and focusing on mediation.

Impact: In the turbulent times we are living in there is an observation of growing conflict and of the fragmentation of efforts to advance the youth peace and security agenda. In light of this we believe it is crucial to return to the basics of peace education and mediation. This means working directly with children and young people, and specifically with those coming from marginalised communities as we have seen that a lack of diverse voices has a negative impact on the quality of decision and policies made. In refocusing on this specific priority that was more visible in SWP 2016-2019, we directly contribute to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security by providing space and framework for children and youth to have a greater voice in decision-making on matters that affect them locally, regionally, and internationally.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

4. Growing a Greemer Future Aim: For IFM-SEI to work towards a greener future by working for climate justice through a socialist lens that recognizes the systematic causes and unequal effects of climate crisis as well as ensures the activism for climate justice is accessible and intersectional. Analysis: IFM-SEI has been planting the seeds for a greener future without the threat of environmental emergencies, forced migration due to the climate and climate dread/anxiety experienced by our young people. Continuing with the work we did in “Resist! The Global Climate Divide” we want to make sure this work is accessible and inclusive by promoting the voices of those in the global south and making our campaigns for climate justice available to and understandable for all. We want to replace overly academic language with a child and youth friendly voice. We want to remove individualistic causes and solutions to the crisis and focus on system reform to build a better, greener and more socialist future. Objectives: ●

Use our global network of organisations to discuss climate change as an interconnected and intersectional issue.

Adapt the educational resources to child and youth friendly language.

Raise awareness on United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Increase knowledge and understanding of interconnection between socialist education and climate justice.

Performance indicators: ●

Establish a thematic network or working group focusing on climate justice that will actively engage at least 10 members from four different regions and facilitate two meetings per year.

Promote already available resources on the topic of climate justice.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022 ●

Create one resource that explains climate crisis and Sustainable Development Goals in a child and youth friendly language.

Establish sustainable cooperation with at least one external partner that works specifically on environmental sustainability.

Impact: As climate justice remains one of the top priorities for young people and children, we believe it is needed to continue working on the topic and support our members in the fight for climate justice. This means providing more space in our structure for this topic which will allow our members to engage and come up with their own ideas and actions to raise awareness about environmental issues, not only in society at large but also specifically in our own member organisations.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

5. Stronger IFM-SEI Aim: For IFM-SEI to become a stronger, more influential global movement with an emphasis on both acting upon and sharing our values. Internally we want our structures to be accessible and understandable to all our members and reflective of our aims and principles, focusing on the global aspect of the movement. Externally we want to be growing as a movement to share our values with more people and we want to be returning our focus to advocacy work. We want children and young people to be taking the lead and shaping our organization in the next centenary. Analysis: Our current structures can at times be over formal, confusing and inaccessible for many of our members, especially our children and young people. We want our processes to be participatory, consensus oriented and transparent to our members. We want to ensure that all our members can both understand our governance and voting structures and are motivated to participate in them. Currently, due to funding, lots of our projects are in Europe, we want to ensure that we have more global projects, and they are accessible for all regions in terms of both time and resources needed. We also want to ensure that the processes we already have in place such as our regional networks, international committees and congress are prioritizing cooperation and communication between our member organisations, members, regions, staff, and volunteers. In addition to this, we want to ensure we are growing as a movement and that we are putting our strength and knowledge to good use. Lots of our most successful international work has been in advocacy such as when we worked with groups in West and East Europe in the 1980s and when we received the UN Messenger for Peace honour for working with groups in Israel and Palestine. We want to return to this path and push to actively amplify children and young people’s voices both in our internal structures and in external advocacy. Objectives: ●

Develop and include a “child and youth participation” representative to Presidium that is under the age of 21 to ensure there is a young person’s voice in statutory meetings.

Counter eurocentrism in IFM-SEI organisational structure by aiming to have at least one leadership position filled by a representative from outside of Europe.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022 ●

Grow as an organization by expanding our membership.

Develop a document to be promoted on the website that clearly states what IFM-SEI is and what can it offer as a movement to prospective members.

Have a formal communication implementation plan that includes visits from potential members.

Increase cooperation and networking between organisations on a local level.

Regularly review our thematic networks to check they cover and include the topics our members are interested in.

Encourage our members to tackle eurocentrism actively and consciously.

Identify more granting schemes within the United Nations to support more activities outside of Europe.

Take action to address racism.

Performance indicators: ●

Expand membership by two new member organisation from two different regions.

Developed action plan for the guidelines presented by the Reflection Group focusing on the assessment of power relations in organisational culture and between different world regions, and the unconscious biases every individual holds.

Having regular regional meetings at least once per year coordinated by the regional presidium member with the regional coordinator.

Having all our thematic networks active with coordinators and aims and goals developed by each of the group.

At least 80% of our MOs engage in a communications platform to exchange practices and improve communication in between statutory meetings.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022 ●

Deliver anti-racism training, minimum once per year.

Promote anti-racism educational resources and participate in anti-racism campaigns.

Impact: Strong organisation means a strong movement. With this in mind, we will challenge some of the existing structures in our organisation and examine the tools for better cooperation to ensure that everyone is able to contribute to the movement on an international level. This will lead to more young people having a better understanding of what IFM-SEI does and ensuring that they have the necessary space and knowledge to take the lead.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

6. Digitalisation Aim: For IFM-SEI to deliver successful, accessible, and regular online meetings, educational and advocacy work. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a transformation of much of our outputs from in-person delivery to online. We want to ensure that this delivery is systematic and carefully planned to make sure it is accessible and inclusive to all our members. Analysis: IFM-SEI has made significant efforts as an organization to keep up with relevant technological developments. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic we have moved the majority of our education and youth work online as well as our governance meetings such as our presidium, taskforce, working group, thematic networks and regional meetings. In order to make these meetings accessible we are using the zoom platform where we can have simultaneous interpretation into French and Spanish. We have found that online meetings and projects allow for greater participation from our members outside of Europe as it removes the financial and time cost of long-haul flights. However, we have also seen that while this makes our projects both more sustainable and more global, true participation is often prevented by a lack of digital resources. While members from our African, Asian, Middle Eastern and Latin American organisation do join these meetings, they are often either completely prevented from doing so through power cuts or lack of technology necessary or are unable to participate fully when they do join due to needing a laptop, or a laptop and a smart phone. IFM-SEI is therefore committed to address this gap both in relation to access to digital resources such as wi-fi and technology and to developing its online activities to be more accessible to those with barriers to access. Objectives: ●

Build capacity of young people to be able to facilitate e-learning and blended activities.

Advocate for policies with respect to youth work with a specific focus on implications of digitalisation on young people from marginalised communities.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022 ●

Strengthen the online information about IFM-SEI and create a more accessible website and ensure all member organisations have webpages, social networks and the ability to input into the IFM-SEI monthly newsletter.

Ensure there is funding put aside for internet access.

Explore digital resources that allow for non-formal online education to be done on phones so online trainings can be made accessible for those that only own one device.

Performance indicators: ●

Develop guidelines for inclusive online activities that can be shared with trainers and facilitators of IFM-SEI international activities.

Conduct research on the impact of digital youth work on children and young people from 8 different countries from 5 different world regions.

Develop a non-formal educational toolkit for youth work that combines best practices of inclusive facilitation on e-learning and blended activities.

Establish an e-learning platform that is accessible especially for young people with fewer opportunities.

Impact: While this new strategic priority was partially fast-tracked due to circumstances that forced us to move our work online, we believe its impact will contribute to more innovative, creative, inclusive, and accessible working methods and increased digital competencies of our members. It will play a significant role in bridging the digital divide and promoting inclusion and technologies that promote critical, innovative, and value-based perspective on digital transformation.

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Implementation Techniques

XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

IFM-SEI’s structures and bodies Congress and International Committee: The highest decision-making bodies in IFM-SEI, with participation from all our member representative bodies. They take place once a year usually in May-June.

Presidium: The body, elected by the membership, to work for a three-year period to deliver and monitor the Strategy and Work Plan and to define the annual implementation plans.

Thematic Networks: Open groups of members that work on specific thematic areas of work, led by a coordinator(s) from the wider membership.

Regional Networks and Coordinators: They allow each region to not only have a direct representative within the Presidium but also one at the regional level that is responsible for supporting the development of member organisations. They ensure that the respective region is able to work effectively on the implementation of activities at local and regional level.

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

Working Groups: These ad-hoc groups can be established by the Congress, International Committee or Presidium to work on a specific area that responds to a need of the organisation or membership over a continuous or medium- to long-term period. An example of this is the “Child and Youth Participation Working Group”, supporting one of the strategic priorities.

Volunteer Pools: This includes the Pool of Socialist Educators (POSE) and Pool of Translators, which brings together experts in specific areas, who can provide IFM-SEI with expertise in delivering their work, training, external representation, or translation.

Task Forces: These groups are set up for a fixed-term timeframe and work on a specific topic, such as a consultation, review or planning process on a certain area bringing together a group of experienced persons or experts that are elected or appointed. A recent example is the Governance Review Group and the future Centenary preparations.

Possible types of activities: International camps


Global projects


Study sessions

Capacity building trainings


Educational resources

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XXIX Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI 2022

Monitoring The International Committee is the highest body in IFM-SEI responsible for monitoring the Strategy and Work Plan 2022-25. The Presidium reports to the International Committee about the objectives and performance indicators in the Strategy and Work Plan. The Presidium approves an annual implementation of the work for the following year in their meeting in September-November. The implementation will be shared and open for consultation with MOs after it is agreed. The responsible team for activities, programmes, and campaigns – as well as coordinators of different structures above - will produce reports according to the objectives and performance indicators in the Strategy and Work Plan 2022-2025. There will be a feedback system created and implemented by the IFM-SEI Presidium to gain inputs and information from MOs and their work in relation to the Strategy and Work Plan 2022- 25. As well as gathering data to measure progress against the performance indicators, this will also facilitate sharing of activities and good practice with the rest of the membership and external stakeholders.

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