1 minute read
What Does Anticapitalism mean to you
from Resist! The toolkit
Topics: Anticapitalism
Age: 12+ Group size: 8-30 Duration: 1–1.5 hours (dependent of group size)
Preparation/materials needed:
Statements from Annex 1 Wrinted · Written on A4 paper · Posters and stuck on walls in room
This activity has been developed using the statements that the Resist participants generated in a workshop of the same name.
Step by step instructions:
1. Stick the statements up on the walls or spread around the room. If you have a larger space available, you can spread them over a large area/different rooms.
2. Ask the participants to walk around and read each of the statements (in no particular order). If they are reading at the same time with someone else, they can discuss the meaning and their thoughts about it. (20 mins)
3. Once everyone has read each statement, tell people to stand by the one that most interested them (it can be because they strongly agree, do not agree, or maybe don’t quite understand it)
4. Then split into small groups based on which statements people have chosen, if people are alone, group them together so that the groups are of a roughly equal size. 27
5. Ask the groups to arrive at an understanding of capitalism and anticapitalism, beginning the discussion with their quotes. They should produce a poster explaining their ideas. (20-30 mins) 6.Present back and discuss people’s different ideas (20-30 mins) - What are the common ideas about capitalism/anticapitalism? - How are the presentations different? - Why are there so many people who support a capitalist economic system? - Can we reach a common understanding? - Why is anticapitalism connected to climate justice?
Online adaptation
This exercise was originally done online using the Menti online tool.
Tips and variations
- You can substitute quotes about specific aspects of capitalism (wages, production, ownership etc.) if you would like to get into more depth