4 minute read
Campaign Planning Questions
from Resist! The toolkit
1. What’s wrong? 2. What do you want to see in the end? 3. What are the steps towards the aim? 4. Who do you want to reach? 5. What is our message? 6. What and Why? 7. When and Where? 8. How much does this all cost? 9. What can go wrong? 10. Who can help you? 11. How will we know it worked? 12. Implementation Stage 13. How was it?
Project Ideas
Get Active, Fight The Global Climate Divide!

Jorge from Integridad Absoluta in Chile organized a local day of action to reclaim public space with art activities and food. An event like this is a great way to meet different people from the community, create a feeling of responsibility for our surroundings and talk about important issues!

Marla from the Woodcraft Folk organized a swap and save meeting to promote reusing things. She also made her own podcast.
Both of these are great to do with your own groups!
Loukmanou from Pionniers du Mali did a project looking at the conflicts between herders and crop farmers:
“Although my country is very vulnerable to the shocks and tensions induced by climate change, this precariousness is not distributed in an equitable way between the different groups (Communities). Minority groups of herders (such as Tuaregs, Peulhs and other Arab-Berber communities) are the most vulnerable to the impact of climate change which leads to the scarcity and disappearance of grasses, green spaces to feed the herds. This leads herders to direct their herds to agricultural land where there is food for their cattle, while destroying the crops of the majority ethnic farming populations. Hence the cause of conflicts between these communities”

- Loukmanou’s project worked with the different communities to find solutions.
- What conflicts exist in your own community that are caused by climate change?
- How could you start to help solve them and look to the underlying structural problems?

Posters are a great way to get across information and political messages. They help us practice making complicated topics easy to understand and interesting for people.
Use creative writing methods in the group to come up with slogans and ideas for posters.
Go out with the group and stick you posters up to spread the message! Willy from the German Falcon designed posters to highlight the topic of the gendered impact of climate change (left) and against the “overpopulation” argument (right). while destroying the crops of the majority ethnic farming populations. Hence the cause of conflicts between these communities”
“Women* perform 12 billion hours of unpaid care work worldwide every year including the majority of cleaning, changing nappys, cooking, doing laundry, providing emotional support, and more. Without this work the world would stand still. If one were to economically value this work, it would be worth $10.8 trillion. That is three times the value of the entire IT sector! In Germany only if the minimum wage were paid for every hour of care work the countries GDP would be one third higher. But care work is unpaid, despite being vital, and this shows a lack of social appreciation.”
After your projects, don’t forget to reflect and evaluate about how they went!
You can think about what went well and what could have been better, as well as how you can develop the ideas for use in the future and sharing with other groups.
Also, don’t forget that evaluation can also be fun and creative, a great way of generating new ideas and reminding everyone in the group that they have done something great!

Think global, Act local
Act Global, Think Local
IFM SEI is a global organisation. The last year living with Covid has shown us both how certain problems affect the entire world ignoring all borders, as well as how, even in a crisis, we can stay connected across different countries and regions. Think about the global aspect of your project and how it relates to climate justice.
We organise activities on the local level but are also part of a global family. Think about reaching out to an IFM organisation in another part of the globe and collaborating. International solidarity is the perfect tool with which to resist the global climate divide!

International Falcon Movement Socialist Educational International www.ifm-sei.org
This publication was produced by IFM-SEI with the support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. It does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of Europe.