DRIVE: A breakthrough marketing guide for aesthetic practices | Prologue & Chapter 1

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THE POWER OF EXECUTION A Breakthrough Guide for Growing your Practice


Copyright © 2014 IF Marketing All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below. Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within. It is advisable to consult with your health care attorney before engaging in marketing promotions. CCM Publishing 845 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 923E Chicago, IL 60611 Editing by Aileen P. Reid For ordering information contact the author, or call 855-436-2753 Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. Visit for more information. Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data Drumm, Tracy. DRIVE: The Power of Execution / Tracy Drumm ISBN 978-0-9823592-2-8 1. The main category of the book — Business — Marketing — Aesthetic Medicine Second Edition



Chapter 1

Execution 1 Core Philosophies 13 Staff 26 Image 72 Medical Credentials 111 Patient Education 135 Loyalty and Retention 175 External Marketing 196 Innovation and Creativity 223 Making it Happen 230

Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10


Expert Inserts


Names of medications, treatments, procedures and companies may typically be followed by ™ or Ž symbols but those symbols are not represented in the book.


“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” —Leonardo da Vinci



y fingers seemingly dance across the keyboard as I type the words “aesthetic medical marketing” into the Google search bar. Seconds later, dozens of results systematically emerge onto the page. One hit after another, I desperately search for it. Clicking each link, I sift through the weeds of information, overcoming their attempts to slow me down. I anxiously scan each page. “Where is it?” I ask aloud. Several years ago, I turned to the internet to find an ally in constructing a marketing plan for our aesthetic practice. “Surely a comprehensive guide already exists,” I remember thinking. Not one based on theories or a single aspect of the business, rather a complete marketing guide that could serve as a virtual mentor. I wanted examples of triumphs and failures that could act as a beacon of light for our staff. I was in search of a friendly voice that could say, “I have been where you are and here is the blueprint for growth.” Our office needed an example of a successfully implemented marketing strategy to usher us into the realm of modern medicine. Most importantly, I wanted this elusive guide featuring a wealth of information to be presented in a digestible manner. Marketing could be systematic, I was sure of that. But as I went from one page to the next, I found myself wondering if I would sooner find the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus than this all-encompassing guide. Feeling defeated, I stared with blurred vision at the army of Google search results. Perhaps it was sleep deprivation or an overabundance of caffeine, but as I stared at the never-ending list of links they suddenly screamed the answer to me: “If it doesn’t exist, invent it!” So we did. Over the next several months, I devoured text books, attended conferences and listened to countless webinars. Working and learning from Dr. Steven Dayan, one of the most talented marketers I have ever known, I hunted for information. Attempting to feed what had become an insatiable appetite to learn aesthetic marketing, I logged hours talking with the best practices in the county. Reviewing innumerable case studies outside the industry, I searched for parallel growth strategies that could carry over into aesthetics. Slowly the pieces started to fit. I purchased a marketing software program and started to plug the elements specific to our industry into the framework. Like watching a puzzle come together, a larger image began to emerge. Not only did the structure we were creating serve xi




as our compass, but we realized with delight, that it could serve as the handbook other practices just might be seeking. Several years, many stumbles and just enough “aha� moments later, we created the very guide we originally wished to find. Now it is our hope that when aesthetic physicians are seeking a boost in business, they can quickly and easily find the guide I had once desperately sought. Their staff can now avoid plowing through virtual tumbleweeds to piece together a plan, and instead learn from our defeats which eventually led to formulaic growth. Released here, for the first time ever, is the very framework we created. This book is overflowing with highlights from our original marketing plan plus hundreds of new ideas and innovative solutions. The concepts are simple, easy to follow and most importantly, result in change. We certainly don’t have all the answers, but we did stumble upon a few that just might help other practices. Most importantly, we know that by sharing these ideas you can expand them to heights never before imagined. Let the following chapters fuel your inner-marketer and unleash an unstoppable drive. Prepare to transcend from a routine of simply surviving to an adventure of thriving. This book details the story of how we eventually found the original answer we sought by creating it ourselves. The good news is that I also found Santa and the Easter Bunny along the way. I guess the moral of the story is that if you set your mind to something, you just might bring the fictitious to life.

They do exist! My sister, nephews and I meeting the legends.



Unleashing t he Dr ive

Good news for your staff


remember it vividly, like it was yesterday. Young, hungry and a little naïve, I fought the blustery Chicago winds and bravely marched into my first day of work at Dr. Steven Dayan’s practice. With a bounce in my step, I was eager to rise to the challenge the office manager had placed in front of me. Having a database of 2,000 active patients and a promising young brand, the practice was in need of an aggressive plan to further infiltrate the local market. As I acclimated to my surroundings and assessed the practice’s current promotions, I could hear the surgeon approaching my office. Like a gust of wind he burst into the room. As he unraveled a string of brilliant ideas, I feverishly jotted notes with a freshly First day of work sharpened pencil. at the Chicago “What if we could figure out a way to get in front Center for of hotel concierges in Chicago? We could talk to Facial Plastic them about treatments their guests might want.” He Surgery. enthusiastically elaborated, “Whether someone needs a 1




touch up for an event or there is a high-end visitor with a ‘Botox emergency’, the concierges should know to send their guests to us.” Snickering at the thought of a Botox emergency, I proudly told Dr. Dayan with my best “Rosie the Riveter” voice that I could do it. He scurried off to surgery and I diligently added “figure out concierge project” to my growing to-do list. Several hours and two rhinoplasties later, Dr. Dayan came back from surgery and stopped back in. “Well...what’s the solution?” he asked as I stared blankly at him. “The solution to what?” I replied with the typical cockiness of a 23-year-old. “The concierge project,” he reminded me as his body language tensed. “Oh, well I added it to my to-do list and will try to get to it later this week,” I cheerfully reassured him. With a consultation already in the waiting room he nodded and hurried off to change before meeting the patient. No more than five minutes later, he paused again briefly at my door holding a stack of charts. While thumbing through the blue files, he proceeded to tell me that he just ran a quick online search and found a group called the Chicago Concierge Association. Dr. Dayan explained that their site listed a monthly meeting where local businesses were invited to address the members. In the minutes he was gone, he had submitted his name as a potential speaker and received an automated message explaining that they would call within 24 hours to arrange the details. After quickly adjusting his tie, he said he would let me take it over from there. A few seconds later, I heard him warmly greet the patient and then disappear into a clinic room. Still fumbling to try and find my shiny new pencil, I remember thinking “what just happened?” That chilly winter day changed my life forever. I had officially received my first real lesson in execution. Three weeks later, Dr. Dayan addressed nearly 150 Chicago Concierges and wholeheartedly won them over. To date, nearly a decade later, we still receive referrals from this group. Over the next several years, I experienced the ultimate crash course in business. Working 14 hour days and weekends became routine. It was my initiation into what our office playfully calls the “Dayan School of Business.” My work days became so long that I actually started bringing a change of clothes for my “late shift.” With music blaring and no one to interrupt except the cleaning crew, I would plow through projects into the late night hours. I worked incredibly hard and devoted myself to my job because I suddenly felt compelled to, not because I was being told to. You see, for the first time in my life, work had suddenly become anything but work. I was able to move from idea to execution in a matter of hours and I became empowered by this newfound ability to create facts.




From direct mail campaigns to patient events with 800 attendees, I experimented with fresh marketing strategies. Stumbling and falling along the way, the scientist and teacher in Dr. Dayan pushed me to break down and analyze each failure, turning a potential disappointment into fodder for future successes. When a new promotion or idea didn’t work, he taught me how to make the necessary changes until, eventually, the idea produced explosive and consistent results. Without realizing it, I was slowly shifting from being a ‘dreamer’ to a ‘doer.’ And all the “doing” started paying off. With several years of relentless marketing efforts partnered with outstanding patient care, the practice’s brand flourished. Growing from 2,000 patients to nearly 14,000, the practice had become a force. The staff of six that I started with had expanded to over 40 people. The most astonishing part of this growth, however, was that with each new employee Dr. Dayan was able to duplicate his process of teaching the art of execution. His “curriculum” had the ability to push employees towards a tipping point where they could sustain and thrive through self-motivation. With his guidance, they quickly learned that simply adding something to the to-do list wouldn’t cut it. It was incredibly gratifying to watch the transformation of each new hire when they suddenly caught the “execution fever.” The metamorphosis was awe-inspiring and I wondered in bewilderment why this way of thinking wasn’t taught in school! It became clear to me that this secret had to be shared. The process of growing a business by growing people, rather than simply managing them was bigger than our office. In the spirit of education, these concepts were owed to the industry to help other practices prosper. These lessons are revealed as part of this comprehensive guide. The following chapters share the results of a marketing team that experienced an eruption of passion which was thankfully harnessed by the leadership of one physician. Our practice serves as proof that by embracing failures and utilizing a trial and error approach to innovation, a business can grow in ways never imagined. You see, after working with hundreds of offices around the world I believe that execution is the missing link for most businesses. It’s not a lack of desire or effort from the practices, rather the absence of a “now what” is missing from most webinars, books or conferences. Physicians or staff typically hear a new idea, read an article or are inspired by a lecture, only for their newfound drive to be overpowered by the demands of running a practice. Patients need to be treated, charts signed, appointments dictated, staff managed and so on. Digestible steps to help practices implement new ideas are typically missing from the lessons. What this book offers is not




only marketing ideas necessary to push your brand and promotions to new heights, but also the imperative “how to” needed to execute the ideas. Proven marketing strategies, promotional tool examples and entertaining case studies are revealed in the following chapters. They include instructions and tips for implementing breakthrough campaigns designed by a practice, for a practice. Whether you are a physician or support staff member, this book will unlock growth codes based on human instinct. Presented in easy-to-follow formulas; the content dives into uncharted territory. It reveals the behind-the-scenes solutions to boost your business and provides the instructions needed to drive your practice forward.

Organically Grown

A quick story to set the stage It started with just one phone call. I had been working as the marketing manager of Dr. Dayan’s practice for a few years. He had just returned from a conference where he had delivered several lectures, and during one presentation he happened to show a patient brochure we created. The brochure featured real patients and was part of a campaign which was proving to be a huge success. Without realizing the impression it had left, Dr. Dayan returned from the meeting and went about clinic. The following Monday, however, things changed dramatically. A colleague of Dr. Dayan’s, who had attended the lecture, called the practice inquiring about our brochures. I casually took the call, unsure of exactly what the doctor on the phone wanted. One question lead to another and before I knew it the physician and I had “talked shop” about our various marketing strategies for 45 minutes. Realizing time had slipped away, I offered to send him the design file of our brochure so he could personalize it. “Can’t I just pay you guys to do it for me?” he asked. Bewildered by the request I assured him that it was easy to recreate. I felt uncomfortable at the thought of taking payment from him and knew Dr. Dayan would be irate if I showed up with a credit card number from one of his friends. I delicately reiterated that we didn’t charge for this sort of exchange and offered to teach the doctor’s staff how to modify the file. The physician persisted, explaining that his office didn’t have anyone in charge of marketing and that he was afraid it would take months for them to finish the project. After much back and forth and without realizing the significance of what this first “client” meant for our future, we processed the order and customized the brochure. As time went on, that one phone call turned to dozens, and before I knew it the incoming calls were more than one person could handle. Out of




necessity, we hired our first employee to take on these extra marketing projects and field the orders. Organically grown in the truest form, IF Marketing was born. Fast forward several years and that one marketing employee turned into 20 and that one brochure project turned into thousands. Word spread quickly of the marketing company that was part of a medical practice, living in the trenches and offering real-time solutions that directly fulfilled a practice’s needs. We truly had the best of both worlds. We weren’t just offering conceptual ideas from 10,000 feet above the problems; we were “on the front line.” We talked to patients and tested new tools daily; we were living and breathing what we were ultimately selling. We knew first-hand the challenges our clients faced because we, we were also facing them. With each twist and turn of the market, we had to adapt first at our office, then in our work for our clients. We recognized early on that our strength was not just in creating fresh ideas, as any marketing company could sell concepts. Rather, it was in our ability to essentially create “prototypes” that we could test with real patients. We were able to quickly take “pain-points” that emerged for the industry and experiment with new solutions. We dissected our campaigns, taking the parts that failed (and boy were there many) and reengineering them until they produced strong and consistent results. Take, for example, the perceived erosion of the laser hair removal (LHR) market. With the launch of Groupon in 2008 and the dozens of other deal sites that followed, LHR treatments quickly became a web sensation. Suddenly, there was an influx of aesthetic patients that had become “coupon junkies” overnight. Due to the viral tenacity of these bargains, the sites and their LHR deals were able to infiltrate cities nation-wide. Practices everywhere were affected by what many felt was the commoditization of this once fruitful market. With deal sites taking treatment results and technology out of the equation, consumers were being taught to shop for LHR treatments based solely upon the biggest bang for their buck. As calls poured in to our practice and patients haggled over price, we became increasingly frustrated with the situation. “This is a medical treatment, people!” we wanted to scream into the phone as the dollar shoppers called. But we didn’t, as we knew our professorial voice would be silenced by the overwhelming noise of the marketplace. We were part of thousands of frustrated practices that needed to drastically redirect their nonsurgical marketing strategy. Something had to be done to preserve the price of this treatment, as a $99 LHR package as a loss-leader was not going to cut it. We urgently explored new solutions and began testing ways to educate patients on the critical fact that not all lasers are created equally.




Failed attempts to create engaging promotions for laser hair removal.

Our first round of tests involved catchy promotional stations in the office designed to engage patients. We wanted to construct a welcoming environment that would be conducive to laser education. Our messages focused on the number of appointments needed to see results and the comfort level of the treatment. Early attempts included, a “say goodbye to prickly” campaign featuring real cacti and one encouraging patients to recycle plastic razors. Yet another effort showcased “hair cubes” made with fake doll hair, designed to draw attention to corresponding literature. Unfortunately, these preliminary attempts resulted in either cacti wounds or disgusted patients. To put it bluntly, they completely flopped. But by our fourth try, we nailed it. “I DUET, do you?” was the name of a catchy campaign we created to promote the specific LHR technology our

The successful LightSheer DUET Kit we created after failed attempts.




practice offered at the time, called the LightSheer DUET. The campaign featured a series of different tools and “touch points” throughout the practice designed to educate patients on the advantages of the technology, including faster treatment times and incredible comfort. Through full-size banners with rotating holiday images, to fold-out brochures and even t-shirts worn by staff members, the campaign resonated with patients. It worked so well that the company that manufactured the laser began offering their physician accounts a “DUET Kit” that featured these marketing tools. This practice-tested approach allowed us to carefully attend to the problem, testing and trying new solutions until we developed a proven remedy to a nationwide dilemma. By using our practice as an “incubator” to rework early fumbles, we developed our unique “marketing lab.” Additionally, offering the latest pharmaceuticals and devices allowed us to initiate a “trial” and perform real-time market research for fresh campaigns. All in all, our distinctive testing process ultimately led to stronger and more reliable tools for the doctors who were becoming our clients. SO WHAT? What’s with all this reminiscing and more importantly how does it help you? As we talk through case studies and examples in the book, the stories and lessons presented are a hybrid of experiences we have had with our Chicago-based practice and with our physician clients through the marketing company. The lessons and ideas have been implemented in over 800 practices that we have coached over the last five years. Spanning a variety of specialties, office sizes and locations, the lessons here are diverse yet comprehensive and can be morphed to fit the needs of any aesthetic office.

The New Landscape

Changing times and the need to become a smart marketer There is no doubt that over the past decade there has been a dramatic shift in the landscape of the aesthetic industry. Early changes were largely a result of the explosive growth of non-surgical treatments. New options, such as Botox and Restylane which launched in 2002 and 2004, truly paved the path for a new segment of the aesthetic market. Consumers seeking safe, affordable and accessible solutions to fight signs of aging were awakened and empowered. Word quickly spread leading to a 680% increase in neurotoxin injections from 2000 to 20121. Non-surgical treatments offered predictable and gratifying results and their popularity soared thanks to advertising, happy patients and sensationalized plugs from media outlets everywhere. When the first Botox




skit aired on Saturday Night Live in 2005, we all knew this wonder drug was destined to become a household name. My early projects in the industry required a great deal of time spent creating patient tools that focused on the safety of treatments as opposed to their results. At that time, these semi-controversial beauty treatments required more defending of their brands than simply promoting them. There certainly were early adopters who helped spread awareness for these breakthrough antiaging innovations, but the tipping point where the general population felt the treatments were safe and acceptable had not yet occurred. Even after a few years of being on the market, patients still came in questioning the safety of a “toxin” or filler. In early 2006, we hit the streets of Chicago with a camera to gauge the average person’s aesthetic medical knowledge. Using the familiar “street walkers” format from the Jay Leno Show, we camped out on Michigan Avenue to interview the average person walking down the street and capture their raw impressions of Botox. The video was eye-opening and offered a comedic peek into the consumer’s mind. Our quick interviews asked participants chosen at random, “what do you know about Botox?;” their answers ranged from “rat poisoning” to “a molecule derived from spoiled mayonnaise” with a few mentioning that it was “something that paralyzed your face” or “plumped your lips.” My personal favorite was the response from a middle-aged man who thought Botox was the name of a rock band from England. The experiment was entertaining, but more importantly reinforced the need for continued education through our marketing efforts. We found that, on average, every fourth person we interviewed was close to accurately describing the drug. The majority, however, either knew little about it or, even worse, associated it with dangerous and negative connotations.

“Street Interviews” in Chicago to gauge aesthetic education.




As we all know, the story unfolds to a happier chapter where toxin and filler patients have become a much savvier market. The treatments eventually made their way to mainstream America and became staples in the beauty regimens of postal workers, school teachers and executives alike. The country was, for the most part, cheerfully adopting these new affordable and accessible solutions. As a practice, we were able to shift out of the ‘defensive marketing mode’ and showcase the tremendous results these treatments offered. The next turn the industry took happened seemingly overnight and was the excessive availability of non-surgical procedures. Suddenly, it seemed like there was a medical spa in every strip mall in the country and that the option of getting injections while grocery shopping was just around the corner. Watching the “medical spa coming soon” signs pop-up was like watching chickenpox spread. One block after the next, I began to see more of these facilities than Starbucks dominate each city. It was intimidating to realize that many of the new establishments throughout the country were opening at the hands of providers who had taken a one-day course on administering cosmetic treatments. I will never forget the time an ER doctor, who decided on a whim to open a medical spa, admitted to me that she closed her eyes to ensure they were protected under her goggles while administering laser treatments. Perhaps even more frightening was the call our marketing company received from a used car dealership conglomerate seeking assistance in opening a chain of medical spas, as the investors felt it was a “golden goose.” When we asked for information on the physician that would be running the “goose mill” they were stunned to learn that a doctor would need to be factored into their plans. Aside from “quick-stop spas” that may have actually been harming patients, this pre-recession time was a unique period where the aesthetic industry was beautifully swelling. I remember sitting in lectures back then where one of the most common problems discussed was how to manage the schedule when providers were booked out up to six months in advance. What a difference a few years can make... Luckily, out of every negative situation opportunity can be found. When the market took a turn for the worse in 2008, we started to see a notable decline in calls from the fly-by-night entrepreneurs who usually didn’t give priority to patient outcomes. The movement of businessmen and women hunting for the glistening pot of gold at the end of the aesthetic rainbow was stifled by the financial storm that loomed on the country’s horizon. As physicians everywhere buckled up for what was sure to be a bumpy ride, oneby-one the ‘doc in box’ medical spas started to hang their hats.




The rest of the practices braced themselves for the financial speed bumps slowing down the industry as a whole. Faced with dwindling insurance reimbursements, tightened regulations and a turbulent economy, the aesthetic market shifted once again. Practices were suddenly forced to compete for patients and fight for their diminishing discretionary dollars. Our phones at the marketing company suddenly rang more than ever before as physicians wanted guidance to strengthen their brands and promotions. Hospitals, who had previously shunned the concept of marketing, were buying large ads in shrinking newspapers, appearing on billboards and even deal sites. The rules of the game had definitely changed. As a whole it seemed practices struggled to find the delicate balance between promoting their services while preserving the inherent esteem associated with medicine. “Where do we start, how do we do it and where can we get the greatest return?” The concerned voices were searching for guidance and starved for marketing resources.

Communi-clutter As practices dusted off old marketing textbooks, another issue surfaced. Potential cosmetic patients were being smothered by an avalanche of advertisements. We coined the term “communi-clutter” to describe this phenomena. From emails and texts, to Facebook messages and tweets; consumers had become just as overwhelmed as the practices trying to reach them. Technological innovations led to a rapid expansion of new communication platforms for engaging with each other, which subsequently produced new mediums to advertise to each other. With an estimated six million marketing messages seen by the average consumer per year, patients longed for shortcuts to bypass the clutter and find messages relevant to their needs.2 While individual practices had limited resources to market their services, consumers were developing an incredulous attitude toward the never-ending pool of advertisements they encountered every day. With “fountain of youth” treatments touting grandiose claims and the overabundance of misleading information, the industry was brewing the perfect storm. Individual practices needed to find a way to become louder than the deafening communi-clutter. We realized that in order to remain stable in a rapidly changing climate, private practices needed to merge the world of medicine with that of marketing to strengthen our positioning and voice. This would prove to be a delicate process, as the method would need to first and foremost respect and preserve the principles that act as a compass for all physicians.




In the November 2010 issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, Dr. Dayan and I labeled this paradigm shift in aesthetic medicine as “retail-icine,” a niche somewhere between retail and medicine. It was certainly an interesting time. While studying marketing in college, I never dreamt that someday I would be applying concepts designed to influence consumers’ purchasing decisions within the medical field. Conversely, and perhaps more significantly, most physicians never dreamt that they would have to master the art of promotion. The term retail-icine calls attention to the fact that in aesthetic medicine we are no longer working within a typical medical setting, and we certainly are not working within traditional retail space. Our sector of the medical world fits somewhere between that of retail and medicine.

“Retail-icine” article featured in the Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics.

Merchandizing and selling techniques have been incorporated into a field that once considered any form of promotion taboo. This, however, shouldn’t come as a shock. With the emergence and explosive growth of elective care, medicine today has had a complete facelift which warrants a new model of business. Take a look around lecture halls at the industry’s leading conferences and you will notice that the business and marketing tracks are just as big as the




medical tracks. There has been a transition that needs to be addressed so we can all grow while protecting the patients and preserving the inherent prestige of medicine. Aesthetic patients have an overwhelming number of choices when deciding where and how to spend their discretionary dollars. The idea, however, behind A packed room at the robust practice retail-icine is that in order management and marketing courses of the to promote your practice, annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery meeting. marketing must always come second to medical needs and ethical standards. There are times within a patient’s visit where they flow back and forth between playing the role of patient and that of consumer. The key is to learn when and where to treat them as purely a patient and when to address their needs as a consumer. The journey you are about to embark on in the following pages will explore hundreds of ideas created around this theory. Our tested concepts were built while recognizing that modern physicians need to be competitive with their business, while always maintaining patient care as the highest priority. Our goal has always been to protect and build upon the value and esteem of medicine through marketing, never to simply “sell� services. After reading a marketing book or hiring a consultant, your goal as a physician or staff member should be to implement or invest in solutions that will allow providers to focus on offering treatments, rather than promoting them. This guide will help you achieve that as well as create or update your complete aesthetic marketing plan. To get started, we must explore some grounding philosophies necessary to drive your brand and profits forward.

We hope you enjoyed the 1st chapter of




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THE POWER OF EXECUTION WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A MEDICAL REVOLUTION. A few years ago, physicians couldn’t even imagine the challenges that they would face today. From patient acquisition hurdles to defeating commoditization, it is a turbulent time and environment. What are the options for physicians and small business owners trying to thrive and even survive? ONE ANSWER: Tackle today’s challenges with proven, pragmatic strategies that have been secrets of the nation’s most successful physicians and business owners for years. Contained within this book are the details to win from an author and marketer who is passionately devoted to bringing new solutions to aesthetic practices. Trusted by the industry for her years of notable experience, her solutions are current yet tested and her methods were developed in the trenches of clinic rooms and on the front (phone) lines of practices. Written in a language that is easy to understand, DRIVE is from one industry peer to another. Expect to be engaged by candid stories of what has succeeded and failed in aesthetic marketing, and discover the reasons for their respective results. Void of overly academic theories and useless clichés, DRIVE simply presents the hard facts that challenge modern day practices and provides the tools to overcome those obstacles. This is not your grandparents’ marketing book. It’s the foundation of your practice’s lifetime marketing plan, loaded with tips, tools, and solutions to help you accomplish your goals. DRIVE will have you confidently geared up and ready to roar. Buckle up, as you prepare to make it happen.

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